Violence Detection: A Serious-Gaming Approach
Derkjan Elzinga
, Stan Ruessink
, Giuseppe Cascavilla
, Damian Tamburri
, Francesco Leotta
Massimo Mecella
and Willem-Jan Van Den Heuvel
JADS - Tilburg University, The Netherlands
JADS - Technical University Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Sapienza - University of Rome, Italy
AI, Convolutional Neural Network, Anomaly Behavior, Video Games, Cyber-Physical Space Protection.
Widespread use of IoT, like surveillance cameras, raises privacy concerns in citizens’ lives. However, limited
studies explore AI-based automatic recognition of criminal incidents due to a lack of real data, constrained by
legal and privacy regulations, preventing effective training and testing of deep learning models. To address
dataset limitations, we propose using generative technology and virtual gaming data, such as the Grand Theft
Auto (GTA-V) platform. However, it’s unclear if synthetic data accurately mirrors real-world videos for
effective deep learning model performance. This research aims to explore the potential of identifying criminal
scenarios using deep learning models based on gaming data. We propose a deep-learning violence detection
framework using virtual gaming data. The 3-stage deep learning model focuses on person identification and
violence activity recognition. We introduce a new dataset for supervised training and find virtual persons
closely resembling real-world individuals. Our research demonstrates a 15% higher accuracy in identifying
violent scenarios compared to three established real-world datasets, showcasing the effectiveness of a serious
gaming approach.
A large part of our life takes place in public spaces.
We define public spaces as circumscribed physical ar-
eas located either in the open air or municipal insti-
tutions and government buildings belonging to civic
spaces in a community (Persson et al., 2002). To guar-
antee safety in such spaces, it is essential to detect
threatening incidents proactively (Rest et al., 2014;
Cascavilla et al., 2021). The number of surveil-
lance cameras is rapidly increasing to improve se-
curity in public spaces (Flight et al., 2022). De-
spite the increase in the number of surveillance cam-
eras, their effectiveness remains questionable What
is more, manual surveillance is tedious, expensive,
and time-consuming for Law-enforcement agencies.
Therefore, a need emerges for smarter intelligence
systems - based on artificial intelligence for the ac-
tive detection of crime via surveillance cameras - to
accompany classical approaches that require a human
to monitor the multiple video screens and to identify
criminal activity (Bouma et al., 2014).
At the same time, due to the different possible per-
son movements, high dimensions of video data, dif-
ferent motion speeds, and different color videos, pre-
cise criminal incident recognition is still a challenging
task. In the past decade, several machine learning-
based methods have been developed for identifying
criminal incidents. However, these handcrafted-based
approaches are not usable in practice since perfor-
mances reduce with different camera positions and
monitoring of large groups of people. In addition, the
approaches have a large computational time and re-
quire real data from real-world scenarios, with Data
augmentation typically used to cope with limited
available data (Alex et al., 2012).
Next to these technical concerns, privacy is also
an important factor hampering training these models.
The datasets required are often restricted and unavail-
able (Paulin and Ivasic-Kos, 2023).
This paper offers another solution: to generate
data through the use of serious-gaming. A deep learn-
ing network can be trained based on virtual gaming
data. The use of virtual gaming data is altogether
a new approach. Therefore, limited data and aca-
demic literature are available on this topic. One of
Elzinga, D., Ruessink, S., Cascavilla, G., Tamburri, D., Leotta, F., Mecella, M. and Van Den Heuvel, W.
Violence Detection: A Serious-Gaming Approach.
DOI: 10.5220/0012762300003767
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT 2024), pages 163-174
ISBN: 978-989-758-709-2; ISSN: 2184-7711
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
the main concerns of the training of virtual gaming
data is whether virtual data is similar enough to the
real world to make an effective application possible.
Our work proposes a framework to train deep
learning networks for violent behavior detection (Cas-
cavilla et al., 2023) based on virtual gaming data. This
work’s contribution is twofold: (1) an extension to the
existing academic literature for the detection of crim-
inal incidents using a deep learning network and (2)
using virtual reality to train deep learning networks
that can ultimately be used in real situations. More-
over, we introduce a new self-created and curated
dataset, GTA-V Fight, that allows supervised train-
ing of deep learning network models (datasets and
code are available in the online appendix (Appendix,
2022)). For this, the following research question (RQ)
is formulated:
”How can criminal incidents be automatically de-
tected using virtual gaming data?”
To answer the research question, the following
sub-questions (sRQ) have been formulated:
To what extent can people be recognized in virtual
gaming data?
To what extent can virtual gaming data be used
to improve the training of machine learning tech-
niques on real data?
What scenario complexity is more accurately
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In
Section 2, we provide an overview of the literature
currently available online. Section 3 presents the
research methodology used to answer our research
questions. In Section 5, we illustrate our results.
While in Section 6, we discuss the outcome of our
approach and the related limitations. Finally, Section
8 concludes the paper.
For years, law enforcement (LEAs) used surveillance
cameras, relying on manual monitoring and time-
consuming video searches. In smart cities today, Ar-
tificial Intelligence (AI) transforms this process, en-
abling intelligent video surveillance to classify nor-
mal and abnormal activities for more efficient law en-
The core of these crime-fighting technologies is
video analytics, a subset of Artificial Intelligence
(AI), which helps LEAs improve initial threat assess-
ment and real-time response. In recent years, several
machine-learning (ML) methods have been developed
for video surveillance. These techniques utilize meth-
ods that analyze audio, video, and images from video
surveillance cameras to detect objects and activities
automatically. For example, algorithms have been de-
veloped to detect abandoned objects (Li et al., 2010),
theft (Chuang et al., 2009), crowd behavior (Nguyen
et al., 2005; Mahmoodi and Salajeghe, 2019) and vi-
olent activities (Oliver et al., 2000; Goya et al., 2009;
Ullah et al., 2019; Zhou et al., 2018).
Early violence detection in videos proposed using
flame and blood detection, assessing motion intensity,
and recognizing characteristic sounds (Nam J. et al.,
1998). Additionally, a suggested approach involves
joint audio-visual data representation for detecting vi-
olent scenes, emphasizing strong multi-modal cues by
statistically revealing joint patterns after combining
audio and visual features (Derbas and Qu
enot, 2014;
Zhou et al., 2018).
The key to using machine learning techniques is to
extract features that represent violent activity. Many
of these techniques can be classified into two cat-
egories: handcrafted feature-based approaches and
deep learning-based approaches.
In (Nievas et al., 2011), a fight detection system
using Bag-of-Words (BoW) framework with STIP
and SIFT descriptors achieved 90% accuracy. Simi-
larly, (Nadeem et al., 2019) used GTA-V to classify
weapon-based violence with BoVW, reaching 0.88
precision for cold weapons and 0.74 for hot weapons.
In contrast, our proposed approach focuses on human
identification and recognizing different fight events,
reaching a higher accuracy.
One approach to real-time violence detection
considers statistics of how flow-vector magnitudes
change over time by using the Violent Flows (ViF)
descriptor (Hassner et al., 2012). They obtained an
accuracy of approximately 82% and outperformed the
existing techniques by only using magnitudes of the
optical-flow fields. However, performance decreased
significantly in a non-crowd behavior dataset. The
Oriented ViF (OViF) followed (Gao et al., 2016), ob-
taining an accuracy of 88% and 87.5% for the two dif-
ferent datasets. However, these results only apply in
calm and normal situations. Using videos of crowded
scenarios, the accuracy dropped significantly.
Although many handcrafted features-based ap-
proaches have been proposed to determine violent ac-
tivities better using machine learning field, progress
still faces different challenges, including monitoring
large numbers of people and their activities, differ-
ent camera positions, complex tracking algorithms,
etc. Therefore, resorting to deep learning-based ap-
proaches is a natural option (Sargana et al., 2017).
One of the most popular types of deep neural net-
SECRYPT 2024 - 21st International Conference on Security and Cryptography
works is known as Convolutional Neural Networks
(CNN). A CNN convolves learned features with input
data and uses 2-dimensional (2D) or 3-dimensional
(3D) convolutional layers, making this architecture
well suited to process 2D or 3D data, such as im-
ages or videos. CNN eliminates the need for manual
feature extraction. This automated feature extraction
makes deep learning models highly accurate for ma-
chine learning tasks such as object or activity classifi-
CNN has demonstrated great success on various
tasks (Wu et al., 2015). Several studies have shown
that CNN has higher accuracy and better results for
various machine learning techniques, such as behav-
ior recognition and security (Sajjad et al., 2019a;
Batchuluun et al., 2017; Sajjad et al., 2019b), object
tracking and activity recognition (Ullah et al., 2018;
Lee and Kim, 2019). However, not much research
has been performed on the automatic detection of vi-
olent activities based on deep learning models. Ser-
rano et al. (Serrano et al., 2018) proposed an approach
that used Hough forests with 2D CNN to detect vio-
lent activities. The approach demonstrated superior-
ity over different handcrafted feature approaches for
this recognition task and obtained 99% accuracy. Ul-
lah et al. (Ullah et al., 2019) proposed a violence
detection system using spatiotemporal features with
3D CNN. The 3D CNN model from Ullah et al. is a
fine-tuning of the original model that was developed
in 2015 (Tran et al., 2015).
The model was able to achieve an accuracy of
98% to 99% accuracy in the detection of violent ac-
tivities. The 3D CNN approach from Ullah outper-
forms handcrafted-based approaches and state-of-the-
art deep learning approaches for different benchmark
Recently, several publications used Grand Theft
Auto-V (GTA-V) and other video game images to
train and test deep learning models. These trained
models were used for autonomous driving cars (Chen
et al., 2015; Filipowicz et al., 2017).
There are three widely used publicly available
datasets for violence detection. These are the movies
fight dataset, hockey fight dataset (Nievas et al.,
2011), and violent crowd dataset (Hassner et al.,
2012). Using these datasets means that the studies can
be compared and evaluated. A summary of the stud-
ies, including the aforementioned studies, is shown in
table 1.
As large datasets are not available to train and
evaluate deep-learning CNN technology, this study
uses virtual gaming data to solve that problem (Mar-
tinez et al., 2017). Considering the limitations of the
existing recognition techniques and inspired by the
performance of the CNN studies, this work will study
the possibility of learning a 3D CNN model to predict
violent activities accurately based on virtual gaming
Here, we outline our research methodology for ad-
dressing our specific and general research questions,
covering data collection, preparation, and our pro-
posed deep learning framework with evaluation met-
rics and experiments.
Our methodology follows the Cross Industry Stan-
dard Process for Data Mining (CRISP-DM) for devel-
oping the deep learning framework (Shearer, 2000).
We merged the data collection with the data under-
standing phase, and given the research nature of the
project, there is no deployment phase.
3.1 Data Collection and Understanding
This project aims to train a deep-learning framework
using virtual gaming data, specifically leveraging the
realism offered by GTA-V. Previous studies utilized
virtual sources like Udacity (Heylen et al., 2018), The
Open Racing Car Simulator (Chen et al., 2015), and
Half-Life (Geoffrey et al., 2007) for machine learning
model training, but they lacked realism. Academic
literature (Chen et al., 2015; Filipowicz et al., 2017),
on the other hand, demonstrated that GTA-V provides
a more realistic environment for model training, with
authentic representations of crime and violent scenar-
ios (Martinez et al., 2017). This choice enables data
collection without real-world constraints and allows
diverse scenario testing, reflecting the complexity of
the real world.
GTA-V Fight Dataset: This paper collected a GTA-
V Fight dataset for people fight pose estimation by ex-
ploiting the realistic video game GTA-V. The videos
were collected from YouTube videos and self-created
videos from the video game. The collected videos
represent different types of scenes and scenarios. For
example, the videos feature different body poses,
in several scenarios at varying conditions and view-
points. The use of different videos ensures that no in-
troduction biases arise for particular scenes or behav-
iors. The videos in the dataset were labeled as fight
and non-fight. A number of examples are shown in
Fig. 1. The videos were stored as MP4 files. We de-
cided to use recordings of GTA-V due to the fact that
PlayStation did not allow us to use the PlayStation
development platform for scientific purposes.
Violence Detection: A Serious-Gaming Approach
Table 1: Summary of violence detection methods tested on the three well-known datasets: movies fight dataset, hockey fight
dataset, and violence crowd dataset.
Datasets Accuracies (%)
Hockey fight
Violent crowd
STIP, SIFT, BoW (Nievas et al., 2011) - 87.5 88
ViF (Hassner et al., 2012) - 82.9 81.3
OViF,AdaBoost,SVM (Gao et al., 2016) - 87.5 88
Motion Blobs, Random Forests (Gracia et al., 2015) 97.7 79.3 -
Fisher vectors (Bilinski and Br
emond, 2016) 99.5 93.7 96.4
sHOT (Rabiee et al., 2018) - - 82.2
Hough Forests, 2D CNN (Serrano et al., 2018) 99 94.6 -
3D CNN (Ullah et al., 2019) 99.9 96 98
Figure 1: Examples randomly selected from the GTA-V
Fight dataset exhibiting its variety in viewpoints, scenarios
and number of people.
The dataset contains 250 short videos with differ-
ent durations. In the dataset, 125 videos are labeled
as fight and 125 videos as non-fight. The videos have
an average resolution of 1280x720 pixels and a frame
rate of 25 frames per second.
Evaluation Datasets: The results of the GTA-V
fight dataset were assessed by comparing them with
three well-studied datasets for violence recognition.
The first dataset is the movie fight dataset. The
movie fight dataset was introduced in (Nievas et al.,
2011) and was designed for assessing fight detec-
tion. The dataset consists of 200 videos in which
person-on-person fight videos were extracted from
action movies. The videos have an average resolu-
tion of 360x250 pixels and a frame rate of 25 frames
per second. The second dataset is the hockey fight
dataset. This dataset was also introduced in (Nievas
et al., 2011) for assessing fight detection. The hockey
fight dataset consists of 1000 videos of action from
hockey games of the National Hockey League. The
dataset was divided into two groups, 500 fight videos
and 500 non-fight videos. The videos have a resolu-
tion of 360x288 pixels and a frame rate of 25 frames
per second. The non-fight videos are also related to
the hockey ground environment. The third dataset is
the violent crowd dataset. The violent crowd dataset
was introduced in (Hassner et al., 2012) and was de-
signed for violence detection and violence classifica-
tion tasks. This dataset contains 246 videos taken
from YouTube, divided into two categories: 123 vi-
Figure 2: A number of examples frames randomly selected
from: (1) movies fight dataset, (2) hockey fight dataset and
(3) violent crowd dataset.
olent videos and 123 non-violent videos. The videos
have a resolution of 320x240 pixels and an average
frame rate of 25 frames per second. A number of ex-
ample frames of these datasets are shown in Fig. 2.
A detailed description of the datasets is given in
table 2. Table 2 contains the number of total videos
in the dataset, the number of violent and non-violent
videos, the resolution of the videos, and the frame rate
of the videos. All videos and data are packaged and
are publicly available on the GitHub page
3.2 Data Preparation
The raw GTA-V Fight dataset was pre-processed to
be used for training and testing purposes. The pre-
processing steps consisted of image extraction, var-
ious data augmentation techniques, and splitting up
the dataset. In the following, we provide a detailed
description of the preprocessing steps.
Image Extraction: The input layer of the 3D CNN
network expects sequence of frames as inputs. The
GTA-V Fight dataset consists of videos and must
therefore be converted into sequences of frames. The
frames of each video are extracted with a rate of 25
frames per second. Then the video frames are resized
SECRYPT 2024 - 21st International Conference on Security and Cryptography
Table 2: Detailed description of the used datasets.
Datasets Videos Resolution
Violent Scenes Non – Violent Scenes
# Videos Frame rate # Videos Frame Rate
GTA-V 250 1280x720 125 25 125 25
Movies Fight 200 320x250 100 25 100 29.97
Hockey Fight 1000 360x288 500 25 500 25
Violent Crowd 246 320x240 123 25 123 25
Table 3: Parameters traditional data augmentation.
shift range
shift range
40 True 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 Nearest
into 112x112 pixels. The next step is to convert the
frames of each video to sequences of 16 frames. Dur-
ing the generation of these sequences is taken into
account an 8-frame overlap between two sequences.
The main advantage is that there is less information
loss between two sequences. In addition, more se-
quence data has been generated, which leads to more
data regularization.
Data Augmentation: Data augmentation is applied
on the sequences of frames to regularize the data
and to prevent overfitting in the model. Two differ-
ent data augmentation techniques have been applied
to the data: a mix of seven traditional augmenta-
tion techniques and style augmentation. Style aug-
mentation is a new form of augmentation technique
and Jackson et al. (Jackson et al., 2018) have shown
that a combination of traditional augmentation tech-
niques and style improve network performance. Hy-
perparameter search has determined the optimal val-
ues for the ratio of unaugmented to augmented im-
ages and the strength of the style transformer. A ra-
tio of 2:1 appears to be optimal. For both augmen-
tation techniques, the same data augmentation tech-
nique has been applied to all images in one sequence.
As a result, the images in a sequence contain the same
data augmentation transformation, and the images be-
tween sequences contain different data augmentation
The Keras ImageDataGenerator was applied for
the mix of seven traditional data augmentation tech-
niques. The traditional augmentation techniques con-
sist of horizontal flipping, rotations, zooming, eras-
ing, shearing, conversion to grayscale and random
perturbations of hue, saturation, brightness and con-
trast. The preprocessing parameters are randomly
chosen and are shown in table 3.
Style augmentation is a new form of data aug-
mentation based on a random style transformer. Style
augmentation randomizes texture, contrast and color,
while preserving the shape and semantic content.
Jackson et al. (Jackson et al., 2018) style augmenter
was used to apply style augmentation. A number of
examples to which style augmentation was applied to
a random frame of the GTA-V Fight dataset are shown
in Fig. 3.
Figure 3: Style augmentation applied to a frame of the
GTA-V Fight dataset. The original frame is shown on the
top left.
Dataset Preparation: Ultimately, all GTA-V Fight
video data was split into sequences of 16 frames with
an eight frame overlap between the frames. Next, the
sequence data was divided into three splits: a train-
ing set (75%), a validation set (12.5%), and a test set
(12.5%). A stratified split was applied to ensure the
same distribution of the data over the number of oc-
currences of violent situations in the dataset. When
splitting the sequence data, it was taken into account
that sequences from the same video were in the same
3.3 Modeling
In general, violence detection models can be clas-
sified into two machine learning techniques: hand-
crafted feature-based approaches and deep learning-
based approaches. The handcrafted features approach
is based on the expert-designed feature detectors and
descriptors. However, handcrafted feature-based ap-
proaches are not used in practice due to performance
reduction related to the usage of different camera
positions and monitoring of large groups of people.
Hence deep, learning-based approaches is a natural
As already discussed a small number of studies
Violence Detection: A Serious-Gaming Approach
have been done in automatic recognizing violent ac-
tivities based on deep learning models due to the
shortage of data available and the legal and privacy
regulations. To avoid this problem, we investigated a
deep learning model that was trained on virtual gam-
ing data.
Inspired by Ullah’s research results and the possi-
bility of comparing the results with other studies on
the three evaluation datasets, we decided to use the
deep learning framework proposed in (Ullah et al.,
3.4 Deep Learning Framework
The proposed deep learning framework is based on
the three-staged end-to-end framework of Ullah’s re-
search (Ullah et al., 2019). The deep learning frame-
work will be divided into two parts: person identifi-
cation and violence activity identification. The first
part of the framework is to identify persons from the
input surveillance videos. A MobileNet-SSD CNN
model performs person identification. When a per-
son is identified, the images are passed to a 3D CNN
model. The second part of the framework is to iden-
tify violence scenarios. This model is trained on vir-
tual gaming data and extracts spatiotemporal features.
These features are fed to the Softmax output layer of
the model and predict whether or not there is a vio-
lent scene in the video. This part of the framework
can determine to what extent virtual gaming data can
be used to improve the training of machine learning
techniques on real data. A visual representation of the
deep learning framework is shown in figure 6 avail-
able in the online appendix (Appendix, 2022).
3.5 Person Identification
The incoming surveillance sequences were first as-
sessed by a MobileNet-SSD CNN model (Howard
et al., 2017). This model was originally designed
for object detection, fine-grain classification, face at-
tributes, and large-scale geolocation. In this paper, the
model from (Howard et al., 2017) is used for person
identification. If people were identified in the input
surveillance sequences, these sequences with person
identification were forwarded to the 3D CNN Net-
work. So only the videos in which people occur were
forwarded to the 3D CNN Network and not the videos
in which no people occur. This means that the 3D
CNN Network does not have to process unimportant
sequence frames. The results of Ullah’s study (Ullah
et al., 2019) showed that this MobileNet-SSD CNN
model helps the system optimize latency and size.
MobileNets are built primarily from depthwise sep-
arable convolutions to detect objects instead of regu-
lar convolutions. The MobileNet provided the classi-
fication of the input sequences and the SSD version
was used to locate the multibox detector. Together
MobileNet and MobileNet-SSD performed the person
identification. Some examples of person identifica-
tion in the GTA-V Fight dataset are shown in Fig. 4.
3.6 Violence Identification
Inspired by the performance of Ullah’s (Ullah et al.,
2019) network, we decided to use his 3D CNN net-
work to determine the performance of the newly cre-
ated GTA-V dataset. The network consists of eight
convolutional layers, ve pooling layers, two fully
connected layers, and a Softmax output layer. The
network architecture is shown in Fig. 6. Each convo-
lutional layer has 3x3x3 kernel size with stride 1x1x1.
All pooling layers have 2x2x2 kernel size with stride
2x2x2 except for the first pooling layer with a kernel
size of 1x2x2 and stride 1x2x2. The number of fil-
ters for each convolutional layer differs per layer. The
first and second convolutional layers have 64 filters,
the third and fourth convolutional layers have 128 fil-
ters, the fifth and sixth convolutional layers have 256
filters and the other convolutional layers have 512 fil-
ters. Stochastic gradient descent with a mini-batch
size of 16 was used to update the parameters, with
a learning rate of 0.001. Dropout was used in the
fully connected layers with a rate of 0.5. Each fully
connected layer has 4096 output units. The Soft-
max layer contains two outputs because there were
two classes in the dataset: fight and non-fight sce-
narios. The model was trained for over 40 epochs.
Initially, the 3D CNN network received a sequence
of 16 frames as an input size of 1280x720 pixels.
To avoid overfitting and achieve effective learning,
all frames from the original input sequence were re-
sized to crops of 3x16x112x112. Then the sequence
of frames passed through the network and the net-
work acted as a generic feature extractor. The net-
work learned to extract features while training. The
convolutional layers were made up of a bank of filters
whose weights were learned during the training. The
pooling and fully connected layers were employed to
reduce the learned number of parameters and the size
of the image feature descriptor. In fact, all layers
generated image feature descriptors for a sequence of
frames inputs can be classified by the Softmax layer
of the 3D CNN network. Generally, the top activation
layers contain larger receptive fields that learn high
level and global features, while the bottom activation
layers contain smaller receptive fields that are more
sensitive towards patterns, such as shapes, edges and
SECRYPT 2024 - 21st International Conference on Security and Cryptography
Figure 4: A number of example frames of the GTA-V Fight dataset to which person identification is applied using MobileNet-
SSD CNN model.
corners. At the end of the network, the Softmax layer
will predict an output label as a fight or non-fight.
We performed several experiments with the aim of
learning a 3D CNN model to predict violent activities
based on video gaming data. This section provides an
overview of the experiments and the order in which
they were performed.
4.1 Experiments
The first experiment investigated whether people can
be recognized in the GTA-V dataset. To perform
this experiment, the MobileNet-SSD CNN model was
used for person identification. The model was also
performed on the three evaluation datasets. Next,
the performance of the GTA-V dataset was compared
with the performance of the evaluation datasets to de-
termine to what extent people in virtual gaming data
are realistic. All videos of the datasets contained peo-
The second part of the experiment was to train the
3D CNN model on the GTA-V Fight dataset. Then,
the model was tested on the GTA-V Fight dataset.
Than the performance of the model have been com-
pared with the performances of the model of the three
evaluation datasets (Ullah et al., 2019).
The third part of the experiment involved training
the 3D CNN model on the GTA-V Fight dataset. The
best-performed model was then tested on the three
evaluation datasets. The results of this part of the ex-
periment can help us determine how generalizable the
trained model is on other datasets.
4.2 Evaluation Metrics
As described above, the first experiment determined
how many people were identified in the different
datasets. To determine how often people were identi-
fied in the scenarios, we used the accuracy metrics for
evaluation. Accuracy is the proportion of true results
among the total number of videos examined. Since all
videos in the datasets contain persons, the accuracy
is suitable for comparing the results of the different
For the second and third experiment, the dataset
was split into a train (75%), validation (12.5%), and
test (12.5%) dataset. The trained 3D CNN model can
be used to give a prediction of the label of every item
in the test dataset. Subsequently, the predicted label
can be compared with the actual label. A confusion
matrix is suitable for comparing predicted values with
the actual values. The confusion matrix contains the
following variables:
True Positives (TP): The predicted label is pos-
itive and the actual label is true.
False Positives (FP): The predicted label is
positive and the actual label is false.
True Negatives (TN): The predicted label is
negative and the actual label is false.
False Negatives (FN): The predicted label is
negative and the actual label true.
Due to these confusion matrix variables, differ-
ent performance metrics can be calculated to assist in
evaluating the performance of the model. Since this
model had a binary classification task, the following
performance metrics have been used to evaluate the
experiments performed:
1. Accuracy
The proportion of the total number of predictions
that were correct.
Accuracy =
T P + T N
T P + FP + T N + FN
2. Precision
The proportion of positive cases that were cor-
rectly identified.
Precision =
T P + FP
3. Recall
The proportion of actual positive cases that were
correctly identified.
Recall =
T P + FN
Violence Detection: A Serious-Gaming Approach
4. AUC - ROC Curve
AUC - ROC curve is a performance measurement
for classification problems. ROC is a probabil-
ity curve and AUC represents the degree or mea-
sure of separability. It tells how much the 3D
CNN model is capable of distinguishing between
classes. The ROC curve is plotted with True Pos-
itive Rate (TPR), also called recall, against the
False Positive Rate (FPR) where TPR is on the
y-axis and FPR is on the x-axis.
T N + FP
After the pre-processing steps, the dataset contained
4988 sequences of 16 frames. The input sequences
consisted of 2458 fight labels and 2530 non-fight la-
bels. Three experiments are conducted to evaluate the
performance of the proposed method to detect violent
activity. The first experiment used the MobileNet-
SSD CNN network to identify people in the GTA-V
fight dataset and evaluation datasets. The accuracy of
identifying a person in a video per dataset is shown
in table 4. In the experiment, approximately 96% of
the videos in the GTA-V Fight dataset were people
identified. This means that in only 4% of the input
videos, no people were identified, while the videos
contained people. In the movies fight dataset, vio-
lent crowd dataset and the hockey fight dataset, peo-
ple were identified by the network with an accuracy
of 98%, 88.2% and 80.9%, respectively. Compared to
the accuracy of the GTA-V Fight dataset, this means
that the network identified people more often in the
virtual gaming dataset than in the realistic hockey
fight dataset and violence in the crowd dataset.
Table 4: Accuracy percentage of the MobileNet-SSD CNN
model on the used datasets.
Dataset Accuracy person identified (%)
GTA-V Fight dataset 95.6
Movies fight dataset 98.0
Violent crowd dataset 88.2
Hockey fight dataset 80.9
The second experiment trained the 3D CNN
model on the GTA-V fight dataset. Next, the trained
model was tested on the GTA-V fight dataset. The
results of the experiment are shown in table 5. The
trained 3D CNN model scored a performance of 89%
accuracy in identifying violence on the GTA-V Fight
dataset. The table also shows the performances of
the model on the three evaluation datasets. In this
case, the model is both trained and tested on the
same dataset. The performances of the three evalu-
ation datasets are known from Ullah’s (Ullah et al.,
2019) research. When the model was trained on the
movies fight dataset, the model had a performance
of 99.9% accuracy in identifying violence on its own
dataset. The violence crowd and hockey fight dataset
had an accuracy of 98% and 96%, respectively. Table
5 shows that the GTA-V Fight dataset has approxi-
mately an 8% lower accuracy in violent activity iden-
tification compared to the three evaluation datasets.
Table 5: Accuracy percentage of the 3D CNN model on the
used datasets.
Accuracy violence activity
identified (%)
GTA-V Fight dataset 89 0.962
Movies fight dataset 99.9 0.997
Violent crowd dataset 98 0.980
Hockey fight dataset 96 0.970
The Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC)
curve of the GTA-V Fight dataset is shown in Fig. 5.
The ROC curve is constructed by plotting the true
positive rate against the false-positive rate. The figure
is zoomed-in because all true positive rates below 0.4
had a false positive rate of approximately 0, and all
false positives above 0.4 had a true position rate of ap-
proximately 1. The figure shows that the curve bends
to the top-left corner. Further, the performance of
the 3D CNN model on the GTA-V Fight dataset was
determined by calculating the precision, recall and
Area Under Curve (AUC). The precision and recall
with AUC values are shown in table 6. The perfor-
mance values of the three evaluation datasets are de-
rived from Ullah’s research (Ullah et al., 2019). The
GTA-V Fight dataset had a precision value of 0.841.
This means that of all input sequences classified as
violence, 84% of these sequences were actually vio-
lent situations. The precision value of the evaluation
datasets is about 10% higher. The recall value of the
GTA-V fight dataset is 0.948 and is slightly lower than
the recall value of the evaluation datasets. The recall
value means that, of all input sequences that were ac-
tually violence, 95% of these sequences were classi-
fied as violence. The last column of table 6 shows the
AUC values. The GTA-V fight dataset had an AUC
value of 0.962 and is approximately equal to the AUC
value of the evaluation datasets.
Table 6: Precision, Recall, and AUC values of the used
Dataset Precision Recall AUC
GTA-V Fight dataset 0.841 0.948 0.962
Movies fight dataset 1.0 1.0 0.997
Violent crowd dataset 0.982 0.988 0.980
Hockey fight dataset 0.960 0.967 0.970
SECRYPT 2024 - 21st International Conference on Security and Cryptography
Table 7: Accuracy percentage of the 3D CNN model on the used datasets.
Trained model Tested models accuracy (%)
Movies Fight Violent Crowd Hockey Fight
GTA-V Fight dataset 65 68 72
Movies fight dataset - 54 63
Violence crowd dataset 65 - 47
Hockey fight dataset 49 52 -
Figure 5: ROC curve on GTA-V Fight dataset.
The third experiment was to test the best trained
3D CNN model, based on GTA-V Fight dataset, on
the three evaluation datasets. The results of this ex-
periment are shown in table 7. In Ullah’s research,
the proposed 3D CNN model was also trained on one
of the evaluation datasets and tested on the other two
evaluation datasets. When we trained the model on
the GTA-V Fight dataset and tested on the evalua-
tion datasets, we had an accuracy of 65%, 68% and
72%, respectively. The trained model had higher ac-
curacy in the identification of violent activities in the
hockey fight dataset compared to the violence crowd
dataset. In addition, the accuracy percentages of the
model were lower if it was trained by an evaluation
dataset and subsequently tested on other evaluation
datasets. The evaluation datasets had an average ac-
curacy value of 55%, while the model based on the
GTA-V Fight dataset had an average accuracy value
of approximately 70%.
This research proposed a framework to train a deep
learning violent detection network using virtual gam-
ing data. The virtual gaming dataset is a newly
created dataset based on collected and self-created
GTA-V videos. The proposed framework is based
on a three-staged end-to-end framework (Ullah et al.,
2019). This allowed us to compare and evaluate
their results with the performance of the GTA-V Fight
dataset. First, it was examined whether the virtual
persons were similar enough to persons in the real
world. Second, it was examined to what extent video
gaming data can be used to improve the training in
virtual gaming data. Measuring these two aspects of
the deep learning framework makes it possible to ad-
dress our sRQs.
To What Extent Can People Be Recognized in Vir-
tual Gaming Data? In this research, a MobileNet-
SSD CNN network was used for person identification.
The network had an accuracy of 95.6% in identifying
persons in the GTA-V Fight dataset. When this accu-
racy rate was compared with the accuracy percentages
of the evaluation datasets, the accuracy of the virtual
gaming dataset was equivalent or higher. This means
that the network identified persons as often or more
in the virtual gaming dataset than in the realistic eval-
uation datasets. This result is consistent with other
studies on virtual to real transfer learning (Bak et al.,
2018; Karttunen et al., 2019; Hoffmann et al., 2019).
We can therefore answer our first RQ claiming that
persons from GTA-V are just as realistic as persons in
the real world.
To What Extent Can Virtual Gaming Data Be
Used to Improve the Training of Machine Learn-
ing Techniques on Real Data? The second part of
the deep learning framework contained a 3D CNN
model to identify violent scenarios. The model was
trained on virtual gaming data. When the trained
model was tested on the GTA-V dataset, it had an
accuracy of 89%. The dataset had an 8% lower ac-
curacy in violent activity identification compared to
the evaluation datasets. A possible explanation for
this difference is the difficulty of the datasets. In the
evaluation datasets, the non-violent scenarios are very
clear, while the GTA-V dataset contains scenes that
resemble violent situations. However, the classifica-
tion accuracy is typically not enough information to
measure the performance of the 3D CNN model.In
addition, it is essential to look at other evaluation met-
rics, such as the recall and precision metrics (see ta-
ble 6). The goal of this product is for the right actor
to be alerted if a violent situation occurs. For exam-
ple, if a brawl occurs, the police need to intervene.
Therefore, there must be as few false negatives as pos-
sible, so this means a high recall value. The recall
value of the GTA-V fight dataset was approximately
95% and corresponds to the evaluation datasets’ re-
Violence Detection: A Serious-Gaming Approach
sults. Of all input sequences that were actually vio-
lence, 95% of these sequences were classified as vi-
olence. To get a more interpretable assessment, it is
also essential to look at the precision metric of the
model. The police do not have to be alerted con-
tinuously, while there is no violent situation. This
means that the number of false positives must be as
low as possible, so a high precision value. The GTA-
V dataset had a precision value of 84%. The precision
value of the evaluation datasets is about 10% higher.
Of all input sequences classified as violence, 84% of
these sequences were actually violent situations. This
means that the model trained on the GTA-V dataset is
less good at classifying non-violent situations than the
evaluation datasets. Both evaluation metrics showed
the performance of the model that has been trained
and tested on its own dataset. However, the aim of
this research was to investigate how generalizable a
model is that was trained on virtual gaming data and
tested in the real world.
Therefore, in the third experiment the best trained
3D CNN model, based on the GTA-V Fight dataset,
was tested on the three evaluation datasets (see table
7). The performance of the GTA-V dataset model
was compared with research also based on the three
datasets (Ullah et al., 2019). The GTA-V trained
model had an average accuracy of approximately
70%, while the evaluation datasets had an average
accuracy value of 55%. This means that the virtual
gaming dataset is generalizable compared to a model
trained on the evaluation datasets. The virtual gaming
dataset had an average 15% higher accuracy than the
evaluation datasets. Therefore, virtual gaming data is
a solution to improve the training of machine learning
techniques on real data.
What Scenario Complexity Is More Accurately
Identifiable? The third experiment also focused on
the performance of the datasets separately. When the
models were trained on their own dataset and subse-
quently tested on the violence in movies dataset, the
GTA-V dataset was about as good at classifying vio-
lence. However, if the datasets were trained on their
own datasets and then tested on the violent crowd
and hockey fight dataset, it is striking that the GTA-
V dataset had an 20% higher accuracy. An explana-
tion is the latter two contain more persons in the video
clips. This makes that the model trained on the virtual
gaming dataset can identify videos with few persons
in a brawl about as well or slightly better than models
trained on real-world datasets. In addition, the trained
virtual gaming model is better at identifying violent
scenarios with many persons than models trained on
real-world datasets. This result answered our third
sub-question. The the model trained on the virtual
gaming dataset is better at identifying complex vio-
lent situations than existing models in the real world.
Since this technique is relatively new, no further
results on the generalizability of virtual gaming data
models in violent scenarios were found. In addition,
a striking observation is that within the field of iden-
tification of violent situations automatically, models
are mainly trained and tested on the same datasets.
For example, of the eight studies on violence detec-
tion methods in table 1, only one study (Ullah et al.,
2019) published their generalizability of the model on
the various evaluation datasets. The other studies only
published the performance of the model where the
model is trained and tested on the same dataset. In
itself, these results about the performance of a model
are interesting, but this concludes nothing about the
generalization of the model in the real world. These
models are only useful and can be deployed in the real
world if they are generalizable enough.
We can conclude our discussion by answering to
our main RQ:
“How Can Criminal Incidents Be Automatically
Detected Using Virtual Gaming Data?”.
We demonstrated through our experiments virtual
gaming data can be extremely useful to train mod-
els to detect criminal behaviours and incidents. The
proposed deep learning framework showed an aver-
age 15% higher accuracy than real world datasets. In
addition, the GTA-V dataset was much better at iden-
tifying violence in complex busy situations than the
evaluation datasets. The performances of the experi-
ments show that video gaming data can offer an alter-
native way to compile large datasets for direct training
or augmenting real-world datasets.
Our research replicated Ullah’s framework to com-
pare GTA-V dataset results. Constraints included re-
sizing all images to 112x112 pixels for the 3D CNN
model input. This fixed size minimizes deforma-
tion, improving classification accuracy. Evaluation
datasets with 320x250-pixel frames limit informa-
tion loss, close to the 3D CNN model’s input res-
olution. Original GTA-V frames (1280x720 pixels)
may result in higher accuracy due to potential infor-
mation preservation. The second constraint involves
using Ullah’s research’s input sequence length, set at
16 for comparison. This parameter significantly im-
pacts model effectiveness; a length of 16 may be chal-
lenging to train due to information overload, while a
length of 4 can lead to overfitting. An optimal choice,
like a length of 8, may enhance accuracy in video-
SECRYPT 2024 - 21st International Conference on Security and Cryptography
based identification. Another limitation is that the
GTA-V Fight videos are mainly focused on a surveil-
lance camera perspective. The videos were viewed at
a fixed-site high-angle from above.
Finally, the trained framework is limited to the
movements of GTA-V characters. The model’s per-
formance can possibly increase if the movements of
people from other video games are also used.
In this research, we proposed a violence prediction
framework using virtual gaming data and introduced
a new dataset, GTA-V Fight, for training deep learn-
ing models. Furthermore, virtual persons closely re-
sembled real-world individuals. The person identi-
fication network performed as well or better on vir-
tual data than realistic datasets. In addition, violence
detection, though 8% less accurate on virtual data,
demonstrated a 15% higher average accuracy com-
pared to real-world datasets. The GTA-V dataset ex-
celled in identifying violence in complex situations.
These findings suggest video gaming data as an alter-
native for large, diverse datasets in training or aug-
menting real-world models.
Future work may be performed to improve the
methodological limitations mentioned above. This
means that research can be done into adjusting the
input size of the frames and the length of the input
sequences, as these variables can positively influence
the performance of the model (Hashemi, 2019; Li
et al., 2019).
The model in this study was trained using only
virtual gaming data. It was found that combining
real images with synthetically generated ones im-
proves performance in the case of object recognition
(Movshovitz-Attias et al., 2016). Future studies may
investigate whether a mix of the evaluation datasets
and the virtual gaming data can improve the current
performance of the violence identification framework.
Finally, this research is the first step in using vir-
tual gaming data to identify criminal incidents. Var-
ious models have already been developed for identi-
fying criminal activities (see table 1). In the future,
we intend to train existing models with virtual gam-
ing data to compare the performance. The code our
approach and a sample dataset of GTA-V violent and
non-violent videos is available in the online appendix
(Appendix, 2022).
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