Solving Access Control Conflicts in Multi-User Systems
Alba Martinez Anton, Clara Bertolissi and Jean-Marc Talbot
LIS, UMR 7020 Aix-Marseille Universit
e, CNRS, France
Multi-Party Access Control, Policy Conflict Resolution, Provenance, Data Sharing, Social Networks.
Collaborative systems deal with shared content which is jointly owned and managed by multiple users.
Individual privacy preferences should be taken into account during access control evaluation, resolving conflicts
while ensuring the acceptability of collective access decisions. In this work we propose a threshold-based
conflict resolution strategy in the context of social networks. The resolution method is based on the information
captured in the social graph, supporting the interpersonal relations between users, and the provenance graph,
supporting the multi-management of data. A prototype implementation attests the feasibility of the proposed
In the past decades, because of the democratization
of the new technologies, people has found new ways
to keep in touch with each other or meet new people.
Systems such as Online Social Networks (OSN) are
mainly aimed for information sharing between their
users, which has a positive impact for social interac-
tions (Krasnova et al., 2010).
By nature, OSN platforms deal with data jointly
owned by multiple users (hereafter called controllers).
The controllers are often the host (the user hosting
the object in his personal space), the owner (the user
posting or uploading the object), and the stakeholders
(all the other users involved in the object, e.g. users
appearing on a picture). Controllers may have a dis-
agreement on some access request generating a conflict
that needs to be solved by finding a collective access
decision. However, the classical conflict resolution
algorithms (such as grant-override or deny-override)
lack of granularity: they are either too prohibitive or,
on the contrary, too permissive. Several conflict res-
olution methods have been proposed in the literature.
For instance, several works propose the definition of
negotiation protocols between controllers, other works
apply theoretical models from game theory. However,
such methods create an overload to the users, a delay
for the requester and a loss of dynamics in the system.
We propose a new approach for collaborative ac-
cess control for OSN by relying on two graph models:
the social graph, describing the interpersonal relations
between users in the system and the provenance graph,
capturing the interactions between users and objects,
namely the user requesting an access, the requested
object and its controllers. We design a fine-grained
threshold-based conflict management method, and re-
moving as much burden as possible for the users. We
consider some decision making factors from the lit-
erature, such as the sensitivity level of the requested
object, or the interest of giving access to the requester,
and we automatize their computation using informa-
tion from the social and the provenance graphs. We
also define new decision making factors, such as the
information spread in a community of users, or the
reliability of a piece of data. All these factors are com-
bined together in a final conflict resolution function
that has been experimentally tested on several scenarii
to attest its practical relevance.
In the next sections, we present the related works
(Sec. 2), we define the social network graphs in Sec. 3
and we present our conflict resolution model in Sec. 4.
Finally, in Sec. 5, we briefly present an experimental
validation of our model and we conclude in Sec. 6.
Conflict management in OSN has been widely studied
over last years (Paci et al., 2018). Finding an optimal
resolution algorithm for social networks is nontriv-
ial and several solutions have been proposed. Due to
the spread of XACML architectures (OASIS, 2013),
the standard combining algorithms such as permit-
override, deny-override or first applicable are well
Martinez Anton, A., Bertolissi, C. and Talbot, J.
Solving Access Control Conflicts in Multi-User Systems.
DOI: 10.5220/0012768500003767
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT 2024), pages 492-499
ISBN: 978-989-758-709-2; ISSN: 2184-7711
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
known, but they are not well-suited for conflict resolu-
tion in OSN. More fine-grained solutions use majority
or consensus protocols (Alshareef et al., 2020; Carmi-
nati and Ferrari, 2011) or more complex strategies,
like (Hu et al., 2013) where majority or consensus is
applied after a vote based on weighted preferences
and trust levels of the controllers. Other works apply
game theory notions to negotiation for conflict resolu-
tion (Rajtmajer et al., 2016). However these methods
have limitations when applied to OSN. Negotiation to
agree on a decision creates additional burden for users.
Game theory is not flexible enough to represent human
behaviour due to social idiosyncrasies (Such and Cri-
ado, 2015), even if some works base their games on
trade-off between privacy and utility (Hu et al., 2014).
Some works focus on access conflict management
for pictures, proposing solutions to blur faces (Ilia
et al., 2015) or parts of the picture (Vishwamitra et al.,
2017). However, the generalisation of these methods
to other type of content is not easy.
Other works base their resolution method on thresh-
old values. These values are generally based on trust
levels assigned to users or on sensitivity levels associ-
ated with objects. For example, in (Hu et al., 2013),
the authors propose, in addition to the previously cited
vote strategy, to use the computed decision value as a
threshold to authorize or not the access. In (Such and
Criado, 2015), the authors propose to estimate the will-
ingness of changing their decision for the controllers,
to be used as a threshold to modify the controllers de-
cision. These methods may overload users with value
calculation, often requiring manual parameter setting,
which can be nontrivial. An alternative solution is
the assistant ELVIRA (Mosca and Such, 2022) which
implements a negotiation protocol without burdening
the controllers. However the negotiation is done at the
level of sets of users, loosing granularity.
Most of the methods in the literature are based
on some common decision-making factors we briefly
describe next. Some of them are used also in the
solution we propose (see Sec. 4.1).
Trust: trust can be defined as the belief that a
person is acting sincerely and won’t do any harm. In
conflict resolution methods, the trust or tie strength
(Such and Criado, 2015) represents the degree of trust
a user has in another one. Quantifying this concept
between users unknown from each other is difficult
and has lead to the design of dedicated algorithms for
OSNs, such as TidalTrust (Golbeck 2005).
Privacy Preferences: users may have different
points of view about personal information protection,
usually reflected in their default policies. The privacy
preferences give an estimation of the level of impor-
tance that privacy has for a user (Hu et al., 2011).
Item Sensitivity: the degree of sensitivity of an
object is linked to the concept of privacy. The item
sensitivity for a controller gives an indication of the
harm that can be done to him if the object falls in
wrong hands. This value can be an arbitrary value,
only depending on the personal point of view (Hu et al.,
2011) or it can be computed from the policies, relations
and trust among users (Such and Criado, 2015).
Importance of a Conflict: the importance of a
conflict measures the importance for a user that the
conflict resolves conforming with his own preferences.
This notion is used with the item sensitivity in (Such
and Criado, 2015) to compute the willingness of a user
to change his decision.
Sharing Gain vs Privacy Risk: the privacy risk
estimates the risk of being harmed if the object is ac-
cessed by some requesters. It is usually used to balance
the sharing gain, also called share loss (Hu et al., 2011)
or sharing utility (Mosca and Such, 2022). The sharing
gain measures the social advantages, such as maintain-
ing relationships or mutual empathy (Krasnova et al.,
2010), a user can have by giving access to an object.
Our work relies on threshold-based strategies based
on some decision-making factors. These latter will
be computed automatically from the social network
model, composed of two graphs representing the in-
terpersonal relations between users and the multi-
management of data, respectively.
A social network is basically composed of a set of
interconnected users and their shared content. Users
in OSN have a personal space (profile page, wall,...)
where they can share information such as texts, photos
or videos. Users are connected to each other through
interpersonal relationships, as for instance follower,
friend, close friend, etc. Relationships may be asym-
metric: for example, a user can follow someone, but
not be followed back. Users have privacy preferences
on what the other users can do with their information
and on their personal spaces. These preferences are
formalized as policies and are used to evaluate access
requests. We denote
, o)
the evaluation result
of the policy of the user
for the object
when the
requester is
. This expression can be evaluated to
), meaning the access is denied (or permitted)
following this policy.
User relationships at a given time
are represented
by a labelled directed graph
S = (U, E
, L
, where
are the nodes,
the edges and
a set of labels.
Nodes represent users and a directed edge, labeled
, exists between two nodes if the first one is
Solving Access Control Conflicts in Multi-User Systems
Figure 1: Social graph.
in a relation with the second one. The nature of the re-
lation, e.g. friends, is specified as a role included in the
edge label. We denote by
the symmetric
closure of isRelated.
Edges labeled with friends are annotated by a trust
t [0, 1]
given by each user to his friends (see
Sec. 4.1 for generalized trust value computation). Fig.
1 shows an example of a social graph (only the trust
value of controllers is indicated to ease readability).
Relationships can be used to define sets of users, called
Definition 1. (Community) Let
be a binary rela-
tion between users and
be the set of users. The
group community associated with
is defined as
Com(rel) = {u, u
U | rel(u, u
A user-centered community of radius
is defined
(rel, k) = {u
U | rel(u, u
) and |u, u
| k}
|u, u
is the length of the path between
In our setting,
represents a path in the
social graph composed of
edges. For
example, referring to Figure 1, the Charlie-
centered community of radius
built using
the relation
isRelated( f riends)
, is defined by
( f riends, 1) = {Alice, Finn, Gina}.
As communities imply intuitively proximity among
its users, it is reasonable to set an upper bound on the
length of the relation.This bound is specific to the
system and denoted maxDis.
To keep track of the object evolution and the
links they share, we use the Open Provenance Model
(Moreau et al., 2011). The information is represented
as a labelled directed graph
P = (N , E
, L
, with
a set of nodes,
is set of directed edges, and
a set
of labels. We denote
O, U, P N
the sets of objects,
users and processes. Two nodes are connected by an
edge if there is a casual dependence between them.
There are three basic dependencies:
which con-
nects a process with an object used during its comple-
connecting an object with the
Figure 2: Provenance graph applied to social networks.
process which created it, and
ing the interaction between a process and user. The
OPM also contains composed casual dependencies, as
relating an object to the objects used
to create it. Dependencies may include a role from the
label set, providing a more precise indication of user
or object roles in the process. An example of graph
is shown in Fig. 2. The user nodes are depicted by
hexagons, the processes by rectangles and the object
by disks.
In addition to the standard model, we consider
two casual dependencies presented in (Bertolissi et al.,
. The first one con-
nects a user with an object if the user was controlling
as owner the process which led to the object. The
second one shows the dependence between a user and
a object when the user was involved in the process
leading to the object.
In the context of OSN, we may use such de-
pendencies to retrieve the controllers of a given ob-
ject. For instance, let us consider a photo with two
types of controllers
: the owner and the tagged
users. We can define the predicate
a photo as
controller(c, photo) = (owns(c, photo))
(contributedTo(c, photo, tag target))
. For photo
in Fig. 2, we obtain Alice, as owner, and Char-
lie and Bob, as tag targets.
We propose a fine-grained conflict resolution method
using the decision-making factors introduced in Sec.
2. More precisely, we propose to use the provenance
graph (the history of the system) and the social graph
(relations between users at the moment of the access)
to quantify the sensitivity of an object and the interest
of sharing it. Finally, we present a threshold conflict
SECRYPT 2024 - 21st International Conference on Security and Cryptography
resolution formula based on the (weighted) ratio of the
values associated with both sensitivity and the interest
of sharing.
4.1 Sensitivity
The sensitivity is determined by the trust controllers
have in users who may access the object, as well as the
residual sensitivity from prior objects, calles inherited
User Trust in a Community. First of all, we need a
trust value for each pair of users in the network. We
already have in our model trust values assigned by
any user to his friends. We propagate these values
by using the Tidal Trust algorithm (Golbeck 2005) to
automatically compute a trust value between any two
connected users.
Definition 2 (User trust). To compute the trust between
any two connected users at any distance, the Tidal
Trust algorithm finds all the shortest paths between two
users and compute the trust by applying the function
Utrust : U × U [0, 1] R:
jR | t
, j)
, j)
× Utrust( j, u
jR | t
, j)
, j)
[0, 1]
represents the trust between two
users connected as friends at distance 1 in the social
graph (see Sec. 3). The final trust value is computed
by selecting relevant shortest paths using the
dition . We set the value
to 0.1 to explore multi-
ple paths while maintaining trust estimation relevant
(trust estimation in a third person is not significant if
the trust between the first two is low).
Example 1. Based on the scenario in Fig. 1, in Table
1 we report the (underlined)
values between a
controller and his friends. The remaining trust values
are computed using the function
. If we focus
on Alice, the trust values for David, Emma, Finn and
Gina need to be computed. Only one shortest (friends)
path exists from any user to any another one in this
Utrust(A, E) =
× Utrust(B, E)
0.7 × 0.5
= 0.5
Utrust(B, E) = t
because Bob and Emma
are friends. Similarly,
Utrust(A, F) = 0.8
Utrust(B, F) = 0.8.
Using the trust between any two users in the sys-
tem, we define the trust of a controller in his controller-
centered community for an object, inspired from (Such
and Criado, 2015).
Definition 3 (Trust in a community). The trust of
a controller
in his controller-centered community
Table 1: Trust between users.
A x 0.7 0.7 0 0.5 0.8 0.4
B 0.8 x 0.7 0 0.5 0.8 0.4
C 0.7 0.7 x 0 0.5 0.8 0.4
of radius
for an object
is defined as
Ctrust :
R el ×N ×U ×O [0, 1] R
, where
R el
is the set of
community relations, We have Ctrust(path, k, c, o) =
(Utrust(c, u) × Pol
(u, o))
The relation
refers to the relation building the
community and is system-specific.
As this value is used to compute the sensibility,
considering the trust of the less trustworthy user re-
flects the level trust needed to access the object. In
our running scenario, we consider as
the relation
friends and we fix the user-centered community radius
to k = 1.
Example 2. Let us consider photo
in Fig.2, its
three controllers Alice, Bob and Charlie and their user
policies as follows:
pol(A, p1) = friends OR friends of friends
pol(B, p1) = friends OR Charlie
pol(C, p1) = all EXCEPT Gina
Within a community only the trust of a controller
the users that
allows to access the object is taken into
account. For example the community trust of Charlie
will not use the trust that Charlie has in Gina, but
only the ones in Alice and Finn. According to the sce-
nario in Fig.1, we obtain
Ctrust(friends, 1, A, p1) =
Ctrust(friends, 1,C, p1) = 0.7
for Alice and Charlie,
and Ctrust( f riends, 1, B, p1) = 0.5 for Bob.
Sensitivity of an Object. The sensitivity of an object
is related to its controllers, but it is independent from
the requester. Intuitively, if a user with low trust is
allowed by any of the controller’s policies to access
the object, then the object sensitivity should not be too
high. To evaluate the sensitivity of an object
, we
consider the trust in the community for the object
of each of its controllers, as well as the trust in the
community for the objects from which o is derived.
For example, to find the sensitivity of a photo in
a social network, the community trust of the different
controllers of the photo is considered as well as those
of the controllers of the album containing the photo
(i.e. inherited sensitivity)
Definition 4 (Inherited sensitivity). The inherited sen-
sitivity of an object
, denoted
HSens : O [0, 1] R
is defined as a combination of the controller-centered
community trusts with respect to the objects from
which the requested object o is derived:
HSens(o) = average
Ctrust(path, k, o
, c)
Solving Access Control Conflicts in Multi-User Systems
We also consider a variation
of the inher-
ited sensitivity function, where
is included in the
set of derived objects, i.e. the constraint
̸= o
The sensitivity of an object
is given by combining
the values of the trust on the community of the different
controllers of
, as well as the inherited sensitivity of
the object. The aim is to mitigate the sensitivity of the
object (obtained by combining the controller-centered
community trusts) by using the ratio of the inherited
sensitivity before and after the existence of the object.
Definition 5 (Sensitivity). The sensitivity function
Sens : O [0,1] R is defined as Sens(o) =:
× average
Ctrust(path, k, c, o)
Example 3. Let us compute the sensitivity for photo
wrt controllers Alice, Bob and Charlie, whose trust
in their communities is computed in Ex.1. We have
Sens(p1) = average(0.7, 0.5, 0.7) = 0.63
. Since the
sensitivity value is in
[0, 1]
, the sensitivity of p1 is
medium-high. Notice that in the example there are no
objects from which the photo is derived.
4.2 Interest of Sharing
The interest of sharing, quantifying the benefit of shar-
ing an information with a user, depends on the re-
quested object and on the requester. We assume that
the benefit increases when the piece of information is
reliable and trustworthy (accuracy) and when the piece
has not been widely disseminated (community spread).
Both notions are computed from the controllers point
of view.
Accuracy of an Object. The accuracy of an object
measures its quality: the more the controllers trust each
other, the higher the reliability of the object (from the
controllers point of view) is. We define thus the accu-
racy of an object
for a controller
as the combination
of the mutual trusts between
and the controllers of
and the objects from which o is derived.
Definition 6 (Accuracy for a controller). The accuracy
of an object
for a controller
: O × U
[0, 1] R
, is defined as the minimal trust of
in the
controllers of the objects from which o is derived:
CoAcc(o, c) = min
Utrust(c, c
The accuracy of an object is computed by combin-
ing the controllers individual accuracy values.
Definition 7 (Global accuracy). The global accuracy
of an object, denoted
Acc : O [0, 1] R
, is defined
Acc(o) = average
CoAcc(o, c)
Example 4. We want to determine the accuracy
of photo p1, from Fig. 2. The object p1 has no
objects from which it is derived. The controllers
to be considered are Alice, Bob and Charlie. Us-
ing the values of trust in Ex. 1, the accuracy of
for controller
, with
U {Alice, Bob,Charlie}
CoAcc(p1,U) = 0.7
, and the accuracy for p1 is
Acc(p1) = average(0.7, 0.7, 0.7) = 0.7.
Community Spread. The previous accesses to an
object may influence the interest in further granting
access to it. To quantify the notion of information
spread inside a community, we retrieve the accesses
per community that have been made to the requested
object within a time interval (specific to each system):
for every access request, we determine which commu-
nity containing the requester has been granted with
the greatest number of accesses. To determine those
communities, we look at all the relations in the social
graph of distance
from the requester. Accesses in the
predefined time interval are grouped by community
and the biggest number of accesses is chosen.
It’s worth noting that the notion of community
spread doesn’t depend on a controller of the object,
but on the object itself and on the requester.
Definition 8 (Community Spread of an object). The
community spread,
Spread : O × U R
, is defined by
Spread(o, u
) =
1 i f max
< 1
We denote
the user making the request and by
= {com|u
the set of communities to
which the requester belongs. The term access(com,o)
denotes the number of (granted) accesses made by the
users of the community com to the object o. The coeffi-
is a positive constant (that may depend on the
system) .
Following the definition above, the more an object
has been accessed by a community to which the re-
quester belongs, the highest is its
value. The
use of a logarithm factor as well as the
factor miti-
gates the increase of the spread value, which is essen-
tial for computing a reasonable interest of sharing.
Example 5 (Community Spread). Consider
an access request to photo
made by
Finn. The communities to consider are
(isRelated(F, x, f riends), 1),Com(isRelated
(F, y, group : University), 1)}
, according to Fig. 1.
Recently, according to Fig. 2, only Emma, in the
University group community, got access to
, i.e.
accesses(com, p1) = 1
. Let the constant
be set
SECRYPT 2024 - 21st International Conference on Security and Cryptography
λ = 1.7
(see Sec.5 for details). Then, we obtain
Spread(p1, Finn) = 1
, since
< 1
. Since the
number of accesses is very low, the spread of photo
will not impact its interest of sharing value (see Ex.6).
Definition 9 (Interest of Sharing). The interest of shar-
ing, SInt : O × U R, is defined by:
SInt(o, u
) = Acc(o) ×
Spread (o, acc)
The interest of sharing depends on the quality of
the object itself and on the level of its spread in the
communities to which the requester belongs.
According to the definition, a requester who joins
a community where a piece of information has been
largely spread, has a lower interest of sharing com-
pared to the interest of sharing he had as an outsider.
Example 6 (Interest of Sharing). The interest of shar-
ing photo p1 for user Finn is
SInt(p1, F) = 0.7 ×
. The same computation applies to Gina. The con-
trollers’ interest of sharing with Finn or Gina is high,
meaning the controllers will benefit from sharing the
photo with them.
4.3 Conflict Resolution Function
In order to compute a collective access decision when
controllers’ preferences differ, we present a conflict
resolution strategy which uses the previously defined
decision-making factors.
Intuitively if the sensitivity of the object is high
and the interest of sharing is low, conflict resolving
should return a deny decision. In the opposite situation,
access to the object should be granted. However, the
ratio between sensitivity and interest of sharing doesn’t
consider the trust the controllers have in the requester,
which can give some indication about the harm or the
benefit the access can cause. In our example, if we
don’t consider the controllers’ trust, Finn and Gina
would have both access to the photo. To solve this
problem, we balance the sensitivity and the interest
of sharing with two coefficients, denoted
The coefficient
represents the trust the controllers
have in the requester, supposing they deny him the ac-
cess to the requested object in their privacy preferences.
If the controllers trust the requester highly, there’s little
risk of harm, even if the object is sensitive. Conversely,
if they distrust the requester, the risk of harm increases.
Following this idea, the
coefficient minimizes the
sensitivity of the object. We define then α as
2 min
(Utrust(c, u
)) × (1 Pol
, o)))
The coefficient
is used to balance the interest of
sharing and represents the trust the controllers have
in the requester, supposing they give him the access
to the object in their privacy preferences. Controllers
are more willing to share the object if they trust the
requester. If trust is low, they are less inclined to share.
β = 1 + max
(Utrust(c, u
) × Pol
, o))
Due to the definition of the function
, the
values of α and β are between 1 and 2.
Definition 10 (Conflict resolution). The final conflict
resolution formula is given by :
, o) =
α × Sens(o)
β × SInt(o, u
with α and β the coefficients defined as above.
, o) 1
, the sensitivity of the object is
high in comparison to the interest of sharing to autho-
rize the access, so the access decision will be Deny. On
the contrary, when
, o) < 1
, the interest of sharing
is more important than the sensitivity, so the access
request will be permitted.
Example 7. Consider again the scenario where Finn
(or Gina) asks to access the photo p1.
The trust the controllers put in Finn is
Ex. 1). The coefficients
α = 1.2
, and
β = 1.8
. The conflict resolution,
R(F, p1) = 0.6 <
, grants the access for Finn (interest of sharing is
higher than sensitivity and Finn is highly trusted by
all controllers). Let us consider now the requester
Gina, whose SInt and Sens are the same as Finn’s.
Only the
coefficients can make the conflict
outcome different. The trust the controllers put into
Gina is medium low,
. The conflict resolution value
R(Gina, p1) = 1.03 > 1
, thus Gina will have her
access to photo
denied. Due to a medium-low trust
in the requester and the closeness between SInt and
Sens, the weight of
coefficient leads to a negative
response for Gina. If the two values had a significant
difference, then
would not affect the conflict
The decisions-making factors we consider are based
on the trust between users and their relation with the
requested object. It is not difficult to suppose that an
individual is more likely to let someone access a piece
of information if the trust in him is high. Our model
follows this assumption.
Solving Access Control Conflicts in Multi-User Systems
(a) Impact of the commu-
nity spread on the interest
of sharing
(b) Influence of
Figure 3: Factors evolution.
As reported in Fig.3, when the sensitivity (i.e. the
potential harm) increases, the chance the object to
be accessed decreases: indeed, either the sensitivity
becomes larger than the interest of sharing or the differ-
ence between them decreases. Hence, it will be more
likely that due to the
coefficient, the value of the
resolution formula will be smaller than 1. Conversely,
when the interest of sharing (i.e. the utility in permit-
ting the access) increases, the outcome of the conflict
resolution is more likely to be positive (because the
interest of sharing becomes larger than sensitivity with
or without
). Remind that if the information has been
widely spread, the interest of sharing becomes smaller
(Fig. 3a). By the
coefficient (set in our scenarios
), the community spread is regulated and has
impact on the interest of sharing without totally over-
riding the accuracy. As shown in Fig. 3b, the high trust
of the controllers in a requester has two consequences:
firstly, the risk of harm being reduced, both the
efficient and the sensitivity weighted by
Secondly,the interest of sharing value when weighted
by the β coefficient is high.
Comparison to other Threshold-Based Models.
As presented in Sec. 2, the most common idea in
threshold based models is to balance privacy risks with
benefits of sharing. Usually privacy risks are computed
using the sensitivity of an object, the trust in the re-
quester and the privacy preferences of the controllers.
The first two factors are taken into account in our for-
mula by the sensitivity and the
coefficient. Privacy
preferences are used to balance the sensitivity value,
because in the models where the value is given directly
by the controllers, it can be exaggerated to induce a de-
cision in their favor. In our case the value is computed
from the social network platform, so there is no need
of mitigation. The benefit of sharing is usually mea-
sured by computing a dual of privacy risk. In our case
we use different values to provide a quantification.
In (Such and Criado, 2015) the willingness of
change is computed. This model measures the im-
portance of a conflict, based either on the trust on the
community or the sensitivity of the object together
with the trust in the requester. The greater is the differ-
ence between one of the first two values and the last
one, the higher is the importance of the conflict. Our
approach is different, but our model tend to coincide
on the outcome. Following their scenario, our model
leads to the same access decisions for small commu-
nity spread values. By making vary the parameter
we can force the model to obtain the same output for
larger community spread.
Prototype Results. To validate our approach, we
have developed a generator of graphs simulating a
social network system, and of users policies. The so-
cial graph edges are generated following the friend
to friend model (Levens et al., 2022). For each user,
social content (e.g. photos, posts) is added to the
provenance graph. Concerning user policies, based on
Facebook options, we create for each user a file con-
taining his preferences for the actions view, post, share,
comment for the different types of objects (photo,
post, album, profile). To compare our model with
the other conflict resolution strategies, we have run
100 access queries on 10 different pairs of provenance
and social graphs using our conflict resolution method,
deny-override (DOV), permit-override (POV) and host-
override (HOV) (Facebook current method).
We observe that our solution is more balanced in
terms of denies and permits than POV and DOV algo-
rithms. The POV algorithm resulted in
decisions, while the DOV algorithm computed
Permits. Using our resolution method, the number
of Permits was in average
. We obtain a slightly
higher proportion of positive decisions than with the
HOV method (
of Permits). However, in average
of the requests have a different answer when our
strategy is used instead of HOV. This is explained by
the fact that in HOV permit decisions are based on the
host preferences. Our model is more fine-grained, in
the sense that the sensitivity of the object or the interest
of sharing can lead to a denial of access, independently
of the host preferences.
We have presented a fine-grained collaborative deci-
sion making model for social networks, using automat-
ically computed decision making factors quantifying
relevant aspects of the requested object and of the re-
lations between controllers and requester, yielding a
threshold formula. A proof-of-concept prototype is
used to evaluate our model w.r.t. other conflict resolu-
SECRYPT 2024 - 21st International Conference on Security and Cryptography
tion methods. A validation through a user study is left
for future work.
This work is partially funded by the Excellence Ini-
tiative of Aix-Marseille - A*MIDEX(Archimedes In-
stitute AMX-19-IET-009), a French ”Investissements
d’Avenir” Programme.
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Solving Access Control Conflicts in Multi-User Systems