A White-Box Watermarking Modulation for Encrypted DNN in
Homomorphic Federated Learning
Mohammed Lansari
1,2 a
, Reda Bellafqira
, Katarzyna Kapusta
, Vincent Thouvenot
Olivier Bettan
and Gouenou Coatrieux
IMT Atlantique, Inserm UMR 1101 , 29200 Brest, France
ThereSIS, Thales SIX, 91120 Palaiseau, France
DNN Watermarking, Federated Learning, Homomorphic Encryption, Intellectual Property Protection.
Federated Learning (FL) is a distributed paradigm that enables multiple clients to collaboratively train a model
without sharing their sensitive local data. In such a privacy-sensitive setting, Homomorphic Encryption (HE)
plays an important role by enabling computations on encrypted data. This prevents the server from reverse-
engineering the model updates, during the aggregation, to infer private client data, a significant concern in
scenarios like the healthcare industry where patient confidentiality is paramount. Despite these advancements,
FL remains susceptible to intellectual property theft and model leakage due to malicious participants during the
training phase. To counteract this, watermarking emerges as a solution for protecting the intellectual property
rights of Deep Neural Networks (DNNs). However, traditional watermarking methods are not compatible with
HE, primarily because they require the use of non-polynomial functions, which are not natively supported by
HE. In this paper, we address these challenges by proposing the first white-box DNN watermarking modulation
on a single homomorphically encrypted model. We then extend this modulation to a server-side FL context
that complies with HE’s processing constraints. Our experimental results demonstrate that the performance of
the proposed watermarking modulation is equivalent to the one on unencrypted domain.
Federated Learning (FL) enables multiple data own-
ers to collaboratively train machine learning or deep
learning models without sharing their private data
(McMahan et al., 2017). In a FL round, each client
trains the shared model with its own data. Subse-
quently, the server selects a subset of clients, gathers
and aggregates their model updates, and forms what
is known as the global model for the current round.
This aggregated model is then distributed back to the
clients for further rounds of training, a process re-
peated until the global model converges. Despite the
advantages of data privacy, the integrity of the server
and clients cannot always be ensured, leading to sev-
eral security challenges.
The server may exhibit an honest-but-curious be-
havior, meaning that while it follows to the federated
learning (FL) protocol, it might attempt to infer in-
formation about client data based on the updates re-
ceived in each round. Common inference attacks in-
clude inversion attacks (He et al., 2019) and member-
ship inference attacks (Hu et al., 2022; Shokri et al.,
2017), aiming to reconstruct training data from model
parameters. A solution to this issue is the use of Ho-
momorphic Encryption (HE) (Benaissa et al., 2021),
which encrypts client updates before they are sent
to the server for aggregation. HE allows the server
to perform aggregation on encrypted updates without
decryption, thus preventing the server or external ad-
versaries from conducting inference attacks (Zhang
et al., 2020; Xiong et al., 2024).
The second concern involves the potential for
model redistribution by malicious participants, either
during or after the training process, which could lead
to unauthorized profits. Protecting the intellectual
property (IP) of the model is important in this con-
text. Watermarking (Uchida et al., 2017; Fan et al.,
2019; Darvish Rouhani et al., 2019; Bellafqira and
Coatrieux, 2022; Kallas and Furon, 2023; Pierre et al.,
2023), which embeds a secret watermark into the
model’s parameters or behavior for later extraction by
the owner, has emerged as a promising solution. This
technique can be applied either client-side or server-
side in FL context.
Lansari, M., Bellafqira, R., Kapusta, K., Thouvenot, V., Bettan, O. and Coatrieux, G.
A White-Box Watermarking Modulation for Encrypted DNN in Homomorphic Federated Learning.
DOI: 10.5220/0012764300003767
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT 2024), pages 186-197
ISBN: 978-989-758-709-2; ISSN: 2184-7711
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
Although several solutions propose watermark-
ing the model from the client-side (Liu et al., 2021;
Liang and Wang, 2023; Yang et al., 2023; Li et al.,
2022; Yang et al., 2022), which are compatible with
clients’ update encryption, no existing solution com-
bines server-side watermarking with homomorphic
encryption in a Federated Learning (FL) context.
This is primarily because embedding the watermark
server-side, when updates are encrypted, poses chal-
lenges due to the complexity of the watermarking pro-
cess under HE constraints. Furthermore, server-side
watermarking has been shown to be more robust and
efficient than client-side watermarking (Shao et al.,
2024). More clearly, if each client watermarks its lo-
cal model, the aggregation stage may lead to water-
mark collusion, and consequently, some clients’ wa-
termarks may not be effectively inserted.
For these reasons, in this paper, we explore the
possibility of server-side watermarking in FL using
HE as a privacy-preserving mechanism. Our contri-
butions are as follows:
We leverage existing FL White-Box watermark-
ing algorithms (Shao et al., 2024; Li et al., 2022)
along with homomorphic encryption in order to
watermark a model with minimal modifications
of the FL procedure. Specifically, we address the
challenge posed by non-polynomial functions in
the embedding process, which can be approxi-
mated by low-degree polynomial functions.
We then implement this scheme within a client-
server FL framework, demonstrating that it is
possible to protect both the confidentiality of
model parameters and intellectual property from
an honest-but-curious server tasked with water-
marking the model.
Our experimental results indicate that embedding
the watermark using approximated functions does
not detrimentally impact the primary learning task
or the effectiveness of the watermark, even when
subjected to removal attacks such as fine-tuning
and pruning.
In this section, we give a brief overview of HE. Then
we define FL and how HE can be used as a security
mechanism against an honest-but-curious server. Fi-
nally, we introduce FL watermarking to position our
work among existing solutions.
2.1 Homomorphic Encryption
Homomorphic Encryption (HE) is a form of encryp-
tion that allows computations to be carried out on ci-
phertexts, generating an encrypted result that, when
decrypted, matches the outcome of operations per-
formed on the plaintext. This capability enables
secure processing of encrypted data without giving
access to the underlying data, thus preserving the
privacy and confidentiality of data during process-
ing (Bouslimi et al., 2016; Baumstark et al., 2023;
Wang et al., 2024). HE can be categorized into three
types: Partially Homomorphic Encryption (PHE),
which supports a single type of operation (either ad-
dition or multiplication) unlimited times (e.g., Pail-
lier cryptosystem (Paillier, 1999)); Somewhat Ho-
momorphic Encryption (SHE), allowing both addi-
tion and multiplication but with a limited computation
depth, including early versions of FHE schemes (e.g.,
BFV scheme (Fan and Vercauteren, 2012)); and Fully
Homomorphic Encryption (FHE), enabling unlimited
operations of both addition and multiplication on ci-
phertexts. FHE includes schemes like Gentry’s orig-
inal construction, BGV (Brakerski et al., 2014), and
TFHE (Chillotti et al., 2021). BGV and TFHE expand
the capabilities of FHE, with BGV allowing compu-
tations only over integer arithmetic and TFHE en-
abling a broader range of operations, including non-
polynomial functions, but they are unpractical for var-
ious cases regarding the time consumption (Clet et al.,
The CKKS scheme (Cheon et al., 2017) is par-
ticularly used for enabling operations on encrypted
floating-point numbers, indispensable for applica-
tions requiring high precision such as machine learn-
ing and statistical analysis. Its scalability and effi-
ciency are advantageous for computational tasks in-
volving vectors, making CKKS suitable for large-
scale applications. Despite its advantages, CKKS is
primarily designed to support the computation over
polynomial functions.
2.2 Secure Federated Learning
Federated Learning (FL) is a machine learning frame-
work that enables K N
participants to collabora-
tively train a model M
across R rounds of exchange
while maintaining the privacy of their data D
. In the
client-server model of FL (McMahan et al., 2017),
the server initializes the global model M
. At each
round t, the global model M
is distributed to a subset
{1, . .. , K} consisting of C ×K randomly selected
clients, where C (0, 1]. Each client k S
the model locally using their private dataset D
A White-Box Watermarking Modulation for Encrypted DNN in Homomorphic Federated Learning
sends their updated model M
back to the server.
The server then aggregates these updates to construct
the new global model M
. This process repeats until
R rounds are completed (t = R).
The primary vulnerability of FL lies in potential
privacy attacks, such as membership inference (Hu
et al., 2022; Shokri et al., 2017) and model inversion
attacks (He et al., 2019). Specifically, in client-server
FL, the server aggregates the parameters of received
models at each round. However, the server may be
honest but curious, attempting to infer information
about the client’s data from their parameters without
violating the FL protocol. This concern highlights the
necessity for Secure FL. HE is a prevalent method
employed to mitigate this privacy issue (Zhang et al.,
Several FL frameworks already support fully ho-
momorphic encryption. For instance, the NVFLARE
FL framework (NVIDIA, 2023) developed by
NVIDIA implements the CKKS cryptosystem using
the TenSEAL library (Benaissa et al., 2021).
For the remainder of this paper, following the ap-
proach proposed in (Zhang et al., 2020), we consider
a Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE) cryptosys-
tem characterized by an encryption function Encrypt,
a corresponding decryption function Decrypt, and
a pair of public and private keys (Pub
, Priv
Clients encrypt their models M
using E and the
public key Pub
before transmission to the server.
An encrypted model is denoted as E (M
), meaning
all parameters {w
, . . . , w
} of M are encrypted as
{E (w
), . . . , E (w
)}. Leveraging HE, the server can
aggregate these encrypted models, for instance, us-
ing FedAvg (McMahan et al., 2017). When clients
receive the encrypted model E (M
), they decrypt
it using Decrypt and the private key Priv
to con-
tinue training on M
. The CKKS cryptosystem is
particularly suitable for FL due to its computational
and communication efficiency, making it an optimal
choice for addressing the challenges of FL (Miao
et al., 2022).
2.3 FL Watermarking
Inspired by multimedia watermarking (Bas et al.,
2016), DNN watermarking is a promised solution to
prove ownership of ML models (Sun et al., 2023;
Boenisch, 2021; Bellafqira and Coatrieux, 2022; Li
et al., 2021b; Lukas et al., 2022; Xue et al., 2021).
This technique involves introducing a secret modifi-
cation into the model’s parameters or behavior to em-
bed a watermark (a secret message), which the owner
can later use to verify the presence of the embedded
watermark. We distinguish two types of watermark-
ing according to the setting: Black-Box and White-
Box. Black-Box watermarking consists of embedding
the secret into the behavior of the model. The verifi-
cation process can then be performed without having
full access to the model. In this article, we focus on
the White-Box setting. This latter aims to hide the
secret in the model by assuming that we have access
to its parameters during the verification stage. Usu-
ally, the goal is to insert a robust watermark (a binary
string b) into the model’s parameters while preserving
the DNN model performance in the main task.
Despite great results in centralized training, DNN
watermarking solutions are hardly utilizable in FL.
Tekgul et al. (Tekgul et al., 2021) illustrates well
the fact that using existing centralized watermarking
techniques in FL is possible in two ways: embedding
the watermark before the FL or at the end. However,
both approaches risk the model being redistributed by
a malicious client with the watermark either absent
or barely present. Addressing DNN watermarking
within the FL context introduces new constraints and
security considerations (Lansari et al., 2023). Based
on these considerations, two main strategies for em-
bedding have been explored. The first allows each
client k to watermark their local model M
, treating
the server as honest but curious. Various techniques
supporting client-side embedding have been proposed
(Li et al., 2022; Yang et al., 2023; Yang et al., 2022;
Liu et al., 2021; Liang and Wang, 2023), which are
compatible with encrypting updates before transmis-
sion to the server, as indicated in Table 1. Never-
theless, client-side watermarking faces several draw-
1. Client Selection: This approach involves selecting
a subset of clients in each round for communica-
tion efficiency, yet the effectiveness of the embed-
ding process in this context remains unproven.
2. Cross-Device Setting: Implementing client-side
watermarking can be challenging when K 10
and devices have limited computational power.
3. Multiple Watermarks: With multiple clients at-
tempting to embed their binary strings, the tech-
nique must prevent conflicts and interference be-
tween the various watermarks.
Given these challenges, server-side watermark-
ing presents a more viable solution. In this context,
the server embeds the watermark post-aggregation.
Several server-side techniques have been developed
(Tekgul et al., 2021; Shao et al., 2024; Chen et al.,
2023a; Li et al., 2021a; Yu et al., 2023); however, as
shown in Table 1, none of the current state-of-the-art
watermarking solutions incorporate HE (Homomor-
phic Encryption) as a privacy measure to prevent the
SECRYPT 2024 - 21st International Conference on Security and Cryptography
Table 1: Our method among existing FL White-Box watermarking techniques.
Existing Works White-Box Embedding HE Compatibility
FedIPR (Li et al., 2022) Client(s)
FedCIP (Liang and Wang, 2023) Client(s)
FedTracker (Shao et al., 2024) Server
Yu et al. (Yu et al., 2023) Server
Proposed method Server
server from inferring information about the clients’
datasets during the watermark embedding process.
In this section, we present an overview of our new
white-box watermarking modulation in the context of
Homomorphic Encrypted Federated Learning. We
then detail how the embedding and extraction pro-
cesses are conducted on the context of a single en-
crypted model before generalizing to the context of
homomorphic encrypted federated learning.
3.1 Overview of the Proposed Method
In this subsection, we introduce the first watermark-
ing modulation compatible with homomorphically
encrypted DNN models in the context of Federated
Learning (FL). Our approach relies on existing FL
White-Box watermarking algorithms, adapting them
to function with encrypted parameters using Fully
Homomorphic Encryption (FHE). Our contributions
include the redesign of the embedding processes by
approximating non-polynomial functions with low-
degree polynomials.
Figure 1 provides an overview of our proposed
method when deployed in a client-server FL frame-
work. At the initialization phase (Step 1), the server
has unencrypted access to the initial global model M
and watermarks it using our watermarking modula-
tion until the watermark b is successfully embedded.
This initial step does not compromise the privacy of
client data since the global model is not yet trained on
clients’ data.
Once the model is watermarked, it is scattered
to clients for training on their private data (Step 2
in Figure 1). After the clients’ models are updated,
each client encrypts its model and sends it back to
the server, which gathers/aggregates them to form the
new global model (Step 3 in Figure 1). The server
then watermarks the aggregated encrypted model us-
ing our proposed modulation (Step 4 in Figure 1) and
scatters it back to the clients for a new round of train-
ing (Step 5 in Figure 1). This cycle of scattering, local
training by clients, gathering, and watermarking by
the server is repeated until the global model achieves
For the sake of simplicity, we first explain how
to embed our White-Box watermark in an encrypted
model that is supposed to be in a centralized setting.
Then we generalize the algorithm to K clients in a
client-server FL framework. The following embed-
ding technique is inspired by the White-Box insertion
proposed by (Li et al., 2022; Shao et al., 2024) and
can be viewed as an extension of this type of tech-
nique in the encrypted domain.
3.2 Watermark an Encrypted Model
The White-Box watermarking process aims to embed
a watermark b {−1, 1}
, coded into N bits, into
the model’s parameters. To do so, we define an ex-
traction function Ext(.) that will extract a subset of
the model parameters, based on a secret key K
, in
which we embed the watermark. Then we define a
projection function Pro j(.) that will project the se-
lected parameters into the watermark space using a
secret key K
pro j
. During the watermark verification
stage, these two functions will be used to recover the
embedded watermark b.
In the sequel, we note by E (M) (E(b)), the ho-
momorphic encrypted version of the model M (the
watermark b) where all its parameters (components)
are encrypted element-wise by an FHE, respectively.
To embed the watermark b in the model M from its
encrypted version E (M) without decrypting it. And
as stated previously, the first step consists of defining
where we want to insert b in M. To do so, we define
Ext(E (M), K
) as the function that secretly returns,
based on the secret key K
, the encrypted parameters
E (w) in which the watermark will be embedded, the
could be the positions of the parameters selected
to carry the watermark:
Ext(E (M), K
) = E (w) (1)
The second step consists on defining
Pro j(E (w), K
pro j
), a projection function that
maps the extracted parameters into the watermark
space {−1, 1}
”. This function is parameterized by
a secret key K
pro j
. Most of White-Box watermarking
A White-Box Watermarking Modulation for Encrypted DNN in Homomorphic Federated Learning
Client 1 Client 2 Client 3
Encrypt Encrypt Encrypt
Client 1 Client 2 Client 3
Decrypt Decrypt Decrypt
Client 1 Client 2 Client 3
Local Training
Step 1 & 2 Step 3 & 4 Step 5
: Encrypted DNN
: Freshly Watermarked DNN
Local Training
Local Training
: Freshly Trained DNN
Figure 1: High-level view of the proposed method. (Step 1) The server initializes the global model, performs a pre-embedding
to watermark it, and distributes it to the clients; (Step 2) Each client trains the model on its private dataset; (Step 3 & 4) Each
client encrypts and sends its updated model to the server which aggregates them to get the new global model. The server then
embeds the watermark using the method described in Section 3.2; (Step 5) The server distributes the global model to each
client, which decrypts it; Steps 2 to 5 are repeated until the global model converges.
schemes (Uchida et al., 2017; Li et al., 2022; Shao
et al., 2024) consider K
pro j
as random matrix of size
m × N where m = |E (w)| is the size of the extracted
parameters and N = |b| is the size of the watermark.
The projection function is defined as follows:
Pro j (E (w), K
pro j
) = E (w)K
pro j
= E (b
pro j
) (2)
Note that the multiplication in Equation 2 is pos-
sible because the model parameters E (w) are homo-
morphically encrypted. Once the extraction and pro-
jection functions are defined, along with their cor-
responding secret keys, the embedding process in-
volves minimizing the distance between b
pro j
and b
in their homomorphically encrypted forms, E (b
pro j
and E(b), using a distance metric d, given as follows:
E = min
d(E (b), E (b
pro j
)) (3)
In our work, we utilize the Hinge-loss (Fan et al.,
2019) as a distance function. This is used to measure
the distance between b and b
pro j
as follow:
d(E (b), E (b
pro j
)) =
ReLU(µ E (b
)E (b
pro j
Where µ is set to 1. The ReLU (Li and Yuan,
2017) function is not polynomial and therefore can-
not be efficiently computed using state-of-the-art FHE
(some of the recent works on FHE focuses on solving
this problem, ex. using programmable bootstrapping
(Chillotti et al., 2020; Chillotti et al., 2021)). This
issue is well-known in the field of secure encrypted
neural networks (Chen et al., 2018) (Bellafqira et al.,
2019). The problem leveraged by ReLU (or any non-
polynomial function) can be solved by approximating
this latter by its a-degree polynomial approximation.
In this context, we take the second-degree polyno-
mial approximation from Gottemukkula et al. (Gotte-
mukkula, 2019) which is represented in Figure 2 and
is defined as:
σ(x) = 0.09x
+ 0.5x + 0.47 (5)
Replacing ReLU by σ results in the following dis-
tance for our loss term :
d(E (b), E (b
pro j
)) =
σ(µ E (b
)E (b
pro j
)) (6)
σ is a good approximation for x [5; 5]. To have x as
close as possible to this interval, we add an L
regularisation term on the parameters E(w)
(w) =
E (w
= E (
) (7)
Finally, we have the following loss function to em-
bed the watermark:
L = d(E (b), E (b
pro j
)) +
σ(µ E (b)
E (b
pro j
) +
(w) (8)
where λ is a hyper-parameter to control the impact of
the L
-norm on the model parameters (aka the weight
decay parameter (Loshchilov and Hutter, 2017)).
SECRYPT 2024 - 21st International Conference on Security and Cryptography
To optimize the equation 8, and update the ex-
tracted parameters, we use the gradient descent (Du
et al., 2019) which is given as:
E (w
) = E (w
) α
where α is the learning rate and w
represents the
updated parameters from w
. The partial derivative in
equation 9 is feasible because the loss function L is
homomorphically encrypted.
The watermark retrieval process is straightforward
and it requires the knowledge of the secret keys (K
pro j
). Let us consider a plain-text suspicious model
, to extract the watermark, the first step consists of
pro j
= Pro j (Ext (M
, K
), K
pro j
) (10)
where b
pro j
is the reconstructed watermark from M
where its components are not necessarily belongs to
{−1, 1}. To get a watermark with the same range as
the embedded watermark, we threshold b
pro j
on the sign of its components using the function
pro j
) = b
sgn(x) =
1 if x > 0
1 otherwise
Then we can compare b and b
to evaluate the
embedding. To quantify this we use a common met-
ric for static White-Box watermarking which is the
Watermark Detection Rate (WDR). This metric is ex-
pressed using the following formula
WDR(b, b
) = 1
× H(b, b
) (12)
where b is the message that we want to insert, b
the reconstructed binary string (see Equation 10) and
H is the distance defined, in the case of two binary
sequences a and c of N bits, as
H(a, c) = |{i [1; N]|a
= c
}| (13)
Where |.| is the cardinal of the set. If
WDR(b, b
) is near to 1 or 0, b and b
are highly
correlated which correspond to a good embedding of
b in M while WDR(b, b
) close to 0.5 correspond to
a wrong embedding.
3.3 FL Encrypted Watermarking
Performing DNN watermarking from the server side
consists of embedding the watermark b just after the
aggregation of the clients’ updates following the ex-
traction and projection steps described in 3.2. In the
literature, we generally distinguish two steps: a pre-
embedding and a re-embedding phases (Tekgul et al.,
Figure 2: ReLU and its second degree approximation σ in
the [5;5] interval.
2021; Li et al., 2022; Shao et al., 2024). The first
one performs embedding before the training and the
other one at each round. Both are based on the same
function but with different hyperparameters. In our
paper, they are different with regard to the use of ho-
momorphic encryption. Following the encryption and
decryption functions defined in Section 2.2, we sup-
pose that the server owns Pub
, the public encryp-
tion key, and since it is in charge of the watermark
embedding it also owns the watermarking parameter
set θ = {b, K
, K
pro j
} with b the watermark, K
secret extraction feature key and K
pro j
the secret pro-
jection matrix. On their side, each client only owns
, Priv
), i.e., the public and private encryp-
tion keys, respectively.
In the sequel, we depict the initialization of FL
watermarking in the plain-text domain, i.e., our pre-
embedding phase, and by next our re-embedding
phase, in the context of K clients in the encrypted do-
3.3.1 FL Watermarking Initialization
The first step of this procedure consists of randomly
initializing the model M to get M
. Once the model
is initialized one can perform the second step which
aims to embed the desired binary string b directly
in the un-encrypted version of M
to have parame-
ters already optimized for the watermarking embed-
ding later. Doing so reduces the number of epochs
needed for re-embedding the watermark during the
FL. It is this embedding we define as the Watermark
Pre-Embedding function (WPE(M
, θ)). It simply
embeds the watermark into the initialized model M
following the method described in Section 3.2 using
the secret parameters θ until the watermark is embed-
ded resulting in a watermarked model
, where ”ˆ.
denotes the result of a watermark embedding proce-
A White-Box Watermarking Modulation for Encrypted DNN in Homomorphic Federated Learning
Note that since the server works with the plaintext
version of M
, as exchanges with clients have not yet
started, it has no limitation in the number of compu-
tations nor epochs performed for the embedding con-
trarily to the re-embedding phase, where the server
will manipulate homomorphically encrypted model
parameters. Thus one can perform this embedding
until the watermark is perfectly embedded. The em-
bedding is done when the watermark is perfectly em-
bedded i.e., WDR(b, b
) = 1. The model is then en-
crypted, using Encrypt and Pub
, and the resulting
encrypted model E (
) is sent to the clients.
3.3.2 FL Watermarking Round
In a FL round t, the server randomly selects C × K
clients from the K clients available. This set of clients
is designated by S
. Then the encrypted global model
E (
) is sent to each client k S
to perform local
training as follow:
, D
): Local training of the
client k on his dataset D
using the received
global model
, decrypted using Decrypt and
. Client k send back the encrypted updated
model E (M
Once all clients send their encrypted model to the
server. This latter performs aggregation. The aggre-
gation algorithm needs to be compatible with FHE.
In this case, we use FedAvg (McMahan et al., 2017).
This produces the encrypted global model E (M
) to
which the server applies the re-embedding function.
This step has the aim of keeping the watermark on the
model since the local training can degrade the pres-
ence of the watermark. Contrary to the embedding
during initialization, this embedding is performed in
the encrypted domain. This increases the computation
time and leads to restrictions on the number of pos-
sible updates performed as a hyper-parameter. This
re-embedding function (W RE) is defined as follow:
), θ): embedded the watermark into
the encrypted global model E (M
) following the
method described in Section 3.2 using the secret
parameters θ for a fixed number of epoch. This
function returns an encrypted watermarked model
model E (
This procedure is repeated until t = R which cor-
responds to the end of the FL training. We define
the final global model with the watermark.
Algorithm 1 shows the associated pseudo code.
3.3.3 IP Verification
The IP verification aims to determine if a plagiarized
model comes from FL. Regarding the security hy-
Input : M the global FL model to train; K
the number of clients; θ are the set
of parameters used for the
watermarking; D
local dataset with
samples of the client k;
, Priv
) the public and
private encryption keys,
Output: Final watermarked model
1 M
, θ);
3 for each round t=1,. . . ,R do
4 S
Randomly select C × K clients;
5 for each client k S
Decrypt(E (
), Priv
7 M
, D
8 E (M
) Encrypt(M
, Pub
9 end
10 E (M
E (M
11 E (
) W RE(E (M
), θ);
12 end
Algorithm 1: Proposed FL Watermarking technique with
pothesis, this leak can come from the clients during
the FL or after when the model is deployed. To re-
solve this issue, a third honest party is called to get θ
from the server. This one computes sgn(b
pro j
) from
the decrypted suspect model M
; b
pro j
is defined as:
pro j
= Pro j (Ext (M
, K
), K
pro j
) (14)
Then, if WDR(b, sgn(b
pro j
)) T , where T is the
threshold from which the IP is verified, then M
comes from the federation. This decision is simpli-
fied by the following function
, θ) =
1 if WDR(b, sgn(b
pro j
)) T
0 otherwise
The experimental section is divided into two configu-
Real FHE: The first one is conducted using a real
Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE) library. For
computational efficiency, we employ a one-layer neu-
ral network with a small message size b (N = 16).
This configuration evaluates the impact of the water-
marking on the model performance (fidelity) using a
subset of the public dataset MNIST. The primary aim
SECRYPT 2024 - 21st International Conference on Security and Cryptography
of this part is to demonstrate a proof of concept for
our watermark modulation on homomorphically en-
crypted parameters.
Simulated FHE: The second configuration is con-
ducted in plaintext, allowing greater flexibility regard-
ing the number of tests and the size of b (N = 256).
We evaluate, using ResNet18 and the public dataset
CIFAR10, the performance differences for both the
main task and the watermark embedding, depending
on the use of polynomial approximation. Addition-
ally, we evaluate the watermark’s robustness against
attacks such as fine-tuning and pruning.
FL Setting: In both experimental setups, we set the
number of clients to K = 10. At each round, half
of the clients are randomly selected by the server to
contribute to the aggregation process (C = 0.5). Ad-
ditionally, each client performs ve local epochs of
training on their IID dataset.
Metrics: Model performance is evaluated using Acc,
which denotes accuracy over the testing set, while
WDR is used to measure the effectiveness of the wa-
termark embedding. The accepted threshold for the
watermark, T , is set at 0.98, and the allowable differ-
ence between the un-watermarked and watermarked
model is set at ε = 0.05.
For readability purposes, the details of both set-
tings are summarized in Table 2.
4.1 Real FHE Training
In this subsection, we evaluate the performance of
our watermarking modulation in terms of effective-
ness, fidelity, and efficiency, while also providing de-
tails on the computational overhead complexity. We
use a simple one-layer neural network and the CKKS
scheme as an FHE cryptosystem from TenSEAL.
4.1.1 Fidelity & Effectiveness
Fidelity requires that the performance of the model
with a watermark (
) should be as close as possible
to that of the model without a watermark (M
). We
assess this by comparing the accuracy of
with M
using the test set D
. If the difference in accuracy is
less than the tolerated error ε, then the watermarking
technique satisfies the fidelity requirement.
Effectiveness involves ensuring that the water-
mark modulation properly embeds the watermark into
the model. This is verified by comparing the original
watermark b with the watermark extracted (b
) from
the final model M
. The effectiveness is quantified
by the Watermark Detection Rate (WDR, see Equa-
tion 12) and compared against a predefined threshold
T (as defined in Table 2). The WDR must exceed
the threshold to certify the intellectual property pro-
tection of the model.
These requirements can be summarized as fol-
1. Verify(
, θ) = 1
2. |Acc(
, D
) Acc(M
, D
)| < ε
Table 3 presents the test accuracy and the WDR
between M
. The first requirement is consis-
tently met by
, as for all test runs, WDR(
, θ) =
1.00, which is above the threshold T = 0.98. From
this data, we observe that the watermark has a
negligible impact on performance, as evidenced by
, D
) Acc(M
, D
)| = 0, which is less
than ε.
4.1.2 Efficiency: Computational Overhead
As clearly defined by Tekgul et al. (Tekgul et al.,
2021) the watermark embedding should not in-
crease the communication and computation complex-
ity overhead. Our method does not increase the com-
munication overhead compared to a FL with HE as a
privacy mechanism. However, we increase the com-
putation in the WRE (i.e., Watermark Re-Embedding
function) step. To perform one epoch for the em-
bedding, W RE computes exactly one forward pass to
compute b
pro j
and one backward pass over the loss
(Equation 8).
L =
σ(µ b
E (b
pro j
)) + λ
E (w
Regarding the matrix multiplications performed dur-
ing the backward pass, the computation complexity is
O(2N)+O(2MN) homomorphic multiplication in the
worst case where N is the size of the watermark b and
M the number of rows in K
pro j
4.2 Simulated FHE Training
In this subsection, we evaluate the robustness of the
proposed watermarking modulation against the fine-
tuning and pruning attacks. We evaluate as well the
impact of the approximation of the ReLU function
and verify the robustness of our watermark. Due to
the use of HE, which seriously increases computation
time, these experiments were conducted using a sim-
ulated framework, that is to say, a framework where
computations are conducted on clear values but with
exactly the same calculations in clear as if HE was
A White-Box Watermarking Modulation for Encrypted DNN in Homomorphic Federated Learning
Table 2: Experimental settings used for each configuration.
Simulated FHE Real FHE
Dataset CIFAR10 (Krizhevsky et al., 2009) Binary classification of ”3” and ”8”
with MNIST (LeCun and Cortes, 2010)
Watermark Size N = 256 N = 16
Model ResNet18 One-layer neural network
FL Setting C = 0.5 clients are selected among 10 clients at each round. 5 epochs are
performed by the selected clients. The distribution is I.I.D.
Metrics Acc is used for the main task accuracy while WDR is used for the watermark.
The accepted threshold for the watermark recovery is defined by T = 0.98. The
accepted difference between the un-watermarked model and the watermarked
one is fixed to ε = 5e 2.
Table 3: Comparison of the test accuracy and WDR for M
. Values shown are mean and their corresponding
standard deviation computed over 5 runs.
Accuracy WDR
Test b
With Watermark 0.97 ± 9e 4 1.00 ± 0.00
Without Watermark 0.97 ± 2e 3 0.46 ± 0.10
Table 4: Comparison of the test accuracy and WDR accord-
ing to the use of an approximation for the embedding. Show
values are mean and their corresponding standard deviation
computed over 5 runs.
Accuracy WDR
Test b
ReLU 0.81 ± 1e 3 1.00 ± 0.00
σ & R 0.81 ± 2e 3 1.00 ± 0.00
4.2.1 Impact of the Approximation
The error generated by the ReLU approximation in
the distance function d (see Equation 4) needs to be
quantified experimentally. Table 4 shows the differ-
ence between both approaches. The first line shows
the loss function that uses ReLU (corresponding to
Equation 4 and denominated as ”ReLU” in the Table
4). The other one corresponds to the loss function
that uses the approximation defined in Equation 8 and
is denominated by σ + R in the Table 4. From this
result, we can see that using the approximation does
not affect both the main task and the watermark.
4.2.2 Robustness
The watermark should be robust against various types
of attacks. The attacker can try to remove the water-
mark using techniques such as fine-tuning and prun-
ing. The primary goal of the attacker is to derive a sur-
rogate model that does not contain the watermark. At
the same time, he seeks to maintain the performance
of the attacked model on the main task. These two
goals need to be reached with a significantly lower
Table 5: Fine-tuning of a watermarked model during 100
epochs with the whole dataset.
Accuracy WDR
Epoch Test b
0 0.81 1.00
25 0.82 1.00
50 0.83 1.00
75 0.84 1.00
100 0.84 1.00
complexity than training the model from scratch or
having access to all the training data, which is diffi-
cult to achieve, especially in a federated context. In
other words, the attacker aims to build a model M
following the two conditions
, θ) = 0
, D
) Acc(
, D
)| < ε
Fine-Tuning. The fine-tuning attack consists of con-
tinuing to perform the training algorithm with a train
set to erase the watermark. In this tests, we fine-tuned
in centralized training during 100 epochs assum-
ing that the attacker has access to the whole training
dataset; a very strong hypothesis. The learning rate
was fixed to 1e 2. As we can see from Table 5, per-
forming fine-tuning cannot degrade the detection of
the watermark.
Pruning Pruning (Blalock et al., 2020) is a common
method used to erase the watermark since the parame-
ters used during the embedding are often not the same
for the main task. In this experiment, we used the
pruning method that consists of zeroing out the pa-
rameters with the lowest L
-norm. As we can see
from Figure 3 the WDR is equal to 1.00 until 90%
of parameters are pruned. These results demonstrate
that our watermark is resistant to pruning since the
IP of the model can be verified for any percentage of
parameters pruned.
SECRYPT 2024 - 21st International Conference on Security and Cryptography
Figure 3: Test accuracy and WDR according to the pruning
rate. Values shown are mean and their corresponding stan-
dard deviation computed over 5 runs.
Our watermarking modulation has the same perfor-
mance in terms of robustness compared to the one
performed without HE in FedTracker (Shao et al.,
2024) and FedIPR (Li et al., 2022). However, it is
well known in the literature that this type of tech-
nique is not resistant to some attacks such as overwrit-
ing (Darvish Rouhani et al., 2019), Privacy Inference
Attack (PIA) (Wang and Kerschbaum, 2019), and
ambiguity attack (Kapusta et al., 2024; Chen et al.,
2023b). Our method proves the feasibility of White-
Box watermarking in this specific context but other
White-Box watermarking techniques (e.g. (Nie and
Lu, 2024; Lv et al., 2023)) can be adopted follow-
ing the same proposed methodology. As mentioned
before, the main issue remains in the non-polynomial
operations. They can be approximated by an a-degree
polynomial but the overhead can grow exponentially
with a, so it is a compromise to be found according to
the application’s needs.
As discussed before, the main issue with FHE
cryptosystems is their computation overhead. Each
computation, such as vector-matrix multiplication
performed in Equation 2, can grow exponentially the
embedding time. For the watermarking embedding,
this overhead mainly comes from the sizes of b and
w. Inserting a larger binary string increases the num-
ber of columns for K
pro j
while choosing a larger w in-
creases the rows of K
pro j
. On the other hand, the main
advantage of this modulation is the fact that we em-
bed the watermark in one targeted layer (using K
which allows us to perform the embedding without
considering the depth of the model.
In Section 4, we fixed the number of epochs per-
formed in W RE to two because the White-Box wa-
termarking is sufficiently robust to resist against the
learning process (as shown in Section 4.2.2) and a
few steps of the re-embedding process are enough to
preserve the watermark during the FL. However, it is
clear that even if the server is in charge of embed-
ding the watermark, it cannot use Verify (Equation
15) since the reconstructed watermark E (b
pro j
) is en-
crypted. Moreover, he cannot perform early-stopping
or increase the number of epochs if the watermark is
not fully embedded since the embedding is blind.
In this work, we demonstrate the feasibility of wa-
termarking an encrypted neural network in Homo-
morphic FL. We first demonstrate how we can ap-
ply White-Box watermarking to encrypted parameters
and shift this method to Homomorphic FL. Our ex-
periments demonstrate the capability of our method
using a TenSeal, a concrete FHE library. However,
current FL White-Box watermarking approaches have
known limitations, such as their vulnerability to over-
writing, and extensive research needs to be done to
design a new HE-compatible White-Box watermark-
ing technique that is more robust to such attacks. Our
next work will investigate how to apply the most re-
cent White-Box watermarking scheme with HE while
minimizing the computation overhead of the homo-
morphic encryption.
This work is funded by the European Union under
Grant Agreement 101070222. Views and opinions ex-
pressed are however those of the author(s) only and do
not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or
the European Commission (granting authority). Nei-
ther the European Union nor the granting authority
can be held responsible for them. Additionally, this
work is supported by the CYBAILE industrial chair,
which is leads by Inserm with the support of the Brit-
tany Region Council, as well as by French govern-
ment grants managed by the Agence Nationale de la
Recherche under the France 2030 program, bearing
the references ANR-22- PESN-0006 (PEPR digital
health TracIA project).
A White-Box Watermarking Modulation for Encrypted DNN in Homomorphic Federated Learning
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A White-Box Watermarking Modulation for Encrypted DNN in Homomorphic Federated Learning