Investigating the Quality of AI-Generated Distractors
for a Multiple-Choice Vocabulary Test
Wojciech Malec
Institute of Linguistics, John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Al. Racławickie, Lublin, Poland
Keywords: AI-Generated Items, ChatGPT, Vocabulary Assessment, Multiple-Choice Testing, Distractor Analysis.
Abstract: This paper reports the findings of a study into the effectiveness of distractors generated for a multiple-choice
vocabulary test. The distractors were created by OpenAI’s ChatGPT (the free version 3.5) and used for the
construction of a vocabulary test administered to 142 students learning English as a foreign language at the
advanced level. Quantitative analysis revealed that the test had relatively low reliability, and some of its items
had very ineffective distractors. When examined qualitatively, certain items were likewise found to have an
ill-matched set of options. Moreover, follow-up queries failed to correct the original errors and produce more
appropriate distractors. The results of this study indicate that although the use of artificial intelligence has an
unquestionably positive impact on test practicality, ChatGPT-generated multiple-choice items cannot yet be
used in operational settings without human moderation.
The recent advances in Artificial Intelligence (AI)
have opened up new possibilities for education,
resulting in the provision of powerful technologies to
support both students and teachers (Holmes, Bialik,
& Fadel, 2019). Specific examples of AI applications
include personalization of education through
intelligent tutoring systems (Arslan, Yildirim, Bisen,
& Yildirim, 2021), development of practice quizzes
for test preparation (Sullivan, Kelly, & McLaughlan,
2023), automated essay scoring (Gardner, O’Leary, &
Yuan, 2021), chatting robots and intelligent virtual
reality (Pokrivcakova, 2019), and many others. The
latest technological innovations have also affected
language learning and teaching, where AI-powered
tools can offer assistance in designing learning
materials, creating classroom activities, developing
assessment tasks (including narrative writing
prompts), levelling texts for reading practice, and
providing personalized feedback (Bonner, Lege, &
Frazier, 2023).
One of the most widely recognized recent
implementations of artificial intelligence is OpenAI’s
Generative Pretrained Transformer (GPT), known as
ChatGPT. As a large language model (LLM),
ChatGPT is capable of performing natural language
processing (NLP) tasks, such as text interpretation
and generation. For example, it has been successfully
used to generate stories for reading comprehension,
and these were found to be very similar to human-
authored passages in terms of coherence,
appropriateness, and readability (Bezirhan & von
Davier, 2023). The GPT-3 model has also been
reported in Attali et al. (2022) as a text generator for
reading comprehension assessments.
Specifically in testing and assessment, ChatGPT
has been utilized for automatic item generation
(AIG), thanks to the fact that it “can generate novel
and diverse items by leveraging its ability to
understand and generate natural language” (Franco &
de Francisco Carvalho, 2023, p. 6). Generally
speaking, AIG can rely either on structured inputs
(template-based methods) or on unstructured inputs
(non-template-based methods) (Circi, Hicks, &
Sikali, 2023). In the latter case, AIG draws on NLP
techniques, which means that the application of
ChatGPT to item writing can be acknowledged as
being a type of AIG (Kıyak, Coşkun, Budakoğlu, &
Uluoğlu, 2024).
ChatGPT has been used to generate items for
content-area assessments (e.g. Kumar, Nayak,
Shenoy K, Goyal, & Chaitanya, 2023; Kıyak et al.,
Malec, W.
Investigating the Quality of AI-Generated Distractors for a Multiple-Choice Vocabulary Test.
DOI: 10.5220/0012762400003693
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2024) - Volume 1, pages 836-843
ISBN: 978-989-758-697-2; ISSN: 2184-5026
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
2024), reading comprehension (Attali et al., 2022;
Sayin & Gierl, 2024), as well as assessments of
specific components of language ability, such as
vocabulary (Attali et al., 2022). The item format that
has been predominantly, though not exclusively, used
in these assessments is multiple choice.
However, challenges still exist in ensuring the
appropriateness of AI-generated items. More
precisely, while examination of the psychometric
properties of test items is mandatory for operational
purposes, AI-generated items reported in the
literature have not always undergone the necessary
evaluation, as pointed out by Circi et al. (2023, p. 4).
This paper thus contributes to the debate on the
quality of AI-generated test items, in the context of
vocabulary assessment, by reporting the
psychometric characteristics of multiple-choice items
administered to a group of students learning English
as a foreign language.
Despite many of its shortcomings (such as lack of
authenticity and susceptibility to guessing), multiple
choice (MC) is still arguably the most popular item
format in educational assessment (Parkes &
Zimmaro, 2016), including language testing. MC
items can be found in large standardized tests (e.g. the
Test of English as a Foreign Language, TOEFL; the
Test of English for International Communication,
TOEIC; the French-language proficiency test, TFI),
well-known vocabulary measures (e.g. the
Vocabulary Size Test of Nation & Beglar, 2007), as
well as informal practice quizzes for language
learners, such as those created using Quizlet
( or Quizizz (
The greatest advantage of MC items is that they
are easy to score and administer. Moreover, given that
there can be only one correct answer for an item,
problems with inter- or intra-rater reliability are
avoided (Hoshino, 2013), which is not the case with
constructed-response items, where raters are likely to
disagree on the acceptability of the responses. On the
other hand, good quality MC items are difficult to
develop (see below).
Although various MC formats have been used to
test vocabulary, there is a general consensus that
testing words in context contributes to the
authenticity of assessment, and the required context
may actually be limited to a single sentence (Read,
2000). This means that a multiple-choice vocabulary
item can be constructed by presenting the target word
in a context sentence (the stem), replacing this word
with a gap, and then providing the word as one of the
options (the key). In addition to that, some other
words are given as incorrect options (called
It is worth adding that the optimal number of MC
options is three (e.g. Bruno & Dirkzwager, 1995;
Rodriguez, 2005) and constructing extra distractors is
not an appropriate way of increasing the quality of
MC items (Papenberg & Musch, 2017). The reason
for this is that even in well-developed tests additional
distractors do not usually function as expected, i.e.
they may be (1) rarely selected, (2) non-
discriminating, and/or (3) more attractive to high
scorers than to low scorers (Haladyna & Rodriguez,
2013). It must be admitted, however, that in language
testing four-option MC items are still very popular.
2.1 Distractor Development
Some of the MC item-writing guidelines available in
the literature (e.g. Haladyna & Downing, 1989;
Haladyna, Downing, & Rodriguez, 2002) refer to the
distractors, which must be plausible but plainly
incorrect. In fact, the writing of plausible (but
indisputably wrong) distractors constitutes the
greatest challenge associated with MC item
development. One way of obtaining distractors for
MC items is through analysing common wrong
answers from gap-filling items (e.g. March, Perrett, &
Hubbard, 2021). The problem with this approach is
that, when assessing new material in classroom
contexts, the teacher may not always be able to afford
the time to test the same content domain twice.
The item-writing guidelines which are
particularly relevant to the key and distractors in
assessments of vocabulary can be summarized as
follows (cf. Fulcher, 2010): (1) all the options should
belong to the same word class, (2) the distractors and
the key should have similar grammatical properties,
and (3) the distractors and the key should be similar
The third guideline may not always be advisable.
For example, when constructing ‘closest-in-meaning’
vocabulary questions, as used in TOEFL, it may be
useful to avoid distractors which are semantically
similar to the correct answer (Susanti, Tokunaga,
Nishikawa, & Obari, 2018). On the other hand, some
degree of semantic relatedness may well be an
essential feature of distractors in vocabulary depth
tests employing synonym tasks (Ludewig, Schwerter,
& McElvany, 2023).
When words are tested in sentential context,
semantic relatedness between the options may or may
not be a desired selection criterion. By way of
Investigating the Quality of AI-Generated Distractors for a Multiple-Choice Vocabulary Test
illustration, the options in (1) are all semantically
related (the key is given in square brackets):
(1) It [says] in the paper that they haven’t
identified the robber yet.
Distractor 1: speaks
Distractor 2: tells
Despite the obvious semantic similarity, both
distractors seem to be acceptable because none of
them can be used to correctly complete the context
sentence. By contrast, this is not the case with one of
the distractors in (2) below:
(2) It’s the kind of tune that sticks in your [mind].
Distractor 1: brain
Distractor 2: head
In this example, the second distractor, even though
arguably not as appropriate as the key, is not
completely ruled out since the collocation stick in
your head can be found in English language corpora,
such as the British National Corpus (BNC).
In the study reported below, semantic similarity
was one of the criteria for distractor selection.
However, this was not a necessary condition as
distractors were supposed to be highly plausible, yet
plainly wrong in the contexts given.
2.2 MC Item Analysis
MC item analysis essentially boils down to inspecting
the performance of the options. Various methods of
detecting badly-performing options can be found in
the literature (Malec & Krzemińska-Adamek, 2020).
The analysis typically begins by examining the
frequencies (or proportions) of option choices.
Specifically, if any of the options is selected by fewer
than 5% of the test takers, this option is unlikely to be
useful (Haladyna & Downing, 1993). Options which
satisfy the frequency criterion can be further analyzed
with a view to finding out whether they are more
attractive to high scorers or to low scorers. Generally
speaking, the correct answer should attract high
scorers, whereas the distractors should attract low
scorers (e.g. Bachman, 2004).
One way of determining whether the key and
distractors perform appropriately is by inspecting the
trace lines (Haladyna, 2016; Gierl, Bulut, Guo, &
Zhang, 2017). A trace line indicates the number or
percentage of test takers in several score groups who
selected a given option. As a rule, correct answers
should have ascending trace lines, whereas distractors
should have descending trace lines.
In addition, the point-biserial correlation can be
used as an indicator of item and distractor
discrimination. Broadly speaking, the point-biserial
calculated for the correct answer should be positive.
When calculated for a distractor, by contrast, the
correlation is supposed to be negative. A correlation
that is close to zero means that the option in question
does not discriminate.
The purpose of this study was to assess the quality of
MC vocabulary items created by artificial
intelligence. In particular, the investigation was
intended to ascertain whether AI tools can be trusted
as sources of MC questions for classroom-based
vocabulary assessment.
3.1 Method
The assessment instrument developed for this study
included 15 MC vocabulary items. First, the target
lexical items were selected from a coursebook for
advanced learners of English (Clare & Wilson, 2012).
Next, an AI-powered online platform, Twee (Twee,
2024), was employed to write context sentences for
the target words. The reason why Twee was chosen
instead of ChatGPT is that the system offers a user-
friendly tool designed specifically for this task. In the
next step, ChatGPT (the free version 3.5, OpenAI,
2024) was instructed to suggest distractors for the
target words (as used in the context sentences). Table
1 shows the instructions included in the input for
ChatGPT. The wording of the input was based on the
assumption that ChatGPT is capable of understanding
natural language and respond to it in a human-like
manner. The output from ChatGPT included the
(same) context sentences followed by the options
(key and distractors).
Following this, an online test was constructed on
the WebClass platform ( using the AI-
created items (see the entire test in the Appendix).
Next, the test was administered to a group of
advanced learners of English as a foreign language
during their regular lessons at school. The test takers
(n = 142) included 63 males and 79 females, aged
between 16 and 18. Finally, the test and individual
items were analyzed using the statistics and trace
lines generated on the testing platform.
AIG 2024 - Special Session on Automatic Item Generation
Table 1: Instructions for ChatGPT.
You are a teacher of English who is writing a
vocabulary test at the advanced level.
The test is composed of multiple-choice items. Each
item consists of a context sentence and a gap for which
three options are provided, i.e. the key (correct answer)
and two distractors (incorrect answers).
The sentences are given below:
1. The court was in [session] when the judge entered
the courtroom.
2. (…)
Each sentence contains one word in square brackets.
This is the key. For each sentence add TWO distractors
(INCORRECT answers), using the following
the distractors must belong to the same word class
as the key (noun, verb, adjective, adverb,
the distractors and the key should have similar
grammatical properties (such as tense for verbs and
number for nouns);
if possible, the distractors and the key should be
similar semantically (they should belong to the
same semantic field);
the distractors should be plausible (likely to be
selected by the students taking the test) but
evidently wrong, which means that when the key
is replaced with a distractor, the sentence becomes
lainly incorrect.
3.2 Results and Discussion
The statistics calculated for the test as a whole are
given in Table 2.
Table 2: Test statistics.
Number of test takers (n) 142
Number of items (
) 15
Cut score [test] (
) 7.5
Cut score [item]
Mean of
ortion scores
Standard deviation (SD) 2.23
Cronbach’s alpha (α) .488
Standard error of measurement
Phi coefficient
Phi lambda
Kappa squared (
) .488
Standard error for absolute decisions
The results of test analysis show that the assessment
instrument was only moderately reliable for norm-
referenced interpretations (as indicated by
Cronbach’s alpha) and definitely below acceptable
levels of reliability (or dependability) for criterion-
referenced interpretations (as indicated by the phi
coefficient). Moreover, if used for classification
purposes (pass/fail), the decisions would tend to be
incorrect (cf. the low values of phi lambda and kappa
Table 3: Item analysis (the correct options are asterisked).
Question Option
of selection
A* 40.1 .23
B 22.5 −.32
C 37.3 −.16
A 7.7 −.31
B* 73.2 .47
C 19.0 −.46
A* 2.8 .15
B 55.6 −.16
C 41.5 −.28
A* 83.8 .56
B 2.1 −.34
C 14.1 −.53
A 11.3 −.29
B 37.3 −.43
C* 51.4 .41
A* 68.3 .55
B 15.5 −.48
C 16.2 −.50
A 16.2 −.56
B 29.6 −.27
C* 53.5 .39
A* 82.4 .48
B 7.7 −.30
C 9.2 −.49
A* 26.8 .07
B 58.5 −.13
C 14.8 .18
A 35.2 −.46
B* 53.5 .46
C 11.3 −.38
A 41.5 .19
B 57.0 .12
C* 1.4 −.11
A 23.2 −.30
B* 20.4 .19
C 56.3 −.19
A 7.0 −.28
B 23.9 −.50
C* 69.0 .49
A* 44.4 .32
B 48.6 −.32
C 7.0 −.22
A 12.7 −.35
B 4.9 −.11
C* 81.7 .33
Investigating the Quality of AI-Generated Distractors for a Multiple-Choice Vocabulary Test
The results of item analysis are presented in Table
3. The point-biserial correlation (PB) for the
distractors was calculated using a modified formula
(as proposed by Attali & Fraenkel, 2000), which
makes a comparison between distractor and correct
As can be seen in Table 3, the test was composed
of a blend of satisfactory and mediocre items. In
particular, Item 3 was extremely difficult the key
was selected by fewer than 5% of the test takers,
which is unusual. This same problem was even more
significant in the case of Item 11, where both
distractors had positive values of the point-biserial
(indicating that these options performed as should the
correct answer). A rudimentary qualitative analysis of
the options (cf. Appendix) points to the conclusion
that ChatGPT failed to produce lexically appropriate
distractors for the items in question. By contrast,
some of the items (e.g. 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 13) were quite
good as all of their options had satisfactory
In addition, item analysis involved examining the
trace lines. Figures 1–4 show selected trace lines to
illustrate effective and ineffective options.
Specifically, Option 10B (Figure 1) had a correctly
ascending trace line, typical of a well-performing key,
and Option 15A (Figure 2) had a descending trace
line, as expected of an effective distractor.
Figure 1: An effective key (10B).
Figure 2: An effective distractor (15A).
In contrast, Option 9A (Figure 3) was rather
inconsistent, and Option 3B (Figure 4) was entirely
unacceptable as it was even more unstable in the way
it attracted low and high scorers.
Figure 3: An inconsistent key (9A).
Figure 4: An inadequate distractor (3B).
3.2.1 Follow-Up Queries
When asked again to (re)generate distractors for a
selection of the most unsatisfactory items, ChatGPT
produced inconsistent results. For example, its output
for Item 3 included the following distractors (key in
(3) There are [sound] reasons for implementing
new safety measures at the factory.
Distractor 1: solid
Distractor 2: melody
The response shows that, in this particular case,
ChatGPT failed to follow the instructions, according
to which all the options should belong to the same
word class. Even if we acknowledge that sound and
melody are both nouns, the distractor (melody) is
highly implausible because the average test taker
expects an adjective in this particular context.
Furthermore, the word solid did not seem to be a good
distractor (i.e. an indisputably wrong option). In order
to determine whether the problem with this distractor
AIG 2024 - Special Session on Automatic Item Generation
was an example of mere oversight, ChatGPT was
asked to confirm that the word solid would indeed be
an error in the given context (see Figure 5).
Figure 5: Part of a conversation with ChatGPT.
As can be seen in Figure 5, ChatGPT maintained that
the word solid does not collocate correctly with
reasons. However, according to the British National
Corpus, BNCweb (CQP-edition, Hoffmann & Evert,
2006), this is an acceptable collocation, although
admittedly not very common (see Figure 6).
Figure 6: Concordance lines for solid reason(s) in BNCweb
A similar problem remained unresolved with Item 13,
for which ChatGPT’s second attempt resulted in the
following distractors:
(4) He [disobeyed] the rules and faced
consequences for his actions.
Distractor 1: followed
Distractor 2: ignored
In fact, the outcome of the second attempt was even
less satisfactory than of the first one (cf. Appendix)
as neither of the distractors in (4) seems to be plainly
wrong in the context given.
3.3 Limitations and Way Forward
Several limitations of this study are in order. First, it
bears pointing out that GPT-3.5 is not the most
powerful version of OpenAI’s LLM, yet it is freely
available without a fee, in contrast to the more recent
(but paid) GPT-4. It is perfectly possible that more
advanced models of AI should be capable of
generating better distractors for MC items. Second,
this study focussed exclusively on an AI-generated
test, without comparing it to a human-made test. In
fact, another study is currently in preparation, where
teacher-created distractors are compared to those
obtained from ChatGPT. Another possibility would
be to compare ChatGPT to a different AI tool. Finally,
this study does not offer any suggestions for prompt
enhancements. The reason for this is that, by and
large, the follow-up queries did not result in any
improvement to the distractors originally suggested
by ChatGPT. But such enhancements are definitely
worth further investigation.
A fundamental consideration in the construction of
MC tests is the quality of distractors, which have a
direct influence on the psychometric properties of
MC items. The choice of distractors plays a critical
role in evaluating the test-takers’ true comprehension
of a word, making the problem particularly relevant
in the context of vocabulary assessment.
A relatively novel way of generating distractors
for MC items is by using artificial intelligence. This
paper has demonstrated that AI, represented by
ChatGPT (the free version 3.5), has the potential to
contribute to assessment practicality, reducing the
time and effort required for test development, but this
method of creating distractors is still far from ideal.
The results of the study reported here indicate that AI-
generated MC items are quite likely to be in need of
human moderation. Accordingly, the conclusion has
to be that, as observed by Khademi (2023), AI tools
such as ChatGPT “can only be trusted with some
human supervision” (p. 79). In view of that, at least
for the time being, AIG utilizing ChatGPT might
better be termed assisted item generation (Segall,
Investigating the Quality of AI-Generated Distractors for a Multiple-Choice Vocabulary Test
I am grateful to the teachers of XXI Liceum
Ogólnokształcące im. św. Stanisława Kostki in
Lublin, Poland, who administered the vocabulary test
and to the students who completed it.
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Vocabulary Test
Multiple Choice
Select the best option.
(1) The court was in ___ when the judge entered the
A. session B. break C. recess
(2) He’s taking a lot of ___ for his chronic back pain.
A. prescription B. medication C. treatment
(3) There are ___ reasons for implementing new safety
measures at the factory.
A. sound B. valid C. logical
(4) During questioning, he ___ everything the police
accused him of.
A. denied B. accepted C. rejected
(5) The accused couldn’t afford a private lawyer, so he
was assigned a public ___ .
A. prosecutor B. advocate C. defender
(6) The film is ___ in a futuristic world where technology
dominates society.
A. set B. located C. placed
(7) The ___ for the defense presented strong arguments in
the courtroom.
A. advice B. guidance C. counsel
(8) The prosecutor will call the first ___ to testify against
the accused.
A. witness B. observer C. participant
(9) The parade began with the traditional ___ music
played by the band.
A. martial B. military C. warlike
(10) The company’s ___ include properties, equipment,
and cash reserves.
A. debts B. assets C. liabilities
(11) She was ___ on him to help her succeed in the business
A. relying B. counting C. banking
(12) The attorney presented a compelling ___ for the
prosecution during the trial.
A. presentation B. case C. argument
(13) He ___ the rules and faced consequences for his
A. adhered B. followed C. disobeyed
(14) After the breakup, she ___ a page in her life and
focused on self-improvement.
A. turned B. closed C. opened
(15) There is no ___ to suggest that he was involved in the
A. confirmation B. indication C. evidence
Investigating the Quality of AI-Generated Distractors for a Multiple-Choice Vocabulary Test