Asserting Frame Properties
Yoonsik Cheon
, Bozhen Liu
and Carlos Rubio-Medrano
Department of Computer Science, The University of Texas at El Paso, El Paso, Texas, U.S.A.
Department of Computer Science, Texas A&M University – Corpus Christi, Corpus Christi, Texas, U.S.A.
Keywords: Abstraction Function, Assertion, Frame Axiom, Runtime Check, Side Effect.
Abstract: Frame axioms and properties are crucial for ensuring the correctness of operations by defining which parts of
a program’s state may change during operation execution. Despite their significance, there has been no known
method for asserting frame properties of operations for runtime checks. This paper introduces a practical
approach that utilizes abstract models and executable assertions to effectively check frame properties at
runtime. By defining abstract models that capture relevant state variables and their relationships, programmers
can specify abstractly the parts of an object's state that may change during operation execution. These frame
properties, specified in terms of abstract models and embedded as executable assertions within the code,
enforce behavioral constraints and improve the readability, maintainability, and reusability of the assertion
code. Additionally, the approach supports the concept of observable side effects.
In programming, assertions serve as practical tools
for ensuring the correctness and reliability of code.
These assertions allow programmers to express
conditions that must hold true at specific points in the
code, serving as checkpoints to detect and diagnose
errors during debugging and testing phases
(Matuszek, 1976; Rosenblum, 1995). By embedding
assertions, programmers can establish a set of criteria
that the program's state must adhere to, providing a
means to catch and address unexpected behavior or
deviations from the expected program flow. Their
adoption, commonly in the form of assert statements,
has been widespread in programming languages, with
empirical studies showing that code containing
assertions has fewer defects (Casalnuovo et al., 2015;
Counsell et al., 2017; Kochhar & Lo, 2017).
Frame axioms constitute fundamental elements in
software specification and verification (Borgida et al.,
1995). They specify which parts of a system's state
are affected by an operation and which parts remain
unchanged, often referred to as “and nothing else
changes.” By formalizing the rules governing state
changes, frame axioms contribute significantly to the
correctness and reliability of software systems,
enabling developers to reason about the behavior of
their implementations. However, research into the
runtime checking of frame axioms is relatively
uncommon, as these properties are usually verified
statically during program analysis or verification
(Marché et al., 2004). A runtime-based technique is
particularly needed for dynamically or gradually
typed languages such as Dart, where static methods
may not be sufficient.
In this paper, we present a simple and practical
approach to asserting frame properties, alongside
preconditions and postconditions, in code for runtime
checks. Our approach uses abstract models and
executable assertions. Abstract models provide a
structured representation of a program's state,
abstracting away intricate implementation details and
focusing solely on the essential aspects relevant to
asserting frame properties. By capturing only the
relevant state elements and their interrelationships,
abstract models allow us to specify frame axioms in a
representation-independent way. Embedded directly
into the code, executable assertions enforce
constraints on the program’s behavior, ensuring
adherence to specified frame properties throughout
program execution. One contribution of our work is
the formulation of a notion of observable side effects
at different abstraction levels. We systematically
define abstract models and associate them with
executable assertions to detect observable changes to
the program’s state. Additionally, the use of abstract
models enhances the readability, maintainability, and
reusability of assertion code. Overall, our approach
Cheon, Y., Liu, B. and Rubio-Medrano, C.
Asserting Frame Properties.
DOI: 10.5220/0012786600003753
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Software Technologies (ICSOFT 2024), pages 145-152
ISBN: 978-989-758-706-1; ISSN: 2184-2833
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
provides a practical method for asserting frame
properties to ensure code correctness and reliability.
The paper is structured as follows. Section 2
describes the frame problem briefly. Section 3
explains our approach, detailing the use of abstract
models and executable. Section 4 provides examples
of applying our approach to a mobile app written in
Dart/Flutter, followed by discussions in Section 5.
Finally, Section 6 discusses related work, and Section
7 concludes the paper.
Assertions, such as assert statements, represent a
straightforward yet potent means to check the code
logic during runtime. The following code snippet
demonstrates the typical use of assertions, illustrating
their role in a board game operation where a player
can place a game piece at a specific location on the
game board. The code is written in Dart/Flutter
(Flutter, 2024) for a mobile app.
int playStone(int x, int y, Player player) {
assert(0 <= x && x < size && 0 <= y && y < size);
assert(isEmpty(x, y));
assert(playerAt(x, y) == player);
The first two assertions serve as prerequisites for
the method, validating the assumptions made about
its input parameters and the initial state and the last
assertion scrutinizes the method's behavior, serving
as its postcondition. This postcondition assertion
encapsulates the operation's key aspect, which is
placing a game piece at the specified location.
However, it is somewhat limited and fails to
comprehensively assess the method's behavior.
Consider a scenario where the code inadvertently
removes an existing piece from another location.
Implicitly, it assumes that the code refrains from
altering any other places on the board. These implicit
or unspecified assumptions can often lead to subtle
and elusive faults.
This issue is commonly referred to as frame
axioms or properties, that specify which properties
are not changed during the execution of an operation,
essentially stating that “and nothing else changes”
(Borgida et al., 1995).
Assertions are rarely used to check frame axioms
or properties. For example, the dart:core package of
the Dart Software Development Kit (SDK) is
automatically imported into every Dart program to
provide built-in types, collections, and other core
functionality. In the Dart SDK version 3.1.2, we
discovered 30 assertions in the core package within
16,275 lines of source code (SLOC), resulting in an
assertion density of 1.84 assertions per 1000 SLOC.
Among these assertions, 57% are preconditions that
validate input parameters or initial object states, 33%
are for checking internal code logic, and 10% are
postconditions that verify return values or final object
states. We did not find any assertions specifically
designed to check frame properties.
In this section, we describe several coding styles and
techniques for asserting frame properties, which, in
practice, can be used in combination. We believe that
these approaches, although demonstrated in Dart, are
adaptable to and applicable in other object-oriented
programming languages.
3.1 Direct Embedding
The simplest approach is to embed assertion code
directly within the operation itself. Specifically, we
preserve the state of an object before it undergoes
mutation, enabling comparison with its new state to
detect any unexpected side effects resulting from the
operation execution. To achieve this, we clone the
object in the initial state and store it in a local variable.
This local variable, introduced solely for assertion
purposes, is commonly referred to as an “assertion-
only variable” (Cheon, 2022). If no inherent clone
operation is available for the object, we can construct
an abstract model of the object using its observer
operations. For example, let us examine the code
snippet below, where the embedded frame assertions
are highlighted in grey boxes. It creates a model of a
board object represented as a map from pairs of x and
y indices of locations of the board to a player and
stores it in an assertion-only variable named model.
void playStone(int x, int y, Player player) {
assert(0 <= x && x < size && 0 <= y && y < size);
// create and store an initial model.
var model = <(int, int), Player?>{};
for (var i = 0; i < size; i++) {
for (var j = 0; j < size; j++) {
model[(i, j)] = playerAt(i, j);
assert(playerAt(x, y) == player);
// check state changes against the initial model.
for (var i = 0; i < size; i++) {
ICSOFT 2024 - 19th International Conference on Software Technologies
for (var j = 0; j < size; j++) {
if (!(i == x && j == y)) {
assert(model[(i, j)] == playerAt(i, j);
The assertion code in the final state ensures
adherence to frame properties, guaranteeing that only
the player at location (x, y) may undergo mutation.
This is achieved by referencing the initial value of the
object stored in an assertion-only local variable.
The use of an abstract model and observer
methods enhances the maintainability of assertion
code significantly, eliminating the need for updates
when the board's representation changes. However,
embedding assertion code directly into operations can
lead to code clutter and diminish the readability and
reusability of the assertion code. In particular, as the
frame properties are coded imperatively, it becomes
less evident which parts of the object may undergo
changes and which parts must remain unchanged.
3.2 Assertion Method
The previous approach often leads to redundant code
when asserting frame properties across multiple
methods. To mitigate this issue, we can consolidate
duplicated logic into helper methods, simplifying the
encoding of frame axioms. These assertion-only
methods typically consist of a model getter, a frame
checker, and a model comparator (refer to the
example code below). We use a custom annotation
such as @assertOnly to indicate that these methods
are solely for writing assertions, not for the
operational logic of the code.
void playStone(int x, int y, Player player) {
assert(0 <= x && x < size && 0 <= y && y < size);
comparator = (preModel) { // model comparator
var postModel = model; // invoke the model getter
for (var key in preModel.keys) {
if (key != (x, y)) {
assert(preModel[key] == postModel[key]);
} } };
var checker = frame(model, comparator);
assert(playerAt(x, y) == player);
assert(checker()); // call the enclosed comparator
Map<(int, int), Player?> get model { // model getter
var result = <(int, int), Player?>{};
for (var i = 0; i < size; i++) {
for (var j = 0; j < size; j++) {
result[(i, j)] = playerAt(i, j);
return result;
Function frame(model, comparator) { // frame checker
return () => comparator(model); // return a closure
The comparator local function serves as a model
comparator, encoding the frame properties. Intended
for invocation in the post state, it takes a pre-state
model and compares it with an internally generated
post-state model obtained by calling the model getter.
A model of a board object is obtained by invoking a
model getter method, essentially functioning an
abstraction function that maps a concrete program
state to an abstract assertion state for assertion
purposes (Cheon, 2022). The assertion-only method,
frame(), facilitates the checking of the frame
properties by accepting a pre-state model and a model
comparator as arguments. It uses a closure to retain
the pre-state model and invokes the comparator upon
its invocation in the post-state. Although the example
defines the model comparator as a local function for
clarity, it can alternatively be directly coded as an
argument to the frame() method or can be generalized
into a helper method for use across multiple methods
(see Section 3.3).
While there are some complexities involved due
to the use of closures and lambda notation, the
resulting code is cleaner, more maintainable, and
more reusable compared to the previous approach.
With the potential to transform the model getter and
the frame() method into framework methods, the
process becomes more streamlined. For each method,
one simply needs to define a model comparator,
effectively encoding and encapsulating the frame
axiom of the method. This modular design not only
simplifies the coding of frame assertions but also
fosters code consistency and maintainability across
multiple methods within a class.
3.3 Assertion Class
Building upon the previous approach, we can make
further improvements by consolidating most of the
assertion code into a dedicated assertion-only helper
class. This class serves as a container for an abstract
model of the asserted class, alongside operations for
defining and validating frame properties.
void playStone(int x, int y, Player player) {
assert(0 <= x && x < size && 0 <= y && y < size);
Asserting Frame Properties
var preModel = BoardModel(this)..frame([(x, y)]);
assert(playerAt(x, y) == player);
assert(preModel == BoardModel(this));
class BoardModel {
late final places;
var _coords = const [];
BoardModel(Board board) {
for (var i = 0; i < board.size; i++) {
for (var j = 0; j < board.size; j++) {
places[(i, j)] = board.playerAt(i, j);
void frame([coords = const []]) => _coords = coords;
bool operator ==(other) {
if (other is _BoardModel) {
for (var key in places.keys) {
if (!_coords.contains(key)) {
places[key] == other.places[key];
return true;
return false;
In this approach, assertions become concise and
clear as frame logic is encapsulated within the helper
class named BoardModel and the frame properties are
written as expressions to have a declarative flavor. As
before, a pre-state model is created in the initial state,
and frame properties are subsequently defined.
Leveraging the Dart cascade notation (..) proves
useful for combining the creation of an abstract model
and the specification of frame properties into a single
expression. Frame properties are specified by
providing a list of place coordinates through the
frame() method. In the post state, the pre-state model
is compared with the post-state model to ensure the
specified frame properties. The comparison is done
by invoking the overridden equality operator (==),
which compares only those places on the board that
must remain unchanged.
3.3.1 Wildcard Object
The equality operator (==) of the model class plays a
crucial role by identifying the parts of the object that
may change and ignoring them during comparison.
To enhance reusability and versatility of the
approach, we can introduce a special wildcard object,
say BoardModel.any, which equates to any object and
can be directly assigned to the parts of the object
where changes are allowed. Its equality operator
always returns true regardless of the argument. Frame
properties can be directly coded by assigning this
special object to the parts of the object allowed to
change in a model. For example, preModel.places[(x,
y)] = BoardModel.any indicates that the position (x,
y) can be modified, as its value will match any object.
Additionally, a frame() helper method can be defined
to take a set of place coordinates and mutate the object
accordingly by assigning the wildcard object. Of
course, the equality operator of a model class is
overridden to compare two model objects, part by
part. In a sense, a pre-state model serves as a pattern
that a post-state model must conform to. This
approach offers a more flexible and scalable solution
for specifying frame properties, while also providing
the potential for creating a supporting library or
3.3.2 Pattern, Path, and Declarative Style
Instead of manually coding wildcard assignments to
denote parts of an object allowed to change, a more
preferred approach would be to declare these parts
explicitly. That is, we can support a declarative style
to specify mutable parts of an object. For example, if
we want to specify a specific column of a board, we
can call the frame() method like preModel.frame([(x,
'*')]). Here, the frame() method would assign the
wildcard object to every place in the x column of the
board model. To generalize this approach and create a
framework method, we believe we can employ
patterns, path expressions, or regular expressions to
specify sets of object parts declaratively. The frame()
method can then be implemented using the reflection
facility to parse the specification of frame properties
and update the model accordingly with the wildcard
object. This method not only enhances readability but
also allows for a more flexible and concise
specification of frame properties.
3.4 Annotation
Annotations can offer a clear and concise means of
specifying frame axioms. One way to utilize
annotations for specifying frame axioms is by
defining a custom annotation. This custom annotation
can be applied to methods or classes to indicate which
parts of the object may be changed or should remain
unchanged during the execution of the methods.
Below is an example:
ICSOFT 2024 - 19th International Conference on Software Technologies
void playStone(int x, int y, Player player) {
assert(0 <= x && x < size && 0 <= y && y < size);
assert(playerAt(x, y) == player);
Map<(int, int), Player?> get model { … }
The custom @frame annotation is applied to the
playStone() method, specifying that the model[(x,y)]
may be changed during the execution of the method
but all other parts of the model should remain
The annotation can be processed during compile
time or at runtime to ensure that the specified frame
properties are respected during method execution.
This can involve reflection to inspect the annotations
and validate the frame properties accordingly. For
example, the above annotation can be translated into
the following code by following the assertion method
approach described in Section 3.2:
void playStone(int x, int y, Player player) {
assert(0 <= x && x < size && 0 <= y && y < size);
var axiom = frame(model, (pre) {
var post = this.model;
for (var key in pre.keys) {
if (key != (x, y)) {
assert(pre[key] == post[key]);
assert(playerAt(x, y) == player);
Another core operation of the Board class is to
determine whether the board has a winning
configuration for a player. The isWonBy() method
performs this check with the assistance of a helper
method, and the specifications of their frame
properties shown below are interesting.
(bool, List<(int, int)>) isWonBy(Player player) {
var preModel = model;
assert(preModel == model);
return …;
bool _isWonBy(Player player, int x, int y, int dx, int dy) {
assert(0 <= x && x < size && 0 <= y && y < size);
assert({-1, 0, 1}.containsAll({dx, dy}));
var preModel = (model, BoardModel.any);
assert(preModel == (model, _winSeq);
return …;
The isWonBy() method identifies an unbroken
horizontal, vertical, or diagonal row of five stones
belonging to the given player and returns it as a
winning sequence. The assertion of its frame
properties is typical in that it shouldn’t produce any
side effects. However, its implementation does entail
side effects by invoking a series of calls to the
_isWonBy() helper method. This helper method
verifies if there is a winning sequence containing the
specified place (x and y) in the given direction (dx and
dy). It may modify the _winSeq private field to
remember the winning sequence found.
Abstract models facilitate the decision-making
process and coding of whether this state change
should be considered part of the frame properties of
methods. For instance, it isn’t part of the frame
properties of the isWonBy() method, as the side effect
isn’t observable by the method's client. This decision
results in more maintainable and reusable frame
assertions. Conversely, it is part of the frame
properties of the helper method, as its client can
observe and rely on this side effect. Our decision is
grounded in the perspective of viewing frame
properties as contracts between the implementor and
the client. In summary, the use of abstract models
enables us to codify the notion of “observable” side
effects when formulating frame properties.
As hinted above, the use of abstract models
reveals a compositional nature, wherein the model of
a composite object can be constructed by composing
the models of its component objects. Consider the
Game class, whose instances comprise a board and
two players.
class Game {
final Board board;
final List<Player> _players;
Player _current;
GameModel get model = GameModel(board,
(_current, _players.firstWhere((p) => p != _current));
We adopt a tuple view of an objects states. A
game object's abstract model is represented as a tuple
containing the board and its two players. It also
abstracts from the representation of the current
player. An intriguing design consideration arises
when determining whether to utilize a part object or
its abstract model in defining the model of the
composite object (refer to Section 5).
Asserting Frame Properties
From a frame perspective, methods within the
Game class can be classified into four categories
based on their potential side effects: observers and
three kinds of mutators that may alter (a) only the
board, (b) only the players, and (c) both the board and
players. For instance, one responsibility of the Game
class is to manage the turns of the players.
Player changeTurn() {
var preModel = model..frame({'players'});
assert(preModel == model);
return _current;
The changeTurn() method is expected to modify
only the players, leaving the board unaffected. The
frame() method of the model class serves to designate
the parts of the object that may undergo changes,
replacing them with a wildcard object that is
equivalent to any object. Consequently, the
overridden equality operator (==) of the model class
ensures the equality of parts not marked as
changeable. The frame properties of other kinds of
mutation methods can be asserted similarly.
We performed a preliminary evaluation of our
approach through a small case study involving the
board game Omok, also known as Gomoku or
Gobang. This strategic two-player game, “five
pieces” in meaning, is traditionally played on a 15x15
grid where players take turns placing stones to form
unbroken rows of five, either vertically, horizontally,
or diagonally. We developed a cross-platform mobile
app using Dart/Flutter (Flutter, 2024) comprising
widget classes, UI-dependent model classes, and pure
model classes, with our primary focus on the latter,
including Board, Player, and Game classes.
Our implementation of the three classes consists
of 256 lines of source code (SLOC) including
comments, containing 21 methods. We ensured the
assertion of frame properties for each method,
employing a combination of approaches described in
Section 3, excluding annotations. Although it is
uncommon to assert frame properties for every
method in practice, doing so serves as an instructive
exercise for comparison and evaluation purposes.
We followed a straightforward process: (a)
identifying the parts of the object susceptible to
change by a method and observable by clients, (b)
defining an abstract model consisting of only the
observable parts, (c) implementing a model getter
and, if needed, a model class to define a frame method
and override the equality. This process was iteratively
applied to refine the model getter and the model class
for several representative mutation methods. Once the
abstract model was formulated, asserting frame
properties for methods became straightforward.
The process of adding frame assertions to all
methods significantly increased the size complexity,
expanding the source code from 256 to 408 SLOC,
representing 59% overhead in SLOC. For example, a
concise one-line method like playerAt() in lambda
notation (see below) expanded to six lines in block
notation to integrate frame assertions. Among the 21
methods, 12 (57%) are observers that do not alter the
object state. Among the remaining methods, 6 (29%)
modify only a single element of the composite model,
2 (10%) alter two elements, and 1 (5%) affects three
elements. In summary, a significant number of
methods exhibit either no side effects or side effects
only on a single element. This underscores the
necessity for some level of automation to facilitate
widespread and practical adoption. As proposed
earlier, an annotation-driven approach presents a
promising avenue. Given that 57% of methods serve
as observers, many of which are succinctly expressed
in lambda notation, introducing a custom annotation
like @observer could prove invaluable. This
annotation could then automatically trigger the
insertion of assertion code, as annotations are good to
partially replace the time-consuming and error-prone
process of implementing code (Yu et al., 2019).
Player? playerAt(int x, int y) => _places[x * size + y];
class Game {
final Board board;
@model("self.firstWhere(p) => p != _current)")
final List<Player> _players;
We also believe that a model getter and a model
class can also be created using custom annotations, as
shown above. The @model annotation can specify that
a field or group of fields should be abstracted into an
abstract model, with an optionally specified
abstraction function. Once all elements or parts of a
model are known, the annotation processor can
generate the frame method and override the equality
operator accordingly.
As outlined in the previous section, our approach
to defining abstract models for classes and utilizing
them in asserting frame properties follows a
compositional strategy. Abstract models of classes,
such as the Game class, can be constructed by
composing their component or part objects. An
ICSOFT 2024 - 19th International Conference on Software Technologies
intriguing question arises when composing objects to
define an abstract model: should we compose the
objects themselves or their abstract models? This
question also pertains to comparing the initial and
final states of an object to detect state changes and
violation of frame properties.
Most object-oriented programming languages,
including Dart, support two different notions of
equality: reference equality and value equality. The
coexistence of these two notions of object equality
can present challenges when formulating and
asserting frame properties. There is no strict rule
governing their usage; instead, it depends on several
factors such as object sharing and ownership. As a
general guideline, value composition and equality are
typically employed when the parts are encapsulated
and not directly visible to the client, while reference
composition and equality are preferred for parts that
are shared and directly visible to the client. In the
Game class, both the board and two players are
exposed and visible to clients. Therefore, we opted
for reference composition and equality for most
methods. However, we found one method where
value composition works better.
Outcome makeMove(int x, int y) {
var preModel = (_board.model..frame([(x, y)]), any);
_board.placeStone(x, y, _currentPlayer);
assert(preModel == (_board.model, modelPlayers));
return …;
get modelPlayers => (_currentPlayer, /* opponent */);
The makeMove() method implements the logic for
the current player’s next move by placing a stone on
the specified place. It also updates the turn to the next
player if the move does not result in a gaming-ending
scenario, such as a winning move. Hence, it has the
potential to modify both the board and the players
aspects of the game. However, since it might only
change a specific place of the board, it would be
advantageous to create a game model as a
composition of the board’s model, rather than the
board object itself, as demonstrated above.
In our examples, we considered only the state
changes of the receiver object. However, a method
can access other objects, including parameters.
Therefore, the state can be defined as a combination
of the receiver and operation-specific state,
representing a universe of objects accessible during
method execution. In other words, the state accessible
to a method includes not only the state of the receiver
object but also additional state components accessed
via parameters and global references. While the
receiver remains constant across all methods within a
class, other components may vary depending on the
specific method in question. A limitation of our
approach is that the programmer must specify this
state information for each method as part of the frame
axioms. It may be necessary to define multiple model
getters or abstraction functions, including those
tailored for various parts of the object.
Another caveat of our approach is that it allows
intermediate changes, as only the final state is
checked. While this has no impact in a sequential
environment, it may be significant in a concurrent
environment where intermediate changes can be
visible to the client.
Frame axioms are foundational elements in formal
specification languages, precisely specifying which
parts of a system's state are impacted by an operation
and which remain unaffected (Borgida et al., 1995).
In behavioral interface specification languages like
Larch (Guttag & Horning, 1993), JML (Leavens et al,
2005), and Spec# (Leino & Müller, 2007), frame
axioms define the interface contracts of software
components, including preconditions, postconditions,
class invariants, and frame properties. Special
constructs such as modifies and assignable clauses
specify which variables or fields may be modified by
methods, serving as frame axioms that specify the
parts of an object's state subject to change during
method execution (Chalin et al., 2005). Fields can
also be grouped for writing frame properties (Leino,
1998). However, research into runtime checking of
frame axioms is relatively uncommon, as these
properties are usually verified statically during
program analysis or verification (Marché et al.,
2004). Consequently, our work stands out by offering
a quick, straightforward, and practical solution to
ensure frame properties with executable assertions.
The use of abstract functions, pioneered by Hoare
in formal program verification (Hoare, 1972), appears
in behavioral interface specification languages such
as JML and Spec# in the form of model variables
specification-only variables whose values are defined
and calculated in terms of concrete program variables
and states (Cheon et al., 2005). It was also suggested
to write executable assertions abstractly by mapping
a program state into an abstract assertion state or
model through the provision of an abstract function
(Cheon, 2022). This approach proves particularly
beneficial for writing design assertions constraints
Asserting Frame Properties
and decisions translated from design that must be held
regardless of concrete representation choices, such as
data structures. The resulting assertions become not
only more understandable but also more maintainable
and reusable (Cheon, 2022; Cheon, 2024). Our
approach aligns with this strategy and facilitates the
translation of frame axioms and properties into
executable assertions, in addition to pre and
postconditions. The use of assertion-only immutable
collection classes to create abstract models should
equally apply to our approach (Cheon, 2023).
Moreover, the utilization of abstract models in our
approach allows for formulating the notion of
observable side effects at different abstraction levels.
Our work has shown the potential of frame axioms
and properties as practical tools for programmers. By
employing abstract models and executable assertions,
we provided a systematic and effective coding style
and technique for asserting frame properties, along
with pre and postconditions, in software
development. This approach not only enhances the
readability, maintainability, and reusability of
assertion code but also enables the formulation of
observable side effects at different abstraction levels.
While research into the runtime checking of frame
axioms remains relatively uncommon, our work
stands out by offering a straightforward and practical
solution for ensuring frame properties through
executable assertions. Further exploration and
refinement of our approach, especially through
annotation-based automation, could pave the way for
more robust and reliable software development
Borgida, A., Mylopoulos, J., & Reiter, R. (1995). On the
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ICSOFT 2024 - 19th International Conference on Software Technologies