Reputation, Sentiment, Time Series and Prediction
Peter Mitic
Department of Computer Science, UCL, London, U.K.
Reputation, Sentiment, Time Series, Prediction, Auto-Correlation, ARIMA, Cholesky, C opula, Normal
Mixture Distribution, Goodness-of-Fit, TNA Test.
A formal formulation for reputation is presented as a time series of daily sentiment assessments. Projections of
reputation time series are made using three methods that replicate the dist r ibutional and auto-correlation prop-
erties of the data: ARIMA, a Copula fit, and C holesky decomposition. Each projection is tested for goodness-
of-fit with respect t o observed data using a bespoke auto-correlation test. Numerical results show that Cholesky
decomposition provides optimal goodness-of-fit success, but overestimates the projection volatility. Express-
ing reputation as a time series and deriving predictions fr om them has significant advantages in corporate ri sk
control and decision making.
The title gives the flavour of this study in the order
of its words. Reputatio n is derived from Sentime nt
as a Time Series which is used for Prediction. The
sequence starts with wanting to know about product
and company perfo rmance.
There has been a huge increase since ye ar 2000
in interest in and progress with the analysis of peo-
ples views on products and services, fuelled by tech-
nological advances (Liu, 2015). Increased develop-
ment of th e internet, the rise of on-lin e media (both
social and ’traditio nal’ - newspapers and b roadcast-
ing), has made it possible for consumers to formulate
their own views on products and services in advance
of m a king a decision on purchase or use. Fundamen-
tal to such decision making is the concept of reputa-
tion. Informally, reputation is ”the opinion that peo-
ple in gene ral have about someone or something, or
how much respect or admiration someone or so me-
thing receives, based on past behaviour or character”
(Cambridge, 2023). The same reference gives an in-
formal definition for sentiment: ”a thought, opinion,
or idea based on a feeling about a situation, or a way
of thinking about something”. We will give f ormal
definitions fo r both in Section 3.4. The informal defi-
nitions are, however, remarkably close to the ideas we
wish to convey formally. We will distinguish between
reputation, sentiment and opinion, and link them in a
formal way.
The purpose of this paper is to p redict how the
reputation of a corporate body may develop in the
future. Reputation is expressed as a time series, to
which time ser ie s methods apply naturally. However,
reputation tim e series express distinct characteristics
which makes it difficult to apply standard m ethods
without some degree of conditioning. In particular,
they are highly auto-c orrelated, are sub je ct to rapid
reversals in profile (they look spiky’), exhibit hig h
volatility, and are not always stationary. Others have
sparse, or almost no sentim ent expression. Reputation
time series are built using expressions of sentiment,
so an initial discussion sets out formal definitions f or
sentiment and reputation.
We consider predicted reputation because there is
some evidence that ”reputation means money” (Cole,
2012), (Weber-Shandwick, 2020). On that basis,
reputation was quantified in terms of share price in
(Mitic, 2024). Specifically, impaired reputation can
lead to effects such as loss of profit, share price re-
duction, and reduced ability to attract and retain staff.
These, and similar reports are not quantified in a
transparent way, but nevertheless convey the message
that a positive reputation matters. Consequen tly, pre-
dicting future reputation also matters.
1.1 Reputation Time Series Example
In this section we show an example of a re putation
time series. Figure 1 shows Toyota’s reputation for
the first 6 months of 2023, and a simple exponential
Mitic, P.
Reputation, Sentiment, Time Series and Prediction.
DOI: 10.5220/0012762600003756
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications (DATA 2024), pages 51-61
ISBN: 978-989-758-707-8; ISSN: 2184-285X
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
smoothed version of it. The plot shows time, m e a-
sured in days, on the horizontal axis, and numerical
expressions of sentiment on the vertical axis on a
scale -100 to +100. The tra ce shows that during that
period, Toyota’s reputation was entirely negative.
To see why, would require detailed analysis o f each
sentiment value, but a major contributor was the
change of Toyota’s leadership. That news was widely
reported in th e financial press at the time. A typical
example, which is part of a longer article, a ppeared
in a Reuters repor t on 26 January 2023.
Reactions to Akio Toyoda stepping down as Toyota
CEO. TOKYO, Jan 26 (Reuters) - Toyota Motor
Corp (7203 .T) said on Thursd ay that Ak io Toyoda
will step down as president and chief executive to
become chairm a n fr om April 1, ...
Figure 1 shows the date 26th January 2023. Inter-
estingly, reputation improved after that date, perhaps
indicating that the news was received positively, al-
though that rise did not last long. The reputation trace
shows typical features: peaks and troughs in a macro-
structure, with a micro-structure of muc h smaller vari-
ations. Toyota’s autocorre la tion struc ture is shown in
Figure 2. The plot shows typical features of signifi-
cant au tocorrelatio ns at high lags, with some positive
and negative regions.
Figure 1: Toyota reputation January-June 2023. Data
source: Penta Group.
Reputation time series as described in Section 3.4
are a natu ral extension of much earlier work on
opinion, sourced by survey. The first pro minent
example of a survey was a correct prediction of
the 1936 US Presidential election by the Gallup
Company (founded in 1935) (Gallup an d Rae,
n/toyota-leader-akio-toyoda-s tep-down-president-chi ef-e
Figure 2: Toyota autocorrelation: 100 lags.
1968), although there is a record of an op inion
poll from 1824 in the Harrisburg Pennsylvanian
84/The- G allup-Organization.html). G a llup took the
view that a n opinion poll was simply a reflection
of public opin ion. There is an interesting counter
opinion due to Lippman (Lippman, 1922) that
opinion polls manipulate public opinion. The point
is discussed in (Jacobs and Shapiro, 1995). In 1995
the internet was relatively young, but since then
the means to manip ulate opinion have emerged in
the fo rm of blogs, social media platforms (such as
Facebook, WhatsApp or Twitter (”X”)), and produc t
reviews on websites such as Amazon, Google and
others. Problems of sample bias are discussed in
(Durant, 1954). They centre on location, respondents,
and questionnaire design, with additional factors
related to administration, cost, and whether or not the
results represent a g eneral population.
There is evidence of bias in c ontemporary opin-
ion procurement. The term ’negative bias’ was intro-
duced by (Rozin and Royzman, 2001), and clear nu-
merical illustrations are presented in (Zendesk, 2013).
Early research on sentiment and opinion is sum-
marised in, for example, (Das and Chen, 2007). The
emphasis was then on sentiment extraction using lex-
icons (word lists with tags showing related words
or parts of speech), lexical grammar (rules for ma-
nipulating a lexicon), and classifiers (Bayes, Voting,
Naive, Vector-Distance, Discrimin ant). Those meth-
ods still for m the basis of ’traditional’ sentiment anal-
ysis, and act as a benchmark for assessing later ap-
proach e s using artificial in telligence.
Prediction of reputation has, to date, been some-
what neglected, largely because of a lack of appro-
priate d ata. The problem was tac kled, albeit in a dif-
ference sense of the word ’prediction’ by (Loke and
Kachaniuk, 2020), using a bi-dir ectional LSTM. That
study u sed manual labelling of thousands of product
reviews, evaluated on a 3-point scale, aimed at pre-
dicting individual review results. Our study aims to
produce a forward proje ction in time, and uses much
simpler prediction methods. Penta Group, as part
DATA 2024 - 13th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
of their reputation intelligence web site
available to
subscribers, shows a basic forward (in time) predic-
tion based on exponential smoothing.
2.1 Alternative Sources of Reputation
In this section we summarise the state of online Repu-
tation Intelligence. The term Reputation Intelligence
has been used in the past ten years to refe r more gen-
eral aspe cts of sentiment and reputation. A reputa-
tion time series is one of them. Others include, for
example, analysis of sentiment sources (e.g. tradi-
tional/social media), analysis of r egional sentiment,
compariso n with peers, a nd Environmental, Social
and Governance (ESG) issues.
Artiwise, produced by Istanbul Technical Uni-
versity ( provides (to sub-
scribers) bespoke sentiment analysis services, and
calculates a short-term sentiment score based on
a limited number of sources to order. The Cali-
fornian company Reputation (
provides the same type of service, and makes a
Reputatio n Experience Management - RXM platform
available to customers. In New York, Social360
( p rovides be-
spoke a nalysis of online comments, and tracks influ-
ential reporting ag e nts. Th ey specialise in social me-
dia checking. Social360 has recently be acquired by
(SignalAI, 202 4).
An earlier, and different, approach is typified by
the RepTrak Pulse metric (Fombrun et al., 2015),
published twic e yearly by th e Reputation Institute
( Rep Trak is an updated
version of its predecessor, the Reputa tion Quo-
tient (Fomb run et al., 2000) . Both are multi-
factor snapshot assessments of reputa tion. Rep-
Trak Pulse exports ”Good overall reputation”, ”Good
feeling about”, ”Trust”, and ”Admire and Respect”,
all condensed comments amassed throughout the
six months prior to publication. In contrast, the
Net Promoter S core - NPS from Bain and Co.
( is very simple, but limited
(Reichheld, 2003). It is b ased on one question: On
a scale of 0-10, how likely are you to recommend this
compan y to a friend or colleague?. The NPS is th en
the difference between the percentage of 9-10 (pro-
moter) scores and the percentage of 0-6 scores (de-
tractors). Score s 7 and 8 are r egarded as ”passive”.
The imbalance appears to induce negative bias. The
study by ( Loke and Reitter, 2 021) used the same ty pe
of multi-factor analysis to measur ing reputation, us-
ing online review data and ’aspect’ extraction by de-
tecting negative sentiment and positive sentiment key-
A third strand of r e putation measurement is
demonstra te d by the Edelman Trust Barometer
( Trust is so mewhat dis-
tinct fro m sentiment or reputation, and implies a de-
gree of safe ty and/or reliability (Cambridge, 2023).
The Edelman method of data sourcing is, again, by
survey, targeted at employees, and produce s gener-
alised qualitative reports, with some a ssoc iate d data.
An examp le is (Russell, 2023). The argument in
(Renner, 2011) is that risk can be minimised by in-
creasing trust, and that corp orate r eputation is the ve-
hicle to build trust.
A few other attempts to measure reputation have
emerged. (Janson, 2014) r ecommends spending at
least 1 0% of a corporate budget on reputation al anal-
ysis and sampling, but is oth erwise non-specific on
methodology. (Carreras et al., 2013) suggests a rank-
ing method in which c ompany executives rank them-
selves and peers o n a multi-factor basis, and produce a
score based o n those ranks. Overall, these and similar
alternatives rely on the subjective opinion of selected
We first review data stationarity and a methodo logy
for measuring the appropriate ness of a projected time
series. Three projection methods are then discu ssed :
ARIMA, Copula and Cholesky.
3.1 Stationarity Test
We cannot assume that distributional properties of
reputational time series do not change over time.
Therefore we stress that the analyses that follow need
to be reviewed periodically. A particu la r concern is
the way changes in the data structur e over tim e af-
fect the effectiveness of a reputation projec tion. The
problem is addressed in Section 3.6 . The Augmented
Dickie-Fuller (ADF) test for stationarity is used to test
for consistency of mean, variance and autocorrelation
structure for the observed data.
The ADF test showed that a pprox imately 60% of
reputation time series tested were stationa ry, and 40%
were not. That result is mor e significant for short pro-
jections, whe re auto-correlations may be very differ-
ent to th e observed data. Longer projections are more
stable with respect to projection length. In all cases,
the genera l approach is to test whether or not the pr o-
jection perturbs the auto-correlations structu re of the
Reputation, Sentiment, Time Series and Prediction
observed data unduly.
3.2 Goodness-of-Fit Test
There are indications from histogram s of reputa-
tion data that Normal distributions might be ap pro-
priate for modelling distributions. The established
goodness-of-fit for normality is the Shapiro-Wilk test
(Shapiro and Wilk, 1965). That test rejected the null
hypothesis of normality in all cases that we encoun-
tered. The rea son ap pears to be that the Shapiro-Wilk
test is weak with resp ect to distributions with longer
tails (Royston, 1992). Isolated outliers can also cau se
the Shapiro-Wilk test to fail. Many reputation time
series have both long tails and/or outliers. As an al-
ternative, we have used the TNA test (Mitic, 2015),
which is a generalisation of a Q-Q plot. The TNA test
is less powerful than the Sha piro-Wilk test, is insensi-
tive to outliers and long data tails, and is not restricted
by data set size. T he TNA test indicated that the Nor-
mal distribution is often not the best fit for reputation
data, and the null hypothesis was re je cted in approxi-
mately 8% of cases. The Normal Mixture distribution
(Section 3.7) is a better fit in most cases, an d is a b et-
ter model for bimoda l distributions and for distribu-
tions with long tails. Therefore, we proceed with Nor-
mal Mixture distributions, which also subsume Nor-
mal distributions.
3.3 Data
Data for this study are sourced from Penta Group
(https://pentagroup. co). Penta can, uniquely, provide
time series of daily sentiment scores
(i.e. a reputa-
tion profile) for most organisations tha t are listed on
major world stock exchanges, and a la rge number of
others that are unlisted. We have concentrated on 125
corporate organ isatio ns that represent the principal
world industrial and service sectors: energy, manu-
facturing, travel, education, financial, media, mining,
food production and retail. The data range was two
years: from July 2021 to June 2023 . Each recorded
data series co mprises 730 daily sentiment readings on
a scale from -100 (the worst possible) to +100 (the
best possible). Zero (or very near to zero) represents
neutral sentiment.
3.4 Definitions
Following a slightly modified definition from (Liu,
2015) Opinion is defined in terms of a numerical
value, representing the thought, idea or v iew that
Data are available to subscribers only
is held or expressed (as defined in, for example
(Cambridge, 2023)), Liu’s view is slightly differ-
ent. He represents Opinion as an ordered pair: a
polarity value (+1, 0, or -1) for positive, neutral or
negative view respectively, with a positive number
representin g its intensity. We assume that the view is
quantifiable num e rically. In principle, the range of
permitted values does not m a tter, but in practice, a
meaningful symmetric scale that pre sents a positive
score fo r positive sentiment and a negative sco re
for negative sentime nt ( between real numbers -r and
+r) is useful. Opinion also incorporates the holder,
h of the view, its target, T, and a date/time stamp
t. In add ition, Liu labels the opinion value with a
type flag, used to designate it as either rational or
emotional. We prefer a wider r a nge type, aimed at
assessing the in fluence or importance of the holder,
and denote it by u. The definition of Opinion,
Equation 1, incorporates all of those components.
The numerica l view is denoted by x, and the values
of h and T are best identified with reference to a
set of unique identifiers W (positive integers or guid s) .
Definition: Opinion.
(x, h, T, u) = F (x|h, T, u); x [r, r];
t Z
; u (0, 1); h, T W (1)
At this point, it is acceptable, in principle, to use
the terms Opinion an d Sentiment interchangeably.
However, to facilitate the ensuing discussion of
Reputatio n, it is useful to define Sentiment as a
function Ψ of a set of holders H = {h
, h
, ...} W ,
each having expressed corresponding numeric views
X = {x
, x
, ...}, and each with having co rresponding
numeric influences U = {u
, u
, ...}, referred to a
single target T on a single day t. The function Ψ acts
on the e le ments of X to produce a single real numbe r
in the same range as the x
, nam ely [r, r].
Definition: Sentiment.
(X, H, T,U) = Ψ
, h
, T, u
H; x
X; u
U (2)
is a single real number representing a set of sen-
timents at time t. I n practice, it is more useful to use
a ”day” stamp rather than a ”time” stamp, so that S
refers to the sentiment on ”day t”. It is then easy to
define reputa tion as a sequence of such numbers as t
varies. Equation 3 shows a date rang e from times t
date t
. No assumption are ma de about periods within
that range that have no sentiment data.
DATA 2024 - 13th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
Definition: Reputation.
(T ) = {S
(T )}; t
t t
The definition of reputation in Equation 3 is hinted
at in , for example, (Loke and Vergeer, 2022), in
which phrases such as ”collective view” and ”built
over time” are used. Loke and Vergeer make the point
that attempts to qu a ntify corporate reputation are lim-
ited. We believe that we have made a significant ad-
vance in that re spect. (Loke and Kisoen, 2022) argue
that, essentially, rep utation is a summary of internal
and external perception s of an organisation. We argue
that reputation should extend much further. Specifi-
cally, broadcasting, news reports and trade presenta-
tions represent a further strand that provides a more
objective view. Reports from th e ’popular press are
often not objective. Nevertheless, they are the re, and
present an opinion. The same applies to reports that
contain mistakes or lies.
3.5 Initial Data Preparation
The common basis of the Copula and Cholesky au to-
correlation models used in this analysis is an auto-
correlation matrix, A, which contains sequences of
lagged data. If a time series of length n has L lags,
A takes the form given in Equation 4. The S-values
are the daily sentim ents in Equation 2.
A =
... S
... S
... ... ... ...
... S
Following construction of A, we calculate a rank
correlation matrix (Spearman or Kendall) rather than
Pearson’s product moment variety, since the la tter as-
sumes a linear relation between co-variates.
3.6 Auto-Correlation Success Criterion
Comparing the autocorrelations of any two subsets of
the data cannot be expected to give similar correlation
structures. Therefore we adopt an alternative strategy,
which is to test whether or not a projected simulation
does not perturb the correlation stru c ture of the ob-
served data. The test applied is to calculate the auto-
correlation fun ction (ACF) of the observed data and
compare it the observed d a ta augmented by the sim-
ulated data. With a fixed n umber of lags L (typically
between 50 and 100), the two applications of an ACF
function yields parallel sequences of auto-c orrelation
components c
and c
(equation 5) .
, c
, . . . , c
} Observed
, c
, . . . , c
} Observed + Simulated
Since the two sequences ar e paired, a two sam-
ple t-test can be used to determine significance of
the augmentation of the observed data by the sim-
ulation. If the means of the sequences in Equ a tion
5 are denoted by µ(c
) and µ(c
) respectively, the
null and alternative hypotheses are µ(c
) = µ(c
and µ(c
) 6= µ(c
) respectively, and significanc e is
tested at 5% and 1%.
3.7 Normal Mixture Distribution
In this section we define a distribution that fits the re p-
utation time series in this study. Although a Normal
distribution is a g ood fit in mo st cases, a Normal Mix-
ture distribution is usually better. We call it NMix for
NMix is a weighted sum of two Normal distribu-
tions, with parameters {µ
, σ
, µ
, σ
, b}. Its density
function is φ
(t) and the corresponding distribution
function is denoted by Φ
(t) (on day t). The inverse
distribution (quantile) function takes a proba bility p
as parameter, and is denoted by Φ
(p). The quan-
tile function is needed for the Copula algorithm in
Section 3.8. In the fo llowing equations, x [r, r],
p (0, 1). The paramete r ranges are µ
, µ
(r, r),
> 0, σ
> 0, and b [0, 1].
(t, µ
, σ
, µ
, σ
, b) =
bφ(t, µ
, σ
) + (1 b)φ(t, µ
, σ
) (6)
(b, µ
, σ
, µ
, σ
, b) =
(z, µ
, σ
, µ
, σ
, b)dz (7)
(p, µ
, σ
, µ
, σ
, b) =
t | Φ
(t, µ
, σ
, µ
, σ
, b) = p (8)
As an example, w e re turn to th e Toyota data pre-
sented in Figure 1, but plot a density histogram in-
stead. A n NMix distribution has bee n fitted and over-
laid. The bim odal nature of the da ta is clear f rom
the histogram, and the fitted NMix distribution echoes
that. In this ca se, a Normal distribution is a p oorer fit,
but nevertheless satisfies the TNA goodness-of-fit test
described in Section 3.2.
Specifically, the NMix parameters were µ
23.16, σ
= 4.13, µ
= 10.72, σ
= 4.37, b = 0.56,
and the p-value for th e NMix fit was 0.011. The Nor-
mal distribution parameters were µ = 17.69, σ =
7.49, with p-value 0.025.
Reputation, Sentiment, Time Series and Prediction
Figure 3: Toyota Normal Mixture and Normal distribu-
tion fit s (black and grey respectively). Data source: Penta
3.8 Copula Model
In Algorithm 1, the symbols used are: Reputation
time series R, Lag L, r e quired simulation length n.
The internal variables are the auto-correlation matrix
A, a multi- variate Nor mal copula C, uniformly dis-
tributed marginal distributions of C G
, i = 1...n, Nor-
mal Mixture-distributed marginals Y
, i = 1...n , and
their corresponding auto-correlation p-values α
, i =
1...n. The process uses a procedure FIT(D) to fit a
distribution D (in this case D is a Norm al Mixture ), a
function MVN (from the R package mvtnorm) to ini-
tialise a multi-variate normal copula , a fu nction AC to
test the marginal effect o f the simulate d data on the
autocorrelation of the input data, and a Loess smooth-
ing function LO.
Data: R, L, n
Result: Simulation of length n
Calculate best fit parameters p = FIT (R(D));
Derive auto-correlation matrix A(R);
Initialise copula: C = MV N(A);
Generate uniform marginals G = Φ(C);
for i in 1:L do
= LO(Φ
, p)) (NMix marginals) ;
Test auto-correlation: α
= AC(R,Y
Select optimal auto-correlation: α
Return {Y
, α};
Algorithm 1: Copula simulation.
3.9 ARIMA Model
The ARIMA modelling incorporates both auto-
regressive (AR) and moving average (MA) compo-
nents, although we suspect that the AR components
are much more important. With AR, MA and differ-
encing parameters p, q and d respectively, plus a con -
stant µ, λ and error term ε
, the ARIMA model used is
given in 9. The values of p, q and d ar e determine d us-
ing the auto-ARIMA method of Hyndman and Kh an-
dakar (Hyn dman and Khandak a r, 2008). Parameter
d is determ ined by carrying out successive unit-root
tests (D. Kwia tkowski and Shin, 1992) until a station-
ary series results. There is a correction for seasonal
data, although we would not expect reputation data to
exhibit any degree of seasonality since repu tation is
event-driven. Parameters p and q are determined by a
stepwise algorithm in which target values of p and q
are tested against for minimal AIC.
= µ + λ
+ ε
Having determined the parameter values, the
ARIMA fit is done using maximum likelihood via
a state-space rep resentation of the ARIMA process.
The innovations and their variances are fou nd by a
Kalman filter (Gardner et al., 1980). In the ARIMA
algorithm below, the auto-AR IMA function used to
determine the ARIMA param eters (H yndman and
Khandakar, 2008) is de noted by FC(R), and the sim -
ulation function is denoted by FSim(R , . . . ).
Data: R, L, n
Result: Simulation with length n
Extract ARIMA order {p, d, q} = FC(R);
if (p > 0 & d > 0) then
ARMA: Y = FS (R , p, q);
if (p > 0 & d = 0) then
AR: Y = FS(R, p);
if (p = 0 & d > 0) then
MA: Y = FS(R, q);
if (p = 0 & d = 0) then
White noise: Y = FS(R, 0, 0, 0);
Algorithm 2: ARIMA simulation.
In practice w e have never encountered the White
noise case.
3.10 Cholesky Model
Cholesky decomposition is an established way to de-
rive data that is correlate d with a given data set. The
autocorrelation matrix, derived from the observed
data forms the basis of the Cholesky decomposition.
As such, the correlation matrix A must be positive
DATA 2024 - 13th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
definite. That is, it must be symmetric with posi-
tive eigenvalues. A proof may be found in, for ex-
ample, (Golub and van L oan, 1 992) (Section 4.2.7).
Further details, including points arising from numer-
ical calculations, and supporting literature may be
found in (Higham, 1990 ). Appendix A shows how
this result app lies to auto-cor relation matrices. We
have found em pirically that, in all cases exam ined,
a Cholesky decom position is successful ( i.e. all au-
tocorrelation matrices encounte red are positive defi-
nite). Consequently we have not ne eded to provide for
non-positive definite autocorrelation matrices. There
is a work -aroun d for that p ossibility. (Reb onato and
Jaeckel, 200 0) describe two methods to cast a non-
positive definite matrix into a positive definite state:
hypersphere decomposition and spectral decomposi-
A Cholesky decomposition pre sents problems in
the context of autocorrelation. First, the ’base’
Cholesky r e sult is a m atrix that has the same num-
ber of columns as the correlation matrix used to de-
rive it. Effectively, in our context wh ere many auto-
correlation components are close to 1, e ach column
is an almost carbon copy of th e orig inal data. The
problem then is to find a r e asonable way to derive
a single simulation from those columns. To address
this problem for an auto-c orrelation matrix A of di-
mension L × L, assuming that a simulation of length
n is required, L vectors eac h of length n are gener-
ated f rom a probability distribution D (NMix in the
case of reputation data). The calculated Cholesky ma-
trix is applied to a matrix of the D-distributed vectors,
thereby ge nerating L correlated vectors. Each corre-
lated vector is assessed using the autoco rrelation test
(Section 3.6), and the optimal vector (given by maxi-
mum p-value in the auto-correlation t-test) is selected
as the simulation.
Data: R, L, n
Result: Simulation, with len gth n
Calculate best fit parameters p = FIT (R(D));
Generate random samples Z = G(L, D, n);
Smooth samples Z = LO(Z);
Derive auto-correlation matrix A(R);
Cholesky decomposition : C
= Chol(A);
Generate correlated samples Y = XC
for i in 1:L do
Test auto-correlation: α
= AC(R,Y
Select optimal autoc orrelation
= max (α
(pva l));
Select optimal sample vector Y
Return {Y
, α
Algorithm 3: Cholesky simulation.
In Algorith m 2, the symbols u sed a re the same as
in Algorithm 1: Reputation time series R, Lag L, re-
quired simulation length n. Chol(A) is a function that
calculates the Cholesky decomposition of a matrix A.
In addition, G(L, D, n) is a function that generates L
random samples, each of length n, and each with Nor-
mal Mixture distribution D.
4.1 Prediction Accuracy
The first set of results is a co mparison of actual and
predicted reputations. The starting point for these re-
sults is a partition of the available data in to a training
set (the first 75%: da ys 1 to 547) and a test set (the
remaining 25%: days 548 to 730). Projections be-
yond 730 days were no t used. Predictions were made
using the training data only, and the essential details
of the configur ed models were noted. For the ARIMA
model, the only necessary c omponent was the ARIMA
fit obje ct, c a lc ulated using the auto .arima function in
the R forecast package. The corresponding Cholesky
objects were the Cholesky decomposition ma trix and
the fitted Normal Mixture parame te rs. For the Copula
model, the Copula correlation matrix and the fitted
Normal Mixture parameters were needed. Predictio ns
were then made using th e test data with the objects
derived in the training ph ase.
Treated in this way, the train/test environments
provide a measure of the accuracy o f the test predic-
tion compared to the training prediction, via the mean
absolute error (MAE) for both. To that effect, the pro-
portion ate cha nge in MAE,
, was calculated for
each target o rganisation (Equation 10).
The distribution of values of
then gives an
indication o f gross deviations of MAE between the
training and test environments, for every organisation
considered . Figure 4 shows a plot of
(on the
horizontal axis) against quantile (on the vertical axis).
The value
= 1 represents a 100% increase in
MAE for the test environment relative to the training
environment. The corresponding low quantile values
shows that in the majority of cases, an order of m a g-
nitude difference, which would indicate instability in
a model, is absent. Only one value of
out of
125 exceeded the nominal order of magnitude limit:
14.19 using the Cholesky model. A second instance
of the Cholesky model had a
value o f 9.63:
just below the limit. The largest
values for
Reputation, Sentiment, Time Series and Prediction
the ARIMA and Copula models were 1.17 and 3.82
Figure 4: Comparison of MAE in training and test environ-
4.2 Auto-Correlation Results
The principal results of this analysis are presented in
this section. The a uto-correlation test (Section 3.6)
for the three predic tion methods (sections 3.8, 3.9 and
3.10) are shown at two significance levels: 5% and
1%. U sin g five runs in each case, Tables 1, 2 and 3
show the mea ns and stand a rd deviations of the num-
ber of organisation that ’passed’ the auto-c orrelation
test. A pass’ is a p-value greater than 0.05 for 5%
significance and greater than 0.01 for 1% significance.
Column heading ’Simulation length’ refers to the per-
centage augmentation of o bserved data by simulated
The auto-correlation results for the th ree predic-
tion methods are consistent in th at the success’ rate
reduces as the pre diction length increases. Of the
three, Cholesky provides optimal succe ss’. There
are indications, particularly from the Cholesky results,
that the success’ rate levels off for large prediction
lengths. It is likely that this effect is due to converg-
ing r e semblance of the predicted data structure to the
observed data structure.
4.3 Simulation Illustrations
This section contains examples of the three simula-
tion mod es, to which we add qualitative comments on
the characte ristics of the simulations. In ea ch case,
the observed data is shown in red, the three simu-
lations are shown in green, and th e median simu la-
tion is shown in blue. The illustrations are for Mi-
crosoft, which has a typical reputation profile of many
large corporates, subject to the gen eral sentiment level
(positive, negative or neutral). Microsoft’s sentimen t
is mostly positive, and has the characteristic ’jagged’
Table 1: Augmentation of observed data by simulated data:
Copula method.
Simulation Mean SD
length 5% 1% 5% 1%
5% 0.979 1.000 0.004 0.000
10% 0.779 0.90 6 0.004 0.007
15% 0.672 0.76 0 0.018 0.009
20% 0.587 0.70 2 0.012 0.009
25% 0.541 0.60 3 0.017 0.004
33% 0.448 0.54 4 0.016 0.006
Table 2: Augmentation of observed data by simulated data:
ARIMA method.
Simulation Mean SD
length 5% 1% 5% 1%
5% 0.950 0.990 0.009 0.000
10% 0.794 0.89 6 0.018 0.019
15% 0.623 0.75 5 0.030 0.013
20% 0.557 0.70 1 0.036 0.022
25% 0.541 0.66 3 0.025 0.032
33% 0.475 0.59 2 0.018 0.033
Table 3: Augmentation of observed data by simulated data:
Cholesky method.
Simulation Mean SD
length 5% 1% 5% 1%
5% 0.981 1.000 0.007 0.000
10% 0.837 0.93 3 0.017 0.012
15% 0.722 0.81 0 0.015 0.019
20% 0.712 0.80 0 0.032 0.017
25% 0.667 0.73 9 0.022 0.026
33% 0.662 0.71 7 0.046 0.040
reversing pattern with prolonged upward and down-
ward movements. The two year profile is shown in
Figure 5, for which the sen timent mean and standard
deviation were 10.76 an d 8.10 respectively. The end
of the observed data period is marked at day 730. For
each simu lation type illustrated, the simulation is f or
110 days: 15% more than the length of th e observed
data. Only the latest six months of the observed data
are shown, in ord er to better highlight the profile of
each simulation .
The numerical results in Section 4 invite a choice
of which prediction method to use. Table 3 in-
dicates that Cholesky decomposition is the optimal
method, since it provides a higher proportion of auto-
DATA 2024 - 13th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
Figure 5: Microsoft: Microsoft observed data.
Figure 6: Microsoft: three ARIMA simulations.
Figure 7: Microsoft: three Copula simulations.
Figure 8: Microsoft: three Cholesky simulations.
correlation successes’. The Cholesky choice would
be clear, were it not for a qualitative examination of
the predicted data, and of its microstructur e. Figure
8 shows that the day-to-day variation in the predic-
tion is greate r than the day-to-day variation for the
ARIMA a nd Copula methods. Fur ther, the predictions
for ARIMA and Copula appear, subjectively, to be less
volatile than the observed data. Examination of sim-
ilar plots for other organisations confirms that view.
We have investigated, albeit briefly, a way to reduce
the volatility of the Cholesky prediction. A scale fac-
tor can be derived as a function of prediction resid-
uals resulting from a piecewise lin e ar fit to the ob-
served data. The same technique can also be used
to increase the volatility of the ARIMA and Cop ula
predictions. Despite some misgivings, we prefer the
Cholesky method because of its superior conformance
to the o bserved data auto -correlation.
Normally we would not recommend calculating
predictions that extend far beyond the bounds of the
observed data. A 10-15% extension would be an up-
per limit. We have exten ded further in this analy-
sis to illustra te the limitations and capabilities o f the
overall method. The further extensions h ave revealed
a slow convergence to what appears to be a limit-
ing value for the percentage success’ metric. Con-
vergence is attributable to convergence of the auto-
correlation structure s of the observed data and the pre-
Investigating the pr edictive nature of rep utation is
important because it has implications for risk man-
agement and corporate decision- making. As part of
a generalised risk mitigation process (which nearly
always focuses primarily on mone ta ry risk), estimat-
ing risk due to reputation can provide insights which
balance sheet items cannot. For examp le , a predicted
downturn in reputation could signa l future difficulties
in selling products or in hiring staff. Mor e generally,
tracking r eputation following th e introduction of new
products can indicate wheth er or not it is worth in-
troducing similar products at a later stage. The q ues-
tion of m onetary valuation of rep utation was tackled
in (Mitic, 2024), in which reputation was valued in
terms of share price. Share capitalisations for large
corporates are often valued in hun dreds of millions of
euros, which is not useful for insights into individual
products. However, if a company tracks sales with
reputation, the possibility of monetising reputa tion in
terms of sales becomes realistic. Thereafter, reputa-
tion predictio n can be used to predict sales. Further
research is re quired on this topic, but it would proba-
bly have to rem ain in the domain of in dividual com-
panies who can track their own sales on a daily basis.
5.1 Further Work
In addition to monetisation of reputation in terms of
product sales (as discussed a bove), prediction using
statistical prop e rties of reputation time series pre sents
Reputation, Sentiment, Time Series and Prediction
possibilities. In pa rticular, neural networks using
Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) is a fruitf ul area
because LSTM can mimic the “choppiness“ of repu-
tation time series due to its mechanism for selectively
retaining or discard ing information using input gates
and forget gates respectively. However, this type of
neural network is very slow to train. Recent work
on this topic in other contexts includes (Yadev and
Thakkar, 20 24). Adding attention layers to a neural
network may also be a way forward, provided that the
attention can be directed at particular features of the
data. A recent study (Wen and Li, 2023) in the con-
texts of air quality, electricity and share price is en-
courag ing.
We acknowledge the c ontinuing support and assis-
tance of the staff of Penta Group.
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An auto -correlation matrix A is positive definite
Aζ > 0 for all vectors ζ) , and therefore admits a
Cholesky decomposition.
Preliminary Result.
A positive definite m a trix has a Cholesky deco mposi-
tion (Golub and van Loan, 199 2) (Section 4.2.7)
Let A be an L × L auto-correlation matrix and let its
column vectors be z = {z
, z
, . . . z
}. Symmetry is
assured for (auto-)c orrelation matrices since for any
two vectors z
and z
, cor(z
, z
) = cor(z
, z
); i, j =
1 . . . L.
By definition, A = E[(z ¯z)(z ¯z)
]. Then, for all
vectors ζ,
Aζ = ζ
E[(z ¯z)(z ¯z)
= E[ζ
(z ¯z)(z ¯z)
= E[yy
] where y = ζ
(z ¯z)
= E[var(y)] > 0 y > 0 (11)
Also A is symmetric, and therefor e A is positive
Reputation, Sentiment, Time Series and Prediction