DISC: A Dataset for Information Security Classification
Elijah Bass
, Massimiliano Albanese
and Marcos Zampieri
Center for Secure Information Systems, George Mason University, Fairfax, U.S.A.
Information Security, Information Protection, Security Classification, Artificial Intelligence, Datasets.
Research in information security classification has traditionally relied on carefully curated datasets. However,
the sensitive nature of the classified information contained in such documents poses challenges in terms of
accessibility and reproducibility. Existing data sources often lack openly available resources for automated
data collection and quality review processes, making it difficult to facilitate reproducible research. Addi-
tionally, datasets constructed from declassified information, though valuable, are not readily available to the
public, and their creation methods remain poorly documented, rendering them non-reproducible. This paper
addresses these challenges by introducing DISC, a dataset and framework, driven by artificial intelligence
principles, for information security classification. This process aims to streamline all the stages of dataset
creation, from preprocessing of raw documents to annotation. By enabling reproducibility and augmentation,
this approach enhances the utility of available document collections for information security classification re-
search and allows researchers to create new datasets in a principled way.
In the realm of information security, classification
refers to the process of categorizing and protecting
information based on its sensitivity, confidentiality,
or criticality (NIST, 2004). Information classifica-
tion is an essential aspect of information security and
data governance, enabling organizations to adeptly
manage information while ensuring the protection of
sensitive data and compliance with regulatory stan-
dards. Classification systems are designed to as-
sist organizations in developing robust classification
strategies that align with their security requirements
and facilitate efficient data management. Govern-
ment agencies, private sector entities, and industry-
specific users (e.g., healthcare, payment card indus-
try) leverage information classification systems as
integral components of their information protection
planning. Government agencies rely on information
classification systems to control access to national
security information. Industry-specific users adhere
to classification protocols dictated by regulatory and
standards requirements, such as the Health Insurance
Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) for safe-
guarding medical industry information in the United
States and the Payment Card Industry Data Security
Standard (PCI DSS) for protecting data used in credit
card transactions.
Information classification stands as a critical as-
pect of government and military operations, with each
country maintaining a unique classification system
tailored to its specific needs. In the United States,
Executive Order (EO) 13526
mandates a uniform
system for classifying, safeguarding, and declassify-
ing national security information within the govern-
ment and military (White House, 2009). Govern-
ment officials with the role of Original Classification
Authorities (OCAs) determine the classification level
based on the assessment of potential damage to na-
tional security due to unauthorized disclosure. Secu-
rity Classification Guides detail and manage the sensi-
tivity of information (Information Security Oversight
Office, 2018). Section 1.2 of EO 13526 prescribes
three distinct levels of information classification la-
bels, namely CONFIDENTIAL, SECRET, and TOP
SECRET (White House, 2009). The CONFIDENTIAL
classification is assigned to information where unau-
thorized disclosure is expected to cause damage to na-
tional security, while the SECRET classification is re-
served for information whose unauthorized disclosure
Once issued, executive orders remain in force until
they are canceled or revoked by the current president, ex-
pire, or are adjudicated as unlawful.
Bass, E., Albanese, M. and Zampieri, M.
DISC: A Dataset for Information Security Classification.
DOI: 10.5220/0012763400003767
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT 2024), pages 175-185
ISBN: 978-989-758-709-2; ISSN: 2184-7711
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
is expected to cause serious harm to national secu-
rity. The TOP SECRET classification is applied when
the unauthorized disclosure is anticipated to cause ex-
ceptionally grave damage to national security. Infor-
mation that doesn’t meet the sensitivity requirements
outlined in EO 13526 Section 1.2 is designated as
The advancement of information security classifi-
cation research has historically been hindered by lim-
ited shareability of curated datasets and resources re-
quired to automate dataset curation and assess qual-
ity. Previous information security efforts have fo-
cused on researching classification algorithms. Us-
able datasets and frameworks to replicate research are
not yet available. The sensitive nature of information
used in security classification precludes the sharing of
most datasets. The need for manual review of data ex-
tracted from the few available document repositories
has been demonstrated as essential for ensuring data
quality and accuracy (Engelstad et al., 2015b; Brown
and Charlebois, 2010; Engelstad et al., 2015a). This is
particularly evident in correcting errors resulting from
optical character recognition (OCR) applied to legacy
documents, and in preserving the integrity of docu-
ment information.
To tackle these challenges, we propose a frame-
work for automating the creation of datasets to serve
as training data to support the development of ad-
vanced information security classification systems.
We illustrate the use of this framework by creat-
ing DISC, the first reproducible information security
dataset, which we make publicly available. The pro-
posed approach ensures the integrity and quality of
the data, thus reducing the need for manual review, by
harnessing the power of AI-based methods and Large
Language Models (LLMs). We report the results of
initial experiments on information classification us-
ing the DISC dataset and discuss future research di-
The remainder of this paper is organized as fol-
lows: Section 2 describes datasets curated in prior re-
search. Section 3 introduces a formal model for repre-
senting documents and supporting granular classifica-
tion. Section 4 outlines the methodology for collect-
ing, processing, and storing information from a de-
classified document database to create a shareable and
reusable dataset. Section 5 describes areas of research
that can benefit from the proposed methods and DISC
whereas Section 6 demonstrates the utility of DISC on
information security classification. Finally, Section 7
provides concluding remarks and identifies future re-
search directions.
The sensitivity of CLASSIFIED information and its
potential security impact from public release pre-
cludes the availability of readily accessible pub-
lic datasets. As a result, information classification
datasets have been curated using publicly released,
declassified, or leaked information sources. In re-
sponse to the evolving need for diverse datasets, an
emerging research field focuses on generating doc-
ument datasets, leveraging advancements in deep
learning to augment existing capabilities and re-
In the United States, information must undergo re-
classification or the declassification process upon the
expiration of its original classification period (White
House, 2009). Publicly released government docu-
ments that have completed the declassification pro-
cess serve as raw data for creating a realistic classifi-
cation dataset. The Digital National Security Archive
(DNSA) stands out as a comprehensive collection,
comprising over 100,000 declassified records that
document historic United States policy decisions
This archive contains electronic copies of both previ-
ment documents related to U.S. foreign policy from
the post-World War II era to the present day. No-
tably, research highlighted in (Engelstad et al., 2015b;
Brown and Charlebois, 2010; Engelstad et al., 2015a)
utilized specific DNSA domains, encompassing a mix
of CLASSIFIED and UNCLASSIFIED documents, in-
Afghanistan: The Making of U.S. Policy, 1973-
China and the United States: From Hostility to
Engagement, 1960-1998.
The Philippines: U.S. Policy during the Marcos
Years, 1965-1986.
Information made publicly available through data
breaches and data leaks can aid in the creation of
difficult-to-obtain research datasets. However, re-
searchers must conscientiously identify and address
the ethical concerns associated with the process
through which the information was released into the
public domain before utilizing leaked data (Boustead
and Herr, 2020).
WikiLeaks, founded in 2006, is an organization
known for collecting and publishing sensitive leaked
documents. Notably, WikiLeaks published confiden-
tial United States diplomatic cables spanning from
2003 to 2010. These diplomatic cables, originat-
ing from U.S. Embassies and Consulates worldwide,
SECRYPT 2024 - 21st International Conference on Security and Cryptography
were presented on the WikiLeaks website in a static
HTML format, organized by embassies, and sorted
by their respective origination dates. In the research
conducted in (Alzhrani et al., 2016), the leaked diplo-
matic cables were processed, leading to the creation
of datasets for the Baghdad, London, Berlin, and
Damascus embassies. The content of these datasets
was classified at the paragraph level, with a total
of 21,718 paragraphs labeled as UNCLASSIFIED and
9,291 paragraphs labeled as SECRET.
The challenge of insufficient datasets for train-
ing and validating sensitive information classification
models is a common hurdle and may be addressed us-
ing data augmentation. The research in (Jadli et al.,
2020) introduced the use of deep convolutional ad-
versarial networks (DCGAN) to generate synthetic
document images from an existing scanned document
dataset. These generated images were combined with
original images in a dataset to train an image clas-
sifier using a convolutional neural network for doc-
ument classification. The accuracy of the resulting
model, trained on the augmented dataset, was then
compared to a model trained on a similar-sized dataset
consisting solely of original documents. Remarkably,
the constructed model performed comparably to the
model trained with authentic data, achieving accuracy
of 90% and 91%, respectively.
The research in (Chakraborty et al., 2021) fo-
cuses on generating additional documents by replac-
ing concepts with semantically related concepts se-
lected from an ontology. The results yield, for every
real document d, a set Fake(d) of fake documents that
closely resemble d. Another approach demonstrated
in (Whitham, 2017) employs a rule-based and preset
template-based method for textual information gener-
ation. This technique involves parsing text to iden-
tify part-of-speech tags, selecting an original docu-
ment as a template, and utilizing word transposition
and substitution based on part-of-speech tagging and
In varying degrees, previous research efforts have
described the processes utilized to create datasets for
training and testing information security classifier al-
gorithms. However, efforts in contacting prior re-
searchers to obtain datasets to recreate prior research
results has been unsuccessful, confirming the chal-
lenges in accessing quality data for information clas-
sification research. To the author’s knowledge, DISC
is the first openly available and reusable dataset for
information security classification
The dataset and associated resources will be made pub-
licly available upon publication of this paper.
The availability of high-quality and well-curated
datasets, often referred to as corpora, is essential for
advancing the state-of-the-art in information security
classification. A suitable corpus serves as the foun-
dation upon which researchers can build and evalu-
ate models, algorithms, and methodologies to address
key challenges and issues within the domain of infor-
mation security classification. This section describes
a formal model for representing documents and sup-
porting fine-grained classification of document ele-
ments (paragraphs and sentences), whereas Section 4
provides a comprehensive description of the corpus
utilized in our research, encompassing both the data
collection methodology and relevant information re-
garding the composition, characteristics, and struc-
ture of the corpus.
In the field of information security, the infor-
mation security classification of documents based
on their sensitivity and confidentiality requirements
plays a pivotal role in safeguarding valuable data from
unauthorized access and disclosure. However, de-
spite the critical importance of this task, existing in-
formation security classification literature often lacks
a formalized information model capable of describing
documents at different levels of granularity, such as
paragraphs or sentences. This gap presents a signifi-
cant challenge in efficiently and accurately predicting
the security classification of different parts of a doc-
ument and the classification of the information that
could be derived by combining different parts of the
same or different documents. This modeling capabil-
ity is therefore critical for reasoning about inference
attacks and preventing the under-classification of doc-
uments within a corpus.
3.1 Modeling Documents in a Corpus
A corpus of documents in an information system can
be represented as a set:
D = {d
, d
, ..., d
, ...d
, d
} (1)
where m = |D| is the number of documents in the cor-
pus. A document d
can then be represented as an
ordered sequence of paragraphs:
, p
, ..., p
i j
, ... p
where m
is the number of paragraphs in document d
and p
i j
is the j-th paragraph in document d
The ability to accurately model and analyze para-
graphs within a corpus holds significant importance
for various information security applications ranging
from information security categorization to threat de-
tection. Paragraphs serve as fundamental units of
DISC: A Dataset for Information Security Classification
Figure 1: Hierarchical corpus model.
information within documents and include coherent
and semantically meaningful segments of text. Un-
derstanding the structural and contextual attributes of
paragraphs within a corpus is essential for extracting
valuable insights, identifying patterns, and making in-
formed decisions regarding information security poli-
cies and practices. This section focuses on the task
of modeling paragraphs within a corpus, with a spe-
cific emphasis on its relevance to information security
Finally, a paragraph p
i j
can be represented as an
ordered sequence of sentences:
i j
i j1
, s
i j2
, ..., s
i jk
, ..., s
i jm
i j
where m
i j
is the number of sentences in paragraph p
i j
and s
i jk
is the k-th sentences in paragraph p
i j
Considering that the number of documents in the
corpus is m and m
denotes the number of paragraphs
in document d
, the total number of paragraphs in the
corpus is given by:
Similarly, considering that the number of sen-
tences in a paragraph p
i j
is m
i j
, the total number of
sentences in the corpus is given by:
i j
This hierarchical model of a document corpus is
illustrated in Figure 1.
3.2 Achieving Granular Classification
In the domain of information security classification,
achieving granular classification at the level of indi-
vidual sentences and paragraphs is crucial for effec-
tively safeguarding sensitive data and ensuring com-
pliance with security policies, while preserving ac-
cess to information for those with sufficient clearance.
Traditional approaches to document classification
often focus on categorizing entire documents or sec-
tions based on their overall sensitivity. There exists
a growing recognition of the need for more granu-
lar classification techniques that can discern the vary-
ing levels of sensitivity present within a document’s
elements. This section explores the importance of
achieving granular sentence and paragraph classifica-
tion within the context of information security.
To model granular classification at the sentence
and paragraph level, let C = {UNCLASSIFIED, CON-
of security classifications and let P and S respectively
denote the sets of all paragraphs and sentences in the
corpus, which can be defined as follows.
P =
i j
S =
i j
i jk
We can represent the sentence-level classification
as a mapping δ
: S C that associates a classification
label δ
(s) to each sentence s S. Similarly, we can
represent the paragraph-level classification as a map-
ping δ
: P C and the document-level classification
as a mapping δ
: D C.
Given a paragraph p
i j
P, one would intuitively
assume that its classification is the highest classifica-
tion among its sentences:
i j
) = max
i j
i jk
) (8)
Similarly, given a document d
D, one would in-
tuitively assume that its classification is the highest
classification among its paragraphs:
) = max
i j
) (9)
However, combining multiple pieces of informa-
tion at one classification level may result in informa-
tion that should be classified at a higher level. Thus,
information classification must consider whether the
aggregate of multiple units of text (sentences or para-
graphs) should be assigned a higher classification
SECRYPT 2024 - 21st International Conference on Security and Cryptography
PDF to
Figure 2: Dataset for Information Security Classification (DISC) processing chain.
level than the highest classification level of all the in-
dividual units. In other words Eqs. 8 and 9 must be
rewritten to define lower bounds on the classification
i j
) max
i j
i jk
) (10)
) max
i j
) (11)
The formal information model introduced in this
section forms a foundational framework for organiz-
ing and categorizing document content in a systematic
manner. At its core, the formal information model
delineates the hierarchical structure of documents,
breaking them down into constituent paragraphs and
sentences. Each level of granularity within the model
is endowed with metadata attributes that capture rele-
vant information about the content and potential se-
curity implications of the text. By leveraging this
formalized representation of document content, the
proposed method aims to streamline the process of
security classification by automating key tasks such
as document collection, OCR for text extraction, and
subsequent analysis. By facilitating the utilization of
advanced Natural Language Processing (NLP) tech-
niques and machine learning algorithms, the proposed
formal information model enables intelligent classifi-
cation decisions based on the semantic understanding
of document contents at the paragraph and sentence
In this section, we first describe the methodology we
employed to generate the DISC corpus from the orig-
inal DNSA database, and then describe in detail the
structure of the corpus itself.
4.1 Data Collection Methodology
The DISC corpus is built upon the documents con-
tained within the DNSA database, and specifically the
documents in the three topic areas outlined in Sec-
tion 2. Out of the 2,459 documents available within
those topic areas, documents deemed not relevant to
information classifications were excluded. Specifi-
cally, the following documents were omitted: dupli-
cate documents, documents classified as UNKNOWN,
and documents marked as EXCISED (i.e., the classi-
fied text sections were redacted).
The DISC processing pipeline is illustrated in
Figure 2. Stage 1 of the processing pipeline in-
volves performing image processing on the pages of
the PDF documents. The documents in the DNSA
database consist of non-searchable PDF files con-
taining scanned images of the original printed docu-
ments. The PDF files were searched and organized ac-
cording to their initial classification (UNCLASSIFIED,
topic areas mentioned earlier. The initial classifica-
tion of each document was determined by the author
and classification originator, based on the procedures
DISC: A Dataset for Information Security Classification
in (White House, 2009). The documents within the
DNSA database have undergone the declassification
process, therefore the value of their reclassification
metadata is set to UNCLASSIFIED. The document re-
classification (UNCLASSIFIED) and DNSA database
document search parameters (initial classification and
domain) forms the metadata associated with the resul-
tant documents during Stage 1 of the DISC processing
pipeline. The Python fitz package was used to in-
gest individual PDF files and convert their pages to
images. Figure 3 shows an example of a page from a
PDF document in the DSNA database converted to an
image in Stage 1.
Figure 3: Stage 1: Example of non-searchable image-based
PDF document.
Stage 2 of the DISC processing pipeline uses an
Optical Character Recognition (OCR) algorithm to
convert the images of document pages into editable
and searchable data. The OCR processing stage en-
ables subsequent information manipulation, editing,
searching, and analysis using information security
classification algorithms. The Python pytesseract
module was used to perform OCR processing on the
images formed from the pages of individual docu-
ments. Figure 4 shows the output of OCR processing
for the document image of Figure 3. In the interest of
space, only the first few paragraphs of the document
are shown in Figure 4.
Background. In June 1985, privete American and Yereeli
citeizens Commenced 8m Operation to ecfect the release of
the Americen +iostages in Beirut in exchange for providing
certain factions in Iran with 0.$.-origan Isreeli militery sateriel.
By September, U.S. and Israeli Government officials became
involved in thie -endeavor in order to ensure that the 086 would:
not object to the Isrseli transfer of embergoed na-
terie! tc Iran;
=< eell replacement items to lerae)] as replenishment for
like items sold to fran by lserael.
ih On September 3f, the Israeli Government, with che en-
dorsement of the OSG, transferred 508 besic TOW missiles
to Iran. Forty-eight hours later, Reverend Benjamin Weir was
relesseé in beirut.
Figure 4: Stage 2: OCR error-prone textual output for the
document image in Figure 3. OCR errors in the Background
section of the document errors are indicated in red text.
Background. In June 1985, private American and Yereeli
citizens Commenced 8m Operation to effect the release of the
American + hostages in Beirut in exchange for providing actions
in Iran with 0.$.-origin Israeli military materiel. By September,
U.S. and Israeli Government officials became involved in the
-endeavor in order to ensure that the 086 would:
not object to the Israeli transfer of emerged nature!
tc Iran;
=< well replacement items to were)] as replenishment
for like items sold to fran by israel.
ih) On September 3f, the Israeli Government, with che
endorsement of the OS, transferred 508 basic OW missiles to
Iran. Forty-eight hours later, Reverend Benjamin Weir was
releaseé in bert.
Figure 5: Results of the Python Speller package’s
autocorrection module on the OCR output in Figure 4.
Uncorrected errors in the Background section of the doc-
ument are indicated in red text. Autocorrection module
corrections on the OCR output are in blue text.
Stage 3 of the DISC processing pipeline performs
error correction on the OCR output. The Python
Speller package’s autocorrection module was in-
vestigated for accuracy in correcting the OCR pro-
cessing errors. The primary motivation for investigat-
ing the Python Speller package is its ability to perform
local processing, thus maintaining confidentiality of
information, and offer cost-effectiveness and speed.
The result of the autocorrection module on the in-
formation in Figure 4 is illustrated in Figure 5. This
module was able to correct only words with errors in-
volving one or two characters.
The performance of the LLM-based error correc-
tion methodology was compared against the Python
Speller package. LLMs detect OCR errors by analyz-
SECRYPT 2024 - 21st International Conference on Security and Cryptography
Table 1: Stage 4: DNSA documents indexing information.
ID Title Abstract Pub. Date Authors
1679059219 Mujajedin Cross Border Cow Raid... Soviet Union Armed Forces retaliate... June 14, 1987 U.S. Consulate of Peshawar
1679076686 Afghanistan: Gailani Welcome Zahir Shah’s... Itihad-i Islami Baraye Azad-i Afghanistan... May 18, 1987 U.S.Embassy of Pakistan
1679059734 Jamiat-i-Islami Comment on Mujahideen ... Newspapers report that the Soviet Union ... May 2, 1987 U.S. Consulate of Peshawar
1679077357 Soviet Reprisals in Northern Afghanistan United States Embassy. Afghanistan officers ... April 26, 1987 U.S. Embassy Afghanistan of Afghanistan
1679060091 Xinhua: Soviet, Afghan Planes Change... United States Embassy. Afghanistan officers ... April 21, 1987 U.S. Foreign Broadcast Information Service
ing inconsistencies or grammatical anomalies within
the uncorrected text. Therefore, words that do not fit
within the context of the document or are unlikely to
occur based on language patterns can be identified
as OCR errors and replaced with the mostly likely
words. Previous related works outlined the need for
manual visual reviews to ensure quality of the in-
formation. The LLM-based technique implemented
in the DISC processing pipeline allows automation
of the OCR error correction process and greatly re-
duces the need for manual information review. The
LLM prompt utilized was meticulously crafted to cor-
rect OCR errors while preventing the generation of
additional or alternative content. The result of the
LLM-based OCR error correction on the information
in Figure 4 is illustrated in Figure 6. The LLM-based
OCR error correction greatly outperformed Python’s
autocorrection module, demonstrating the ability
to understand the context and remediate poor OCR
results. The accuracy of LLM-based error correc-
tion, compared to the Python Speller package, out-
weighs the additional overhead in terms of time and
cost. Therefore, the LLM methodology was selected
to perform Stage 3 of the DISC processing pipeline,
as illustrated in Figure 2.
Background. In June 1985, private American and Israeli
citizens commenced an operation to effect the release of the
American hostages in Beirut in exchange for providing certain
factions in Iran with U.S.-origin Israeli military material.
By September, U.S. and Israeli Government officials became
involved in this endeavor in order to ensure that the U.S. would:
not object to the Israeli transfer of embargoed mate-
rial to Iran;
sell replacement items to Iran as replenishment for like
items sold to Iran by Israel.
On September 3, the Israeli Government, with the en-
dorsement of the U.S.G, transferred 508 basic TOW missiles
to Iran. Forty-eight hours later, Reverend Benjamin Weir was
released in Beirut.
Figure 6: Stage 3: LLM-based error free correction of the
OCR output in Figure 4. Corrected errors in the Back-
ground section of the document are indicated in blue text.
Finally, Stage 4 of the DISC processing pipeline
collects indexing information of DNSA documents
for correlation to the LLM-enhanced OCR error-
corrected textual information obtained from Stage 3
to create the DISC JSON entries. In addition to the
image-based PDF copies of the original documents,
the DNSA database user interface facilitates gener-
ating and exporting an Excel spreadsheet contain-
ing document metadata. This metadata includes in-
dexing information and an abstract summarizing the
document. The indexing information collected from
DNSA consists of document title, classification date,
database name, authors information, and assigned
unique document identifier, as illustrated in Figure 1.
The final step in the DISC processing pipeline con-
sists in correlating document abstract and indexing in-
formation with the textual information produced in
Stage 3 for storage in the DISCs JSON format, as
shown in Figure 7.
1 {
2 " D ocI D ": 7 ,
3 " T itl e ": " R ele a se of Am e rica n Hos t ages in
Bei rut .. . ",
BEI RUT .. . ",
BEI RUT .. . ",
6 " A bstr a ct ": " Oli v er L. No rth ca l ls S ovi et
pol icy .. . ",
7 " C l a ssif i c a tion ": [{
8 " C l ass I D ": "7 _ 1 " ,
9 " L abe l ": " Top Se c ret " ,
10 " D ate ": "c . A pri l 4 , 198 6"
11 },
12 {
13 " C l ass I D ": "7 _ 2 " ,
14 " L abe l ": " U n c lassi f i ed "
15 }
16 ],
17 " D atab a se ": " Dig i tal N atio n al S e cur i t y
Arc h ive " ,
18 " D oma i n ": " A fgha n i stan : The Ma k ing of U.S.
Po licy , 19 73\ u20 1 3 199 0 " ,
19 " A uth o r ": " Uni t ed S tat e s . N a t ion a l Se c urit y
Cou n cil " ,
20 " S tor e ID ": "16 7 9 05981 8 "
21 }
Figure 7: Document indexing and textual information
stored in a JSON record.
DISC: A Dataset for Information Security Classification
4.2 Corpus Description
Section 4.1 provided a comprehensive overview of
the methodology utilized in the creation of the DISC
corpus from its precursor, the DNSA database. The
processing chain and information processing strat-
egy elaborated upon in section 2 provides a repeat-
able process to recreate or augment the developed
reusable DISC dataset. This section dives deeper into
the DISC corpus, focusing on its information organi-
zation and presenting detailed statistics pertaining to
the archived documents available in DISC.
The information within the DNSA not only con-
sists of PDF documents comprised of textual images
but also includes indexed information created during
content curation, Indexes information describes the
document content and provenance information. The
information obtainable for each document in the DISC
corpus is illustrated in Table 2.
Table 2: Attributes for documents in the DISC corpus.
Attribute Description
DocID Unique Document ID
Title Document title
Abstract Brief summary of the document
OCR-Text Text extracted via OCR from the PDF
Text Text reconstructed via LLM from the
OCR output
Classification Document classification events (each
document may have multiple classifica-
tion events)
Database References to the database the document
was extracted from
Domain Domain within the database the docu-
ment was extracted from
Author Authorship information
StoreID Database-assigned unique document ID
Changes in information sensitivity, facilitate mod-
eling of the time-decay of information sensitivity, or
satisfy decisions to increase level of information con-
Table 3: Attributes for classification events.
Attribute Description
ClassID Unique classification event ID
Label Classification level (UNCLASSIFIED,
Date Classification date
The DISC consists of the following DNSA domain
AF, Afghanistan: The Making of U.S. Policy,
CH, China and the United States: From Hostility
to Engagement, 1960-1998.
PH, The Philippines: U.S. Policy during the Mar-
cos Years, 1965-1986.
The documents statistics and original documenta-
tion classifications contained in DISC are listed in Ta-
ble 4.
Table 4: Information classification statistics for documents
in the DISC corpus.
AF 401 206 13 620
CH 151 666 132 949
PH 411 469 1 881
TOTAL 963 1,341 146 2,450
DISC was developed primarily to support NLP algo-
rithm research for reactive information security clas-
sification of existing documents e.g., security classifi-
cation after information creation. However, DISC can
be utilized for other research purposes such as proac-
tive information control and access applications.
Proactive information classification involves the
preemptive process of categorizing and labeling data
or information based on its content, sensitivity, or
other characteristics before it is created or shared.
This approach aims to enhance information manage-
ment and security by implementing automated sys-
tems or policies that identify sensitive information
during its creation, sharing, or storage. Through
proactive information classification, high-value infor-
mation can be identified in real-time, enabling organi-
zations to implement immediate data protection mea-
sures. The DISC dataset facilitates research in NLP
techniques to enforce security controls, authorization
permissions, and data access protection measures at
the point of information creation.
LLMs exhibit proficiency in processing and com-
prehending intricate language found in textual docu-
ments, making them valuable for enhancing informa-
tion classification tasks. Leveraging their knowledge
and contextual understanding, LLMs can extract cru-
cial information, identify topics, and conduct senti-
ment analysis. An analysis of LLMs performance in
classifying public affairs documents was conducted
SECRYPT 2024 - 21st International Conference on Security and Cryptography
in (Peña et al., 2023). Four distinct Spanish LLMs
were employed to classify up to 30 different topics
in the dataset. The findings underscored the effec-
tiveness of LLMs in performing information classi-
fication on domain-specific documents. DISC would
provide the necessary dataset to assist in the research
and training of LLMs to automate the information se-
curity classification process.
This section demonstrates how DISC can be used
for information security classification (Brown and
Charlebois, 2010; Engelstad et al., 2015a; Engel-
stad et al., 2015b). We use Term Frequency-Inverse
Document Frequency (TF-IDF) with multiple classi-
fiers such as Naive Bayes (NB), Support Vector Ma-
chines (SVM), K-nearest Neighbor (KNN), and Gra-
dient Boost (GB). A Bidirectional Encoder Represen-
tations from Transformers (BERT) classifier (Devlin
et al., 2019) was utilized to compare performance
with the TF-IDF classifiers. We present the results
of the different models in Table 5 along with perfor-
mance results for each individual model in Tables 6 to
Table 5: Performance comparison of classifier models.
Precision Recall Precision Recall F1 Score
NB 1.00 0.94 0.94 1.00 0.97
SVM 0.97 0.99 0.99 0.97 0.98
KNN 0.97 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.94
GB 0.91 0.98 0.97 0.90 0.94
BERT 0.97 0.99 0.99 0.97 0.98
The CLASSIFIED documents misclassified by
BERT were examined to provide insight into how
the algorithm was learning language structure. The
BERT algorithm classified the text “Reports on Tai-
wan’s air defense capability, including availability of
surface-to-air missiles and fighter aircraft. as being
CLASSIFIED while the DNSA Database labeled the
information as being UNCLASSIFIED. However, mil-
itary capabilities and vulnerabilities of countries are
considered classified information. In fact, an Internet
search of the Taiwan air defense topic confirmed that
information on military capabilities and vulnerabili-
ties is in fact classified information and was recently
leaked within an on-line chat forum (Nakashima et al.,
2023). This result confirms that the manual process of
classifying data is in inconsistently applied within or-
ganizations and it is prone to human error.
Table 6: Confusion matrix for the TF-IDF/Naïve Bayes
Table 7: Confusion matrix for the TF-IDF/SVM classifier.
Table 8: Confusion matrix for the TF-IDF/KNN classifier.
Table 9: Confusion matrix for the TF-IDF/Gradient Boost
Table 10: Confusion matrix for the BERT classifier.
In conclusion, the experimentation conducted uti-
lizing DISC for information security classification re-
search has demonstrated several key benefits of our
approach. By making our dataset openly available
to the research community and providing a detailed
methodology for its creation, we have enabled other
researchers to access and utilize the identical dataset
for their own studies. Moreover, the method utilized
for creating DISC is replicable and facilitates aug-
mentation and expansion of the dataset to accommo-
date diverse research needs and objectives. One of
the most significant advantages of DISC is the uti-
lization of a LLM, which significantly reduces the
need for manual quality review of the data to ad-
dress optical character recognition errors. The uti-
lization of a LLM not only streamlines the dataset
creation process but also ensures the accuracy and re-
liability of the data, thereby enhancing the credibil-
ity and trustworthiness of research findings derived
from the dataset. LLM error correction is especially
suited for declassified document archives which often
consist of poor quality historical handwritten, type-
written, or photocopied documents due to the time
DISC: A Dataset for Information Security Classification
1 {
2 " $ sch e ma ": " http :// json - sch e ma . or g / draft - 07/ sc hema #" ,
3 " t itl e ": " G ener a ted s che m a for DI SC " ,
4 " typ e ": " a rra y " ,
5 " i tem s ": {
6 " t ype ": " obj e ct " ,
7 " p r o pert i es ": {
8 " D ocI D ": {" typ e ": " n umb e r "} ,
9 " T itl e ": {" typ e ": " s tri n g "} ,
10 " O C Rte x t ": {" typ e ": " stri ng "} ,
11 " T ext ": {" typ e ": " s tri n g "} ,
12 " A b stra c t ": {" typ e ": " str i ng "} ,
13 " Clas s i f icat i o n ": {
14 "ty pe ": " arr ay " ,
15 "it e ms ": {
16 " t ype ": " obj e ct " ,
17 " p r o pert i es ": {
18 " C l ass I D ": {" typ e ": " stri ng "} ,
19 " L abe l ": {" typ e ": " s tri n g "} ,
20 " D ate ": {" typ e ": " s tri n g "}
21 },
22 " r e quir e d ": [" C las s ID " , " L abe l "]
23 }
24 },
25 " D a taba s e ": {" typ e ": " str i ng "} ,
26 " D o mai n ": {" typ e ": " s tri n g "} ,
27 " A u tho r ": {" typ e ": " s tri n g "} ,
28 " S t ore I D ": {" typ e ": " stri ng "}
29 },
30 " r e quir e d ": [" Doc I D " , " T itl e ", " T ext 1 " , " T ext 2 " , " Abst r act " , " C l a s sifi c a t ion " , " D atab a se " , " D oma i n
", " A uth o r " , " S t ore I D "]
31 }
32 }
Figure 8: JSON Schema for DISC.
period requirement of information declassification.
Furthermore, the experimentation results demonstrate
the practical utility of DISC in reproducing prior re-
search approaches. The research efforts in (Engelstad
et al., 2015b; Brown and Charlebois, 2010; Engelstad
et al., 2015a) leverage documents from the DNSA.
However, the researcher don’t explicitly state docu-
ment selection process or list the documents select.
DISC stores the unique database assigned document
in the StoreID field and allows duplication of research
datasets. Thereby, exactly reproducing prior experi-
mental results is facilitated by listing StoreID values
to recreate a subset dataset from DISC. This not only
validates the reliability and consistency of DISC but
also highlights its utility to serve as a valuable re-
source for bench-marking, comparison, and valida-
tion of information security classification algorithms
and methodologies.
This paper presented DISC, the first reproducible
information security classification dataset publicly
available to information security researchers and pro-
fessionals. By providing detailed instructions on how
to curate this dataset from the original raw data, we
not only enable others to reproduce the dataset, but
also offer a framework for curating additional datasets
from similar data sources. DISC contains informa-
tion about 2,450 documents from the DNSA database,
including 963 OFFICIAL, 1,341 SECRET, and 146
TOP SECRET documents. As discussed in Section 5,
DISC can facilitate several areas of future research
in information security classification. In addition,
DISC can be utilized in various research purposes be-
yond information security classification such as im-
plementing information control and granting access
decisions. Future work would ideally include more
documents incorporating additional DNSA database
domains into the dataset following the same method-
SECRYPT 2024 - 21st International Conference on Security and Cryptography
ology and annotation. DISC facilitates collaboration,
reproducibility, and innovation in future research in
mitigating information security cybersecurity chal-
lenges. Overall, DISC represents a significant con-
tribution to the information security classification re-
search community, offering an accessible, reliable,
and scalable resource for advancing research in this
critical domain.
Using the proposed framework, we are currently
working to include more documents in DISC. While
the models tested in this paper have proven to achieve
high performance in this task, we intend to evaluate
the performance of open-source LLMs for this task.
Expanding the DISC dataset creation framework to
encompass open-source LLMs offers the capability to
uphold the confidentiality of sensitive data during the
processing of private information. We intent to uti-
lize an extended version of DISC to refine recently in-
troduced LLMs like Falcon and Llama-2 in crafting
decision-making processes for information security
classification levels. This endeavor will furnish the
community with a vital resource for preserving confi-
dentiality in classifying highly sensitive information.
Finally, the framework presented in this paper can be
applied to other domains and languages. We encour-
age the community to pursue research with data from
other repositories (e.g., industry data) as well as on
documents in languages other than English.
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The database documents and associated information
are stored within DISC in a JSON (JavaScript Object
Notation) data structure based on the JSON Schema
illustrated in Figure 8.
DISC: A Dataset for Information Security Classification