This paper presents a proactive solution leveraging
smartphone technology for real-time detection and
notification of road surface anomalies. Through the
integration of machine learning techniques and ac-
celerometer data, our turn-by-turn navigation sys-
tem effectively identifies and alerts drivers to po-
tential road surface anomalies, thereby enhancing
overall road safety. The evaluation of our system
demonstrated promising results, with the classifica-
tion model exhibiting high precision and recall rates
in detecting anomalies. Furthermore, the implemen-
tation of federated learning proved instrumental in re-
fining the detection model’s performance across di-
verse situations, highlighting the efficacy of collabo-
rative learning approaches in improving detection ac-
curacy while preserving user privacy. Overall, our
system offers a practical and effective approach to ad-
dressing road safety concerns, with the potential to
significantly reduce the incidence of accidents and
improve the overall driving experience. As future
work, further optimization and refinement of the de-
tection model could be explored, along with the in-
tegration of additional sensors or data sources to en-
hance anomaly detection capabilities in various road
conditions. The most promising additional sensor is
the camera technology that can augment anomaly de-
tection capabilities. Cameras can capture visual in-
formation about road surface conditions, allowing for
the detection of anomalies before vehicles encounter
The preparation of this manuscript involved the use
of Copilote and ChatGPT to correct and improve the
language through the manuscript. Subsequently, the
authors reviewed and edited the content as necessary,
and take full responsibility for the paper’s content.
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Federated Road Surface Anomaly Detection Using Smartphone Accelerometer Data