literature (Manfredi et al., 2022; Acar et al., 2016;
Gorski et al., 2018; Krombholz et al., 2017; Tiefenau
et al., 2020; Li et al., 2019), should not be overlooked
as it places a significant burden on the shoulders of
system administrators.
The resulting data
(see in Table 3) show that
only a subset of these recommendations are effec-
tively adhered to, while others appear to be more
difficult to apply for reasons that can only be de-
duced. Most of the verified websites (75%) fall into
the Not compliant, leaving few sites in the Not rec-
ommended category (∼21%) and only two websites
(∼4%) in the Compliant one. This is likely to hap-
pen because the absolute requirements demand more
impactful changes (especially in the MUST NOT case)
and thus, after managing them, the handling of NOT
RECOMMENDED requirements is relatively easy to ad-
dress. By considering the outlier data, we can also
provide the following observations:
Missing Signature Algorithms Compliance
(ANSSI and NIST). The websites denoted by the
symbol (a) (see Table 3) have been determined to
be “Not compliant” due to the discovery, through
careful review, that they offer rsa pkcs as signature
algorithm. According to ANSSI TLS guideline
v1.2 (ANSSI, 2020), the use of these algorithms is
labeled as MUST NOT starting from 2020. While,
NIST guidelines (National Institute of Standards and
Technology (NIST), 2019) classified their use as NOT
RECOMMENDED prior to 31 Dec 2023 and MUST NOT as
of January 1, 2024.
A possible cause for this non-compliance with the
guidelines is the inclusion of those signature algo-
rithms in the list of those that are enabled by default
in OpenSSL. Subsequently, a system administrator
running a deployment with default values may inad-
vertently provide them, thereby rendering the system
non-compliant. As the available hash algorithms de-
pend on the choice of signature algorithms selected,
the two categories are intertwined (as represented by
the symbol (b)).
Missing Keylenghts Compliance (BSI). The web-
sites denoted by the symbol (c) are deemed “Not
compliant” due to the use of DH2048 and RSA2048
keylength mechanisms. These two mechanisms were
change from RECOMMENDED to MUST NOT in January 1,
2023 and 2024 respectively.
We surmise this issue may be due at least in part
to the content of a guideline specifying a switch-over
from a certain date, but the published guideline itself
not being published in a new version.
Missing Compliance Categories (AgID). AgID
The replication package - that can be employed to re-
peat the analysis - can be found in (Germenia et al., 2024).
guidelines are less specific than their counterparts, so
websites run by the Italian public administration do
not face significant issues. Furthermore, AgID guide-
lines do not cover certificate management. If com-
pared to the NIST guidelines, Italian websites would
be equally problematic since they use the same de-
fault values that render “Not compliant” the websites
indicated in Table 3 with (a) and (b).
Missing Cipher Suite Compliance (NIST). We de-
termined that fourteen of the fifteen websites based
in the United States are deemed “Not compliant” (de-
noted by the symbol (d) in Table 3) because they offer
the CHACHA20 POLY1305 cipher suite. This is a
peculiar issue because the NIST guidelines (National
Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), 2019)
instructs that all cipher suites not explicitly listed in
the document MUST NOT be considered; therefore,
the utilization of CHACHA20 POLY1305 is prohib-
ited by default.
Similar to items (a) and (b), the availability of
these cipher suites may be attributed to the use of a
default OpenSSL configuration.
There exist multiple TLS analyzers that also perform
a compliance evaluation. However, their functioning
is limited to a single guideline and the reports often
lack clarity as they do not specify which changes are
mandatory (e.g., MUST) and which offer some degree
of freedom (e.g., RECOMMENDED). In addition, none of
the presented tools offer actionable hints on how to
attain the desired compliance. A brief comparison of
covered guidelines and features is shown in Table 4.
• sslyze (Diquet, 2023): is an open source down-
loadable tool that can be used to check if a server
uses strong encryption settings and if it is vulner-
able to a subset of known TLS attacks. Since ver-
sion 5.0.0, published in November 2021, sslyze
is able to check a server’s configuration against
Mozilla recommended configurations (Mozilla
Foundation, 2023). Its output shows a list of bul-
lets containing the simple list of unmet require-
ments. It only covers one of the four identified
use cases (i.e. compare-to-one) and only evaluates
compliance against the Mozilla guideline.
• TLS Profiler (Fett, 2023): is an analysis tool
able to compare a server’s configuration against
Mozilla’s profiles. While being based on sslyze,
TLS Profiler implementation predates the former
as its development started on September 2019.
The tool, which can both be downloaded or used
Automating Compliance for Improving TLS Security Postures: An Assessment of Public Administration Endpoints