ChatGPT in Higher Education: A Risk Management Approach to
Academic Integrity, Critical Thinking, and Workforce Readiness
Victor Chang
, Yasmin Ansari
and Mitra Arami
Department of Operations and Information Management, Aston Business School, Aston University, Birmingham, U.K.
Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education, Aston Business School, Aston University, Birmingham, U.K.
Faculty of Social Sciences, Northeastern University London, London, U.K.
Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Large Language Models, Higher Education, Risk Management.
Abstract: This paper critically explores the role of ChatGPT in higher education, with a particular emphasis on
preserving the academic integrity of student assessments via a risk management paradigm. A literature
analysis was conducted to understand existing strategies for addressing academic misconduct and the
necessity of equipping students with skills suitable for an AI-driven workforce. The paper's unique
contribution lies in its use of a risk management approach to enable educators to identify potential risks, devise
mitigation strategies, and ultimately apply a proposed conceptual framework in educational environments.
The paper concludes with identifying practical limitations and proposed future research areas, focusing on the
uncertainties that emerge from the evolution of AI LLMs and the integration of comprehensive AI tools that
pose new risks and opportunities.
The rising prominence of Large Language Models
(LLMs), such as ChatGPT, in the field of Artificial
Intelligence (AI), has sparked concerns about
potential academic misconduct in higher education,
particularly in students' written assignments and
exams. Beyond the academic setting, the broader
implications of LLMs in the labor market, where they
partially or fully automate certain job roles (including
management and analysis of Big Data), have caused
anxieties across various sectors. This raises the
question of how universities can better equip their
students to thrive in a rapidly changing workforce
while maintaining academic integrity and critical
This paper focuses on risk management
concerning AI LLMs in the educational context of
Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). The primary
objective is to explore risks associated with the use of
tools like ChatGPT productively while avoiding
inappropriate and unethical use that could
compromise the value of degree programs.
Additionally, we aim to address the risks associated
with not embracing AI technologies within the
curriculum, potentially hindering the development of
job-ready graduates equipped for a technologically
optimized labor market.
Initially, existing literature and research
surrounding ChatGPT was reviewed which provided
insights on uses so far within Higher Education, risks
related to ethics such as bias in the training data,
implications on the labor market such as displacement
of job roles, and the impact on future skills. While
most of the literature discussed challenges and
opportunities of adopting ChatGPT into practice, little
to no risk management strategies were observed and
as a result this paper seeks to address these in a
practical manner.
By examining two key risk areas associated with
ChatGPT in higher education, we seek to understand:
1. The risks of diminishing critical thinking through
unethical use, leading to academic misconduct and
compromising the value of degree programs.
2. The risks of not embracing AI technologies in the
curriculum, potentially hindering the development of
graduates prepared for an AI-driven workforce.
A risk assessment was produced based on
identified risk areas including privacy risks, general
ethical risks, academic integrity, unknown risks,
Chang, V., Ansar i, Y. and Arami, M.
ChatGPT in Higher Education: A Risk Management Approach to Academic Integrity, Critical Thinking, and Workforce Readiness.
DOI: 10.5220/0012764100003717
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Finance, Economics, Management and IT Business (FEMIB 2024), pages 79-85
ISBN: 978-989-758-695-8; ISSN: 2184-5891
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
people/HR risks, and technical risks. Risk mitigation
and management strategies are then discussed along
with a conceptual framework that practitioners can
apply to educational contexts.
Our analysis will culminate in practical limitations
based on knowledge on AI LLMs to date and
recommendations for further research.
This paper was produced by conducting a
literature review and conducting a risk analysis
followed by the recommendation to apply a risk
management framework and its implications.
2.1 Introduction to AI LLMs:
Functionality and Limitations
Since its inception in November 2022, ChatGPT, a
'weak' or 'narrow' AI, has surpassed 100 million users
by January 2023 (Wu et al., 2023). This type of AI is
limited to text generation, relying on machine learning
from vast training data sets. It can generate human-like
dialogue but lacks the ability to provide complex,
effectively contextualized examples and explanations
(Ausat et al., 2023; Toews, 2021). The novelty of AI
LLMs like ChatGPT limits the existing research on
risks, including misuse in higher education.
2.2 Applications of AI LLMs in
ChatGPT can be used to automate tasks, produce
written content, give feedback, analyse and synthesise
Big Data for research, and collaborate with learners,
personalizing the learning experience and making
suggestions for improvements (Cotton et al., 2023).
Some identified uses include:
Designing classroom exercises, brainstorming,
and customizing materials to academic level (OpenAI,
2023) for teachers.
Supporting quick understanding of main text
points and organizing thoughts for writing (Kasneci et
al., 2023) for academics and students.
2.3 Academic Integrity in Higher
Education and the Response of
The growth of AI in Higher Education has raised
concerns regarding academic integrity.
Literature Perspective: Crompton & Burke's
(2023) (Crompton & Burke, 2023) systematic review
identified key usages and observed a recurring theme
of concern for integrity. It reviewed 138 existing
articles globally that were used for AIEd (Artificial
Intelligence in Education) include assessment,
prediction, assistance, intelligent tutoring system, and
managing learning (Crompton & Burke, 2023).
2.4 Labour Market and Skills
The demand for creativity and critical thinking in
utilizing and managing AI systems are forecasted to
grow (Universities Uk, 2023).
Employers' Perspective: Universities UK
(Universities Uk, 2023) conducted a study that found
that UK employers will require up to 11million new
graduates by 2035. It was emphasised that there is
demand for high levels of creativity and critical
thinking skills, specifically in utilising and managing
AI systems (Universities UK, 2023). The study
forecasts a trend towards division of labour, rather
than fully automated roles, therefore requiring high
level critical skills from new entrants to the workforce.
Employers increasingly also require staff that can use
Big Data sets for analysis and have the skills to apply
data management software.
Considering the intricate relationship between AI
Large Language Models (AI LLMs) such as
ChatGPT, the academic landscape, and the evolving
needs of the labour market, an extensive risk analysis
is required (Aven, 2008). The insights and concerns
expressed by literature and the understanding of the
state of AI in education and the job market culminate
in the identification of key risk areas.
Privacy Risks (operational): Concerns student data
and personal information, especially in an online
environment using AI tools like ChatGPT. This
includes AI access to Big Data and implications.
Ethical Risks (operational, strategic, and
hazard/legal): Balancing the innovative uses of AI
with ethical concerns such as fair use, bias, and
Reputational risks (strategic):
Academic Integrity Risks (operational): Issues
related to plagiarism and maintaining the authenticity
and value of academic work.
FEMIB 2024 - 6th International Conference on Finance, Economics, Management and IT Business
People/HR Risks (operational): The potential
impact on staff training, student preparation for a
changing job market, and interpersonal relations.
Technical Risks (operational): The possibility of
malfunction, security breaches, Big Data leaks, or
other technical issues with AI tools.
Unknown Risks (strategic): The potential
unforeseen consequences of rapidly evolving AI
3.1 Privacy Risks
The widespread use of ChatGPT and other AI LLMs
raises legitimate concerns about privacy and data
security. These concerns extend to students, faculty,
and the wider institution. Robust data protection
measures must be implemented to ensure that personal
and academic information remains secure.
Risk treatment: Students and staff must be
trained in the risks of inputting personal and sensitive
information. For example, IT services could expand
their cybersecurity training or communicate best
practices for online safety with AI LLMs.
3.2 Ethical and Academic Integrity
The challenge is twofold. AI detectors like OpenAI’s
Text Classifier and Turnitin's AI checker seek to
identify AI-generated work, while institutions like the
University of Nottingham (2023) offer guidance to
students about distinguishing AI content from
authentic critical writing. However, the sophistication
of tools like ChatGPT, especially with its ability to
mimic a student's writing style, makes detection
challenging. The advanced nature of GPT-4 further
blurs the line between AI and human-generated
content (Wu et al., 2023). Ethical concerns arise when
relying heavily on AI detectors, given potential
inaccuracies. Overreliance on AI LLMs could also
lead to student bias (Ferrara, 2023) and
misinformation, hindering genuine learning.
Risk treatment: Some solutions are, of course,
beyond the scope of individual institutions and what
can immediately be controlled. For example, digital
watermarking (Rouse, 2023) can be used to
corroborate and verify the legitimacy of information,
as well as track source data, and thereby prevent
plagiarism and copying. There is also software like
ProctorU and Examity (both US based) that monitor
computer-based examinations through screen capture
and audio monitoring.
3.3 Reputational Risks
Reputational damage is a risk that has both financial
and strategic implications. Policies and ethical
frameworks are being drafted to mitigate these
challenges, acknowledging both the potential for
misuse and the risk of lagging behind technological
Risk treatment: An institutional commitment to
responsible AI usage, ongoing risk assessment,
collaboration with other HEIs, and adherence to
national and international ethical standards can
position the university favourably.
3.4 People/HR
While there's debate about AI replacing human jobs,
the consensus leans toward AI complementing human
tasks (Zarifhonarvar, 2023). The limited capacity of
'weak AIs' only allows excellence in a single task
(Lane & Williams, 2023). Additionally, this risk area
can be further broken down:
Deskilling of the Workforce: The automation of
complex tasks by AI could lead to a reduction in
stimulating work (Lane & Williams, 2023), learning
opportunities, and worker autonomy. An intentional
focus on incorporating AI within curricula will help
prepare students for a future where AI complements
human tasks.
Loss of Competitive Edge: As organizations like
Coca Cola and Bain ((Marr, 2023) leverage AI for
personalized marketing, failing to embed AI in
education would be a missed opportunity. More
examples and context here could elucidate the
importance of staying abreast of technological
Risk treatment: Educators must be proactive in
integrating AI responsibly within curricula, equipping
students with skills that align with industry needs. This
can involve working with employers to inform
classroom activities and assessments to provide the
necessary training. It also involves ongoing
monitoring and review of labour market developments
and trends specifically in relation to the usage of AI
3.5 Technical Risks
Technical malfunctions or security breaches could
disrupt learning or compromise sensitive information.
A robust infrastructure and regular monitoring are
required to prevent and respond to such incidents.
Risk treatment: A robust infrastructure and regular
monitoring are required to prevent and respond to
ChatGPT in Higher Education: A Risk Management Approach to Academic Integrity, Critical Thinking, and Workforce Readiness
incidents. Cybersecurity considerations must be
considered when using AI LLMs where data policies
are tenuous (see OpenAI’s privacy policy) or in
development. At the time of writing, OpenAI states it
stores prompts and generated text for 30 days for
‘learning purposes’ unless deliberately turned off by
the user, but there is no clarity on what happens with
the data and if there is any danger of breach. Students
and staff must be trained in the risks of inputting
information that could be personal and sensitive (Gal,
2023), for example student work, CVs, or any other
text that contains personal information.
3.6 Unknown Risks
Strategically, the rapid development and adoption of
AI technologies mean that there may be unforeseen
risks requiring adaptive management strategies.
Further risk areas, opportunities and implications of
AI technologies are unknown as they continue to
develop in application and sophistication.
Risk treatment: Adaptive management strategies
must be prepared for unforeseen risks, and HEIs must
remain vigilant to the shifting landscape of AI.
A risk management framework was utilised to
produce this research and guidance on how to apply it
to HEIs is recommended below. The framework,
adapted from the ISO 31000 guidelines (2018) (ISO
Org, 2018) is a tool that HEIs can apply in managing
risk related to AI LLMs.
Figure 1: ISO 31000 Risk Management Framework.
4.1 Establishing the Context
In this paper, university student assessments and
student aptitude in developing skills for post study
employment were considered in relation to the
growing usage of AI LLMs. This is an issue for HE
managers and educators to consider regarding the
impact AI has on delivery of their curriculum and
Practitioners may therefore wish to review what is
happening in their institutions, what policies are in
development, what advice is being provided for
educators and managers.
Government reviews such as the UK’s Department
for Education's paper “Generative Artificial
Intelligence in Education” (2023) (UK Government,
2023) and the recent Russel Group’s “New principles
on use of AI in education” (2023) (Russel Group,
2023) could direct practitioners to gather best practice
and formulate a strategy towards managing risks.
These present a starting point, while collaboration
with stakeholders and gathering insights into current
usage can further determine existing risks and
4.2 Risk Identification
The risks highlighted in this study were synthesized
from a combination of a literature review—with a
notable emphasis on ethical concerns like bias—and
an overarching examination of AI's imprint on the HE
If educators can choose to implement ChatGPT as
part of assessed work and/or classroom-based
exercises for skill development of students,
considering risks and their impact will help mitigate
some of the issues identified. Involving students and a
breadth of colleagues establishes how risks are
perceived and their level of impact.
Key areas of exploration might involve
understanding perceptions around ChatGPT’s
inherent ethical risks, strategizing student education
on these issues, and discerning if there are institution-
specific risks that might have been overlooked.
For universities seeking to comprehensively
identify risks, there are systematic steps to be
- Stakeholder Feedback: Engage with a diverse set
of stakeholders within the educational
ecosystem. This includes students, faculty, IT
personnel, and administrative staff. Their diverse
experiences and perspectives can shed light on
potential vulnerabilities.
FEMIB 2024 - 6th International Conference on Finance, Economics, Management and IT Business
- External Collaborations: Partner with external AI
experts or institutions that have already
integrated AI technologies. Their experiences
can provide valuable insights into potential
- Continuous Learning Workshops: Organise
sessions where the latest findings, research, and
anomalies related to AI LLMs like ChatGPT are
discussed with staff. This creates a dynamic
environment where new risks can be identified in
real-time and feed into the ongoing review
process outline below.
- Technology Audits: Periodically review the
technology's performance and integration within
the educational process. Such audits can identify
any misalignments or areas of potential concern.
This relates to privacy and technology risks
identified in our risk assessment (see appendix).
4.3 Analysis and Evaluation
To evaluate the impact of risks identified, they need to
be fully analysed and understood. The authors
recognise further conversations and review are
necessary (see ongoing monitoring and review. This
means involving students themselves in the risk
analysis process, along with educators and assessment
methods. For the second risk area, labour market
skills, working closely with employers and enabling
them to inform curriculum developments in relation to
using AI tools can support students for employment.
Risk evaluation involves categorising the impact
of risks, this can be done using a simple RAG (Red,
Amber, Green) rating, or a risk assessment matrix with
numerical scoring. For broader strategic
developments, managers may wish to use scenario
planning methodologies to build on risk areas and
consider outcomes if risks are realised. This can enrich
the risk analysis and evaluation process and provide
broader mitigation strategies.
4.4 Risk Treatment
Risk mitigation and management measures are finally
considered to address the identified risks. Following
the above RAG rating or risk matrix, designing
specific strategies for each risk can include mitigation,
transfer, acceptance, or avoidance this will depend
on the severity of the risk. High risk areas require
implementation of mitigation strategies to reduce the
impact these risks have and can then be monitored. It
is of the authors’ view that avoidance, or banning AI
LLMs outright, is an ineffective strategy considering
new tools are on the rise, many of which will be fully
integrated into what we already do. For example, word
processing and searching the web already contain
GPT, Bard or similar (Yu, 2023).
Building on the above risk identification steps,
ongoing stakeholder management (part of
communication and consultation below) will leverage
a breadth of expertise from students, external
collaborators, managers, educators, and technical
Finally, given the dynamic nature of AI and
unknown risks related to future developments,
ongoing education is imperative. This can build on
continuous learning workshops mentioned above,
development of working committees (internally and
externally) and regularly reviewing policy
communications for HE regulators and the
Proactive risk mitigation strategies include:
- Assigning a specific task force or working group
whose sole responsibility is to track and respond
to developments in AI LLMs and their
- If the institution is already incorporating AI
LLMs, like ChatGPT (including integrated
versions like Bing AI), then digital service teams
should support the function and training of staff
and monitor and treat technical faults.
- To ensure students are building the right skills to
use ChatGPT, putting on ‘how to use ChatGPT’
workshops within or outside the curriculum can
help minimise students using the tool unethically
but encourage appropriate application.
Institutions may also want to provide learning
materials and resources that students (and staff)
can access independently.
4.5 Ongoing Communication and
Communication and consultation must occur at all
stages of the risk management framework, to
effectively apply risk management strategies.
Practitioners can benefit from wider input of
colleagues and other stakeholders (like students and
employers) to fully understand and manage the risks.
It is also likely that this process will highlight areas of
concern that are less obvious.
4.6 Ongoing Monitoring and Review
Risks can be volatile, in the sense that their risk level
and impact can change depending on how variables
are affected. For example, as AI LLMs become more
sophisticated and more creative, it becomes more
ChatGPT in Higher Education: A Risk Management Approach to Academic Integrity, Critical Thinking, and Workforce Readiness
challenging to detect their use in assessed work.
Regular reviews and adjustments to strategies are
crucial to maintain relevancy.
4.7 Recommendations for Higher
Education Institutions Wishing to
Adopt AI LLM Tools
Firstly, following institutional guidelines and policies
ensures appropriate and ethical integration of any AI
tools. With training, both staff and students can use AI
LLMs to automate tasks and support their learning
journeys. For example
- Students can use ChatGPT to brainstorm for
assignments or work through assignment tasks
by using iterative prompting. In a reflective
practise assignment, a student can prompt “Using
the Gibbs reflective model, help me reflect on a
teamwork task”. ChatGPT will work through the
stages of the model and the student can request
and respond to feedback and questions. Through
this the onus is on the student to generate the
content for their work, but they are receiving
continuous feedback and support in the process.
This approach can also be beneficial to module
tutors who have limited time for office hours
dedicated to assignment support.
- Educators can use ChatGPT to create classroom-
based exercises or make existing exercises more
interesting. ChatGPT has the capacity to produce
content based on tone and style such as in the
form of songs, poetry, recipes, in the ‘voice’ of a
well-known person, as a game or puzzle, and this
creates boundless possibilities for creating new
Limitations of this research include the novelty of the
subject area, meaning there are still a lot of unknown
and under researched areas in relation to AI LLMs.
The quality of existing work is, at times, limited to
author opinions and web articles that discuss
ChatGPT’s implications, which can taint an objective
and unbiased view (Neumann et al., 2023). Further
research may therefore explore how university
policies impact ethical use of AI LLMs and consider
developments in pedagogy like assessment
methodology. How AI LLMs manage Big Data to
produce content and analysis requires ongoing review
if it is to be used for educational and academic
research purposes given its impact on privacy, ethical
and technical risks.
Practical limitations to applying risk management
strategies include resource availability such as setting
up working groups to monitor developments and
collaborate across stakeholders for ongoing
monitoring and review of the state of AI development.
To conclude, the state of AI in Higher Education
is a rapidly growing area of concern and cause for
research and exploration. Managing risks can help
deal with uncertainties and enable HEIs to be prepared
as tools grow in sophistication and use.
This work is partly supported by VC Research (VCR
0000230) for Prof Chang.
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ChatGPT in Higher Education: A Risk Management Approach to Academic Integrity, Critical Thinking, and Workforce Readiness