Privacy-Preserving Anomaly Detection Through Sampled, Synthetic
Data Generation
Fatema Rashid and Ali Miri
Department of Computer Science, Toronto Metropolitan University, Toronto, Canada
GAN, Anomaly Detection, SMOTE, over Sampling Techniques, Under Sampling Techniques, Neural
Network Classifier, Synthetic Data, TGAN.
Anomaly detection techniques have been used successfully in various applications such as in security, fi-
nancial, and medical domains. These techniques, and in particular those using advanced machine learning
techniques require a high level of expertise, and the use of large volumes of data and increasing compu-
tational complexity. Outsourcing the expertise and the operational needs can provide an attractive option
to many organizations. However data collected and used can include sensitive and confidential information
which may require privacy protection due to legal, business or ethical considerations. We propose a novel
and robust scheme that offers a flexible solution to users and organizations with varying computational and
communication capabilities. Our solution would allow organizations to use semi-trusted third party cloud ser-
vice providers services, while ensuring that these organizations can achieve their privacy requirement needs
through the generation of synthetic data within with their computational/communication capabilities. We will
demonstrate that not only does our scheme work for commonly used balanced data sets, but it is also suitable
and it provides accurate results when applied to highly imbalanced data sets with extreme fluctuations in the
high and low percentages of anomalies.
Anomaly detection is the process of identifying ab-
normal items or events in datasets, which are different
from the rest of the data, i.e. the normal data (Mu-
nir et al., 2019). The research in anomaly detection
has been very active, due to its many potential ap-
plications in security, financial, and medical domains
to name a few. Great advances have been reported
in recent years, in particular by using state-of-the-art
Machine Learning (ML) algorithms. However, there
are still many open challenges remaining, some due to
the inherent nature of anomaly detection, and others
due to the setup and the application of anomaly detec-
tion in these domains. For example, many anomalies
are associated with (previously) unknown behaviours,
structures or distributions. Most ML-based work in
the literature has focused on labeled data, i.e. super-
vised learning, whereas in practice it is often impracti-
cal and expensive to work with these types of datasets.
It is a standard assumption that the number of anoma-
lies is less than the normal data, although the ratio
and frequency of appearance can vary greatly depend-
ing on the application and the type of anomaly. This
potentially highly imbalanced data source can chal-
lenge the effectiveness of classical machine learning
schemes which can show great accuracy in identify-
ing normal data, while at the same time have poor
accuracy in identifying abnormal ones. Data sources
used by anomaly detection algorithm may provide
rich data with many attributes. However, these at-
tributes may be dependent/correlated, or provide ir-
relevant or noise-like information, i.e. the ‘curse of
dimensionality’. In a very recent survey by Pang et
el (Pang et al., 2022), it has been suggested that deep
learning can provide an essential role in addressing
some of the common challenges listed below, and de-
scribed again for completeness:
Low anomaly detection recall rate: In most of
data sets, anomalies are sparse and are of different
types. This may result in the detection algorithm
labeling normal instances as anomalies (false pos-
itives) or failing to detect some of the anomalies
(false negatives). It is a challenge to reduce the
false positive rate and yield high true positivity for
a detection algorithm.
Anomaly detection in high-dimensional and/or
not-independent data: Anomalies show differ-
Rashid, F. and Miri, A.
Privacy-Preserving Anomaly Detection Through Sampled, Synthetic Data Generation.
DOI: 10.5220/0012787100003767
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT 2024), pages 738-747
ISBN: 978-989-758-709-2; ISSN: 2184-7711
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
ent behavior and characteristics when they move
from low dimension to high dimension. A ro-
bust algorithm should be able to detect anoma-
lies accurately in a high dimensional environment,
where anomalies could be high order, non-linear
or heterogeneous.
Data-efficient learning of normal-
ity/abnormality: It is highly expensive to
collect labeled data in real world scenarios.
Fully supervised anomaly detection requires
labeled data for training the machine learning
models. To tackle this issue, it is desirable to have
anomaly-detection methods which do not require
labeled data.
Machine learning algorithms, and in particular deep
learning technique often require complex and compu-
tationally expensive operations, as well as certain lev-
els of expertise. Later in this paper, we will show how
Tabular Generative Adversarial Networks (TGANs)
(Xu and Veeramachaneni, 2018) can be used as part
of a solution to address the above.
An extremely important design consideration for
many anomaly-detection schemes is that data sources
often contain sensitive and confidential information,
and limited and controlled access to these types of
information can be required by legal, commercial or
ethical considerations. Synthetic data generation is an
emerging area of research where artificial or synthetic
data is being generated from the original data through
machine learning classifiers. Synthetic data is com-
puter generated artificial data based on user-specified
parameters to ensure that the data is as close to real-
world historical data as possible. Synthetic data is
used nowadays for many applications such as testing
and training for unprecedented scenarios, developing
prototypes, etc. We would like to highlight two of its
capabilities which are relevant to this paper:
Many ML algorithms and data mining algorithms
need access to huge volumes data for their oper-
ations. However, real-world data can be very ex-
pensive to collect, and in some cases this collec-
tion is restricted by law. Synthetic data can fill this
need. Synthetic data can also be tuned to capture
extreme and rare situational data in order to make
testing more robust than with the real-world data.
For example, researchers from Nvidia are team-
ing up with the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota and the
MGH and BWH Center for Clinical Data Science
in Boston to use generative adversarial networks
to generate synthetic data for training neural net-
works. The generated synthetic data contains
3400 MRIs from the Alzheimer Disease Neuro-
imaging Initiative data set and 200 4D brain MRIs
with tumors from the Multimodal Brain Tumor
Image Segmentation Benchmark dataset (Joshi,
2022). Likewise, simulated X-rays can also be
used with actual X-rays for training AI systems to
recognize several health conditions (Joshi, 2022).
It is important to note that the use of synthetic data
allows for the implementation of advanced AI ap-
plications in areas such as healthcare and finance
where the needs of the analysis must to be bal-
anced with the need to preserve privacy.
Machine Learning-as-a-Service (MLaaS) is a
commonly used cloud service used for data pro-
cessing, internal and external data sharing and
big data analysis. Another capability of of syn-
thetic data is to ensure data privacy in such set-
tings. Synthetic data can be used to obtain de-
sired information from data set, but made avail-
able to third parties. When organization use syn-
thetic data as an anonymization method, a balance
must be met between efficacy (Akcay et al., 2019)
and the level of privacy protection provided. In
this context, efficacy refers to the validity and the
proper utilization of the data. This means that syn-
thetic data values should provide, from an analytic
point of view, the closest resemblance to real-
world data values. Communication overheads, as
well as computational ones listed above can pose
serious challenges to use of the synthetic data as a
privacy-preserving technology.
This paper will make contributions in tackling the
following important questions and observations:
How do organizations with limited or constrained
computational and/or communication resources
implement complex (machine learning) algo-
rithms needed for anomaly detection?
Anomalies typically represent a small portion of
overall observed/collected data, and they may be
highly variant. Complex and high-dimensional
data, with possible dependency between data fea-
tures can also pose additional challenges that need
to be addressed. Furthermore, in practice most
data collected is unlabeled, or at best partially la-
Continuous monitoring and analysis required for
any anomaly detection may result in exposure
of confidential system and users’ information to
unauthorized/non-trusted parties. In these situa-
tions, the need for effective and timely detection
has to be balanced with the need for privacy pro-
In the remainder of this paper, we will propose an
approach that offers a flexible solution to users and
organizations with varying computational and com-
Privacy-Preserving Anomaly Detection Through Sampled, Synthetic Data Generation
munication capabilities. Our approach enables or-
ganizations to use MLaaS, while ensuring that these
organizations can achieve their privacy requirements
through the generation of synthetic data aligned with
their computational/communication capabilities. We
will demonstrate that not only does our scheme work
with commonly used balanced data sets, but also it
is also suitable and it provides accurate results when
applied to highly imbalanced data sets with extreme
fluctuations in low to high percentages of anomalies.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In
Section II, the proposed scheme is described in detail.
In Section III, the experimental results are discussed
and analyzed. Related work is discussed in Section
IV. Section V provides the conclusions and sugges-
tions for avenues for future work.
The organization often need to make their data ac-
cessible to the third parties for analytic. This can be
due to the cost or the limitation on computational re-
sources. Communication overhead costs can also be
of concern to these organizations. Anomaly detection
through machine learning has been very effective in
detecting anomalies, and there has been a growing list
of anomaly-detection service providers in the market.
In all these settings, these providers require full ac-
cess to users’ data to produce accurate results which
could lead to system/user data privacy being compro-
mised. In our setting, we assume that these service
providers are semi-honest. That is these providers are
strictly following protocols as specified by the per-
spective SLAs, but that they are curious about the
data and as such we need privacy safeguards for data
against them. Furthermore, such safeguards provide
additional privacy guarantees, should the data pro-
cessed or stored at these providers ever become com-
promised. We propose that organizations can achieve
this by using sampled, synthetic data when sharing
their data with service providers. We will show that
our proposed scheme can accurately detect anomalies,
while preserving the privacy of the underlying data.
Another technical characteristic of machine learn-
ing processes is the use of multivariate or univariate
data. When the outliers are detected from the distribu-
tion of values in a single feature space, it is called uni-
variate anomaly detection. For multivariate anomaly
detection, the outliers are detected for two or more
features spaces. Depending upon the data, the deci-
sion is often made to use either univariate or multi-
variate analysis. For our experiments, we have used
both unsupervised and semi-supervised learning. The
data which we used is multivariate in nature, and thus
we perform multivariate analysis on this data. We
have used different classifiers from different families
in order to perform our experiments. We used individ-
ual detection algorithms on different datasets to ob-
tain outlier detection:
2.1 Synthetic Data
A key component of our scheme is based on syn-
thetic data generation. Synthetic data is generated
from the original data in such a fashion that it ex-
hibits the same underlying data distribution, charac-
teristics and trends shown in the original data. Syn-
thetic data has been extensively used in research pur-
poses, and it is typically generated through statistical
techniques or machine learning techniques. In this pa-
per, we have datasets from three different domains,
namely the PIMA Indians Diabetes dataset, the Seis-
mic dataset, and the Credit Card Fraud dataset. The
details of these datasets are presented in the Experi-
mental Results and Analysis section.
The synthetic data properties which we are in-
terested in are three folds, and will ensure that we
can make reliable detections while respecting privacy.
Firstly, the synthetic data should have the statistical
properties of the original data. Secondly, it should re-
tain the structure of the original data. The last and
the most important property is that it should protect
the confidentiality of the data, i.e. it must be privacy-
preserving synthetic data.
Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) and
their variants have been among the most active sub-
areas in deep-learning research. GANs are types of
Neural Networks that are used for unsupervised learn-
ing. GANs’ goal is to learn the distribution of a set
of data, through the use of two opposing neural net-
works (Park et al., 2018). One network, the generator
G(x) creates samples that are supposed to resemble
real data. The other network, the discriminator D(x)
tries to assess if a sample is real or fake based on its
knowledge of the real data. After a sufficient number
of iterations, the generator will produce samples that
are hard to distinguish from the real ones, and hence it
will learn the distribution of the data. There has been
a tremendous increase in applications of GANs, in-
cluding synthetic data generation. Most work so far
has focused on how they have been used in image
data generation. But given GANs high accuracy, and
the fact that many data sets in medical, financial, and
scientific fields, etc. are of a tabular nature, GANs
have recently been extended to tabular data genera-
tion. In TGAN (Xu and Veeramachaneni, 2018), Xu
and Veeramachaneni use a Gaussian Mixture model
SECRYPT 2024 - 21st International Conference on Security and Cryptography
and Adam optimizer in order to generate data column
by column. Their model covers both discrete and con-
tinuous variables with numerical and categorical fea-
tures. In this paper, we will use TGAN for our syn-
thetic data generation for the data sets listed above.
2.2 Data Sampling Techniques
Our proposal is not only to support organizations with
different computational and communication capabili-
ties, but also with varying types of data. We are in-
terested in scenarios such as varying ratios of abnor-
mal to normal data and varying types of anomalies.
In fact, we have selected our three datasets because
of the varying degree of anomalies in them. We will
achieve our goal, given these challenges through data
sampling techniques.
Oversampling and undersampling in data analysis
are the techniques used to adjust the class distribution
of a data set. The class distribution actually represents
the ratio between the different classes/categories rep-
resented. Oversampling and undersampling are oppo-
site to each other and have different impacts on data
sets when used. They should be carefully chosen de-
pending upon the characteristics of the data set.
The most popular solution to an imbalanced data
set classification problem is to change the mix of the
training data sets. Techniques designed to change the
class distribution in the training data sets are generally
referred to as sampling methods or re-sampling meth-
ods. Oversampling techniques replicate the instances
in the minority class or generate new examples from
the minority class. Some of the more widely used
oversampling methods include: Random Oversam-
pling, Synthetic Minority Oversampling Technique
(SMOTE) (Chawla et al., 2002), Borderline-SMOTE
(Sun et al., 2022), Borderline Oversampling with
SVM (Nguyen et al., 2011) and Adaptive Synthetic
Sampling (ADASYN) (He et al., 2008).
We have used the SMOTE oversampling algo-
rithm for our experiments due to its performance.
SMOTE works by selecting examples that are close
in the feature space, drawing a line between the ex-
amples in the feature space and drawing a new sam-
ple as a point along that line (Mohammed et al.,
2020). SMOTE generates the virtual training records
by linear interpolation technique for the minority
class. These synthetic training records are generated
by randomly selecting one or more of the k-nearest
neighbors for each example in the minority class.
After the oversampling process, the data is recon-
structed and several classification models can be ap-
plied to the processed data (Mohammed et al., 2020).
There are many variants of the SMOTE method such
as Borderline-SMOTE, Borderline Oversampling and
Adaptive Synthetic Sampling that can be used in other
Undersampling methods delete or select a subset
of examples from the majority class to be retained
in the final data set. Some of the more widely used
undersampling methods are Random Undersampling,
Condensed Nearest Neighbor Rule (CNN) (Batista
et al., 2004), Near Miss Undersampling (Tanimoto
et al., 2022), Tomek Links Undersampling (Devi
et al., 2017) and the Neighborhood Cleaning Rule
(NCR) (Haixiang et al., 2017). We implemented and
ran our experiments on the Near Miss undersampling
algorithm. This balances the class distribution of the
imbalanced data sets by randomly eliminating major-
ity class examples. When instances of two different
classes are found to be very close to each other, the
algorithm removes the instances of the majority class
to increase the spaces between the two classes. Near
Miss selects examples from the majority class that
have the smallest average distance to the three closest
examples from the minority class. This helps in the
classification process by keeping the instances from
both classes balanced and thus improves the perfor-
mance of anomaly detection on imbalanced data sets.
2.3 Setup of the Proposed Scheme
Having listed the major components of our scheme,
we will now discuss the setup of our proposed
scheme. The typical players in our setup are the end
users of an organization, the organization itself, and
the cloud-service provider offering anomaly detection
services to the organization. We assume that there is
an explicit or implicit degree of trust between the or-
ganization and its users, but not between them and the
cloud service provider which is only considered semi-
honest. An example of such a setup in the financial
sector is banking.
Banks often utilize third-party fraud detection ser-
vices, which may require access to sensitive informa-
tion, such as banking activities and users’ personal in-
formation. Any compromise in confidentiality of this
information could have serious consequence to both
the banks and their clients.
Under our proposed scheme, organizations have
different options to choose from depending on their
resource capabilities. An organization with ample
computation and communication capabilities can gen-
erate synthetic data using TGANs and upload the syn-
thetic data to the anomaly detection service provider.
In so doing, the detection service provider will not
have access to the systems/users’ sensitive informa-
tion, while still being capable of performing the ana-
Privacy-Preserving Anomaly Detection Through Sampled, Synthetic Data Generation
lytic needed to detect any abnormal data. As a base-
line, we can consider an organization with no com-
putational capability. This means that this type of or-
ganization will not be able to generate synthetic data
and therefore it will have to trust the anomaly detec-
tion service provider for the privacy of their data.
An organization with limited resource capabili-
ties does not have enough computational power to
either generate entire volumes of synthetic data, yet
it may not wish to upload the entire real data set
due to privacy concerns. Communication overhead
costs may also limit the amount of data exchanged
between these types of organization and the service
providers. We propose a secure and efficient solution
for these types of organizations and we will evaluate
the effectiveness of this solution with different types
of data sets. After the initial setup and pre-training
of the classifiers, this client node will generate sam-
ples from the real data. These samples are generated
through oversampling and undersampling techniques.
The algorithms for sample generation can produce
such samples with the same characteristics and dis-
tribution as the real data. Sample generation is not
a computationally intensive task and it can be easily
performed with the limited capabilities of these types
of organizations. These samples are smaller in vol-
ume than real time data collected by the organization.
These samples are then sent to the third-party service
provider, which will be responsible for performing
anomaly detection and analysis. The most computa-
tionally intensive task is the synthetic data generation
since it involves robust training and needs to show
the classifier huge volumes of data in order to gen-
erate synthetic data mimicking the characteristics of
the real data. Therefore, the limited-resource organi-
zations have successfully outsourced the most com-
putationally intensive tasks to the service provider,
while preserving the privacy throughout the process.
The process for the limited capability organizations is
graphically illustrated in Figure 1. All three players
and their associated roles are highlighted with differ-
ent colors in Figure 1. In the remainder of this paper,
Figure 1: Flow Graph of the Proposed Scheme.
we will discuss the effectiveness of our approach in
terms efficacy of the cost of computation. Our ex-
perimental results support our claims that the sam-
ples generated from the real data and subsequently the
synthetic data generated directly from the synthetic
samples perform extremely accurately with the ma-
chine learning classifiers for anomaly detection.
In this section, we explain in detail, the datasets
and classifiers we used, as well as the analysis of
our experimental results. As mentioned earlier, we
have used three datasets: the PIMA Indians Diabetes
dataset, the Seismic Bump dataset, and the Credit
Card Fraud dataset. All these datasets use a binary
classification where an instance of the data is either
normal or an anomaly.
Figure 2: PIMA Dataset Results.
The PIMA dataset has 9 attributes. It is com-
posed of 35% anomalous instances and 65% normal
instances. The Seismic dataset has 6.97% anomalous
data and 93.3% normal instances data. It has 19 at-
tributes in total, along with the last one indicating ei-
ther an earthquake or not. It is an unbalanced data set
where the positive (hazard) class is a minority class
and considered to be as the outlier class and the neg-
ative class (no hazard) is considered as the normal
class. The last dataset used is the Credit Card Fraud
SECRYPT 2024 - 21st International Conference on Security and Cryptography
dataset which has 0.17% anomalous data and 99.82%
normal data. It has 31 attributes in total with the last
one indicating either a fraud or not. The dataset con-
tains 30 input variables. For confidentiality reasons,
most of the original features have been transformed
with Principal Component Analysis (PCA). This is
the biggest dataset in size among the three we used.
Our selected data sets include highly imbalanced data
sets with extreme ranges of anomalies varying from
0.17% to 35%. The results of the performances of
our proposed solutions over these three data sets are
shown in Figure 2, Figure 3 and Figure 4 respectively.
Figure 3: Seismic Bumps Dataset Results.
We ran our experiments on all three datasets in or-
der to verify the performance of our proposed scheme
on balanced, imbalanced and highly imbalanced data
sets. All three datasets are publicly available on Kag-
We conducted our experiments on an Intel(R)
Core(TM) i5-4300U CPU @ 1.90GHz, 2494 Mhz,
with 2 Cores, and 4 Logical Processors. We used
PyOD [27], a Python library for performing anomaly
detection. PyOD is a comprehensive and scalable
Python toolkit for detecting outlying objects in multi-
variate data (Zhao et al., 2019). Since 2017, PyOD
has been successfully used in various academic re-
search and commercial products. We used 6 machine
learning classifiers for performing the anomaly detec-
tion on our datasets through a synthetic data genera-
tion process. A detailed explanation of these classi-
fiers can be found in (Zhao et al., 2019).
The first PyOD classifier used was the XGBOD
Figure 4: Credit Card Dataset Results.
classifier from PyOD. XGBOD is a semi-supervised
outlier detection algorithm. It improves detection ca-
pability by creating a hybrid mix of supervised and
unsupervised algorithms.
The second classifier we used is the Auto Encoder
(AE) with Outlier Detection. AE is a type of neural
networks for learning useful data representations in
an unsupervised manner. AE can be used to detect
outlying objects in the data by calculating the recon-
struction errors.
The third classifier used was Histograms.
Histogram-Based Outlier Score (HBOS) is an ef-
ficient unsupervised training method. It assumes
feature independence and calculates the degree of
outlyingness by building histograms.
The fourth classifier used was the Isolation For-
est. The Isolation Forest separates observations by
randomly selecting any specific feature and then ran-
domly selecting a split value between the maximum
and minimum values of the selected feature (Zhao
et al., 2019). A recursive partitioning is used to create
tree structures, with partitioning resulting in shortest
paths between the root node and a terminating node
indicating anomalies.
The fifth classifier we used for our implementation
was the k-Nearest Neighbors Detector (kNN). For an
observation, the distance to its kth nearest neighbor is
considered to be an outlying score. It also represents
a measure of density. Three kNN detectors are sup-
ported: (a) the largest which uses the distance to the
kth neighbor as the outlier, (b) the score mean which
uses the average of all k neighbors as the outlier, and
Privacy-Preserving Anomaly Detection Through Sampled, Synthetic Data Generation
(c) the score median which uses the median of the
distance to k neighbors as the outlier score. We used
the largest kNN detector for our data sets (Zhao et al.,
The sixth and the last classifier used was
Lightweight On-line Detector of Anomalies (Loda).
Two versions of LODA are supported in PyOD: (a)
Static number of bins which uses a static number of
bins for all random cuts, and (b) Automatic number
of bins in which every random cut uses a number of
bins deemed to be optimal according to the Birge-
Rozenblac method. We used the automatic number
of bins method for our implementation.
As mentioned earlier in the paper, accuracy is not
always the best representative of an anomaly detec-
tion algorithm performance. We have used two ma-
jor performance metrics for the evaluation of the per-
formance of our classifiers. We used area under the
Receiving Operating Characteristic curve (ROC) and
Precision @ rank n (P @ N) for evaluating the perfor-
mance of the classifiers. The ROC curve is created by
plotting the true positive rate (TPR) against the false
positive rate (FPR) at various threshold settings.
Precision rank is the fraction of relevant instances
among the retrieved instances which, in our case, im-
plies the fraction of correct anomaly detection in-
stances among the given instances of the data.
We have presented the ROC values for when we
had trained our classifier with real data (after the
initialization phase where the parameters are passed
from the organization to the server) and test those re-
sults against when the synthetic data generated from
the samples were used. We are including the perfor-
mance values of the testing phase of the models.
As we see in Figure 5 for the case of the PIMA di-
abetic data set, XGBOD classifier is giving us the best
results when used together with the SMOTE oversam-
pling technique. The ROC curve data point value is
0.83 with a corresponding precision of 0.80 in pre-
dicting an anomaly. This classifier gives the high-
est performance numbers for the PIMA dataset. We
want a high number (between 0 to 1) for the ROC
value. Also, the higher the precision for predicting
an anomaly, the better it is. The next classifiers are
HBOS, kNN and iForest respectively with succes-
sively increasing ROC values and precision to pre-
dict an anomaly. If we consider overall performance,
the SMOTE sampling technique performs better than
Near Miss sampling for this particular data set. As in-
dicated earlier, 35% of data in this data set is anoma-
lous. In short, XGBOD with SMOTE sampling is the
best performer for anomaly detection in synthetic data
generated from SMOTE samples for the PIMA dia-
betic data set.
For the Seismic Bumps dataset, the performance
of the XGBOD classifier is again the best, as it was
with the PIMA data set. Its ability to predict an
anomaly correctly, when trained with real data and
tested with synthetic data is very high. Also, the ROC
values are in the range of 0.71 and 0.79 for both sam-
pling techniques. For the Seismic bumps data set,
the Near Miss undersampling technique gives slightly
better performance than the oversampling technique.
The next two classifiers in line are kNN and Loda for
this particular data set. We would like to note again
that this data set has 6.97% anomalous data. In short,
the XGBOD with Near Miss sampling technique is
the best performer for anomaly detection using syn-
thetic data generated from Near Miss samples for the
Seismic data set.
The next dataset is the Credit Card Fraud data set
which is also highly imbalanced and has very few
anomalies - as low as 0.172%. As seen in the pre-
vious data sets, XGBOD is performs best for both
the undersampling and oversampling techniques. It
actually has very good ability to predict an anomaly,
with a probability higher than 0.50 in all cases. The
ROC curve values are also above 0.80 in all cases as
can be seen in Figure 5. In short, XGBOD again
gives the best performance which is actually the same
for both sampling techniques. The next in terms of
performance are kNN and iForest classifiers, respec-
Figure 5: ROC curve values for all three data sets with Near
Miss and SMOTE.
SECRYPT 2024 - 21st International Conference on Security and Cryptography
In Figure 5, it is evident that with both sampling
techniques, XGBOD out performs all other classi-
fiers. We can also conclude that the Credit Card Fraud
data set exhibits the best values for the ROC curve
among the other two datasets. The Credit Card dataset
has the most abnormal anomaly distribution and is the
most challenging dataset when it comes to anomaly
Figure 6: ROC curve values for Near Miss VS SMOTE.
In Figure 6, we plotted the performance of both
the sampling techniques for each of the three datasets.
SMOTE slightly outperforms Near Miss on the PIMA
dataset. The difference between the performances of
the sampling techniques is also small in case of the
Seismic Bumps dataset. In the case of Credit Card
Fraud dataset, the performance graph of both tech-
niques overlaps each other. Therefore, we can con-
clude that both the undersampling and oversampling
techniques perform well with all three datasets with a
slight gap between the performance of the two.
Based on the above results, we can conclude that
in the case of highly imbalanced and moderately im-
balanced data sets, the XGBOD classifier performs
the best due to being semi-supervised. The rest of the
classifiers are unsupervised, and as a result they have
inferior performance as a result. Our results shows
that by integrating sample generation through ma-
chine learning, synthetic data generation and anomaly
detection using semi-supervised classifiers, we can
achieve a quite high level of accuracy and efficiency,
while preserving the privacy of user data for limited
resource organizations.
In this paper, we have proposed a novel scheme which
involves the generation of samples from original im-
balanced datasets and the generation of synthetic data
from those samples by the anomaly detection service
provider. To the best of our knowledge, there is no
prior work to provide privacy-preserving anomaly de-
tection through a combination of data sampling and
synthetic data generation. Below is a brief description
of some of the related work, which focus on aspects
of our proposed design steps, and we have provided a
comparison between their performance and function-
ality and that of our solution.
In (Luo et al., 2019), the authors presented the
Imbalanced Triangle Synthetic Data (ITSD) method
which attempted to provide a more general approach
to generating synthetic data. They used SMOTE and
its variants as their baselines, and they showed that
their approach can perform better than the baselines
in both precision and recall.
Using their approach, the newly formulated ma-
jority samples (SMOTE), or newly formulated minor-
ity samples (Near Miss) were added to the original
data. This is in contrast to our approach of using
GANs to produce a completely new synthetic data
set, which provides us with greater privacy protection.
Furthermore, their performance on the PIMA dataset
showed an inferior F1 score.
An ADAptive SYNthetic (ADASYN) sampling ap-
proach was suggested in (He et al., 2008). The au-
thors presented a comparison between their proposed
Privacy-Preserving Anomaly Detection Through Sampled, Synthetic Data Generation
method for data generation and SMOTE with the
PIMA Indian Diabetic dataset and presented a value
of 0.68 for the precision of their classifier. Addi-
tional reporting on this method from PyOD library
(Zhao et al., 2019) also put the values for precision
and ROC in between 0.6 to 0.7 and 0.4 to 0.5, respec-
tively. Both of these sets of numbers are inferior to
what is achieved using our approach.
In (Charitou et al., 2021), a GAN-based approach
called Synthetic Data Generation GAN (SDG-GAN)
was proposed as a tool for tackling the imbalanced
class problem on structured data by generating new
high-quality instances. The authors tested and evalu-
ated the SDG-GAN and compared their synthetic data
generation technique with SMOTE and other meth-
ods like ADASYN(He et al., 2008). They used a
number of supervised classifiers, including XGBoost.
The performance of SDG-GAN when used with the
PIMA and Credit Card Fraud datasets as calculated in
their experiments were quite low when compared to
the performance of our scheme. Also, the absence
of GANs for synthetic data generation makes their
scheme less accurate and secure.
In (Meng et al., 2020), the authors used the Credit
Card Fraud dataset and presented the performance
of the XGBoost supervised classifier for all three
datasets, namely: the original dataset, the undersam-
pled dataset, and the oversampled data using SMOTE.
The values of the ROC curves were calculated as 0.97,
0.98, and 0.987, respectively, which are very close to
what we have achieved in our experiments. We have
used in our scheme a number of unsupervised and
semi-supervised classifiers, as well as using a dou-
ble layer of security by using TGANS as compared to
their scheme.
In (Zaccarelli et al., 2021), a simple and efficient
model based on the isolation forest algorithm for de-
tecting amplitude anomalies on any seismic wave-
form segment, with no restriction on the segment
record content (earthquake vs. noise) and no addi-
tional requirements than the segment metadata was
presented. By considering a simple feature space
composed of amplitudes of the power spectral density
(PSD) of each segment evaluated at selected periods,
they showed that their proposed scheme worked ac-
curately. The evaluation results reported average pre-
cision scores of around 0.97, and maximum F1 scores
above 0.9. This work did not involve any synthetic
data generation, but it can present a good comparison
base for the Seismic Bumps data set used for anomaly
detection. We combined iForest and TGAN in our
proposed scheme which achieves similar results. Our
scheme thus provides more security and efficiency
than their scheme in addition to its ability to provide
a platform for different organizations with different
capabilities to outsource their datasets to third parties
for anomaly detection.
In this paper, we have proposed a robust privacy-
preserving anomaly detection scheme, which can ac-
commodate organizations with varying computational
and communication resources. In our scheme, the or-
ganization will only need to generate samples from
the real data on regular basis and send these samples
to a semi-trusted party for analysis. The anomaly de-
tection service provider will then generate the needed
volume of synthetic data using the information pro-
vided by the organization, and run analytic tasks
needed for detection using the generated data. Given
that our approach ensures that the synthetic data mim-
ics the same characteristics and distributions as of the
real data, it can provide detection with high precision.
We tested our scheme on three different data bases
with a wide range of anomalies present in them. We
presented a comprehensive comparison of the perfor-
mance of six different classifiers with two different
sampling techniques. Our experimental results using
different performance metrics produced a high detec-
tion rate.
Investigating the use of Outlier Ensembles and
Outlier Detector Combination Frameworks like Max-
imization, Average of Maximum, Maximum of Av-
erage and Median, or a combination of models to see
the impact of the highly imbalanced data as compared
to the individual linear models for outlier detection
presented in this paper are two venues for possible
future work. Further investigation is needed to en-
sure that TGAN or other variants of GANs are ca-
pable of distinguishing noisy data as non-anomalous.
Almost all the current work in the area, including
ours, has focused on (data) point anomalies. A bet-
ter picture of anomalies can be found if one intro-
duces and utilizes the concept of group or conditional
anomalies. Some interesting recent work in Graph
Neural Networks (GNNs) and their possible extension
to anomaly detection would provide an excellent ex-
tension to this work addressing group or conditional
anomalies. Most detection schemes simply classify a
data point as anomalous without providing the con-
text of how the classification decision has been made.
This problem can be even more acute in the case of
high dimensional data.
SECRYPT 2024 - 21st International Conference on Security and Cryptography
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Privacy-Preserving Anomaly Detection Through Sampled, Synthetic Data Generation