Perception of Privacy Tools for Social Media: A Qualitative Analysis
Among Japanese
Vanessa Bracamonte
, Yohko Orito
, Yasunori Fukuta
, Kiyoshi Murata
and Takamasa Isohara
KDDI Research, Inc., Saitama, Japan
Faculty of Collaborative Regional Innovation, Ehime University, Ehime, Japan
School of Commerce and Centre for Business Information Ethics, Meiji University, Tokyo, Japan
Privacy Concern, Privacy Tools, Social Media, User Study.
Social media platforms are used worldwide, and privacy risks are encountered by all users regardless of coun-
try. Therefore, privacy-enhancing tools that automatically detect relevant information in a users’ post could
be useful globally, but perception of such tools has not been widely investigated. To address this issue, we
conducted a qualitative analysis of perception in Japan, where there is high social media use, to understand
what are users’ opinions and privacy concerns towards this type of privacy tools. We find that Japanese users’
perception of privacy tool appears to be influenced by an overall sense of distrust towards apps and developers
and by general privacy concerns. On the other hand, specific privacy concerns due to the nature of the privacy
tool are less frequent, and there were not marked differences in perception when compared to concerns towards
a non-privacy tool. The findings suggest that the acceptance of privacy tools in Japan would be influenced by
the general sense of anxiety for privacy.
In social media platforms, users post information that
they may not realize reveals personal details about
themselves or others. Later, the users might regret re-
vealing their private information and may suffer con-
sequences from this unconscious sharing (Wang et al.,
2011; Mao et al., 2011; Sleeper et al., 2013).
To help avoid the unintentional reveal of personal
information, there have been proposals of privacy-
enhancing tools which automatically recognize when
private information is being disclosed, alert the user
and anonymize the content involved (Caliskan Islam
et al., 2014; Tesfay et al., 2019; Li et al., 2019; Guar-
ino et al., 2022). Studies conducted among USA so-
cial media users have shown that such tools are con-
sidered useful for privacy protection, but at the same
time they appear to bring forth concerns about the se-
curity and privacy risks of the tool itself (Bracamonte
et al., 2021).
Many social media platforms are used by users
from all over the world and consequently the solu-
tions provided for privacy protection would be help-
ful for all users. However, users from different coun-
tries can have different concerns related to informa-
tion privacy (Lowry et al., 2011), and these differ-
ences might be reflected on their opinion and accep-
tance of privacy-enhancing tools.
In this paper, we conduct a qualitative analysis
to understand the perception of Japanese social me-
dia users towards privacy tools, focusing on privacy-
related issues and concerns. Specifically, we address
the following research questions:
Do opinions of the privacy tools include aware-
ness of privacy-related issues?
What are the reasons for the perception of privacy
concern towards privacy tools?
Are the responses related to a privacy tool qualita-
tively different from those related to a non-privacy
To answer these questions, we qualitatively ana-
lyzed the responses of 505 participants to open-ended
questions on their opinion and privacy concerns to-
wards an hypothetical tool for social media content.
The hypothetical tool corresponded to one of four
groups consisting of a combination of the factors of
type of tool (Privacy and Non-privacy) and the type
of data the tool analyzed (Image or Text).
The findings show that themes related to privacy
awareness, such as the value of privacy protection
and concern for surveillance, can be identified among
Bracamonte, V., Orito, Y., Fukuta, Y., Murata, K. and Isohara, T.
Perception of Privacy Tools for Social Media: A Qualitative Analysis Among Japanese.
DOI: 10.5220/0012762000003767
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT 2024), pages 151-162
ISBN: 978-989-758-709-2; ISSN: 2184-7711
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
the Japanese respondents’ opinions towards the pri-
vacy tool. And distrust towards apps and develop-
ers, as well as general privacy concern, were iden-
tified as themes that appeared frequently in the rea-
sons for privacy concerns towards the privacy tools.
On the other hand, specific privacy concerns reasons,
with the exception of data collection, were less fre-
quent overall. In addition, we did not identify marked
qualitative differences between the responses of par-
ticipants who viewed a privacy tool compared to those
who viewed a non-privacy tool. These findings con-
tribute to a wider understanding of the challenges for
the design of privacy-enhancing tools for social media
in other contexts.
Users encounter problems and have regrets brought
on by revealing too much information on social media
sites (Sleeper et al., 2013). Users can leak informa-
tion through text and images, and research has pro-
posed ways to detect that information and alert the
user. For example, (Tesfay et al., 2019) developed a
tool that analyzed Twitter data to detect and catego-
rize privacy sensitive information included in users’
tweets. (Li et al., 2019) proposed a system which
made use of bystander detection and face matching
techniques to to detect and hide users in photos. These
automated tools require some level of access to pri-
vate information to be able to provide privacy pro-
tections, and therefore can themselves be the target
of privacy concerns. (Bracamonte et al., 2021) con-
ducted a user study on perception of this type of pri-
vacy tools and found that worries about privacy were
mentioned more frequently than usefulness or perfor-
mance aspects. Follow-up work also reported that
there was a higher level of surveillance concern to-
wards privacy tools than towards tools that behaved
similarly but were not for privacy (Bracamonte et al.,
These studies have been conducted with partici-
pants in English-speaking countries such as USA and
Canada, but social media platforms are used all over
the world. In Japan, social media and social network-
ing services are widely used by people from all demo-
graphics, with the number of social media users esti-
mated to be around 105.8 million in 2023 (Statista,
2023). While social media sites have gained popu-
larity in Japanese society, this has also resulted in so-
cial problems due to the inappropriate dissemination
of personal information and leakage of private infor-
mation, and the government has cautioned against be-
havior such as sharing photos that include location in-
formation (Ministry of Internal Affairs and Commu-
nications (Japan), 2023).
According to the results of surveys on Japanese
online services users’ attitudes towards privacy and
towards personal data protection (Murata and Orito,
2013; Murata et al., 2014; Orito et al., 2013; Orito
and Murata, 2014), many users recognize the impor-
tance of privacy protection. On the other hand, the re-
search also found that privacy attitudes can depend on
the context, and Japanese users were not so concerned
about privacy policies and privacy seals when using
social media and online shopping sites (Orito et al.,
2013), and had limited understanding of the business
models of companies that acquire, store, share and
use personal information (Orito and Murata, 2014),
as well as of the concept of privacy itself. Earlier
research (Adams et al., 2011) has reported that on
Japanese social media sites such as Mixi, users re-
frained from disclosing private information, so there
is the possibility of a change in attitudes due to the
type of platform or due to the users themselves. These
studies suggest that although Japanese users are aware
of the importance of privacy protection, their actual
usage may not reflect adequate approaches and prac-
tical behaviors for the protection of privacy.
3.1 Survey Design
We prepared a survey in which participants were
shown a tool description and interface, and then were
asked to give their opinion about it. Participants were
assigned to one of four groups, randomly, and the
groups were defined by the combination of the fac-
tor of type of tool (Privacy or Non-privacy) and the
data analyzed by the tool (Image or Text). The sur-
vey design and tool interfaces were adapted for the
Japanese participants from (Bracamonte et al., 2022).
The translation process is explained in the next sec-
tion. Figure 1 and Figure 2 show the detail of the tool
The overall design of the interfaces was similar for
all groups, with the only differences being related to
the type of tool (purpose) and the data (content) it ana-
lyzed. The hypothetical tools were also described in a
similar way, except when referring to the purpose and
content. To obtain opinions about the tools, we asked
the participants to “Please explain your reasons for
agreeing/disagreeing to the previous questions about
the app”, where “previous questions” referred to Lik-
ert scale questions such as “I would use this app in my
daily life”, “I can think of people I know who would
SECRYPT 2024 - 21st International Conference on Security and Cryptography
Make it fun with emojis!
Your post can be enhanced
with emojis
Topic detected: Work
Privacy alert!
Your post may reveal private
or sensitive information.
Topic detected: Work
Suggestion: Suggestion:
Change the post to the suggestion
Change the post manually
Post without change
Cancel posting
Change the post to the suggestion
Change the post manually
Post without change
Cancel posting
Figure 1: Interface for the experiment (translations added). Privacy (left) and Non-privacy (right) text tool.
Make it fun with stickers!
Your post can be enhanced with
Topic detected: Party, drinks,
Privacy alert!
Your post may reveal private or
sensitive information.
Topic detected: Party, drinks,
Change the post to the suggestion
Change the post manually
Post without change
Cancel posting
Change the post to the suggestion
Change the post manually
Post without change
Cancel posting
Figure 2: Interface for the experiment (translations added). Privacy (left) and Non-privacy (right) image tool. Photos have a
CC0 license (public domain).
Perception of Privacy Tools for Social Media: A Qualitative Analysis Among Japanese
use this app”, “Using the app would get annoying”,
and “The app’s automatic suggestion is satisfying”,
adapted from (Hasan et al., 2019).
To gather the details of participants’ privacy con-
cerns towards the tools, we asked them to “Please
explain your reasons for agreeing/disagreeing to the
previous questions on privacy concerns about the
app”. The “previous questions” referred to questions
adapted from the Mobile Users’ Information Privacy
Concerns (MUIPC) scale (Xu et al., 2012), which
consists of the dimensions of Perceived surveillance
(adapted from (Smith et al., 1996): “I believe that the
location of my mobile device would be monitored at
least part of the time by the app”, “I am concerned
that the app could be collecting too much informa-
tion about me”, “I am concerned that the app could
monitor my activities on my mobile device”), Per-
ceived intrusion (adapted from (Xu et al., 2008): “I
feel that as a result of my using the app, others would
know about me more than I am comfortable with”,
“I believe that as a result of my using the app, in-
formation about me that I consider private would be
more readily available to others than I would want”, “I
feel that as a result of my using the app, information
about me would be out there that, if used, will invade
my privacy”) and Secondary use of personal informa-
tion (adapted from (Smith et al., 1996): “I am con-
cerned that the app could use my personal informa-
tion for other purposes without notifying me or get-
ting my authorization”, “When I give personal infor-
mation to use the app, I am concerned that it could use
my information for other purposes”, “I am concerned
that the app could share my personal information with
other entities without getting my authorization”). The
answers to the Likert scale questions are outside the
scope of this paper and are reported in (Bracamonte
et al., 2023).
3.2 Translation
All the text content, including the tool description and
interface, and the survey questions, was translated to
Japanese by a native speaker and independently re-
viewed by two Japanese native speakers. The trans-
lation was then revised with the feedback from the
two reviewers. Next, the translated content was back-
translated into English by other two Japanese native
speakers who were fluent in English. Finally, the orig-
inal and back-translated versions were checked by a
fluent English speaker, who validated that they were
comparable. In addition, the posts in the text-based
tools were adapted to refer to Japanese contexts where
necessary. With regards to the photos in the image-
based tools, these were adapted by choosing photos
that depicted Japanese people.
3.3 Participant Recruitment
An online survey company in Japan was used to re-
cruit participants and we specified a demographic
(age and gender) proportion similar to (Bracamonte
et al., 2022). At the beginning of the survey, we in-
formed participants about the purpose and character-
istics of the study and asked for their consent to par-
ticipate. Only participants who consented proceeded
to answer the survey.
The Ethical Review Committee at the Faculty of
Collaborative Regional Innovation (Ehime Univer-
sity, Japan) reviewed the study and approved it in
February 2023.
3.4 Qualitative Analysis
We used a hybrid qualitative analysis approach: we
combined a deductive approach that used a priori cat-
egories adapted from (Bracamonte et al., 2022) with
a general inductive approach (Thomas, 2006). New
categories were identified from the responses based
on the research objectives. An initial check of the data
was conducted by going through all responses. At this
stage we identified responses outside of the scope of
the analysis, where participants only answered “Don’t
know” or left the answer blank. After this step, the
principal coder developed and refined the codes for
the responses and categorized them. A second coder
then independently categorized the responses.
We evaluated the inter-rater reliability between the
two coders using Cohen’s kappa (Hallgren, 2012).
The analysis was conducted separately for each code,
due to some responses belonging to multiple cate-
gories. For the question on the opinion about the
tools, the mean of the kappas was 0.8 (minimum value
of 0.48). For the question on the reasons for privacy
concern towards the tools, the mean was 0.73 (min-
imum value of 0.48). In both cases, the inter-rater
reliability coefficients were within acceptable ranges.
We obtained a total of 540 responses, of which 35
were removed due to not being intelligible or show-
ing lack of comprehension, resulting in a valid sam-
ple of 505 respondents. The sample demographics are
detailed in Table 1. The age mean and gender distri-
bution was similar in all groups.
SECRYPT 2024 - 21st International Conference on Security and Cryptography
Table 1: Sample demographics.
Privacy NonPrivacy
Image Text Image Text
Total (n) 125 120 130 130
Age (mean) 36.3 37.4 37.29 36.9
Gender (n)
Female 46 48 46 48
Male 79 72 84 82
Table 2: Categories of answers about opinion about the
Category Privacy NonPrivacy
Img Txt Img Txt
Valuable for pri-
vacy protection
11 2 1 0
Privacy dimen-
5 5 3 0
Feeling of being
11 11 2 0
Self-efficacy 1 4 3 2
Unnecessary 7 19 14 22
Self-expression 0 6 6 16
Doubt effective-
5 16 16 21
Not sure how to
use it
4 1 1 0
Bothersome and
time consuming
9 22 7 13
No opportunity to
13 5 5 5
Need to use to de-
2 0 4 0
Convenient 13 6 14 21
Useful for others 5 1 1 1
Interesting 1 0 9 1
Not suitable for
0 0 1 4
Other app is better 0 0 2 0
Other 14 10 16 14
4.1 Reasons for Opinions About the
Privacy Tools
We report the results focusing on discussions of pri-
vacy, but also include the report of other relevant cate-
gories. The full list of identified categories are shown
in Table 2.
4.1.1 Privacy Concern-Related Reasons
Valuable for Privacy Protection. There were re-
spondents who recognized the value of the privacy
tool for its stated purpose. These were most often
found for the privacy tool for images, such as in the
following example:
“Our privacy is often violated nowadays.
Therefore, I would recommend others to use
the application like this. It is not so difficult to
use that anyone feels no stress when using it.
(Privacy Image)
“...I think it is better to conceal their faces us-
ing the app so that their privacy can be prop-
erly protected. (Privacy Image)
These respondents understood the scenario of a
potential privacy risk situation and how the privacy
tool could be used to manage those risks. For the
image privacy tool, the responses also showed un-
derstanding that sharing photos of others’ faces could
be a problem and recognized that the tool could help
avoid the privacy risk. Some respondents specifi-
cally mentioned the value of an automatic system that
would replace the manual tasks that are necessary for
privacy and personal data protection.
For the privacy tool for text, there were very few
responses of this category. Interestingly, we also iden-
tified one respondent who mentioned how the non-
privacy image tool could be adapted for use to protect
Privacy Dimensions. There were also mentions of
concerns related to specific privacy dimensions such
as surveillance and perceived intrusion in their opin-
ion about the privacy tools. For example, there were
respondents who were concerned about privacy inva-
sion and data collection, due to the use of facial recog-
“... I think we should carefully consider the
use of this app, because it entails the risk of an
invasion of privacy caused by facial recogni-
tion. (Privacy Image)
“Our facial information can be collected by
the app. (Privacy Image)
These concerns were not limited to the privacy
tools. There were also instances in which respondents
worried about data collection in the non-privacy tool.
“...I would rather worry about providing photo
data to the app. (NonPrivacy Image)
Feeling of Being Assured. Respondents mentioned
that the privacy tool gave them some assurance, and
that the alerts would be useful to avoid privacy-related
risks. Respondents recognized the convenience of be-
ing able to properly find and hide the faces of others
that have been unintentionally included in the picture.
These responses show that there is awareness of the
risks involved in revealing other people’s faces:
Perception of Privacy Tools for Social Media: A Qualitative Analysis Among Japanese
“I think it’s wrong to post others’ faces on-
line without their permission, putting aside
my own face. So, I think it is nice that the
app hides others’ face in the picture automati-
cally. (Privacy Image)
There were also respondents who recognized that
there are risks even in the absence of malicious neg-
ligence and recognized the convenience of preventing
“This application is useful to prevent an unin-
tended trouble caused by an indiscreet mes-
sage posted on SNSs, which enable us to
easily publish messages online... (Pri-
vacy Text)
4.1.2 Other Reasons
Among categories that were not specifically about pri-
vacy concerns, we identified reasons with a relation
to privacy protection or to the acceptance of privacy
Self-Efficacy. Some respondents reported the belief
in their own skill, where they are confident in their
full ability to make proper judgements about posting
content. In the case of the privacy tools, this was nat-
urally related to the purpose of privacy protection:
“When I post a photo online, I’m always care-
ful about the protection of my and others’ pri-
vacy. Therefore, I can make proper decisions
regarding privacy protection without AI sup-
port. (Privacy Image)
All we have to do is being careful about the
protection of our own privacy. Using this app
is just time consuming. (Privacy Text)
Unnecessary. Respondents also felt that the privacy
tool was not necessary, either because they felt that
had no need of it or because they did not understand
the importance of privacy protection.
Doubt Effectiveness. Respondents also indicated
that they did not think that the privacy tool would be
effective for its purpose:
“It is difficult to decide whether the app’s sug-
gestions are appropriate or not. If everyone
revises as suggested by the app, the diversity
in expressions would be deteriorated. It is nice
for me that ideas I’m not aware of are offered.
If I use this app, I will create sentences prop-
erly by reference to the app’s suggestions.
(Privacy Text)
“The app’s suggestions are not always under-
standable and acceptable. Such suggestions
should be given with the rationales for them.
Or, any user can understand how they protect
their privacy. (Privacy Text)
Respondents had questions about the scope of facial
recognition, for example, and about understanding
why the privacy tool gave such an alert.
Respondents also appeared to exhibit doubt to-
wards the AI used in the hypothetical tools, regardless
of purpose:
“I would not like to depend on AI too much.
(NonPrivacy Image)
“This app can be regarded as a tool for pre-
censorship using AI. This violates our free-
dom of expression. (Privacy Text)
This last response is notable due to the term freedom
of expression, which is not frequently used among
Japanese respondents.
Self-Expression. For the text privacy tool, we iden-
tified responses that emphasized the importance of
self-expression. Respondents worried about the origi-
nality of the content and wanted to be able to commu-
nicate in their own words. Importantly, respondents
mentioned that they were worried about risks due to
de-contextualization of their posts or that it would be
different from what they had intended.
Bothersome and Time Consuming. Another cat-
egory frequently found among responses was the
worry or expectation that the privacy tool would be
annoying or complicated to use:
“I usually pay attention to others’ suggestions
when posting something online. This app
forces me to duplicate my efforts and is thus
bothersome. (Privacy Text)
“If the app can detect privacy problems when
I post something online with no need for acti-
vating it, it is acceptable. Or, I don’t want to
use it. (Privacy Image)
For this type of respondents, it may be just a matter of
operational time and effort. Conversely, if the privacy
tool was easy to use they might be feel it is accept-
able to use it. However, this type of opinion does not
imply that there is understanding of the importance of
privacy protection. These responses also offer an ex-
planation of why the privacy tool is considered both-
ersome, because there is a sense that it is too much
trouble to go back and redo the work.
SECRYPT 2024 - 21st International Conference on Security and Cryptography
No Opportunity to Use. Some respondents con-
sidered that there would have no opportunity to use
the privacy tool anyway, since they do not put other
personal information social networking sites without
proper permission. This may be typical of respon-
dents who are not active on social media or consider
themselves to be conscientious.
Convenient. On the positive side, there were re-
spondents that found the privacy tool convenient, be-
cause they consider that the tool eliminates having to
do the task on their own:
“It would reduce the effort to hide faces with
stamps” (Privacy Image)
Respondents also valued the options being presented
to help them make a decision. That is, they valued the
ability to resolve the confusion and difficulty of mak-
ing decisions about word choices, for example. What
was not clear is whether these respondents understand
the importance of privacy protection or whether they
were only judging the convenience.
Other. Finally, there were also respondents who
had different other reasons for their opinion of the
privacy tool, such as that it would be acceptable to
use if it was popular. Popularity or reputation can
be a source of assurance, and this perception may be
strong in Japan (Murata et al., 2014).
4.2 Reasons for Privacy Concern
Towards the Privacy Tools
We report the results focusing on categories related
to privacy and trust, and on categories which may in-
fluence acceptance of privacy tools. The full list of
identified categories are shown in Table 3.
4.2.1 Reasons Related to Privacy Concern
We found reasons related to all three of the dimen-
sions of privacy concern.
Data Collection. Respondents showed concerns
about their data being collected, and this category of
responses was one of the most frequent among all cat-
egories. We found that there was even acknowledg-
ment the risk of giving data even to protect privacy:
“I understand this app is designed to protect
users’ privacy. However, I’m concerned about
the app’s protecting our privacy in exchange
for our providing personal data to it. (Pri-
vacy Text)
Table 3: Categories of answers about privacy concerns to-
wards the tools.
Category Privacy NonPrivacy
Img Txt Img Txt
Data collection 11 22 14 16
Tracking 5 12 2 8
Know about me 4 5 9 7
Sell/Share data 2 3 1 3
Data misuse 3 3 1 1
10 5 5 8
Tool (dis)trust 20 13 16 7
No concern 6 8 6 11
No interest 0 1 0 2
Gave up on pri-
5 1 6 6
Perception of
profit motivation
1 0 0 0
Worry (vague in-
secure feeling)
2 2 5 4
Security risk 8 10 9 9
Limited informa-
4 0 0 1
Nothing to hide 0 1 0 0
Self-efficacy 0 3 3 2
Avoidance of un-
necessary apps
0 3 4 3
Tool permissions 2 2 0 0
Unknown reputa-
0 0 2 0
Bothersome and
time consuming
1 2 0 0
Unclear effective-
6 9 6 7
Unnecessary 0 2 4 3
Convenient 2 1 2 1
General privacy
15 13 19 13
Other privacy con-
4 4 4 3
Data processing 3 4 1 1
No information
about the tool
0 0 0 0
Assurance 4 4 0 0
Avoid posting in-
2 1 3 0
Self-expression 0 0 2 2
New app distrust 0 0 2 1
Other 11 8 14 16
However, data collection concerns in general were
found for all types of tools:
“I’m afraid that my use of this app on a daily
basis would promote the collection of my per-
sonal data including those about my work and
human relationships. (NonPrivacy Text)
Perception of Privacy Tools for Social Media: A Qualitative Analysis Among Japanese
Tracking. The respondents showed vague concerns
and uncomfortable feelings about being tracked, and
indicated a general dislike of the feeling of being “ob-
served”. We noted that for the text privacy tool, it ap-
peared to be related to people’s emotion and feeling,
whereas for image it appeared to be more superficial.
We hypothesize that the sense of surveillance is per-
haps stronger for text data.
“This application makes me feel that my ev-
eryday life is watched remotely more than I
currently suppose. (Privacy Text)
“I feel that I’m not free at all owing to the app
and it’s indescribably creepy. Also, I feel it
monitors me. I don’t like these feelings. I
don’t need an application of this kind. (Pri-
vacy Text)
Sell/Share Data. There was concerned expressed
about secondary use for commercial purposes and for
AI learning:
“I wonder if the app can learn personal stuff
from many photos and automatically send the
resultant data to somewhere else (e.g. to an
overseas server) for upgrading the app’s per-
formance through integrating it with data from
other sources. (Privacy Image)
However, for most respondents, it appeared to be dif-
ficult to express this concern in detail and responses
with this level of knowledge about online systems
were few. In addition, respondents seemed to recog-
nize that there is a risk that personal data may be used
without malicious intent:
“Even if the app is operated without any mali-
cious intent, I can be a potential target of data
misuse through collecting my personal data
down to the last detail... (Privacy Text)
Data Misuse. Only a few respondents exhibited un-
derstanding of how the app business model worked
and were worried about the misuse of their data, for
both the privacy and non-privacy tools. The following
response is remarkable also for being one of the few
direct reference to the privacy policy, which was not
often mentioned:
“For example, the misuse would lead to an in-
crease in the number of ads I receive, despite
the privacy policies that plausibly describe, for
example, they don’t identify an individual per-
son. (NonPrivacy Image)
Know About Me. Finally, we identified intrusion-
related concerns such as obtaining knowledge about
the user. A few respondents mentioned in particular
private companies:
“I cannot support this system, because it is
outrageous that human rights violations are
committed by nothing but a private company.
(Privacy Text)
4.2.2 Trust-Related Reasons
Institutional (Dis)trust. We identified responses
which indicated both trust and distrust towards apps
and providers in general:
“No one trusts on SNSs. (Privacy Image)
“I think, in the current day, application devel-
opers properly develop and operate their apps.
Additionally, if users carefully download and
use apps, no harm would be caused. (Pri-
vacy Text)
In both privacy and non-privacy groups, there were re-
spondents who mentioned their general low trust to-
wards apps. Some respondents did not provide de-
tailed information about their concern and may not be
considering specific effects of privacy risks. Rather,
they may seek to avoid any problem by avoiding use
of apps. Sometimes the respondents also indicated
general trust towards app developers, but these also
did not have a specific reason.
Tool (Dis)trust. Many respondents also reported
distrusting the tool itself, both in the privacy and non-
privacy groups. Most answers did not include detailed
reasons, but there were a few responses that appeared
to indicate specific anxiety regarding privacy, which
is perhaps unusual among Japanese (Murata et al.,
“Given that privacy policies, which declare
they never violate anyone’s privacy, are not
necessarily complied with now, I cannot agree
with the use of this app. (Privacy Image)
The responses also revealed how general (dis)trust af-
fects certain apps, in this case new and perhaps not
widely disseminated apps:
“Unless 100% safety and security in pri-
vacy are guaranteed, I can’t help but worry
about my privacy. I feel new applications are
more suspicious than existing apps. (NonPri-
vacy Image)
4.2.3 Privacy Mindset
No Concern. In some cases, respondents reported
they did not have any concerns about privacy regard-
less of the type of tool:
SECRYPT 2024 - 21st International Conference on Security and Cryptography
“I don’t think my private life is being exposed
by just using the app. (NonPrivacy Image)
“I don’t perceive any risk such as personal
data leakage caused by an app that only cor-
rects sentences. (NonPrivacy Text)
It may be that these respondents do not consider a
privacy risk anything other than a leak, and that data
analysis by apps in general does not lead to a privacy
violation. In these cases, they do not appear to con-
sider that the data may be shared outside of the apps
and it may be that the respondents do not understand
data processes in apps in general.
No Interest. We also identified a few Japanese re-
spondents that reported no interest in privacy issues,
rather no concern:
“Sensitivity to privacy depends on the person,
but I am not aware of it so much. Personal data
protection is not a serious issue. My home ad-
dress data should be protected, though. (Pri-
vacy Text)
“I don’t worry about my privacy. It’s no prob-
lem for me that my personal data is collected
unless it contains credit card data or the like.
(NonPrivacy Text)
Here the respondents do not consider an invasion
of privacy anything except the case of leakage of
personal information about financial assets, such as
credit card information. This type of responses indi-
cates a lack of interest in privacy protection and a lack
of perceived risk.
Gave up on Privacy. Some respondents seemed to
think that privacy risks are so common that they have
given up worrying about the risks themselves.
“Using any website entails a risk at least to an
extent. So, we don’t need to worry about it
more than necessary. (NonPrivacy Image)
“We have no privacy nowadays. (Pri-
vacy Image)
The responses also included some extreme views that
there is no privacy once the personal information has
been disseminated. The respondents mentioned that,
therefore, they had given up on privacy protection in
the current situation due to mistrust, and consequently
also given up on checking whether privacy protection
was being provided. However, we note that this type
of responses did not appear to reflect a serious feeling,
but rather resignation and a realistic point of view.
Security Risk. Respondents seemed to understand
that it is difficult for individuals to recognize how
the tools work (both privacy and non-privacy) and are
aware that there is a security risk of information being
“I’m very worried that this app would collect
and store my data while using it. The risk
of the leaks of my data bothers me. (Pri-
vacy Image)
“The news of data leaks, which is occasion-
ally reported, discomforts me. Moreover, I’m
concerned about invisible or unreported harms
caused by the leaks. (Privacy Text)
“Undetected data leaks associated with online
application usage have often occurred. So,
there is no reason that I can believe this ap-
plication is no problem. (NonPrivacy Image)
There were also responses that seemed to show anx-
iety that the damage caused by information leaks
would not be properly reported and analyzed. Japan
has experienced cases of data leakage, some which
involved children’s data (Nikkei Asia, 2014) which
were widely reported and concerned the general pub-
lic. This type of incidents might be behind the re-
spondents’ worry about things that cannot be “seen”.
This is an understandable concern, since it is difficult
for users to understand the extent of security risks and
how the privacy tool works.
General Privacy Concern. This category was one
of the most frequently found in the responses. How-
ever, it mostly consisted of very general statements
about worry for privacy overall, without further de-
4.2.4 Perceived Control
Data Processing. Respondents felt that not enough
information was provided about how the privacy tool
worked and that increased their concern. This was
also the case for some respondents in the non-privacy
groups. These respondents recognized that the tool’s
mechanism or business model was not clear to them:
“I am not sure how the app works, and there-
fore I don’t know how much personal data will
be provided. (Privacy Image)
“I don’t know what algorithm is working, so
I can’t judge whether the app is acceptable or
not. (NonPrivacy Text)
Tool Permissions. Some respondents also reported
concern about the settings provided by the privacy
Perception of Privacy Tools for Social Media: A Qualitative Analysis Among Japanese
tools, and how much control they would have over
“I think the application will not cause a seri-
ous problem, unless application management
settings or the like are automatically con-
trolled. (Privacy Image)
5.1 Opinion About the Privacy Tool
On the whole, many respondents did not feel the need
to use a privacy tool. However, there were also re-
sponses that made mention of how the privacy tool
was valuable for privacy and could provide assurance
that privacy risks could be avoided. The results show
that there were respondents who mentioned privacy
concerns (related to surveillance and intrusion) in the
answers about their general opinion of the privacy
tool, which indicates that there is awareness of pri-
vacy issues among the Japanese respondents’. While
this may not be an overall tendency among all respon-
dents, but rather the opinion of a limited group, it
does provide a view that this kind of privacy aware-
ness is present in the Japanese users and that the pri-
vacy tool can have a priming effect that brings it forth.
It was also notable that a number of respondents re-
ported concerns related to privacy dimensions in the
non-privacy tool groups, without being asked directly
about it.
The results also show that there are participants
who have thought about the risks of social media and
the convenience of a privacy tool for protecting their
privacy on these platforms. The privacy tool for im-
ages tended to be positively evaluated as a mechanism
to enhance privacy protection of images uploaded on-
line. However, in general many respondents felt that
the tools could become annoying or that it would
take too much effort to use them. Ease of use and
usefulness are important factors for the acceptance
of privacy-enhancing technology (Abu-Salma et al.,
2017), and therefore the perception that the tools are
troublesome might stop people from using them.
We found that a few respondents also reported
wanting to feel in control of their privacy and felt a
lack of freedom of expression due to the tool. The de-
sign of automated tools for social media privacy may
be challenged by trying to find a balance between ease
of use and control. This balance could be achieved by
providing flexible options for those users that require
them, but also providing easy-to-use default settings
or by automatically running the tool. Similar opin-
ions were also expressed for the non-privacy tool, so
in addition, this may be evidence of a lack of trust in
AI or automated processes to some extent. Although
not from a privacy perspective, it shows an aversion to
being controlled by technologies. This type of users
may not want their own posts to be modified by AI
technology, even for privacy reasons.
We also observed that the privacy tool for text
tended to be more negatively evaluated as unneces-
sary or ineffective, in contrast with the privacy tool
for images. This brings the question of whether the re-
spondents considered that posting images online was
more likely to result in risk of violating one’s own pri-
vacy or the privacy of others compared to text post-
ing. Nevertheless, it is difficult to say whether the
respondents who positively evaluated the privacy tool
for image have a clear definition of privacy and its im-
portance. Data protection may not be not itself an end
for them.
5.2 Privacy Concern Reasons
Respondents showed concern about malicious mech-
anisms built in the tools and of insidious intent of
the tool provider or operator. They were particularly
worried that their personal data would be collected
and stored covertly by the tool and shared among
other parties, regardless of under which condition
the tool was used. Respondents also had somewhat
vague concerns about the reliability of the tools. They
pointed out the risks of unauthorized personal data
sharing, tracking, data leaks and data security risks.
The results show that respondents were aware of
the importance of privacy protection, but this aware-
ness appeared to lead to a vague concern about pri-
vacy and security issues when using the tools. One of
the few exceptions was that respondents specifically
mentioned face recognition, although the description
in the study mentioned other types of information that
could be detected by the hypothetical tool. The design
of the interface might have led respondents to assume
that the tool only detected people’s faces in images to
protect their privacy. But images can contain other in-
formation related to privacy issues like locations and
events. Examples of these were included in the inter-
face as detected information, but were not mentioned
by the respondents. For text-based tools, there were
also many respondents who worried about privacy is-
sues such as data collection, and those who acknowl-
edged the importance of privacy protection and high-
lighted the potential risks caused by the usage of on-
line apps.
That this type of detailed responses was present
indicates that there are Japanese users who possess
a level of privacy knowledge, although they may not
SECRYPT 2024 - 21st International Conference on Security and Cryptography
be the majority. General anxiety or worry was more
common overall, which may be due to a lack of
knowledge about issues such as the existence of data
brokers in Japan, as opposed to the USA, for exam-
ple. In addition, Japanese participants may lack un-
derstanding of the way that online platforms work.
Rather, respondents showed a general uncertainty that
personal data would “probably” be used, but may not
understand in detail how.
In general, the respondents’ answers indicated that
in many cases privacy concerns and distrust were di-
rected to all kinds of apps, rather than specifically to
the tools in the survey. Respondents considered that
information security and data protection could not be
completely ensured as long as they used online ap-
plications, including social media sites. Respondents
seemed to be ambivalent about using online services
in terms of privacy risks. On the one hand, respon-
dents may not trust in the benevolence of companies
which provide general online services or in the quality
of their online applications. On the other hand, how-
ever, they may feel that they cannot avoid the use of
online services for convenience in their everyday life.
For example, when using hospital services it would
difficult for a user to avoid providing personal infor-
mation, but in those cases there is an expectation that
providing information will not cause harm and that
the data will not be shared.
Research has found that in practice, privacy pre-
serving behavior depends on the context. (Fukuta
et al., 2022) conducted an experimental survey to in-
vestigate the type of information that app users check
when selecting and downloading apps, which showed
that participants paid little attention to the disclosure
of personal information to the app developer when
selecting an app. Japanese students in the study ap-
peared to choose apps with little or no concern about
details such as what personal information they were
providing, for what purpose and whom was the de-
veloper to which the information was being provided.
These Japanese students downloaded many apps but
at the same time believed that privacy is important.
There is a possibility that this type of users might
show acceptance of a privacy tool, that even if the
tool is considered bothersome they might think it is
acceptable if it helps them with privacy awareness.
5.3 Limitations
We were specifically interested in the opinions of
Japanese social media users, who frequently make use
such platforms, who have reported being concerned
about their privacy online, and who could therefore
potentially benefit from the use of privacy tools. How-
ever, the findings among this sample may not be eas-
ily generalizable to other populations. In addition, for
the qualitative analysis we based the categorization on
privacy research conducted among a USA sample and
created new categories as a result of the information
uncovered in the Japanese responses. We found sim-
ilarities and differences with previous research, and
we do not reject the possibility that a different cod-
ing approach could reveal additional perspectives. Fi-
nally, we presented participants with a non-interactive
prototype of the tools and a brief description, and ob-
tained their opinions based on that information. The
use of a privacy tool was outside the scope of this
study, but real interaction may affect how Japanese
users perceive the benefits, disadvantages, or risks of
these tools. Future research should consider evalu-
ating privacy concerns with interactive prototypes or
actual use.
In this paper, we conducted a qualitative analysis of
responses of Japanese social media users to open-
ended questions on their opinion and privacy con-
cerns towards a privacy tool and compared them to re-
sponses towards a non-privacy tool. The results sug-
gest that respondents’ opinions were influenced by
general privacy concerns along with an overall dis-
trust of apps and providers. Although there were
some surveillance and intrusion worries due to the
nature of the privacy tool, these were not frequent,
and few respondents gave detailed reasons for their
concern. When compared to the opinions about a
non-privacy tool, we found similar results that suggest
general privacy anxiety, rather than specific concerns.
The findings suggest that among Japanese users, a pri-
vacy tool for social media content would face chal-
lenges that are the result of an attitude of general con-
cern about the privacy risks of online apps.
The second, third and fourth authors were supported
by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Numbers 20K02000,
22K02063, 23K01545.
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