Automating Compliance for Improving TLS Security Postures: An
Assessment of Public Administration Endpoints
Riccardo Germenia
1,2 a
, Salvatore Manfredi
2 b
, Matteo Rizzi
1,2 c
, Giada Sciarretta
2 d
Alessandro Tomasi
2 e
and Silvio Ranise
2,3 f
Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science, University of Trento, Via Sommarive 9, Trento, Italy
Center for Cybersecurity, Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Via Sommarive 18, Trento, Italy
Department of Mathematics, University of Trento, Via Sommarive 14, Trento, Italy
Compliance Analysis, National Guidelines, Auditable Dataset, TLS Deployments.
System administrators tasked with configuring TLS servers must make numerous decisions - e.g., selecting
the appropriate ciphers, signature algorithms, and TLS extensions - and it may not be obvious, even to security
experts, which decisions may expose them to attacks. To address this issue, raise awareness, and establish a
security threshold, numerous cybersecurity agencies around the world issue technical guidelines for the use
and configuration of TLS. In this paper we carry out an assessment of the TLS security posture of European
and US based endpoints in relation to their respective national cybersecurity guidelines. Our results show
that a surprisingly high amount of the analyzed websites have a low compliance level when compared to their
respective national guideline. We attempt to identify potential causes by presenting a series of observations that
may underlie the lack of compliance. The analysis is conducted by employing a TLS analyzer we developed to
automate the compliance analysis and the application of the suggested changes, assisting system administrators
during this important yet complex task. Our tool and the dataset containing the machine-readable requirements
for automating conformity assessment are publicly available, thus making the process auditable and the assets
Transport Layer Security (TLS) provides confiden-
tiality and integrity between communicating entities.
It is mainly used to secure online traffic by prevent-
ing eavesdropping and tampering. Administrators in
charge of configuring TLS servers have many choices
to make - e.g., choose the right ciphers, signature al-
gorithms and TLS extensions - and it may not be ob-
vious even to experts which choices may lead to ex-
posing vulnerabilities. As an example, the confiden-
tiality of more than 170,000 websites (Shodan Search
Engine, 2024) can still be compromised using Heart-
bleed, an attack discovered in 2014 that exploits an
insecure implementation of the Heartbeat TLS exten-
sion (Synopsys, Inc, 2014).
Based on RFCs and IANA public registries for
standards and parameters (IANA, 2005b; IANA,
2005a), authorities such as the European Commis-
sion, the White House Office of Management and
Budget, and cybersecurity agencies such as US NIST
and Italian AgID issue guidelines to define how a
deployment should be configured to avoid insecure
configurations. These guidelines are documents that
establish a level of security by listing requirements.
Theoretically, each guideline can specify a require-
ment for every configurable element of a webserver
- e.g., for the NIST guideline, TLS version 1.2 MUST
be supported - by taking into account published stan-
dards, deprecated features, and known attacks. The
following is an example of a human-readable require-
ment extracted from NIST SP 800-52 Rev. 2 (National
Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), 2019):
Germenia, R., Manfredi, S., Rizzi, M., Sciarretta, G., Tomasi, A. and Ranise, S.
Automating Compliance for Improving TLS Security Postures: An Assessment of Public Administration Endpoints.
DOI: 10.5220/0012764700003767
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT 2024), pages 450-458
ISBN: 978-989-758-709-2; ISSN: 2184-7711
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
Table 1: TLS protocol compliance across guidelines (dataset excerpt).
NIST (user-facing) BSI (federal) BSI (user-facing) ANSSI AgID
TLS 1.0 Not recommended Must not Not recommended Must not Not recommended
TLS 1.1 Not recommended Must not Not recommended Must not Not recommended
TLS 1.2 Not recommended Must Recommended Optional Must
TLS 1.3 Must Recommended Recommended Recommended Must
Servers that support citizen or business-facing ap-
plications [...] shall be configured to negotiate TLS
1.2 and should be configured to negotiate TLS 1.3.
The use of TLS versions 1.1 and 1.0 is generally
discouraged, but these versions may be configured
when necessary to enable interaction with citizens
and businesses. [...] These servers shall not allow
the use of SSL 2.0 or SSL 3.0.
Despite raising the security bar and being able
to prevent known attacks, allowing system adminis-
trators to improve the security posture of their ser-
vices, compliance with these recommendations is not
required but strongly suggested. Non-compliance
with these guidelines may result in a reduction of the
minimum security level recommended by technical
agencies, fines (European Parliament, 2016; Office
of Management and Budget, 2017), or even exclu-
sion from international payment systems (i.e., PCI-
DSS (PCI, 2018)).
While the existence of technical guidelines can
help raise awareness and set a minimum security
level, their use is nontrivial as a system administra-
tor must examine each element covered by the set of
requirements, understand the language and the way
the requirement is written and (if clear) verify that
its value matches the expected value. The situation
worsens when a service needs to be provided across
multiple countries. Since each national authority in-
dependently sets different requirements for each con-
figurable element, a given configuration may render a
system fully-compliant with one state guideline while
falling below a desired threshold in another.
System administrators could likely benefit from
automated assistance in their decision-making, dur-
ing the process of configuring a service to be com-
pliant against a given guideline. To accomplish this,
we collected a set of compliance requirements - from
different national cybersecurity agencies - to build a
machine-readable knowledge base which can be used
to streamline the process of configuring a compliant
webserver. Moreover, we have developed a Com-
pliance Analyzer Module that allows to automate the
verification process. We validated its functioning by
assessing the security posture of European and US
based public administration endpoints.
Our contributions can be summarized as follows:
publication of an auditable dataset of techni-
cal requirements extracted from national security
guidelines issued by NIST (United States), BSI
(Germany), ANSSI (France) and AgID (Italy),
which references Mozilla;
implementation of a compliance module for TL-
that employs the extracted technical
guidelines to automate the compliance analysis
and provide actionable hints on how to attain the
desired compliance; and
an assessment of the TLS compliance level of Eu-
ropean and US based webservers respect to their
national cybersecurity guidelines. We also pro-
vide observations to investigate the reason for any
observed lack of compliance.
Plan of the Paper. Section 2 provides a brief de-
scription of the methodology we designed to com-
pare a webserver posture against single and multiple
guidelines, illustrating a set of use cases and how to
handle requirements conflicts. Section 3 outlines the
methodology employed to determine the choice of the
endpoints, as well as providing a description of a clas-
sification system utilized for organizing the resulting
data. The experimental results, accompanied by a se-
ries of observations that attempt to provide insight
into the potential reason for the obtained data, are de-
tailed in Section 4. Section 5 presents related work
and Section 6 concludes the paper and highlights fu-
ture work.
With the aim of helping system administrators make
their services compliant with agencies’ guidelines,
we published an auditable dataset (TLS
Compl Dset)
containing requirements that must be managed to en-
sure compliance. These requirements were gathered,
TLSAssistant is an open-source modular framework
capable of identifying a wide range of TLS vulnerabilities.
Its actionable report can assist the user in correctly and eas-
ily fixing their configurations. Its source code is available
Automating Compliance for Improving TLS Security Postures: An Assessment of Public Administration Endpoints
Table 2: Compare-to-one methodology.
Requirement level
Element detected Element missing
MUST Do nothing ERROR: enable
MUST NOT ERROR: disable Do nothing
RECOMMENDED Do nothing ALERT: enable
NOT RECOMMENDED ALERT: disable Do nothing
OPTIONAL Do nothing Do nothing
Not explicitly mentioned Guideline-dependant Do nothing
translated, standardized, and organized taking infor-
mation from five guidelines
published by NIST (Na-
tional Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST),
2019), BSI (Bundesamt f
ur Sicherheit in der Infor-
mationstechnik (BSI), 2024), ANSSI (ANSSI, 2020),
AgID (Agenzia per l’Italia Digitale, 2020), and
Mozilla (Mozilla Foundation, 2023).
The dataset
provides information on the source document, re-
quirement level
, any additional indications specified
by the agencies, and a set of notes explaining the rea-
soning behind each type of extraction, for each avail-
able category (e.g., cipher suites and TLS extensions).
TLS Compl Dset is made available on (tls, 2024)
to facilitate verification of its contents, enabling inde-
pendent and transparent validation, as well as receiv-
ing suggestions for enhancing the data.
When taking into consideration a single guideline
(compare-to-one), the act of evaluating if a deploy-
ment is compliant with a given set of requirements
can be performed by scrolling through each require-
ment and acting accordingly to the requirement level.
Table 2 briefly depicts the proposed methodology.
The first column indicates the requirement level an
agency assigns to a given element - e.g., the presence
of a specific extension, the availability of a given pro-
tocol or cipher and the next two columns describe how
to behave if a given element is detected or missing, re-
spectively, in the target configuration.
As an example, let us focus on protocol compli-
ance. If a system administrator wants to make a de-
ployment compliant with BSI (federal) (see the third
column in Table 1), and supposing that the webserver
currently offers both TLS 1.1 and 1.3, our methodol-
ogy would guide the system administrator towards:
The guidelines have been chosen for their heterogene-
ity as they employ different languages, data structuring and
keywords (Manfredi, 2023). Other national security guide-
lines exist (e.g., from the Netherlands National Communi-
cations Security Agency - NLNCSA) and may be covered
in future work.
Although not being published by a national cyberse-
curity agency, the Mozilla guidelines were chosen because
they are explicitly included in the AgID guidelines.
Standardized using RFC 2119 (Bradner, 1997) set of
(a) Security wins.
(b) Legacy wins.
Figure 1: Defined partial orders.
disabling TLS 1.1 as it MUST NOT be available in
any circumstance;
enabling TLS 1.2 as it MUST be available;
keep TLS 1.3 enabled as it is RECOMMENDED.
Comparing multiple guidelines (compare-to-
many) is not obvious as RFC 2119 (Bradner, 1997)
does not provide any relation among the require-
ment levels, thus making it impossible to directly
compare two of them without defining a consistent
Indiscriminately considering any RECOMMENDED
requirement stronger than a NOT RECOMMENDED one
overly strict configurations, whereas doing the oppo-
result in configurations containing unsecure or depre-
cated features. For this reason, we define two posets
to allow a configuration to reflect custom preferences,
leaving the system administrator the choice to use one
of the following comparison approaches:
Security Wins. the user opts for a more restric-
tive configuration with the intention of maximiz-
ing the security, potentially reducing the service
availability to legacy systems. This approach
favors NOT RECOMMENDED requirements over the
A poset P = (S, ) consists of a set S and a binary re-
lation that orders certain pairs of elements - i.e., a partial
SECRYPT 2024 - 21st International Conference on Security and Cryptography
Figure 2: Comparison approaches.
Legacy Wins. the user chooses a configuration that
is more flexible in order to allow access to the
service for the greatest number of systems, even
those that are not modern. This approach fa-
vors RECOMMENDED requirements over the NOT
The orders can also be represented using Hasse
diagrams (see Figure 1), graphical representations in
which every comparable element of the set is con-
nected to another using a segment that indicates a re-
lation. Hasse diagrams have an implied upward orien-
tation: if x y, x appears below y in the drawing. For
example, in the Hasse diagram representing the Se-
curity wins approach, OPTIONAL appears lower than
In both orders, OPTIONAL is the least element as
it precedes all other elements. This means that, when
compared to any element with a higher position, the
OPTIONAL recommendation is ignored. Meanwhile,
MUST and MUST NOT are the maximal elements, as
they succeed all other elements.
MUST and MUST NOT are not part of the defined or-
dering as they are both absolute requirements, thus
they cannot be compared in an objective way, and
consequently lack a segment that connects them in
Figure 1. With the guidelines taken into consideration
here, no requirement evaluation can result in a MUST
vs. MUST NOT comparison. However, to make our
methodology future-proof and help to manage differ-
ent scenarios, we introduce the concept of a custom
guideline: this may be used to compare an organiza-
tion’s security policy, or to narrow an existing guide-
line by taking into account additional threat assump-
tions. Then, to provide a consistent way to manage
multiple guidelines taking into account any possible
comparison, we propose the following approach:
Order Wins. the user explicitly chooses which au-
thority should take precedence when comparing
their set of recommendations. By doing so, the
first authority’s decisions on MUST and MUST NOT
requirements directly reflects on the final output,
ignoring the second authority choice.
Its usage with different requirements is shown in
Figure 2. Taking as example TLS 1.3, its MUST re-
quirement level would lose against a MUST NOT if
placed second but will win if placed first.
In case of an element not mentioned in the guide-
line, we extend the approach illustrated in Table 2
and consider any missing requirement level as an
OPTIONAL. By doing so, the element not covered by
the guideline cannot overcome the defined one, but it
is still taken into consideration for specific edge cases:
for example when a given element appears in a con-
figuration (compare-to-many scenario) but is not cov-
ered by both guidelines.
The following sections describe the TLS compliance
evaluation of European and U.S. public administra-
tions. The objective is to capture a snapshot of the
current adherence to various agencies’ indications and
attempt to extract some observations based on the re-
sulting data. We detail: (i) the process of homoge-
neously selecting target websites, belonging to differ-
ent states and (ii) a description of the classification
system utilized for organizing the resulting data.
Automating Compliance for Improving TLS Security Postures: An Assessment of Public Administration Endpoints
Table 3: Fulfilled requirements across public administration websites.
Requirements category
DE - 16 hosts, BSI FR - 11 hosts, ANSSI IT - 14 hosts, AgID US - 15 hosts, NIST
Protocol 0 1 15 2 0 9 0 6 8 3 12 0
CipherSuite 0 0 16 0 9 2 0 0 14 13
1 1
CipherSuitesTLS1.3 0 0 16 0 0 11 0 0 14 12 0 3
Extension 0 0 16 0 11 0 1 0 13 15 0 0
Groups 0 0 16 2 0 9 0 9 5 0 0 15
Signature 0 0 16 11
0 0 N/A N/A N/A 15
0 0
Hash 0 0 16 10
0 1 N/A N/A N/A 15
0 0
CertificateSignature 0 0 16 0 0 11 - - - 0 0 15
KeyLengths 14
0 2 0 0 11 0 0 14 0 0 15
Certificate 1 0 15 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0 0 15
CertificateExtensions 4 0 12 2 0 9 N/A N/A N/A 15 0 0
Misc 0 0 16 N/A N/A N/A 0 4 10 0 0 15
3.1 Target Selection
To find targets for our evaluation, we focused on a
common feature that all countries mentioned have:
government departments or ministries. This allows
us to focus on the highest levels of the government
hierarchy, which we may infer are the most crucial lo-
cations to protect and the most vulnerable endpoints
(due to their high visibility). We assumed that a
ministry or government department website would be
more likely to adhere with compliance regulations in
comparison to a small city.
France. For each entry in the official government
website (Government of France, 2024) of each
ministry head, we obtained the corresponding
ministry and obtained a total of eleven official
Germany. We found sixteen official websites for the
German Federation by accessing the “List of Fed-
eral Ministries” page (Domestic Protocol Office
of the Federal Government, 2023) on the website
of the Domestic Protocol Office for the Bundesre-
publik Deutschland.
Italy. A search for the term “Ministero” in the “Enti”
segment of the Open Data AGID dataset (Agen-
zia per l’Italia Digitale, 2024) returned fourteen
US. A lookup for “Department” in the di-
rectory of federal agencies and departments (US-
AGov, 2024) yielded fifteen results.
3.2 Websites Analysis and Data
To carry out a bulk analysis and capture a snapshot
of the compliance status at the time of execution, we
run the Compliance Analyzer Module (which we have
built in TLSAssistant) on the list of 56 chose websites
associated to the corresponding guideline - e.g., Ital-
ian websites compared to AgID guidelines, German
to BSI ones - using the compare-to-one submodule.
We classified the resulting data into three distinct
compliance categories, inspired by the notion of com-
pliance and the posets introduced in Section 2. For
each of the twelve configurable element categories
(e.g., protocols and signature algorithms), a website
would be labeled as:
Not compliant (NC). if at least one of the absolute
requirements (MUST and MUST NOT) is not met.
This choice is driven by the requirement listed as
absolute (i.e., cannot be affected by technical lim-
itations or user choices), and a direct neglection
can be considered an issue.
Not recommended (NR). if all the absolute require-
ments are met but any of the NOT RECOMMENDED
ones is not. This choice is driven by the idea
that the system administrator may have decided
to relax a requirement for technical reasons (e.g.,
legacy hardware or software).
Compliant (C). if all absolute requirements (MUST
quirements are satisfied.
We show the full set of categorized data from obser-
vations in Table 3.
The availability of security guidelines can pave the
way towards achieving a unified security posture.
However, the analyzed guidelines do not specify the
precise manner in which accomplish particular ob-
jectives; this aspect, which appears frequently in the
SECRYPT 2024 - 21st International Conference on Security and Cryptography
literature (Manfredi et al., 2022; Acar et al., 2016;
Gorski et al., 2018; Krombholz et al., 2017; Tiefenau
et al., 2020; Li et al., 2019), should not be overlooked
as it places a significant burden on the shoulders of
system administrators.
The resulting data
(see in Table 3) show that
only a subset of these recommendations are effec-
tively adhered to, while others appear to be more
difficult to apply for reasons that can only be de-
duced. Most of the verified websites (75%) fall into
the Not compliant, leaving few sites in the Not rec-
ommended category (21%) and only two websites
(4%) in the Compliant one. This is likely to hap-
pen because the absolute requirements demand more
impactful changes (especially in the MUST NOT case)
and thus, after managing them, the handling of NOT
RECOMMENDED requirements is relatively easy to ad-
dress. By considering the outlier data, we can also
provide the following observations:
Missing Signature Algorithms Compliance
(ANSSI and NIST). The websites denoted by the
symbol (a) (see Table 3) have been determined to
be “Not compliant” due to the discovery, through
careful review, that they offer rsa pkcs as signature
algorithm. According to ANSSI TLS guideline
v1.2 (ANSSI, 2020), the use of these algorithms is
labeled as MUST NOT starting from 2020. While,
NIST guidelines (National Institute of Standards and
Technology (NIST), 2019) classified their use as NOT
RECOMMENDED prior to 31 Dec 2023 and MUST NOT as
of January 1, 2024.
A possible cause for this non-compliance with the
guidelines is the inclusion of those signature algo-
rithms in the list of those that are enabled by default
in OpenSSL. Subsequently, a system administrator
running a deployment with default values may inad-
vertently provide them, thereby rendering the system
non-compliant. As the available hash algorithms de-
pend on the choice of signature algorithms selected,
the two categories are intertwined (as represented by
the symbol (b)).
Missing Keylenghts Compliance (BSI). The web-
sites denoted by the symbol (c) are deemed “Not
compliant” due to the use of DH2048 and RSA2048
keylength mechanisms. These two mechanisms were
change from RECOMMENDED to MUST NOT in January 1,
2023 and 2024 respectively.
We surmise this issue may be due at least in part
to the content of a guideline specifying a switch-over
from a certain date, but the published guideline itself
not being published in a new version.
Missing Compliance Categories (AgID). AgID
The replication package - that can be employed to re-
peat the analysis - can be found in (Germenia et al., 2024).
guidelines are less specific than their counterparts, so
websites run by the Italian public administration do
not face significant issues. Furthermore, AgID guide-
lines do not cover certificate management. If com-
pared to the NIST guidelines, Italian websites would
be equally problematic since they use the same de-
fault values that render “Not compliant” the websites
indicated in Table 3 with (a) and (b).
Missing Cipher Suite Compliance (NIST). We de-
termined that fourteen of the fifteen websites based
in the United States are deemed “Not compliant” (de-
noted by the symbol (d) in Table 3) because they offer
the CHACHA20 POLY1305 cipher suite. This is a
peculiar issue because the NIST guidelines (National
Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), 2019)
instructs that all cipher suites not explicitly listed in
the document MUST NOT be considered; therefore,
the utilization of CHACHA20 POLY1305 is prohib-
ited by default.
Similar to items (a) and (b), the availability of
these cipher suites may be attributed to the use of a
default OpenSSL configuration.
There exist multiple TLS analyzers that also perform
a compliance evaluation. However, their functioning
is limited to a single guideline and the reports often
lack clarity as they do not specify which changes are
mandatory (e.g., MUST) and which offer some degree
of freedom (e.g., RECOMMENDED). In addition, none of
the presented tools offer actionable hints on how to
attain the desired compliance. A brief comparison of
covered guidelines and features is shown in Table 4.
sslyze (Diquet, 2023): is an open source down-
loadable tool that can be used to check if a server
uses strong encryption settings and if it is vulner-
able to a subset of known TLS attacks. Since ver-
sion 5.0.0, published in November 2021, sslyze
is able to check a server’s configuration against
Mozilla recommended configurations (Mozilla
Foundation, 2023). Its output shows a list of bul-
lets containing the simple list of unmet require-
ments. It only covers one of the four identified
use cases (i.e. compare-to-one) and only evaluates
compliance against the Mozilla guideline.
TLS Profiler (Fett, 2023): is an analysis tool
able to compare a server’s configuration against
Mozilla’s profiles. While being based on sslyze,
TLS Profiler implementation predates the former
as its development started on September 2019.
The tool, which can both be downloaded or used
Automating Compliance for Improving TLS Security Postures: An Assessment of Public Administration Endpoints
Table 4: Comparison between TLS compliance analyzers.
TLS Profiler fork
Open source
Machine-readable report
Checks with latest guidelines
Configuration file analyzer
Custom guidelines support
Actionable mitigations
as a webapp, outputs a set of bullet points high-
lighting the differences between the current and
the target Mozilla profile. The list is similar to the
output generated by sslyze, but each divergent set-
ting is shown separately from its class - e.g., even
if cipher suites are usually configured in batch,
TLS Profiles shows a bullet point for each one.
Despite the difference in the output format, this
tool shares the same limitations as sslyze. is an open source command-line tool
able to analyze a wide set of TLS vulnerabilities.
An GitHub issue opened in March 2016 suggested
the addition of a compliance check against NIST
SP 800-52. The proposed changes are currently
available in a fork of the tool created by David
Cooper inside the branch “nist” (Cooper, 2021).
TLS-Scanner: is a research tool developed by
at Bochum to assist in evaluating
TLS deploymentsS (Ruhr University Bochum and
GmbH, 2023). With the release of version 4.2.0
in June 2022, TLS-Scanner gained the capabil-
ity to compare a webserver configuration against
NIST and BSI-issued guidelines, SP 800-52r2 and
TR02102-2, respectively. At the time of writing,
the default compliance analysis only consist of a
counter that shows the number of passed, skipped
and failed checks:
--|Guideline BSI TR-02102-2
Passed: 16
Skipped: 0
Failed: 8
Uncertain: 0
--|Guideline NIST SP 800-52r2
Passed: 24
Skipped: 5
Failed: 10
Uncertain: 0
Without a way to understand which tests have
failed, it is impossible for a system administra-
tor to understand which requirement has not been
met and, consequently, how to fix it. However, it
is possible to obtain the list of performed checks
together with their results and related require-
ment level (e.g., MUST, OPTIONAL) by using the
ALL/DETAIL reporting levels.
Immuniweb SSL Security Test: is an online
test suite (Immuniweb, 2024) able to perform,
among other security-related analysis, PCI-DSS
3.2.1 (PCI, 2018) and NIST compliance checks.
It reports if the target webserver has major com-
pliance issues and labels each detected cipher and
protocol, saying if it is part of a good configura-
tion or a source of misconfiguration or weakness.
It does not explain how to fix the detected miscon-
figurations, but it is more detailed than the analyz-
ers described above.
Observatory (Mozilla Foundation, 2024): is
a project by Mozilla designed to help system
administrators to safely configure their deploy-
ments. In particular, the “TLS Observatory” tab
exploits the Immuniweb engine and shows a sum-
mary containing the closeness to a Mozilla profile
Compatibility Level, another name for the TLS
profiles defined in (Mozilla Foundation, 2023).
However, if the configuration widely differs from
a profile, the tool returns “Non-compliant” as a re-
sult. This makes it impossible to understand how
much the detected configuration actually differs
from the target ones and, consequently, does not
provide any hint on how to close the gap.
TLS Checklist Inspector (achelos GmbH,
2023): is an online analyzer that evaluates if an
existing webserver is configured according to BSI
TR-03116-4. Its output reports the entire list of
SECRYPT 2024 - 21st International Conference on Security and Cryptography
evaluated requirements and signals whether they
are met or not. While it does not explain how to
achieve compliance, its user interface is very clear
and a potential checklist of the changes to be per-
formed may be created after a quick glance.
During the process of configuring TLS, system ad-
ministrators make several decisions to create a work-
ing deployment, decisions whose outcome is some-
times not obvious even to experts. To set a state-wide
security threshold, many cybersecurity agencies issue
technical guidelines to define the use and configura-
tion of TLS. These guidelines can help to raise aware-
ness and act as reference points, but understanding
how to change an existing deployment can be diffi-
cult. In order to evaluate the existing compliance sta-
tus of public administration webservers based in Eu-
rope and the United States, we conducted an initial
study checking the compliance of 56 websites against
their guidelines of reference.
The results of the study indicate that compliance
with the requirements outlined in the guidelines is
not straightforward; instead, it is notably affected by
specific technological constraints, time constraints,
and third-party modifications (e.g., updates to TLS li-
braries). The analysis was performed by employing
a Compliance Analyzer Module built for TLSAssis-
tant to mechanize the compliance analysis.
As future work, we plan to enhance the compli-
ance analysis by providing more fine-grained action-
able reports covering edge cases. For example, by
adding contextual comments to inform system admin-
istrators that while a specific element may not guar-
antee strict compliance, certain exceptions may have
security justification.
To further improve the Compliance Analyzer
Module analysis capabilities, we also plan to expand
the TLS Compl Dset by integrating technical require-
ments issued by other security agencies. Thanks to
the GitHub deployment, this process can be crowd-
sourced and transparently audited by anybody.
We also plan to explore the possibility to cre-
ate a custom language to formally define machine-
readable requirements and to share the methodology
with the relevant standards bodies in particular the
TLS working group in the IETF to gather real-world
feedback about its applicability and ways in which it
can be used going forward.
Finally, we plan to extend the Compliance An-
alyzer Module to allow the generation of compliant
TLS configurations starting with the simple selection
of a guideline. Through this process, a system ad-
ministrator will be able to produce a functional con-
figuration file that can be used for the deployment of
a webserver that directly adheres to regulatory stan-
This work has been partially supported by the joint
laboratory between FBK and the Italian Government
Printing Office and Mint, and by project SERICS
(PE00000014) under the MUR National Recovery
and Resilience Plan funded by the European Union
- NextGenerationEU.
All referenced materials are accessible via the com-
panion website (Germenia et al., 2024).
(2024). TLS Compliance Dataset.
Acar, Y., Backes, M., Fahl, S., Kim, D., Mazurek, M. L.,
and Stransky, C. (2016). You Get Where You’re Look-
ing for: The Impact of Information Sources on Code
Security. In 2016 IEEE Symposium on Security and
Privacy (SP), pages 289–305, San Jose. IEEE.
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