Figure 7: Flood Area Visualization Concept.
This paper proposes a novel system architecture for
AR flood visualization that will, when implemented,
utilize extreme scale and complex data analytics re-
garding critical urban infrastructure and weather fore-
casts, based on open data sources. Our system archi-
tecture dynamically visualizes potential evacuation
routes and water levels, while a rescuer wears AR ap-
paratus and moves on-site. We expect that the first-
person perspective of head-word AR will improve sit-
uational awareness and allow informed decisions and
intervention in high-risk areas. Initial testing will be
conducted in the area of Dortmund, Germany. Our
system will be complemented by gaze-based interac-
tion, allowing for hand-free operation as well as level-
of-detail management of digital information, as su-
perimposed onto the real-world so that the real-world
is not obstructed. Moreover, rescuers’ physiological
monitoring will allow communication of distress.
This work was supported by the EU project
CREXDATA under Horizon Europe agreement No.
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