be used as the core of the maintenance team’s work as
the team members can receive notifications about the
possible issues in a timely manner, so it can guarantee
greater efficiency and reduce production delays.
The paper proposes a practical application of real-
time equipment health monitoring. The approach
eliminates the need for extensive historical data and
maintenance records, which provides a considerably
advantageous avenue for the SMEs. The core con-
tributions of the research involve the implementation
of an unsupervised learning system and a real-time
notification system. This framework incorporates un-
supervised learning algorithms, which helps analyze
sensor data and highlight any abnormalities, which is
useful for implementing efficient machine monitoring
system. The real time alert system ensures the equip-
ment reliability and durability and so it leads to the
further improvement of the operation efficiency. It is
worth mentioning that this approach is not only bene-
ficial for SMEs but also simple to implement, making
it a practical solution for real-time equipment health
The future task will be devoted to increasing the
system’s capability to handle various IoT devices.
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anomaly detection. Furthermore, a variety of feature
engineering techniques will also be studied in order
to further improve the performance. The adaptability
and scalability of the system through the use of real
data, comprising real failures instances, will be tested
in real production environments.
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DATA 2024 - 13th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications