Leveraging Deep Learning for Intrusion Detection in IoT Through
Visualized Network Data
Amine Hattak
, Fabio Martinelli
, Francesco Mercaldo
2,1 a
and Antonella Santone
Institute for Informatics and Telematics, National Research Council of Italy (CNR), Pisa, Italy
University of Molise, Campobasso, Italy
La Sapienza, University of Rome, Rome, Italy
Internet of Things, Network Traffic Classification, Deep Learning, Network Intrusion Detection, Security.
In an era marked by increasing reliance on digital technology, the security of interconnected devices and net-
works has become a paramount concern in the realm of information technology. Recognizing the pivotal role
of network analysis in identifying and thwarting cyber threats, this paper delves into network security, specifi-
cally targeting the classification of network traffic using deep learning techniques within the Internet of Things
(IoT) ecosystem. This paper introduces a deep learning-based approach tailored for traffic classification, be-
ginning with raw traffic data in PCAP format. This data undergoes a transformation into visualized images,
which serve as input for deep learning models designed to differentiate between benign and malicious activi-
ties. We evaluate the efficacy of our proposed method using the TON IoT dataset (Dr Nickolaos Koroniotis,
2021), comprising 10 network traces across two categories: nine related to diverse vulnerability scenarios and
one associated with a trusted application. Our results showcase an impressive accuracy of 99.1%, underscor-
ing the potential of our approach in bolstering network security within IoT environments.
The Internet of Things (IoT) has emerged as a trans-
formative force, revolutionizing how we interact with
technology and the world around us. With billions
of interconnected devices spanning various domains
such as smart homes, healthcare systems, industrial
facilities, and transportation networks, IoT has un-
leashed unprecedented levels of connectivity, effi-
ciency, and convenience. However, this intercon-
nected ecosystem also presents a fertile ground for
cyber threats, with the potential to disrupt and under-
mine the very fabric of IoT infrastructure.
Cyber-attacks targeting IoT devices have become
increasingly prevalent and sophisticated. These at-
tacks pose significant risks to both individual privacy
and broader societal security, by exploiting vulnera-
bilities in IoT devices, ranging from weak authenti-
cation mechanisms and insecure communication pro-
tocols to inadequate software patching and configu-
ration errors. Such vulnerabilities not only compro-
mise the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of
data transmitted by IoT devices but also enable mali-
cious actors to orchestrate large-scale disruptions and
attacks. From distributed denial-of-service (DDoS)
(Sonar and Upadhyay, 2014) assaults leveraging com-
promised IoT botnets (Kolias et al., 2017) to ran-
somware (Yaqoob et al., 2017) campaigns targeting
vulnerable smart devices, the threat landscape facing
the IoT domain is diverse and evolving, for example
we can find also some cyber-attacks such as MITM
(Li et al., 2017). Moreover, the consequences of suc-
cessful cyber-attacks on IoT infrastructure can be far-
reaching, potentially leading to physical harm, finan-
cial losses, and reputational damage for individuals,
organizations, and entire industries. As IoT contin-
ues to proliferate and integrate into every aspect of
modern life, safeguarding this interconnected ecosys-
tem against cyber-threats has become an imperative.
Effective cybersecurity strategies must encompass ro-
bust measures for device authentication, data encryp-
tion, intrusion detection, and incident response to mit-
igate the ever-present risks posed by malicious actors
(Vishwakarma and Jain, 2020).
In a research work (Hattak et al., 2023) presents a
Hattak, A., Martinelli, F., Mercaldo, F. and Santone, A.
Leveraging Deep Learning for Intrusion Detection in IoT Through Visualized Network Data.
DOI: 10.5220/0012768400003767
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT 2024), pages 722-729
ISBN: 978-989-758-709-2; ISSN: 2184-7711
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
novel approach to network traffic classification using
Deep Learning (Mercaldo et al., 2022; Huang et al.,
2023) techniques. This work introduces an innovative
approach that combines Deep Learning with image-
based representations (Huang et al., 2024a; Huang
et al., 2024b) to achieve robust and explainable net-
work traffic classification. The authors of the follow-
ing work (Moustafa, 2021) introduce a distributed ar-
chitecture for assessing AI-based security systems at
the edge using the TON IoT datasets. It focuses on
enhancing security measures in IoT networks through
innovative architectural approaches. The study (Booij
et al., 2021) emphasizes the importance of standardiz-
ing features and attack types in IoT network intrusion
datasets like ToN IoT. It highlights the role of hetero-
geneity in enhancing the effectiveness of intrusion de-
tection systems within IoT environments. In another
work (Martinelli et al., 2022) the authors proposed an
intrusion detection method for the smart grid. Starting
from network traffic packet files, they have computed
a feature vector composed by 26 different features.
By exploiting supervised machine learning, they built
seven different models, obtaining with ve of seven
models and they achieved high scores in terms of pre-
cision and recall.
In this paper, we present deep-learning based ap-
proach to address these security concerns by detecting
intrusions in The IoT ecosystem. By harnessing vi-
sualization techniques, we convert raw captured net-
work traffic files from PCAP format into images, en-
abling enhanced analysis and detection capabilities.
In this study, we introduce a method for image-based
network traffic classification leveraging deep learn-
ing models focusing on the IoT domain. Our pro-
posed method aims to substantiate the accuracy and
resilience of intrusion detection systems through the
integration of image analysis techniques for the IoT
ecosystem. To elucidate our proposed methodology,
we delineate it into distinct steps, illustrated in Fig-
ure 1. This graphical representation expounds our
envisioned approach for evaluating network intrusion
detection and prediction using deep learning models.
The initial step undertake the collection of samples or
a dataset for captured network traffic in an IoT ecosys-
tem, comprising both ”normal” and ”malware” traces.
It is imperative to meticulously label each sample and
categorize them into distinct families to ensure the ro-
bustness of subsequent model training and evaluation.
This curated dataset serves as the foundation for train-
ing and testing the deep learning models. We will do
that in two approaches to compare which one is the
best for such tasks.
The primary strategy revolves around binary clas-
sification, which entails distinguishing between two
classes: ”Normal” and ”Attack. Here, the focus is
on segregating network traffic into either of these cat-
egories, where normal traffic signifies typical, be-
nign communication, while the ”Attack” class en-
capsulates any anomalous or malicious activities de-
tected within the network. Expanding upon this foun-
dational approach, the research endeavors to delve
deeper into network traffic analysis by adopting a
more nuanced 10-class classification scheme. This
expanded framework involves the classification of
network traffic into a diverse families, each repre-
senting distinct types of activities or communication
patterns. By adopting a multi-class classification ap-
proach, the research aims to enhance the granularity
of network traffic analysis, enabling more detailed in-
sights into the diverse nature of network activities.
This comprehensive classification scheme not only fa-
cilitates the identification of malicious behavior but
also provides valuable contextual information about
the nature and origins of various network activities,
thereby augmenting the overall effectiveness of intru-
sion detection and network security measures.
The raw network traffic data will be pre-processed
to remove any irrelevant information or noise that can
affect the classification task. Moreover we will trans-
form both the packet header and the packets pay-
loads to ensure the robustness and the flexibility of
our approach for network intrusion detection in IoT.
This approach is helpful in two scenarios encrypted
and non-encrypted network traffic. If the traffic is
encrypted, then the bytes that comprise the packet
payload would be random and indistinguishable from
noise. In this case, it’s not feasible to create meaning-
ful images directly from the encrypted payload bytes.
However, to generate images from encrypted traffic
for visualization purposes, we need to take a different
approach. One possible approach is to focus on the
packet headers or metadata rather than the payload.
Packet headers contain crucial information for net-
work communication and analysis, such information
can be summarized in the source and destination ad-
dresses, protocols, ports, total length, fragment offset,
time to live (TTL), options. Subsequently, we advo-
cate for the transformation of network data, presented
in PCAP format, into visualized images, marking the
second step of our proposed method. This transfor-
mation renders the data suitable for consumption by
deep learning models, enabling seamless integration
into training and testing workflows. Notably, image
generation can be conducted in either grayscale or
Leveraging Deep Learning for Intrusion Detection in IoT Through Visualized Network Data
color (RGB) modes to accommodate specific require-
ments. Following this, the subsequent step entails
resizing the input images to ensure uniformity in di-
mensions, a prerequisite to mitigate the potential loss
of information that could undermine the accuracy of
deep learning models. These models are then metic-
ulously trained and evaluated on the curated dataset,
with performance metrics gauged against the classifi-
cation task.
Figure 1: Overall schema of the method.
In this work we introduce a novel methodology
for image-based network traffic classification, focus-
ing on the IoT domain and leveraging deep learning
models. The proposed method aims to enhance the
accuracy and resilience of intrusion detection systems
by integrating image analysis techniques tailored to
the IoT ecosystem. The methodology involves several
key steps, beginning with the collection and labeling
of a dataset comprising both ”normal” and ”malware”
traces of network traffic. Two approaches are ex-
plored: binary classification, distinguishing between
”Normal” and ”Attack” classes, and a more nuanced
10-class classification scheme, offering detailed in-
sights into diverse network activities. Pre-processing
of raw network traffic data involves removing noise
and transforming packet headers and payloads to en-
sure robustness and flexibility, applicable to both en-
crypted and non-encrypted traffic. Visualized images
are generated from PCAP-formatted network data,
followed by resizing for uniformity. Finally, deep
learning models are trained and evaluated on the cu-
rated dataset to gauge performance against the classi-
fication task, thus validating the effectiveness of the
proposed methodology.
This section, we outline the experiment undertaken
to validate the efficacy of the proposed methodol-
ogy. Initially, we delineate the (real-world) datasets
selected for analysis, followed by a presentation of
the experimental results.
3.1 Experimental Setup
The experiments were conducted on a workstation
equipped with an Intel Core i7 11 the generation pro-
cessor (2.3 GHz), 16GB of RAM, and an NVIDIA
GeForce RTX 3070 GPU. The operating system used
was Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS (GNU/Linux
microsoft-standard-WSL2 x86 64). Python 3.8 along
with TensorFlow 2.4 and PyTorch 1.7 libraries were
utilized for model training and evaluation. All exper-
iments were run using a freely use tool for malware
analysis represented as images (Iadarola et al., 2021).
3.2 Dataset
The TON IoT dataset has been used in research
works related to cybersecurity and intrusion detec-
tion systems. One such research work is ”Analysis of
ToN IoT, UNW-NB15, and Edge-IIoT Datasets Us-
ing DL in Cybersecurity for IoT” published in the
journal Applied Sciences in 2022 (Tareq et al., 2022).
The study conducted a complete investigation of the
ToN-IoT database to train models for cybersecurity.
The TON IoT Telemetry Dataset has also been men-
tioned as a new generation dataset for data-driven in-
trusion detection systems (Alsaedi et al., 2020). Ad-
ditionally, the TON IoT dataset is available for aca-
demic research purposes and has been used in the
development of realistic botnet datasets for network
forensic analytics (Dr Nickolaos Koroniotis, 2021).
The TON IoT dataset represents a cutting-edge
collection of datasets tailored for evaluating the effi-
cacy and fidelity of various cybersecurity applications
based on Artificial Intelligence (AI) within the realms
of Industry 4.0/Internet of Things (IoT) and Industrial
IoT (IIoT) systems. Referred to as ’ToN IoT’, these
datasets encompass a diverse range of data sources
gathered from Telemetry datasets of IoT and IIoT sen-
sors, Operating systems datasets of Windows 7 and
10, Ubuntu 14 and 18 TLS, as well as Network traf-
fic datasets. The datasets were meticulously curated
from a realistic and large-scale network environment
established at the IoT Lab of UNSW Canberra Cy-
ber, School of Engineering and Information Technol-
ogy (SEIT), UNSW Canberra @ the Australian De-
fence Force Academy (ADFA) (UNS, 2024). The
TON IoT datasets are designed to facilitate the val-
idation and testing of a multitude of cybersecurity
applications such as intrusion detection, threat intel-
ligence, malware detection, fraud detection, privacy
preservation, digital forensics, adversarial machine
learning, and threat hunting. These datasets are freely
available for academic research purposes, perpetually
granting access to scholarly exploration. For com-
SECRYPT 2024 - 21st International Conference on Security and Cryptography
mercial use, permission from the author, Dr. Nour
Moustafa, is required. The dataset directories encom-
pass raw datasets including IoT/IIoT data logged in
log and CSV files from various sensors like weather
and Modbus sensors, network datasets in PCAP for-
mats from ZEEK (Bro) tool (Author(s), 2020) (Au-
thor(s), 2023), and Linux datasets captured through
tracing tools on Ubuntu systems. The TON IoT
dataset serves as a valuable resource for training Ma-
chine Learning and Deep Learning algorithms to en-
hance cybersecurity measures within IoT ecosystems.
Overall, the TON IoT dataset stands as a pivotal re-
source for researchers delving into cybersecurity ap-
plications within IoT environments, offering a rich
source of heterogeneous data to drive advancements
in intrusion detection systems and other AI-based se-
curity solutions. Tables 1 describes in detail the stats
network dataset of Ton IoT.
Table 1: Statistics of Network Records for Ton IoT network
Type No of rows
Backdoor 508116
DDoS 6165008
DOS 375328
Injection 452659
MITM 1052
Password 1718568
Ransomware 72805
Scanning 7140161
XSS 2108944
Normal 796380
In this work we have used the networked datasets
in PCAP format which was captured using Zeek tool.
After the pre-processsing and transformation into im-
age we split the samples are divided into three sets:
training, validation, and test, with a split ratio of
80:10:10 respectively. For both datasets (the binary
and multi-class datasets) there are 2,764 samples in
the test set, while the training set consists of 24,806
samples, which are further split into 22,053 specifi-
cally for training and the remaining 2,753 for valida-
tion. The samples from each family are evenly dis-
tributed among the sets to ensure a balanced distribu-
3.3 Image Generation
The process of converting captured network data in
PCAP format to an image is a method of visualizing
network traffic data in a more intuitive and human-
readable format, while also providing valuable input
for training deep learning models. This approach al-
lows for the analysis and interpretation of network
traffic patterns more efficiently and effectively by
identifying trends and anomalies in network traffic
that may not be immediately apparent in the raw data.
The process typically involves first reading the binary
data of the PCAP file extracting the packets header
which contains information such as source and des-
tination IP addresses, port numbers, protocol types,
packet sizes, etc. After that calculating the size of the
image, reshaping the data to create a 2D array, and fi-
nally, converting the data to an image using an image
processing library. Depending on the requirement,
the image can be in grayscale or RGB mode. The
grayscale image is created by using the same data for
all three channels (red, green, and blue) and reshap-
ing it according to the image size. The RGB image
is created by creating three separate arrays for red,
green, and blue channels, and then stacking them to-
gether to create the final data array. This later will
be used to generate the RGB images. The generated
images through this process will be used as input for
training various deep-learning models. The ability of
deep learning models to automatically extract features
and patterns from images makes them well-suited for
analyzing IoT network traffic data. Furthermore, the
ability to create a large dataset of network traffic im-
ages will be used to train and evaluate different deep
learning architectures, such as models that are known
in the literature (MobileNet, VGG16, etc).
The main function ”process pcap(pcap path)” is
defined to handle packet processing. It initializes an
empty list ”current bytes” to accumulate bytes from
packets,then iterates through each packet in the PCAP
file using ”rdpcap(pcap path)”. then for each packet
it extracts the raw bytes from the packet and appends
them to current bytes if the accumulated bytes ex-
ceed the maximum size allowed for an image: it cre-
ates an image from the accumulated bytes using cre-
ate image() function, it constructs a filename based
on the packet summary and the number of accumu-
lated bytes. Saves the image to the specified output
directory, it resets current bytes to an empty list to
start accumulating bytes for the next image, after pro-
cessing all packets: If there are remaining bytes in
current bytes, it creates an image and saves it using
the same procedure as above.
Finally, images are generated from the accumu-
lated bytes of packets, ensuring that no information
is lost during the process. Each image filename re-
flects the packet summary and the size of accumu-
lated bytes, providing context about the data used to
generate the image. The figure 2 represents the final
output from PCAP to image. It is obviously that dif-
ferent network traffic are generating different images
with distinguishable features for each family.
Leveraging Deep Learning for Intrusion Detection in IoT Through Visualized Network Data
Data: PCAP
Result: Generating PNG images
while Packets are not finished do
Extract raw bytes from the packet and
append them to current bytes;
if accumulated bytes exceed maximum
size allowed for an image then
Create an image from accumulated
bytes using create image()
function Construct a filename based
on packet summary and the number
of accumulated bytes;
Save the image to the specified output
Reset current bytes to an empty list
to start;
accumulating bytes for the next
there are remaining bytes in
current bytes Create an image and
save it using the same procedure as
Algorithm 1: From PCAP to PNG Image.
(a) Backdor. (b) DDoS. (c) DoS.
(d) Injec-
(e) MITM. (f) normal. (g) Rnsmwr. (h) XSS.
Figure 2: A visualization analysis of some network traffic
classes of Ton IoT dataset.
Our proposed methodology integrates deep learn-
ing techniques with visualization of recorded network
traffic in PCAP format to detect intrusions in the IoT
ecosystem. Initially, raw PCAP files containing net-
work traffic data are preprocessed and transformed
into visual representations using image conversion
techniques. These visualized datasets are then fed
into a deep-learning model for training and evalua-
tion. We employ deep learning models for their abil-
ity to extract spatial features from images and detect
patterns indicative of intrusions.
3.4 Deep Learning Models for IoT
Network Analysis
Deep learning models play a crucial role in analyz-
ing IoT network data, offering powerful capabili-
ties for traffic classification and anomaly detection.
Three prominent models, CNN (Convolutional Neu-
ral Networks), MobileNet, ResNet50, and VGG16,
each bring unique advantages to IoT network analy-
sis. The following are some advantages of using such
models in IoT network traffic analysis image-based:
Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN)
CNNs excel in feature extraction from complex
data, making them ideal for IoT traffic classifica-
They can handle both low-dimensional and high-
dimensional features simultaneously, enhancing
robustness in classification tasks
CNN models efficiently recognize patterns in
datasets and are effective in detecting anomalies
in sequential data
MobileNet is specifically designed for mobile and
edge devices, offering efficient on-device process-
ing capabilities for IoT applications
Its architecture enables lightweight and fast in-
ference suitable for resource-constrained environ-
ments like IoT networks
ResNet50 is known for its deep architecture with
residual connections that facilitate training of very
deep networks effectively
The residual connections help mitigate issues like
gradient vanishing and network degradation, com-
mon in overly complex models
VGG16 is recognized for its simplicity and effec-
tiveness in image classification tasks, making it a
strong candidate for IoT traffic analysis
Its architecture with 16 layers strikes a balance be-
tween depth and complexity, offering a good com-
promise for efficient feature extraction
In conclusion, leveraging CNNs like MobileNet,
ResNet50, and VGG16 in IoT network analysis pro-
vides a diverse set of tools with distinct advantages.
These models enable efficient traffic classification,
anomaly detection, and feature extraction critical for
optimizing IoT network performance and security.
SECRYPT 2024 - 21st International Conference on Security and Cryptography
3.5 Results and Discussion
Table 2 presents the hyperparameters utilized for var-
ious deep learning (DL) models in the context of the
research work. These parameters are critical as they
directly influence the performance and efficiency of
the models in processing and analyzing network traf-
fic data.
The models encompassed in this study include
CNN (Convolutional Neural Network), MobileNet,
ResNet50, and VGG16, each distinguished by unique
architectures and capabilities suited for various tasks
within network traffic analysis and intrusion detec-
tion. Standardized input dimensions of 224x224 pix-
els with three RGB color channels are maintained
across all models to ensure consistency and compa-
rability in the experimental setup. The pivotal param-
eters of epochs and batch size, crucial for the train-
ing process of DL models, involve a configuration of
40 epochs and a batch size of 32 across all models,
striking a balance between computational efficiency
and model convergence. Additionally, the depth of
DL models, denoted by the number of layers, signif-
icantly impacts their ability to extract intricate pat-
terns and features from input data. Specifically, the
table specifies the layer count for each model: CNN
(13 layers), MobileNet (29 layers), ResNet50 (50 lay-
ers), and VGG16 (16 layers), reflecting the diversity
in architectural complexity employed during the ex-
perimentation phase.
The table (Table 3) provides a comparison be-
tween the performance results of different machine
learning models on test sets for binary (2 classes) and
multi-class (10 classes) classification tasks. The mod-
els evaluated include Convolutional Neural Network
(CNN), MobileNet, ResNet50, and VGG16.
For the binary classification task (2 classes), the
performance metrics reported include accuracy (Acc),
precision (Prec), recall (Rec), F1-score (F1), and
area under the receiver operating characteristic curve
(AUC). Similarly, for the multi-class classification
task (10 classes), the same performance metrics are
The results indicate that across all models, the per-
formance is generally higher for the binary classifi-
cation task compared to the multi-class classification
task. This discrepancy is expected as binary classifi-
cation tasks are inherently simpler compared to multi-
class classification tasks.
Among the models evaluated, CNN consistently
achieves the highest performance across both binary
and multi-class classification tasks, with accuracy,
precision, recall, F1-score, and AUC values exceed-
ing 0.9 for both tasks. This suggests that CNN is ef-
fective in capturing the underlying patterns in the data
and making accurate predictions.
MobileNet, ResNet50, and VGG16 also demon-
strate strong performance across both classification
tasks, with accuracy values ranging from approxi-
mately 0.9 to 0.95 for the binary classification task
and from approximately 0.9 to 0.95 for the multi-class
classification task. These results indicate that these
models are capable of achieving high levels of accu-
racy and reliability in classifying images across dif-
ferent categories.
Overall, the performance results presented in the
table highlight the effectiveness of deep learning
models, particularly CNN, in image classification
tasks. These findings can inform the selection of ap-
propriate machine learning models for similar classi-
fication tasks in practical applications.
In this paper, we proposed a visualized technique for
network analysis focusing on IoT ecosystem aimed
to automatically discriminate between legitimate and
malicious network traces. In detail, we propose to
extract the packet headers that contain information
about the source and destination addresses, proto-
cols, ports, and other relevant metadata in case of en-
crypted traffic, to represent these network traces in
terms of images which will play a role as input for
several deep-learning models to detect the application
that generated the specific network trace. We have
achieved a score of 99.1% in terms of Accuracy of
the binary classification task.
As future work, we plan to consider more recent
deep-learning algorithms such ach Vision Transform-
ers (ViT), in order to evaluate the approach’s robust-
ness, and we also plan to evaluate the resilience of the
proposed approach in real scenarios.
This work has been partially supported by EU DUCA,
EU CyberSecPro, EU E-CORRIDOR projects, PNRR
SERICS SPOKE1 DISE, RdS 2022-2024 cyberse-
curity, FORESEEN: FORmal mEthodS for attack
dEtEction in autonomous driviNg systems (CUP
H53D23008210001), MUR - REASONING: foRmal
mEthods for computAtional analySis for diagnOsis
and progNosis in imagING - PRIN, e-DAI (Digital
ecosystem for integrated analysis of heterogeneous
health data related to high-impact diseases: inno-
vative model of care and research), Health Opera-
Leveraging Deep Learning for Intrusion Detection in IoT Through Visualized Network Data
Table 2: The hyperparameters of different DL models.
Model CNN MobileNet ResNet50 VGG16
Input image/vector size 224x224x3
Epochs and Batch size 40 - 32
Number of layers 13 29 50 16
Table 3: Comparison between the results of different models on the test sets (binary and 10 classes classification).
Mode 2 classes 10 classes
Model Acc Prec Rec F1 Auc Acc Prec Rec F1 Auc
CNN 0.991 0.991 0.991 0.991 0.993 0.899 0.904 0.896 0.9 0.981
MobileNet 0.916 0.917 0.913 0.915 0.975 0.916 0.919 0.915 0.917 0.977
ResNet50 0.952 0.954 0.951 0.952 0.99 0.948 0.949 0.947 0.948 0.989
VGG16 0.945 0.95 0.944 0.947 0.991 0.948 0.95 0.946 0.948 0.994
tional Plan, FSC 2014-2020, PRIN-MUR-Ministry
of Health and the National Plan for NRRP Comple-
mentary Investments D
3 4 Health: Digital Driven
Diagnostics, prognostics and therapeutics for sus-
tainable Health care and Progetto MolisCTe, Minis-
tero delle Imprese e del Made in Italy, Italy, CUP:
D33B22000060001 projects.
This work has been carried out within the Ital-
ian National Doctorate on Artificial Intelligence run
by the Sapienza University of Rome in collaboration
with the Institute of Informatics and Telematics (IIT),
National Research Council of Italy (CNR).
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