An Empirical Examination of the Technical Aspects of Data Sovereignty
Julia Pampus
1 a
and Maritta Heisel
2 b
Institute for Software and Systems Engineering ISST, Dortmund, Germany
Paluno - The Ruhr Institute for Software Technology, University of Duisburg-Essen, Duisburg, Germany
Data Sharing, Data Sovereignty, Requirements Engineering, Empirical Study, Goal Modeling.
Self-determination and autonomy in data sharing, in recent research also referred to as data sovereignty,
arouses increasing interest in the context of industrial ecosystems. Its practical implementation considers
organisational, regulatory, legal, and particularly technical aspects. Previous work has not yet focused on the
structured analysis of technical characteristics of systems used in data sharing concerning data sovereignty. In
this paper, we therefore elicit what system requirements help the data sovereignty of a data sharing partici-
pant, starting from privacy protection goals, FAIR principles, and ISO/IEC 25010:2011. To address this, we
conducted a qualitative study in the form of an online questionnaire. We asked 18 domain experts to evaluate
selected system criteria for their impact and relevance to the implementation of data sovereignty. Our work
has resulted in a set of 22 functional requirements that can be used for designing data sharing systems. Subse-
quently, we discuss our findings, compare them with related work, and address further research.
Nowadays, digital innovation and transformation ben-
efit from data-driven value chains that include data
usage across company boundaries (Brauner et al.,
2022). A fundamental concept in this context is
the principle of data sovereignty. Data sovereignty
“refers to the self-determination [and autonomy] of
individuals and organisations with regard to the use
of their data” (Jarke et al., 2019, p.550). Recent work
focuses on general aspects of data sovereignty and
its conceptualisation within the scope of information
systems. It shows that the data infrastructure is crit-
ical for creating a trustworthy environment for data
sharing (von Scherenberg et al., 2024). Here, in ad-
dition to organisational, regulatory and legal require-
ments, especially technical requirements need to be
met by the data sharing participants.
Yet, there is an existing research gap in the
detailed examination of these technical require-
ments (Hellmeier et al., 2023). To address this, we
pose the following research question (RQ): What re-
quirements does a system have to fulfil to ensure the
data sovereignty of a data sharing participant?
In this context, a system refers to a software ap-
plication or a group of applications potentially de-
ployed on multiple infrastructures. To answer the
RQ, we conduct a qualitative empirical study and
analyse the impact of common system characteristics
on the assurance of data sovereignty. Analysing the
study results, we consider data sovereignty as a non-
functional requirement (NFR). The identified func-
tional requirements (FRs) are presented as goal mod-
els using the i* modelling notation.
The remainder of this paper is structured as fol-
lows: Section 2 introduces the foundations of our
work. Section 3 presents our research method, includ-
ing preparatory tasks, study design, and data collec-
tion and analysis. We then outline our study results in
Section 4, compare these to related work in Section 5,
and discuss them in Section 6. Finally, Section 7 sum-
marises our findings and the relevance of our work.
This section introduces the fundamentals for under-
standing the following work.
2.1 Privacy Protection Goals
The protection goals for privacy engineering describe
generally applicable criteria for “the legal, techni-
cal, economic, and societal dimensions of privacy
Pampus, J. and Heisel, M.
An Empirical Examination of the Technical Aspects of Data Sovereignty.
DOI: 10.5220/0012760600003753
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Software Technologies (ICSOFT 2024), pages 112-122
ISBN: 978-989-758-706-1; ISSN: 2184-2833
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
and data protection in complex IT systems” (Hansen
et al., 2015, p.159). They are composed of three secu-
rity protection goals (confidentiality, integrity, avail-
ability), known as the CIA triad, and three further
aspects that specifically address the issues of pri-
vacy and data protection (unlinkability, transparency,
intervenability). Unlinkability describes the prop-
erty that privacy-relevant data cannot be linked to
other privacy-relevant data beyond the context of use,
e.g., to conclude persons. Transparency means under-
standing all data movements, e.g., during processing,
at any time to reconstruct them. Intervenability is de-
fined as the ability to observe and actively interrupt or
modify data processing (Hansen et al., 2015).
2.2 FAIR Principles
The FAIR principles define guidelines for the man-
agement of data and associated metadata for re-use by
third parties. First, (meta-) data should be findable for
users and systems. Next, the discovered data must be
accessible, including appropriate authentication and
authorisation. To use data for analyses, it must be in-
teroperable with other data or interfaces of systems.
Last, (meta-) data should be properly prepared so that
it can be reusable (Wilkinson et al., 2016).
2.3 Software Quality Characteristics
The ISO/IEC 25010:2011 (International Organization
for Standardization, 2011) provides software qual-
ity characteristics and describes an evaluation process
model. The model specifies eight quality properties
with some sub-characteristics each: Functional suit-
ability means that a system works as expected and re-
quired in a specified context. The system could do
that with a certain performance efficiency and relia-
bility, and being compatible with other systems in the
same hardware or software environment. Next, us-
ability describes how effective, efficient, and satisfy-
ing a user can interact with the system. The system
can be secure concerning confidentiality, integrity,
non-repudiation, accountability, and authenticity. In
addition, its degree of maintainability, i.e., the abil-
ity to maintain functionality and the portability to an-
other hardware, software, or operational environment,
can be determined.
2.4 I* Modelling Notation
The i* modelling notation is a goal- and actor-
oriented framework for modelling requirements. It
focuses on actors, their intentions, and the strategics
to achieve goals (Dalpiaz et al., 2016). The language
consists of several entity types: actors, actor associa-
tions, intentional elements, intentional element links,
and social dependencies. Figure 1 visualises the ele-
ments used in our work: Each goal model has at least
one actor and an associated actor boundary, shown as
a grey circle in the background. There are different
actor types; we use Roles in the following. A Role
is an actor with an abstract characterisation within a
domain, in our case, data sharing.
Figure 1: Overview of i* Elements Used in This Work.
A goal model following the i* notation consists
of intentional elements. We use Goals, Qualities, and
Tasks. A Goal describes a state that an actor wants
to achieve. A Quality represents the desire of an ac-
tor. In many applications of the notation, this is an
NFR. Tasks describe actions that an actor performs to
achieve a Goal. Links connect intentional elements.
In our work, we only use links between Goals and
Qualities, referred to as Contribution, and links be-
tween Tasks and Goals, referred to as Refinement.
There are four types of Contributions: make, help,
hurt, and break. Make means that an element alone
can ensure the fulfilment of a Quality; break can pre-
vent the fulfilment. Help and hurt denote general neg-
ative and positive influences. If a Refinement has a
Goal as its parent, there can be an AND or OR re-
lationship. The arrows used in Figure 1 imply OR
relationships and allow the fulfilment of a parent with
“the fulfilment of at least one child” (Dalpiaz et al.,
2016, p.10) that is a ‘means’.
To identify technical aspects of data sovereignty, we
conducted an empirical study. Figure 2 visualises its
research design. Our work involved four steps: First,
we designed the questionnaire and selected partici-
pants based on selection criteria. Second, we con-
ducted the study to, next, analyse the responses. Last,
the results of this analysis form a selection of require-
ments for the implementation of data sovereignty.
An Empirical Examination of the Technical Aspects of Data Sovereignty
Analysing the
to Achieve
Data Collection Data Analysis Results
SLR Selection of Terms
Study Design
Partcipant Selection
Survey Design
the Survey
of Articles
Figure 2: Research Design for the Survey.
3.1 Preparatory Work
The pre-selection of system characteristics used for
our questionnaire required some preparatory work.
Therefore, as shown in Figure 2, the creation of the
questionnaire comprised the following steps: First,
we conducted a Systematic Literature Review (SLR)
to find relevant articles. Next, we selected terms for
an analysis of these articles. Last, we used the most
frequent terms, i.e., system characteristics, as input
for the questionnaire design.
3.1.1 Systematic Literature Review
We built on the work of Hellmeier and von Scheren-
berg (2023) as a basis for our literature review since
they already provide an up-to-date literature review
on data sovereignty. In their work, the authors fo-
cussed on distinguishing data sovereignty from dig-
ital and technical sovereignty. For this, they con-
ducted an SLR and identified publications that “give
a concrete definition, discussion, implementation, or
explanation” (Hellmeier and von Scherenberg, 2023,
p.5) of the examined terms. In sum, 142 articles form
their final result set, of which 51 deal with data sov-
ereignty. Figure 3 visualises the described process
(shaded grey). As we wanted to analyse the selected
articles automatically afterwards, we filtered the 51
articles according to whether they deal with data sov-
ereignty in-depth and technically (inclusion criteria)
or only provide a brief insight or definition (exclusion
criteria). That resulted in a set of 29 articles of the
original 51. To add more recent ones to the dataset,
covering April 2022 to October 2023, we conducted a
Multivocal Literature Review, a form of an SLR that
includes grey literature (Garousi et al., 2019). Fol-
lowing Hellmeier and von Scherenberg (2023), we
considered scientific and industrial articles to exam-
ine the chosen subject from a practical point of view.
We used the following abstracted search string:
(Title: X OR Keywords: X OR Abstract: X),
X = “data sovereignty”
SLR (Hellmeier & von
Scherenberg, 2023)
21 Articles
IEEE 53 25
AISeL 4 7
ProQuest 49 32
ACM 14 13
142 84 (88)
51 Articles
ScienceDirect 22 11
Filtering + Selection
29 Articles
50 Relevant Articles
Data Sovereignty
Filtering + Selection
Figure 3: SLR Process for ‘Data Sovereignty’.
Figure 3 depicts the overall process. We searched
a total of five databases, listed there. The additional
search resulted in another 84 articles (without du-
plicates), of which 21 remained after filtering using
the previously mentioned exclusion/inclusion criteria.
Overall, the result set of the combined SLR comprised
50 relevant articles for the subsequent data analysis.
3.1.2 Selection of Terms
As shown in Figure 2, the SLR was followed by a
selection of terms to analyse the found articles. For
the selection, we used existing system characteristics,
covering terminology from the specifications pre-
sented in Section 2. As data sovereignty relates to pri-
vacy and data protection, we added each privacy pro-
tection goal to the set of terms. Next, we considered
the FAIR principles as relevant, whereby ‘accessibil-
ity’ is subordinate to ‘availability’, as accessibility is
part of the availability of data or systems (Hansen
et al., 2015). Complementary, we adopted terms from
ISO/IEC 25010:2011 (International Organization for
Standardization, 2011). From the eight characteris-
tics, we omitted ‘functional suitability’ and ‘compati-
bility’ being too unspecific; ‘interoperability’ and ‘re-
liability’ are included in the FAIR principles. Here,
reliability is a part of integrity (Hansen et al., 2015).
We added the remaining five terms (performance, us-
ability, maintainability, portability, security) to the list
of relevant terms. We considered their child terms as
synonyms (if not already contained in the list, e.g.,
‘confidentiality’ or ‘integrity’), not in a grammatical
sense but in their meaning.
For the selection of relevant system characteris-
ICSOFT 2024 - 19th International Conference on Software Technologies
tics of our questionnaire, first, we scanned the avail-
able articles from our SLR for the frequency of the
above-selected terms. We assumed that the relevance
of terms increases with rising frequency in a text. We
used a Python script to analyse the articles by word
stems. Second, we conducted a reverse lookup to pre-
vent missing relevant terms during the pre-selection
in the previous processing. Accordingly, we searched
the articles for frequent terms using NLTK
and Key-
BERT (Grootendorst, 2020).
The overall result set included 15 system charac-
teristics: intervenability, transparency, confidential-
ity, integrity, availability, (data) findability, interoper-
ability, reusability, performance (efficiency), usabil-
ity, security, maintainability, portability, trustworthi-
ness, and automation. The statistical evaluation of
the matches had already indicated one possible direc-
tion of our survey: Security was mentioned very often
in the analysed publications, while the searches for
reusability or portability did not result in any signifi-
cant matches. A simple examination of the terms and
their meaning made us believe that the following char-
acteristics had no significant influence on data sover-
eignty: maintainability, reusability, findability, porta-
bility, and automation. However, we included them in
the survey to minimise subjectivity in its design.
3.2 Survey Design
Online questionnaires offer a suitable way of inter-
viewing people in a targeted manner and without
much effort. There is no need for an interviewer, and
the participant can deal with the discussed subject in-
dependently of time and place. That can avoid unde-
sirable methodological effects, facilitate completion,
and thus increase data quality (Krosnick, 2018).
3.2.1 Questionnaire Design
We tested our questionnaire in a trial run to check the
formulations of the questions, how long it takes to
complete the questionnaire, and whether everything
works as expected from a technical point of view. As
a result, we had to make a few adjustments, includ-
ing the wording of the questions, which are already
incorporated below.
We divided the questionnaire into three parts and
55 questions, summarised in Table 1. At the be-
ginning, some opening words described the further
course of the survey and presented an established defi-
nition of the term ‘data sovereignty’. That should help
to create the same knowledge base as a prerequisite
1 (accessed on 2023-10-12)
for all participants and avoid any subsequent ambigu-
ities. In addition, we recorded the participant’s name
for possible follow-up contacts during the evaluation
phase (cf. Q01).
The first part of the questionnaire consisted of
closed questions that allowed “respondents to select
an answer from a set of choices” (Krosnick, 2018,
p.266). It asked the participants to individually as-
sess the presented system characteristics and their im-
pact and relation to the implementation of data sov-
ereignty (cf. Q02-Q46). Here again, we provided
some definitions. To answer the guiding questions,
we used pairs of 7-point Likert scales with the op-
tions ‘strongly negative’, ‘slightly negative’, ‘neg-
ative’, ‘neutral’, ‘positive’, ‘slightly positive’, and
‘strongly positive’. The first scale evaluated the exist-
ing or strongly positive characteristic (as appropriate);
the second assessed the opposite (missing or negative
characteristic). We offered an optional comment field
to justify the selected answer.
The second part of the questionnaire comprised
open questions to identify other characteristics of a
system that we might have missed in the study design
(cf. Q47-Q49). In addition, a further comment field
offered the opportunity to express additional thoughts
and opinions relevant to the questionnaire evaluation.
The third and final part of the questionnaire asked for
general information about the participants for statis-
tical analyses, including the current job title, the cur-
rent employer, and the extent of experience with the
concept of data sovereignty (cf. Q50-Q55).
3.2.2 Participant Selection
The participants were a heterogeneous group of peo-
ple with different job positions and companies of var-
ious sizes based in Western Europe, primarily in Ger-
many. The main selection criterion was the knowl-
edge of the topic of data sovereignty and, thus, the
suitability to provide well-founded information. We
present an analysis of their ages, job positions, and
professional experiences in Section 4.1.
3.3 Data Collection
We requested the participants by personal e-mail. 18
out of 25 contacted persons agreed to take part in our
study. We provided the questionnaire with the help
of Microsoft Forms
. This tool offers the possibility
of simple participation without registration and easy
administration and analysis of responses.
2 (accessed on 2024-02-26)
An Empirical Examination of the Technical Aspects of Data Sovereignty
Table 1: Shortened List of Questions.
ID Question (Q) Input Type
Q01 What is your full name? Text field
Q02 How does the presence of X affect data sovereignty? Likert scale
Q03 How does the absence of X affect data sovereignty? Likert scale
Q04 Justify your answer. (optional) Text field
. . . Repetition of Q02-Q04 with each X {“intervenability”, “transparency”, “confiden-
tiality”, “integrity”, “availability”, “data findability”, “interoperability”, “reusabil-
ity”, “performance efficiency”, “usability”, “security”, “maintainability”, “portabil-
ity”, “trustworthiness”, “automation”}
. . .
Q47 From your point of view, what other system characteristics have a positive impact on
the implementation of data sovereignty? Why?
Text field
Q48 From your point of view, what other system characteristics have a negative impact on
the implementation of data sovereignty? Why?
Text field
Q49 Is there anything else you would like to share that could be relevant for the evaluation? Text field
Q50 How old are you? Choice box
Q51 Who is your current employer? Text field
Q52 What is your current job title? Text field
Q53 What is your professional background (education/studies/profession)? Text field
Q54 How many years of work experience do you have? Text field
Q55 Since when are you familiar with the concept of data sovereignty? Text field
3.4 Data Analysis
We analysed the collected data in two ways: we sta-
tistically evaluated the inputs via Likert scales and the
answers to questions Q51 to Q55, and qualitatively
analysed all inputs via text fields.
For the interpretation of the results, we use goal
models. As described in Section 2.4, goal modelling
focuses on actors and expresses their intentions and
strategics. When analysing the requirements for a sys-
tem to implement data sovereignty, we consider the
desires of a data sharing participant as an actor who
uses the system. The created goal models help to de-
rive appropriate software requirements.
The following subsections present the study results
including the descriptive findings and our interpreta-
tion and analysis of the participants’ responses.
4.1 Descriptive Findings
In total, we interviewed 18 persons, aged between 25
and 44. They represented seven industrial compa-
nies and two research organisations. The distribution
shows that over 50 percent of the respondents have
a research and development (R&D) background. As
Table 2 shows, the participants have different profes-
sions but are all technically orientated, from software
development to research to mid-level management.
Around 75 percent of the respondents have completed
a higher academic degree, a significant amount with a
specialisation in computer science or related subjects.
More than half have ten or more years of professional
experience, and all are familiar with data sovereignty
for at least one year, most even four years or more.
When presenting and discussing our results, we refer
to the participants and their citations using numbers
to ensure their anonymity.
Table 2: Overview of Survey Participants and Job Positions.
Job Position Participants (P)
Development P01, P05, P18
IT Management P04, P08-10, P15, P17
R&D P02-03, P06-07, P11-14, P16
The participants spent an average of 70 minutes
completing the questionnaire. As expected, most se-
lected system characteristics were rated positively in
their presence and negatively in their absence. Nev-
ertheless, there were also characteristics whose pres-
ence was rated positively and their absence was not
rated negatively, and therefore, according to our in-
terpretation, not considered a risk. Overall, we ob-
serve the following correlation: the more positive the
impact of the presence of a system characteristic, the
more negative its absence. The participants assessed
the presence of confidentiality, integrity, security, and
trustworthiness as particularly relevant for the reali-
sation of data sovereignty and their absence as par-
ICSOFT 2024 - 19th International Conference on Software Technologies
ticularly risky. Also, the absence of interoperability,
transparency, availability, usability, and maintainabil-
ity was rated negatively, although not as much. The
assessment of intervenability was controversial. The
Likert scale ranges to either side for presence and ab-
sence. Findability, performance efficiency, portabil-
ity, and automation were considered ‘nice-to-have’,
i.e., positive in their presence but not critical in their
absence. The participants did not consider reusability
as relevant. The evaluation largely coincides with our
assumptions from Section 3.1.2.
All additionally collected characteristics (cf. Q47
and Q48) can be allocated to the previously selected
terms. For example, controllability, observability,
and modifiability belong to intervenability and trans-
parency. Most participants intensively used the com-
ment fields to justify and discuss their responses.
Thus, we derived the following requirements from
evaluating the Likert scales and from a qualitative
analysis of the comments.
4.2 Definition of Requirements
Figure 4 depicts a goal model focusing on the strate-
gic rationales for achieving data sovereignty. We see
‘data sovereignty’ and ‘trustworthiness’ as soft goals
as both are NFRs whose achievement is not clearly
defined and measurable. We consider all previously
surveyed system characteristics as measurable NFRs,
i.e., as goals. The model illustrates that some goals
have a direct influence on data sovereignty (interven-
ability, security, interoperability), while others have
an indirect one by supporting other goals (integrity,
confidentiality, usability, transparency, findability).
No goal has a make relation as no requirement can
achieve the soft goal independently.
Figure 4 highlights reusability, maintainability,
performance, portability, availability, and automation
white as we are not further considering them in the
derivation of FRs. Re-usability is a requirement that
cannot be externally assessed during an initial re-
quirements engineering process. Availability and its
sub-tasks are affecting elements on intervenability
with little relevance for the establishment of data sov-
ereignty. Automation can have a direct influence on
data sovereignty, either positive or negative, however,
it is more an extension of other FRs and does not stand
for itself.
The following subsections analyse each goal by
defining strategics and tasks as goal models. We de-
rive one FR for the system under consideration from
each task. The set of FRs is listed in Table 3. The
formulation of the FRs uses MoSCoW prioritisation
(must, should, could, would). For simplicity, in the
Figure 4: Goal Model for Data Sovereignty.
following, we refer to the data sharing participant as
such and only concretise its role if necessary. For con-
cretisation, we will only use the terms data provider
and consumer. A data provider includes the data
rights holder, data providing agents, and third parties
like data intermediaries. A data consumer means data
consuming agent, also known as a data recipient or
4.2.1 Intervenability
Intervenability is the “degree to which a system, prod-
uct or component prevents unauthorized access to, or
modification of, computer programs or data” (Interna-
tional Organization for Standardization, 2011). Fig-
ure 5 depicts a goal model that illustrates the rela-
tions between intervenability, its means, and data sov-
Intervenability Helps or Hurts Data Sovereignty
(Cf. FR01-FR07). Intervenability is a “core con-
struct” (P08) for the self-determination of data shar-
ing participants. Both data providers and consumers
should be able to modify data flows anytime. Yet,
there is some “potential for error and failure” (P09)
and a risk of misuse of provided intervenability mech-
anisms (P05; P08; P09). The data consumer must not
be able to bypass the data usage conditions defined
by the data provider (P05). Therefore, mechanisms
for intervenability should not be applied by default
or without consent by involved data sharing partici-
pants (P10). If applicable, the data sharing partici-
pants should be able to negotiate the data usage con-
An Empirical Examination of the Technical Aspects of Data Sovereignty
Figure 5: Goal Models for Helping Data Sovereignty with Intervenability (left) and Security (right).
Usability Is a Means of intervenability (Cf. FR08).
The better the usability of the applied systems, e.g.,
by providing a graphical user interface with a good
user experience, the easier it is to access essential
utilities such as the definition of data usage condi-
tions (P06; P07; P13). Missing or reduced usability
of interfaces, e.g., due to complexity, also on a tech-
nical level, “might hinder market adoption” (P10) or
increase the risk of incorrect use (P18).
Transparency Is a Means of Intervenability and
Helps Trustworthiness (Cf. FR09-FR10). Trans-
parency is the primary means of proving that data us-
age conditions are respected (P07; P12; P17), thus
also strengthening the trust of data sharing partici-
pants (P01; P05). That may be a must from a legal
perspective (P13); however, it is up to the data sharing
participants and their requirements to decide where
transparency is required (P09). During implementa-
tion, it is crucial to restrict access to logging or audit
trails, as transparency can otherwise quickly result in
abuse of confidential information (P10; P18).
Findability Is a Means of Transparency (Cf.
FR11-FR13). Data sovereignty and transparency
require data to be traceable (P12) and thus findable.
Most importantly, allocating data helps to establish
references to existing data usage conditions (P05;
P06). In this context, it is essential to distinguish be-
tween internal and external findability. Internal find-
ability is achieved, e.g., by unique and persisted iden-
tifiers, whereas external findability, in the sense of
discoverability of data offerings, must remain under
the control of the data provider (P09; P10).
4.2.2 Security
Security is the “degree to which a product or sys-
tem protects information and data so that persons or
other products or systems have the degree of data ac-
cess appropriate to their types and levels of authoriza-
tion” (International Organization for Standardization,
2011). Figure 5 depicts a goal model that illustrates
the relations between security, its means, and data
Security Helps Data Sovereignty and Trustworthi-
ness (Cf. FR14-FR15). Security helps the trustwor-
thiness of a system and, with this, affects the data
sovereignty of a data sharing participant (P05; P09).
However, only selected requirements can have a di-
rect impact. For instance, a system should be able
to verify the identity of a data sharing participant or
guarantee the indisputability of actions. In addition to
confidentiality and integrity, all other security require-
ments depend on the type of data, the respective use
case, and the data usage conditions (P02; P17; P18).
Accountability, e.g., is often a legal aspect (P18).
Confidentiality Is a Means of Security and Helps
Trustworthiness (Cf. FR16-FR17). Confidential-
ICSOFT 2024 - 19th International Conference on Software Technologies
Table 3: List of FRs.
ID Functional Requirements (The system . . . )
FR01 . . . SHOULD enable data sharing participants to modify data (flows).
FR02 . . . MUST ensure that data (flow) modifications are consistent with the data usage conditions.
FR03 . . . SHOULD enable a data provider to interrupt data processing activities on the data consumer side.
FR04 . . . COULD enable a data provider to execute operations on shared data on the data consumer side.
FR05 . . . MUST prevent interventions by third parties without the consent of the data sharing participants.
FR06 . . . SHOULD provide notifications if data usage does not comply with the data usage conditions.
FR07 . . . COULD enable data sharing participants to negotiate data usage conditions.
FR08 . . . COULD provide a graphical user interface to lower the barriers for non-experts.
FR09 . . . SHOULD provide features to keep track of data processing activities and data lineage at any time.
FR10 . . . MUST ensure that data usage conditions are accessible to all data sharing participants.
FR11 . . . SHOULD provide features to enrich any data with metadata, at least the data usage conditions.
FR12 . . . MUST assign a system-wide persisted unique identifier to each data set.
FR13 . . . COULD provide features that enhance the discoverability of data.
FR14 . . . MUST provide mechanisms to ensure the indisputability of occurring events and actions.
FR15 . . . MUST incorporate mechanisms to authenticate and verify the identity of data sharing participants.
FR16 . . . MUST ensure access to data and metadata only by authorised actors, i.e., systems and users.
FR17 . . . MUST enforce the confidential handling of data following the agreed upon data usage conditions.
FR18 . . . MUST prohibit changes to data by a data sharing participant without the data provider’s consent.
FR19 . . . MUST not remove any reference to the data origin without explicit consent of the data provider.
FR20 . . . COULD implement common data formats to facilitate data transfers.
FR21 . . . MUST implement common vocabularies for data usage conditions.
FR22 . . . SHOULD implement common protocols for data sharing.
ity is crucial for building trust (P01) and positively
impacts data sovereignty, as it prevents the general
misuse of data by third parties. Accordingly, data
sharing participants are always well-advised to act ac-
cording to the “Need-to-Know” (P08) principle. Nev-
ertheless, confidentiality only needs to be ensured to
the extent required by the data sovereign (P04; P12;
P14). For example, when it comes to open data, con-
fidential handling would not be part of the data usage
conditions and thus irrelevant.
Integrity Is a Means of Security and Helps Trust-
worthiness (Cf. FR18-FR19). Integrity is critical
when implementing security and trust (P05), as “no
secure and/or trustworthy environment can be created
on a compromised system” (P06). In this context, it
is particularly important that data modifications and
the removal of the data origin must not be executed
without prior consent.
4.2.3 Interoperability
Interoperability is the “degree to which two or more
systems, products or components can exchange in-
formation and use the information that has been ex-
changed” (International Organization for Standard-
ization, 2011). Figure 6 depicts a goal model that
illustrates the relations between interoperability, its
means, and data sovereignty.
Figure 6: Goal Model for Helping Data Sovereignty with
Interoperability Helps Data Sovereignty (Cf.
FR20-FR22). Interoperability “enables the capabil-
ity to conduct [. . . ] data sovereignty” (P04). It is a
fundamental condition for data sharing. Concerning
data sovereignty, interoperability and thus the use of
mutual communication protocols, including defined
processes and a common vocabulary, ensures a stan-
dardised understanding among all data sharing partic-
ipants (P02; P15). That allows for an equal harmoni-
sation, interpretation, and implementation of data us-
An Empirical Examination of the Technical Aspects of Data Sovereignty
age conditions (P05; P06). At the same time, inter-
operability can increase the system’s scalability, effi-
ciency, and automation (P15).
Recent research papers have already dealt with the ex-
ploration of requirements for data sovereignty in in-
dustrial data sharing, also using empirical methods.
For example, Biehs and Stilling (2024) and Hellmeier
et al. (2023) conducted interview studies to identify
requirements for data sharing and, in this context, pri-
marily considered the implementation of data sover-
eignty. Nevertheless, most works have one thing in
common: they focus on specific aspects determined
by the research domain and influenced by certain use
cases. For instance, Opriel et al. (2021) concentrate
on the exchange of sensitive data. The work of Lar-
rinaga (2022) considers data sovereignty from a man-
ufacturing perspective and equates it with usage con-
trol. We addressed this by asking people from various
industrial domains, from energy, mobility and logis-
tics, manufacturing and automotive to healthcare. By
focusing on common system characteristics and de-
riving system features, not the content of data usage
conditions, we demonstrate that establishing data sov-
ereignty is not only about implementing access and
usage control.
Furthermore, a lot of works mix different per-
spectives (economic, regulatory, legal, and technical)
or provide varying levels of requirements that they
do not conclusively detail, such as the combination
of access control, GDPR (European Parliament and
Council of the European Union, 2016), data qual-
ity, and monetisation (Biehs and Stilling, 2024). Al-
ternatively, they elaborate on requirements that have
nothing to do with data sovereignty but focus on data
sharing, such as “short loading times” (Zrenner et al.,
2019, p.484) or data portability (Falc
ao et al., 2023).
As one of the first, Hellmeier et al. (2023) follow a
holistic approach and separate the dimensions of data
sovereignty. However, the work also notes that the
elicited requirements from their interviewees are very
vague. Most of their answers reflect that people see
data sovereignty as equivalent to usage control or for-
mulate more general requirements for data sharing.
Our study also confirmed this effect. It indicates a
lack of understanding or detailed analysis of what is
at the core of data sovereignty. Hence, domain experts
require tools to help them better understand their re-
Ultimately, the existing studies primarily focus on
the requirements from the user’s perspective. Our
study extended these works by concluding implica-
tions for the system and corresponding system re-
quirements. Most importantly, we built on well-
established concepts like privacy and security for con-
sidering technical aspects of data sovereignty. In ad-
dition, we use previous approaches from related fields
to represent the requirements as part of goal models:
For example, Elahi and Yu (2007) have created a goal-
oriented approach for analysing security trade-offs;
Peixoto and Silva (2018) have used the i* goal mod-
elling notation to model privacy requirements; and
Borchert and Heisel (2021) have elaborated on how
to resolve trust conflicts using goal models.
Summarising, the presented findings complement
previous work with a closer examination of the tech-
nical aspects of data sovereignty and form a solid ba-
sis for structured requirements engineering for self-
determined and autonomous data sharing.
Initially, we raised the question of which system char-
acteristics have a particular influence on the imple-
mentation of data sovereignty of a data sharing parti-
cipant. The presented study demonstrates that a clear
answer to this question is highly controversial for a
reason. Referring to Section 5, while some work
states that security guarantees data sovereignty, oth-
ers argue that data sovereignty is addressed by imple-
menting access and usage control. Our assumption
that the existing literature is missing a detailed consid-
eration of data sovereignty from a technical perspec-
tive (cf. Section 1) is also reflected in the responses
of some of the study participants. While all system
properties were seen as essential for data sovereignty,
a closer examination reveals that the non-fulfilment
of most of them was not considered particularly neg-
ative. That leads to the question of how significant
such characteristics can be for establishing data sov-
Also, the interviewees often assumed that the data
provider was the ‘data sovereign’. However, in the
concept of self-determination and autonomy in data
sharing, the consumer has the same rights as the data
provider. We have considered this in our interpreta-
tion of the survey results and generalised the derived
requirements in a way that respects the data provider
and the data consumer.
As the core result of our study, it is essential to
emphasise that many properties and functionalities of
a system support data sovereignty but only lead to a
successful implementation in their entirety. As shown
in Figure 4, there is no single make relation targeting
ICSOFT 2024 - 19th International Conference on Software Technologies
data sovereignty. Consequently, no requirement can
ensure the fulfilment of the data sovereignty require-
ment in isolation. Instead, it is the combination of
requirements that provides the technical foundation.
The proportions of the three emphasised characteris-
tics (intervenability, security, and interoperability) in
implementing a system for sovereign data sharing are
determined by the specific use case, e.g., the type of
data or its processing (P11). We define half of the 22
derived requirements as a must. Whether the other
requirements, or even more, should be fulfilled needs
to be defined in the context, e.g., by an authority in a
data ecosystem or the data sharing participants them-
selves. In addition, trust plays a central role: many
defined NFRs strengthen the trustworthiness of a sys-
tem and thus the data sovereignty of the data sharing
We used established system characteristics, in-
cluding ISO standards, to support our findings. With
this, we confirmed that FRs should be embedded in
existing concepts closely related to security, privacy,
and trust. Besides the already existing NFRs, we
worked out system requirements that focus specifi-
cally on data sovereignty and, with this, also data
sharing, such as FR02, FR07, and more. A particu-
lar contribution of our work is the creation of inter-
connections focussed on the needs of participants in
industrial data sharing.
6.1 Further Considerations
With the help of questions Q47 to Q49, we have al-
ready involved the study participants in discussing the
requirements for implementing data sovereignty. As
expected, supported by other studies (Hellmeier et al.,
2023; Biehs and Stilling, 2024), not only technical
aspects are relevant, but particularly regulatory and
legal aspects (P15), which immediately increase the
complexity of requirements elicitation (P16). In addi-
tion, activities such as standardisation (P18), the use
of open-source software (P11), and the establishment
of certification processes (P11; P12) can reduce the
hurdles to interoperability and trustworthiness and,
therefore, the establishment of data sovereignty. After
all, not only the system must be trustworthy, but also
the actors involved in data sharing (P15).
From a technical perspective, it was suggested that
the system architecture, especially decentralised sys-
tems, could support the implementation of data sov-
ereignty (P09). It was argued that the involvement
of a centralised service necessarily leads to a loss of
sovereignty (P09). As a result, data sovereignty often
would not be implemented by a single system but by
many systems (P08) that require an equal fulfilment
of defined requirements, which “may pose additional
challenges” (P05).
Ultimately, in terms of implementation, there is
always a cost-benefit trade-off (P09). In addition,
the market situation (P14) that, e.g., forces a data
provider to share their data less restrictively can have
a considerable influence on the actual autonomy of
the data provider, as well as recent threats such as loss
or theft of digital identities (P10).
6.2 Limitations
Limitations to our work are mainly the selection of
study participants. First, a qualitative survey is lim-
ited to a small number of participants. Next, half of
our participants are employees in research. That is
because the topic of data sovereignty is currently in
the process of being transferred from research to the
industry. In addition, there is a possible professional
bias due to the topic of dataspaces or data ecosystems.
For instance, experts for data privacy will always re-
late data sovereignty to the guiding principles they are
familiar with, while experts for system security will
primarily emphasise aspects such as confidentiality,
integrity, and availability. Last, all 18 participants are
located in Western Europe and are therefore biased by
the respective research and industry.
Moreover, our pre-selection of system character-
istics might have limited the results. Although the
questions for more characteristics did not result in ad-
ditional criteria, this could change with increasing the
number of interviewees. Additionally, the test inter-
view has already shown that the order of the questions
may affect the answers. The sequence of presence and
absence of the characteristics may lead to the natural
behaviour of making an opposite assessment.
6.3 Future Work
As a follow-up of the present study, the presented
models and requirements (cf. Section 4) should be
evaluated by the study participants as well as a larger
group of people. In addition, our presented work al-
lows for the further development of a structured re-
quirements engineering process, including the anal-
ysis of the functional requirements from Table 3. In
the course of this, it will be desirable to develop an ap-
proach for conflict resolution. Next, with the help of
goal modelling and other appropriate methods, stake-
holders can be guided through a requirements elicita-
tion process. Furthermore, the defined requirements
can be used to simplify the derivation of a system de-
An Empirical Examination of the Technical Aspects of Data Sovereignty
In this work, we have focussed on the technical as-
pects of data sovereignty and the requirements for
its implementation by a system. We evaluated the
relevance of selected system characteristics with the
help of an empirical study and structured the FRs
and NFRs derived from this using goal models. Af-
terwards, we discussed our findings and compared
them to related work. Overall, we have empha-
sised that data sovereignty is not achieved by imple-
menting a definite list of system features but through
a combination of use-case-specific functional and
non-functional requirements. As one participant in
the study summarised, “[m]odern systems will have
[d]ata [s]overeignty by design” (P17). While build-
ing on privacy and security, our work has taken a
step towards a targeted requirements analysis and rea-
soned system design by extending research on self-
determination and autonomy in industrial data sharing
with a more technically refined view.
This work was partially supported by the German
Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate
Action (funding number: 13IK004N). We thank
Daniel Tebernum for his valuable input and all par-
ticipants for contributing to our study.
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ICSOFT 2024 - 19th International Conference on Software Technologies