Complex Responsive Processes: The Emergence of Enabling
Constraints in the Living Present of a Cyber-Physical Social System
Guido T. H. J. Willemsen
, Luis Correia
and Marco A. Janssen
ISCTE-IUL/ISTA, University Institute of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal
Dept. Informática, LASIGE, Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal
School of Sustainability/ School of Complex Adaptive Systems, Arizona State University, Tempe, U.S.A.
Keywords: MAPE-K, Cybernetics, Complex Responsive Processes of Relating, Digital Twin, Simulation, Business
Process Management, BPM, BPMN, Cyber-Physical Systems, Social Complexity.
Abstract: Contemporary business process modeling is based on predefined constraints where flexibility is built in.
Current business challenges result from an increase in data which, are a valuable source for decision taking.
Control models from cybernetics could do the job, especially when learning capabilities are added. However,
in an agent-based architecture there is something to add: the social component. This position paper aims to
advance understanding and practical application of how organizations can effectively utilize the abundance
of data in their operational processes while also exploring novel approaches to organizational dynamics and
coordination. More in detail, the paper outlines a model that combines socialComplex Responsive Processes
(CRP) with a cyber-physical control cycle within a multi-agent simulated business process.
In the last few decades, organizations have become
considerably more digital. As a result, exponentially
more valuable data is created both within the
organization, at business partners, and in its
environment. With this data, more appropriate
decisions can be taken, and learning curves can be
accelerated. Mainstream organization theory is based
on Systems Thinking, drawing on Kantian
philosophy, where the elements of duality are leading,
i.e. the rationalist and formative teleology, where
action is constrained by given forms. But how can we
use these exponentially increased data in operational
business processes more dynamically as enabling
constraints, and how is the emergence between
process actors organized? In this position paper, a
model is proposed to harness the possible power of
social Complex Responsive Processes of relating
(CRP) in combination with a cyber-physical control
cycle considering a multi-agent simulated business
This position paper is an elaboration on our
earlier paper in which the model was presented
conceptually. This study has outlined the structure of
a self-organized agnostic control cycle for business
processes where CRP techniques are applied based on
the principles of cybernetics and social science. In
this second position paper, the model is taken to a
level of applicability. As an example of this, the
traditional Beer Game will be modelled as a use case
with process modeling standards in a multi-agent
system, controlled by inter-agent knowledge sharing
and a multi-level control cycle described in this paper.
Business process modeling has been formalized in the
last few decades. A good example of formalization is
the use of BPMN (Business Process Management
Notation) and integration in Process Management
Systems. This, however, has led to often inflexible
and tightly coupled architectures.
Willemsen, G., Correia, L. and Janssen, M.
Complex Responsive Processes: The Emergence of Enabling Constraints in the Living Present of a Cyber-Physical Social System.
DOI: 10.5220/0012789400003758
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications (SIMULTECH 2024), pages 324-331
ISBN: 978-989-758-708-5; ISSN: 2184-2841
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
2.1 Contemporary Process Models
Organizations are complex systems where learning
and knowledge creation is critical for survival.
According to Stacey, the learning ability of
organizations is constrained; "The mainstream theory
of learning and knowledge creation in organizations
is a systems theory, and like other systems theories, it
implicitly assumes the dual causal structure of
Rationalist and Formative Teleology” (Stacey, 2001).
These Kantian principles assume predefined
constraints and enable the unfolding of already
enfolded knowledge by the system. Systems thinking
is the foundation for contemporary business process
2.2 Business Process Management
The de facto standard for process modeling is BPMN.
The idea behind BPMN is that business processes can
be modelled by business users where the
corresponding execution layer is generated instantly.
Currently, many low-coding BPM platforms use the
BPMN to feed Business Process Management
Systems (BPMS).
2.3 Action or Activity Orientation
An effective and solid BPMS requires a clear
architecture that encompasses all functionality in an
orchestrated manner to achieve specific business
objectives. However, this clear-cut architecture is
often missing in organizations. Also, most process
models are activity oriented. Activity orientation
means that complex real-life contexts are harnessed
in predefined models. It defines how things should be
done (while descriptive models describe what has
been done) (Gotel, Finkelstein, 1996), as the process
execution results in process instances, the unique
enactment of the process model. The context
variability is fitted in the model by decision (split) and
join gateways. This presumes that each unique variant
of a process instance is deterministic, and the process
dynamics is constrained by its process model. To
become more effective as an organization, an action-
oriented process model definition is necessary
(Nurcan, 2008).
In an action-oriented architecture a connection is
made between the knowledge extracted from event
data and actions. This enables a context specific
management of actions. An action-oriented approach
can be split into decision-orientation or conversation-
orientation. This should reduce development and
transactions costs as the adaptive capabilities increase
in a loosely couples process, where decisions drive
the adjacent possible action.
2.4 Flexibility in Process Modelling
Most process architecture frameworks presume
knowledge of future situations and are not flexible by
nature. Nurcan elaborates on process flexibility and
identifies the characteristics of a flexible process
architecture: posteriori flexibility by adaptation, or a
priori flexibility by selection which are driven by the
modeling paradigm. In this paradigm, the decision,
conversation, and user experience-oriented approach
enable the process executor to instantly adapt to its
contextual situation.
A critical characteristic that Nurcan identifies is
the flexibility technique, which is only applicable a
priori and can be applied in three ways: late binding,
late modeling, and case handling. Late binding
selects the process patterns that are applicable for the
specific instance and composes a process model on
the fly. This technique requires a loosely coupled
process architecture. Late modeling relates to a
coarse-grained modeling approach, where the degrees
of freedom for process execution are high. For each
instance, the details are defined within the higher-
level constraints. In the case handling technique, the
data and flow of a process is combined in a case. This
case is state driven, where the appropriate case is
selected to achieve the next goal, given the current
state. State events will then drive case selection.
When business processes are deployed in real-life
environments, an effective control mechanism is
essential. Mechanisms from cyber-physical systems
control can be integrated with social interaction
techniques to support the genuine system dynamics.
3.1 MAPE-K
In cybernetics, useful control mechanisms can be
found. Recently, these mechanisms have been
extended with learning capabilities that will support
adaptability and context sensitivity.
3.1.1 Cybernetic Control Cycle
A successful action-oriented process can adapt itself
toward its environment. To become adaptive by
Complex Responsive Processes: The Emergence of Enabling Constraints in the Living Present of a Cyber-Physical Social System
nature, the flexibility techniques for process
management of Nurcan can be applied. In the control
cycle, process parameters will be retrieved from its
policies as business rules using the reflexion and rule-
based techniques and process patterns are selected
from the repository with late binding. These policies
and process patterns will then be improved by a
learning cycle (Senge, 1990).
In an adaptive process, decisions for process
composition and execution are driven by contextual
information. To gain grip on organizational processes
constituted of temporal actor behavior, control cycles
are required (Liu, Barabasi, 2016). These control
cycles use knowledge of the environment and the
internal state of the system to decide on the actions to
be taken. A well-known control cycle process is
MAPE-K. The MAPE-K control cycle consists of five
components; the environment is Monitored (M) and
Analyzed (A), actions are Planned (P) and Executed
(E). All these activities are based on an agent-specific
Knowledge Base (K or KB) (Kephart et al., 2003). KB
includes data such as topology information, historical
logs, metrics, symptoms, and policies, which are used
by the Monitoring component and deployed by the
Execution component.
MAPE-K could be applied to several levels of the
processes, both on a central and decentralized level
(Weyns et al., 2012). When the MAPE-K control is
organized on a decentral level, the execution of the
subsystem is driven by agent-specific goals which
shapes the behavior of higher-level processes. The
decentralized process enables the agent to learn,
based on its domain specific goals. This MAPE-K
loop is modelled as a Markov Decision Process
(MDP) using Bayesian learning. Centralized control,
on the other hand, will take care of synchronization
of these activities (Weyns et al., 2010).
In current research on the MAPE-K, attention to
the influence of social environmental factors is
limited. More specifically, how do environmental
factors like the participation of agents in a group
influence the perception of environmental data and
the evaluation principles of each single agent?
Especially when the MAPE-K model is applied to
distributed control loops with decentralized decision-
making, it could be valuable to see how the adaptation
rules and results are shared amongst the other agents.
3.1.2 Learning Capabilities
Recent initiatives aimed at fine-tuning the MAPE-K
model and diving into the characteristics of the KB.
Research by Kloes et al. (Kloes et al., 2015) presents
a MAPE-K extension, where the KB is described with
four adaptation mechanisms: the Environment model
, System model K
, Goal model K
Adaptation model K
. Also, they added two
components to enable meta-adaptation: Evaluation
and Learning. Recently, Kloes et al. also added the
Verification component to this (Kloes et al., 2018).
With these extensions, the MAPE-K model logic
becomes adaptive and applies dynamic, context-
specific rules. The first results from this study show
that the adaptability of the process improves but
should be validated to a higher extent to achieve
generic applicability. From now on, the learning
extension is referred to as the MAPE-K
Figure 1: MAPE-K with learning capability.
Within the Knowledge component, two elements are
subject to external factors: Knowledge of the
Environment and Knowledge of Goal, while two
other elements are internally oriented: Knowledge of
the System and Knowledge on the Adaptation actions.
model shows how autonomous
decision-making techniques in a runtime
environment can be used to adapt to continuously
changing environments in a quantitative manner.
Guards monitor the environment and activate or de-
activate specific system- or sub-goals. A guard
specifies when an activity can be executed (Ricci et
al., 2008). So, these guards are trained to make the
system context sensitive. In the study of Kloes (Kloes
et al., 2018), a model for Goal requirements definition
is proposed, where a parent goal can consist of sub-
goals. These sub-goals could mutually reinforce and
measured as weighted contributors to the parent-goal
but can also be exclusive contributors. Together, the
joint success rates of the set of sub-goals will
determine the total success of the parent-goal and
therefore the success of planned actions.
3.2 Social Business Process Interaction
A business process will often rely on a human-
machine interaction, where the machines act in a
cyber-physical environment while humans behave in
a social construct. A complex responsive process
approach could integrate both worlds.
SIMULTECH 2024 - 14th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications
3.2.1 Complex Responsive Processes of
Organizations operate in a complex environment,
which is characterized by emergence, nonlinearity,
and self-organization (Oukharijane et al., 2019). In
organization science, the organization, as the locus of
attention, has been studied as a Complex Adaptive
System (CAS), where micro-dynamics of local
interactions between the organizational actors result
in global patterns. A MAPE-K
control cycle is often
situated in this organizational context. Although this
approach distinguishes the several steps of
complexity, the single organizational actor is
constituted as a rule-driven agent (Macintoch,
MacLean, 2001). Before, we referred to Nurcan who
states that an adaptive process should focus on an
action-oriented agent. However, the full range of
human experiences is hardly captured while the
environment is perceived as social and complex
patterns, in which behavior of a human actor is both
physical and cognitive. Complex intelligence, where
knowledge is created out of social interaction,
includes this human factor, but lacks a suitable
integration with the idea of CAS. This has been
identified by Stacey et al as Complex Responsive
Processes of Relating (CRP) (Stacey, 2003), where
activity of actors is influenced by the behavior of
other actors, individuals, or groups. CRP, however, is
taking both perspectives on human interaction and
emergence into consideration (Stacey, Griffin, 2005).
According to Homan ( (Homan, 2016), p. 495),
“the complex responsive process perspective does not
assume the [agents] to be more or less mechanistic
entities (automatons) reacting in a rule-driven fashion
to their neighbors, but endows the [agent] with
thoughts, reflections, emotions, anxieties, ambitions,
socialization, history, political games, spontaneity,
unpredictability, and uncertainty, also understanding
(human) interactions with others as intrinsic power
relations”. In the CRP setting, actors will search for
others to create a critical mass or are complementary
in capabilities or skills to overcome uncertainty.
These groups are formed around common themes,
which are shared, repeated, and endure in its values,
beliefs, traditions, habits, routines, and procedures
(Stacey, 2003).
From the Social Feedback Theory (Banisch et al.,
2020) we learned that the behavior of the agent is
influenced by the group the agent belongs to, from
now identified as trust groups. Agents perceive their
environment through the lens of the group and act,
accordingly, based on its dominant logic (Bose et al.,
2017). Gergen describes this behavior as social
constructionism (Gergen, 1999). According to
Gergen, relationships in the group and the reality of
group members are socially constructed and are
limited by culture, history, and human embeddedness
in the physical world. Not the individual mind but the
relationship becomes the main driver for dynamics.
The gesture and response dynamics in group activities
are triggered by environmental artifacts and lead to
the application and creation of patterns and the
disclosure of new artifacts to the environment, which
is, as Stacey states, the true source of knowledge
creation (Stacey, 2001). So, in the CRP theory, to
understand the dynamics of a system, one should
focus on the interaction of actors in groups instead of
individual behavior (Stacey, 2003).
In the MAPE-K
model the focus is set on a
mechanistic control loop, as it originated from
cybernetics. However, the MAPE-K
model is
applicable in closed systems with clear constraints
and is based on simplified models of reality, which do
not represent the living present. When applied to a
social system, the subjective pole is missing as agent
specific considerations are only partly taken into
account. By adding human behavior to the model, the
inter-agent dynamics will change, as the closed
system is opened, and the process becomes subjective
to the adjacent-possible with enabling constraints
(Kaufmann, 2016).
By adding the inter-agent dynamics from the CRP
theory to MAPE-K
we could increase the learning
capabilities of each agent and spread knowledge
between trust groups more quickly.
Figure 2: MAPE-K
with CRP exchange integration.
In this research the feasibility of CRP in the MAPE-
cycle is developed and assessed in simulated
business processes. This results in a cyber-physical
social model and will be identified as MAPE-K
3.2.2 Integration in a BPMS Engine
A business process with a MAPE-K
CRP control
cycle can be modelled in BPMN. Also, it is possible
to use these BPMN flows in a simulation environment
Complex Responsive Processes: The Emergence of Enabling Constraints in the Living Present of a Cyber-Physical Social System
or improves it flexibility by using late binding or late
modeling (Patiniotakis et al., 2012).
To model the MAPE-K
CRP in BPMN, the
following approach is used:
1. Develop a model to simulate a managed process.
This managed process is the operational
environment which requires controls for action,
more specifically decision taking. Logic will be
moved out of the managed process to the MAPE-
K control loop. As a result, the managed process
will become a pure constructor for information
processing and/or physical creation.
2. Add a MAPE-K control cycle to the managed
process to allocate decision making.
The MAPE-K control cycle will include the logic
stored in the KB (K) where context data is stored
and monitored (Monitor), analyzed and
interpreted with policies (Analyze), translated
into behavioral change (Plan), and applied for
execution (Execute).
3. Implement an internalized learning process to
update the agents KB.
The KB contains both contextual information
(externalized) and policies (Internalized). This
KB will be updated during runtime. As a learning
cycle is added to update the agents KB, the
internalized policies and rules become dynamic.
This learning capability exists of three elements:
Evaluating, Learning, and Validating (ELV) to
update the KB. This learning on top of MAPE-K
results in the MAPE-K
4. Add interfacing of agent specific KB data within
the agent population.
Updating the KB in the MAPE-K
is internalized.
However, the learning capabilities of other agents
could be valuable to speed up the improvement of
a KB. Successful strategies can be shared among
agents by updating KB entity records like specific
policies of process patterns. Several Agent Based
Modelling (ABM) techniques are available to
facilitate this data exchange (Pires et al., 2023).
5. Add social bonding between agent cliques.
Create groups of agents by adding trust levels.
Grouping of agents can be defined in diverse ways
i.e., imposed by the modeler, self-organized by
agents creating formalized groups or even
informal group definition (like influencers).
When an agent is part of a group, the trust level
between agents improves. This could result in free
sharing of KB data between group agents, called
Trust groups (Hoogendoorn et al., 2008).
This model is based on the ABM principles and
detailed with the ODD (Overview, Definition and
Details) technique (Grimm et al., 2020).
Figure 3: MAPE-K
CRP model in BPMN.
The managed process will be the locus of control and
could be any operational BPMN process, as the
CRP model is agnostic. In BPMN the
decomposition of sub models enables an efficient
reuse of standardized processes. In the managed
process, the MAPE-K cycle will be called by
embedding the subprocess, while the ELV learning
extension process is a subprocess of MAPE-K. In this
research, the CRP extension will be called from the
ELV process. With this process architecture, the
CRP should enable a learning capability
that includes inter-agent exchange of knowledge.
4.1 Digital Twin Control Model
In a managed process, the control cycle will take care
of the decision making. When the agnostic MAPE-
CRP model is added to an operational
environment, it will be able to generate instance
specific process models and becomes adaptive. By
integrating this process in a simulation environment,
it will function as a Digital Twin.
4.1.1 MAPE-K
CRP Model Architecture
The generic MAPE-K
CRP model is based on four
layers. The managed process consists of events, tasks,
SIMULTECH 2024 - 14th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications
gateway (decisions or routing elements defined as
splits and joins) and possible sub-processes. This is
the operational process that is running in its
environment and will effectively change the state or
phase space. This managed process needs to be a fine-
grained model and should take care of achieving a
specific objective of the agent.
Within this managed process, one MAPE-K sub-
process is included. This sub-process monitors the
current state of the environment and will define the
preferred action to take. This could be a decision to
apply a specific policy, which is effectuated in
parameter setting or the selection of a process pattern.
However, to be able to achieve this, the managed
process should be loosely coupled, where process
patterns can be selected, defined as a sub-process.
This enables agility and late modeling, which results
in a high level of adaptability. Knowledge of the
events in its environment, policies, and the process
patterns available will be stored in the KB.
Figure 4: CRP BPMN process flow.
The learning mechanism will be triggered from
the MAPE-K flow. This learning extension was added
to MAPE-K by Kloes et al. (Kloes et al., 2018) and is
applicable for each MAPE-K cycle, just after the
monitoring of the managed system and is executed
after a change of the process typology or
stochastically determined, where the level of
randomness can be varied with a system parameter.
This learning process will evaluate the
effectiveness of earlier MAPE-K decisions and
change policies or process patterns when the results
are not satisfying. The learning step will search for
alternative policies or new process pattern
combinations, which will be stored in the KB after
verification of the result, based on a meta-simulation
of the process during the verification step.
In each cycle of the ELV there is a link to the
knowledge of other agents. For each instance, this
process will select policies (decisions or parameters)
and process patterns that are shared with other agents.
This is represented by an outbound process and
stimulates the social characteristics of agent behavior.
Sequentially, new knowledge is retrieved from
others, were new policies and process patterns are
stored in the agent’s KB while keeping the original
source for each acquired knowledge object. This is
called the inbound process of the knowledge
However, knowledge is only shared amongst
other agents that belong to the same trust group.
Knowledge in the trust groups is ranked and scores of
applied knowledge will stimulate or discourage the
use of policies and process patterns. During the
Verification phase in the ELV cycle, the scores of
knowledge of each trust group are taken into
In addition, this behavior could result in closed
trust groups, where access to new knowledge from
non-trustees is secluded. To disclose this knowledge,
own knowledge is also shared randomly or via social
links to non-trustees (for example with a blackboard
agent (Szymański et al., 2018) or the attitude
formation technique (Pires et al., 2023)) and their
knowledge is verified. Based on the outcome of this
verification, an improved simulated result will
promote the source agent to the trust group.
4.1.2 Real Time Process Simulation
CRP model can be modeled as a
digital twin of the managed process with the
possibility to simulate. This model contains many
possible process patterns and stores its relationship
with other main process patterns. For this research,
the model is agent-based and could contain sub-
processes. These sub-processes represent process
agents which must achieve a specific task, in this
case: Monitoring, Analysis, Planning and Execution
in MAPE-K, Evaluation, Learning and Verification in
the ELV and Outbound and Inbound Exchange in
The model is linked to the BPMS bi-directionally:
process states (events) are retrieved from the
managed process to the simulation environment and
execution plans are deployed from the MAPE-K
control cycle to the process orchestration engine.
Deployment takes place by pushing the process
pattern script to the BPMS. With this, the process
flow visualization can be generated in the BPMS and
execution in real-time is possible. Based on this bi-
directional iteration, a genuine, real-life digital twin
is created in which simulation takes place in the living
In this research the Anylogic simulation
environment is used. Anylogic software supports
different paradigms to model large and complex
systems (Borshchev, Fillipov, 2004) and could be
used to run ABM simulations of complex business
processes. With the outcome of these simulations,
business process decisions can be underpinned with
Complex Responsive Processes: The Emergence of Enabling Constraints in the Living Present of a Cyber-Physical Social System
independent or contingent data. The Anylogic model
will be defined as one main process (the managed
process) that includes a MAPE-K sub process, which
is decomposed as a separate agent, embedded in the
agency of the main process. Also, this MAPE-K sub
process consists of the Evaluation, Learning and
Verification process (ELV) as a sub-sub process. The
CRP exchange process will then be another sub
process, a part of the ELV cycle and is integrated in
the other agent process execution environment.
4.2 Case Studies
To show the practical use of the theoretic MAPE-K
CRP model it will be applied to a real-life business
case, to show its usefulness in supporting operational
business process decisions.
Traditional business cases are built on predefined,
rigid processes. A well-known business case in
logistics is the Beer-Game, where the supply chain of
beer is modeled with multiple actors, feedback loops,
nonlinearities, and time delays. In a beer game
simulation, the optimum must be found in the order
quantity in a trade off with stock levels and service
levels across all stages in a supply chain (Sterman,
1984). Based on this model, extensive research has
been performed, including agent-based versions,
BPMN, MAPE-K and deep reinforcement learning.
When the MAPE-K
CRP model is applied to the
beer game, it is not intended to prove its added value
compared with other beer game improvement
techniques. The only objective is to show the
applicability of the model in a business case.
In this research, the beer game will be modelled
with the MAPE-K
CRP model in several steps; first
the late binding process architecture is applied in the
traditional beer game; next the MAPE-K control cycle
and the ELV extension are included; finally, the CRP
inter-agent knowledge exchange process is added,
where knowledge is shared within trust groups. The
analysis is based on the mathematical model
described by Edali and Yasarcan (Edali, Yasarcan,
Comparison of the outcomes should indicate the
possible added value of the CRP exchange by its
ability to increase knowledge sharing and
acceleration of the learning process. In addition, the
modification of the agent’s Knowledge Base is
measured by the number of new, changed, and
deleted policies and process patterns. Also, the source
of these knowledge base records is reported, as it
could origin from the agent itself or a trusted agent.
The added value of the MAPE-K
CRP model is the
ability to share knowledge between agents in a
controlled manner.
Agent-based models could process operational data in
a complex, self-organized way. In cybernetics, many
applicable models can be found like the MAPE-K
control model. However, the exchange of data
between agents is limited in these models. And just
this inter-agent dynamics seems to have a great
potential to accelerate learning and improvement
initiatives. In this paper we propose the integration of
the MAPE-K model with social complexity CRP
techniques. This research investigates the exchange
of knowledge between agents to apply in each own
control cycle. The processes and
techniques of knowledge exchange are applied in
both managed process and its simulated model. In the
final stage of this research, the theoretical model will
be applied to an operational simulation model, based
on a real-live business case.
In this paper, two elements of knowledge exchange
are selected as knowledge entities that will be used in
the MAPE-K
control cycle: policies and process
patterns. More research must be done on other
knowledge entities like topologies, sensors, or
Also, the requirements for a loosely coupled
process architecture are incomplete and should be
extended in a more fine-grained manner. This would
increase the level of flexibility in process pattern
selection and deployment.
The third area of elaboration is the use of trust
groups, as this topic has much more depth than used
in this research. Using several techniques to create or
join trust groups could stimulate the speed and quality
of the exchange of knowledge entities. Also, more
CRP techniques could be applied to increase the level
of inter-agent dynamics.
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Complex Responsive Processes: The Emergence of Enabling Constraints in the Living Present of a Cyber-Physical Social System