Towards an Approach for Integrating Risk Management Practices into
Agile Contexts
Fernando Vedoin Garcia, Jean Carlo Rossa Hauck, Fernanda Narloch Rizzo Hahn and
Raul Sidnei Wazlawick
Department of Informatics and Statistics, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Florian
opolis, Brazil
Risks, Agile, Practices, Management.
Risk management has been perceived as important to assist in the delivery of software products that meet
the expected scope, schedule, and costs. In traditional plan-driven software development, risk management
includes identifying, analyzing, planning responses, monitoring, and controlling risks. In agile methods, how-
ever, risks are typically managed implicitly, through practices and values that tend to keep risks under control.
However, in many contexts, such as software development for highly regulated domains, such as health and
finance, this implicit risk management may not be enough. This paper presents an action research on the in-
troduction of explicit risk management practices in a healthcare software development organization that uses
agile methods. Based on identified risk management practices used in agile contexts, the research intervention
is planned, applied in two teams during three iterations and the collected data are evaluated and interpreted.
The results of the study raise evidence that the agile risk management practices adopted were effective in
identifying and mitigating risks and improving project results, without negatively impacting the team’s pro-
ductivity or the agile values adopted by the organization. Also as a result of the application of the study, a
possible approach to introduce risk management practices in agile contexts emerges.
Risk management in software development projects
has historically been perceived as important, as soft-
ware projects are subject to various risks related to
scope, stakeholder expectations, estimates, technol-
ogy evolution and deadlines (Islam et al., 2014), (Ab-
delrafe et al., 2016).
Risk management is a well-established process
in the traditional plan-oriented software development
methods. These methods have adopted risk manage-
ment practices, such as risk identification, qualita-
tive and quantitative analysis, response planning and
risk monitoring and controlling (PMI, 2021), (Inter-
national Organization for Standardization, 2009), (In-
ternational Organization for Standardization, 2010).
In agile methods, however, risk management is
usually treated implicitly since typical agile methods’
practices, such as small increments, work visibility
and expectations management, tend to optimize pre-
dictability and, thus, mitigating risks (Concha et al.,
2007), (Nyfjord and Kajko-Mattsson, 2007).
However, the absence of explicit risk management
practices has often led agile projects to fail (Dhir
et al., 2019), (Tam et al., 2020), (Tanner et al., 2014),
especially in certain software development scenarios
where the typical implicit risk management strategy
of the agile methods has not been enough to keep risks
under control (Hauck and Vieira, 2021) (Shrivastava
and Rathod, 2015), (Nelson et al., 2008).
This need to improve agile risk management, leav-
ing traditional and cumbersome processes aside and
without losing agile principles, has attracted recent
attention of researchers and practitioners, leading to
different approaches to adopting risk management
practices in agile methods (Afshari and Gandomani,
2022), (Ylimannela, 2012), (Godse and Rajiv, 2021).
This same need for risk management has been ob-
served in a software development organization that
uses agile methods and develops products for the
healthcare and educational domains. The organiza-
tion has more than 180 employees, serving 2.500
municipalities with more than 75.000 direct users in
Brazil. Due to the domains of application, that are
subject to possible risks with very high human im-
pact, two of the authors of this study, who work at the
organization, have perceived the need to integrate ex-
plicit risk management practices into the agile meth-
Garcia, F., Hauck, J., Hahn, F. and Wazlawick, R.
Towards an Approach for Integrating Risk Management Practices into Agile Contexts.
DOI: 10.5220/0012790200003753
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Software Technologies (ICSOFT 2024), pages 46-58
ISBN: 978-989-758-706-1; ISSN: 2184-2833
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
ods used in the organization.
Thus, our research question is ”How to integrate
explicit risk management practices in a software de-
velopment organization that uses agile methods?”. In
an initial investigation through a Systematic Mapping
Study (SLM) (Garcia et al., 2022), we did not find
any specific guide that establishes an approach for in-
tegrating risk management practices into agile meth-
Based on the results of the previous SLM, we car-
ried out an action research following the approaches
proposed by (Petersen et al., 2014) and (Avison et al.,
1999). Initially, a diagnosis of the organization is car-
ried out, then the action planning is performed fol-
lowed by the design of a possible solution. The inter-
vention is then applied in the organization, data are
collected and analyzed and the lessons learned are
The main contributions of this study are twofold.
For researchers, we present an action research, report-
ing and discussing the main results and finally gener-
alizing the steps in an initial proposal of an approach,
contributing to the recent research on the adoption of
risk management with agile methods. For practition-
ers, we present a practical application that can serve
as inspiration for how to apply explicit risk manage-
ment practices in those scenarios where the implicit
risk management of the agile methods may not have
been enough.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows: the
next section presents related works (2), followed by a
section on methods (3), the action research planning
(4), action taking (5), evaluation (6) and specifying
learning (7). Finally, the conclusion section (8) sum-
marizes the key findings.
Given the importance of risk management, the inte-
gration of these practices into agile methods has at-
tracted the attention of researchers and practitioners
(Garcia et al., 2022). In this section we present works
that propose different strategies for this integration of
risk practices.
ao (Chiste Brand
ao, 2013), based on em-
pirical research, reported that a significant number of
software companies do not regard risk management as
an established practice. Additionally, certain software
methods do not officially incorporate risk assessment,
and instead rely on informal practices to mitigate risks
(Chiste Brand
ao, 2013). While in (Elkhatib et al.,
2022), agile or hybrid projects have been found to
carry less risk compared to waterfall projects. Also,
the research suggests several recommendations to re-
duce project risk, such as incorporating customer vi-
sion, selecting the appropriate project approach, hav-
ing an experienced project manager and team, involv-
ing customers in the project, obtaining organizational
policy support for an agile approach, promoting a sup-
portive culture, and utilizing analytical tools.
In (Afshari and Gandomani, 2022), authors have
proposed a risk management model in a hybrid ap-
proach, combining Scrum and XP. The model vali-
dated in a case study showed positive results by re-
ducing the number of duplications, change requests,
identified risks, and occurred risks. It also increased
team efficiency and eliminated risks.
In (Ylimannela, 2012), authors propose modifica-
tions to the risks identifying approach by incorporat-
ing a risk matrix onto a risk board, utilizing red sticky
notes for potential risks and yellow ones for poten-
tial solutions. A checklist is used to identify high-risk
areas, giving weight to the security of the case, and
the checklist is added to the sprint backlog for mon-
itoring. Once a response has been implemented, the
note and risk are transferred to a new location on the
board. Any accepted risks are saved in digital format
for future re-evaluation. However, as helpful as it was,
authors found difficult to decide on a high-risk feature
and there were issues with unnecessary bureaucracy.
Tomanek (Tomanek and Juricek, 2015) suggested
a risk management technique for the Scrum frame-
work utilizing the PRINCE2 approach. The authors
justified this combination by highlighting the process
oriented nature of both methods. The research found
that the most critical aspect of risk is its seriousness,
and the best moment to address risks is during Sprint
planning. The outcome of the study demonstrated
that incorporating Scrum with PRINCE2 approach re-
sults in enhanced product delivery time. However, the
study also highlighted that while incorporating risk
management and holding risk identification meetings
in Scrum can be beneficial, it may not be suitable for
all project types.
In summary, related works propose different ap-
proaches to risk management and provide insights
on the benefits and challenges of implementing risk
management in agile software development projects.
However, none of the related works presented a
generic approach capable of effectively managing
risks across different agile contexts, as they, sepa-
rately, lacked support for various risk management
processes and domains. Thus, different from related
works, this paper presents an action research study
covering different risks practices based on literature,
systematically selecting, applying and evaluating the
most suitable ones and, based on the results of the
Towards an Approach for Integrating Risk Management Practices into Agile Contexts
study, pursuing a possible general approach for the
incorporation of explicit risk management practices
into software organizations that use agile methods.
This study adopts action research as its methodolog-
ical approach. Action research is an iterative process
that involves researchers and practitioners collaborat-
ing on a particular set of activities, such as problem
diagnosis, action intervention, and reflective learning
(Avison et al., 1999).
Based on the organization’s context we defined
our main research question as ”How to integrate ex-
plicit risk management practices in a software devel-
opment organization that uses agile methods?”.
Initially, in order to understand how primary stud-
ies have been reported the integration of explicit risk
management practices into agile methods, we carried
out a Systematic Mapping Study (SLM) (Garcia et al.,
2022). Thus, based on the needs identified in the or-
ganization and the experiences gained from the SLM,
we carried out this action research study following the
steps proposed by (Petersen et al., 2014) and (Avison
et al., 1999). Figure 1 presents the steps followed in
this study.
Figure 1: Study methodological approach.
As shown in Figure 1, after performing the SLM,
we started the first step with a diagnosis to understand
and describe the problem to be solved. In the next
steps, we carried out the planning, diagnosis and de-
sign of the action, where we studied alternatives for
solving the problem and choose the most appropriated
ones. The next step was to carry out the intervention
action itself, where the plan is executed. Next, we
carried out the evaluation of the effects of the action
through the application of structured interviews with
the participants. Finally, the learning gained through
the evaluation of the intervention was documented
as an organization’s draft approach to integrate risks
management practices. These methodological steps
are presented in detail in the next sections.
This study was approved by the Human Research
Ethics Committee of the Federal University of Santa
Catarina number 55851622.8.0000.0121.
Following the adopted methodological approach, the
first step is to plan the action research. The planning
of this study consists of defining the objective of the
action, defining a schedule and allocating the organi-
zational resources needed to carry out the study.
The main objective of the study is derived from the
research question (Section 3): ”To introduce explicit
risk management practices in the context of the target
organization that uses agile methods”.
This study was planned to be carried during three
months involving two of the organization’s develop-
ment teams. The selection criteria for these teams
were: (i) the relevance of the software products de-
veloped by the teams, which are the most important
for the organization; (ii) the proximity to one of the
authors of this study who works in one of the teams;
(iii) the participants’ availability.
The teams involved in this study and their char-
acteristics are presented in Table 1. The two chosen
teams are treated from now on as Team A and Team B.
A more detailed analysis of this context is presented
in the next section.
Table 1: Teams’ characteristics.
Team A Team B
Agile method Scrum Scrum
Team size 6 10
Application domain Healthcare Education
Product type Web Mobile
4.1 Diagnosis
This step consists of understanding and explaining the
problem. Thus, we conducted an initial diagnosis of
the organization’s context and, based in this context,
we formalized the problem definition.
4.1.1 Context
As already mentioned, the target organization of this
study is a software development organization that de-
velops web and mobile systems for the healthcare and
education domains, reaching thousands of users in
Brazil. With currently 180 employees, the organiza-
tion has 15 development teams working on 3 different
software products.
ICSOFT 2024 - 19th International Conference on Software Technologies
All software development teams in the organiza-
tion are using the agile Scrum method as the main
reference for their software process. However, each
team is free to adapt the method according to their
needs. Below, for a better understanding of the con-
text, the software process of the teams involved in this
study is briefly presented.
Teams work in a hybrid work regime, with some
members working asynchronously most of the time.
They use the Slack tool
to facilitate asynchronous
communication and the Google Meet tool
for syn-
chronous interactions. Teams use GitHub
for source
code management. In addition, they use Google
Drive, Docs and Sheets
to record goals, activities
and other types of shared materials.
The teams use iterations of two weeks-long
Sprints that are initiated with a Sprint planning cere-
mony, which takes place on the first day of the Sprint.
Both teams maintain a history of the past Sprints so
that the total effort on selected tasks does not ex-
ceed the team’s development capacity. The roles of
Product Owner (PO) and Scrum Master (SM) are
maintained in both teams (Schwaber and Sutherland,
After the planning ceremony, the Sprint execution
begins, carrying out the selected tasks. During the
Sprint execution, Daily Meetings are performed, aim-
ing to follow the task’s progress as well as to remove
During the Sprints execution, the integration
among the organization’s teams is carried out through
weekly Scrum of Scrums (Sutherland, 2021) cere-
monies, meetings where only the SMs of each team
participate to follow the progress of the Sprints.
At the end of each Sprint, the Sprint Retrospective
and the Sprint Review ceremonies are held, following
Scrum practices (Schwaber and Sutherland, 2020).
The organization also uses the Agile Wheel tech-
nique (Soares, 2017) as a continuous improvement
approach, periodically holding meetings to assess the
progress of the teams.
4.1.2 Problem Definition
As it can be seen in the previous section, currently
no explicit risk management practices are carried out
by the participant teams. Thus, given the software
products domains (education and especially health-
care) which leads to possible serious impacts of the
materialization of risks, the need to make risk man-
agement explicit was perceived by the two authors of
this study who work at the organization.
The main problem, however, emerges from the
need to introduce risk management practices with-
out losing the values of the agile methods adopted by
the organization, such as adaptation to change, short
delivery cycles, open and frequent communication,
which are very important for the organization’s cul-
4.2 Selection of Solution Alternatives
The analysis of problem solution alternatives begins
with the identification of risk management practices
that have been adopted by organizations that use ag-
ile methods. The most used risk management prac-
tices were identified from the initial Systematic Map-
ping Study (Garcia et al., 2022). The complete list of
identified agile risk management practices is available
at: As many risk management
practices have been identified in previous research,
and that we do not wanted to create new practices, in
order to choose alternatives for the problem solution,
we previously selected four practices using as criteria:
Practices applied in similar contexts (organization
size, agile method or product domain);
Practices with reported successful results of appli-
Practices with a minimal description sufficient to
be applied;
Practices that can cover risk identification, regis-
ter, analysis or monitoring, when possible;
Practices that are aligned with the values of the
agile manifesto.
Based on these criteria, the pre-selected practices
are defined below, accompanied by a brief description
as present in the primary study that proposed it.
Risk Brainstorming: This practice is used to
awaken ideas and creative thoughts. For the real-
ity of risk management, this practice helps mainly
in identifying risks, and can be performed in a
structured way, in the form of an interview, in a
coordinated session or in a free form, allowing
everyone to discuss the risks of the project (Ham-
mad and Inayat, 2018).
Risk checklist: This practice allows a starting
point to identify risks, using checklists developed
from the experiences of other projects, listing the
main risk categories and aspects (Ghobadi and
Mathiassen, 2017). The list of possible risks to
populate this checklist was extracted from those
Towards an Approach for Integrating Risk Management Practices into Agile Contexts
risks identified in the SLM (Garcia et al., 2022) as
most common in agile methods. The complete list
of identified risks is available at:
Risk matrix: This is a practice to aid in risk anal-
ysis considering the criticality of a risk, in which
the x-axis is cost/impact and the y-axis is the prob-
ability of occurrence. We can evaluate each risk
with the matrix, where a classification is defined
for each threat and axis, the greater the severity.
In terms of colors, red, yellow and green indicate
high, medium and low priority risks, respectively.
With the union of the numerical value and the
color of a risk, criticality is determined (Cuong
et al., 2019).
Risk Register: When a project is already contrac-
tually agreed between the interested parties, a risk
register is developed, which contains, in addition
to the threats and opportunities identified, ana-
lyzes and response strategies, recorded in a table
(Alharbi and Qureshi, 2014).
4.3 Data Collection Planning
The Goal Question Metric (GQM) (Koziolek, 2008)
approach was used to plan the data collection for this
action research. The GQM approach defines mea-
surement objectives and derives questions and met-
rics that should be collected to reach those objectives.
The measurement objectives (MO) of this study are
derived from the research question and the main ob-
jective, as presented. Thus, planning the study data
collection, measurement objectives and related ques-
tions are presented bellow.
MO1: Analyze the team’s effort during the appli-
cation of risk management practices, from the point of
view of the software development teams in the context
of the target organization.
Q1.1: What is the total effort spent by the team
members to apply risk management practices?
MO2: Analyze the applicability of risk manage-
ment practices in agile teams at the organization, from
the point of view of the software development teams
in the context of the target organization.
Q2.1: Are risk management practices easy to un-
derstand and apply?
Q2.2: Was the experience of applying the prac-
tices beneficial to the participant teams?
Q2.3: What were the main difficulties in applying
risk management practices?
Q2.4: Was there an impact on the team’s velocity
when applying risk management practices?
MO3: Analyze the acceptance of risk manage-
ment practices, from the point of view of the software
development teams in the context of the target organi-
Q3.1: Does the team intend to continue using the
presented practices? If yes, why?
Q3.2: What were the main results in the applica-
tion of risk management practices?
For each question, following the GQM approach,
metrics were also defined. For the objective OM1,
the effort is collected through a spreadsheet already
used by teams to register their activities and using an
online stopwatch tool during the meetings. For data
collection of OM2 and OM3 metrics, we developed a
questionnaire containing all the derived questions to
be applied at the end of the intervention. The ques-
tionnaire form is available at
This section describes the execution of this action re-
search as defined in the planning section.
Initially we started by motivating team members
to participate in the study, clearly stating how the
study would be conducted and what problem it was
intended to solve. This motivation was carried out
through a meeting with each of the teams.
Then, based on the four practices pre-selected
from the literature, both Team A and Team B were
involved in selecting the practices that seemed most
appropriate for the reality of the teams. This step is
presented in Section 5.1.
After that, tools were developed to facilitate the
recording and monitoring of identified risks. This step
is presented in Section 5.2.
Finally, the selected practices were applied by
both Team A and Team B during the planned period,
covering six and four Sprints performed by each team,
respectively. Details of this application are presented
in section 5.3.
During the execution of this study, the interven-
tion was monitored by the authors in order to verify
the impact and collect data regarding the metrics de-
scribed in Section 4.3.
5.1 Selection of Risk Management
The initial step is to choose the risk management prac-
tices that best meet the needs of the organization and
that are better aligned with the organizational context.
ICSOFT 2024 - 19th International Conference on Software Technologies
As already presented, a list of the most used risk
management practices in agile contexts was extracted
from a SLM carried out prior to this study.
In order to involve the teams in the selection of the
risk management practices to be used, a meeting was
held with two members in leadership positions from
each team. In Team A the PO and Tech Leader par-
ticipated, in Team B the members involved were PO
and SM. In the first moment of the meeting, we pre-
sented the selected risk management practices with a
brief explanation of each one. Afterwards, an open
discussion took place among the team members to
clarify any doubts and make informed decisions about
which practices would best suit their specific context.
This decision-making process was based on the team
members’ experiences and considerations of the cur-
rent ceremonies that accompany the development cy-
cle, ensuring that the chosen practices could be seam-
lessly integrated into their existing workflow. In ad-
dition, the team members took into consideration the
project constraints while choosing the practices. They
evaluated how the selected practices aligned with the
project’s specific limitations, such as time, resources,
and budget. This consideration ensured that the cho-
sen practices were not only suitable for their context
but also feasible and practical within the given project
From that meeting, the two teams selected the
Risk Checklist and Risk Matrix practices. Brain-
storming was discarded as it required an additional
synchronous ceremony for the risk identification,
which would cause significant time loss. Also, the
Risk Register was not selected because it required the
creation and implementation of detailed action plans,
which was considered by the participants as possi-
bly compromising the team’s agile values, by requir-
ing additional documentation and possibly impacting
their productivity.
After the meeting, the selected practices were pre-
sented to the teams by the leaders in an informal meet-
ing, so that they could be validated. Then, both teams
agreed with the implementation of the chosen prac-
5.2 Development of Tools for Risk
After defining the adopted practices, we created a
facilitating tool for the application of the practices.
Both teams wanted at least part of the implementa-
tion of the practices to be asynchronously so that the
team’s productivity was not compromised.
Thus, we created a simple tool on Google Forms
for each team, which is mapped to a table in Google
Sheets. This form implements the Risk Checklist
previously populated with the list of most common
risks reported in the literature (Garcia et al., 2022)
and provides an open field for members to fill in other
identified risks. In this way, it was possible for the
teams to identify risks asynchronously without the
need to use or create a ceremony for this purpose. Fig-
ure 2 shows the defined form.
Figure 2: Risk Checklist form.
Once identified in the form, the risks are auto-
matically allocated in a line on the spreadsheet and
can then be analyzed later according to the practice
selected by the team. This spreadsheet supports the
Risk Matrix practice, as in addition to the risk de-
scription, the worksheet also allows team members
to rate the risk in Impact (“Insignificant”, “Moder-
ate” and “Catastrophic”) and in Probability (“Low”,
“Medium” and “High”). Figure 3 shows the spread-
sheet model used by the teams. The Risk Matrix be-
low was also made available so that teams can define
risk priority.
Figure 3: Qualitative matrix.
In order to facilitate the use of the tools, we
recorded a video with a brief explanation on how to
use the tools. In the video, we presented the selected
risk management practices, the form to be completed
by the team members, and the spreadsheet to which
the risks were mapped, analyzed and monitored.
5.3 Application of the Risk
Management Practices by the
After the beginning of the applications of the prac-
tices in both teams, during the next three Sprints of
Towards an Approach for Integrating Risk Management Practices into Agile Contexts
two weeks each, the participants were free to apply
the chosen risk management practices in the way they
considered most appropriate for the context of the
Both teams opted to perform risk analysis during
the last Daily Scrum ceremony at the end of each
Sprint. The identification of risks occurred recur-
rently during the Sprint duration. One of the authors
of this study accompanied the teams during the cere-
monies clearing everyone’s doubts.
Next, some specificities of the application of prac-
tices in each of the teams are presented.
5.3.1 Application in Team A
In Team A, the explanatory video was made available
on the Slack tool team channel. Together with the
video, the tools for identifying and analyzing risks
were also made available.
Team A form received 6 responses during the first
Sprint of applying the Risk Checklist identification
practice and, according to the participants, each mem-
ber responded to the form only once.
The risks identified by the team were mostly those
already present in the support list. With greater ap-
pearance of risks ”Complex project” and ”Depen-
dency on legacy technologies”.
After identifying the risks, in the following Sprint,
the participants carried out the risk analysis and mon-
itoring through the application of the Risk Matrix
practice. This process was carried out synchronously
during a specific synchronous online meeting after the
Daily Scrum ceremony.
The discussion lasted for 53 minutes. During this
process, the team evaluated each of the identified risks
and attributed a value to Impact and another to Prob-
ability, in order to calculate the Priority based on the
Risk Matrix. The prioritization result is compiled on
Team A scored 6 high priority, 7 medium, and 3
low priority risks. In addition, a risk that was filled
in using the “Other” field on the form was not under-
stood by the team and, therefore, was not assessed.
In addition, some identified risks were later taken
to the Agile Wheel (Soares, 2017) ceremony to be dis-
cussed in greater depth. This culminated in the spon-
taneous creation of an action plan by the team to im-
prove asynchronous communication between mem-
bers, the plan was derived from the risk “Physical dis-
tance between team members”.
5.3.2 Application in Team B
Team B also had the explanatory videos and tools re-
leased, as well as in Team A. However, at first, the
team had difficulties in identifying risks. The first an-
swers were obtained only during the second Sprint
of the application and only one risk was identified:
“Bureaucratic and centralized organizations”. In all
other responses, members reported not having identi-
fied risks.
However, during the third Sprint, new answers to
the form were obtained, which included both risks
present in the checklist and risks identified individu-
ally by the participants. The most prominent risk was
”unpredictability on the part of the customer”.
Some risks obtained needed to be adjusted for the
spreadsheet, as they contained more than one risk de-
scribed in the free text field. After this adjustment, the
team prioritized risks using the Risk Matrix practice.
Prioritization was also carried out asynchronously, in
the case of this team the PO individually collected
opinions about each of the risks through Slack and
then filled in the table with the results. Introducing
them later to the team. The result of the application is
available on
In this step, the effects of the action are captured and
analyzed. First, we collected data during all Sprints
in both teams. Then we analyze each of the Measure-
ment Objectives based on the collected data.
6.1 Data Collection
Data collection was carried out throughout the dura-
tion of this study, which lasted three months. For the
collection of quantitative data, the tools already used
by the teams were used, including follow-up work-
sheets to collect the effort applied during the Sprints.
Finally, as the practices were applied during team cer-
emonies, it was possible to record the time spent dur-
ing the study using a digital stopwatch to measure the
precise effort spent.
A questionnaire with discursive questions was
also designed to collect qualitative data during imple-
mentation, as mentioned in section 4.3. Furthermore,
the artifacts generated by the two teams during the
application were also collected and analyzed.
The questionnaire was sent at the end of the study
to all team members. A total of 11 responses were re-
ceived, 6 from Team A members and 5 from Team B
members. Some participants also made verbal com-
ments that were registered.
ICSOFT 2024 - 19th International Conference on Software Technologies
6.2 Data Analysis
At the end of data collection, we analyzed it to verify
whether the defined objectives were met. The anal-
ysis is presented individually for each Measurement
Objective, grouping the answers to the questions ac-
cording to the collected data.
Q1.1 - What is the total effort spent by the team
members to apply risk management practices?
As risk identification was performed asyn-
chronously, most of the effort on managing risks was
applied to risk analysis. As the risk registration form
was left open to collect the team members’ sugges-
tions throughout the study period, being analyzed at
the beginning of each Sprint, the team members were
registering possible risks asynchronously. Therefore,
this effort was not formally registered, as it was not
considered relevant by the teams.
Team A performed the risk analysis syn-
chronously right after a Daily Scrum meeting. The
risk analysis meeting duration was recorded and
lasted 53 minutes, involving 6 participants, resulting
in a total effort of 5 hours and 18 minutes.
Team B also performed risk analysis asyn-
chronously. We observed that the average time to
fill the analysis risk questionnaire was of 5 minutes.
As the questionnaire was filled asynchronously by 6
Team B members, the effort on risk analysis was 30
With that, the total effort of the teams exclusively
applied in risk management of 5 hours and 48 min-
utes was recorded.
Q2.1 - Are risk management practices easy to
understand and apply?
To obtain these data, a question of the question-
naire was used. For 36.4%(4) of the participants who
answered the questionnaire, the application was con-
sidered very easy. Already 54.5%(6) considered the
application easy and, finally, 9.1%(1) considered the
application neither easy nor difficult. (Figure 4).
Some respondents also commented the reason
why they rated the ease of application in this way. 3
team members commented that ”the application form
was simplified due to the tool offered”, which was
”intuitive” and ”quick to use”. Another participant
highlighted that the checklist already has common
and easy-to-understand risks listed, made ”risk iden-
tification quite simple”.
Q2.2 - Was the experience of applying the prac-
tices beneficial to the participant teams?
For 63.6%(7) of the participants, the application
of risk management practices was beneficial for the
team. Already 27.3%(3) stated that the application
was very beneficial. While 9.1%(1) considered the
Figure 4: Q2.1 Ease of risk management practices.
Figure 5: Q2.2 Benefit of practices.
application neither beneficial nor harmful (Figure 5).
Two of the participants responded that the ap-
plication was ”beneficial to the team” and that ”the
risk analysis process involved the team in discus-
sions about important issues”. One of the participants
also highlighted that ”the practices allowed for some
reflections that brought greater clarity among team
members regarding the team process”. Other respon-
dent also commented that ”it is possible that continu-
ing with the applications will make the process more
refined and bring more benefits”.
Already 2 participants raised the point that al-
though discussions were encouraged, ”there was no
time during the study for the development and ex-
ecution of action plans for risk mitigation”, which
”harmed the results of the application”. That’s why,
one of the members responded that the study brought
neither benefit nor harm to the team.
Q2.3 - What were the main difficulties in apply-
ing risk management practices?
This question was collected through an open ques-
tion in the questionnaire. For this question, 4 partic-
ipants from Team A highlighted that a difficulty was
”the understanding of one of the risks raised in the
“Others” field”. According to the respondents, the de-
scription of the risk was vague and the person respon-
sible for identifying such a risk chose not to comment
in order to clarify the issue. Thus, these 4 participants
stated that the fact that ”risk identification through the
tool is anonymous and can cause such conflicts”.
One participant commented that a possible diffi-
culty encountered was ”the number of risks identi-
fied”, which, according to him, ”was higher than ex-
Towards an Approach for Integrating Risk Management Practices into Agile Contexts
pected”, resulting in ”considerable time devoted to
risk analysis”. However, this participant stated that,
despite this, ”the analysis time was not long enough
to be considered a problem”. Three Team B mem-
bers responded that an obstacle they encountered was
”generating engagement among team members to par-
ticipate in the application”. The justification was that
the ”team is working on a relatively new project”.
One Team B member also commented that ”the
lack of familiarity with project risks caused an ini-
tial awkwardness among team members and difficulty
in identifying risks even with the help of the check-
list”. This strangeness was also identified in another
answer, which mentioned that ”it was difficult to as-
sess the priority of risks”. Finally, one response also
mentioned that ”no difficulties were encountered”.
Q2.4 - Was there an impact on the team’s ve-
locity when applying risk management practices?
In order to answer this question, we compared the
velocity of the Teams prior to this study and during
this study.
During the four Sprints prior to applying the risk
management practices, Team A had an average ve-
locity of 19.9 story points. During the three Sprints
in which the study was applied, the team’s velocity
dropped to an average of 17.41 story points. Caus-
ing a difference of approximately -12.5%.
Team B, started to use story points only from 2
Sprints prior to the application of the study. So, the
average velocity of these two sprints was 11 story
points. During the sprints in which the practices were
applied, the average velocity was 13.5 points, re-
sulting in an increase of 22.7%. Figure 6 shows the
evolution of Teams A and B velocity by Sprints.
Figure 6: Q2.4 Teams’ velocity.
The participants did not observe any unforeseen
risks during the projects. Additionally, no low
or medium risks were identified that could poten-
tially waste the team’s time. The project proceeded
smoothly, and the team’s velocity remained unaf-
fected by any unexpected risks.
Q3.1 - Does the team intend to continue using
the presented practices? If yes, why?
All the participants (100% - 11) answered that
they would continue using the risk management prac-
tices applied. The main reason, highlighted by 3
members, was that the checklist contributed to the
identification of risks that existed in the project but
that had not been previously noticed.
In addition, 2 participants commented that the dis-
cussions that took place during the risk analysis pro-
cess were taken to other ceremonies, such as the Ag-
ile Wheel meeting, resulting in action plans based on
these analysis.
Finally, 1 member commented that ”identifying
risks adds to the team’s future performance by allow-
ing problems to be recorded as points of attention or
dealt with before they cause greater damage”.
Q3.2 - What were the main results in the appli-
cation of risk management practices?
In general, the biggest positive result identified by
the respondents was the beginning of the use of a sys-
tematic method for identifying and managing project
risks. 4 members commented on the importance of
such formality and 5 highlighted that risk manage-
ment was not present in the context of the organiza-
tion until then.
In addition, 3 members commented that the dis-
cussions and reflections that took place during the risk
analysis process helped the team members to better
understand each other’s point of view, improving the
team’s internal communication. And, 6 praised the
discussions that were raised from the risks identified.
Two of the participants responded that the prac-
tices made it clearer which risks the team should fo-
cus on initially and 1 of these mentioned that some of
these risks were not visible before applying the risk
identification practice.
Finally, 1 participant highlighted that ”the pres-
ence of the checklist helped to identify risks for mem-
bers who had more difficulty finding possible prob-
lems in the project”. Another member stated that ”ap-
plying the practices made the team feel more prepared
to identify and contain new risks that could appear in
the future”.
6.3 Discussion
The results collected and the observation of the par-
ticipating teams during and after the application of
this study raise initial indications that it is possible
to integrate explicit risk management practices in an
organization that uses agile methods.
The total effort applied by 5,48 person/hours rep-
resents 0,21% of the total effort applied by the entire
teams (2.560 person/hours) during the period of the
study. This percentage was considered acceptable by
ICSOFT 2024 - 19th International Conference on Software Technologies
the participants and the team leaders involved. Re-
garding the negative and positive variation in velocity,
it is not possible to state that they were due to the in-
tervention carried out. For the Team A, for instance,
the decrease in the team’s velocity could be explained
by the entry of a new development team member in
lieu of an experienced team member during the appli-
cation of the study. Thus, this variation, both positive
and negative, was not considered relevant by the lead-
ers of the participating teams due to other influencing
Therefore, similarly to what was observed in
related works (Afshari and Gandomani, 2022)
(Tomanek and Juricek, 2015), this study reinforces
the tendency that the application of explicit risk man-
agement practices does not significantly interfere with
the productivity of the teams.
The risk management practices were considered
easy to understand and apply, as they were selected
based on the literature and applied with the support of
simple tools and short explanatory videos.
In addition, no increase in bureaucracy or loss of
agile values and practices already adopted by the or-
ganization were observed, that is, they complemented
and seamlessly integrated with the existing agile pro-
cesses. The risk management activities did not intro-
duce excessive documentation, unnecessary formal-
ities, or additional overhead that could impede the
agility of the development process. These results con-
trast with some related studies that identified some
difficulties such as the increase in bureaucracy when
introducing risk management practices, such as in
(Ylimannela, 2012).
Also, all team participants intend to continue car-
rying out the practices after the study. However, al-
though the identification and analysis steps were suc-
cessful, the participants felt that there was a lack
of support for effectively implementing the risk re-
By adopting these practices, the projects gained
several potential benefits. Firstly, the teams would
have improved visibility and awareness of the poten-
tial risks associated with their projects. This increased
awareness allows for early detection and timely re-
sponse to risks, minimizing the likelihood and impact
of potential negative events.
Finally, it is possible to note that the application
of the practices was useful to the teams, in particu-
lar by encouraging discussions and reflections on the
project and processes developed. And that, in general,
the teams benefited from both the Risk Checklist and
the Risk Matrix. However, since the teams had never
used traditional risk management processes, we can-
not compare these practices to traditional methods.
We also see the results as positive as the risk man-
agement practices are still being applied on the teams
months after the action research and are been adopted
by the other teams as an organizational process.
6.4 Threats to Validity
There are several factors that may influence the results
obtained by this study. Such factors may thus threaten
the validity of these results.
In relation to internal validity, given the small
sample size and the restrictions of a study carried out
in a single organization, it is not possible to estab-
lish correlations nor causal relationships between the
results obtained and the intervention (Wohlin et al.,
2012). To minimize this limitation, we carried out a
systematic evaluation of the study, defining data col-
lection using the GQM approach. We also involved
two different teams that develop different software
products for two different domains.
Another factor that may influence internal validity
is that two of the authors of this study are members
of the target organization. Although they do not work
directly in the participating teams, this proximity may
have influenced the participants’ responses. In an at-
tempt to minimize this threat, we also collected quan-
titative data that does not depend on the participants’
opinions, such as teams’ effort and velocity, to answer
research questions.
With regard to external validity, this study incor-
porates the typical limitations of this type of research,
as the results of single-organization studies are usu-
ally difficult to generalize and interpret (Zelkowitz,
2009) (Wohlin et al., 2012). The attention to detail of
this type of study can lead to non-observance of rele-
vant aspects of a possible general framework of more
cases. Thus, the effects of a typical situation can be
observed appropriately, but in general it is not possi-
ble to establish a reliably generalization (Zelkowitz,
2009) (Wohlin et al., 2012).
In this action research step, general learning is speci-
fied based on the practical experience and can be used
in future improvements (Lings and Lundell, 2005).
During the study, we realized that the steps
adopted in the intervention could perhaps be gener-
alized to enable the adoption of explicit risk manage-
ment practices in contexts in which this is perceived
as necessary. Thus, by abstracting the steps taken
during the intervention, a possible general approach
emerged. We separate the actions we performed dur-
Towards an Approach for Integrating Risk Management Practices into Agile Contexts
ing this study into two phases: setup, where we
prepare for the introduction of explicit risk manage-
ment practices, and execution, where risk manage-
ment practices are carried out. Figure 7 presents the
general approach in BPMN (OMG, 2010).
Figure 7: Proposed Agile Risk Management approach.
The Setup phase begins with the subprocess Con-
text analysis, which consists of identifying the orga-
nizational context and the need for risk management.
Some of the aspects that may be considered include
the application domain, the team size, and the agile
method used. These main context characteristics were
identified in our previous SLM (Garcia et al., 2022).
The results of this activity will guide the next steps.
Having the context characteristics in mind, the
best-suited risk management practices are selected in
the subprocess Mapping of practices x context based
on the Catalog of practices collected from the litera-
ture (Garcia et al., 2022). Through this mapping, it is
possible to verify which practices are most appropri-
ate for a given context.
After choosing the practices, the activity Alloca-
tion of practices to ceremonies defines in which cer-
emonies the chosen risk management practices will
be incorporated, avoiding unnecessary bureaucracy
of additional meetings. To achieve this, the teams
need to analyze each practice and identify which cere-
monies are best suited for its implementation, consid-
ering the frequency of the ceremonies and the level of
involvement of the team members.
The Execution phase begins with the Application
of selected practices subprocess and the Data col-
lect activity running in parallel. During the applica-
tion, the selected risk management practices are im-
plemented in the project. The practices should be im-
plemented according to the plan defined in the Allo-
cation of practices to ceremonies activity. In the Data
collect, data about the implementation of the selected
risk management practices are collected.
The Analysis of the application of practices ac-
tivity is the final subprocess of the Execution phase.
This activity aims to evaluate the effectiveness of the
implemented practices. The data collected in the pre-
vious activity are analyzed to evaluate the application
of the practices. The metrics previously defined are
used to measure the effectiveness of the practices in
mitigating risks, providing insights for future applica-
This paper presents an action research study on in-
tegrating explicit risk management practices into an
organization that uses agile methods.
The study begins with the diagnosis of the prob-
lem, which involves the analysis of the organizational
context. Based on this analysis, the intervention,
which consists of selecting agile risk management
practices, is planned and alternative solutions are in-
vestigated. The intervention is then executed, starting
with the selection of risk management practices, de-
velopment of the necessary tools and application of
the practices in two different teams.
The observed results raise initial evidence that the
risk management practices were effective and without
harming the productivity of the teams. Implementing
explicit risk management practices had positive im-
pacts on project performance, increased team collab-
oration, and reduced project risks. As another result
of the knowledge acquired with this study, a draft of
a generic approach for the integration of explicit risk
management practices in agile contexts emerges.
As future work, we are currently consolidating the
detailed definition of the approach and planning to
carry out case studies to evaluate its effectiveness in
different agile contexts.
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ICSOFT 2024 - 19th International Conference on Software Technologies