Integrating a LLaMa-based Chatbot with Augmented Retrieval
Generation as a Complementary Educational Tool for High School and
College Students
ıo S. Cabezas
1 a
, Rigoberto Fonseca-Delgado
1 b
, Iv
an Reyes-Chac
2 c
Paulina Vizcaino-Imaca
2 d
and Manuel Eugenio Morocho-Cayamcela
1,2 e
Yachay Tech University, School of Mathematical and Computational Sciences, DeepARC Research Group,
Hda. San Jos
e s/n y Proyecto Yachay, Urcuqu
ı, 100119, Ecuador
Universidad Internacional del Ecuador, Faculty of Technical Sciences, School of Computer Science,
Quito, 170411, Ecuador
Educational Chatbot, LLaMa-7B-chat, Artificial Intelligence in Education, Large Language Models, Vector
In the current educational landscape, the transition from traditional paradigms to more interactive and per-
sonalized learning experiences has been accelerated by technological advancements, particularly in artificial
intelligence (AI). This paper explores integrating large language models (LLMs) with retrieval augmented
generation techniques (RAG) to develop an educational chatbot to enhance students’ learning experiences.
Leveraging the LLaMa 7B-chat model and RAG technique, our system incorporates a structured mathemat-
ical database supplemented with relevant audiovisual resources. Furthermore, leveraging the Pinecone API
enhances information retrieval efficiency through cosine similarity. This capability empowers the chatbot to
deliver precise and relevant responses to students’ inquiries by accessing documents from Pinecone. More-
over, incorporating system prompts and memory functionality contributes to a more personalized learning
experience, enriching student interaction with the educational assistant. The findings suggest these assistants
can enhance student engagement and facilitate knowledge acquisition.
In the era of Education 1.0, students primarily ob-
tained information from books and web pages, yet
these traditional mediums lacked the essential ele-
ment of interactivity. The accurate perspective of-
fered by (Gerstein, 2014) on the 3 Rs—Receiving,
Responding, and Regurgitating—many educational
institutions remain entrenched in this outdated
paradigm. Education 1.0 is firmly grounded in the
passive acquisition of knowledge from instructors to
students (Gerstein, 2014; Songkram et al., 2021; Rane
et al., 2023). Consequently, Education 2.0 marked
a crucial turning point in the evolution of the educa-
tional process (Huk, 2021). Education in the ”Online
world” provided the opportunity for users to comment
and interact with content (Gerstein, 2014; Huk, 2021;
Songkram et al., 2021; Rane et al., 2023), reflecting
a significant shift toward a more engaging and par-
ticipatory learning environment. Hence, Education
3.0 revolves around personalized learning tailored to
students’ interests, fostering innovation and creativity
(Huk, 2021; Songkram et al., 2021; Rane et al., 2023).
In this paradigm, the role of the teacher has trans-
formed, evolving into that of an organizer facilitating
an educational environment where students collabora-
tively cultivate their knowledge (Keats and Schmidt,
2007; Songkram et al., 2021). In this way, we are
moving from a passive to an active learning process
through technology and the internet.
As the educational landscape undergoes continu-
ous transformation, the rise of Education 4.0 marks
the forefront of technology integration in learning.
Central to the essence of Education 4.0 is the ongo-
ing enhancement of artificial intelligence (AI) (Huk,
2021; Rane et al., 2023). In (Rane et al., 2023), Rane
Cabezas, D., Fonseca-Delgado, R., Reyes-Chacón, I., Vizcaino-Imacaña, P. and Morocho-Cayamcela, M.
Integrating a LLaMa-based Chatbot with Augmented Retrieval Generation as a Complementary Educational Tool for High School and College Students.
DOI: 10.5220/0012763000003753
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Software Technologies (ICSOFT 2024), pages 395-402
ISBN: 978-989-758-706-1; ISSN: 2184-2833
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
specifically emphasizes how AI acts as a catalyst, pro-
pelling educational transformation. This paradigm
shift lays the foundation for exploring the key fea-
tures of AI in Education 5.0. These encompass per-
sonalized and adaptive learning, intelligent learning
assistants (ILA), predictive analytics for early inter-
vention, integration of augmented reality (AR) and
virtual reality (VR), gamification and simulation, life-
long learning and skill development, and the ethical
considerations of AI in fostering inclusive education
(Rane et al., 2023).
The field of education has undergone a remark-
able transformation, propelled by advancements in AI
technologies that have significantly influenced per-
sonalized learning (Rane et al., 2023). Natural Lan-
guage Processing (NLP), a subset of AI, empow-
ers machines to comprehend, interpret, and gener-
ate human language. This technology offers numer-
ous educational advantages, particularly in facilitat-
ing personalized language-learning experiences (You-
nis et al., 2023). However, the ascendancy of deep
learning in NLP (Rawat et al., 2022), the availability
of vast public datasets (Lhoest et al., 2021), and the
capabilities of powerful computing devices (Sharir
et al., 2020) to handle substantial data through so-
phisticated algorithms have catalyzed the emergence
of Large Language Models (LLMs) like Large Lan-
guage Model Meta AI (LLaMa) (Touvron et al.,
2023) developed by Meta, GPT Family (Achiam
et al., 2023) developed by OpenAI, Gemini (Gemini
et al., 2023) by Google, among others. Renowned
for their proficiency in capturing semantic relation-
ships between words and phrases (Adnan and Akbar,
2019),these models, alongside chatbots, have become
a formidable force, ushering in an unprecedented rev-
olution in education (Younis et al., 2023; Rane, 2023).
The rapid advancement of technology, particularly
in the digital realm, is reshaping global education sig-
nificantly. Despite the long-standing integration of
information and communication technology (ICT) in
education, the past four decades have shown the great-
est potential for transformative change (UNESCO,
2023). Simultaneously, an educational technology in-
dustry has emerged, dedicating its endeavors to the
development and dissemination of educational con-
tent, learning management systems, language appli-
cations, as well as augmented and virtual reality tools,
personalized tutoring, and assessment platforms (UN-
ESCO, 2023; Rane et al., 2023). However, this trans-
formation varies widely based on socioeconomic and
educational contexts (Arias Ortiz et al., 2024; UN-
ESCO, 2023). At the same time, in Latin America
and the Caribbean, the challenges persist. According
to the results of PISA 2022, the average rate of low
performance in the region was 75% in mathematics,
55% in reading, and 57% in science (Arias Ortiz et al.,
2024). The proposed solution involves the devel-
opment of an educational chatbot leveraging LLaMa
(Touvron et al., 2023), using retrieval augmented gen-
eration (RAG) (Lewis et al., 2020) techniques to en-
hance the accuracy and reliability of responses. This
enhancement is facilitated through the utilization of
a vector database(Pan et al., 2023; Pinecone, 2023),
which is queried to bolster the quality and reliability
of the model’s outputs.
The methodology section outlines the steps taken to
develop the educational chatbot. We initiated the pro-
cess by integrating the LLaMa-7b-chat model into
our framework, covering its download, conversion,
and preparatory stages. Additionally, we explored
the role of vector databases, investigating their sig-
nificance across various applications and examining
prominent options for accurate similarity search and
retrieval. Furthermore, we analyzed the visualiza-
tion of vector data, emphasizing the utility of three-
dimensional representations in clarifying data rela-
tionships. Lastly, we detailed the selection process
for tools and models used in embedding generation,
focusing on the Pinecone API and the all-MiniLM-
L6-v2 model from Hugging Face, highlighting their
functionalities and relevance to the study.
2.1 LLaMa-7b-chat Model
The LLaMa model, as introduced by Touvron et
al. (Touvron et al., 2023), served as the corner-
stone within our chatbot’s framework. Accessible for
download upon request via LLaMa Oficial site, this
model played a pivotal role in our project. Specifi-
cally, we utilized the 7B-chat model to enhance the
conversational abilities of our educational chatbot.
Upon approval of our request, we received a
signed URL via email to download the model. To ob-
tain it, we cloned the LLaMa repository from GitHub
and ran the script, initiating the down-
load process.
After downloading the weights of the 7B-Chat
model, the next step involves converting them into
a format that we can readily utilize. This conver-
sion process, known as quantization in the context of
LLMs, entails converting the model’s weights from
higher-precision data types to lower-precision ones,
aiming to reduce the computational resources needed
(Nagel et al., 2021; Kuzmin et al., 2024). To accom-
ICSOFT 2024 - 19th International Conference on Software Technologies
Figure 1: Word embedding map words in a corpus of text to vector space (Rozado, 2020).
plish this task, we utilize llamacpp, available from the
following link:llamacpp Github Repository. We then
proceeded to convert the model to FP16 format and
subsequently to ggml format, the format chosen for
the study. Specifically, we adopted the q4 0 quantiza-
tion method as outlined in Table 1.
Table 1: Available quantization types for the 7B-
Chat model. More information about each quantiza-
tion can be found at
Name Quant method Bits
.ggmlv3.q2 K.bin q2 K 2
.ggmlv3.q3 K S.bin q3 K S 3
.ggmlv3.q3 K M.bin q3 K M 3
.ggmlv3.q3 K L.bin q3 K L 3
.ggmlv3.q4 0.bin q4 0 4
.ggmlv3.q4 K S.bin q4 K S 4
.ggmlv3.q4 K M.bin q4 K M 4
.ggmlv3.q4 1.bin q4 1 4
.ggmlv3.q5 0.bin q5 0 5
.ggmlv3.q5 K S.bin q5 K S 5
.ggmlv3.q5 K M.bin q5 K M 5
.ggmlv3.q5 1.bin q5 1 5
.ggmlv3.q6 K.bin q6 K 6
.ggmlv3.q8 0.bin q8 0 8
2.2 Vector Database
Vector databases are crucial in various applications,
from information retrieval to recommendation sys-
tems and natural language processing (Han et al.,
2023; Pan et al., 2023). To explore their significance,
we investigated popular vector database systems such
as (ChromaDB, ), Faiss (Douze et al., 2024), and
Pinecone (Pinecone, 2023) that stores a set of vectors
called embeddings, and provides a function to search
in them.
Figure 2: Visualization of Euclidean and Manhattan dis-
tances, and Cosine similarity.
These systems offer various methods for accurate
similarity search and retrieval, including cosine sim-
ilarity, Euclidean distance, Manhattan distance, and
dot product (Han et al., 2023; Douze et al., 2024; Pan
et al., 2023). For visual representations of Euclidean,
Manhattan, and Cosine distances, refer to Figure 2.
In Figure 3, we observe a visualization of embed-
dings in three dimensions generated using an embed-
ding projector. To fully comprehend how embeddings
can be visualized, Figure 1 presents a visualization
of various words processed through an embedding
Integrating a LLaMa-based Chatbot with Augmented Retrieval Generation as a Complementary Educational Tool for High School and
College Students
model, aiding in semantically translating their mean-
ings alongside a depiction of the vectors involved.
Figure 3: Representation of 150 points in 4 dimensions re-
duced to 3 dimensions using the PCA method of the Iris
dataset and colored by classes in Embedding Projector.
Finally, we employed the Pinecone API
(Pinecone, 2023) for its versatile functionalities,
alongside leveraging the all-MiniLM-L6-v2 model
from Hugging Face for embedding generation. This
model offers a 384-dimensional dense vector space,
facilitating comprehensive analysis and representa-
tion of textual data. Additionally, we integrated the
Langchain framework (Chase, 2022) to seamlessly
merge all components.
In our endeavor to construct a comprehensive dataset,
we adopted a systematic approach by drawing upon
the structured content of the widely utilized textbook
alculo: Matem
aticas para el C
alculo (Stewart
et al., 2010). Appreciated for its wide adoption in
Latin American academic institutions, this textbook
was the foundation for our database construction. By
aligning our dataset with the topics covered in the
book, we ensured a coherent and thorough represen-
tation of essential mathematical concepts.
To further enhance the depth and breadth of our
dataset, we engaged mathematics educators through
a targeted survey. This initiative solicited feed-
back on additional mathematical content and refer-
ences to audiovisual resources that complement our
dataset. Having assimilated the input and audiovisual
resources gathered, we structured our dataset as out-
lined in the following subsection. Each entry in this
table represents metadata essential for the retrieval
process utilized by Pinecone, enabling the retrieval of
the most relevant information. The metadata is then
transformed into embeddings using the all-MiniLM-
L6-v2 model showcased in Figure 4.
3.1 Math Database
In our endeavor to construct a comprehensive dataset,
we adopted a systematic approach by drawing upon
the structured content of the widely utilized textbook
alculo: Matem
aticas para el C
alculo (Stewart
et al., 2010). Appreciated for its wide adoption in
Latin American academic institutions, this textbook
was the foundation for our database construction. By
aligning our dataset with the topics covered in the
book, we ensured a coherent and thorough represen-
tation of essential mathematical concepts.
Table 2: Structure of the Math Database.
Field Description
The specific mathematical area
covered by the content
Author Author(s) of the material
Chapter number within the
Description Brief description of the content
Mathematical exercise or
problem provided
Textbook Name of the textbook
Supplementary audiovisual
material related to the content
Subchapter or section within the
Subtopic or specific theme
addressed within the subchapter
Topic or broader category to
which the content belongs
Text that help us to create
To further enhance the depth and breadth of our
dataset, we engaged mathematics educators through
a targeted survey. This initiative solicited feedback
on additional mathematical content and references to
audiovisual resources that complement our dataset.
Through collaborative efforts, we integrated various
pedagogical materials and perspectives. This collab-
orative approach ensured the relevance and compre-
hensiveness of our dataset for educational purposes.
Having assimilated the input and audiovisual re-
sources gathered, we structured our dataset as out-
lined in Table 2. Each entry in this table represents
metadata essential for the retrieval process utilized
by Pinecone, enabling the retrieval of the most rele-
vant information. The metadata is then transformed
into embeddings using the all-MiniLM-L6-v2 model
showcased in Figure 4.
ICSOFT 2024 - 19th International Conference on Software Technologies
Figure 4: Visual representation of 1362 points reduced to 3
dimensions using PCA from our database, visualized using
Embedding Projector.
In Figure 4, each topic from our metadata is visu-
alized, allowing us to observe how the clusters of top-
ics differentiate through distinct colors. Furthermore,
the visualization reveals instances where clusters in-
tersect, indicative of shared topics. For instance, clus-
ters such as Analytical Trigonometry, Trigonometric
Functions - Unit Circle, and Trigonometric Functions
- Triangle Method intersect colored in yellow, green,
and brown, respectively, highlighting commonalities
across these topics. Conversely, certain sections ap-
pear distinctly isolated, such as Complex Numbers
colored in pink, primarily due to their limited over-
lap with other topics and subtopics. This transfor-
mation facilitated efficient retrieval and integration
within our chatbot, providing contextual information
for enhanced interaction.
3.2 Pinecone Retrieval Responses
In this study, we utilized the Pinecone API to stream-
line our database management, enabling efficient and
scalable integration. Leveraging the all-MiniLM-L6-
v2 model, we generated embeddings for our data and
conducted retrieval testing by converting our queries
into embeddings, facilitating search in the vector-
ized database. The Pinecone platform facilitated the
upload and management of our database, allowing
for seamless integration and scalability. Through
Langchain components (Chase, 2022), we created a
vector store using the text key, formed by concatenat-
ing all keys from each row in our database. Finally,
leveraging this vector store as a retriever, we con-
ducted queries and retrieved each query’s top k = 3
The retrieval mechanism demonstrated through
the queries “I do not understand real numbers” and
“How to evaluate a function” shows the effectiveness
of Pinecone in retrieving relevant documents. In table
3, the top three retrieved documents from Pinecone
show cosine similarity scores of 0.6141, 0.5809, and
0.5714, while in table 4, the top three retrieved doc-
uments from Pinecone have scores of 0.5534, 0.5117
and 0.4967 respectively. These results suggest high
relevance between documents and queries, underscor-
ing the retrieval system’s effectiveness in providing
Table 3: Top documents retrieved from Pinecone based on
cosine similarity to the query and semantic relevance.
query = “I don’t understand real numbers”
Document Document Document
id = 1 id = 0 id = 5
score = 0.614 score = 0.581 score = 0.571
Table 4: Top documents retrieved from Pinecone based on
cosine similarity to the query and semantic relevance.
query = “How to evaluate a function”
Document Document Document
id = 191 id = 196 id = 387
score = 0.553 score = 0.512 score = 0.497
3.3 Responses Comparison
Table 5 illustrates a comparative analysis of responses
generated by different chatbots, including ChatGPT
(Achiam et al., 2023), Gemini (Gemini et al., 2023),
and LLaMa (Touvron et al., 2023) version 7b-chat, in
response to a simple ”I don’t understand real num-
bers. Do you have videos?” query. This query serves
as an initial test to evaluate the behavior of the mod-
els when no additional context is provided. In such
instances, the responses from the base models tend
to resemble those of generic chat assistants, lack-
ing a clear purpose. However, when prompted with
additional context, such as information about their
name, mission, and developers, the models demon-
strate improved understanding and relevance in their
responses. In our proposed approach, the model is
trained to understand its purpose explicitly and high-
lights its capability to recommend relevant audiovi-
sual material to address user queries effectively.
Finally, our database is seamlessly integrated into
our retriever system via the Pinecone API. Utiliz-
ing the ConversationalRetrievalChain (CRC) from
Langchain (Chase, 2022), we execute our final
queries, incorporating documents from the database
for contextual information. It leverages a language
model to rephrase the conversation into a query sent
to the retriever if available. Otherwise, it directly uti-
lizes the newest user input. Subsequently, it retrieves
relevant documents and incorporates them, along with
the ongoing conversation, to generate a response us-
ing another language model. Thus, the workflow of
our application, as illustrated in Figure 5, demon-
strates this process. Additionally, we have introduced
Integrating a LLaMa-based Chatbot with Augmented Retrieval Generation as a Complementary Educational Tool for High School and
College Students
Table 5: Comparison of Responses for Different Chatbots.
Query ChatGPT Gemini LLaMa
I don’t un-
derstand real
Do you have
Understanding real num-
bers can be a bit tricky at
first, but there are plenty
of resources available to
help you grasp the con-
cept! Videos can indeed
be a great way to learn.
There are many educa-
tional platforms like Khan
Academy, YouTube chan-
nels like Numberphile, and
various online courses that
offer video lessons on real
numbers and related math-
ematical topics.
Absolutely, there are many
videos that can help you
understand real numbers.
Here are a couple ways to
search for them:
What are Real Num-
bers? YouTube WHAT
YouTube Real Numbers -
YouTube I hope this helps!
Hello! I’m here to help you
understand real numbers.
However, I must inform
you that I cannot provide
videos or any other con-
tent that promotes harmful
or false information. Real
numbers are a fundamen-
tal concept in mathematics,
and it’s important to under-
stand them in a safe and re-
sponsible manner.
Table 6: Comparison of Responses for Different LLaMa-7b-chat Configurations.
LLaMa 7b-chat (Base
LLaMa 7b-chat +
PROMPT (Base Model +
System Prompt)
LLaMa 7b-chat +
PROMPT + Retrieval
(Our Proposal)
“I don’t un-
derstand real
Do you have
Of course! I’d be happy
to help you understand real
numbers. Here’s a video
that may help:
[Insert video link here]
I hope this video helps
you understand real num-
bers better. If you have any
questions or need further
clarification, please don’t
hesitate to ask. I’m here to
Hello! So you’re looking
for help in mathematics,
perfect! As a virtual assis-
tant for mathematics, I’m
here to help you with any
questions you may have.
Whether you’re in high
school or university, I’m
here to provide you with
quick and friendly support.
As an AI language model, I
don’t have personal videos
or images to share with
you, but I can provide
you with links to helpful
resources on YouTube or
other websites. Just let me
know what you need help
Of course! Here are
some videos that might
help you better understand
real numbers:
1. What are real num-
bers? - Derivando
- This video will ex-
plain to you clearly
and step by step what
real numbers are and
some of their funda-
mental properties.
2. Property of real num-
bers - Math2me - In
this video, I will show
you how operations
with real numbers
distribute and how this
is useful in solving
mathematical prob-
3. Is zero a natural num-
ber? - Derivando - In
this video, I will dis-
cuss whether zero is
a natural number and
how real numbers re-
late to natural numbers.
ICSOFT 2024 - 19th International Conference on Software Technologies
a memory component to bolster response accuracy,
which is particularly beneficial for students address-
ing multiple questions within the same topic.
Figure 5: Workflow of our proposal using Conversational-
RetrievalChain from Langchain (Chase, 2022).
We aim to generate the most relevant answers by
considering prompts, student memory, conversation
context, and the actual questions posed. The CRC
system even autonomously generates questions based
on the student’s history to optimize information re-
trieval. In table 6 showcases how our system sur-
passes a basic model. While the base model can sug-
gest a video, it lacks the ability to find specific re-
sources. Conversely, our system leverages retrieved
information to provide links to relevant educational
videos, directly aiding the student’s understanding.
The creation of our database posed significant chal-
lenges, especially in the precise translation of con-
tents and obtaining suitable audiovisual material.
However, these efforts resulted in a well-structured
and comprehensive database covering fundamental
mathematical concepts. Using a vector base through
the Pinecone API facilitated the Retrieval Augmented
Generation (RAG) implementation, proving an effec-
tive strategy for our queries. Despite our notable
achievements, it is imperative to recognize the con-
straints inherent in our study. Presently, our sys-
tem’s capabilities are limited by available hardware
resources. While we have effectively deployed our
LLaMa 7B-chat model quantized with q4
to enhance
performance in medium to high resource environ-
ments. Our application has the potential to be widely
used in educational institutions with internet access
and essential computing resources. By being able to
run entirely on RAM and CPU without the need for a
GPU, our tool is accessible and easily deployable in a
variety of educational settings.
Our work focused on the creation of a chatbot using
the LLaMa 7B-chat model and Retrieval Augmented
Generation (RAG) that utilizes a large mathemat-
ics database with relevant audio-visual resources this
combination significantly enriches student learning.
We used the Pinecone API for efficient retrieval, lead-
ing to more accurate and relevant chatbot responses.
Furthermore, considering context, memory, and ques-
tions during response generation resulted in more pre-
cise and relevant solutions for students.
This technology can transform education by of-
fering students personalized and accessible learning
materials. Additionally, our application’s scalability
and low resource requirements make it deployable in
various educational systems, fostering its accessibil-
ity and versatility. In conclusion, our work represents
a significant step towards intelligent educational as-
sistants that enhance student learning. We hope this
research inspires further development in AI-assisted
education, ultimately improving education globally.
Our system can be improved using larger language
models for better understanding and response gener-
ation. Additionally, allowing the chatbot to access
and search the internet would provide students with
a wider range of real-time information. This would
broaden their knowledge and encourage them to de-
velop critical thinking skills by verifying information
and exploring different sources.
Integrating a LLaMa-based Chatbot with Augmented Retrieval Generation as a Complementary Educational Tool for High School and
College Students
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ICSOFT 2024 - 19th International Conference on Software Technologies