and decisions translated from design that must be held
regardless of concrete representation choices, such as
data structures. The resulting assertions become not
only more understandable but also more maintainable
and reusable (Cheon, 2022; Cheon, 2024). Our
approach aligns with this strategy and facilitates the
translation of frame axioms and properties into
executable assertions, in addition to pre and
postconditions. The use of assertion-only immutable
collection classes to create abstract models should
equally apply to our approach (Cheon, 2023).
Moreover, the utilization of abstract models in our
approach allows for formulating the notion of
observable side effects at different abstraction levels.
Our work has shown the potential of frame axioms
and properties as practical tools for programmers. By
employing abstract models and executable assertions,
we provided a systematic and effective coding style
and technique for asserting frame properties, along
with pre and postconditions, in software
development. This approach not only enhances the
readability, maintainability, and reusability of
assertion code but also enables the formulation of
observable side effects at different abstraction levels.
While research into the runtime checking of frame
axioms remains relatively uncommon, our work
stands out by offering a straightforward and practical
solution for ensuring frame properties through
executable assertions. Further exploration and
refinement of our approach, especially through
annotation-based automation, could pave the way for
more robust and reliable software development
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