Use of Semantic Artefacts in Agricultural Data-Driven Service
Silke Cuno
and Philipp L
Fraunhofer Institute for Open Communications Systems FOKUS, Kaiserin-Augusta-Allee 31, 10589 Berlin, Germany
Data Sharing, Agricultural Digital Integration Platforms, Semantic Artefacts, Agri-Food, Ontologies Decision
Support, Interoperability, Digital Agriculture, Smart Farming.
The paper is a survey of the resources and efforts in the field of semantic interoperability in the agricultural
domain, and describes challenges and solutions for building federated digital agricultural integration platforms
that provide service components based on shared and reused data. It also shows the state of the art of public
semantic artefacts and their potential contribution to solving semantic interoperability within digital agricul-
tural integration platforms by combining their main standards into common agricultural information models
that can be used by developers and fit a wide range of agricultural use cases.
January 2024 is marked by Europe-wide protests by
farmers against bureaucratisation, subsidy cuts, en-
vironmental regulations and more. The reasons are
many. Farmers say they are being asked to do more
for less (Deutschlandfunk, 2024; FAO, 2021). At the
first Agri-Digital Conference in Brussels in December
2023 (EC, 2023a), it was discussed that farmers’ bu-
reaucratic burdens, worries about yields, incomes and
workloads could be reduced through the widespread
use of digital decision support systems. For example,
they could help farmers with specific crop, resource
and production planning. Monitoring systems could
detect early signs of disease or pests, allowing timely
action to be taken and significant crop losses to be
avoided. For rural areas in particular, digital services,
ideally based on IT ecosystems, hold the promise of
improving quality of life, ensuring geographical bal-
ance, food security, spatially balanced development,
economic prosperity and the achievement of sustain-
ability goals. An IT infrastructure shared by farmers
and government agencies, providing embedded ser-
vices based on an “agricultural data space”, could be
one solution, as both development agencies and farm-
ers need an integrated view of the latest agricultural,
economic and environmental data for analysis to fa-
cilitate their work and, for example, to maintain food
security (EC, 2023e). There is a lack of decision sup-
port and reasoning systems based on integrated infras-
tructures of public data sources when it comes to plan-
ning to assess yield gains or what foods might become
scarce. At the same time, the landscape of siloed agri-
food IT services and systems is expanding. Farmers
are increasingly using Farm Management Information
Systems (FMIS), but the services are often isolated
systems. The data produced is mostly stored locally
or in closed vendor clouds, and is difficult to find and
access. Solutions remain proprietary. For the EU,
this hinders the development of the European Data
Economy. To mitigate this, the EU Data Strategy pro-
motes common data infrastructures with data spaces
for data reuse and sharing to enable the rapid creation
or integration of new innovative services. The EU’s
“Data Act 2023” legislation (EU, 2023) aims to: 1)
ensure a fair distribution of the value of data among
actors in the digital environment, 2) stimulate a com-
petitive data market, 3) open opportunities for data-
driven innovation, and 4) make data more accessible
to all (EC, 2023b). These actions are supported by
funding policies for the creation and sharing of find-
able, accessible, interoperable and reusable (“FAIR”)
data (Wilkinson et al., 2016; Jonquet et al., 2023).
EU research initiatives and projects have produced
successive results in recent years. Progress has been
made towards solutions for ”technical interoperabil-
ity” through ”reference architectures” and data-driven
”data-space concepts” involving all sectors. How-
ever, data integration in agriculture still suffers from
Cuno, S. and Lämmel, P.
Use of Semantic Artefacts in Agricultural Data-Driven Service Development.
DOI: 10.5220/0012760400003756
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications (DATA 2024), pages 346-357
ISBN: 978-989-758-707-8; ISSN: 2184-285X
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
numerous incompatible format specifications and en-
coding systems, as well as informal and undefined se-
mantics at the data level (Subirats-Coll et al., 2022).
In this domain, data integration is highly intercon-
nected with other sciences such as meteorology, geog-
raphy, space, biology, etc. Domain standards are typi-
cally not-interoperable in terms of semantics and syn-
tax. And agriculture is producing increasing amounts
of real-time raw data from multiple sources, such as
soil sensors, drones, etc., which also need to be inte-
grated. The question is how best to manage data the
reuse and sharing of data in terms of “semantic in-
teroperability” for all the different use cases. Can a
“common information model” be the game changer
for digital agricultural integration platforms? In this
context, the numerous semantic artefacts and ontolo-
gies that have been developed over the last decades
are once again the focus of interest in computer sci-
ence research. To what extent can their knowledge,
methods and standards support seamless data integra-
tion? Their study and reorganisation is experiencing
a second renaissance in the age of data-driven service
development and behavioural AI (Bochtis et al., 2022;
Zeginis et al., 2023). Originally developed in the hu-
manities, semantic artefacts were first used in IT af-
ter the turn of the century in connection with the Se-
mantic Web and Linked Data, as reasoning tools for
AI (Hoekstra, 2009). Now, in the context of agricul-
tural digital integration platforms, it is being explored
how they can be useful as components in federated
service architectures for standardised data integration
and, more recently, how they work in combination
with AI technologies (Subramanian et al., 2024).
This paper discusses whether the content and stan-
dards of semantic artefacts, fed into standardised
components of digital agricultural integration plat-
forms as information models or similar, could be a
way forward to facilitate service development and
data reuse. A survey of semantic interoperability re-
sources and efforts in the agricultural domain is pre-
sented in this paper. The paper is structured as fol-
lows: Section 2 presents related work in service ar-
chitecture, Section 3 presents the initiatives on seman-
tic artefacts and selected research projects integrating
information models for service development, and fi-
nally Section 4 summarises the main findings.
2.1 Interoperability Aspects
The sharing and re-use of data on federated ser-
vice platforms requires “interoperability”. This is
a critical enabler for interacting towards mutually
beneficial goals, involving the sharing of informa-
tion and knowledge between organisations, through
the business processes they support, by exchanging
data between their ICT systems (EC, DG Informatics,
2017). The “New European Interoperability Frame-
work Model” (EIF) specifies six interoperability lay-
ers. This paper addresses semantic and technical in-
teroperability. “Technical Interoperability” covers the
applications and infrastructures that connect systems
and services. Aspects include interface specifica-
tions, interconnection services, data integration ser-
vices, etc. (EC, DG Informatics, 2017). “Semantic
Interoperability” means that the precise format and
meaning of exchanged data and information is pre-
served and understood throughout the exchange be-
tween the parties, in other words ”what is sent is what
is understood” (EC, DG Informatics, 2017). It in-
volves the definition of data structures and elements to
describe the exchange of data. One of the underlying
keys to semantic interoperability is syntactic interop-
erability, which describes the ability to exchange data
between systems (Bochtis et al., 2022). Interoperabil-
ity issues are not unique to the agricultural sector.
2.2 Developers’ Perspective
IT developers tasked with building integrated solu-
tions or reusing and sharing data are faced with an
uncertain landscape of systems, formats, data sources
and standards. Problems arise in interpreting the
meaning of this data at a semantic and syntactic level.
Documentation is often scarce or, in most cases, not
aligned with common data models. Developers are
challenged with conceptualising different syntaxes
for identifiers, finding, interpreting and accessing dig-
ital data sources in databases or repositories. Much
time is spent searching for the meaning in the con-
text of the application being programmed and organ-
ising data from databases. Developers need in-depth
knowledge of the structure of digital data sets and do-
main knowledge of the context. Having found the
data for the relevant use case, the usual way to de-
velop an IT service is to standardise the formats, data
models and vocabularies of the data used between the
concrete exchanging parties of the concrete service to
be developed. This requires the exchanging parties
Use of Semantic Artefacts in Agricultural Data-Driven Service Development
to agree on the interfaces in advance, and this pro-
cess usually leads to a lengthy standardisation process
that is set up only for that specific service. Typically,
the developer designs the underlying data or informa-
tion model from scratch. A second way of develop-
ing services, data reuse and sharing, where semantic
artefacts and knowledge repositories provide the con-
cepts, emerged around 2010. This method promises
to be more effective. The assumption is that if the se-
mantic resources (such as ontologies) based on linked
data standards are available online, service develop-
ers will be able to look up the form and meaning of
the data they receive at runtime and react accordingly.
This second option has been implemented in early re-
search projects such as the “iGreen Project” (DFKI,
2014). The advantage is that developers don’t have
to develop a separate data format or data model for
their service, but can take depending on their acitivity,
for example, either an instance of the reference ontol-
ogy (e.g. a knowledge graph) or an ontology as in-
put. This would come in a JSON standard for linking
data (JSON-LD) for the service to be developed. The
benefits are clearly seen in the reduced development
effort. The disadvantages of this approach are that a)
developers are not trained in the use and combination
of semantic artefacts and b) understanding the ontolo-
gies, semantic resources, data formats, their interfaces
and dependencies may require time-consuming anal-
ysis using specific development tools and skills. De-
velopers still need to spend a considerable amount of
time studying scientific publications, standard spec-
ifications or learning from the ontologies and their
documentation in order to reuse data. Although not
directly related to the developers, another major dis-
advantage is that the adaptation workload - which can
be quite extensive - is essentially shifted to the data
providers meaning that they have to encode their own
data in a way that is usable in the context of the Se-
mantic Web (e.g. Web Ontology Language (OWL)).
2.3 Reference Architectures
Reference Architectures (RAs) are conceptual frame-
works that play an essential role in building ICT in-
frastructures. Their design principles ensure secure,
reliable and interoperable solutions. They describe
a standardised architecture that provides a reference
framework for vertical domains, such as agriculture,
mobility or related industries. An RA provides a com-
mon understanding of processes, data structures and
the underlying technologies in general. They provide
a standardised blueprint for the design and implemen-
tation of ICT systems within specific domains. Most
importantly, they provide guidelines for the integra-
tion of different technologies, data sources and stake-
holders, facilitating the seamless flow of informa-
tion and enabling efficient decision-making processes
(LeanIX, 2023). The development of RAs began in
the nineties in the telecommunications domain. The
design principles were service orientation (SOA), ob-
ject orientation, distribution, decoupling of software
components and separation of concerns to ensure in-
teroperability, portability and reusability of compo-
nents. Technologies remain independent and the sys-
tem is manageable by different stakeholders. Aspects
such as security, flexibility and personalisation were
built into RAs. They have subsequently been adopted
in many sectors. First, the “IDABC” (EC, 2024)
adopted the framework around 2005. The aim was to
enable the public sector to deliver “interoperable ser-
vices” across Europe. The use of RAs as a conceptual
framework then became commonplace. The roll-out
to other domains started around 2010. First versions
of RAs for “Smart Agriculture” have been available
since 2011 through the EU projects SmartAgriFood
(SmartAgriFood, 2015) and FIspace (FIspace, 2015),
later FIWARE (FIWARE, 2024). They developed a
basic design for an agricultural RA (SmartAgriFood,
2015; FIspace, 2015) and brought together various so-
lutions, information systems and networked devices
in agriculture (FIWARE, 2018). FIWARE was then
transferred to the FIWARE Foundation, which has
continued developments around service integration,
produced many standards and played the role of a
major stakeholder. FIWARE RA has undergone con-
tinuous technical development. It has applied its RA
developments to different sectors such as health and,
since 2016, agriculture. In 2019, FIWARE defined the
“smart agri-food domain” as a focus area, along with
smart cities, smart energy, etc. (FIWARE, 2018). The
“NGSI-LD” standard is an example of a result compo-
nent of the FIWARE initiative that is considered to be
of current relevance in the area of digital integration
platforms for agriculture in the current Demeter Agri-
cultural Information Model project (Rodriguez et al.,
2018; SmartAgriFood, 2015; Bochtis et al., 2022).
2.4 Data Spaces
RAs laid the foundation for service-oriented techni-
cal interoperability. Around 2017, new challenges
emerged with data-intensive AI and the need for in-
teroperable data layer concepts - the proposed solu-
tion was Data Spaces. The term Data Space refers
to a type of data relationship between trusted partners
that agree on common governance rules for data stor-
age and sharing within one or more vertical ecosys-
tems (EC, 2020d). Data Spaces are about federated
DATA 2024 - 13th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
data sharing and reuse within federated interoperable
services, ensuring so-called data sovereignty. Sev-
eral Data Space initiatives were launched and IDSA
formed an alliance. Their results became a strate-
gic part of the “European Data Strategy” (EC, 2020a)
2020, which aimed to create a single “European Data
Space”. The first use case of a Data Space is to ensure
data sharing across supply chains - in the case of agri-
food, from “farm to fork”. One of the most important
aspects of the Data Space is that the data is not stored
centrally, but at the source, with the data provider.
Data is held exclusively by the members of the fed-
eration. Data Spaces are developed on a domain ba-
sis, but can be activated across domains. The Gaia-
X framework enables the creation of a sovereign and
federated agricultural data space that can be deployed
securely and at scale. Through the data space concept,
companies should have easy access to an almost infi-
nite amount of high quality industrial data, creating
value while minimising the environmental footprint.
Data sovereignty and trust between members are es-
sential for Data Spaces.
Under the umbrella of the European Single Data
Space, the EC is funding the implementation of se-
lected domain-specific data spaces, such as an Agri-
cultural Dataspace” (EC, 2020a), to improve the pro-
cessing and analysis of related data, enabling precise
and tailored application of production approaches at
farm level. In describing the evolution of IT in agri-
food (Wolfert et al., 2023), Wolfert et al. note that
the nature of digitalisation has become more com-
plex along two axes: Figure 1 shows that the level
of IT integration on the x-axis has evolved from in-
dividual applications to a complex “system of sys-
tems. On the y-axis, the number of actors involved
increases from individual process participants to com-
plex business ecosystems with a large number of ac-
tors. This also expands the scope of RAs and Data
Spaces: 1) from the former production process to
the supply chain to the whole food system and data
economy and 2) from individual applications to oper-
ational and chain information systems to Data Spaces
as part of the “European Data Strategy” (EC, 2020a).
There are Data Space projects for agriculture on-
going: Germany is funding two called AgriGaia
(AgriGaia, 2023) and NaLamKI (NaLamKI, 2023)
and at EU level we have AgriDataSpace” (Agri-
DataSpace, 2024). The aim is to map the current land-
scape of ongoing data sharing initiatives in agricul-
ture, to design approaches based on Data Space con-
cepts, to explore appropriate solutions for semantic
interoperability, and to analyse and evaluate current
governance models. AgriDataSpace is developing a
Figure 1: Evolution of IT in Agri-Food. Note: The el-
lipse indicates the current state, in which innovation ecosys-
tems have become complex. Adapted from Wolfert et al.
(Wolfert et al., 2023) based on (Wolfert et al., 2021).
conceptual RA with an “Information Model” (IM)
to represent concepts and relationships, constraints,
rules and operations to specify data semantics for the
domain. In general, an IM should provide a shareable,
stable and organised structure of information require-
ments or knowledge for the domain context. As a
component, an IM should be open and technology and
domain agnostic. It should enable the comprehensive
description of data assets and the semantic interoper-
ability required for this type of exchange. For an IM,
the semantic interoperability of the domain needs to
be based on standards so that data can be integrated
for further decision support. A number of European
projects using RAs for data exchange have indeed im-
plemented such an IM for agriculture on a demonstra-
tor basis using different approaches, as presented in
section 3.3 of this paper. They haven’t yet produced a
standard IM for agriculture, but research is moving in
that direction.
An important motivation for the design of data spaces
in agriculture is to support the efficient development
of services for the entire food supply chain activi-
ties, ranging from agricultural production to distri-
bution and consumption, while enabling analysis and
reporting tools for health, food security and sustain-
ability. Clearly, developers know the requirements
and expected outcomes of the service they are devel-
oping. But beyond that, when it comes to providing
openness and interoperability in the service to be im-
plemented within a broader architecture, as required
by the “European Data Strategy” (EC, 2020a), IT
Use of Semantic Artefacts in Agricultural Data-Driven Service Development
developers need to have a cross-domain knowledge,
namely of core information models and APIs, so that
their service can be used across application domains
such as Smart Cities, Smart Industry, Smart Agricul-
ture, and additionally they also need a deeper under-
standing of the terms in the specific domain and use
cases in order to efficiently design or select the appro-
priate conceptual scheme for the required data model.
As this requires a high level of expertise in domain
concepts as well as cross-domain and core standards,
and as such expertise appears to be rare, a standard-
ised information model for the domain could make
the process more efficient on the service development
side. Without supporting standards, building the data
model from scratch appears to be time-consuming,
as the different concepts that may exist for a given
term, depending on the semantic artefact in which it
is found, need to be carefully investigated. For ex-
ample, (Baker et al., 2019) shows a side-by-side visu-
alisation of the data (properties and values) provided
by the semantic artefacts GACS (GACS, 2024) and
FoodOn (FoodOn, 2024), proposing comparable but
not identical concepts for maize. The choice of an
appropriate concept based on terms is crucial to en-
sure that the code is not only syntactically correct, but
also logically meaningful and functional. Develop-
ers typically capture this understanding in “Informa-
tion Models”, from which a program can perform au-
tomated reasoning. Such models can also be called
“knowledge representations” of the domain (Hoek-
stra, 2009) and are derived from semantic artefacts.
Semantic artefacts in general use specific “semantic
technologies” to describe the knowledge of a domain.
They cover the perspectives, concepts and terminol-
ogy of their provider’s domain of interest, which may
vary widely even within the same domain. They re-
flect “concepts” as building blocks of a specific do-
main theory. Semantic artefacts include “thesauri”,
“taxonomies”, “controlled vocabularies” and “ontolo-
gies”. Many have in common that they are based on
research data. (Subirats-Coll et al., 2022) highlights
two basic principles for using semantic resources to
achieve semantic interoperability in an IT service:
This is the use of a globally unique web identifica-
tion - a “URI” (Uniform Resource Identifier) - to iden-
tify a logical/physical resource used by web technolo-
gies, and secondly, a data model that can accommo-
date all existing data sets and formats, essentially a
graph-oriented data model. The “Resource Descrip-
tion Framework” (RDF) follows these principles of
linked data and is seen as a catalyst for semantic inter-
operability (Subirats-Coll et al., 2022). The “Linked
Data Concept” (Berners-Lee, 2006) is based on this,
dealing with redundancy and handling it with links.
Semantic resources can appear in different knowl-
edge representation languages such as OWL, RDFS,
SKOS, OBO and UMLS-RRf etc.
(Baker et al., 2019) arranges semantic artefacts
or resources on a “semantic spectrum” ranging from
“lightweight” to heavyweight”. Leightweight re-
sources include e.g. “controlled lists” as standard-
ised and organised arrangements of words or phrases
or as thesauri and taxonomies with a hierarchical
structure. Languages such as RDF/RDFS, SKOS,
UML are suitable for representing these, as no rea-
soning is required (Hoekstra, 2009). In the “semantic
spectrum” given by (Baker et al., 2019), the seman-
tic resources GACS and ARGROVOC (FAO, 1981)
are labeled as “concept schemes” and classified as
“middleweight”, whereas the well-known FoodOn,
Crop (Ontology, 2024a) and Gene Ontology (Ontol-
ogy, 2024b) are labelled as “Ontologies” and “heavy-
weight”. They represent knowledge and are reusable
terminological knowledge representations (Hoekstra,
2009). Ontologies are semantically described with
rich metadata (Drury et al., 2019). Languages suitable
for representing ontologies are developed to support
ontology-based reasoning services within knowledge-
based applications. The main standards used are the
OWL-DL family (Web Ontology Language Descrip-
tion Logic) (Hoekstra, 2009; Baker et al., 2019). Over
the last few decades, international organisations have
built up large semantic artefacts for agronomy and
have carried out a multifaceted collaboration on ed-
itorial service tools, concept mapping, etc. Examples
include the prominent AGROVOC of the Food and
Agriculture Organisation (FAO), the NAL Thesaurus
(NALT) (NALT, 2024) of the National Agricultural
Library (NAL) and the CAB Thesaurus of the Cen-
tre for Agricultural Bioscience International (CABI,
2024). Developers can find them in repositories such
as AgroPortal (AgroPortal, 2024) or
etc. In addition to these general agronomic semantic
resources, there is a wide range of specific semantic
resources, all of which provide specific exchange for-
mats and associated services. A good overview can
be found in (Arnaud et al., 2020). Nevertheless, the
use of ontologies in IT service development remains
underexploited (Drury et al., 2019). As argued above,
one reason may be that the proliferation of semantic
resources that redefine the same concepts, even when
based on linked data, is not straightforward for the av-
erage developer. Key questions are on how to improve
the linking of various resources (Subirats-Coll et al.,
2022) and how to encourage developers to use this
complex and rich knowledge of semantic artefacts for
service development. The next two sections describe
some domain-specific semantic artefacts and reposi-
DATA 2024 - 13th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
tories that provide implementations of Semantic Web
technology, rich concepts and datasets, and SPARQL
endpoints that may be relevant to developers.
3.1 Selected Semantic Artefacts
AGROVOC. (FAO, 1981; Caracciolo et al., 2013)
is known as the world’s most widely used RDF-based
semantic resource for agriculture. It covers the topics
food, nutrition, agriculture, forestry, fisheries, envi-
ronment, etc. It is hierarchically organised under 25
top concepts with definitions and relationships. It is a
multilingual “controlled vocabulary”. It was created
in 1981 and has since then been continuously devel-
oped and maintained by a network of institutes. Tech-
nically, it has moved from databases to the Seman-
tic Web with Linked Open Data (Caracciolo et al.,
2013). It collaborates with other knowledge resources
and is constantly expanding its coverage (Brewster
et al., 2023; Baker et al., 2019). It is edited using the
web-based platform VocBench, a software for man-
aging controlled vocabularies such as ontologies, the-
sauri and generic RDF datasets (Stellato et al., 2020).
AGROVOC can be accessed, searched for concepts
or browsed by hierarchy. It can be downloaded as
an RDF dataset. Available web services can be used,
searches can be performed via SPARQL queries, us-
ing public SPARQL endpoints and as an interface for
submitting RDF queries. Recently, AGROVOC has
been brought into the context of a “Data Space for
Agriculture” in (D
orr et al., 2023). Data Spaces can
be seen as data sharing spaces, but AGROVOC, even
if it is based on linked data, would be a ”vocabulary”
component within a Data Space. And a data space is
an organised community of data providers and data
users who contractually agree to share their data ac-
cording to rules, and whose members have commer-
cial objectives. In contrast, AGROVOC is open to re-
searchers and knowledge managers for indexing, re-
trieving and organising data in agricultural informa-
tion systems, and seems to be less used by IT devel-
opers, as discussed by (Baker et al., 2019).
CGIAR - Big Data in Agriculture. is a global
initiative of Semantic Web technology for agricul-
ture, with datasets connecting experts around the
world. The CGIAR (Consultative Group on Inter-
national Agricultural Research) platform companies
apply big data approaches to agricultural use cases.
CGIAR supports selected ontologies across domains,
including the Crop Ontology, the Agronomy Ontol-
ogy (AGRO), the Environment Ontology (ENCO),
the Plant Ontology (PO) and the Socio-economic On-
tology (Arnaud et al., 2020). It stimulates the ex-
change of knowledge between stakeholders. It has
made its 40 separate open data and publication repos-
itories discoverable in one place through GARDIAN,
a data harvesting and annotation service. The GAR-
DIAN ecosystem has expanded to include data from
the US Department of Agriculture, the Indian Coun-
cil of Agricultural Research, the World Bank’s Micro-
data Library and USAID Development Data. Linked
stewardship should enable broader data discovery. 15
CGIAR research centres and 12 research programmes
are partners in the platform, along with 70 external
partners from research to industry, such as Bayer and
Amazon. It covers work from public to industrial,
from analysis to ICT deployment.
FoodOn - for Food Tracebility. Created in 2019,
FoodOn is aimed at ”food traceability”. It inte-
grates existing ontologies and reuses terms from OBO
Foundry, environmental terms from ENVO, agricul-
tural terms from AGRO, etc. Conversely, FoodOn
terms are reused in a growing list of ontologies.
FoodOn extends traceability standards such as the
GS1 standards that enable traceability in the food sup-
ply chain with agronomic and distribution sensor data
(Dooley et al., 2018). FoodOn is part of the open
source OBO Foundry (Open Biological and Biomedi-
cal Ontology Foundry) of interoperable life science-
oriented ontologies. It supports the goals of FAIR
to annotate and share data across research, govern-
ment and commercial sectors. It provides a vocabu-
lary for nutritional analysis, including chemical food
constituents, which are factors in nutrition, health and
plant and animal agriculture research. It aims to build
a comprehensive and easily accessible global farm-
to-fork food ontology that accurately and consistently
describes foods commonly known in cultures around
the world. Although the FoodOn consortium includes
industry partners, it appears to be focused on research
data. Much of FoodOn’s vocabulary comes from
the transformation of LanguaL, a mature and popu-
lar food indexing thesaurus, into an OWL vocabulary
that provides system interoperability, quality control,
and software-driven intelligence.
SAREF4Agri. created in 2019, is the “Smart Agri-
culture and Food Chain” domain extension of SAREF
(Smart Applications and Reference Ontology). This
ontology is maintained by the European Telecom-
munications Standards Institute (ETSI). It specifies
recurring core concepts, main relationships between
concepts and axioms to constrain the use of these con-
cepts and relationships. It is based on a) reuse and
alignment of concepts and relationships defined in ex-
isting assets b) modularity to allow separation and re-
Use of Semantic Artefacts in Agricultural Data-Driven Service Development
combination of parts of the ontology depending on
specific needs and c) extensibility for growth d) main-
tainability to identify and correct defects, accommo-
date new requirements and cope with changes. It has
a SPARQL endpoint and can be downloaded in vari-
ous formats.
GACS - Global Agricultural Concept Scheme.
was created in 2014 as a terminology hub, in-
corporating terms from the three main sources:
AGROVOC from the FAO, CABT (CAB Thesaurus)
from the Centre for Agriculture and Biosciences In-
ternational (CABI) and NAL Thesaurus (NALT) from
the National Agricultural Library of the USA as a
lightweight ”shared concept scheme” (GACS, 2024).
GACS includes in its interoperable concepts identi-
ties related to agriculture from AGROVOC (32,000
concepts), the CAB (140,000 concepts) and the NAL
(53,000 concepts). According to (Baker et al., 2019),
GACS was motivated by the fact that the major the-
sauri were too detailed in terms of custom relation
properties, so that they couldn’t be fully exploited.
They lacked reasoning tools, so it was unclear to de-
velopers what purpose their relationships served. Al-
though they provided standards for data exchange, de-
velopers were unable to extract the knowledge (Baker
et al., 2019). GACS consisted of the most commonly
used (i.e., important) concepts in agriculture (Short
et al., 2023). GACS included an interoperable layer
that transformed data silos into a more reusable web
of data, making resources more discoverable, and its
relative simplicity was intended to make it cheaper
to create and maintain (Baker et al., 2019). How-
ever, major ontologies such as FoodOn, AGRO and
CROP were no longer mapped to GACS, and main-
tenance of GACS was discontinued in 2019. Map-
ping required too many resources, process concepts
were mapped algorithmically, but results were man-
ually checked and inconsistencies were resolved by
discussion. GACS lives on in VocBench for manual
editing and maintenance. In 2022 it was integrated
into NALT as a resource for the “machine age” and is
now a multi-issue concept space with added structural
features for machine readability.
3.2 Ontology Repositories
The number of semantic artefacts is increasing, they
are scattered in different formats with different struc-
tures and from overlapping domains. This is where
AgroPortal comes in as a repository for ontologies
and semantic artefacts (Jonquet et al., 2018). In Jan-
uary 2024, there are 160 ontologies and semantic arte-
facts in AgroPortal (AgroPortal, 2024).
AgroPortal. is conceived as a one-stop shop and
as a “home of ontologies and semantic artefacts in
agri-food and related domains”. It was initiated by
French institutes such as INRAE (French National
Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environ-
ment) etc. and involves major international organisa-
tions such as FAO, CGIAR etc. IT collaborates with
Stanford’s BMIR (Center for Biomedical Informatics
Research) in the USA and the EU research infrastruc-
ture consortium LifeWatch within the OntoPortal Al-
liance. (Jonquet et al., 2018; Drury et al., 2019; Jon-
quet et al., 2023). Ontologies and semantic artefacts
can be uploaded. In January 2024, its statistics count
160 ontologies, 59 projects and 409 users, collected
over the last 11 years. AgroPortal provides SPARQL
endpoints as an interface for submitting RDF queries.
AgroPortal provides browsing of features of related
ontologies, it summarises information of ontologies
e.g. calculates a FAIR score. It contains mappings
of classes and concepts. AgroPortal and has contin-
ued the work of GACS. It provides “recommenda-
tions” for relevant ontologies from a text excerpt or
a list of keywords, one can “annotate” ontologies and
sort ontologies by the formats. However, in January
2024, there are only 409 registered users. The most
popular ontologies in AgroPortal in February 2024
2023) The developers of AgroPortal are actively in-
volved in AGROVOC as users and editors. The in-
ternational ontology community is small and inter-
connected, and also provides OntoPortal as a generic
technology for building ontology repositories. The
AgroPortal researchers at INRAE, namely Clement
Jonquet and others, have provided software for cre-
ating ontology repositories that are domain-agnostic,
customisable and open. The “Ontology Portal Al-
liance” presents (Jonquet et al., 2023) software for
creating ontology repositories and semantic artefact
catalogues that can support resources ranging from
SKOS thesauri to RDF-S and OWL ontologies. The
AgroPortal software is based on OntoPortal, which
emphasises the importance of ontologies and seman-
tic artefacts being FAIR, and seeks to counter a trend
that has been observed, namely the proliferation of
other semantic artefact catalogues, often developed
with their own ad hoc technology and code.
D2KAB-Project (2019-2023). The research team
of LIRMM (Laboratory of Informatics, Robotics and
Microelectronics), INRAE and others responsible for
AgroPortal and OntoPortal are running the D2KAB
project transforming “Data to Knowledge in Agron-
omy and Biodiversity” (D2KAB, 2023) to develop
methods and technologies for ontology lifecycle and
DATA 2024 - 13th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
alignment, to build a “Linked Open Data Cloud”
for agronomy and biodiversity, enabling semantically
driven agronomy and biodiversity science. The focus
is on ontology-based services, ontology alignment as
in GACS, and on building a knowledge graph for agri-
culture and biodiversity. Within D2KAB functionali-
ties have been developed (e.g. SKOS support, FAIR-
ness assessment, interoperability mapping, etc.).
3.3 EU Research on Agricultural
Digital Integration Platforms
To date, ontologies have mainly focused on the clear
definition of domain concepts and terms in the form
of a vocabulary for annotating research publications
or research datasets. Only a few projects have reused
existing semantic standards within a technological IT
architecture to enable limited data exchange between
different agri-food stakeholders. The use of seman-
tic standards from industry organisations for infor-
mation exchange, such as the GS1 EPICS standard,
ISO (International Organisation for Standardisation),
AgGateway”, “agrirouter”, does not appear to be
widespread or even beginning to be adopted in re-
search (Brewster et al., 2023). However, the ISO
website states that a new ISO standard for agricul-
ture and food is in preparation. In the development
community, there appears to be little use of ontolo-
gies in the context of sharing and exchanging data
across the agri-food chain, for example for traceabil-
ity and data analysis. In the challenge to build “Agri-
cultural Digital Integration Platforms”, some develop-
ers are now exploring data models derived from on-
tologies as an essential element for semantically in-
teroperable agri-food platforms. Key questions for
research projects in this context are how to improve
the linking of different resources and, secondly, from
a developer perspective, to what extent do the ad-
vantages outweigh the disadvantages of using data
models to share data for service development. In
2019, the EU invested around C80 million in projects
for Agricultural Digital Integration” (EC, 2020b).
The projects experiment with different approaches
to technical and semantic interoperability, including
the use of data models, service and data manage-
ment approaches involving many partners and pilots.
They applied RAs and incorporated data space con-
cepts. They developed and integrated service com-
ponents of the FMIS, involving many services and
stakeholders in different roles, depending on the ser-
vice, data or process chain orientation. They reused
several FIWARE solutions, e.g. for authentication
or access control. The central infrastructure compo-
nents are currently located (Wolfert et al., 2023) on
the IT ”transformation ladder” between ”data plat-
forms” and ”data spaces”. Projects that exemplify
this challenge are mentioned below, namely CYBELE
(CYBELE, 2022), PLOUTOS (PLOUTOS, 2023),
LAS, 2023), as well as the SmartAgriHubs network
(SmartAgriHubs, 2022) to promote the technologi-
cal approaches described above (EC, 2023c). For an
overview of the state of the art considered in the pro-
posed solution of each EU agritech project, see (Rous-
saki et al., 2023).
ATLAS-Project (2020-2023). is a “service-
oriented solution for interoperability” that solves
the problem without a semantic data model. The
Agricultural Interoperability and Analysis System”
integrates FMIS with sensor systems and data
analysis on agricultural equipment. The technology
connects ATLAS-enabled systems and establishes
a data flow between them. ATLAS is a distributed,
decentralised network of systems. Each partici-
pating system remains independent, based on its
own technical infrastructure. Semantic interoper-
ability is achieved at the “service level” through
standardised services described in the ATLAS
Service Templates”. They define specifications of
abstract elementary agricultural processes with clear
semantics and define vendor and technology-agnostic
formal specifications of the APIs and data formats
to which associated ATLAS services must conform.
Templates allow a service consumer to communicate
with any compliant ATLAS service without requiring
vendor-specific code, allowing farmers to choose
the compliant ATLAS service that best meets their
specific needs in terms of quality/accuracy, geo-
graphic/crop specificity, budget, etc. Formal API
specifications claim that any client code designed
to integrate the functionality of an ATLAS service
template will interoperate with any ATLAS service
implementing that template. However, this approach
places the burden of the required conversion work
on the side of the customers dealing with the service
CYBELE-Project (2019-2022). stands for ”Foster-
ing Precision Agriculture and Livestock Farming” is
a semantic metamodel that is conceptualised from use
cases and it is based on general “W3C metadata stan-
dards” to facilitate discovery, exploration, integration
and access to data, with “cross-domain models” such
as the Semantic Sensor Network (SSN) ontology and
“domain-specific models” such as AGROVOC. CY-
BELE assumes that existing vocabularies can individ-
ually express most of the model concepts, but so far
Use of Semantic Artefacts in Agricultural Data-Driven Service Development
there is no single model that satisfies all the require-
ments derived from the identified use cases. In ad-
dition, the merged metamodel defines concepts that
facilitate access to and querying of data stored in
databases. The model has been tested and claims
to be open to support further structured or semi-
structured data (e.g. JSON) stored in different types
of databases, e.g. noSQL or graph databases. The
use of different types of databases is solved by fol-
lowing linked data approaches to transform or query
different sources on the fly in an integrated manner.
The proposed model has been shown to achieve inter-
operability and homogeneous access to data sources.
However, it could also be used in other domains with
similar data and requirements (Zeginis et al., 2023).
The validation of this approach still needs to be done
(Roussaki et al., 2023).
PLOUTOS-Project (2020-2023). stands for “Data-
driven sustainable agri-food value chains” and uses a
data sharing architecture based on the reuse of ex-
isting semantic standards from different ontologies
and an architecture that computes data along a supply
chain and guarantees digital sovereignty. The project
defines a “PLOUTOS Core Semantic Model” based
on use cases to achieve data sharing along the sup-
ply chain. The system will allow queries to be made
across a federated network of agri-food stakeholders
(Brewster et al., 2023) that are identified as common
to the supply chain as a whole. The supply chain
data sharing architecture formalises the GS1 EPICS
standards as ontologies and enables SPARQL queries
across distributed triple stores. The classes and rela-
tions were selected from the requirements of the pi-
lot projects. The data model is based on RDF and
OWL to provide flexibility for modular reuse or ex-
tension. The architecture is based on so-called “Inter-
operability Enablers” (PIEs), which use “graph query
patterns” to traverse the network and collect the re-
quired data to be shared. A core part of the PIE is
the “Knowledge Mapper”, which enables the interop-
erability of the data in the value chain at the seman-
tic level by providing a data translation service that
translates data streams provided by the hosting sys-
tem into selected standardised data formats and vice
versa. The translation functionality of the Knowledge
Mapper is customisable. The data sharing approach
promises to be extensible, but it’s unclear how many
resources this will require. The full version of the
PCSM is available from the GitLab repository.
DEMETER-Project (2020-2023). is building an
“Interoperable, Data-Driven, Innovative, Sustainable
European Agri-Food Sector”. It’s based on a fed-
erated RA referencing IDSA, capable of integrating
the communication, sensing and computing technolo-
gies used in agritech scenarios. It proposes an Agri-
cultural Information Model” (AIM) as a core service
to enable semantic interoperability between different
FMIS. AIM uses a layered, modular approach that
extends the CYBELE approach. AIM provides pre-
defined mappings between legacy models such as FI-
WARE, Safe4Agri, ADAPT (AgGateway’s ADAPT
Framework), AGROVOC, INSPIRE and Earth Ob-
servation standards. AIM is built on layers (Bochtis
et al., 2022; Roussaki et al., 2023):
AIM core metamodel following the NGSI-LD
standard (ETSI) as IM approach and API.
The “cross-domain ontology” layer using a set
of relevant cross-domain standards such as Time
Ontology , SOSA/SSN, GeoSparql (Geographic
Query Language for RDF Data), etc.
The “domain-specific ontology” layer modelling
agricultural concepts such as crops, animals,
products, farms etc.
The “pilot-specific ontologies layer” for use cases.
The “metadata schema layer” refers to meta-
information based on cross-domain and domain-
specific ontologies.
AIM is being tested in 20 pilot projects in 18 coun-
tries. It is said to be easy for developers to use. It is
uploaded to AgroPortal where it is the second most
visited after AGROVOC. It is being standardised by
the OGC (Open Geospatial Consortium). IT develop-
ers are invited to evaluate it. Its successor is DIVINE
(DEVINE, 2023), which demonstrates the costs and
added value of sharing agricultural data.
Research Data Infrastructures (RDIs). provide
resources and services to research communities to
conduct research and foster innovation in their fields.
They include major equipment or instruments-sets
and knowledge-related facilities such as collections,
archives or scientific data infrastructures such as on-
tologies or semantic artefacts. As part of the EU
Strategic Plan for Research Infrastructures, RDI will
contribute to achieving the key strategic orientations
of the Horizon Europe Strategic Plan by consolidating
and developing a European Research Infrastructures
landscape and by opening up, integrating and inter-
connecting research infrastructures. As part of the
research infrastructure landscape, the EU maintains
a complete list of Horizon 2020 research infrastruc-
tures by domain, including some food and agriculture
research facilities. In this context, RDI initiatives at
national level are a concrete area of intervention. In
DATA 2024 - 13th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
agriculture in Germany, the NFDI4Agri initiative can
be seen as a first step in the field of agrosystems re-
search, which operates the FAIRagronet (EC, 2023d).
The paper discusses the current state of IT-based data
sharing solutions in public agricultural research in Eu-
rope, highlighting key sections that play a crucial role
in advancing this field. First, the paper presented
the current state of service development for IT-based
data sharing solutions in public agricultural research
in Europe hereby highlighting the need for IT-based
solutions. Based on this need, the following sec-
tions presented solutions for technical interoperability
in the development of federated service and data ar-
chitectures, showing that the agricultural sector pro-
vides a large number of rich and constantly evolv-
ing semantic resources that are organised in a free
and open way. Their development has been mainly
driven by academia and is accompanied by standards
and service solutions for data representation. As a re-
sult, agritech developers can now make general use
of them, for example to reason and deduce on a log-
ical basis. Based on these semantic resources and
common interoperability standards, current European
research projects are developing and evaluating ex-
tensible and layered agricultural information models
as standardised components for Agricultural Digital
Integration Platforms for broad service development.
They reuse and combine standards and best practices
from existing ontologies that are suitable for a wide
range of common use cases and cross-domain require-
ments, promising ease of use and a shortcut to service
development. Nevertheless, the shift of workload to
data providers needs to be carefully considered when
evaluating the benefits of Semantic Web technologies
for service development.
Future research could focus on two key areas: First,
there is a need to further investigate how artificial
intelligence can improve the use of semantic web
technologies in the agricultural sector. By explor-
ing innovative solutions that automate semantic an-
notation processes using AI algorithms, stakeholders
can streamline data integration, improve knowledge
representation and enhance information retrieval ca-
pabilities within agricultural systems. In that sense,
the use of AI for semantic annotation seems to be
promising, but, further research is needed to be able to
make well-founded decisions. Secondly, it is crucial
to bridge the current research gap between academia
and industry. Investigating ways to facilitate knowl-
edge transfer and collaboration between the agricul-
tural and research sectors can ensure that research
outcomes are effectively translated into practical so-
lutions for the industry and vice versa.
This work was created as part of the research and
development project ”Stadt-Land-Fluss (SLF)”. The
project with the funding code 2821KI002 is funded by
the German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture
on the basis of a resolution of the German Bundestag.
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Use of Semantic Artefacts in Agricultural Data-Driven Service Development