texts. Also, as it can be seen in Table 5, the
average time of the correction process performed
by Autocorrect(GramFormer) is a little worse than
SpellChecker(GramFormer), but both of them are, on
average, faster than others variants.
Table 4: Summary of spellcheckers chosen best variants
evaluation using same configurations and approaches as in
Phase 1 differs only in sets of Points (P
and P
) that were
fit to top 5 - P
= {30, 25, 22, 18, 15}, P
= {5..1}
Function T
Avg P
Autocorrect(GramFormer) 149,1 (1) 19,5 (1) 126,2 (1) 19,5 (1) 1
SpellChecker(Gingerit) 70,6 (3) 12,1 (3) 83,1 (3) 12,1 (3) 2,75
GramFormer(Autocorrect) 75,9 (2) 6,6 (4) 54,4 (4) 6,6 (4) 3,25
SpellChecker(GramFormer) 48,4 (5) 17,5 (2) 115,5 (2) 17,5 (2) 3,75
Gingerit(LanguageTool) 45 (6) 5,1 (6) 43,9 (6) 5,1 (6) 5,75
Autocorrect(SpellChecker) 59,5 (4) 2,8 (10) 30 (7) 2,8 (10) 6,25
Gingerit(GramFormer) 37 (8) 5,8 (5) 52 (5) 5,8 (5) 6,5
Gingerit 39 (7) 4 (7) 24 (9) 4 (7) 7,5
Gingerit(Jamspell) 20 (11) 3,2 (8) 20 (10) 3,2 (8) 9,5
Autocorrect(Gingerit) 21 (9) 0,8 (11) 12 (11) 0,8 (11) 10,25
SpellChecker(LanguageTool) 0 (13) 3,1 (9) 25,4 (8) 3,1 (9) 10,75
SpellChecker(Autocorrect) 21 (9) 0,5 (12) 7,5 (12) 0,5 (12) 10,75
Gingerit(Autocorrect) 7,5 (12) 0 (13) 0 (13) 0 (13) 12,5
GramFormer(Gingerit) 0 (13) 0 (13) 0 (13) 0 (13) 13
GramFormer(LanguageTool) 0 (13) 0 (13) 0 (13) 0 (13) 13
The time aspect is not the primary focus of the re-
search, but in the aspect of usage as an integral part
of a biometric system of typing errors, the time effi-
ciency of these spellcheckers is still important, due to
a direct impact on a user experience and overall sys-
tem performance (especially in Online mode).
Table 5: Mean times in Phase 2.
Function Mean Time [s]
Autocorrect(SpellChecker) 0,0597
SpellChecker(Autocorrect) 0,0816
SpellChecker(LanguageTool) 0,096
SpellChecker(GramFormer) 0,471
Autocorrect(GramFormer) 0,4862
Autocorrect(Gingerit) 0,5364
SpellChecker(Gingerit) 0,5443
GramFormer(Autocorrect) 0,581
Gingerit(Jamspell) 0,5945
GramFormer(LanguageTool) 0,603
Gingerit 0,6217
Gingerit(LanguageTool) 0,6233
Gingerit(Autocorrect) 0,6315
Gingerit(GramFormer) 1,1093
GramFormer(Gingerit) 1,116
In the comprehensive analysis of various spellchecker
variants within the context of a biometric behavioural
system based on typing errors, the approach aimed
to identify an effective spellchecker solution or their
combination that also ensures robustness and solid-
ity. Phase 1 enabled filtering out some variants,
leaving the most promising ones for further analy-
sis. The adopted approach and criteria revealed the
most promising variants in combinations of different
spellcheckers rather than standalone tools. It has been
confirmed in Phase 2 in which each of the variants
was tested on a larger sample of data. On this ba-
sis, four spellcheckers were identified. Despite the
advantages of each of them, upon a deeper compar-
ison, one combination of spellcheckers, Autocorrect
(Gramformer), emerged as the most solid and robust
option among them.
In each phase, to minimize potential biases in the
results, the experiments were conducted using dif-
ferent weights, and scoring methods and divided the
evaluation into subcategories. It allowed assessing
thoroughly the performance of the spellchecker com-
binations, ensuring the conclusions drawn were reli-
able and robust spellchecking solutions for biometric
behavioural analysis of typing errors.
However, the arbitrary selection of points,
weights, and penalties may lead to biases and the
risk that complex factors affecting the spellcheckers’
performance might be overlooked or oversimplified.
This could cause some spellcheckers to be unfairly
penalized or rewarded. The approach might not fully
take into account the dynamic and multifaceted nature
of the biometric behaviour of the typing error system.
Real-world scenarios could be more complex, and the
chosen method might not adequately model all rele-
vant factors.
In addition to evaluating spellcheckers, future re-
search might examine the usefulness of analytical
tools in correcting grammatical errors. Assessing
their effectiveness in correcting grammar mistakes
and enhancing the overall quality of text input will
provide a more comprehensive understanding of the
tools’ capabilities and is reflected in tool robustness
and the ability to correct such errors can impact bio-
metric systems based on typing errors, e.g. a user
may not use correct conjugation in Present Simple
sentences by not adding verb’s ending.
Another avenue for future work involves imple-
menting and testing the most robust spellchecker
identified in this study within a behavioural biomet-
rics system based on typing errors. By incorporating
the spellchecker into the system, its real-world perfor-
mance and its impact on the accuracy and reliability
of the biometric authentication process can be eval-
uated. To further validate the selected spellchecker’s
effectiveness and integration into the behavioural bio-
metrics system, it is essential to conduct experiments
on a representative group of users. This will help de-
termine the system’s performance across diverse user
profiles, including variations in typing styles and lan-
guage proficiency.
By addressing these future work directions, re-
searchers can continue to refine and optimize the
performance of the behavioural biometrics system
that relies on typing errors, ultimately contributing to
SECRYPT 2024 - 21st International Conference on Security and Cryptography