ever, these measures may result in the original data
to suffer from losing its statistical properties. Con-
sequently, achieving PUT is always a desired goal
for researchers (Sramka et al., 2010), (Rastogi et al.,
n.d.), and (Sankar et al., 2010). Unfortunately, re-
searchers in data privacy agreed that achieving data
privacy without reducing data utility is a challenging
task (Mivule, 2013).
For a systematic methodological approach, the paper
is based on the CRISP-DM (Cross-Industry Standard
Process for Data Mining) methodology (Hotz, 2018).
The CRISP-DM is a framework, used in data mining
projects, made up of six phases. The six main phases
of the CRISP-DM methodology are: Business Un-
derstanding, Data Understanding, Data Preparation,
Modeling, Evaluation, Deployment see (Hotz, 2018)
for details. Some of the publicly available tools used
in this research work include:
AnyLogic (AnyLogic, n.d.) is a simulation soft-
ware tool that is used to create models to gain insights
into the workflows of several systems, enabling opti-
mization. The AnyLogic software offers an easy-to-
use user interface, that allows the modeling of health-
care processes as well. The software tool offers differ-
ent simulation techniques such as Discrete-Event sim-
ulation, Agent-Based Modeling, and System dynam-
ics, which help discover complexities found within
real-world systems.
ARX (ARX, n.d.), also known as Anonymiza-
tion Toolbox, is a software tool used for incorporat-
ing privacy-preserving techniques. This tool helps
tackle concerns regarding data privacy by implement-
ing techniques that aim to protect sensitive infor-
mation while still preserving data utility (Kadampur,
2010). By utilizing this tool datasets are anonymized
before being shared with third parties, which results in
compliance with privacy regulations. Anonymization
techniques that the tool offers include k-anonymity, t-
closeness, differential privacy, and l-diversity (ARX,
ProM (ProM, n.d.), is a tool that allows analysis
and refinement of a business process by using event
logs (Nogueira, 2021), (Leemans and Fahland, 2014),
and (Leemans, 2017). The tool assists organizations
in gaining valuable insights from their data. Pro-
cess mining techniques ProM supports include pro-
cess discovery, conformance checking, and perfor-
mance analysis. ProM can effectively present pro-
cess models, showcase bottlenecks, and detect unex-
pected behavior. Additionally, ProM includes a li-
brary that has an extensive collection of plugins, en-
hancing the capability and functionality of the soft-
ware, making it an invaluable tool for process mining
research projects.
4.1 AnyLogic: Radiology Department
AnyLogic is used for the simulated Radiology De-
partment Model, modified from a pre-existing exam-
ple model named “Emergency Department” in Any-
Logic (AnyLogic, n.d.).This simulation model recre-
ates the workflow and process of radiology services
offered to patients. The model is made up of entities
that fall under different resource categories. These
entities provide utility and execute actions within the
model. The three resource categories are: moving,
static, and portable. The moving resources are en-
tities within the model that can move freely. Ex-
amples include Nurses, Physician Assistants (PA’s),
and Technicians. Static resources refer to the entities
that remain in fixed positions, they are represented
by a location or a physical piece of medical equip-
ment. Examples are Waiting Rooms, Triage Rooms,
EC Rooms, and the X-RAY device. The last resource
type, portable, are entities within the model that can
be moved around, however, movement is not possible
on its own. Thus, only personnel within the hospital
are allowed to carry these resources. So, the resources
are carried and moved by specific hospital staff, who
then use them for a particular task. The MRI and Ul-
trasound devices are examples of portable resources.
The radiology department model is made of var-
ious agents (Entities & Resources)namely: 2 Triage
Room, 2 ECG Rooms, 1 Waiting Room, 1 Medi-
cal Device Storage Room, 1 X-Ray Room, 5 PA’s, 5
Nurses, 3 Technicians, 2 MRI Devices, 2 Ultrasound
Devices, and 1 X-Ray Device. The simulation model
can be viewed in 3D, 2D, and Logic 1 views. The
3D format displays a three-dimensional environment
of the model, along with other 3D icons for resources.
The 2D format displays a two-dimensional view, and
the logic format shows the flowchart with blocks for
building the model.
The healthcare process starts with patients’ arrival
as agents in the simulation model. After that, the pa-
tients register at the front desk, waiting at the queue
to get registered. After registration, the Patients wait
to be allocated to a nurse to get checked on in a wait-
ing room. Afterwards, the nurse escorts the patient
into a triage room where the severity of the patient’s
condition is examined. Later the patient returns to the
Optimizing Privacy-Utility Trade-Off in Healthcare Processes: Simulation, Anonymization, and Evaluation (Using Process Mining) of
Event Logs