
In this work, we have focussed on the technical as-
pects of data sovereignty and the requirements for
its implementation by a system. We evaluated the
relevance of selected system characteristics with the
help of an empirical study and structured the FRs
and NFRs derived from this using goal models. Af-
terwards, we discussed our findings and compared
them to related work. Overall, we have empha-
sised that data sovereignty is not achieved by imple-
menting a definite list of system features but through
a combination of use-case-specific functional and
non-functional requirements. As one participant in
the study summarised, “[m]odern systems will have
[d]ata [s]overeignty by design” (P17). While build-
ing on privacy and security, our work has taken a
step towards a targeted requirements analysis and rea-
soned system design by extending research on self-
determination and autonomy in industrial data sharing
with a more technically refined view.
This work was partially supported by the German
Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate
Action (funding number: 13IK004N). We thank
Daniel Tebernum for his valuable input and all par-
ticipants for contributing to our study.
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ICSOFT 2024 - 19th International Conference on Software Technologies