Optimizing Privacy-Utility Trade-Off in Healthcare Processes:
Simulation, Anonymization, and Evaluation (Using Process Mining) of
Event Logs
Omar Samy Kamal
, Syeda Amna Sohail
and Faiza Allah Bukhsh
University of Twente, 7500 AE, Enschede, The Netherlands
Simulation, Synthetic Data, Anonymization, K-Anonymity, Event Logs, Process Mining, Privacy-Utility
In healthcare, big data analytics involve balancing patients’ privacy and data utility. Optimizing healthcare
data utility often includes limited access to sensitive data by trusted onsite entities. This potentially hinders
broader-scale data utilization by third-party data analysts. As a solution, this research simulates a health-
care process-based event log, inspired by a local hospital’s radiology department. The simulated event log is
anonymized using k-anonymity. The anonymized and un-anonymized event logs are evaluated, through pro-
cess discovery techniques, using the process mining tool, ProM 6.11, for Privacy-utility trade-off assessment.
Results indicate successful privacy preservation with a distinct loss in utility in the anonymized healthcare
process model, which was not visible otherwise. Therefore, to ensure the efficacy of healthcare process anal-
ysis on anonymized sensitive event logs, the utilization of process mining techniques is beneficial for process
utility and privacy protection evaluation.
In healthcare, big data analytics involve balancing be-
tween the privacy of patients’ personally identifiable
information (PII) and optimal data utility. Optimal
data utility entails the maximum usefulness of health-
care datasets (Mivule, 2013). Whereas, privacy in-
volves patients’ direct or indirect control over their
PII in addition to their explicit informed consent. To
avoid potential privacy threats, healthcare providers
limit the access of their healthcare data to onsite data
analysts only. This hampers the large-scale usefulness
of the healthcare datasets. Recognizing the sensitiv-
ity of using real data belonging to individuals and its
privacy concerns, the utilization of synthetic data be-
comes imperative and hence contributes immensely to
the scientific community at large.
This research work ensures the preservation of the
privacy rights of data subjects and compliance with
data privacy regulations as per GDPR (2018). Sim-
ulation and synthetic data generation are considered
essential in accurately mimicking a real-world system
with private patients’ data. The generated synthetic
model allows the generation of the most suitable event
logs. Event logs are the datasets that depict an end-to-
end process of all the activities/treatments of all the
patients involved. The extracted event logs can then
serve as a valuable tool to assist healthcare providers
in making informed decisions that enhance the quality
of healthcare processes. The discrete event simulation
technique was chosen to generate this model mainly
because this technique guarantees the accurate repre-
sentation of healthcare processes and events (being
carried out in the model). The simulated healthcare
event logs are later anonymized to ensure privacy. Af-
terward, the data utility of both, the anonymized and
unanonymized event logs, is evaluated using ProM for
process mining. ProM (ProM) is a one-stop shop for
the evaluation of end-to-end processes using process
The research objective of this paper is to report
a healthcare event log simulation, its anonymization,
and evaluation using Process Mining (PM). The eval-
uation will include the assessment of the privacy-
utility-tradeoff of healthcare process workflow. For
the latter, the un-anonymized event log will be com-
pared against the anonymized event log using the in-
ductive visual miner plugin in ProM. This compar-
Kamal, O., Sohail, S. and Bukhsh, F.
Optimizing Privacy-Utility Trade-Off in Healthcare Processes: Simulation, Anonymization, and Evaluation (Using Process Mining) of Event Logs.
DOI: 10.5220/0012766800003758
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications (SIMULTECH 2024), pages 289-296
ISBN: 978-989-758-708-5; ISSN: 2184-2841
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
ison will reveal whether privacy is preserved while
maintaining optimal data utility? If not, the underly-
ing reasons will be provided on why the utility might
have been affected. This research objective yields the
research question “How was the utility of event logs
affected by the anonymization process when compar-
ing un-anonymized event logs with anonymized event
logs using ProM?”
The structure of the paper is as mentioned ahead:
The section 2 will explore the relevant literature.
The section 3 will depict the employed overarch-
ing methodology and employed tools in this research
work. The section 4 will exhibit the artifact design
that includes simulation modeling, data set genera-
tion, even log simulation, and its anonymization using
K-anonymity. The section 5 assesses the effective-
ness of the design through evaluation and discovers
their contribution to fulfilling the research objectives
by answering the research question. The paper will
discuss limitations encountered during the study and
propose suggestions for future work in section 6.
The simulation model is a reasonable approximation
to a real system. The aim of the simulation model-
ing process or a system is to predict what impact the
modifications may have on the system (Maria, 1997).
Simulation is used to validate, modify, and experi-
ment in ways that are usually expensive and unre-
alistic using a real system. This simulated model
can then be used to analyze the model’s behavior to
make judgments/assumptions about the actual pro-
cesses and system. Additionally, simulation is a crit-
ical tool for evaluating the performance of a process
within a defined period while under numerous config-
urations. Simulation is also generally used to lower
the chances of not meeting the required standards, op-
timize the utilization of resources to avoid shortage or
wastage, prevent unexpected inefficiencies, and en-
sure maximum system efficiency by optimizing the
performance of a system before applying any changes
to the existing system or the new system being built
(Maria, 1997). The simulation technique used in this
paper is discrete event simulation, due to its focus on
healthcare operations which correlates to the radiol-
ogy department model being simulated in this paper.
Discrete Event Simulation is a modeling tech-
nique that is focused more on how individual events in
a system behave, rather than at a collective level. This
technique models the systems which involve discrete
events, examples of such events include a queuing,
manufacturing process, or patients’ care pathways.
Discrete event simulation gives freedom in testing dif-
ferent scenarios and later evaluates the effect of these
different factors on the system’s performance.
Process Mining (PM) is a collection of tech-
niques that enables the discovery, analysis, and en-
hancement of business processes using event logs,
which provide valuable insights (Van Dongen et al.,
2005). PM is utilized by organizations to identify re-
lationships, visualize workflows, and uncover hidden
dynamics within a process (Leemans and Fahland,
2014), (Leemans, 2017) & (Schrijver, n.d.). PM ex-
poses inefficiencies and bottlenecks in the process
being analyzed. Moreover, these analysis methods
help organizations identify limitations within their
processes, leading to informed decisions that reduce
costs, increase efficiency, and maximize overall per-
Event logs are end-to-end process-based datasets
that are typically extracted from an organization’s in-
formation systems. In process mining, event logs rep-
resent a sequential record of events that occur within a
business process (Nogueira, 2021). Each event in the
log represents an action, interaction, or incident. The
events are timestamped with their start and stop dates
of execution and may contain other associated data.
Examples of data that event logs capture include the
agents involved in a process, resources utilized, and
outcomes of a process (Van Dongen et al., 2005).
Noise Addition/Anonymization Large data col-
lected by organizations such as the Population and
Housing Census in the EU usually release statisti-
cal databases (Eurostat, n.d.). However, before this
is done, sensitive information such as personal iden-
tifying information (PII) is removed. Although PII
is removed, researchers agree that if these databases
are combined with extra data, malicious actors could
succeed in identifying an individual. Data Privacy
& Confidentiality are the measures taken to protect
individuals from any unauthorized sharing of infor-
mation. Data Security ensures that this private data
is only accessible to authorized parties. Data de-
identification involves a process where PII is first
removed from a dataset. Moreover, the Data de-
identification process which is also interchangeably
named as data anonymization can remove or modify
PII attributes in such a way that it makes the retrieval
of an individual identity difficult upon the data re-
lease to the public. Furthermore, Data Utility versus
privacy also referred to as Privacy-Utility Trade-Off
(PUT) is the balance between how useful a dataset is
to the user and the crucial need to safeguard privacy.
Usually, before datasets are published to the public,
publishers follow procedures to remove PII and ap-
ply noise-adding techniques to distort the data. How-
SIMULTECH 2024 - 14th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications
ever, these measures may result in the original data
to suffer from losing its statistical properties. Con-
sequently, achieving PUT is always a desired goal
for researchers (Sramka et al., 2010), (Rastogi et al.,
n.d.), and (Sankar et al., 2010). Unfortunately, re-
searchers in data privacy agreed that achieving data
privacy without reducing data utility is a challenging
task (Mivule, 2013).
For a systematic methodological approach, the paper
is based on the CRISP-DM (Cross-Industry Standard
Process for Data Mining) methodology (Hotz, 2018).
The CRISP-DM is a framework, used in data mining
projects, made up of six phases. The six main phases
of the CRISP-DM methodology are: Business Un-
derstanding, Data Understanding, Data Preparation,
Modeling, Evaluation, Deployment see (Hotz, 2018)
for details. Some of the publicly available tools used
in this research work include:
AnyLogic (AnyLogic, n.d.) is a simulation soft-
ware tool that is used to create models to gain insights
into the workflows of several systems, enabling opti-
mization. The AnyLogic software offers an easy-to-
use user interface, that allows the modeling of health-
care processes as well. The software tool offers differ-
ent simulation techniques such as Discrete-Event sim-
ulation, Agent-Based Modeling, and System dynam-
ics, which help discover complexities found within
real-world systems.
ARX (ARX, n.d.), also known as Anonymiza-
tion Toolbox, is a software tool used for incorporat-
ing privacy-preserving techniques. This tool helps
tackle concerns regarding data privacy by implement-
ing techniques that aim to protect sensitive infor-
mation while still preserving data utility (Kadampur,
2010). By utilizing this tool datasets are anonymized
before being shared with third parties, which results in
compliance with privacy regulations. Anonymization
techniques that the tool offers include k-anonymity, t-
closeness, differential privacy, and l-diversity (ARX,
ProM (ProM, n.d.), is a tool that allows analysis
and refinement of a business process by using event
logs (Nogueira, 2021), (Leemans and Fahland, 2014),
and (Leemans, 2017). The tool assists organizations
in gaining valuable insights from their data. Pro-
cess mining techniques ProM supports include pro-
cess discovery, conformance checking, and perfor-
mance analysis. ProM can effectively present pro-
cess models, showcase bottlenecks, and detect unex-
pected behavior. Additionally, ProM includes a li-
brary that has an extensive collection of plugins, en-
hancing the capability and functionality of the soft-
ware, making it an invaluable tool for process mining
research projects.
4.1 AnyLogic: Radiology Department
AnyLogic is used for the simulated Radiology De-
partment Model, modified from a pre-existing exam-
ple model named “Emergency Department” in Any-
Logic (AnyLogic, n.d.).This simulation model recre-
ates the workflow and process of radiology services
offered to patients. The model is made up of entities
that fall under different resource categories. These
entities provide utility and execute actions within the
model. The three resource categories are: moving,
static, and portable. The moving resources are en-
tities within the model that can move freely. Ex-
amples include Nurses, Physician Assistants (PAs),
and Technicians. Static resources refer to the entities
that remain in fixed positions, they are represented
by a location or a physical piece of medical equip-
ment. Examples are Waiting Rooms, Triage Rooms,
EC Rooms, and the X-RAY device. The last resource
type, portable, are entities within the model that can
be moved around, however, movement is not possible
on its own. Thus, only personnel within the hospital
are allowed to carry these resources. So, the resources
are carried and moved by specific hospital staff, who
then use them for a particular task. The MRI and Ul-
trasound devices are examples of portable resources.
The radiology department model is made of var-
ious agents (Entities & Resources)namely: 2 Triage
Room, 2 ECG Rooms, 1 Waiting Room, 1 Medi-
cal Device Storage Room, 1 X-Ray Room, 5 PAs, 5
Nurses, 3 Technicians, 2 MRI Devices, 2 Ultrasound
Devices, and 1 X-Ray Device. The simulation model
can be viewed in 3D, 2D, and Logic 1 views. The
3D format displays a three-dimensional environment
of the model, along with other 3D icons for resources.
The 2D format displays a two-dimensional view, and
the logic format shows the flowchart with blocks for
building the model.
The healthcare process starts with patients’ arrival
as agents in the simulation model. After that, the pa-
tients register at the front desk, waiting at the queue
to get registered. After registration, the Patients wait
to be allocated to a nurse to get checked on in a wait-
ing room. Afterwards, the nurse escorts the patient
into a triage room where the severity of the patient’s
condition is examined. Later the patient returns to the
Optimizing Privacy-Utility Trade-Off in Healthcare Processes: Simulation, Anonymization, and Evaluation (Using Process Mining) of
Event Logs
Figure 1: 3D, 2D, and Logic models of Radiology Department (Left to Right).
waiting room, and the nurse then decides whether the
patient should be treated first. The patient then returns
to the waiting room and when it’s time for treatment
a Physician Assistant (PA) and technician are called
up to treat the patient. Then the patient is assigned
a medical treatment process based on three different
outputs namely: Ultra Sound , MRI , and X-Ray. Af-
ter the process is completed, the patient is discharged
and leaves the department.
4.2 Synthetic Data Generation
A synthetic dataset is generated and imported into
the built simulation model. The website ”Fake Name
Generator” (Generator, 2006) is a platform for gen-
erating bulk fake data and allows the customization
of many different attributes. The data is generated
for around 500 patients with the following attributes:
Given name, Surname, Gender, Birthday (m/d/yyyy),
Telephone number, and Blood type. Afterwards,
the data set is imported into the built-in AnyLogic
database. This database mapped the attributes of the
patients entering the radiology department. Lastly,
the simulation model was run to generate required
event logs.
4.3 Event Logs
Model execution recorded different event logs, cap-
turing the behavior of diverse agents and resources
within the radiology department, into the log folder
inside the AnyLogic database. Since the focus is
on testing the PUT using ProM, the emphasis is on
evaluating event logs that offer information on pa-
tient IDs, timestamps of activities, resource pools,
and processes patients undergo for valuable insight.
The event logs providing these insights are the “agent
parameter log” (APL) and “flowchart process states
log” (FPSL). The APL stores parameter values of in-
dividual agents in the simulation model, and the FPSL
records the timestamps individual agents spent in dif-
ferent states of the flowchart blocks.
4.4 Anonymization Using ARX
After exporting the unanonymized event log from
AnyLogic, it is imported into ARX for anonymiza-
tion see 2. Before anonymization using ARX, at-
tributes are labeled either under: Identifying, quasi-
identifying, sensitive, or insensitive. The identify-
ing attributes include given name, surname, and tele-
phone number. Quasi-identifying attributes include
blood type, date of birth, and gender. Sensitive at-
tributes does not have any specific columns associ-
ated. Insensitive attributes include agent, agent type,
block type, block, activity type, start date, and stop
The columns listed in the identifying attributes
include personally identifiable information (PII). PII
can directly identify a specific individual, thus. needs
to be removed from the dataset to preserve the pri-
vacy of the patient. However, quasi-identifying at-
tributes can indirectly be linked to individuals. The
more quasi-identifier attributes are present in a dataset
the easier it becomes for the risk of re-identification
to increase. Thus, it is essential to safeguard these
attributes during the anonymization process appropri-
ately. Sensitive attributes are attributes that patients
do not necessarily like being associated with, these
may include symptoms, diagnosis, and health condi-
tions. It is important to note that the dataset being
anonymized does not include any columns of the sen-
sitive attribute type. Finally, the last attribute type,
insensitive, which includes most of the columns in
figure 2, does not pose any privacy risks. Moreover,
the inclusion or exclusion of these columns within the
dataset does not affect the anonymization process.
4.5 Transforming Quasi-Identifiers
Once all columns are classified according to their at-
tribute type, the anonymization process begins with
a focus on transforming quasi-identifying attributes.
Since quasi-identifiers when combined, can poten-
tially lead to patient identification. For attribute trans-
formation, a method known as generalization is used.
This method aids in reducing the possibility of re-
identification by broadening the data and making it
SIMULTECH 2024 - 14th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications
Figure 2: Final version of imported event log.
less precise to a specific individual (Marques and
Bernardino, 2020). The first quasi-identifying at-
tribute, blood type, is transformed using the general-
ization method known as masking by adding an aster-
isk for each level, making it more privacy-preserving.
As shown in figure 3, there are three different lev-
els, level-0 is the raw data from the data set, level-1
is the masking of either the plus or minus sign, and
level-2 is a fully suppressed data. The second quasi-
identifying attribute being transformed is the date of
birth. The first level, level 0, shows the raw data from
the dataset. The second level, level 1, generalizes the
date more by only using the birth year. The last level,
level 2, shows the patient’s decade intervals. Finally,
the third quasi-identifying attribute , gender, has only
two levels one being the raw data and the other in-
cludes a universal bracket with both genders.
4.6 Anonymization Using K-Anonymity
Following the transformation of quasi-identifiers us-
ing generalization, a privacy model in ARX also
known as an anonymization technique is applied. In
ARX various anonymization techniques are available,
however, for this paper, the k-anonymity technique is
used. K-anonymity ensures that each group of quasi-
identifiers within a dataset is identical to at least k-
1 other patients (Prasser et al., 2016). This means
that the groups of attributes that could identify a pa-
tient are combined with other groups making it diffi-
cult for anyone to separate patients in and follow each
other and re-identify them. This technique provides a
higher level of privacy protection within a dataset and
helps maintain confidentiality for sensitive informa-
tion. An example of K-anonymity is shown in figure
4.7 Anonymized Event Log Attributes
Finally, after the use of the k-anonymity, ARX gen-
erates an anonymized dataset. ARX generates this
anonymized dataset by taking into consideration spe-
cific weight settings chosen for each quasi-identifying
attribute to prioritize their importance. These weight
settings ensure that information loss is minimized
while preserving privacy. A subset of the dataset con-
taining the anonymized attributes is shown in figure
5.1 Utility and Re-Identification Risk
Analysis Using ARX
ARX includes a feature that allows the analysis of the
datasets’ utility post-anonymization, this enables the
evaluation of the success of the anonymization pro-
cess. The insights provided concern the granular-
ity and precision (generalization intensity) percent-
ages of quasi-identifiers, which help assess the level
of detail and accuracy preserved in the anonymized
event log. ARX also offers a risk analysis feature that
evaluates the potential re-identification risk associated
with the event log before and after anonymization.
As shown in table 1, the re-identification risk for the
unanonymized log was 24.347% but after anonymiza-
tion, this number decreased to 0.232%. This indicates
the successful anonymization of the dataset.
5.2 Utility Analysis Using ProM
To import the anonymized and anonymized files into
ProM, first, they had to be converted from CSV
format into the eXtensible Event Stream (XES) file
format, which is the format compatible with ProM.
To successfully achieve this conversion, the “Con-
vert CSV to XES” plugin by F. Mannhardt was used
(Mannhardt et al., n.d.). This process involved map-
ping the columns of the event log to the case of the
relevant field, event, start time, and completion time
(Nogueira, 2021). The column “agent” is mapped
to “case column”, “block” to “event column”, “start
time” to “start date”, and “completion time” to “stop
date”. Following the completion of this conversion,
the event log is then suitable for analysis.
For measuring the utility difference between the
unanonymized and anonymized event logs in ProM,
a comparison was made using the process discov-
Optimizing Privacy-Utility Trade-Off in Healthcare Processes: Simulation, Anonymization, and Evaluation (Using Process Mining) of
Event Logs
Figure 3: Levels of generalization transformations for blood type, dob, and gender attributes (left to right).
Table 1: Re-identification risk of un-anonymized log vs anonymized log.
Unanonymized Log Anonymized Log
Re-identification Risk (%) 24.347% 0.232%
Figure 4: Example of a k-anonymity dataset (k=4).
Figure 5: Snapshot of a subset of the anonymized event log.
ery technique namely, “inductive visual miner plu-
gin” (Leemans and Fahland, 2014)(Leemans, 2017).
This plugin extracts behavioral patterns and process
flow from the events to then provide a visual anima-
tion of the process model (Schrijver, n.d.). This ani-
mated process model then enables understanding the
relationship between events and gaining insights into
the whole process.
Figure 6 displays both the unanonymized and
anonymized event logs of the two different paths be-
ing compared using the IVM plugin in ProM 6.11.
The paths in the unanonymized and anonymized logs
exhibit distinct differences, indicating a potential im-
pact on utility. In the left figure, there are fewer oc-
currences of paths, displaying only true paths without
redundancy. However, the right figure shows a signifi-
cantly higher number of path occurrences. This result
suggests that the utility of the observed anonymized
event log is distinctively affected by anonymization.
Additionally, the observed differences in the paths
demonstrate a potential trade-off between privacy and
utility for the event logs, particularly in terms of pri-
vacy preservation for patients and the level of data
Figure 6: Process model of un-anonymized (left) and
anonymized (right) event logs.
5.3 Discussion
The k-anonymity technique is crucial for preserving
privacy, it also presents challenges that impact the
data utility. Three reasons that might lead to this util-
ity loss are information loss, indirect effects, and ran-
The first reason for information loss is due to the
SIMULTECH 2024 - 14th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications
reduction in information. Since attributes are either
generalized or suppressed to achieve anonymity and
avoid re-identification, the level of detail within the
data decreases. This loss of precise detail in the event
logs makes it harder when conduct a detailed analysis
of the process model. Furthermore, the rich insights
that could be previously extracted from the original
data now become restricted, leading to a lack of in-
depth information. The second critical reason for ex-
periencing this utility loss is that k-anonymity may
have indirect effects that result in additional changes
to the data. Although the focus may be on preserving
privacy for certain columns, the column related to ac-
tivities in the event log may be accidentally modified
during anonymization. This would then lead to con-
sequences for the data such as reduced reliability. The
third and final factor is the introduction of randomness
to the process model due to anonymization. Since
the k-anonymity technique groups different patients
into equivalence classes, this can affect the ordering
of events or activities and may introduce deviations to
the process model. Therefore, randomness spreads in
the event log, resulting in a less accurate and consis-
tent representation compared to the error-less process
model of the unanonymized event log. Furthermore,
one notable thing that was observed is that process
mining was able to reveal hidden insights from the
simulation model that were not apparent at first. Dur-
ing the examination of the unanonymized event log,
differences in the process flow were noticed, which
were not configured in the model settings. This evi-
dence proves the significance of process mining in un-
covering valuable insights that would usually remain
unnoticed. In a nutshell, with process mining, health-
care organizations can gain a deeper understanding
of their processes, identify bottlenecks, and make in-
formed decisions resulting in the optimization of their
workflow performance, and can extend the evaluation
of privacy-utility trade-off as well.
5.4 Limitations Concerning Process
The limitations included the limited available litera-
ture and plugins on process mining applications for
privacy-utility trade-off evaluation. Another sub-area
limitation was the non-working condition of noise-
adding plugins within the ProM toolkit. The noise-
adding plugins would have allowed anonymization
using ProM itself and would have prevented the addi-
tion of another tool usage outside the domain of ProM
and process Mining. Another limitation is the usage
of compliance-checking plugins within ProM and the
calculation of precision, fitness, and generalization.
We intentionally avoided the aforementioned quality
assurance parameters to keep the focus on the health-
care process workflow comparisons of both the event
logs and not an event log and its comparison to the
discovered process model.
6.1 Conclusion
Initially, this research work included the simulation
of a model that reflected well the real-life hospi-
tal settings of a local radiology department with a
wide range of customizable parameters using Any-
Logic. The model allowed us to simulate a syn-
thetic dataset, comprising 500 patients with varied at-
tributes, respective agents, and resources, to be im-
ported into the simulation model for event log cre-
ation. The simulation run created several event logs.
However, the most suitable event logs were selected
that could provide the most useful insight concerning
healthcare process workflow using ProM for process
mining (PM). The event logs are then anonymized
using K-anonymity with the ARX tool. ARX also
performed the re-identification risk and utility assess-
ments of anonymized event logs to assess privacy and
utility preservation respectively. ARX showed 24%
more privacy and 40% less utility in the anonymized
event logs. The decrease in utility resulted because
of the shuffling in patients’ physical attributes, which
was required to apply the k-anonymity. We wanted
to dig deeper to evaluate the privacy-utility-tradeoff
for the events-based process workflows (namely pa-
tients’ clinical pathways), their relationship to one an-
other, and the whole process. To identify the latter,
the event logs are evaluated using ProM 6.11. Pro-
cess Mining (PM) offered valuable insights into pro-
cess workflows. The utility difference between the
unanonymized and anonymized event logs is evalu-
ated using the process discovery technique namely
the inductive visual miner plugin in ProM 6.11. This
plugin extracts the process workflow from the events
(i.e., treatments) and provides a visual animation of
the process model. The animated process models en-
abled an understanding of the relationship between
events and gaining insights into the whole process by
replaying the log. Additionally, the PM highlighted
privacy preservation in the anonymized event log but
a distinct utility loss in the process model and hence
potentially reduced the utility of the anonymized
event log. Therefore, ensuring the efficacy of process
analysis on anonymized sensitive event logs is imper-
Optimizing Privacy-Utility Trade-Off in Healthcare Processes: Simulation, Anonymization, and Evaluation (Using Process Mining) of
Event Logs
ative for progress in both process utility analysis and
privacy protection through the utilization of process
6.2 Future Work
The future work can include refining the simulation
model by adding patients’ symptoms to the selected
output block for the three imaging processes to avoid
patients being randomly assigned using probabilities.
Additionally, other synthetic data attributes (such as
symptoms, BSN, occupation, etc) inclusion will im-
prove the quality of the dataset and enrich its in-
formation. Furthermore, other anonymization tech-
niques such as l-diversity and t-closeness, can be built
upon k-anonymity after the inclusion of sensitive at-
tributes as they are a prerequisite for the use of other
anonymization techniques. Lastly, the use of newly
available plugins for process discovery and perfor-
mance analysis would be beneficial in evaluating the
utility of event logs.
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SIMULTECH 2024 - 14th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications