Table 3: Distributed KNN prediction time for K = 3, 5, 7.
No. of Edge
Nodes (n)
K=3 K=5 K=7
1 1 11.06hr 7.31hr 11.12hr 7.38hr 11.16hr 7.54hr
2 2 5.54hr 3.66hr 5.55hr 3.71hr 5.57hr 3.77hr
3 3 3.67hr 2.43hr 3.70hr 2.48hr 3.72hr 2.50hr
4 6 1.84hr 1.20hr 1.85hr 1.23hr 1.87hr 1.25hr
on a distributed edge network. The experimentation
was conducted using varying numbers of edge nodes
and different standard neighbor values (K), specifi-
cally 3, 5, and 7. The comparison results for NuFHE
and OpenFHE framework for distributed encrypted
KNN computation are presented in Table3. It is ob-
served that NuFHE with its supported parallel pro-
cessing power works better when more than 20 cores
are present in the selected platform. However, in
our Raspberry Pi board only 4 cores are present and
OpenFHE with the improved bootstrapping works
better in this scenario.
In this work, we have distributed the encrypted com-
putations for KNN among up to six edge devices.
The prediction process takes around 1.2 hours. Al-
though some may argue that the encrypted ML pro-
cessing time is slower than plaintext prediction time
and therefore not practical for real-world applications,
it is important to note that our end-to-end encrypted
framework is suitable for applications where real-time
ML prediction may not be a requirement and out-
comes are acceptable within a few hours. In our future
work, we plan to incorporate other standard ML algo-
rithms in this encrypted ML processing framework on
the edge cluster.
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Encrypted KNN Implementation on Distributed Edge Device Network