Securing Patient Data in IoT Devices: A Blockchain-NFT Approach for
Privacy, Security, and Authentication
Farha Masroor
, Adarsh Gopalakrishnan
and Neena Goveas
CSIS Department, BITS Pilani Goa Campus, Goa, India
Healthcare Management, IoT, Blockchain, Security, Microcontrollers, Non-Fungible Tokens (NFT),
Zero-Trust Type Architecture (ZTA).
The Internet of Things (IoT) is poised to revolutionize healthcare by enabling remote patient monitoring
and data access from any device. However, ensuring secure and flexible access control on IoT device-based
systems remains a challenge, especially when handling multiple users with varying privileges at different
points in time. Most of the current proprietary IoT products have a data pipeline where the measured data is
sent to cloud-based servers before any access is possible. This creates data privacy issues, access problems
or devices not working when Internet connectivity is not perfect. An ideal solution for an IoT-based system
is one in which data can be stored and accessed on device in real-time with additional cloud-based storage
and access for later use. To address these challenges, we propose a Blockchain-based Non-Fungible Token
(NFT) based mechanism for IoT systems. Our system uses Blockchain technology to provide untameable NFT
access keys, ensuring only authorized individuals can access patient data on a given IoT device. We conducted
an experimental study using ESP32 microcontroller, Beaglebone Black boards, and Raspberry Pi devices to
evaluate the effectiveness of our approach. Our results show that this approach is suitable for deployment on
resource-constrained devices, with minimal computational requirements and negligible delays. Additionally,
we implemented a Zero-trust type of architecture where no implicit trust is granted to any user or device,
regardless of prior successful authentication and authorization validation. We find that the delays due to the
additional processing of NFTs are negligible even within such constraints. Our findings demonstrate that
utilizing NFTs for access control of patient data on resource-constrained IoT devices is feasible and offers a
secure and scalable solution for developing cost-effective and safe IoT systems for healthcare.
IoT-based devices are crucial for pervasive healthcare
systems (Hwang and Lee, 2020), but they face chal-
lenges ensuring secure data sharing. Researchers (Is-
lam et al., 2020), (Sharma et al., 2021) show that
IoT devices embedded with sensors in wearable de-
vices or within our environment can revolutionize
healthcare. However, securing and sharing sensitive
healthcare data remains a key concern. Blockchain
is proposed as a solution to ensure secure access
and management of medical records (Li and Dun,
2020). Blockchain, with its immutability and consen-
sus mechanism (Cunha et al., 2021), has the potential
to provide a trusted environment.
In this paper, we propose a Blockchain NFT-IoT
system that addresses the above challenges and prior-
itizes safe access to patient data.
This paper is structured as follows: in Section 2,
we provide an overview of existing work. Section
3 explores fundamental Blockchain concepts. Fol-
lowing this, in Section 4, we discuss our mecha-
nism for securing healthcare data in IoT devices us-
ing Blockchain-NFT. Section 5 elaborates on an ap-
plication example. In Section 6, details about the
dataset used in our study are provided. In Section 7
we present the results. Lastly, Section 8 summarizes
our conclusions and outlines future work.
Researchers have explored enhancing IoT security
with Blockchain solutions. Kotz et al. in (Kotz and
Peters, 2017) highlighted challenges in IoT technol-
Masroor, F., Gopalakrishnan, A. and Goveas, N.
Securing Patient Data in IoT Devices: A Blockchain-NFT Approach for Privacy, Security, and Authentication.
DOI: 10.5220/0012764800003767
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT 2024), pages 704-709
ISBN: 978-989-758-709-2; ISSN: 2184-7711
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
ogy like secure ownership and managing access for
multiple users. Dorri et al. proposed a Blockchain-
based method for secure smart homes, but it may be
impractical for widespread use (Dorri et al., 2017).
An NFT-based approach was introduced for IoT ac-
cess control by Sharma et al. (Sharma and Goveas,
2023), validated on ESP32 and Raspberry Pi devices.
Ali et al. noted Blockchain’s potential in decentraliz-
ing IoT data management (Ali et al., 2018).
Saeed et. al. discussed significant challenges
in medical care data, such as integrity, manipula-
tion, and fraud, highlighting Blockchain as a solu-
tion (Saeed et al., 2022). Abbas et al. reviewed 53
articles from 2016 to 2021 on Blockchain in health-
care, highlighting advantages like data integrity, par-
ticipant anonymity, and improved drug supply chain
management (Abbas et al., 2022). Atlam et al. (Atlam
et al., 2020) demonstrated Blockchain’s potential for
secure identity management. Alamri et al. reviewed
Blockchain for IoT, focusing on privacy and access
control challenges in (Alamri et al., 2019).
For this work, we have used the Solana Blockchain
as it provides many features that are user-friendly and
suitable for an IoT implementation
3.1 Solana Blockchain
Solana is a Blockchain platform that has been de-
signed to provide a decentralized infrastructure for
decentralized applications (dApps). It strives to of-
fer a secure, fast, and scalable environment for dApps.
Solana implements a unique combination of technolo-
gies including a Proof of History (PoH) consensus
mechanism based on proof-of-stake (PoS) that helps
to enhance scalability and efficiency.
For our prototype, Solana is great to build on due
to its unique NFT Programs, low Transaction Costs,
scalability, developer-Friendly Environment and De-
vnet which allows developers to test applications in a
simulated environment, ensuring a secure and reliable
3.2 Solana Wallet
A Solana wallet is a digital wallet used for securely
storing, sending, and receiving the native SOL tokens
on the Solana Blockchain. It incorporates a private
key, which is an exclusive sequence of characters uti-
lized to authenticate transactions on the blockchain,
guaranteeing their security and validity. Solana Wal-
lets can be created and managed using various tools,
such as browser extensions, mobile apps, and desk-
top software. Solflare and Phantom are some popular
Solana wallets. Solana wallet is important for inter-
acting with the Solana Blockchain and participating
in decentralized finance (DeFi) applications and other
blockchain-based services.
Token Metadata program: The Token Metadata
Program (TMP) on the Solana blockchain is crucial
for managing NFTs. It stores and manages meta-
data associated with NFTs, including their name, de-
scription, image or media files, external URLs, and
other relevant attributes. This program facilitates the
creation, storage, and retrieval of metadata, enhanc-
ing the usability and value of NFTs on the Solana
Solana NFTs: Solana NFTs are created through
Mint Accounts, each with unique attributes and con-
figured with a supply of 1, ensuring only one token
is issued and cannot be divided. These NFTs lack
mint authority, making them non-fungible and pre-
venting the creation of additional tokens. Solana’s To-
ken Metadata program includes Master Edition NFTs,
the original NFTs, and Print Edition NFTs, used to
manage and create copies of a specific NFT.
Master Edition NFTs are the original NFTs, cre-
ated with specific attributes and containing metadata
describing the original digital asset. They are unique
and distinct, with the Mint Account associated with
the Master Edition having the authority to mint new
instances or editions based on it. The Master Edi-
tion account can also enable users to create multi-
ple copies of the NFTs, with an attribute called ”Max
Supply” defining the upper limit of copies that can be
Print Edition NFTs are derived from Master Edi-
tion NFTs, serving as the primary copies of the orig-
inal digital asset. They inherit some metadata and
properties from the Master Edition but are distinct
NFTs. The Master Edition NFT specifies the at-
tributes of the printed editions, such as the number
of copies that can be created and any restrictions on
the copies. Printed Edition NFTs are directly linked
to and derived from Master Edition NFTs, providing
a way to create copies of the original asset.
4.1 Prototype of Our IoT System
Software developed for IoT systems needs to be
used on and with resource-constrained devices. To
Securing Patient Data in IoT Devices: A Blockchain-NFT Approach for Privacy, Security, and Authentication
showcase our system’s functionality, we’ve selected
popular boards: ESP32 microcontroller, Beaglebone
blackboard, and the Raspberry Pi 3.
4.1.1 Configuring a Web Server on ESP32
To prepare our ESP32, we first configure the ESP32
board and install the ESP32 Espressif package into
our Arduino IDE (url, 2024a). Next, we incorporate
the source code for configuring the website server on
the ESP32 microcontroller. The WiFi module estab-
lishes a connection to any WiFi hotspot, enabling the
server to test. Upon setup completion, the server pro-
vides an IP address that serves as the API endpoint for
our web platform.
4.1.2 Configuring a Web Server for Raspberry
Pi and Beaglebone Black Boards
To set up a web server on a Raspberry Pi and Beagle-
bone black, we utilize the Python Flask framework
(url, 2024b).To start, we install the Raspbian or De-
bian Linux-based OS, along with Python and the web
framework named Flask, on both Beaglebone and the
Raspberry Pi. Then, we develop a Flask-based web
app and initiate it, by running the command ”python3 To test the web server, we would access it
from a browser on a different device, using the IP
address of the Raspberry Pi or Beaglebone. Further-
more, we customize the web server as required by uti-
lizing Flask’s settings and options.
4.1.3 NFT and Edition Management for User
Access on Our Web Platform
Our web platform is designed with a Next.js inter-
face, allowing integration of users with their wallets
through the @solana/web3.js package. In addition to
granting access to all devices and storing the Mas-
ter Edition NFTs, the advertisement wallet is also in
charge of creating these NFTs. The software platform
generates NFTs using an industry-standard json struc-
ture, and the metadata includes the device’s MAC
address. This MAC Address is added to the NFT’s
characteristics array for additional trust that the Non-
Fungible tokens in the user’s hands match the selected
device. The platform uploads NFT to a decentralized
database such as Arweave using Sugar CLI, an inter-
face for the command line developed by the Meta-
plex Foundation, and mints NFT using the Metaplex
JS SDK. Users may easily access and manage NFTs
related to their devices by minting Edition NFTs from
the admin wallet using the Metaplex JS SDK, which
facilitates efficient NFT administration and distribu-
Figure 1: Time taken for NFT search Across Different Data
Structures with Varying Search Space sizes (n).
4.2 Deployment of the Prototype
It is necessary for users to link their Solana Wallet
to the website. Once the link has been made, users
may choose which device to utilize. Once a device
and operation are chosen, the web platform verifies
the presence of the accurate NFT in the wallet of the
user and the NFT Metadata for the MAC Address is
checked, matching it with the MAC Address of the
device. In our prototype, both the devices and patient
data are resources and require permission to access.
After these checks, the user can access the device and
the patient data on it.
(a) Search space = 1000. (b) Search space = 10,000.
Figure 2: Combination of the Devices and the Data Struc-
The admin wallet has the authority to mint a
printed edition NFT of the master edition for every
user in the system. Next, a URL link is produced and
forwarded to the selected non-admin user. The non-
admin user sees an option of renting the NFT. The
NFT is added to their wallet after approval. This is
the initial stage of getting access to the system’s re-
Using the system model outlined in 4, the resource-
constrained devices, web application, Solana Wallet
integration, NFT management, and device access con-
trol mechanisms work together to enable users to con-
nect, manage, and interact with IoT devices through
the web platform. This includes aspects such as
SECRYPT 2024 - 21st International Conference on Security and Cryptography
Figure 3: Pattern Analysis of Request-Response in Different Packet Sizes at Each Timestamp.
how devices are identified, NFTs minting and man-
agement, access control is implementation, and how
users interact with the system through the web inter-
face, including device connections, NFT creation, and
Patients are required to link their Solana Wallet to
the web platform. Once connected, they can select
the IoT device where they want to store their data.
In our prototype deployment, we had three resource-
constrained IoT devices. After selecting a device, the
platform validates the presence of the correct NFT for
that device in the patient’s wallet. Upon successful
validation, the patient can proceed to store their health
data on the IoT Device. Each IoT device functions as
a server, and each patient has their NFTs for identifi-
cation, stored in their wallet. An NFT used and stored
is of length 32 to 64 bytes as a public key.
Subsequently, medical professionals who need ac-
cess to the patient’s data can visit the web platform
and connect their wallets to the application. The ap-
plication retrieves their public key to determine which
NFTs the medical professional owns. If the medical
professional requires access to a specific device, the
platform checks for the presence of the correspond-
ing NFT. However, to access the patient’s data, the
medical professional must also possess the NFT spe-
cific to that patient, which is unique for each patient.
The requirement of both NFTs for access adds an ex-
tra layer of security, as possession of only the device
NFT is insufficient to access patient data.
If the medical professional has both NFTs, they
can access the device and the patient’s data stored on
the device. If this authentication process needs to be
completed only once, we call it a One-Time Verifi-
cation architecture (OTV). Subsequently, the medical
professional can access the data anytime and for any
number of sessions without repeating the NFT verifi-
cation process.
Additionally, another Zero-Trust type of Architec-
ture has been implemented to enhance data security
and reliability. Under this architecture, when a med-
ical professional gains access to a device and a pa-
tient’s data, the device is checked for authentication
at the beginning of each session. Anytime, even dur-
ing the session, if the medical professional requests
patient data again, the NFT verification process ex-
ecutes. Any log out and log back in is treated as a
fresh session and they must undergo the patient NFT
verification process each time to access the data. This
ensures that access is continuously authenticated and
verified, enhancing the security of the system.
We utilized ECG data from the MIT-BIH Arrhythmia
database available on PhysioNet
. The dataset com-
prises 48 records, each containing CSV files and ref-
erence annotation files (Khincha et al., 2020).
For our system, we utilized 5 minutes of one pa-
tient record and stored it as a data input on the device.
In real life, sensors connected to the patient would
collect the data, which would then be transferred to
the devices for storage. Here we fed the selected sam-
ple data into the device for storage.
This section presents the results from our experiments
and demonstrations NFT stored is of length 32 to 64
bytes, so storing and searching through them could be
time-consuming on the devices selected for a larger
number of records. We initiated our study by experi-
menting with different data structures and varying the
search space size (n) that is the number of records 10,
100, 1000 up to 1000000 and obtained the time re-
quired for the search. The data structures included
hash tables, arrays, and linked lists for storing the
NFT token objects.
Figure 1 illustrates that the hash table exhibits
significantly faster performance compared to arrays
and linked lists. The search time remains relatively
Securing Patient Data in IoT Devices: A Blockchain-NFT Approach for Privacy, Security, and Authentication
Figure 4: Response Time with varying Packet Sizes and Devices.
(a) With 5 packets. (b) With 10 packets.
Figure 5: Comparison plots of Architectures with varying Devices.
constant regardless of the search space (n), reflecting
its O(1) access time. Conversely, arrays and linked
lists show increasing search times with larger search
spaces (n), with linked lists exhibiting the slowest per-
formance due to their non-contiguous memory alloca-
We used a search space (n) of 1000 and 10,000.
The experiment involved three resource-constrained
devices (Raspberry Pi, Beaglebone, ESP32) and a lap-
top, combined with three different data structures (ar-
rays, linked lists, hash tables). Each device and data
structure handles objects differently, making it impor-
tant to determine the most suitable data structure for
storing objects like NFTs. Figure 2a illustrates the
experiment with ESP32, Raspberry Pi, and Beagle-
bone, considering the memory constraints of ESP32,
which cannot efficiently handle more than 1000 ob-
jects. In Figure 2b, we increased the search space to
10,000 and included a laptop along with Raspberry Pi
and Beaglebone, using the same data structure com-
binations. This increase in search space allows us
to observe noticeable delays and compare the behav-
ior of the combinations with small and large search
spaces. However, In our analysis depicted in Figure
2, we found that hash tables combined with a local
machine exhibited the minimum delay and processed
faster regardless of the search space (n) value. Ad-
ditionally, we observed that using hash tables with
any of the four devices for searching objects resulted
in only slight differences. Conversely, linked lists
and arrays were not optimal choices for storing and
searching NFTs if the requirements of the prototype
include time efficiency.
We studied the time delays of sending and re-
ceiving data between patient devices to the devices
of medical professional. Initially, we segmented an
ECG dataset, as illustrated in Section 6, and converted
the CSV files to JSON format for storage on the de-
vices. Subsequently, we created packets of two differ-
ent sizes: 5 (each of 1 minute length) and 10 (each of
30 seconds length), by dividing the sample 5 minute
ECG data.
The Gantt chart of the time delay of this process
is shown in figure 3. The figure shows the timestamps
indicating when each packet was sent and when it was
received by the medical professional. This shows that
variations in packet sizes and devices used.
We calculated the response time by averaging
multiple requests and responses and plotted boxplots
showing the minimum and maximum values for vary-
ing packet sizes with all three devices. Figure 4
demonstrates that Raspberry Pi has the shortest re-
sponse time compared to other devices for both packet
Once the comparison of packet sizes, devices,
and data structures along with the search space was
completed, we implemented our Blockchain-NFT-
IoT system with One-Time Verification Architecture
(OTV) and Zero-Trust type of Architecture (ZTA).
We then compared both architectures with the non-
NFT approach, where no security measures were im-
plemented figure 5. We have used a hash table as the
data structure for storing NFTs and have compared all
three architectures with the three devices. The figure
in Figure 5 indicates that Non-NFT has a shorter re-
sponse time than OTV and ZTA for both the packet
SECRYPT 2024 - 21st International Conference on Security and Cryptography
size, as expected. However, the delays seen here are
minimal due to the small search space (n) of 1000. If
the search space (n) is increased to 10,000, delays will
be larger for Rpi and Beaglebone. The delay differ-
ence between OTV and ZTA is not significantly high,
making ZTA a feasible option.
In this work, we present an implementation of the
Blockchain-NFT-IoT system on resource-constrained
devices. We focused on evaluating and understand-
ing the performance of different data structures, de-
vices, and architectures in the context of a health-
care application involving the storage and transmis-
sion of ECG data. We found that even with resource-
constrained devices like the ESP32, we can imple-
ment our proposed architecture. A Raspberry Pi can
be used is there is a need for reduced response times
for data transfer. Our implementation of One-Time
Verification Architecture (OTV) and Zero-Trust type
of Architecture (ZTA) demonstrated that the delays
are not significant and they can be effectively used in
resource-constrained devices thus ensuring data secu-
rity in healthcare IoT environments.
This research is a first step in the design of secure
IoT systems that are cost-effective and can provide
real-time solutions even with poor connectivity. This
can be of value when designing safe access mecha-
nisms for healthcare and other sensitive data.
Future research directions could explore scaling
these experiments to larger datasets experimenting
with more devices and types of users and further en-
hancing security measures to meet the evolving needs
of healthcare IoT applications.
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Securing Patient Data in IoT Devices: A Blockchain-NFT Approach for Privacy, Security, and Authentication