oil industry but also showcased a model applicable
to other domains, providing valuable insights for the
adoption of intelligent practices across various sectors
of Industry 4.0.
This interactive and visual approach to data man-
agement not only streamlines the maintenance pro-
cess but also significantly contributes to the preven-
tion of unexpected downtimes and associated costs of
emergency repairs. This case study confirms the fea-
sibility and effectiveness of the 6C architecture in op-
timizing predictive maintenance in industrial environ-
ments. The implementation of this innovative archi-
tecture not only overcame challenges identified with
previous approaches but also demonstrated a signif-
icant improvement in the accuracy of fault detection
and prediction.
This article introduced an innovative AI architecture
for the industry, based on the 5C framework described
in (Lee et al., 2015), and advanced by adding a sixth
layer called Consciousness. A case study in the
vegetable oil production industry, which already im-
plemented an intelligent system for fault prediction,
served to evaluate the proposed 6C architecture. The
6C architecture facilitated interaction across all layers
of the process, promoting the exchange of discoveries
from the Consciousness layer and enabling compre-
hensive monitoring of the system’s lifecycle, as well
as continuous learning and evaluation. Applications
of AI in industry are vast and diverse, covering differ-
ent processes and sectors. Further validation in new
industrial scenarios is essential to reinforce the ver-
satility of the 6C architecture. While this study fo-
cused on predictive maintenance, the proposed archi-
tecture has the potential to be implemented in any AI
application in the industry, underscoring industrial AI
as a promising approach to overcoming operational
and maintenance challenges. The 6C architecture,
with its continuous iterations and ability to acquire
domain consciousness, promises to revolutionize in-
dustrial systems, offering a path to enhanced innova-
tion and efficiency.
The authors thank SENAI Institute for Innovation in
Embedded Systems for supporting the research.
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ICSOFT 2024 - 19th International Conference on Software Technologies