Comparative Analysis of Machine Learning Techniques for DDoS
Intrusion Detection in IoT Environments
Godwin Chukwukelu
, Aniekan Essien
, Adewale Imram Salami
and Esther Utuk
IT Services Department, Forctix Ltd, London, U.K.
Operations and Management Science, Healthcare & Innovation Group, University of Bristol, Bristol, U.K.
Department of Computer Science, Leadcity University, Ibadan, Nigeria
University of East Anglia, Norwich, U.K.
Keywords: Intrusion Detection System (IDS), Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS), Internet of Things (IoT),
Machine Learning Algorithms.
Abstract: This study addresses the challenge of Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks in the Internet of Things
(IoT) environment by evaluating the effectiveness of Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) using machine
learning techniques. Due to the lightweight computational configuration of IoT systems, there is a need for a
classifier that can efficiently distinguish between legitimate and malicious network traffic without demanding
substantial computational resources. This research presents a comparative analysis of four machine learning
models: (i) k-Nearest Neighbour (k-NN), (ii) Support Vector Machine (SVM), (iii) Random Forest (RF), and
(iv) Multilayer Perceptron (MLP), to propose a lightweight DDoS intrusion detection classifier. A novel
classification model based on the MLP architecture is proposed, focusing on minimalistic design and feature
reduction to achieve accurate and efficient classification. The model is tested using the CICIDS2017 dataset
and demonstrates high accuracy and computational efficiency, making it a viable solution for IoT
environments where computational resources are limited. The findings show that the proposed µML-IDS
model achieves an accuracy of 99.8%, F-score of 96.5%, and precision of 99.96%, with minimal
computational overhead, highlighting its potential for real-world application in protecting IoT networks
against DDoS attacks.
The advent of the Internet of Things (IoT) has
transformed everyday objects into interconnected
smart devices, creating a network of over 20 billion
devices globally ((Al-Hadhrami & Hussain, 2021).
This rapid proliferation, fuelled by advancements in
IP addressing and affordable microcontrollers, has
not only enhanced connectivity but also exposed
these devices to diverse cyber threats, notably
Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks (Salim
et al., 2020). The impact of such attacks can be
catastrophic, especially when targeting critical
national infrastructures like healthcare systems,
where a cyberattack can lead to devastating
consequences, including loss of life (Willing et al.,
2021). Besides critical infrastructures, common IoT
devices, such as smart bulbs, doors, and TVs are also
vulnerable, posing risks of financial loss, privacy
breach, and data theft (Verma & Ranga, 2020).
Given these emerging threats, this research is
driven by the need to reinforce the security of IoT
networks. The study focuses on understanding the
role and effectiveness of Intrusion Detection Systems
(IDS) in safeguarding IoT-connected devices (MR et
al., 2021). It aims to devise solutions for the
prevention of DDoS attacks on these networks and
contribute to the limited literature regarding IDS's
role in IoT security.
The key contributions of this study are centered
around the development and comparative analysis of
machine learning models to address the challenge of
detecting Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks
in Internet of Things (IoT) networks (Sharafaldin et al.,
Chukwukelu, G., Essien, A., Salami, A. and Utuk, E.
Comparative Analysis of Machine Learning Techniques for DDoS Intrusion Detection in IoT Environments.
DOI: 10.5220/0012765200003764
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Smart Business Technologies (ICSBT 2024), pages 19-27
ISBN: 978-989-758-710-8; ISSN: 2184-772X
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
2019). The primary contribution is the proposition of a
novel, lightweight, high-accuracy, and high-precision
classifier, termed the µML-IDS model. This model
stands out for its minimal computational demands,
addressing a significant limitation prevalent in existing
data-driven DDoS intrusion detection systems.
In addition, we meticulously perform a
comprehensive analysis that navigates the trade-off
between model complexity and accuracy, a crucial
consideration for IoT networks operating on edge or
fog computing infrastructures (Butun et al., 2013;
Vinayakumar et al., 2019). The emphasis is placed on
developing classifiers that are computationally
lightweight yet effective. The µML-IDS model
achieves this balance by employing a robust feature
selection approach, data normalization, and efficient
model training processes. These techniques ensure
accurate classification of DDoS attacks while
distinguishing them from legitimate network traffic.
A significant aspect of this research is the
comprehensive comparative analysis performed
across various benchmark models. This analysis
demonstrates that the µML-IDS model surpasses
others in terms of accuracy and F-score. Additionally,
the study encompasses a thorough review of existing
and proposed intrusion detection systems for IoT
networks. This review highlights the current
limitations and opens avenues for future research in
this niche field.
The remainder of this study unfolds as follows: The
literature review in Section 2 provides a deep-dive into
the Internet of Things (IoT), Intrusion Detection
Systems (IDSs), and Distributed Denial of Service
(DDoS) in IoT, including a discussion on various
DDoS detection methods and the role of machine
learning. Section 3 outlines the research methodology,
detailing the development of µML-IDS, a lightweight
machine-learning IDS, and covers aspects from dataset
pre-processing to evaluation methods. Section 4
presents the core findings, including a comprehensive
comparative analysis of several machine learning
models for DDoS detection in IoT networks, with a
focus on model performance evaluation and
experimental results. Finally, the closing chapter
discusses implications, limitations and future research.
2.1 Internet of Things (IoT)
The Internet of Things (IoT) represents a
transformative evolution in internet technology,
characterized by an extensive network of
interconnected devices (Roopak et al., 2020).
Khujamatov et al. (2021) define IoT as a network of
physical objects equipped with technology for
communication within themselves and with the
external environment, impacting economic and social
systems. These interconnected devices, or 'things,'
encompass a wide range of applications from home
automation to industrial and environmental
monitoring (Firouzi et al., 2020; Zarpelão et al.,
2017). IoT's expansion also includes the Industrial
Internet of Things (IIoT), which integrates traditional
industrial control networks with IoT technologies (K.
Yu et al., 2021). Figure 1 depicts a graphical
representation of the architecture of IoT devices.
The rapid growth of IoT has significant
implications for cybersecurity. The diversity of IoT
devices, each with unique data, hardware, software
configurations, and communication protocols, poses
a substantial challenge to information safety and
security (Roopak et al., 2020). Kumar & Kumar
(2023) highlight the heightened susceptibility of these
networks to cyber threats, particularly Denial of
Service (DoS) and Distributed Denial of Service
(DDoS) attacks. These attacks not only disrupt
essential services but can also lead to significant
financial loss, privacy breaches, and in severe cases,
loss of life (Verma & Ranga, 2020). The increasing
number of cybercrimes, as evidenced by attacks on
healthcare systems and other critical infrastructures,
underscores the urgent need for robust cybersecurity
measures in the IoT domain (Willing et al., 2021).
Figure 1: IoT architecture.
As IoT continues to evolve, enhancing its security
becomes paramount. The integration of IoT into daily
life and its application across various sectors
necessitates a rigorous focus on safeguarding these
ICSBT 2024 - 21st International Conference on Smart Business Technologies
systems against cyber threats. This is critical for
maintaining the integrity and reliability of IoT
networks and for ensuring the safety and privacy of
users and businesses reliant on this technology.
2.2 Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS)
Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) play a crucial role
in network security, monitoring and analysing events
to detect intrusions that threaten the confidentiality,
integrity, or availability of computer systems or
networks (Bace & Mell, 2001). These systems, both
software and hardware, are categorized into Passive
IDS, which monitor and alert administrators of
changes, and Active IDS, which also block suspicious
traffic (Saranya et al., 2020). The evolution of IDS
began with Jim Anderson in 1980, leading to various
products developed to meet growing security
demands (Ahmad et al., 2021).
IDS deployment can be either Host-based,
focusing on individual hosts, or Network-based,
protecting entire networks. Detection techniques fall
into three categories: Signature-based IDS (SIDS),
which compare data patterns against a database of
attack signatures; Anomaly-based IDS (AIDS),
defining a typical activity profile and flagging
deviations as anomalies (Latif et al., 2020); and
Hybrid-based IDS, combining the features of SIDS
and AIDS.
Incorporating Artificial Intelligence (AI) into IDS
design, particularly Machine Learning (ML) and
Deep Learning (DL), has become prevalent. ML
algorithms in IDS are designed to discover hidden
patterns in data, enhancing the accuracy and
timeliness of attack detection (Ahmad et al., 2021;
Parveen Sultana et al., 2019). This approach is
increasingly important due to the large volume and
velocity of network data, which standard detection
systems struggle to process effectively. The
incorporation of AI in IDS represents a significant
advancement in network security, addressing the
evolving challenges in detecting and preventing cyber
threats efficiently.
2.3 Distributed Denial of Service
(DDoS) in IoT
DDoS attacks in IoT environments represent a
significant escalation from traditional DoS attacks,
characterized by the overwhelming of networks or
servers through excessive data flooding, rendering
them inaccessible to legitimate traffic (Vishwakarma
& Jain, 2020). These attacks, often distributed across
geographically spread devices, result in substantial
operational disruptions, financial losses, and
potentially life-threatening situations (Al-Hadhrami
& Hussain, 2021; Snehi & Bhandari, 2021). The
sophistication and frequency of DDoS attacks have
increased, posing a challenge to even advanced IDSs
that employ machine learning techniques (Roopak et
al., 2020). The nature of these attacks has evolved
from targeting network and transport layers to the
more stealthy and damaging application-layer attacks
(Salim et al., 2020).
The rise of IoT devices has unfortunately
expanded the attack surface for DDoS attacks.
Attackers exploit vulnerabilities in software and
hardware, using IoT devices to build botnets capable
of generating significant DDoS traffic (Cvitić et al.,
2021). DDoS attacks have been categorized into
traditional and IoT-based attacks, the latter utilizing
low-security IoT devices to form botnets (Snehi &
Bhandari, 2021; Susilo & Sari, 2020). The significant
increase in DDoS attack volumes over recent years
highlights the urgent need for effective detection and
prevention strategies (Gaur & Kumar, 2022).
2.4 DDoS Detection Methods
DDoS attack detection focuses on distinguishing
between legitimate and malicious network traffic.
Efficient detection systems are especially crucial for
IoT networks, where attacks can severely
compromise network security (Schulter et al., 2006).
These detection methods are generally categorized
into anomaly-based, hybrid, and signature-based
systems. Anomaly-based IDS monitor network
activity against a defined normal behaviour, alerting
administrators of significant deviations (Khraisat et
al., 2019; Vinayakumar et al., 2019). Hybrid IDS
combine the strengths of anomaly and signature-
based systems, offering broad detection capabilities
(Fenil & Mohan Kumar, 2020). Signature-based IDS
rely on a database of known attack patterns,
comparing incoming traffic against these signatures
to identify threats. Despite their ease of deployment,
they struggle against novel attacks and require
continuous database updates to remain effective.
2.5 Machine Learning for DDoS
Intrusion Detection in IoT
The design of Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) for
IoT platforms often relies on analysing network
patterns, typically evaluated using standard datasets,
such as KDDCUP, NSL-KDD, UNSW-NB15, and
CSE-CIC-IDS18 (Kiran et al., 2020). However, there
Comparative Analysis of Machine Learning Techniques for DDoS Intrusion Detection in IoT Environments
is a gap in research presenting solutions based on data
pattern analysis for attack identification,
underscoring the necessity of developing a
framework for detecting threats in IoT environments
using data patterns derived from IoT networks.
Machine Learning (ML) and Deep Learning (DL)
are pivotal in enhancing the efficacy of IDS in IoT
networks. These techniques utilize both labelled and
unlabelled data, employing algorithms including
randomised K-Means clustering to enhance classifier
diversity and achieve reliable intrusion detection.
This approach is essential given the complex nature
of DDoS attacks, which can render devices and
networks inoperable, resulting in significant financial
and data losses, and in severe cases, endangering
The rise in sophisticated DDoS attacks challenges
even the most advanced ML-based IDS, highlighting
the need for innovative solutions in this domain
(Roopak et al., 2020). The integration of ML in IDS
must therefore be strategic, considering both the
complexity of the IoT environment and the nature of
DDoS attacks. This need drives the ongoing research
and development in IDS using ML and DL
techniques, aiming to create more robust and
effective defence mechanisms against DDoS attacks
in IoT networks.
3.1 µML-IDS: A Lightweight
Machine-Learning IDS for DDoS
Detection in IoT Networks
This study introduces µML-IDS, a machine-learning-
based Intrusion Detection System (IDS) focused on
detecting Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS)
attacks in IoT networks. The approach employed in
this research involves meticulous data wrangling,
cleaning, and preprocessing, underscoring the
necessity for detailed data analysis in developing
effective IDS solutions (Doriguzzi-Corin et al.,
2020). Recognizing the shortcomings in current
literature, which primarily emphasizes detection rates
and model accuracy without adequate consideration
for computational requirements, µML-IDS is
designed as a computationally lightweight model.
This design decision not only enhances the model
accuracy but also ensures that it is well-suited for
environments with limited computing resources, a
common scenario in IoT networks.
µML-IDS stands out for its ability to process and
classify data rapidly, implementing detection in
milliseconds, thus aligning with the needs of IoT
networks for real-time intrusion detection. The
system's architecture is optimized for deployment in
computational environments typical of IoT devices,
where resource minimization is crucial. Figure 2
presents the graphical representation of the proposed
methodology for µML-IDS.
3.2 Model Development and
The development of the IDS classifier in this study
entailed a meticulous process of data preparation and
model training. Initially, the dataset underwent
cleaning to remove null and infinite values, reducing
the dataset to 225,711 records. Subsequently, a
manual feature reduction was conducted to eliminate
redundant features, ensuring that only the most
relevant variables were used for model training,
leaving 77 features in the final dataset.
The dataset was then normalized to a range of 0
to 1 to mitigate the impact of scale variations on the
machine learning models. Following normalization,
the dataset was split into training and testing sets
using a 70:30 train-test ratio, a standard practice in
data analytics. Each of the four machine learning
models was trained on the same training dataset and
evaluated on the testing dataset to maintain
consistency and fairness in the evaluation process.
This approach ensured that the models were
developed and assessed under comparable conditions.
3.3 Experimental Setup
The experimental setup for this study was conducted
on a Windows computer equipped with an Intel Core
i7 processor (3.6GHz Quad-core), 1TB of hard disk
storage, and 32GB of RAM, running Windows 11.
The experiments utilized Python v3.6 and scikit-learn
v1.0.2, ensuring a robust computational environment
for machine learning analysis. This setup was
essential for handling extensive datasets like the
NSL-KDD, which features over 22,000 data entries
and 43 independent features, and the CICIDS2017
labelled dataset, deemed most suitable for this study.
The CICIDS2017 dataset, designed by the University
of New Brunswick Institute for Cybersecurity,
includes up-to-date data closely resembling real-
world network attack scenarios. This comprehensive
dataset includes a wide range of network attack types,
providing a realistic and challenging environment for
ICSBT 2024 - 21st International Conference on Smart Business Technologies
testing and evaluating the machine learning models
developed in this research.
Figure 2: Methodology for the proposed IDS.
3.4 Evaluation Methods and Measures
The performance of machine learning models in
intrusion detection is a binary classification task that
can be assessed using various metrics. A confusion
matrix is typically employed for visual discriminative
evaluation, plotting predicted classes against actual
classes and distinguishing true positives, true
negatives, false positives, and false negatives (Figure
3). The evaluation metrics used include:
1. Accuracy: the ratio of true classifications to total
predictions, defined by Equation (1) below:
2. Recall: otherwise referred to as the true positive
rate, and the ratio of correct classifications made
to the sum of correct classifications and wrongly
classified negatives. Equation (2) below is used
to compute recall:
3. Precision: the ratio of correct classifications to
positive classifications, calculated by the
following equation (3):
4. F-Measure: harmonic mean of recall and
precision, calculated using Equation (4).
𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑖𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑎𝑙𝑙
𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑖𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑎𝑙𝑙
These metrics provide a comprehensive view of
model performance, addressing limitations such as
the inability of accuracy to penalize false negatives,
crucial in intrusion detection systems (IDS). The
study aligns with literature advocating for balanced
metrics like the F-measure and geometric mean, more
suited for discriminating false classifications.
Figure 3: Confusion matrix for binary classification.
3.5 Data Description
Acquiring datasets for data-driven intrusion detection
system (IDS) modelling poses significant challenges,
often due to privacy and security concerns (Tavallaee
et al., 2009). Network traffic data, rich in sensitive
information, necessitates careful handling to avoid
unauthorized access and potential exposure of
confidential data about customers, suppliers, and
business communications. To circumvent these
issues, researchers frequently resort to simulated data.
Nevertheless, there are notable datasets like
KDDCUP’99 and NSL-KDD extensively used in
intrusion detection research. This study specifically
utilizes the CICIDS2017 dataset, selected for its up-
Comparative Analysis of Machine Learning Techniques for DDoS Intrusion Detection in IoT Environments
to-date representation of real-world network attack
scenarios. The CICIDS2017 dataset, developed by
the University of New Brunswick, addresses the
shortcomings of previous datasets, such as outdated
or unreliable data, lack of diversity, and issues with
data monotonicity. Unlike KDD-99, known for its
low detection rates and high false positives, the NSL-
KDD dataset is extensive, lacks repetitive values, and
has no null or empty values, making it advantageous
for machine learning preprocessing. The
CICIDS2017 dataset is deemed most appropriate for
this study due to its relevance and comprehensive
coverage of contemporary network attack patterns.
Table 1 presents a summary of the data used in this
Table 1: CICIDS2017 Data Overview.
Day Flow Total
Monday 529,918 0 Normal
Tuesday 445,909 7,938 FTP-Patato
5,897 SSH-Patato
Wed. 692,703 5,796 DoS slowloris
5,499 DoS slowhttptest
231,073 DoS Hul
10,293 DoS GoldenE
11 HeartBlee
170,366 1,507 Web Attack -
Brute Force
652 Web Attack -
21 Web Attack -
288,602 36 Infiltration
191,033 1,966 Bot
286,467 158,930 Portscan
225,745 128,027 DDoS
Total 2,830,743 557,646 19.70% attack
This section introduces a novel, computationally
lightweight machine learning model for IDS in IoT
networks, focusing on detection accuracy while
minimizing computational demands. The μML-IDS
model addresses limitations in existing models by
offering high precision DDoS attack detection with
minimal resource use, proving highly efficient in
environments with limited computing power.
4.1 Candidate Machine Learning
We discuss the significance of machine learning
(ML) algorithms in information security, specifically
for detecting network anomalies and DDoS attacks.
Given the complexity of selecting an optimal
classifier for intrusion detection due to varying
computational costs and scenarios, the study
evaluates several supervised learning models:
Multilayer Perceptron (MLP), Random Forest (RF),
k-Nearest Neighbour (k-NN), and Support Vector
Machine (SVM). It outlines the existence of
seventeen ML classifier families, emphasizing that no
single classifier excels in all situations, as supported
by the No Free Lunch (NFL) theory (Wolpert &
Macready, 1997). This leads to the selection of four
classifiers (k-NN, RF, SVM, MLP) based on their
generalization abilities across different datasets,
aiming to develop a computationally efficient
solution for DDoS attack detection in network traffic
4.2 Experimental Results
The experiments in this study were conducted on a
Windows 11 PC with an Intel Core i7 3.6GHz Quad-
core, 1TB HDD, and 32GB RAM, using Python 3.6
and Scikit-learn 1.0.2. This subsection outlines the
experimental setup and evaluates the performance of
chosen machine learning classifiers.
4.2.1 Model Comparative Evaluation
The comparative analysis involved applying models
to a uniform dataset, as detailed in Section 3.2.
Results and confusion matrices for the evaluated
models are summarized in Table 2 and Figure 4,
Table 2: Summary of model performance.
time (s)
Pred time
0.24 143.62 56.1 71.81 99.90
2. RF 14.09 0.30 55.5 71.40 99.93
41.08 33.03 54.9 70.92 100
74.68 0.34 93.3 96.54 99.98
ICSBT 2024 - 21st International Conference on Smart Business Technologies
Figure 4: Confusion matrix for benchmark models.
Table 2 highlights the varying advantages and
drawbacks of the various models, making it
challenging to choose the best one based solely on the
table. For instance, while SVM had the highest
precision at 100%, it also had a significant number of
false positives (Figure 4). The k-NN model was
fastest in training but slow in inference, and RF had
the quickest inference time but sub-optimal false
positive rates (Figure 5). The MLP model emerged as
the most balanced, offering low inference time, high
precision (99.96%), and the best f-measure (96.54%),
indicating its efficiency in DDoS attack detection
with the lowest false alarm rate (Figure 6). Training
and inference time analysis showed a trade-off
between model complexity and performance,
highlighting the importance of inference time for real-
time applications. Ultimately, the MLP model was
chosen as the best overall due to its optimal
performance across all metrics, making it suitable for
real-time network environments as a lightweight and
efficient solution for classifying normal and DDoS
attack traffic.
4.3 Comparison Against Related
The proposed μML-IDS model showcased optimal
accuracy and computational efficiency on test data,
outperforming other models in training and inference
times. This section compares μML-IDS with models
from related studies, highlighting its competitive
edge, particularly in computational requirements
crucial for IoT network security. As can be seen from
Table 3, a comparative analysis affirms the
competitive performance of μML-IDS in both
accuracy and efficiency, underscoring its significance
for IoT security. Despite this performance, the key
gain of our proposed model is its significantly lower
computational requirement evidenced by the low
training and inference time.
Figure 5: Performance evaluation metrics for benchmark
Figure 6: Precision and F-score for benchmark models.
The Internet of Things (IoT) permeates daily life,
enhancing connectivity but presenting security
challenges due to its complexity and vulnerability to
attacks, as highlighted by incidents like WikiLeaks
and the Dyn attack. IoT security has become a critical
research area, with a focus on developing effective
Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) to combat these
vulnerabilities (Bout et al., 2021). This study aimed
to analyze and compare DDoS IDS for IoT networks,
seeking an optimal model that is efficient,
generalizable, and minimally demanding on
computing resources. It addresses the urgent need to
counteract DDoS threats to ensure network stability,
TP ( %) FP FN (%)
99.9 99.9 99.9
Precision (%) Recal l (%) F-Score (%)
Comparative Analysis of Machine Learning Techniques for DDoS Intrusion Detection in IoT Environments
Table 3: Comparison of proposed model to related studies.
Source No.
Model Acc
(J. Yu
et al.,
13 SVM 99.53 97.07 -
et al.,
5 MLP 99.98 100 99.93
123 Deep
98.27 99.36 99.26
an &
80 Deep
99.89 100 99.96
77 MLP 99.73 99.97 96.54
proposing a lightweight, high-accuracy classifier as a
solution to enhance IoT security. The chapter
concludes with a discussion on the study
contributions, limitations, and avenues for future
5.1 Contributions
This study presents a significant contribution by
presenting a comparative analysis of machine
learning models, leading to the development of the
μML-IDS model, a high-accuracy, precision
classifier designed for efficient DDoS attack
detection in IoT networks. This model addresses the
challenge of balancing accuracy and computational
demand, proving to be effective while requiring
minimal resources, suitable for edge/fog computing
environments. It employs a strategic approach
combining robust feature selection, data
normalization, and model training, outperforming
benchmark models in accuracy, F-score, and
precision with minimal processing time.
Additionally, the study provides a thorough review of
existing IDS for IoT, highlighting limitations and
future research directions, and utilizes the
CICIDS2017 dataset for a detailed evaluation,
showcasing the model's exceptional performance
with 99.8% accuracy, 96.5% F-score, 99.96%
precision, and quick processing times.
5.2 Limitations and Future Research
Although we present a high-accuracy, lightweight
model for DDoS attack detection in IoT networks,
there are several areas for future exploration. A key
future direction involves deploying the model within
a real-time network environment for distributed
monitoring, enhancing its practical applicability and
efficiency. The introduction of an adaptive self-
learning mechanism that allows for continuous model
improvement with minimal human intervention,
leveraging periods of low network activity for
training, is also proposed. Although the study focuses
on combating DDoS attacks due to their significant
impact on IoT infrastructure, it acknowledges the
necessity to address other prevalent cyber threats,
such as man-in-the-middle, phishing, and DoS
attacks, through the development of specialized
lightweight models. Lastly, the research underlines
the challenge of generalization across diverse IoT
systems, suggesting the development of more
universally applicable models as an avenue for future
research, aiming to broaden the model's applicability
to various IoT contexts.
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Comparative Analysis of Machine Learning Techniques for DDoS Intrusion Detection in IoT Environments