some voters may struggle to access a secure physical
voting booth, potentially leading to disenfranchise-
ment. However, the longer duration of the registration
phase provides more opportunities for voters to reach
a secure registration booth.
The authors of (Longo et al., 2022; Bitussi et al.,
2023) propose a method to protect voters from coer-
cion by exploiting surveillance gaps. They assume
that an adversary cannot maintain constant surveil-
lance over a voter, allowing the voter to act freely
during these gaps. In particular, when a voter reg-
isters, the voting credential is not issued immediately,
but after a random delay. A DVNIZKP is sent after
another random wait to prove the credential’s correct-
ness. These random waiting periods allow a coerced
voter to exploit surveillance gaps to forge a credential
and its DVNIZKP. This approach can also be applied
to our protocol, where the credential can be seen as
the set of indexes of the valid v-tokens.
Final Remarks. Many election systems allow vot-
ers to cast a blank ballot or to leave some of the P
possible preferences unexpressed. This feature can
be easily added to the protocol presented here by sim-
ply adding P dummy candidates that represent blank
This work has been partially supported by project
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covery and Resilience Plan funded by the European
Union - NextGenerationEU. This work has been par-
tially supported by a joint laboratory between Fon-
dazione Bruno Kessler and the Italian Government
Printing Office and Mint, Italy. The authors are mem-
bers of the INdAM Research Group GNSAGA.
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