HTC-GEN: A Generative LLM-Based Approach to Handle Data
Scarcity in Hierarchical Text Classification
Carmelo Fabio Longo
1 a
, Misael Mongiov
1,2 b
, Luana Bulla
1,2 c
and Giusy Giulia Tuccari
1,2 d
National Research Council, Institute of Cognitive Science and Technology, Italy
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Catania, Italy
Hierarchical Text Classification, Synthetic Data Generation, Large Language Models.
Hierarchical text classification is a challenging task, in particular when complex taxonomies, characterized by
multi-level labeling structures, need to be handled. A critical aspect of the task lies in the scarcity of labeled
data capable of representing the entire spectrum of taxonomy labels. To address this, we propose HTC-GEN,
a novel framework that leverages on synthetic data generation by means of large language models, with a
specific focus on LLama2. LLama2 generates coherent, contextually relevant text samples across hierarchical
levels, faithfully emulating the intricate patterns of real-world text data. HTC-GEN obviates the need for labor-
intensive human annotation required to build data for training supervised models. The proposed methodology
effectively handles the common issue of imbalanced datasets, enabling robust generalization for labels with
minimal or missing real-world data. We test our approach on a widely recognized benchmark dataset for
hierarchical zero-shot text classification, demonstrating superior performance compared to the state-of-the-
art zero-shot model. Our findings underscore the significant potential of synthetic-data-driven solutions to
effectively address the intricate challenges of hierarchical text classification.
Hierarchical Text Classification (HTC) is a daunting
challenge in the field of Natural Language Processing,
particularly when dealing with complex taxonomies.
The paucity of annotated data that accurately repre-
sents the diverse spectrum of taxonomic labels has
historically been a major obstacle in this field. Tra-
ditional HTC methods have often relied on labor-
intensive manual annotation, potentially resulting in
datasets that inadequately represent the full range
of relevant taxonomic labels. We introduce Gen-
erative Hierarchical Text Classification (HTC-GEN),
an automated framework that blends the strengths of
Large Language Models (LLMs) with supervised ap-
proaches, dramatically reducing the need for human
intervention in the HTC process. HTC-GEN’s core
innovation hinges on its ability to harness the gener-
ative potential of LLMs and incorporate them with
state-of-the-art HTC-supervised systems in a cost-
effective manner. By significantly reducing the need
for human effort, our method provides an efficient and
cost-effective solution for data classification, a par-
ticularly crucial development in research areas where
meticulously curated datasets are scarce, laborious to
construct, or rapidly obsolete.
Our methodology focuses on creating contextu-
ally relevant text samples across all hierarchical lev-
els using LLMs, meticulously mirroring the complex-
ities of real-world data. Common synthetic data gen-
eration approaches involve asking LLMs to generate
data for each label of the hierarchy, but this does not
provide enough variability. The basic idea of our ap-
proach is to synthetically increase the granularity of
the taxonomy by producing “virtual leaves”, thus to
generate synthetic data on the basis of such new ex-
tended taxonomy. Afterward, we use the synthetic
data as input to a supervision process, leveraging on
state-of-the-art supervised models in the HTC field.
Generating a synthetic dataset results in a notable re-
duction in the reliance on labor-intensive human an-
notation, making the process highly automated and
cost-effective. This approach also aims to address the
problem of imbalanced datasets in HTC, ensuring ro-
bust generalization capabilities even for labels with
Longo, C., MongiovıÌ
A, M., Bulla, L. and Tuccari, G.
HTC-GEN: A Generative LLM-Based Approach to Handle Data Scarcity in Hierarchical Text Classification.
DOI: 10.5220/0012790700003756
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications (DATA 2024), pages 129-138
ISBN: 978-989-758-707-8; ISSN: 2184-285X
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
minimal representation of real-world data. What fur-
ther characterizes HTC-GEN is its modular structure,
which allows for adaptability and alignment with fu-
ture advances. The supervision module can be easily
replaced with the latest and highest-performing super-
vised systems for HTC. This feature ensures the ver-
satility of our methodology, aligning it with evolving
technological advances.
We test our method on the Web Of Science (WoS)
dataset (Kowsari et al., 2017), a corpus of nearly
50, 000 scientific abstracts, each representing a spe-
cific research field. In the rapidly evolving landscape
of scientific literature, efficient and cost-effective so-
lutions for organizing and classifying research arti-
cles are in high demand. In this domain HTC plays
a critical role in organizing and accessing scientific
abstracts, allowing researchers to quickly locate rele-
vant articles. However, creating accurate HTC mod-
els often requires labor-intensive manual annotations,
making them potentially obsolete as new search sur-
Our experimental framework offers a comprehen-
sive analysis, offering valuable insights into crucial
aspects of our methodology.
We compare HTC-GEN to the state-of-the-art
zero-shot model for HTC, a prevalent approach in
tasks that typically entail significant human annota-
tion efforts.
HTC-GEN, enhanced by its supervision module,
achieves superior performance compared to zero-shot
systems. These results are due to the extraordinary
ability of generative LLMs to mimic real data and the
effectivenes of HTC-based supervised approaches in
learning from abundant data. Next, we test how state-
of-the-art HTC systems respond to synthetic and real
data inputs. The analysis involves systems trained
on both synthetic and real data in a cross-case sce-
nario. Finally, we conduct a comprehensive perfor-
mance evaluation of our model across various training
set sizes, offering valuable insights into its scalability
and adaptability.
The main contribution of this paper can be sum-
marized as follows:
We introduce a novel approach that leverages on
LLMs for cost-effective data generation for HTC
to address the challenge of imbalanced datasets,
enhance robustness and provide generalization ca-
We compare our system with state-of-the-art zero-
shot models and demonstrate superior perfor-
mance and cost-effectiveness.
We analyze the response of state-of-the-art HTC
systems to synthetic and real data inputs, provid-
ing valuable insights for practical applications.
The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 pro-
vides an overview of the current state of the art in this
field. In Section 3, we delve into the methodologies
we employ, with a specific focus on data generation
and supervised learning. Section 4.1 offers a com-
prehensive exploration of our experimental settings
and results. We provide details regarding the genera-
tion of the synthetic dataset of scientific articles, ana-
lyze and compare our method with the state-of-the-art
zero-shot model, and dissect the functionalities of the
individual components of our system. Finally, Sec-
tion 7 concludes the paper and contemplates potential
future developments of our approach.
There are notable works addressing the problem of
text categorization suitable for low-cost applications,
particularly focusing on unsupervised training. No-
table among these are (Haj-Yahia et al., 2019) and (Ko
and Seo, 2000). Haj-Yahia et al. (Haj-Yahia et al.,
2019) frame the problem as a similarity measure be-
tween documents projected onto a latent space using
Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA). This method incor-
porates keywords assigned to each category through
WordNet and expert human annotation. Similarly,
Ko et al. (Ko and Seo, 2000) involve generating
training sentences automatically through manually se-
lected keywords for each category and subsequently
training a Naive Bayes model for text classification.
However, both approaches rely on the labor-intensive
manual definition of keywords, which introduces hu-
man intervention and doesn’t fully harness the seman-
tic potential inherent in the taxonomy labels. Other
works, such as (Stammbach and Ash, 2021), lever-
age the SBERT deep language model (Reimers and
Gurevych, 2019) to encode text documents into a se-
mantic space and create weakly supervised training
sets by considering the five nearest neighbors for each
data point. Nevertheless, even in this scenario, the se-
mantic information pertaining to categories isn’t fully
used during the clustering process or in model train-
ing. Furthermore, they don’t explicitly address the
challenges of HTC.
Among the works addressing HTC (Liu et al.,
2023; Zangari et al., 2023), Bongiovanni et al. (Bon-
giovanni et al., 2023), Bhambhoria et al. (Bhamb-
horia et al., 2023) and Zhang et al. (Zhang et al.,
2024) stand out as the most closely aligned with our
research. As our work, Bhambhoria et al. (Bhamb-
horia et al., 2023) focus on addressing the limita-
tions of LLMs in various real-world scenarios, such
as when the model lacks sufficient examples, faces
DATA 2024 - 13th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
token vocabulary issues, or deals with a large num-
ber of label distractors. To overcome these chal-
lenges, the proposed approach combines entailment-
contradiction prediction through Natural Language
Inference (NLI) models with LLMs, enhancing their
performance in strict zero-shot settings without re-
quiring resource-intensive parameter updates. The
study also introduces a template-based method that
effectively leverages entailment and contradiction re-
lations to improve LLM classification. The results
showcase enhanced performance on hierarchical pre-
diction tasks and the practical applicability of the ap-
proach. Although this work conducts zero-shot clas-
sification with LLM support in a pipeline methodol-
ogy, the computational effort for using LLM in pro-
cessing the results deviates from our proposed ap-
proach. Our method prioritizes the efficient use of
LLMs capabilities during the generation of synthetic
data rather than predicting and generating outcomes.
As a result, we opt for a system with fewer parame-
ters, improving versatility and cost-effectiveness. For
this reason, we choose not to directly compare our
methodology. Bongiovanni et al. (Bongiovanni et al.,
2023) introduce a self-contained approach for HTC
with a specific hierarchical taxonomy, eliminating the
necessity for additional information or manual anno-
tation. First, the author performs Zero-shot Seman-
tic Text Classification (Z-STC) using deep language
models, which generate initial relevance scores for
each label in the taxonomy. During this phase, the
hierarchical structure of the taxonomy is temporarily
ignored, resembling a standard zero-shot text classi-
fication task. These thresholds derive from the statis-
tical distribution of previous Z-STC scores on a set
of randomly crawled Wikipedia documents, and indi-
cate the minimum relevance score that a label must
reach to be confidently considered a correct label for
a given document. Finally, they initiate a score prop-
agation process. In this phase, by propagating the
relevance scores from the lowest level of the taxon-
omy upwards, taking advantage of both the previous
Z-STC scores and the relevance thresholds, the hier-
archical structure of the taxonomy is effectively in-
corporated. This approach not only eliminates the
need for annotated data but also demonstrates signif-
icantly improved performance compared to conven-
tional zero-shot methods.
Similar to this approach, our methodology fully
adopts automation and effectively exploits the seman-
tic aspects of the original taxonomy. However, it
stands out by using this semantic information to gen-
erate synthetic data. The generated data is then used
in a supervision phase that optimizes performance
within a specific domain. Furthermore, our method
exploits the automated data generation facilitated by
LLMs in a computationally efficient manner.
Zhang et al. (Zhang et al., 2024) propose TELE-
Class, a comprehensive framework for weaekly su-
pervised HTC, which alleviate human effort for anno-
tating training data. They employ LLMs for annotat-
ing the corpus, use the annotated corpus to extend the
taxonomy, augment the initial corpus to increase class
coverage and train a classification model with the en-
riched corpus. They test their data on Amazon-531
and DBPedia-298 datasets, showing superiority w.r.t
other weekly supervised models and zero-shot models
on these datasets. However their method requires to
have aan initial corpus of documents to start with. In
contrast, our approach do not require a real dataset of
documents since all documents are synthetically gen-
erated, therefore it is directly comparable to zero-shot
models. For this reason, our method and the Zhang et
al. approach are not directly comparable.
Finally, our approach shares commonalities with
a research direction that focuses on the generation
of synthetic data using LLMs (Liu et al., 2023).
In (Jeronymo et al., 2023), the authors introduce
InPairs-v2, conceived as a dataset generator em-
ploying open-source language models and robust
rankers to generate synthetic query-document pairs.
This innovation results in notable performance en-
hancements when compared to proprietary LLM-
based models like GPT-3 (Brown et al., 2020) and
FLAN (Wei et al., 2021). However, it’s important to
note that while InPars-v2 targets a retrieval problem,
our approach focuses on an HTC setting.
The employed methodology involves the generation
of a synthetic dataset by means of a LLM (LLaMa-
2), as a preprocessing step (Fig. 1). The generation
process takes as input a taxonomy of labels and gen-
erates synthetic data based on such taxonomy. Af-
ter such pre-processing step, the synthetic dataset is
given as input to the Hierarchy Guided Contrastive
Learning (Wang et al., 2022) (HGCLR) base module
for training, which produces the final HGCLR trained
model. The choice of Llama2 for data generation
was done considering its performances with respect
to other models of the same size
Next, we describe the generation and training
steps in details.
HTC-GEN: A Generative LLM-Based Approach to Handle Data Scarcity in Hierarchical Text Classification
Figure 1: Functional schema of the HTC-GEN framework.
Virtual leaves
Text from virtual leaves and leaves
Llama 2 Llama 2
Synthetic dataset
Text from leaves
Llama 2
Figure 2: The pipeline of the Synthetic dataset creation starting from the target dataset’s taxonomy.
3.1 Data Generation Module
The first module of the HTC-GEN framework (Fig. 2)
focuses on the generation of synthetic data, by lever-
aging LLMs capabilities. We employ the LLM
, a collection of foundation language mod-
els ranging from 7B to 70B parameters, with check-
points usually finetuned for chat applications.
Generally, LLaMa-2 responds more effectively to
prompting strategies that involve providing general
instructions in the “system” content for the desired
outcome, and placing specific details in the “user”
content in a meaningful sequence. The most signif-
icant details should be presented before the less im-
portant ones, considering their hierarchy. In light of
the above, the general shape has to be as follows:
role: system
role: user
Algorithm 1 describes the steps to build a syn-
thetic dataset by virtually extending the taxonomy
with a further level of leaves as children of the start-
ing taxonomy’s leaves, here defined as virtual leaves.
Such approach will increase variability of generated
data to a greater extent from generating data starting
DATA 2024 - 13th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
Algorithm 1: generate syn dataset(taxonomy, vl number,
items number, split ratio, vl name, item name).
Input: (i) taxonomy: taxonomy of the target dataset (ii)
vl number: #virtual leaves to be generated for each
taxonomy leaf (iii) items number: #items to be
generated for each taxonomy leaf (iiii) size ratio: the
size ratio between dataset from leaves and dataset
from virtual leaves (iv) vl name: virtual leaf name (v)
item name: target item name to be generated
Output: a new synthetic dataset
1: dataset [];
2: new taxonomy taxonomy;
3: foreach leaf in new taxonomy do
4: virtual leaves generate leaves(vl number,
leaf, vl name);
5: leaf.append(virtual leaves);
6: foreach leaf in new taxonomy do
7: foreach in range(items number) do
8: item generate item(item name, leaf );
9: dataset.add(item);
10: size two vl number · items number · size ratio
11: foreach leaf in taxonomy do
12: foreach in range(size two) do
13: item generate item(item name, leaf );
14: dataset.add(item);
15: return dataset
from leaves. In Section 4.1 it is shown that such vari-
ability boosts also accuracy in the classification task.
In line 1-2 of Algorithm 1 the variables dataset
and new taxonomy are initialized with empty set
and the starting taxonomy, respectively, the latter
given as an input parameter. In line 3-5, for each
leaf of new taxonomy, the function “generate leaves”
invokes an LLM by using the following prompt
(Prompt 1) for virtual leaves generation, which are
appended to new taxonomy:
Prompt 1: generation of virtual leaves from a leaf
role: system
content: [VL NAME] must be separated by commas
role: user
content: Generate [N] [VL NAME] of [LEAF]
The triple (vl number, leaf, vl name) is given as pa-
rameters for ([N], [LEAF], [VL NAME]) to Prompt
1, while system’s content is domain dependent and
concerns the general morphology
of what we aim
to generate. Afterward in line 6-9, for each leaf
of new taxonomy the function “generate item” in-
vokes an LLM to generate items number items which
are added to dataset, by using the following prompt
(Prompt 2) with the couple (item name, leaf ) as pa-
rameters for (ITEM NAME, LEAF):
For example: language, words separators, context,
tone of text, etc.
Prompt 2: text generation from the leaf
role: system
content: the [ITEM NAME] must be in English
role: user
content: Generate a [ITEM NAME] from [LEAF]
where system’s content in Prompt 2 is distinct from
the one in Prompt 1 since it refers to a different task.
In line 10 the size (size two) of a further dataset gen-
erated from leaf is calculated. The size considers
a specific size ratio, with 0 < size ratio 1, which
is given as an input parameter to create an addi-
tional synthetic dataset starting from taxonomy, con-
sidering non-virtual leaves, in order to increase data
diversification by providing further semantic cover-
age outside the virtual leaves. In this way the fi-
nal synthetic dataset will be a mixture of items from
the two approaches. With size ratio=0, the dataset
would be generated totally from virtual-leaves; with
a size ratio=1 the two datasets would be equal in size
(vleaves number · items number). In line 11-14 the
function “generate item” invokes again an LLM to
generate a further dataset starting from taxonomy and
sized above size two, which is eventually merged to
the dataset generated from virtual leaves. In line 15
the final synthetic dataset is returned.
In the case the dataset taxonomy is a Directed
Acyclic Graph (DAG), further information about leaf
parents must be included to distinguish leaves be-
longing to distinct branches. In this case, the user’s
content in Prompt 1 become: “Generate the [N]
most frequent [VL NAME] of [LEAF], [PARENT],
[GRANDPARENT],...”, while the user’s content in
Prompt 2 become: “Generate a [ITEM NAME] from
prompts modifications must be applied also to the
input parameters of “generate leaves” and “gener-
ate items” in line 3, 8 and 13 of Algorithm 1.
A general heuristic for a proper Algorithm 1 sizing
parameters choice is reported in Section 3.2.
To better explain the meaning of the variable parts
in the prompts, we report in Table 1 possible values
for these parts, in different context (Web of Science
and other generic datasets). The column name “Leaf
is extracted from the lower level of the taxonomy.
Table 1: Possible values for the variable parts in the prompts
in different contexts, i.e. Web of Science and other generic
WoS abstract keyword
Movies movie sub-genre
Forum post sub-topic
News news sub-category
HTC-GEN: A Generative LLM-Based Approach to Handle Data Scarcity in Hierarchical Text Classification
3.2 Synthetic Dataset Sizing
In order to maximize the impact of each synthetic
generation approach for the task of text classifica-
tion, we have to maximize the semantic representa-
tiveness of texts to be classified in the latent space of
the model designed to such purpose. The more such
representativeness, the more the chances of correct
classifications. The diversity of inner data distribu-
tion plays an important role in such task, as well as
data redundancy doesn’t give any semantic coverage
contributions. A popular approach (Cox et al., 2021)
(although never tested along with hierarchical clas-
sification) for quantifying such diversity is with the
Remote Clique Score (i.e., the average mean distance
of a data instance to other instances) and the Chamfer
Distance Score (i.e., the average minimum distance
of a data instance to other instances). We propose to
employ such metrics for real-data as gold standard,
and size the two slices of synthetic datasets through
the parameter size ratio of Algorithm 1 (crf. Section
3.1), in order to achieve a Remote Clique Score (RCS)
and Chamfer Distance Score (CDS) as close as possi-
ble to the gold standard. More formally, given D
collections of respectively real
and synthetic
text data, and RCS
spectively RCS and CDS for such collections, we
quantify RCSdist
and CDSdist
as follows:
= |RCS
= |CDS
reformulating also D
as composition of two parts:
= D
where D
is a collection synthetically generated from
leaves, and D
is synthetically generated from vir-
tual leaves (children of leaves).
In light of above the goal is to determine D
and D
such that the dependent variables RCSdist
are as close as possible to the following
ideal values RCSdist
and CDSdist
, where:
= argmin
(|RC S
= argmin
(|C DS
which means to find a good trade-off sizing between
and D
, determined empirically by computing
and CDSdist
for each dataset after
their generation, in order to choose the best D
which minimize them. In any case, a semantic over-
lapping between D
and D
is expected, which
In scenarios where synthetic data are unavailable, we
either explore alternative texts that closely resemble the dis-
tribution of the target dataset, or in presence of data to be
classified, we select a sample among those.
causes information redundancy, but CDSdist
particular can constitute a valid indicator to evaluate
such redundancy.
This approach is able to achieve a more mean-
ingful semantic diversification of the generated data
with respect to acting on the temperature parameter
which tends to change only the sentences’ morphol-
ogy without really diversifying their meaning, hence
it is able to significantly increase the performance of
a classificator.
As for this work case-study, in Section 4.2 it is de-
scribed how we chose the two slices of the synthetic
dataset in order to improve the hierarchical classifica-
3.3 HGCLR-Based Module
The second phase of our methodology involves us-
ing the previously generated synthetic dataset to fine-
tune a supervised model specifically designed to solve
the HTC task. To achieve this, we used HGCLR,
which represents the current state-of-the-art model in
the HTC field. The HGCLR model involves the use
of a contrastive learning module, which includes the
generation of positive samples, both label-driven and
hierarchy-based. Furthermore, the method employs
a Graphormer to encode the label hierarchy and pro-
duce label features. The HGCLR model incorporates
a contrastive learning module, which encompasses
the generation of positive samples using both label-
driven and hierarchy-based techniques.
The initial steps of the model architecture com-
prise a BERT-based Text Encoder and a Graphformer-
based Graph Encoder. These components are respon-
sible for encoding and modeling the label hierarchy,
respectively. The next step concerns generating pos-
itive samples that retain a fraction of tokens while
preserving labels. In this technique, a token is re-
tained for positive examples if its probability of being
sampled exceeds a certain threshold, namely γ. Sub-
sequently, the contrastive learning module works to
make the encoded sentence-level representations of
positive pairs as similar as possible, while ensuring
that examples that are not from the same pair are dis-
tanced in the representation space. This is achieved
through the application of a non-linear layer to the
hidden states of positive pairs. For every batch, the
NT-Xent loss (Chen et al., 2020) is computed, with
the hyperparameter τ set accordingly. The total con-
trastive loss is the mean loss across all examples. Fi-
nally, the label hierarchy is flattened, and the hidden
Temperature is the randomness of the outputs. A high
temperature means that if you ran the same prompt 100
times, the outputs would look very different.
DATA 2024 - 13th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
feature is given as input to a linear layer. A sigmoid
function is employed to calculate the probability for
prediction. The ultimate loss function combines the
classification loss of the original data, the classifica-
tion loss of the constructed positive samples, and the
contrastive learning loss weighted by the hyperparam-
eter λ.
We conduct a comprehensive experimental analysis
to evaluate the effectiveness of our HTC-GEN system
in classifying scientific abstracts in an HTC setting.
In Section 4.1 we present the overall performance of
HTC-GEN on the WoS dataset. In Section 4.2, we
provide detailed results of the synthetic dataset gener-
ation process described in Section 3.1.
4.1 HTC-GEN Overall Results
HTC-GEN offers an automated framework that min-
imizes human effort by combining zero-shot and su-
pervised methodological approaches. To adequately
assess the efficacy of our method, we conduct exten-
sive experimental analysis on the domain of HTC for
scientific abstracts, including a comparative evalua-
tion against state-of-the-art HTC models in both su-
pervised and zero-shot settings.
Our analysis explores how these models react to
synthetic and real data inputs and examines their per-
formance in both zero-shot and supervised scenarios,
offering valuable insights into their capabilities. We
test our method on the WoS dataset (Kowsari et al.,
2017), which comprises nearly 50, 000 research ab-
stracts, each labeled with technical keywords repre-
senting specific areas of research. The dataset tax-
onomy exhibits a two-level hierarchy, consisting of 7
labels at Level 1 and 134 labels at Level 2.
In a zero-shot scenario, we compare the HTC-
GEN system 3 with the state-of-the-art model for
the WoS dataset (i.e. Z-STC) (Bongiovanni et al.,
2023). We train the HGCLR-based module of the
model using the synthetic WoS dataset generated
via LLaMa-2 (see Sect. 3.1). To generate our syn-
thetic dataset we employed Algorithm 1 by calling
generate syn dataset with the following parame-
taxonomy = WoS taxonomy
vl number = 20 (#virtual leaves as new children
for each WoS taxonomy’s leaf)
items number = 10 (#items for each leaf in the
synthetic dataset from virtual leaves)
size ratio = 0.5 (ratio between synthetic dataset
from virtual leaves and synthetic dataset from
vl name = ”keyword” (virtual leaf name)
item name = ”abstract” (item name)
In this way the generated dataset will be made of
40200 items. For the training phase, we configured
the parameters of the HGCLR-based module with
Adam as optimizer with a learning rate of 3e 5 and
a batch size of 12 for a total of 10 epochs. The thresh-
old γ is set to 0.02, the contrastive loss weight λ set to
0.005 and the temperature τ of contrastive module set
to 1.
The Z-STC method leverages the semantic in-
formation embedded in pre-trained Deep Language
models to assign a prior relevance score to each la-
bel in the taxonomy using a zero-shot approach. Fur-
thermore, it makes use of the hierarchical structure
to support the preliminary result. As a baseline, we
consider the high-performance version of the Z-STC
method, which is based on the Semantic Text Embed-
ding (STE) MPNet model
Table 2 shows the overall performance for both
levels of the WoS taxonomy (i.e. Level 1 and Level
2) in terms of F1-score (macro). Notably, HTC-GEN
outperforms the Z-STC model in both taxonomy lev-
els, achieving F1-scores of 0.75 and 0.51, respec-
In a supervised scenario, we conducted a com-
parative assessment between our model and the state-
of-the-art for the second-level taxonomy of the WoS
dataset (i.e., HGCLR) (Wang et al., 2022). To
evaluate performance concerning synthetic data, we
test HTC-GEN and HGCLR in both in- and out-of-
distribution settings. In the In-Distribution scenario
(ID), we test the models on data that mirrors the same
distribution as their respective training sets. This in-
volved fine-tuning the models with real data and sub-
sequently evaluating their performance on real data
(i.e. Train Real-Test Real), as well as fine-tuning the
models on synthetic data and assessing their perfor-
mance on synthetic data (i.e. Train Syn-Test Syn).
Conversely, the Out-of-Distribution (OOD) scenario
involved testing models on data with a distribution
different from that of their training sets. This sce-
nario involves fine-tuning the models with real data
and subsequently evaluating them on synthetic data
(i.e. Train Real-Test Syn), as well as fine-tuning the
models on synthetic data and evaluating their perfor-
mance on real data (i.e. Train Syn-Test Real). As
HTC-GEN: A Generative LLM-Based Approach to Handle Data Scarcity in Hierarchical Text Classification
shown in Table 5, both models achieve higher per-
formance in an ID setting with an F1-score of 0.97
and 0.84, respectively. In contrast, the system HTC-
GEN shows a drop in performance when we test it in
an OOD scenario with respect to the HGCLR model.
This result is expected since synthetic data are gen-
erated with a different process than real data. We
note that the drop in performance is more pronounced
when the model trained on synthetic data is applied
to real data (Macro F1 0.51). This is likely due to the
fact that real data are harder to classify w.r.t synthetic
data, where we observe less variability. Despite the
drop in performances, the model trained on synthetic
data still outperforms existing zero-shot methods and
hence is valuable when training data are not available.
A final aspect of our experimental analysis fo-
cuses on the study of our model’s different compo-
nents. In Table 4, we present insightful data regarding
the influence of the HGCLR-based module 3.3 on the
HTC-GEN system. To assess the impact of the HG-
CLR module on our system’s overall performance,
we compare HTC-GEN with the Flat-GEN model, a
RoBERTa-based multiclass classifier fine-tuned using
the same dataset as HTC-GEN. Notably, Flat-GEN
treats the HTC task as a flat classification task, en-
compassing all the 134 labels in the second level of
the WoS taxonomy. We infer first-level labels from
second-level predictions.
The results reveal a significant impact of model ar-
chitecture on tool performance, with our method out-
performing the Flat-GEN model by 7 and 4 percent-
age points for Levels 1 and 2 of the taxonomy, respec-
Finally, we investigate the performance of HTC-
GEN at different training sizes (number of items per
virtual leaf). As shown in Table 3, the trend presents
oscillations, ranging from a minimum of 0.746 to a
maximum of 0.768 for the first level of the taxonomy,
and from a minimum of 0.509 to a maximum of 0.516
for the second level. Overall, the results demonstrate
a notable degree of stability. The performance trend is
due to the inherent adaptability of the HGCLR-based
module, which converges even with a limited amount
of training data samples.
Table 2: Comparison between our method (i.e. HTC-GEN)
and the state-of-the-art zero-shot Z-STC model for both
Level 1 and Level 2 of the WoS taxonomy in terms of macro
Level 1 Level 2
Z-STC 0.74 0.46
HTC-GEN 0.75 0.51
Table 3: Performance of HTC-GEN model at different
training set sizes (number of items per class).
Dataset size
Level 1 Level 2
10 0,768 0,516
20 0,752 0,513
50 0,746 0,509
100 0,748 0,516
All 0,749 0,513
Table 4: Overall results of HTC-GEN and Flat-HTC model
on the WoS dataset in terms of macro F1-score.
Level1 Level2
Flat-GEN 0.68 0.47
HTC-GEN 0.75 0.51
4.2 Synthetic Data Generation
To test the first module of our methodology 3.1 we
generate synthetic data using the LLM LLaMA-2
starting from the taxonomy of scientific paper ab-
stracts provided by the WoS dataset.
In order to experimentally validate the impact of
our synthetic generation approach in Section 3.1, we
generated a number of synthetic datasets with dif-
ferent size and composition, and compute their Av-
erage Chamfer Distance Score, their Average Re-
mote Clique Score (AVG CDS/RCS in Table 6) and
their classification performances achieved by Flat-
GEN (crf. Table 7), and hence without employing
the downstream HGCLR-based module. The results
show that the best F1-Score for the classification task
on level 2 of WoS dataset is achieved in correspon-
dence with the highest AVG RCS (the higher AVG
RCS, the more information diversification), and the
lowest information overlapping, denoted by values
close to zero for AVG CDS (the lower AVG CDS, the
more information redundancy).
Furthermore, the union of datasets generated from
synthetic keywords and from classes (ZS-KWS 20
+ ZS-100 in Table 6) boosts F1-Score to the same
value (0.47) of the dataset achieved with real key-
words from WoS dataset (ZS-KWS 10 GOLD in Ta-
ble 6), which are supposed not to be available in real
use cases.
The dataset (ZS-KWS 20 + ZS-100 in Table 6 and
Table 7) employed for the HTC task includes a total of
40200 items, with 300
items assigned to each label
at the second level of the taxonomy.
Which are 200 generated from virtual leaves, 100 gen-
erated from leaves.
DATA 2024 - 13th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
Table 5: Performance Comparison of HTC-GEN and HG-
CLR models in In- and Out-of-Distribution scenarios for
Level 2 of the taxonomy. In the In-Distribution (ID) setting,
the ”Train Real-Test Real” cell represents the performance
of the HGCLR model, which is trained and tested on real
data. Meanwhile, the ”Train Syn-Test Syn” cell displays
the outcomes of the HTC-GEN model, trained and tested on
synthetic data. For the Out-of-Distribution (OOD) scenario,
the ”Train Real-Test Syn” cell shows the performance of the
HGCLR model, trained on real data and tested on synthetic
data. In contrast, the ”Train Syn-Test Real” cell reports the
outcomes of the HTC-GEN model, trained on synthetic data
and tested on real data.
Test Real Test Syn
Train Real 0,81 0,84
Train Syn 0,51 0,97
Table 6: Comparison using Average Chamfer Distance
Score (AVG CDS) and Average Remote Clique Score (AVG
RCS) between real data distribution (WoS), Zero-Shot from
WoS 10 real keywords/area (ZS-KWS 10 GOLD), Zero-
Shot from 10/20 synthetic keywords/area (ZS-KWS 10/ZS-
KWS 20), Zero-Shot from area (ZS-100) and the union of
the last two (ZS-KWS 20 + ZS-100).
WoS 0.000201 0.000989
ZS-KWS 10 GOLD 0 0.000706
ZS-KWS 10 0.000123 0.000654
ZS-KWS 20 0.000125 0.000656
ZS-100 0 0.000627
ZS-KWS 20 + ZS-100 0 0.000703
The results of our study offer an overview of the
performance of the HTC-GEN model in the con-
text of HTC in scientific abstracts. A key point of
our methodology lies in its automation, which sig-
nificantly reduces the dependence on human effort.
HTC-GEN introduces an automated framework that
minimizes human intervention in HTC, achieving this
by joining zero-shot and supervised methodological
approaches and leveraging the capabilities of LLMs in
a cost-effective manner. Automated data generation
proves especially valuable in scenarios where creating
meticulously curated datasets requires a lot of time
and labor. The performance achieved by the HTC-
GEN model in a zero-shot scenario supports these
considerations. Our model outperforms the state-of-
the-art Z-STC model at both Level 1 and Level 2 of
the WoS taxonomy. Furthermore, our model lever-
ages the latest state-of-the-art supervised model for
HTC classification, incorporating it into the architec-
ture, which achieves stability and adaptability across
different sizes of training datasets. This feature is
of particular importance in real-world applications
Table 7: Comparison for non-hierarchical classification us-
ing xml-roberta-large between datasets in Table 6.
Dataset Items/Class F1-Score
WoS 274 (AVG) 0.67
ZS-KWS 10 GOLD 100 0.47
ZS-KWS 10 100 0.43
ZS-KWS 20 200 0.45
ZS-100 100 0.39
ZS-KWS 20 + ZS-100 300 0.47
where the availability of training data may be vari-
In conclusion, HTC-GEN presents a comprehen-
sive, automated, and robust framework for HTC. Its
benefits range from reducing human effort to achiev-
ing superior performance in different scenarios, sup-
ported by improved model architecture and adaptabil-
ity. The broader implication of these advantages is
that HTC-GEN represents a valuable resource in re-
search and practical applications, particularly in fields
characterized by dynamic data, resource-intensive
data labeling, and a pressing need for automated text
The known limitation in this approach is that possi-
bly the dataset taxonomy does not allow for an ex-
tension that results in appreciable benefits, particu-
larly concerning the diversity of the newly generated
data. However, it still represents a valid tool for not-
hierarchical and hierarchical classification in scenar-
ios of data scarcity or total absence of data.
In this paper, a novel approach to address the task of
hierarchical texts classification, in absence of train-
ing data was presented. Our approach tackles the
issue that common methods for generating synthetic
data involving Large Language Models lack the nec-
essary variability of generated text. Thus we intro-
duce a novel concept: expanding virtually the taxon-
omy by creating new children from leaves, thereby
enabling the generation of synthetic data based on this
newly extended taxonomy. The approach follows an
insight aimed to grab both detailed and general se-
mantic matching with the real data, by leveraging two
metric from the state-of-the-art useful to quantify di-
versity and redundancy on text distributions.
To validate the methodology, the case-study of the
HTC-GEN: A Generative LLM-Based Approach to Handle Data Scarcity in Hierarchical Text Classification
WoS dataset was considered, by invoking Llama2-
7B-chat through a specifically designed Algorithm
based on zero-shot prompting.
In regard of HTC task, we employed the Hierar-
chy Guided Contrastive Learning model, which rep-
resents the current state-of-the-art in the field of su-
pervised HTC. The experiments conducted by train-
ing the above model on a synthetic dataset and tested
with real data extracted from WoS, showed that our
approach HTC-GEN outperforms the current ZERO-
shot state-of-the-art approach.
For future works we plan to test our approach on
more datasets, with bigger models than Llama2-7B-
chat and also by integrating other techniques (Chung
et al., 2023) from the state-of-the-art aiming to refine
further the quality of the synthetic dataset.
The content of this article reflects only the author’s
view. The European Commission and MUR are not
responsible for any use that may be made of the infor-
mation it contains.
This work was supported by FOSSR (Fostering Open
Science in Social Science Research), funded by the
European Union - NextGenerationEU under NRRP
Grant agreement n. MUR IR0000008.
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