The End of Mobile Software Engineering (As We Know It)
Robin Nunkesser
Hamm-Lippstadt University of Applied Sciences, Marker Allee 76–78, 59063 Hamm, Germany
Software Engineering, Mobile Software Engineering, Research Agenda, Mobile, iOS, Android.
Mobile Software Engineering as a separate research field has been relevant to speed up Software Engineering
research in the area of mobile devices and applications. However, there are strong signs that the need for
separate research in Mobile Software Engineering is coming to an end. This is not due to a decline in the
importance of mobile devices and applications, but due to the impact of mobile on Software Engineering in its
entirety. Existing mobile specific research may be reconsidered for its implications on Software Engineering
in general. Future research can profit from considering mobile and non mobile devices and applications
whereever possible.
When writing about Mobile Software Engineering
and its end, it feels necessary to explain that there was
and still is a field of research called Mobile Software
Engineering. The term Mobile Software Engineering
is not as common as Software Engineering and it is
not as well defined. However, it is a term that is used
in the literature and in the context of conferences and
The origin of Mobile Software Engineering is
closely related to the success of mobile applica-
tions. An early milestone for application development
for mobile devices was reached in 2001, when the
Siemens SL45i allowed Java 2 Micro Edition (J2ME)
applications to be downloaded with the Wireless Ap-
plication Protocol (WAP). Until 2008, mobile appli-
cation usage grew slowly but steadily. The opening of
the iPhone App Store in July, 2008 marked a starting
point for exponentional growth (Wasserman, 2010)
with more than a billion application downloads in less
than a year.
The success of mobile applications naturally led
to more considerations about the impact on Soft-
ware Engineering (for early works, see most notably
Wasserman (2010); Dehlinger and Dixon (2011)).
Wasserman (2010) proposed a research agenda for
Mobile Software Engineering and in the following
years special journal issues such as Mobile Software
Engineering and Systems and conferences such as the
International Conference on Mobile Software Engi-
neering and Systems (MOBILESoft) emerged.
Mobile applications are as successful as ever, but
there are strong signs that Mobile Software Engineer-
ing as a separate research field is coming to an end.
In the following, we will take a closer look at the ori-
gins and development of Mobile Software Engineer-
ing, the current state of industry and research and the
implications for future research.
The success of mobile applications had a strong im-
pact on Software Engineering because mobile devices
and their software have some differentiating features.
According to Nunkesser and Thorn (2023) the most
important ones are:
Location independence
Context Sensitivity
Direct interaction
These features are not unique to mobile devices
and applications, but they are more important for mo-
bile devices and applications than for other devices
and applications. Starting with these features, it is
Nunkesser, R.
The End of Mobile Software Engineering (As We Know It).
DOI: 10.5220/0012780500003753
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Software Technologies (ICSOFT 2024), pages 131-136
ISBN: 978-989-758-706-1; ISSN: 2184-2833
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
possible to derive a number of challenges that are spe-
cific to mobile devices and applications. Wasserman
(2010) lists the following challenges:
Potential interaction with other applications
Sensor handling
Different development approaches (see
Nunkesser (2018) for an overview)
Families of hardware and software platforms (also
referred to as fragmentation)
Regulated User Interfaces
Complexity of testing
Power consumption
Many of these challenges require new research
and development efforts. The research agenda pro-
posed in Wasserman (2010) included the following
areas and topics:
User Experience
Code reuse
Energy efficiency
Data integrity
Portability and cross-platform development
Wasserman (2010) proposed the agenda as neces-
sary "software engineering research related to [the]
development of mobile applications". However, as
Dehlinger and Dixon state in Dehlinger and Dixon
[...] the growth of this new computing plat-
form has outpaced the software engineering
work tailored to mobile application develop-
Therewith, they recognized the need for a separate
research field, rather than just for research related to
mobile applications.
As an initial example to confirm this need, let us
consider a literature review from 2013. Salazar et al.
(2013) focus on usability and state that "in spite of
a common recognition of the importance of usability
in the context of mobile devices, systematic research
findings with respect to usability heuristics for mobile
phones are sparse [...], this demonstrates clearly a lack
of research in this area."
Let us consider Muccini et al. (2012) as a second
example. The authors state that "mobile applications
[are] (so) different from traditional ones", that they
"require different and specialized new testing tech-
niques" and therefore separate research is necessary.
The need for seperate research is also supported
by needs from the industry. Joorabchi et al. (2013)
provide a Grounded Theory based study on chal-
lenges in mobile software engineering. The study
provides challenges that concern all areas of Wasser-
man (2010)’s research agenda except for energy effi-
ciency. However, it is apparent that energy efficiency
is an industry-relevant challenge that is of great im-
portance for mobile devices. Thus, the study pro-
vides evidence that the research agenda proposed in
Wasserman (2010) is relevant for the industry.
In the years following the rise of iOS and Android
devices and the work of Wasserman (2010), the need
for separate research in Mobile Software Engineer-
ing was recognized in the literature. Mobile Software
Engineering may be seen as an effort to achieve the
necessary pace to fill the above-mentioned research
gaps. When we consider the International Confer-
ence on Software Engineering (ICSE) and the Sym-
posium on the Foundations of Software Engineering
(FSE), the two flagship software engineering confer-
ences, we can see that the need for a separate re-
search field was recognized at ICSE with the Inter-
national Conference on Mobile Software Engineering
and Systems (MOBILESoft)
, which was first held in
2014, and at FSE with the International Workshop on
Software Development Lifecycle for Mobile (DeMo-
, which was first held in 2013.
More papers directly addressing the relationship
between Software Engineering and Mobile Software
Engineering (or Software Engineering primarily for
mobile devices) were published in the following
years. Nagappan and Shihab (2016); Baresi et al.
(2021) are two prominent examples that discuss the
trends and challenges.
Let us take a closer look at the relationship between
ICSE and MOBILESoft to see if there are signs that
Mobile Software Engineering as a separate research
field is coming to an end.
Figure 1 shows the number of accepted research
papers at ICSE and MOBILESoft from 2015–2023
MOBILESoft is held in conjunction with ICSE
DeMobile was held in conjunction with FSE in 2013
and 2014
In 2014, no data on accepted papers was published in
the MOBILESoft conference proceedings.
ICSOFT 2024 - 19th International Conference on Software Technologies
Figure 1: Accepted research papers at ICSE and MOBILE-
Soft 2015–2023.
Figure 2: Publications from ICSE proceedings with mobile-
specific keywords.
While ICSE shows a steady growth in publications,
MOBILESoft’s publications are declining - although
the acceptance rate is higher than before (2023 had an
acceptance rate of 47%; 2016 had an acceptance rate
of 33%).
Does this trend mean that most of the research in
Mobile Software Engineering is done? Of course not.
It means that the need for separate research in Mo-
bile Software Engineering is coming to an end and
we are back to the need for "software engineering re-
search related to the development of mobile applica-
tions" (Wasserman, 2010).
Figure 2 shows publications from ICSE proceed-
ings where the keywords contained either "Mobile",
"iOS", or "Android". The first publications were pub-
lished in 2011 with a steady growth up to 2013. In
2014 - the year of the first MOBILESoft conference
- and 2015, no such papers were published. How-
ever, mobile related papers appear again from 2016.
It seems clear, at least for the considered conferences,
that there was an initial boost for specific research in
Mobile Software Engineering which came to an end.
In fact, it goes far beyond that: results and re-
search that where obtained and conducted for mobile
devices and applications have an impact on Software
Engineering in its entirety.
Andreessen (2011) stated that "Software is Eating the
World". However, nowadays it is not an exaggera-
tion to state that mobile is (also) eating the (software)
world. According to StatCounter Global Stats An-
droid first exceeded Windows in terms of internet us-
age in 2017 and in 2023 Android had a market share
of 39.56% compared to 29.21% for Windows. Mo-
bile is the dominant platform for internet usage and
has to be considered in many software development
4.1 Mobile First
From the perspective of the industry, there can be no
doubt about the impact mobile has on Software En-
gineering. The term Mobile First is a good exam-
ple for this observation. First used by Wroblewski
(2011), the term described at the time the idea of de-
signing web pages for all devices for mobile devices
first. The importance of this paradigm change, which
was adopted by Google in 2010, is self-explanatory.
As a second example, let us consider Apple’s strat-
egy change with regard to macOS apps. A substantial
reason for introducing technologies like SwiftUI and
Mac Catalyst was to enable developers to do Mobile
First for native development (see e.g. Sun, 2024, for
the impact of iOS and iPadOS on macOS develop-
ment). Examples of Apps developed Mobile First by
Apple are News, Home, Stocks, and Voice Memos.
Similar observations can be made for other tech-
nologies that originated in mobile development and
are now used in other areas. For example, the use of
React Native for web and desktop development or the
use of Flutter for web, desktop, and embedded devel-
opment. .NET MAUI is another good example for
a technology that originated in mobile development
(Xamarin) and is now also used for desktop develop-
4.2 Reconsidering the Research Agenda
The need for Mobile Software Engineering as a sep-
arate research field originated in the mobile software
The End of Mobile Software Engineering (As We Know It)
Figure 3: Citations of Wasserman (2010) by year according
to ResearchGate.
Figure 4: Percentage of papers with topics related to
Wasserman (2010)’s research agenda according to Clarivate
Web of Science.
boom starting in 2008, was recognized in the litera-
ture and most prominently addressed in the research
agenda proposed in Wasserman (2010). In Section 3,
we saw a research boom in Mobile Software Engi-
neering from 2014–2019.
Figure 3 shows the number of citations of Wasser-
man (2010) by year according to ResearchGate. It
shows a similar trend to the number of publications at
However, the declining citations and publications
do not mean that the research agenda proposed in
Wasserman (2010) is outdated. Figure 4 shows the
percentage of papers with topics related to Wasser-
man (2010)’s research agenda according to Clarivate
Web of Science, which is steadily increasing.
The research agenda proposed in Wasserman
(2010) is now part of the research agenda of Software
Engineering in its entirety. In 2023, only 11.64%
of the papers in Figure 4 also cover mobile specific
topics. Many topics that were originally mobile spe-
cific are now part of general Software Engineering re-
We have seen that the need for separate research in
Mobile Software Engineering is coming to an end.
However, the impact of mobile on Software Engineer-
ing is as strong as ever. Many papers still strongly dis-
tinguish between mobile and other devices at present,
although the separation of research areas is no longer
The number of exceptions is limited. Beghoura
et al. (2017), for example, consider energy consump-
tion, inspire their research with the negative impact
of high energy consumption, especially on mobile de-
vices, and then proceed to develop a tool that is not
limited to mobile devices. Maghawry et al. (2020)
consider program transformation sequences to reduce
lines of codes (LoC), motivated by limited resources
on mobile devices, but this is also applicable to other
devices. Oliveira et al. (2021) also consider energy
consumption motivated by mobile development, but
their research is not limited to mobile devices.
Future research should reconsider research con-
ducted for mobile devices and applications and con-
sider the impact on Software Engineering in its en-
tirety. Researchers who are currently working on
mobile-specific topics should also consider the im-
pact of their research on Software Engineering. Con-
versely, Software Engineering researchers who have
not included mobile devices and applications in their
research so far on the other hand, should consider the
impact of mobile on their research.
With this approach, Software Engineering will
benefit from the generalization of previously over-
looked research results. The aforementioned research
topic of energy consumption is a good example. Man-
otas et al. (2016) show the relevance of energy con-
sumption for the entirety of Software Engineering by
stating that
[...] 40 % of experienced traditional prac-
titioners indicated that they have energy re-
quirements or goals.
However, relevant and generalizable research like
Cruz and Abreu (2019) only discuss the applicability
of their results to "Cyber-Physical Systems and Inter-
net of Things". This seems too limited given the ob-
servation that of the 22 discussed design patterns only
"WiFi over Cellular" and "SensorFusion" are strictly
mobile specific and many others are also relevant for
saving energy on other devices and applications.
ICSOFT 2024 - 19th International Conference on Software Technologies
Mobile application development will also benefit
from Software Engineering research results that did
not consider mobile devices and applications before.
Nunkesser. (2022) for example, consider the applica-
tion of Hexagonal Architecture for mobile application
As a final note, it is certainly also worth looking
at related research fields such as Embedded Software
Engineering, Internet of Things and Cyber-Physical
Systems to see if there are research results that can be
generalized to Software Engineering.
In this paper, we have seen that Mobile Software En-
gineering as a separate research field has been rele-
vant in accelerating research in the area of mobile de-
vices and applications. However, the need for sepa-
rate research in Mobile Software Engineering is com-
ing to an end. Researchers who up until now have
concentrated on mobile specific topics should elicit
the possibilities of generalizing their research. Re-
searchers who have not included mobile devices and
applications in their research so far should consider
the impact of mobile on their research.
It’s the end of Mobile Software Engineering as we
know it and I feel fine.
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ICSOFT 2024 - 19th International Conference on Software Technologies