The IoT Breaches Your Household Again
Davide Bonaventura
1 a
, Sergio Esposito
2 b
and Giampaolo Bella
1 c
Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica, Universit
a di Catania, Catania, Italy
Information Security Group, Royal Holloway, University of London, Egham, U.K.
IoT, Tp-Link, Smart Homes, Smart Devices, Smart Bulb, Smart Plug, Smart Camera, Penetration Test,
Vulnerability Assessment.
Despite their apparent simplicity, devices like smart light bulbs and electrical plugs are often perceived as
exempt from rigorous security measures. However, this paper challenges this misconception, uncovering
how vulnerabilities in these seemingly innocuous devices can expose users to significant risks. This paper
extends the findings outlined in previous work, introducing a novel attack scenario. This new attack allows
malicious actors to obtain sensitive credentials, including the victim’s Tapo account email and password, as
well as the SSID and password of her local network. Furthermore, we demonstrate how these findings can
be replicated, either partially or fully, across other smart devices within the same IoT ecosystem, specifically
those manufactured by Tp-Link. Our investigation focused on the Tp-Link Tapo range, encompassing smart
bulbs (Tapo L530E, Tapo L510E V2, and Tapo L630), a smart plug (Tapo P100), and a smart camera (Tapo
C200). Utilizing similar communication protocols, or slight variants thereof, we found that the Tapo L530E,
Tapo L510E V2, and Tapo L630 are susceptible to complete exploitation of all attack scenarios, including
the newly identified one. Conversely, the Tapo P100 and Tapo C200 exhibit vulnerabilities to only a subset
of attack scenarios. In conclusion, by highlighting these vulnerabilities and their potential impact, we aim to
raise awareness and encourage proactive steps towards mitigating security risks in smart device deployment.
The digital revolution in Internet of Things (IoT) de-
vices has led to “smart” devices becoming more and
more an integral part of our daily lives. From smart
home appliances to industrial sensors, IoT has un-
locked a world of convenience, efficiency, and in-
novation. The number of IoT devices worldwide is
forecast to almost double from 15.1 billion in 2020
to more than 29 billion IoT devices in 2030 (Vail-
shery, 2023). The interconnectedness always brings
forth significant security challenges that cannot be ig-
nored. Due to their often neglected security, IoT de-
vices are typically preferred devices by attackers. On
average, 54% of organizations experience attempted
cyberattacks targeting IoT devices every week. This
indicates a 41% increase in the average number of
weekly attacks per organization targeting IoT devices
compared to 2022 (Check Point Research, 2023).
More and more inexpensive IoT devices are de-
signed without a security-first mindset (Amit Ser-
per, Reuven Yakar, 2023) (Andrew Laughlin, 2020),
and their long lifecycles can expose them to evolving
threats for years. The consequences of inadequate IoT
security can be far-reaching. A compromised IoT de-
vice not only poses a risk to the privacy and safety of
users but can also serve as a gateway to launch larger-
scale attacks on critical infrastructures.
We observe that usually different devices pro-
duced by the same manufacturer, belonging to the
same product line, e.g. Tapo, share parts of the
firmware and application protocols used for commu-
nication. Following these observations, this paper
rests on the following research questions: (i) Do IoT
devices from the same vendor share similar vulnera-
bilities? (ii) What consequences does this have on the
end user’s security, privacy and safety?
1.1 Contributions
To answer the research questions we chose Tp-Link’s
IoT ecosystem as the target. Our experiments are fo-
cused on the following Tp-Link Tapo IoT devices.
Bonaventura, D., Esposito, S. and Bella, G.
The IoT Breaches Your Household Again.
DOI: 10.5220/0012767700003767
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT 2024), pages 475-482
ISBN: 978-989-758-709-2; ISSN: 2184-7711
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
1. Tp-Link Tapo Smart Wi-Fi Light device, Multi-
color (L530E) (TP-Link, 2023c), targeted by pre-
vious work, leading to the discovery of several
vulnerabilities (Bonaventura. et al., 2023).
2. Tp-Link Tapo Smart Wi-Fi Light Bulb, Dimmable
(L510E V2) (TP-Link, 2023b).
3. Tp-Link Tapo Smart Wi-Fi Spotlight, Multicolor
(L630) (TP-Link, 2023d).
4. Tp-Link Tapo Mini Smart Wi-Fi Socket
(P100) (TP-Link, 2023e).
5. Tp-Link Tapo Pan/Tilt Home Security Wi-Fi
Camera (C200) (TP-Link, 2023a).
We found that the tested Tapo devices, part of Tp-
Link’s IoT ecosystem, use the protocols outlined in
previous work (Bonaventura. et al., 2023), or its vari-
ants. Consequently, we had the intuition that all attack
scenarios described in previous work, or at least some
of them, could most likely be exploited across all de-
vices in the Tp-Link IoT ecosystem.
Hence, our findings regarding the tested Tp-Link
devices can be summarised as follows:
The L510E V2 and the L630 use the same proto-
cols as the L530E, thereby making all attack sce-
narios exploitable.
Communications between the Tapo app and the
C200 are secured via TLS encryption, limiting ex-
ploitation of the vulnerabilities.
The configuration process of the P100 occurs
over Bluetooth rather than Wi-Fi, restricting ex-
ploitability to attack scenarios that don’t target as-
sociation and configuration processes.
Additionally, we introduce a new attack scenario
leveraging the first two vulnerabilities outlined in pre-
vious work (Bonaventura. et al., 2023). In this sce-
nario, the attacker authenticates as the Tapo device
to the Tapo app. As a result, the attacker can obtain
the victim’s Wi-Fi SSID and password, as well as her
Tapo email and password.
1.2 Ethics and Responsible Disclosure
All experiments only involve resources owned by the
authors of this work, including devices, Wi-Fi net-
works, accounts, emails, and passwords. No user or
third-party data was accessed during the experiments.
Tp-Link acknowledged the issues we responsi-
bly reported through their Product Security Advisory
(PSA) (TP-Link, 2023). We actively collaborated
with them, by testing the fixes and confirming the at-
tack scenarios are no longer exploitable or do not give
the attacker any advantage. Tp-Link confirmed that
they already released the necessary fixes to address
the vulnerabilities and that the changes do not affect
the normal use and stability of the products.
1.3 Paper Summary
This document proceeds with a brief overview of rel-
evant literature in the subsequent section (§2), fol-
lowed by a concise summary of prior research (§2.1).
Subsequently, the new attack scenario is explained in
detail (§3). Then, for all devices covered by our study,
a detailed description of the applicability or non-
applicability of each attack scenario is provided(§4).
Ultimately, pertinent conclusions are derived (§5).
This section delves into the related work within the
field of IoT security.
Nebbione et al. (Nebbione and Calzarossa, 2020)
delved into popular IoT protocols for data sharing
and service discovery. They underscored the secu-
rity risks posed by protocol limitations, device con-
straints, and vulnerabilities. Their conclusion empha-
sizes the need for enhancing service discovery pro-
tocols, implementing end-to-end security, and raising
user awareness about IoT security risks.
In the work by Yaacoub et al. (Yaacoub et al.,
2023), the authors underscore the importance of im-
plementing proactive security measures in IoT sys-
tems, and highlight the limitations of traditional se-
curity methods. Their solution involves periodic eth-
ical hacking simulations and penetration tests across
various IoT components. In conclusion, the paper ad-
vocates for continuous training for all employees to
make IoT systems more secure.
Unlike similar studies often focused on individ-
ual devices, Heiding et al. (Heiding et al., 2023) con-
ducted systematic penetration tests on 22 smart de-
vices across different categories commonly found in
connected homes. As a result, a total of 17 vulnera-
bilities were uncovered and published as new CVEs.
These vulnerabilities could grant attackers physical
access to homes, posing significant risks to residents.
In the work by Akhilesh et al. (Akhilesh et al.,
2022), the authors focus on enhancing the security
of smart home-based IoT devices through automated
penetration testing. Manual testing of IoT devices
is labour-intensive and requires in-depth knowledge.
To streamline this process, authors developed an au-
tomated penetration testing framework. Five smart
home IoT devices were selected for testing, and com-
mon vulnerabilities were identified. The Tp-Link de-
SECRYPT 2024 - 21st International Conference on Security and Cryptography
vices were found to be the most vulnerable, while the
Google Home Mini was the most secure. The study
concludes that the framework can be used by non-
experts, contributing to improved IoT security and
safer smart homes.
Researchers are also exploring various approaches
to enhance the security levels of the IoT. For example,
Hassija et al. (Hassija et al., 2019) show how four dif-
ferent technologies, i.e., blockchain, fog computing,
edge computing, and machine learning, can be used
to increase the level of security in IoT, solving some
of the main security issues present in the four layers
in which an IoT application can be divided, which are
sensing layer, network layer, middleware layer, and
application layer. Finally, Salah and Khan (Salah and
Khan, 2017) present and survey major security issues
for the IoT environment and show how blockchain
can solve many of them.
2.1 Previous Attacks on Tapo Bulbs
Previous work on Tapo L530E smart bulbs (Bonaven-
tura. et al., 2023) delineates the communication pro-
cess between Tapo devices and the Tapo app, com-
prising three primary macro-steps: (1) Device Dis-
covery - allows the Tapo app to locate the Tapo device
within the local network, and to get the Tapo device’s
configuration; (2) Tapo Symmetric Key Exchange Pro-
tocol (TSKEP) - allows the Tapo app and the Tapo de-
vice to exchange a symmetric session key; (3) Tapo
device usage - allows the user to use the Tapo device
via the Tapo app, by sending get and set messages.
Within these macro-steps, authors identify and ex-
plain four vulnerabilities:
Vulnerability 1. Lack of authentication of the
Tapo device with the Tapo app allows an adjacent
attacker to impersonate the Tapo device with the
Tapo app during the TSKEP step.
Vulnerability 2. Hard-coded, short shared secret
allows an adjacent attacker to obtain the secret for
authentication during the Device Discovery phase.
Vulnerability 3. Lack of randomness during sym-
metric encryption allows an adjacent attacker to
make the AES128-CBC scheme deterministic.
Vulnerability 4. Insufficient message freshness al-
lows an adjacent attacker to replay messages both
to the Tapo device and the Tapo app.
These vulnerabilites were exploited by the authors in
five attack scenarios, which we hereby summarise:
Attack Scenario 1, Fake Bulb Discovery Messages
Generation, that allows to discover Tapo devices
within the network and serve false configurations
to the Tapo app.
Attack Scenario 2, Password Exfiltration from
Tapo User Account, that allows to get the pass-
word in cleartext of the user’s Tapo account, and
its associated email account in hash form.
Attack Scenario 3, MITM Attack with a Config-
ured Tapo L530E, that allows to perform a Man-
in-the-Middle attack and violate the confidential-
ity and integrity of all messages exchanged be-
tween the Tapo app and the Tapo device. This
results in the exfiltration of the Tapo account pass-
word in cleartext, and the associated email ac-
count in hash form.
Attack Scenario 4, Replay Attack with the Smart
Bulb as Victim, that allows to replay previously in-
tercepted messages. If the adversary can observe
the smart bulb’s behaviour when the message ar-
rives, they can infer the message’s meaning and
reuse it at will.
Attack Scenario 5, MITM Attack with an Un-
configured Tapo L530E, that allows to perform a
Man-in-the-Middle attack and intercept traffic be-
tween the Tapo app and the Tapo device during
configuration. As Tapo username and password,
together with the Wi-Fi SSID and Wi-Fi password
are sent in Base64 encoding during configuration,
the adversary is able to exfiltrate all information.
Finally, the authors conduct experiments across
three different network setups, denoted as Setup A,
Setup B, and Setup C. In Setup A, both the victim
(i.e., a phone running the Tapo app) and the adversary
are connected to the same network, while the Tapo
device is on a separate, remote network; in Setup B,
the adversary, the victim and the Tapo device are all
connected to the same local network, and the Tapo de-
vice is already configured; in Setup C, the adversary
keeps deauthenticating (Bellardo and Savage, 2003)
the Tapo device, resetting it to the unconfigured state,
until the user connects it to the adversary’s Wi-Fi hon-
eypot, thinking it’s their home network.
In this section, we present a novel attack scenario,
which we call “Attack Scenario 6 - Passwords exfil-
tration with an unconfigured Tapo device”, following
the enumeration within previous work on Tapo de-
vices (Bonaventura. et al., 2023). In this new attack
scenario, the adversary is able to exfiltrate passwords
using an unconfigured Tapo device.
The devices used during the attack are:
The IoT Breaches Your Household Again
A Wi-Fi switch to provide local connectivity.
A smart bulb Tapo series L530 with Hardware
Version 1.0.0 and Firmware Version 1.1.9.
A Samsung smartphone running Android 11 and
the Tapo app Version 2.8.14.
An Ubuntu 22.04 machine with 5.15.0-47 kernel.
3.1 Setup D
The network configuration we use during the attack,
which we call Setup D, for consistency with previous
work (Bonaventura. et al., 2023), is as follows.
The victim wants to associate an unconfigured
Tapo device with her Tapo account.
The Tapo app (hence, the victim) believes to be
connected to the network X created by the Tapo
device, but is actually connected to a network Y
controlled by the attacker’s Ubuntu device.
This setup requires that the Tapo device has been
reset or has not been configured yet. The attacker
must only be connected to the network they control,
and not to the access point started by the Tapo de-
vice. The victim’s Tapo app must be connected to the
network controlled by the attacker. In this setup, the
victim opens the Tapo application and starts the de-
vice association process. The network configuration
for this setup is shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Setup D, network with a non-configured device.
As shown in previous work (Bonaventura. et al.,
2023), the attacker can use the Wi-Fi deauthentication
attack (Bellardo and Savage, 2003) to easily get the
Setup D as well. Initially, the adversary can use the
deauthentication attack to disconnect the Tapo device
from the network to which it is connected, forcing the
victim to reset it. Subsequently, after the Tapo de-
vice enters setup mode, the attacker can perform the
same attack to deauthenticate the Tapo app from the
network started by the Tapo device, trying to get the
victim to connect to the network they control.
3.2 Attack Scenario 6
In this experiment, we exploited two of the four vul-
nerabilities, in order:
Vulnerability 2, with the goal of creating fake de-
vice discovery response,
Vulnerability 1, with the goal of authenticating as
the Tapo device to the Tapo app.
The context in which we conduct the experiment is
the Setup D(§3.1) previously described. The attack
diagram is shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2: Sequence chart for the attack scenario 6.
The exploitation begins when the victim starts the
association process within the Tapo app. In the be-
ginning, the app starts broadcasting device discovery
request. Hence, the attacker exploits his ability to cre-
ate fake device discovery response to respond to var-
ious device discovery request from the victim. The
attacker sets the response’s messages fields as shown
in Listing 1:
He sets the device id and owner fields with ran-
dom hex values.
He sets the device type and device model fields
with the name and type of the device he wants to
He sets the ip and port fields to point to an
adversary-controlled server.
He sets the factory default field to true. This is
important because it allows the application to un-
derstand that the response is coming from a device
not yet associated with any accounts.
SECRYPT 2024 - 21st International Conference on Security and Cryptography
Note that, differently from the Attack Scenario 2 de-
scribed in previous work (Bonaventura. et al., 2023),
the attacker does not need the victim’s owner id.
” r e s u l t : {
” d e v i c e i d : RANDOM.HEX . VALUE” ,
owner ” : RANDOM.HEX.VALUE” ,
” d e v i c e t y p e : DEVICE . TYPE” ,
d e v i c e m o d e l : DEVICE .MODEL” ,
I P ” : ATTACKER . IP ” ,
mac : ATTACKER . PORT” ,
” f a c t o r y d e f a u l t : t r u e ,
” i s s u p p o r t i o t c l o u d : f a l s e ,
m g t e n c r y p t s ch m : {
” i s s u p p o r t h t t p s : f a l s e ,
” e n c r y p t t y p e : AES ” ,
” h t t p p o r t : 80
} ,
” e r r o r c o d e : 0
Listing 1: JSON attack scenario 6.
After receiving the response, the Tapo app as-
sumes that it comes from a device that needs to be as-
sociated. Therefore, it starts the TSKEP protocol with
the attacking device. Because of vulnerability 1, the
TSKEP protocol does not give the Tapo app any ev-
idence about the identity of the interlocutor. For this
reason, the Tapo app assumes that the newly received
key is shared with the device to be associated, while it
is shared with the attacker instead. The attacker must
then perform the association process with the Tapo
app until the set qs info request. At that point, they
can get the password of the victim’s Tapo account and
the associated email address, as well as the SSID and
the password of the victim’s local network.
The attack can be summarised as follows:
The attacker gets the Device Discovery shared
key and creates fake device discovery response.
Therefore, the authentication of the device discov-
ery response fails.
The Tapo app executes the TSKEP protocol with
the attacker instead of the Tapo device. Therefore,
authentication of the Tapo device with the Tapo
app fails. This results in an integrity loss.
The Tapo app shares the key with the attacker,
hence the distribution of the session key fails.
This results in an confidentiality loss.
The attacker can violate the confidentiality of the
messages and get the password and the hash of
the email of the victim’s Tapo account as well as
the SSID and the password of the victim’s local
network. This results in a confidentiality loss.
Table 1 provides an overview of the different ver-
sions tested for Tapo devices and the Tapo app. We
tested versions of device firmwares that were suppos-
edly vulnerable to the discovered vulnerabilities, then
we tested the fixed firmwares to check if the vulnera-
bilities were not exploitable anymore.
Table 1: Tested versions.
Vulnerable Version Fixed Version
L530E 1.1.9 1.2.4
L510E 1.0.8 1.1.0
P100 1.4.9 and 1.4.16 1.5.0
C200 1.1.18 -
L630 1.0.3 1.0.4
Tapo App 2.8.14 and 2.16.112 2.17.206
4.1 Firmware Without Fixes
Our primary focus is to assess the impact of the identi-
fied vulnerabilities on each target device. A summary
of the vulnerabilities exposed by each target device
running a firmware without fixes is shown in Table 2.
Throughout the section, we also analyze the applica-
bility of the attack scenarios, and we summarise the
reproducible ones on each target device in Table 3.
Table 2: Vulnerabilities exposed by target devices for
firmware without fixes.
Vuln. 1 Vuln. 2 Vuln. 3 Vuln. 4
if the vulnerability is present, otherwise.
Table 3: Feasibility of the Attack Scenarios (AS) on the
target devices for firmware without fixes.
if the attack scenario is feasible on the target device,
if the attack scenario is not feasible because the
communication is encapsulated within a TLS channel,
if the attack scenario is not feasible because the
configuration is done on the Bluetooth channel.
The IoT Breaches Your Household Again
4.1.1 Tp-Link Tapo Smart Wi-Fi Light Device,
Multicolor (L530E)
We test an L530E with Hardware v1.0.0 and
Firmware v1.1.9, using a Tapo app v2.8.14. The smart
bulb exposes all the vulnerabilities, and all attack sce-
narios are reproducible (Bonaventura. et al., 2023),
including our novel Attack Scenario 6 (§3).
4.1.2 Tp-Link Tapo Smart Wi-Fi Light Bulb,
Dimmable (L510E V2)
We test an L510E V2 with Hardware v2.0 and
Firmware v1.0.8, using a Tapo app v2.16.112. The
Tapo L510E, for the Device-App communications,
uses the same vulnerable protocols (§2.1) with the
same security parameters used by the L530E, i.e.,
HTTPS protocol is not supported, CBC-AES128 bit
encryption is used, and Wi-Fi is the communication
channel during configuration. Therefore, this smart
bulb exposes all the listed vulnerabilities, and all at-
tack scenarios can be reproduced, including Attack
Scenario 6 introduced in this paper.
We hereby describe how we apply each attack sce-
nario to the new device, highlighting any differences
from previous work (Bonaventura. et al., 2023) as
necessary. For newly tested devices, we will refer to
the L510E’s behaviour as a baseline. In later sections,
we will only detail Attack Scenarios (AS) that deviate
from this baseline.
AS1. works with the Tapo L510E firmware tested.
The key that this device uses for the Message
Authentication Code is static and hardcoded, the
same used by the Tapo L530E. Therefore, an at-
tacker can create false device discovery messages
for both the bulb and the app.
AS2. works with the Tapo L510E firmware tested.
The Tapo L510E communicates using the TSKEP
protocol with the Tapo app. By creating fake de-
vice discovery response, the attacker can imper-
sonate the Tapo L510E, prompting the app to start
TSKEP with them. This allows the attacker to get
the Tapo password and the hash of the victim’s
Tapo email.
AS3. works with the Tapo L510E firmware tested.
TSKEP lacks identity verification, enabling the
attacker to perform a MITM attack on the Tapo
L510E-Tapo app communication, compromising
AS4. works with the Tapo L510E firmware tested.
The Tapo L510E accepts all messages without
checking their timestamp. This allows attackers
to replay sniffed messages with non-expired ses-
sion keys, enabling arbitrary command execution.
AS5. works with the Tapo L510E firmware tested.
During pairing, communications between the
Tapo L510E and the Tapo app happen over Wi-Fi.
Hence, the attacker can perform a MITM attack
and hijack the association process.
AS6. works with the Tapo L510E firmware tested.
During pairing, Tapo L510E and Tapo app com-
municate via Wi-Fi. TSKEP’s identity verifica-
tion vulnerability allows MITM attacks, compro-
mising the email and password of the victim’s
Tapo account, as well as the SSID and password
of her local network.
4.1.3 Tp-Link Tapo Smart Wi-Fi Spotlight,
Multicolor (L630)
We test an L630 with Hardware v1.0 and Firmware
v1.0.3, using a Tapo app v2.16.112. We confirmed
this device aligns with our baseline —– mirroring the
behavior of the Tapo L510E V2. Thus, it shares all
listed vulnerabilities and allows reproduction of all
attack scenarios, including the new Attack Scenario
6 introduced in this paper.
4.1.4 Tp-Link Tapo Mini Smart Wi-Fi Socket
We test a P100 with Hardware v1.20.0 and Firmwares
v1.4.9 and v1.4.16, using Tapo app v2.16.112. This
device employs vulnerable protocols (§2.1), lacks
HTTPS support, and uses CBC-AES128 encryption,
exposing all vulnerabilities. Unlike previous devices,
P100 uses Bluetooth for configuration, limiting attack
scenarios to those involving already associated de-
vices. Hence, Attack Scenarios 1 to 4 are aligned with
our baseline, while Attack Scenarios 5 and 6 cannot
be reproduced on Tapo P100 because the adversary is
not able to perform the MITM attack during the bulb
configuration process.
4.1.5 Tp-Link Tapo Pan/Tilt Home Security
Wi-Fi Camera (C200)
We test a C200 with Hardware v1.0.0 and Firmware
v1.1.18, using a Tapo app v2.16.112.
Unlike the other analysed devices, the Tapo C200
supports HTTPS, utilizing TLS for TSKEP between
the Tapo app and device even during configuration.
This limits exposure to only Vulnerability 2. The use
of TLS prevents message inference or traffic sniff-
ing by requiring a valid certificate from the attacker.
While TSKEP remains vulnerable to replay attacks,
TLS encapsulation ensures security. Consequently,
only Attack scenario 1 can be reproduced out of six
attack scenarios.
SECRYPT 2024 - 21st International Conference on Security and Cryptography
One potential attack involves downgrading the
communication channel from HTTPS to HTTP. The
attacker may attempt this by replying to the device
discovery requests from the application with the same
security parameters supported by the Tapo L530E,
i.e., HTTPS not supported, as shown in Listing 2.
However, we verified that this downgrade attack pro-
duces no results. This is because the Tapo applica-
tion does not consider valid all device discovery re-
sponse received from C200 devices that do not sup-
port HTTPS.
” e r r o r c o d e : 0 ,
” r e s u l t : {
” d e v i c e i d : 1 2 3 4 . . . 4 4 1 ,
d e v i ce n a me : Tapo Camera E3FF ” ,
” d e v i c e t y p e : ”SMART . IPCAMERA” ,
d e v i c e m o d e l : C200 ” ,
i p : 1 9 2 . 1 6 8 . 1 . 5 5 ,
mac : AA−BB−CCDD−EE−FF ” ,
” h a r d w a r e v e r s i o n : 1 . 0 ,
” f i r m w a r e v e r s i o n : 1 . 1 . 1 8 B u i l d
220518 Re l .6 14 72 n ( 4 5 5 5 ) ” ,
” f a c t o r y d e f a u l t : f a l s e ,
” i s s u p p o r t i o t c l o u d : f a l s e ,
m g t e n c r y p t s ch m : {
” i s s u p p o r t h t t p s : f a l s e ,
” e n c r y p t t y p e : AES ” ,
” h t t p p o r t : ” E v i l . t c p p o r t
Listing 2: Attack sub-scenario 2 UDP discovery response.
4.2 Firmware with Fixes
For each device tested, we diligently communi-
cated the discovered vulnerabilities to Tp-Link. The
responsible disclosure process enabled Tp-Link to
promptly identify and address the vulnerabilities.
They developed new versions of the Tapo app and the
Tapo devices’ firmware, implementing security up-
dates to resolve the issues. We then actively tested the
beta versions of this firmware, confirming the mitiga-
tion of potential risks arising from the vulnerabilities,
and providing feedback to the manufacturer.
Although only three out of the four vulnerabilities,
i.e., Vuln. 1, Vuln. 3, and Vuln. 4, were addressed with
fixes, their absence indirectly mitigates the risk asso-
ciated with the remaining vulnerability, i.e., Vuln. 2,
making it acceptable. Therefore, even if the last vul-
nerability is still exposed, it would not pose a signif-
icant security risk to the end user. A summary of the
vulnerabilities exposed by each target device running
a firmware with fixes is shown in Table 4.
Regarding the attack scenarios, we tested all six of
Table 4: Vulnerabilities exposed by target devices for
firmware with fixes.
Vuln. 1 Vuln. 2 Vuln. 3 Vuln. 4
C200 - - -
if the vulnerability is still present, otherwise,
- if it was not present in the unpatched firmware.
them using the beta version of the Tapo app, specifi-
cally Version 2.17.206, and the device’s firmware pro-
vided by the Tp-Link. Only one of the six attack sce-
narios can still be reproduced, i.e., Attack scenario
1, Fake Bulb Discovery Messages Generation. How-
ever, the inability for the adversary to reproduce the
other scenarios renders Attack scenario 1 virtually
negligible in terms of risk to the victim, thus offering
no advantage to the potential attacker. This observa-
tion confirms that all attack scenarios are effectively
nullified, as none yields any results. A summary of
the reproducible attack scenarios on each device run-
ning a firmware with fixes is shown in Table 5.
Table 5: Impact of the Attack Scenarios (AS) on the target
devices for firmware with fixes.
P100 - -
C200 - - - - -
if the AS is feasible without benefits for the attacker,
if the AS is not feasible anymore,
- if the AS was not feasible in the unpatched firmware.
In this paper, we attempted to exploit different Tapo
devices using vulnerabilities that affected the Tapo
L530E smart bulb, which were found in previous
work. Results show that said vulnerabilities are
present and exploitable in other devices belonging to
the Tp-Link ecosystem and not exclusive to a spe-
cific Tapo device. More generally, to answer our
first research question, this hints at the fact that the
stack of technologies underlying IoT devices is shared
between devices of the same family, and that advi-
sories published for a single device may actually be
helpful to both attackers and defenders in identifying
the same vulnerabilities on other devices of the same
ecosystem. This is most likely not unique to the Tapo
The IoT Breaches Your Household Again
environment, but verification of this claim is left to
future work.
Additionally, we expanded previous work by in-
troducing a new Attack Scenario, which we called
“Attack Scenario 6”, and a novel network configu-
ration to exploit the vulnerabilities, which we called
“Setup D”. We then tested all attack scenarios on dif-
ferent Tapo devices, finding that they are mostly re-
producible, with a few exceptions. Hence, we an-
swer our second research question by verifying that
exploitable vulnerabilities retain their potential of ob-
taining the Tapo account password of the victim user,
even when exploited on other Tapo devices. This
could allow the attacker to access the victim’s account
and control all associated devices. Additionally, the
possibility to obtain the password of the victim’s pri-
vate network should not be underestimated as well, as
network access can be the entry point for the attacker
to execute different attacks on other devices within
the network.
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SECRYPT 2024 - 21st International Conference on Security and Cryptography