Framework for Modeling the Propagation of Disturbances in Smart
Construction Sites
Ali Attajer
and Boubakeur Mecheri
Institut de Recherche, ESTP, 28 Avenue du Président Wilson, F-94230, Cachan, France
Keywords: Smart Construction Sites (SCS), Disturbances, Propagation, Resilience, Framework, Simulation.
Abstract: The construction sector is currently undergoing a paradigm shift by technological advances. This
transformation has led to the emergence of the concept of “Construction 4.0”. However, despite these
advances, improving resilience - the ability to adapt effectively to unexpected events - remains a major
challenge. In this work, we aim to bridge this scientific gap by proposing a framework to systematically
characterize and model disturbances and their propagation. We instantiate the framework in a case study using
discrete event simulation in FlexSim. In this model, we simulate a smart construction site where construction
activities are automated by intelligent and autonomous entities, such as robots, automated guided vehicles,
and autonomous cranes. Moreover, we examine two scenarios to understand how a type of disturbance, with
specific characteristics, propagates through the system and impacts the continuity of construction activities
and operations. The results provide essential insights into the impact of disturbances on work progress, project
duration, the capacities of autonomous entities, and stock levels.
The construction sector is currently undergoing a
paradigm shift by integrating new practices and
cutting-edge technologies (Akanmu et al., 2021). This
transformation, characterized by the deployment of
advanced tools and methodologies such as off-site
modular construction (Wang et al., 2020), Building
Information Modeling (BIM) (Sepasgozar et al.,
2023), 3D printing, and robotics, represents a
fundamental transition for building design and
construction. These innovations are more than just
evolutions; they represent an overhaul of the
philosophy behind construction, oriented towards
greater efficiency, sustainability, and resilience
(Attajer et al., 2022). At the core of this
transformation lies the increasing complexity of
construction projects. This complexity, characterized
by a diversity of components and actors- ranging
from materials and equipment to operators,
supervisors, and engineers - requires continuous
coordination to successfully complete a project
(Muñoz-La Rivera et al., 2021). Moreover, the strong
interconnection between these elements increases the
vulnerability of construction sites to disturbances and
their propagation, whether technical, human or
logistical, underlining the need for innovative and
effective disturbance and risk management strategies
(Afzal et al., 2021). These new strategies require
continuous monitoring and anticipation throughout
the project lifecycle, particularly during the
construction phase.
The sources of disturbances are multiple and
varied, ranging from the intrinsic characteristics of
the construction project (e.g., technical
specifications, dimensions, and architectural
elements) to more operational aspects (e.g.,
equipment failures or delays in material supply)
(Kikwasi, 2012). These factors impact the continuity
of activities, risking the construction value chain and,
consequently, the successful delivery of projects
(e.g., delays, and increased cost). The fundamental
question that emerges from this issue is therefore how
these disturbances propagate through the various
elements of a construction site and what strategies can
be implemented to evaluate and mitigate their
impacts? Despite the considerable efforts made in the
literature (Love & Matthews, 2020), the dynamic
Attajer, A. and Mecheri, B.
Framework for Modeling the Propagation of Disturbances in Smart Construction Sites.
DOI: 10.5220/0012792400003764
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Smart Business Technologies (ICSBT 2024), pages 80-87
ISBN: 978-989-758-710-8; ISSN: 2184-772X
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
analysis of disturbances and their propagation during
project execution remains an open problem. To
address this challenge, it is essential to develop tools
and methodologies capable of acquiring and
analyzing real-time data, detecting potential
disturbances, and assessing their impact.
In this context, the concept of Smart Construction
Sites (SCS) emerges as a promising solution. By
equipping construction sites with advanced
technologies — such as Automated Guided Vehicles
(AGV) for material transport, robots dedicated to
specific tasks like painting, welding, and finishing, or
autonomous cranes offering increased precision
construction projects benefit from increasing
automation in operation execution. Thus, the
adoption of these technologies allows for real-time
monitoring and tracking of all activities on the site
(Rao et al., 2022). This ability to collect and analyze
information continuously offers an unprecedented
opportunity to detect and assess disturbances and
their propagation as they occur on the site.
The main objective of this paper is to develop a
framework for the characterization of disturbances
and their propagation in SCS. Furthermore, we use a
discrete event simulation using FlexSim to model and
analyze a SCS process and operations. With advanced
visualization and analysis capabilities (Attajer et al.,
2021), FlexSim is used to create detailed, realistic
scenarios to assess the impact of disturbances on SCS
performance, and to test various mitigation strategies
prior to their implementation in the field. Several
works have used FlexSim software in the construction
industry, as illustrated in this review article (Dziadosz
& Kończak, 2016).
The structure of the paper is organized as follows:
Section 2 presents a review of the literature on the
propagation of disturbances in SCS. Section 3 details
the proposed framework for characterizing
disturbances and their propagation through the
components of SCS. Section 4 illustrates an
instantiation through a case study conducted using
simulation. Section 5 concludes the article by
suggesting future directions for research.
Disturbance management represents a significant
challenge in the execution of construction projects,
given the inherent complexity of operations and the
interconnection of components (Peñaloza et al.,
2020). Understanding the propagation of disturbances
and their overall impact offers valuable insight into
the complexity of managing construction projects.
However, the lack of detailed analysis on the use of
advanced technologies to dynamically monitor and
analyze this propagation on the overall project
performance, such as delays, represents a challenge
(Meszek et al., 2019). SCS constitute a new area of
investigation for proactive and real-time disturbance
management, but this requires further exploration
(Peñaloza et al., 2020). In the literature, several works
have proposed frameworks for the classification of
disturbances. The distinction between high-impact
and low-frequency disturbances, often likened to the
"ripple effect" in the supply chain domain, and those
of low impact and high frequency, provides a first
layer of complexity in the management of
disturbances (Dolgui et al., 2020). This classification
highlights the need for a nuanced approach in the
evaluation of disturbances, where the focus is not
only on their direct impact but also on their frequency
and propagation through the project.
Additionally, previous studies have addressed
other classification criteria related to the sources of
disturbance: internal or external. For example,
(Zhang & Yu, 2021) addressed external disturbances
specific to the supply chain of off-site prefabricated
construction components. Furthermore, recent works
(Meszek et al., 2019) has highlighted the significant,
financial and temporal, impacts of internal sources of
disturbances. However, there is a lack of a more
generic approach that can carefully examine and
consider both internal and external types of
disturbances and their management in a broader
context. Many studies tend to handle disturbances in
an isolated manner, without exploring their
propagation or examining how SCS technologies can
be used to anticipate and mitigate these effects in real
time (Meszek et al., 2019). A few proactive
approaches aimed to identify the impact of
disturbances have been proposed. For example,
(Zarghami & Zwikael, 2023) suggested a
methodology focusing on assessing the probabilities
and consequences of disturbances, highlighting the
necessity of preparation and planning in risk
management. Its integration into SCS management
systems could offer effective means to predict and
respond efficiently to disturbances, leveraging
advanced analytical capabilities to optimize resource
allocation and minimize delays. At the same time, the
use of system dynamics and neural networks to
anticipate delays brings an advanced technological
dimension to disturbance management (Zhao et al.,
2022). While the reviewed research provides valuable
insights, literature highlights the lack of the capability
of SCS to manage disturbances proactively and in real
Framework for Modeling the Propagation of Disturbances in Smart Construction Sites
Before addressing the modelling of disturbance
propagation within SCS, it's crucial to understand and
characterize disturbances.
3.1 Characterization of Disturbances
To structure and classify disturbances in the context
of SCS, we propose a framework articulated around
four main dimensions: the impact, frequency, nature,
and source of disturbances.
Impact of Disturbances:
The impact of
disturbances on the activities of construction sites
varies considerably, directly influencing the
continuity of operations, costs, and project delay.
This dimension is detailed into three levels of impact:
high, medium, low.
High Impact: These disturbances can cause
considerable delays or significantly increase project
costs, while having a profound impact on the
organization and planning of the construction site.
For example, a major design or sizing error in the
BIM plan might require significant revisions, thereby
causing delays and additional cost.
Medium Impact: These disturbances affect the
project but can be managed or corrected with minor
adjustments. For example, a delay in the delivery of
materials can affect the schedule without necessarily
risking the overall project delay.
Low Impact: These disturbances have minimal, if
not negligible, impact on the project and can
generally be resolved without requiring significant
adjustments. An example could be a temporary
equipment breakdown, quickly repairable and need
systematic maintenance actions (Attajer et al., 2019).
Frequency of Disturbances:
The frequency of
disturbances refers to the likelihood of occurrence
within the system. Three levels of frequency are
considered in our paper: very likely, likely, unlikely.
Very Likely: These disturbances are frequent and
can be anticipated. For example, minor delays in the
delivery of materials are common, as are issues
related to the management of spare parts inventories
for equipment used during construction.
Likely: These disturbances occur occasionally
and must be considered in planning. Unfavorable
weather conditions, for example, can temporarily
affect outdoor activities and therefore require
Unlikely: These disturbances are rare and
unpredictable. For example, the discovery of an
archaeological site on the construction area could
require work to be paused for evaluation and taking
specific measures to preserve the historical site,
leading to a significant delay in the progress of the
Nature of Disturbances:
Before exploring the
different types of disturbances that can affect a
construction site, it's essential to understand the
nature of these disturbances. They can be classified
based on their familiarity and occurrence in previous
projects, as well as their specificity and novelty.
Known & Common: These disturbances are well
identified and have been encountered in the past. Due
to the experience gained, it is often possible to
anticipate them, such as seasonal fluctuations in
productivity due to weather conditions. Moreover,
some disturbances are recurrent and common, like
noise from site activities, requiring the adoption of
measures such as time restrictions for noisy work.
Known & Specific: These disturbances refer to
identified and documented events, often related to
specific technical or organizational aspects. Due to
their predictable nature, these disturbances can be
proactively managed. Examples include delays in the
delivery of essential materials like concrete or
foundations, errors in labor scheduling, or initial
design errors.
New & Specific: Disturbances not previously
experienced can arise due to various factors such as
the introduction of new technologies, regulatory
changes, or unprecedented conditions. For example,
the Covid-19 pandemic perfectly illustrates this type
of disturbance, having forced the construction
industry to adapt its working methods and implement
strict health measures. T1hese new disturbances often
require a significant adaptation period, due to the lack
of prior experience, and can extend project durations.
Source of Disturbances:
Identifying the sources of
disturbances that affect construction sites is crucial.
In this paper, we distinguish between internal and
external disturbances.
Internal: These disturbances typically originate
from the project itself, the organization responsible
for its completion, or the construction processes and
resources involved. Changes in key personnel, such
as resignations or retirements of skilled collaborators,
can significantly influence the progress of the project.
External: These disturbances are caused by
factors outside the project and organization. The
location of the construction site in an urban area, for
example, can pose challenges to material deliveries'
accessibility, with potential delays due to traffic
constraints, parking restrictions, or congestion.
Moreover, introducing new safety or environmental
standards, may require adaptations in the planning
and execution.
ICSBT 2024 - 21st International Conference on Smart Business Technologies
Relationships Between Dimensions: High-impact
disturbances are often unlikely and can occur as a
result of exceptional events. These disturbances can
be of a new and specific nature and originate from
either external or internal sources. In contrast, low-
impact disturbances are often high-frequency, such as
minor delays in material delivery, and are generally
well-known and can occur regularly throughout the
project. These disturbances, resulting from
predictable circumstances, often involve minor
operational adjustments and can originate from both
internal and external sources. Recognizing and
understanding the relationships between these
various types of disturbances is essential. This
understanding not only allows for anticipating events
that may affect a project but also for developing
adapted and effective management strategies, thus
optimizing the site response to disturbances. Figure 1
offers a schematic representation of the different
dimensions characterizing disturbances, as well as the
interdependent relationships between these
Figure 1: Overview of the dimensions of disturbances and
their interactions.
3.2 Propagation of Disturbances
The links between components on a SCS are often
characterized by functional and operational
interdependencies. For example, the use of an
autonomous crane to move essential materials creates
an operational dependency between the crane and the
construction activities that require these materials. In
this interconnected system, a breakdown of the crane
can lead to significant delays in the progress of the
site. If other equipment or activities directly depend
on this crane for their operation, their productivity
could be severely affected. For instance, operators
might find themselves unable to mount prefabricated
structures or move materials to specific areas of the
site. Moreover, the malfunctioning crane could block
access to certain areas, obstructing the movement of
materials and personnel, while posing a potential
safety risk on the site. When a system (components –
links) consists of several interconnected components
through links, any disturbance in one of these
components can potentially propagate through the
network and impact other connected components.
When a component is disturbed, this can trigger a
chain reaction that propagate through the links to
adjacent components. The propagation of the
disturbance can occur in various ways depending on
the system nature and the characteristics of the
disturbance. In some cases, a disturbance may remain
isolated, affecting a single network component
without notable consequences on the entire system.
However, in other cases, an initial disturbance can
lead to cascading failures, disturbing the overall
functioning of the system. This situation is often
triggered by operational disturbances affecting the
construction process. For example, a delay in material
delivery may initially affect a single construction
process step. Nevertheless, this initial disturbance can
quickly propagate further downstream, affecting
other components that depend on the delayed
materials for their operations. This type of cascading
propagation, which reduces the performance of
affected components, is similar to the "Bullwhip"
effect observed in supply chains. Furthermore, some
disturbances have the potential to affect the entire
construction network structure, causing a critical
decrease in the overall system performance. These
major disturbances, such as natural disasters or
systemic failures of key technologies, can paralyze
the entire construction process. This phenomenon, is
similar to the "Ripple" effect in supply chains,
demonstrates the propagation of an initial disturbance
through multiple levels or components of a system,
exacerbating the overall impact on the project (Dolgui
& Ivanov, 2021).
Analyzing the modes of disturbance propagation
in SCS reveals complex dynamics influenced by its
dimensions. These elements interact to determine
how a disturbance can influence the entire
construction system. High-impact, new and specific,
and unlikely disturbances are distinguished by their
capacity to cause significant effects across the entire
construction process network, thus generating the
"Ripple" effect. Their unexpected and specific nature
means they are not easily anticipated by standard risk
management practices. When such disturbances
Framework for Modeling the Propagation of Disturbances in Smart Construction Sites
occur, they can rapidly propagate through the
construction network interdependencies, affecting
not only immediate operations but also the overall
project performance. In contrast, disturbances that are
very likely, of low impact, and of a known and
common nature tend to be well understood and
manageable. These disturbances, like minor delivery
delays or short and predictable work interruptions,
can be mitigated through standardized operational
procedures. Their low impact means they can be
addressed without significantly disturbing the entire
construction network. Generally, these events remain
isolated to the component or process step initially
affected, without significant propagation. Medium-
impact, medium-frequency, and known nature
disturbances can trigger the "Bullwhip" effect. This
implies a chain propagation due to the complexity of
interdependencies. A typical example could be a
cumulative delay in a project phase that, while
initially modest, amplifies through subsequent stages
due to operational adjustments. These disturbances
require careful management to limit their
amplification and minimize downstream impacts.
Figure 2 illustrates the conceptual framework
developed to analyze disturbance characteristics
within SCS. This model aids in identifying the nature,
impact, frequency, and source of disturbances, as well
as understanding their mode of propagation and effect
on the performance and continuity of operations in
construction sites.
Figure 2: Framework for disturbance analysis:
characterization and propagation.
Our case study focuses on the execution of the first
phase of construction of a building. The objective of
this phase is to construct five first-floor walls of the
building under construction. This project is modeled
in FlexSim simulation software v.24.0.1. The model
and the data are available on request. The process
begins with the arrival of bricks. Upon their arrival, a
forklift transports the bricks to a first storage area.
This initial step ensures that the necessary materials
are gathered and ready for the next operation. an
AGV transports autonomously the bricks from the
first storage area to a second zone. This latter is
positioned closer to where the construction work is
carried out, thus optimizing the process by reducing
the material transport time. An autonomous crane
uses the bricks from the second storage area to
precisely build the walls. As the crane progresses in
the construction, an autonomous robot takes over to
complete the finishing touches. Throughout this
process, an operator supervises the construction
operations. This supervisor has the capability to take
manual control of the crane in case of failure.
4.1 Scenario Without Disturbances
This section evaluates the model through a series of
simulations to understand how the system operates in
the absence of disturbances, and to establish a
baseline for construction performance. Figure 3
illustrates various key indicators collected during the
simulation, offering a detailed overview of the SCS
operations. The first diagram presents the work
progress. There is a linear progression during
working hours, with notable stops at break times (12-
14h) and outside working hours (17h-8h). This
observation highlights the system efficiency during
active periods, while respecting the need for breaks
for human supervisor and environmental noise-
related constraints. The second diagram shows the
operating cycle of the autonomous crane (i.e., number
of operations per hour). We notice that this indicator
drops to zero outside working hours, as expected.
During active hours, performance fluctuations are
observed, mainly due to changes in trajectory when
moving from one wall to another, which implies a
variation in the distance between stock 2 and the wall
under construction. The third diagram illustrates
occupation status of four components: forklift, AGV,
crane, and robot. The different states of occupation
reveal that the construction site resources are not fully
utilized. The highest utilization rate observed for the
robot is 39%, indicating that activity interruptions
ICSBT 2024 - 21st International Conference on Smart Business Technologies
(breaks, end of the day) and the arrival of materials
limit their efficient use.
Figure 3: Key Indicators collected during the simulation
without disturbances.
This suggests that the flow of materials,
particularly the arrival of bricks, constitutes a critical
bottleneck in optimizing the construction site. The
final diagram in the Figure 3 presents the stock
analysis which reveals that storage area 2 is
frequently empty, indicating rapid use of bricks by the
crane. This observation contrasts with stock 1, where
materials may stay longer. The finding that stock 2
acts as a potential bottleneck suggests that increasing
the quantity of bricks in this area could improve the
crane utilisation and, consequently, the use of robot
and progress of construction work.
4.2 Impact of an External Disturbance
This section analyzes the impact of an external
disturbance, specifically an interruption in the brick
supply, on construction operations. This disturbance,
for 4 hours, had significant repercussions on work
progress, resource utilization, and stock levels. Figure
4 illustrates collected indicators during the simulation
with this disturbance.
Impact on work progress (First diagram in Figure
4): The effect becomes evident at the start of the
second day. Wall 2, whose construction had begun on
the first day, was only completed in the afternoon of
the second day, contrary to the normal scenario where
it was expected to be finished at the beginning of the
day. This disturbance caused a ripple effect,
impacting all components and delaying the
construction of subsequent walls and extending the
total duration of work to 73 hours and 54 minutes,
compared to 51 hours and 48 minutes in the normal
scenario without disturbances.
Figure 4: Key Indicators collected during the simulation
with the external disturbance.
Impact on the crane operation (Second diagram in
Figure 4): The operational rate followed the same
pattern as in the normal scenario, with the exception
of the inactivity observed during the morning of the
second day due to the absence of bricks (i.e.,
disturbance impacts the crane efficiency).
Furthermore, the crane was used throughout the third
day and for a short period on the fourth day, showing
an extension of the working time needed to
compensate for the delay caused by the disturbance.
Impact on the resource utilization rate (Third
diagram in Figure 4): Each component of the
construction site experienced a decrease in utilization
rate due to the half-day of inactivity and the extension
of work beyond the initial schedule. This decrease
directly reflects the impact of the disturbance on the
overall efficiency of the construction site,
highlighting the crucial role of continuous material
supply in maintaining an optimal work operation.
Impact on stock levels (Final diagram in Figure
4): Stock levels were directly affected by the supply
interruption. Stock_1 remained empty throughout the
morning of the second day, leading to complete
inactivity of the construction site during this period
and justifying the decrease of resource utilization.
Framework for Modeling the Propagation of Disturbances in Smart Construction Sites
This observation confirms that material availability is
a key factor for the continuity of operations.
4.3 Impact of an Internal Disturbance
This section analyzes the impact of an internal
disturbance characterized by a two-hour crane
malfunction at the beginning of the second day.
Despite this disturbance, the overall progress of the
construction remained unaffected (see the first
diagram in Figure 5). The disturbance impacted the
construction of the second wall, as it occurred early
in the second day. This disturbance did not propagate
across the subsequent construction activities due to
the crane high capacity and the uninterrupted material
flow from the source to stock_2, resulting in an
accumulation of bricks in stock_2 awaiting crane
repair. Once operational, the crane high capacity
enabled it to quickly catch up on the delay, ensuring
no downstream delay in construction activities and
maintaining the project completion within the
original calendar, which is 51 hours and 48 minutes.
After the crane was repaired, its operational rate
increased notably due to the accumulated bricks in
stock_2 (see the second diagram in Figure 5),
demonstrating the crane capability to compensate for
the lost time. This scenario demonstrates that the
perturbation has an isolated nature, as it did not
significantly affect the utilization rates of other
resources (see the third diagram in Figure 5).
Figure 5: Key Indicators collected during the simulation
with the internal disturbance.
4.4 Discussion
This case study illustrates how the nature, duration,
and impact of disturbances vary their propagation
effects within SCS. In the scenario related to a
disturbance on the brick supply, this external event
propagated through the system, causing a ripple
effect. This disturbance affected not only the supply
of materials but also the operational efficiency of key
components, extending the total construction time
significantly beyond the initial schedule. In contrast,
the second disturbance, internal in nature, remained
nearly isolated to a single system component without
significant propagation. Despite temporarily
breakdown of the crane, the system inherent capacity
and uninterrupted material flow allowed for a quick
recovery. Table 1 compares the different scenarios
studied in relation to the total duration of the project
and the propagation effects. In brief, this analysis
underscores the critical role of disturbance
characteristics in determining their propagation and
impact within a SCS.
Table 1: Comparison of scenarios.
Project total
Normal operation
51 hours and 48
73 hours and 54
Ripple effect
51 hours and 48
The construction industry is transforming
significantly towards Construction 4.0, integrating
innovative technologies. Our study on Smart
Construction Sites (SCS) highlights the complex
dynamics of disturbances and their propagation,
proposing a comprehensive framework. Our study on
SCS highlights the complex dynamics of disturbances
and their propagation, proposing a comprehensive
framework. Our findings show that disturbance
impact, frequency, nature, and source greatly
influence their effects. Using FlexSim, we provided
key insights into operational interdependencies and
impact of disturbances on construction operations. An
external disturbance, like a brick supply delay, caused
a ripple effect, impacting material supply and
operational efficiency, extending construction time.
In contrast, an internal disturbance, such as a crane
malfunction, remained isolated with minimal
ICSBT 2024 - 21st International Conference on Smart Business Technologies
propagation due to the system's quick recovery
capabilities. Several avenues for further research
emerge from this study. Firstly, we need propose
methodologies to evaluate and quantify the negative
consequences of disturbance propagation to identify
potential bottlenecks in construction operations.
Secondly, quick decision-making strategies need to
be developed, enabling just-in-time actions that can
mitigate the effects of disturbances effectively. It is
also essential to consider the technological capacity
of SCS in our reaction strategies. For example,
incorporating redundancy of critical elements or
utilizing multi-task intelligent elements can
significantly enhance the system’s capacity to
respond to disturbances. The comparison of these
reaction approaches with existing risk management
approaches in complex systems will provide valuable
insights. Finally, real construction site
implementation and experimentation are necessary to
validate the findings and refine the proposed model.
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Framework for Modeling the Propagation of Disturbances in Smart Construction Sites