A Formal Analysis of
CIE Level 2 Multi-Factor Authentication via SMS OTP
Roberto Van Eeden
, Matteo Paier
1,2 a
and Marino Miculan
1,3 b
University of Udine, Dept. of Mathematics, Computer Science and Physics, Italy
IMT School for Advanced Studies, Lucca, Italy
Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Dept. of Environmental Sciences, Informatics and Statistics, Italy
Formal Methods, Security Protocols, Digital Identity, Identity Management.
We analyze the security of Level 2 multi-factor authentication (MFA) based on SMS One-Time Passcode
(OTP) of Italian Electronic Identity Card (CIE). We propose a novel threat model encompassing password
compromise, network disruptions, user errors, and malware attacks. The combinations of the adversary’s
attack capabilites yield a plethora of possible attack scenarios, which we systematically generate, formalise
and verify in ProVerif. Our analysis reveals that CIE MFA based on SMS OTP is vulnerable to attacks with
read access to the mobile device or keyboard, or to phishing, but event to mere read access to the user’s
computer screen. To address the latter vulnerability, we propose a minor modification of the protocol.
The threat model we introduce paves the way for the analysis of other CIE MFA protocols.
The Italian electronic identity card (carta d’identit
elettronica, CIE, (Italian Ministry of the Interior,
2024)) is the official Italian digital identity token re-
placing paper identity cards since 2016. CIE, offering
robust digital online authentication and legally valid
electronic signatures, is envisioned to become the pri-
mary tool for accessing public services like education,
healthcare, and tax offices. Its compliance with the
EU’s eIDAS regulation (EU Parliament and Council,
2014) enables cross-border use within the European
market, e.g. for accessing foreign services or execut-
ing internationally binding transactions.
Given its critical importance, CIE provides var-
ious multi-factor authentication protocols. While
Level 1 authentication requires the knowledge of the
user’s credentials only, Level 2 authentication re-
quires also to prove the possession of a previously
registered mobile device. This is verified during the
authentication process, either through a dedicated ap-
plication (CieID) or by receiving an One-Time Pass-
code (OTP) via SMS. The latter is the sole practical
way for users without access to a smartphone — a sit-
uation quite common especially among the elderly.
This paper analyzes the security of CIE’s Level
2 multi-factor authentication mechanisms, focusing
particularly on the SMS OTP method (L2SMS).
To this end, we propose a threat model for CIE
encompassing the core threats outlined in NIST SP
800-63B relevant to MFA protocols (NIST, 2020).
These threats include compromised passwords (the
very reason MFA exists), network disruptions (de-
layed or dropped messages), overall security of TLS
channels, human error induced by phishing attacks,
malware compromising user devices. In particular,
we characterize the system as a set of input and output
interfaces, following (Jacomme and Kremer, 2021);
then, an attack scenario is defined by the control the
attacker may gain on these interfaces. Depending on
the attacker’s capabilities, we obtain hundreds of dif-
ferent attack scenarios.
In order to analyse the security of L2SMS, we
have systematically and automatically generated the
formalisation of all these scenarios in the applied π-
calculus, a formal language designed for represent-
ing security protocols in the Dolev-Yao model. Then,
these formalisations have been thoroughly analysed
with ProVerif, a protocol verification tool in the sym-
bolic Dolev-Yao model (Blanchet et al., 2016).
This analysis reveals L2SMS’s vulnerability to at-
tacks gaining read access to the mobile device or the
PC keyboard (e.g., using a keylogger or planting a
Van Eeden, R., Paier, M. and Miculan, M.
A Formal Analysis of CIE Level 2 Multi-Factor Authentication via SMS OTP.
DOI: 10.5220/0012768300003767
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT 2024), pages 483-491
ISBN: 978-989-758-709-2; ISSN: 2184-7711
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
malware in the PC), or through phishing. Even the
mere access to the user’s computer screen allows an
attacker to gain unauthorized Level 2 access to ser-
vices knowing only Level 1 credentials. Leveraging
the attack trace found by ProVerif in this latter case,
we propose a minor modification to strengthen the
protocol’s security. Formal analysis of the modified
protocol confirms its effectiveness in addressing the
read-screen vulnerability.
The results of this work can provide useful indi-
cations for improving the CIE platform and services.
Moreover, the threat model we introduce in this paper
paves the way for further in-depth analysis of other
CIE MFA protocols. Finally, this methodology can
be applied to other similar digital identity cards.
This paper is organized as follows. In Section 2
we recall CIE main components according to an
interface-based model, and the Level 2 authentica-
tion protocol via SMS OTP. In Section 3 we define
the threat model for CIE, discuss the formalization in
ProVerif of the various attack scenarios, and analyse
the verification results. To address the screen-reading
vulnerability, in Section 4 we propose a slight correc-
tion to the protocol. Finally, in Section 5 we draw
some conclusions, recall related work, and give direc-
tions for future work.
CIE authentication uses the Security Assertion
Markup Language (SAML) 2.0 open standard (Lock-
hart and Campbell, 2008) for exchanging authentica-
tion and authorization identities between security do-
mains. The main parties involved are the CIE Iden-
tity Provider (IdP) and federated public administra-
tion Service Providers (SPs). The IdP authenticates
users and generates security assertions.
Informally, when a user logs in to a SP using CIE,
the SP: (1) generates a random operation ID; (2) gen-
erates a signed SAML Authn request for the login op-
eration (including the required security level); and (3)
redirects to the CIE IdP service with the Authn re-
quest as a parameter. The CIE IdP authenticates the
user at the level required by the SP and, after confir-
mation, generates a matching signed SAML authenti-
cation assertion that the SP can validate.
All messages between the IdP server and the de-
vices involved in the login process are exchanged over
TLS (unless otherwise noted).
The CIE identity provider offers three distinct au-
thentication levels for secure online access:
Mobile In/Out
CIE IdP Server
Keyboard In
Display Out
TLS In/Out
SM In/Out
Mobile In/Out
CIE Smartcard
Figure 1: CIE system interface model.
Level 1 (Single Factor). Basic username and pass-
word login;
Level 2 (Two Factor). Authentication by means of
an one-time passcode (OTP) received via SMS, or
via the CieID app on a registered device. In the
second case, the second factor PIN must be en-
tered after receiving a push notification or scan-
ning a QR code;
Level 3 (Two Factor with Smartcard). Authentica-
tion using the physical CIE smartcard and PIN.
Two options exist: using a dedicated USB NFC
card reader to interact with the smartcard or using
the CieID app on an NFC-enabled smartphone.
For optimal security, most service providers en-
force Level 2 or 3 multi-factor authentication, reserv-
ing Level 1 for low-risk scenarios with limited per-
sonal data involvement.
Following the approach used in (Jacomme and
Kremer, 2021), our analysis adopts a model where
devices, computers, servers, etc., are represented as
abstract sets of interfaces facilitating data input and
output. Each interface can be compromised indepen-
dently from the others, yielding many different attack
scenarios. The interface model for CIE is shown in
Figure 1, which we describe next.
The PC used by the user (here the computer) is
modelled by the following interfaces:
Display. Represents the user-facing screen, capable
only of data output;
Keyboard. Represents user’s input to the computer;
TLS. Represents encrypted communications with re-
mote entities like the IdP server. This interface of-
fers both input and output at once, because we as-
sume that attackers cannot compromise only one
direction (incoming or outgoing) of TLS sessions;
SM. Represents bidirectional communication with
the CIE smartcard via secure messaging (SM).
SECRYPT 2024 - 21st International Conference on Security and Cryptography
While the NFC reader connects through USB, SM
communication itself is encrypted and authenti-
cated. We consider the possibility of attackers
compromising the USB interface without affect-
ing SM sessions, necessitating its modelling as a
separate, potentially compromised interface.
For mobile devices, the diverse interfaces involved
in CIE authentication (SMS, TLS, NFC communica-
tion with the smart card, etc.) are condensed into a
single interface with both input and output capabili-
ties, as in (Jacomme and Kremer, 2021). This simpli-
fies comparisons between different attack strategies
required to compromise the various protocols.
The Smartcard has two interfaces: the SM In/Out
with the PC, and the NFC In/Out with the mobile de-
vice. Although in the following we will not consider
authentication schemata using the smartcard, we in-
clude it in the model for sake of completeness.
The IdP server is represented by the TLS inter-
faces for communicating with the user’s computer,
and the interfaces (SMS or TLS) to communicate with
the mobile device.
Level 2 Authentication via SMS OTP. In this pa-
per we focus on the two-factor authentication scheme
L2SMS, which requires both knowledge of login cre-
dentials and ownership of the SIM card linked to the
account. The sequence diagram is shown in Figure 2.
The user initiates the process by entering their
username and password, which are sent to the IdP
server over a TLS channel. Upon verification, the
IdP server generates a unique OTP code, tied to the
specific login operation, and sends it via SMS to the
registered phone number. The user reads the OTP
code from the mobile device, and enters it on their
computer, which shows it on the computer screen and
transmits it to the IdP server for comparison. If the
codes match, the IdP server successfully completes
the two-factor authentication process.
In this section we analyse the L2SMS protocol un-
der various threat scenarios: the user’s password is
compromised, attackers possess varying levels of con-
trol over user devices via malware, and phishing at-
tempts might be successful. By simulating these
threats, the analysis comprehensively evaluates the ef-
fectiveness of this multi-factor approach in safeguard-
ing user accounts. The formal analysis has been con-
ducted within the symbolic Dolev-Yao model, as im-
plemented by ProVerif (Blanchet et al., 2016). The
formalization is available at (Van Eeden et al., 2024).
3.1 Threat Model
In this subsection we consider various ways in which
the attacker can compromise the interfaces of the CIE
architecture, following (Jacomme and Kremer, 2021).
A system compromise by an attacker can be rep-
resented by the level of control that the attacker has
acquired over the system’s interfaces, potentially in-
fluencing data flow through inputs and outputs. This
influence can be partial, in the sense that the attacker
may be able to only read from or write to specific
data streams within an interface, like its inputs or out-
puts. In a secure system, the attacker does not have
access to any interface, neither in writing nor in read-
ing. Conversely, in a fully compromised system, the
attacker possesses read-write access on all interfaces.
We observe that in general, gaining write access to
a system interface is more difficult than simply read-
ing data: writing to an interface requires higher priv-
ileges or the exploitation of specific vulnerabilities,
whereas reading data demands less elevated permis-
sions. As a consequence, while vulnerabilities grant-
ing write-only access do exist, they are uncommon,
and do not apply to the CIE: in our model, once an
attacker gains write access, it has also read access to
the interface. This aligns with the general principle
that passive attacks are easier than active attacks.
In the light of these observations, the control that
an attacker can gain over a given interface can be clas-
sified into these levels:
in:RO: attacker has acquired read-only access to
data flowing into the interface;
in:RW: attacker has acquired read-write access to
data flowing into the interface;
out:RO: attacker has acquired read-only access to
data flowing out the interface;
out:RW: attacker has acquired read-write access
to data flowing out the interface.
We can denote by A
the level of control exercised
by an attacker over the interface if , where:
d {in, out,io} represents the direction which the
attacker gains control over: the input (in) or the
output (out). We use io as a shorthand to denote
both directions;
a {RO,RW} represents the access control ac-
quired by the attacker: read-only (RO) or read-
write (RW).
Then, a threat scenario S where the attacker ac-
quires access control levels d
on inter-
faces if
,. . . ,if
respectively, is represented by the set
S = {A
,. . . ,A
A Formal Analysis of CIE Level 2 Multi-Factor Authentication via SMS OTP
Computer CIE IdP Server
new OTP
SP Server
SPInfo = <SPName,
SP Server
SAMLRequest = <opId, level,
SPName, ...>
SAMLResponse = <authData,
sign(hash(authData), CIEServerKey), ...>
confirm login
confirm login to {SPName}?
status, session, SPName
request OTP
Keyboard Screen
username, password
request OTP
confirm login to {SPName}?
confirm login
username, password
request username, password
for level {level}
login to {SPName}
username, password
SAMLRequest, sign(hash(SAMLRequest), SPServerKey)
opId, level, SPInfo
SAMLRequest, sign(hash(SAMLRequest), SPServerKey)
request username, password
for level {level} login to {SPName}
SP Server
Figure 2: Sequence diagram of L2SMS, the CIE level 2 authentication via SMS OTP protocol.
As an example, {A
} represents the
scenario where the attacker can both read and display
arbitrary content on the computer screen, and read
messages received by the mobile device.
In principle, all combinations of read-only/read-
write access on the various interfaces are possible;
for our CIE model, this would yield a plethora of
over 2,000 attack scenarios of different granularity
and severity. Actually, we can reduce this complexity
by observing that acquiring control over an interface’s
output is generally more challenging than controlling
its input, due to the different execution privileges re-
quired for each action. For example, reading inputs
from a USB keyboard often only requires user-mode
code execution, while intercepting or modifying data
sent over USB by another program requires elevated
privileges (e.g., admin access) or the exploitation of
specific vulnerabilities in the target system.
In the light of this observation, the control ac-
cess levels can be ordered according their strength
(and hardness to achieve): out:RW is stronger than
both out:RO and in:RW; both out:RO and in:RW are
stronger than in:RO, which is stronger than no control
access at all. This defines a preorder on the set of
control access levels:
means that achieving the
access level
implies achieving also the access level
. Overall, the order between levels is as follows,
where represents no access.
, and
This order can be extended to scenarios in the nat-
ural way: S
if and only if, for all A
there exists A
such that
. The order is
strict, denoted as S
, when S
and S
̸= S
Clearly, we have the following properties:
If the protocol is secure in scenario S , then it is
secure in every scenario S
such that S S
Conversely, if a protocol is vulnerable in scenario
S , then it is vulnerable in every scenario S
S .
SECRYPT 2024 - 21st International Conference on Security and Cryptography
These properties enable efficient analysis by reducing
the scope of scenarios. If an attack is found in a given
scenario, we can skip analysing stronger ones. Con-
versely, a verified secure protocol in a scenario does
not require checking in weaker ones. This reduces the
number of scenarios to analyse to less than 270.
A particular case is that of TLS channels, used by
all CIE protocols to securely communicate with the
servers. The formalisation of TLS is out of the scope
of this paper (see e.g. (Bhargavan et al., 2017)). Here
we adopt a simplified model assuming the essence of
TLS (secrecy, authentication, and order protection)
while permitting message blocking or delays by at-
tackers. The only meaningful access levels for TLS
are io:RO and io:RW, because once an attacker gains
access to one direction of a TLS channel, it can access
also the other one. Furthermore, we consider also the
possibility that the attacker can initiate TLS sessions
with legitimate servers, and impersonate an IdP server
for unsuspecting clients.
Phishing. Human errors and social engineering tac-
tics remain significant threats to multi-factor authen-
tication systems, even with robust protocols. Hence,
evaluating the resilience of CIE’s multi-factor authen-
tication against incorrect user actions is crucial.
Phishing attacks are modelled similarly to (Ja-
comme and Kremer, 2021), but we exclude the possi-
bility of omitting fingerprint comparisons because the
CIE authentication process never visually displays the
fingerprint of the device attempting login—and hence
fingerprint comparisons is not an option.
With phishing attacks growing more sophisticated
and diverse, employing a wider range of tools like
SMS, calls, websites, etc., untrained users become in-
creasingly vulnerable. They may unknowingly grant
access to malicious replicas of services or reveal sen-
sitive information like OTP codes. This risk is mod-
elled in simulated phishing scenarios by allowing the
attacker to control the targeted server, i.e., the server
that the user will initiate authentication with.
To minimize phishing risks the CieID app shows
a three-second warning message urging users to com-
pare the displayed URL with the official CIE IdP
URL. However, the possibility of users disregarding
this warning remains a concern. Even with this safe-
guard, advanced techniques like IDN homograph at-
tacks can deceive users into believing a fraudulent
page is genuine (Holgers et al., 2006). However, these
countermeasures do not apply to Level 2 authentica-
tion via SMS OTP, which is always available anyway.
Formally, the presence of a phishing attack is de-
noted by including the special attack symbol PH in
the attack scenario.
3.2 Formalization in ProVerif
In this subsection we briefly describe the formaliza-
tion of the L2SMS protocol and the interface model,
in ProVerif, a state-of-the-art tool for the verification
of security protocols. For an introduction to this tool,
we refer the reader to (Blanchet et al., 2016).
Within a system, each interface can be mod-
elled as a pair of private channels, one for input
and one for output (Jacomme and Kremer, 2021).
To simulate an attacker gaining read-only access
to such an interface, we expose on a publicly ac-
cessible channel all message names that are trans-
mitted through the corresponding private channels,
during the execution of the protocol. Formally,
let iface represent a secret interface channel and
public represent a public channel accessible to the
attacker. Granting the attacker read-only access to
the interface is equivalent to transforming each in-
stance of out(iface, message) into out(public,
message); out(iface, message) and each in-
stance of in(iface, message) into in(iface,
message); out(public, message). In contrast,
granting the attacker read-write access to the channel
involves divulging the private channel name itself to
the attacker, effectively handing over complete con-
trol of the communication channel.
The secure and authenticated communication via
TLS channels is modelled using a specialized func-
tion TLS(id, id):channel. To ensure legitimacy,
only authorized parties can access this function to ob-
tain unique channel names. When establishing a TLS
connection, one of the participating hosts generates a
fresh session name, attaching it to all subsequent mes-
sages to prevent mixing data across different sessions.
However, as ProVerifs private channels are typ-
ically synchronous, this model would not allow the
attacker to block or delay messages. To address this
limitation, each TLS channel is extended with the in-
terleaving concurrency semantics using the “parallel”
operator from the π-calculus, allowing the attacker to
manipulate the execution order of processes, thus sim-
ulating message interception or delays.
Moreover, in order to grant the attacker the abil-
ity to always initiate TLS sessions with the Identity
Provider (IdP) server, a dedicated TLS manager pro-
cess publicly discloses the channel names where one
of the two parties involved is under attacker control.
To simulate phishing attacks, the model retrieves
the target server URL from a publicly accessible
channel. This represents potentially compromised on-
line sources susceptible to manipulation. Normally,
a diligent human user would compare the obtained
URL with the legitimate IdP server’s known address.
A Formal Analysis of CIE Level 2 Multi-Factor Authentication via SMS OTP
However, in scenarios simulating phishing attacks,
the model assumes that the human victim to the de-
ception bypasses this verification step.
The main property under consideration is the in-
jective correspondence between accesses made by a
specific device to the account and the login attempts
initiated by the user on that device: each successful
access on the device must match a distinct login at-
tempt initiated by the user on the same device.
The L2SMS protocol has been tested under every
possible combination of malware and human threat
scenarios. Overall, these combinations lead to 270
possible scenarios. The ProVerif code corresponding
to each of these scenarios is automatically generate
by means of the m4 macro processor (Kernighan and
Ritchie, 1977). A set of preprocessor definitions has
been associated with each level of malware interface
access and human threat; the necessary checks and
reveals are automatically generated based on the sup-
plied definitions. A Python script iterates over the set
of all possible combinations of scenarios, and invokes
m4 and ProVerif as necessary.
To avoid unnecessary computations, we skip the
verification of instances where the result is entirely
implied by weaker or stronger scenarios. Namely,
we skip scenarios where the results are already deter-
mined by others with either more attacker capabilities
(stronger control of the system) or increased user vul-
nerabilities (exposed to additional threats).
3.3 Results
While the L2SMS protocol offers an additional layer
of protection against unauthorized access compared
to relying solely on passwords, its security raises
some concerns. Table 1 shows the results of our for-
mal analysis of the L2SMS authentication schema;
the corresponding ProVerif formalizations are avail-
able at (Van Eeden et al., 2024).
While brute-force attacks using stolen creden-
tials might be deterred, L2SMS falls short against
more sophisticated techniques. Even relatively sim-
ple malware like USB keyloggers can compromise
the system if they can intercept the one-time pass-
codes (OTPs) sent via SMS. Any attacker capable of
capturing these codes essentially holds the key to by-
passing L2SMS authentication, rendering it ineffec-
tive against such threats.
As an example, an attack trace for the A
nario (corresponding to, e.g., the presence of a screen
capturing software) has been found by ProVerif; a se-
quence diagram describing this attack is shown in Fig-
ure 3. In this case, an attacker may initiate a login
attempt shortly after the user; to proceed with the le-
Table 1: Analysis results under different threat scenarios.
Threat Scenario L2SMS
correctness proven
correctness proven in a stronger scenario
attack found
attack found in a weaker scenario
PH: Phishing
: Attacker control over a system interface, where:
if is the name of the system interface
d represents control over interface’s inputs (in), out-
puts (out) or inputs and outputs (io)
a represents the access control over the interface:
read-only (RO) or read-write (RW)
gitimate login attempt, the user may enter the OTP
code relative to the malicious login attempt (mistak-
ing it for the code relative to the legitimate login at-
tempt), causing it to be reproduced on the computer
display as it is typed (the OTP input field is not hid-
den). An attacker with A
access and knowing
only the credentials for level 1 access, would then be
able to obtain a copy of the OTP code and success-
fully authenticate as the user at level 2.
Due to the time-sensitive nature of the attack (i.e.
there is a limited time window between OTP display
and transmission to the IdP server), an attacker could
achieve greater success by also manipulating message
delivery. This manipulation could involve delaying or
entirely dropping the message by, e.g., disrupting the
network connection utilized by the computer.
Additionally, the choice of SMS communication
introduces inherent weaknesses compared to the TLS
channels employed by other protocols. This exposes
L2SMS to a wider range of potential attacks. SIM
swapping attacks, where an attacker gains control of a
victim’s phone number by transferring it to a different
SIM card, pose a significant risk. Moreover, on older
UMTS and GSM networks L2SMS might be suscepti-
ble to SS7 attacks exploiting vulnerabilities in the sig-
nalling system and even weaker encryption schemes
SECRYPT 2024 - 21st International Conference on Security and Cryptography
CIE IdP Server
new OTP
new OTP
username, password
(se0) username, password
(se0) status
request OTP
(complete auth request,
establish login session se0)
(complete auth request,
establish login session se1)
(se1) OTP'
(se1) status, session
(se1) username, password
(se1) status
Attacker authenticated
Knows: username,
username, password
request OTP
(Display OUT RO)
Figure 3: Overview of the L2SMS attack in scenario A
of the attack trace found by ProVerif.
employed in these networks (Ullah et al., 2020).
Interestingly, according to our model, the imple-
mentation of L2SMS does not offer an advantage
when dealing with malware controlling the computer
display. This stems from the fact that, while not re-
quiring users to scan codes displayed on the computer
screen (relying solely on SMS communication with
the mobile device), the OTP is shown to the user via
the display channel. This makes it vulnerable to at-
tacks exploiting compromised computer displays.
Despite the generally stronger security guarantees
offered by other level 2 protocols, users currently lack
the option to disable L2SMS logins even after regis-
tering other CieID authenticator devices. This means
that even if users opt for more secure protocols, a
compromised L2SMS remains a potential backdoor
for attackers. Furthermore, the process of associating
new devices for L2APP itself relies on an authentica-
tion scheme essentially equivalent to L2SMS, raising
concerns about its overall effectiveness as an upgrade.
The most concerning aspect of L2SMS is its po-
tential to undermine the security benefits of other
protocols. If an attacker successfully compromises
L2SMS, they gain access to the account regardless of
whether other, more robust protocols are also imple-
mented. This essentially negates the added security
assurances those protocols provide, exposing the en-
tire system to increased risk.
In this section we propose an improvement of the
L2SMS protocol that addresses the vulnerability on
the display channel, discovered in the previous analy-
sis. We call this improved version L2SMS*.
It is important to notice that while MFA using
SMS OTP offers an additional layer of security com-
pared to no MFA at all, it has some inherent weak-
nesses. If the communication channel between the
user and the service provider is not properly secured
with TLS, attackers could potentially intercept the
SMS code during transmission, rendering MFA use-
less. Similarly, malware or physical access to the
user’s mobile phone could allow attackers to steal
the incoming SMS code even before the user sees it.
Finally, keyloggers installed on the user’s computer
A Formal Analysis of CIE Level 2 Multi-Factor Authentication via SMS OTP
Table 2: Comparison with the improved protocol. See Ta-
ble 1 for the legend.
Threat Scenario L2SMS L2SMS*
could capture any information typed, including the
SMS code entered for authentication.
However, all these weaknesses are not easily ex-
ploited. Communication channels can be secured by
correctly setting up TLS communications (e.g., cer-
tificates are properly verified); SMS transmission se-
curity depends on the telecommunication operator,
and hence it is outside our control; hardware keylog-
ger require physical access to the user’s PC, and the
implantation of software keyloggers requires admin-
level access to the system.
Therefore, in securing L2SMS we prioritize the
display channel. The attack shown in Figure 3 reveals
that L2SMS is vulnerable because the computer dis-
plays the OTP code on the user’s screen. This exposes
the OTP code to attackers with read-only screen ac-
cess, e.g. using screen sharing software or performing
“shoulder surfing”, allowing these attackers to steal
the code and gain unauthorized access.
To address this vulnerability, we propose a simple
variant of L2SMS, called L2SMS*, without the step
where the OTP code is shown on the user’s screen.
More formally, L2SMS* is obtained from L2SMS by
omitting the unnecessary OTP display output after the
user keyboard input.
The verification of this protocol yields the results
presented in Table 2. Consistent with expectations,
the previously identified vulnerability has been effec-
tively mitigated: an attacker with read-only or read-
write access to the display channel cannot gain unau-
thorized access. Additionally, no further concerns
have been identified up to our model. Therefore, the
verification process yields a positive outcome.
From an implementation point of view, there are
serveral strategies to prevent attackers from observing
the OTP as the user types it. One approach is to com-
pletely avoid providing any feedback during the input
process. This means the user will not see any charac-
ters displayed on the screen, offering no clues to the
attacker. Another option is to echo asterisks or bul-
lets instead of the actual digits as they are typed. This
provides some basic user confirmation while keeping
the actual code hidden from potential observers.
In this work we have studied the CIE architecture
and its multi-factor authentication protocol based on
SMS. First we have given an interface architecture for
the CIE authentication process. Over this architecture
we have defined a new threat model which takes into
account threats such platform compromised by mal-
ware (at various degrees), wrong user behaviour (e.g.,
by phishing), and message delay or dropping. Then,
we have carried out a systematic and extensive secu-
rity analysis of the level 2 CIE multi-factor authenti-
cation via SMS OTP (L2SMS) under a multitude of
attack scenarios. This analysis, carried out using the
ProVerif tool, has shed light on potential weaknesses
within the specific protocol. In particular, we have
found that L2SMS is vulnerable to an attacker with
mere read-only access to the user’s computer display.
From the generated attack trace, we have suggested
a viable improvement of the protocol, L2SMS*, to
strengthen the security of the system. The formal
analysis of the improved protocol shows that the vul-
nerability has been successfully tackled.
Our exploration has provided valuable insights
and paves the way for further in-depth analysis of the
remaining protocols within the system. Moreover, the
methodology we have followed in this work can be
applied to the analysis of other digital identity tools.
Related Work. Multi-factor authentication (MFA)
protocols play a crucial role in securing online iden-
tities and transactions. A significant body of research
has explored various aspects of MFA security.
(Jacomme and Kremer, 2021) present an exten-
sive formal analysis of MFA protocols, with an au-
tomated, systematic generation of all combinations of
threat scenarios and using ProVerif for automated pro-
tocol analysis. Their work highlights the importance
of rigorous verification to identify potential vulnera-
bilities. Our approach builds upon this foundation by
proposing an interface-based threat model specifically
tailored to CIE’s architecture.
The survey by (Sharif et al., 2022) examines tech-
nological trends in electronic identity schemes com-
pliant with the eIDAS regulation. It emphasizes the
growing adoption of hardware security tokens as a
second authentication factor, aligning with the strong
security posture of CIE’s Level 3 authentication. Our
work focuses on the Level 2 protocols, which are
more widely used in current applications.
SECRYPT 2024 - 21st International Conference on Security and Cryptography
The survey by (Sinigaglia et al., 2020) examines
the adoption of MFA for online banking in practice.
In particular, they report that the usage of out-of-band
authentication via SMS has been deprecated by the
guidelines provided by security organizations (e.g.,
(NIST, 2020)), since many attacks have targeted this
authentication method to acquire sensitive data for
MFA. Our analysis of L2SMS vulnerabilities con-
firms this trend, and contributes to a broader under-
standing of potential security risks associated with
SMS-based MFA in real-world deployments.
Future Work. We are currently working on formal-
izing and verifying all the other multi-factor proto-
cols available for level 2 and level 3 CIE authenti-
cation. Looking forward, several promising research
directions emerge. Firstly, we would like to evaluate
the resistance of smartphone-based login protocols to-
wards attacks, considering the unique security models
of popular mobile platforms. Secondly, we would like
to assess the vulnerability of available CIE smartcards
to side-channel attacks, where unintended informa-
tion leakage occurs. Finally, verifying the adherence
to security best practices of the implementation of of-
ficial CIE authentication, to minimize potential attack
vectors, can be a interesting research topic. By pur-
suing this research, we can continue to strengthen the
security and reliability of CIE multi-factor authentica-
tion, safeguarding sensitive user data and transactions
in the digital realm.
On a different direction, the interface-access threat
model could be applied to other contexts. A par-
ticularly intriguing case is that of containers, since
they have already a well-defined notion of interface
through which they can interact. We plan to integrate
the interface-access threat model to formal models of
container compositions, such as (Burco et al., 2020).
This research has been partially supported by the De-
partment Strategic Project of the University of Udine
within the Project on Artificial Intelligence (2020-
25), and the project SERICS (PE00000014) under the
NRRP MUR program funded by the EU-NGEU.
We have contacted the Italian National Cyberse-
curity Authority (ACN https://www.acn.gov.it) about
the results of this research. Moreover, during our
analysis we discovered an Insecure Direct Object Ref-
erence vulnerability that allowed for second-factor
bypass (level 1 downgrade attack) during CIE authen-
tication. We want to thank the ACN for promptly
patching the system after receiving our report.
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A Formal Analysis of CIE Level 2 Multi-Factor Authentication via SMS OTP