An Uncertain Reasoning-Based Intrusion Detection System for
DoS/DDoS Detection
Harpreet Singh
, Habib Louafi
2 a
and Yiyu Yao
1 b
Department of Computer Science, University of Regina, Regina, SK, Canada
Department of Science and Technology, TELUQ University, Montreal, QC, Canada
IDS, DoS, DDoS, Bayesian Networks, Markov Networks, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence.
Network intrusion detection systems (NIDS) play an important role in cybersecurity, but they face obstacles
such as unpredictability and computational complexity. To solve these challenges, we propose a novel prob-
abilistic NIDS that detects DoS and DDoS attacks carried out on the TCP, UDP, and ICMP protocols. Our
method incorporates knowledge from the fields of these protocols using Bayesian networks (BN) and Markov
networks (MN). Inference is performed using Variable Elimination (VE) for BN and Shafer-Shenoy (SS)
Propagation, as well as Lazy Propagation (LP) for MN. Extensive tests on the CAIDA dataset have yielded
promising results, with higher Precision, Recall, and F1-Score metrics. Notably, both SS and LP are efficient,
demonstrating the effectiveness of our proposed NIDS in improving network security.
Computers and devices connected to the Internet use
the Open Systems Interconnect (OSI) model to com-
municate with each other, whether the connection is
wired (Zimmermann, 1980) or wireless (Korolkov
and Kutsak, 2021). Each layer of the OSI model can
be attacked differently by numerous types of attacks,
such as Denial of Service (DoS) and Distributed De-
nial of Service (DDoS) attacks, which are termed as
the most catastrophic ones (Jaafar et al., 2019).
This paper focuses on securing network assets and
safeguarding crucial data held on internet-connected
devices and servers. DoS/DDoS attacks, which ex-
ploit basic protocols such as TCP, UDP, and ICMP
with modifications, present significant issues due
to their stealth and resource consumption. Intru-
sion Detection Systems (IDS) play an important
role in minimizing such attacks by scanning net-
work traffic for malicious activity. IDS has two de-
tection methods: signature-based, which relies on
known attack patterns, and anomaly-based, which
uses models of typical behaviour to detect devia-
tions. While signature-based detection is confined
to known threats, anomaly-based detection provides
greater coverage by identifying any aberrant net-
work behaviour for further investigation (Yassin et al.,
In this paper, a behaviour-based IDS model is pro-
posed for the detection of DoS/DDoS attacks, us-
ing uncertain reasoning in Artificial Intelligence (AI).
Precisely, the proposed model uses Bayesian net-
works (BN), which are based on Probability theory
and Uncertainty (Pearl, 1998). Without loss of gen-
erality, in this paper, we focus on the detection of
DoS/DDoS attacks that exploit three widely used and
targeted protocols, namely TCP, UDP, and ICMP.
Thus, the knowledge representation of the BN is
based on the fields that comprise these three proto-
To achieve that goal, we propose a robust
methodology for identifying malicious network traffic
frames utilizing Bayesian network (BN) algorithms.
Through rigorous implementation, testing, and vali-
dation, the paper evaluates the performance of three
distinct algorithms: Variable Elimination (VE) for
exact inference, Shafer-Shenoy propagation (SS) for
message propagation, and Lazy Propagation (LP) for
hybrid inference. These contributions collectively ad-
vance the state-of-the-art in intrusion detection sys-
tems and bolster network security measures.
The paper is organized as follows, Section 2, re-
views the proposed solutions related to intrusion de-
tection using AI algorithms. Section 3, presents the
methodology of our proposed solution. Sections 4,
Singh, H., Louafi, H. and Yao, Y.
An Uncertain Reasoning-Based Intrusion Detection System for DoS/DDoS Detection.
DOI: 10.5220/0012794400003767
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT 2024), pages 771-776
ISBN: 978-989-758-709-2; ISSN: 2184-7711
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
and 5 detail the experimental setup and results, re-
spectively. Lastly, Section6 concludes the paper.
In this section, we review the most important ap-
proaches, solutions, and frameworks proposed to de-
sign IDS using AI. We show, why probability-based
approaches are preferred over fuzzy logic and rule-
based methods in the design of IDS.
In various studies, different approaches have been
proposed for detecting network intrusions and miti-
gating cyber threats. Bringas et al. (Bringas et al.,
2008) introduced ESIDE-Depian, utilizing SNORT
to collect labelled packet frames and constructing a
Bayesian Network (BN) for anomaly and misuse de-
tection. They employed the Lauritzen and Spiegelhal-
ter (LS) propagation algorithm for inference, noting
its efficiency in terms of response time. Sudar et al.
(Sudar et al., 2021) proposed a method using Support
Vector Machine (SVM) and Decision Tree (DT) algo-
rithms for DDoS attack detection in software-defined
networks (SDN), achieving 85% accuracy with SVM
and 78% with DT. Alhakami et al. (Alhakami et al.,
2019) presented a non-parametric Bayesian approach
integrating feature selection mechanisms to detect
both known and unknown attacks effectively. Alexan-
der et al. (Alexander, 2020) introduced a Likert
scale method combined with BN to reduce cyber
threat attacks, advocating for strategic integration of
BN models into organizational decision-making pro-
cesses. Koc et al. (Koc and Carswell, 2015) ex-
plored various Bayesian classifiers, finding that Pro-
portion K-Interval discretization combined with Hid-
den Naive Bayesian (HNB) yielded high accuracy in
identifying DDoS assaults. (Agostinello et al., 2023)
proposed a simulation of anomaly based IDS using
Deep Learning (DL) methods. They worked on three
different models (DNN, CNN, RNN). They showed
that in binary classification, it is possible to yield high
performance when we have more feature variables in
the dataset. In there experiments the DNN model
achieved the best performance.
In the comparison of various intrusion detection
systems (IDS) based on their features, strengths, and
weaknesses. The study by Bringas et al. inte-
grates Snort and uses Bayesian Networks (BN) for
supervised learning but requires extensive computa-
tional resources. Sudar et al.s approach employs
Mininet for simulation and Support Vector Machines
(SVM) for detection, though it struggles with non-
probabilistic classification and unclear mathematical
explanations. Alhakami et al. focus on feature selec-
tion and parameter learning but lack clarity in their
algorithm and anomaly classification. Alexander’s
model combines Likert scales with BN for decision-
making, yet its accuracy is not evaluated. Koc and
Carswell utilize NB and HNB classifiers for network
attack classification, benefiting from conditional inde-
pendence assumptions. However, it faces challenges
with small datasets and feature dependencies. Lastly,
Agostinello developed an Anomaly-Based IDS with
DL techniques but these DL models are not explain-
able, as they are not based on probabilities.
To implement our uncertain reasoning-based IDS, we
propose a methodology, which is comprised of several
modules, as shown in Figure 1. These modules are
described in the following sections.
and Analysis
Bayesian Network
Markov Network
DAG for
CPT for
JT/ Acyclic
Hypergraph for
distributions for
Converting pcap to Zeek
logs and Wireshark logs
Live captured
Stored pcap
Stored pcap dataset
Converting Zeek and
Wireshark logs to csv file
Mixing Zeek and
Wireshark logs
Training AI models, using:
- BN with VE
- MN with SS
- MN with LP
Dataset is divided into
training(x) and testing(y) datasets
Prediction of attacks
Model Assessment using:
Precision, Recall, Accuracy, F1-score
Obtained Model
Data cleaning
Data Shuffling and Data
Data labelling using
probabilistic inference
Live packet capture
Figure 1: Proposed methodology flowchart.
3.1 Data Collection
In the first stage of our methodology, data needs to be
collected ideally from real and live networks, using
network traffic capture tools, such as Tshark or Wire-
shark (Orebaugh et al., 2006). Then, the captured
traffic is usually stored in .pcap files. In this paper,
we use the Caida dataset (Shirsath, 2023), which con-
SECRYPT 2024 - 21st International Conference on Security and Cryptography
tains approximately one hour of traffic traces related
to DDoS attacks on the TCP, UDP, and ICMP proto-
cols. The attack trace is split up into 5-minute pcap
files. The schema of the dataset is shown in Table 1.
Table 1: Dataset Schema (Shirsath, 2023).
Attribute Value
Data format pcap
Total Number of Protocols 3 (TCP, UDP, ICMP)
Total Number of Features 64
Total Number of Instances 2,75,169
Data Size 18.3 MB
Start Date Oct 24, 2022
End Date April 15, 2023
The .pcap files are processed using Zeek (Tiwari
et al., 2022), a network traffic analyzer, generating es-
sential log files like conn.log and weird.log. While
Zeek provides flow-level details, WireShark is si-
multaneously used to extract packet-level information
from the same .pcap files, ensuring comprehensive
traffic data collection.
3.2 Data Preprocessing
The second phase is data preprocessing, in which data
mixing, data cleansing, normalization, labeling, and
shuffling are achieved to prepare the dataset to be used
by machine learning algorithms. The Zeek and Wire-
shark logs are converted into CSV files, using pandas
in Python. They are converted into data frames first
for processing, then saved as CSV files.
3.2.1 Data Mixing
Since we have two CSV files, one from Zeek and the
other one from WireShark, we mixed them into a sin-
gle CSV file, which represents the dataset that we
want to work on. In the mixing process, the source
and destination IP addresses and their corresponding
ports are used to match the samples from the two
CSV files. The CSV files are iterated row by row and
column by column to fill in the cells of the matched
3.2.2 Data Cleansing
Cleaning datasets is critical because of potential dis-
crepancies caused by network faults, device restric-
tions, and software problems. Several procedures
are used to refine datasets, including expert-based
feature selection to exclude extraneous variables re-
quired for Bayesian inference. In addition, instances
representing victim host’s replies to attacker hosts are
eliminated, leaving just attacker source packets for
attack classification. Furthermore, removing not-a-
number (NaN) fields provides compatibility with fea-
ture datatype criteria for machine learning algorithms.
3.2.3 Label Encoding, Data Shuffling, and
In this paper, the open-source Scikit-Learn library is
used for processing the data. First, the Label En-
coder is used to convert categorical data into numeri-
cal format, which is often required for machine learn-
ing models, including BN. Then, for data shuffling,
the Train Test Split is used for splitting the dataset
into train and test datasets. For normalization, we use
the MinMaxscaler algorithm, which converts all the
values into values between 0 and 1.
3.3 Knowledge Transformation
To capture the complex dependencies more effec-
tively and potentially improving the computational
efficiency, particularly for large datasets or complex
structures, the BN representation is transformed into
MN. Then, both transformations are used. Techni-
cally speaking, from the BN, the Directed Acyclic
Graph (DAG) is converted into an Acyclic Hyper-
graph/Join Tree (JT) and the Conditional Probability
Tables (CPTs) are converted into marginal distribu-
tions of the Joint Probability Distribution (JPD) for
each join tree node.
3.4 Packet Classification (Labeling)
The classification of the packet frames as attack or le-
gitimate is achieved by performing inference on the
generated MN model. In this process, instances from
the dataset are fed one by one to the MN model. Once
the model is created, the feature values extracted from
a particular instance from the dataset are used as evi-
dence for computing the marginals on each node of
the MN. This is achieved using the Shafer Shenoy
Propagation algorithm (Lepar and Shenoy, 2013).
Each time a piece of evidence is obtained, its val-
ues are absorbed by the MN model, and hence the
current JPD tables are updated.
3.5 Model Training
This section explains how the preprocessed dataset is
used for training the prediction model, and which AI
methods are used.
3.5.1 Algorithms
In this paper, the following algorithms are considered:
An Uncertain Reasoning-Based Intrusion Detection System for DoS/DDoS Detection
Variable Elimination (VE).
Shafer-Shenoy Propagation (SS).
Lazy Propagation (LP).
3.5.2 Training and Testing
In this phase, various AI algorithms are trained and
tested using ten-fold cross-validation. The prepro-
cessed dataset is divided into training and testing sub-
sets, with varying proportions (e.g., 10% training,
90% testing; 20% training, 80% testing). Results are
averaged across iterations for each algorithm under
3.6 Prediction and Analysis
The trained models obtained from BN and MN are
used for the prediction of DoS and DDoS attacks car-
ried out on the TCP, UDP, and ICMP protocols.
Using the aforelisted AI algorithms (i.e., VE, SS,
and LP), the inferences are achieved as follows:
In Bayesian Networks (BN), inference is per-
formed using the Variable Elimination (VE) algo-
rithm, which sequentially eliminates one variable at
a time when new evidence is introduced. On the other
hand, in Markov Networks (MN), inference is con-
ducted using the Shafer-Shenoy (SS) and Lazy Prop-
agation (LP) algorithms. SS is faster to implement
but requires more storage space due to its use of two
registers for incoming and outgoing messages. LP,
however, is more efficient in terms of time and stor-
age space utilization, making it suitable for scenarios
where belief update efficiency is crucial (Madsen and
Jensen, 2013).
4.1 Setup
To validate our methodology, we ran a series of ex-
periments on a MacBook Pro computer with an M1
processor, 8 cores (4 performance and 4 efficiency),
and 8GB RAM. BN and MN were used to develop
various models for ICMP, TCP, and UDP based on
selected features. CPTs were generated from a raw
dataset, with label-encoded and normalized data used
as evidence to calculate probability of events. Pre-
dicted probability were used to classify packets as
either attack or legitimate. The performance of the
trained models was then evaluated. Wireshark and
Zeek were used to record and analyze network data,
while pyCharm and Jupyter notebook were used for
implementation and testing, together with a set of li-
braries that included Numpy, SKLearn, Pandas, Dask,
Matplotlib, Tensorflow, Pgmpy, Applescript, Pyshark,
Scapy, Zat.
To evaluate the performance of BN and MN models,
we use three widely metrics, namely Precision, Re-
call, Accuracy, and F1-Score.
5.1 Precision Results
The Precision results for the ICMP, TCP, and UDP
protocols, employing the VE, SS, and LP algorithms,
are depicted in Figure 2. Notably, the MN model uti-
lizing the SS algorithm achieves the highest Precision
scores across all three protocols, yielding 97%, 99%,
and 95% for ICMP, TCP, and UDP, respectively. The
second-best results, with Precision scores of 98%,
99%, and 88% for ICMP, TCP, and UDP, respectively,
are obtained using the MN model with the LP algo-
rithm. The notable Precision achieved with the MN
and SS algorithm underscores the algorithm’s effi-
cacy in accurately estimating probabilities and mak-
ing precise predictions. Conversely, lower Precision
scores may indicate uncertainties or inaccuracies in
the inference process, warranting further investiga-
tion. Nonetheless, the results obtained with the MN
and LP algorithm closely align with those from the
SS algorithm, suggesting proficient handling of up-
dates and queries, ensuring accurate results.
Figure 2: The Precision results, as obtained with the VE,
SS, and LP algorithms.
5.2 Recall Results
The Recall results for the ICMP, TCP, and UDP pro-
tocols using the VE, SS, and LP algorithms are pre-
sented in Figure 3. The BN with the VE algorithm
achieves 100% Recall for all three protocols, indi-
cating its effectiveness in accurately identifying posi-
SECRYPT 2024 - 21st International Conference on Security and Cryptography
tive instances of the target variable. However, despite
VE’s exact inference capabilities, it is less efficient
for large and complex models due to reasons like ex-
ponential complexity, sensitivity to variable ordering,
space complexity, and lack of reusability. In contrast,
the SS and LP algorithms yield similarly high Recall
results, exceeding 96% for all protocols, demonstrat-
ing their effectiveness with minimal performance dif-
ferences based on the dataset used.
Figure 3: The Recall results, as obtained with the VE, SS,
and LP algorithms.
5.3 Accuracy Results
The accuracy results for the VE, SS, and LP algo-
rithms are provided in Figure 4. The MN utilizing the
SS method works best for ICMP, TCP, and UDP, with
accuracies of 97%, 96%, and 98%, respectively. The
MN using the LP algorithm follows shortly behind.
The SS and LP algorithms produced models with 18,
30, and 17 attributes for the three protocols, showing
the same performance. Whereas the VE method, with
a variable amount of attributes, affects its accuracy.
As a result, the SS algorithm outperforms the VE and
LP algorithms.
Figure 4: The Accuracy results, as obtained with the VE,
SS, and LP algorithms.
5.4 F1-Score Results
The F1-Score results, illustrated in Figure 5, demon-
strate that the MN with the LP algorithm produces
the greatest performance, achieving 99%, 98%, and
93% for the ICMP, TCP, and UDP protocols, respec-
tively. The VE algorithm performs slightly worse on
the UDP protocol than on ICMP and TCP, and its F1-
score results vary significantly between the three pro-
Figure 5: The F1-score results, as obtained with the VE, SS,
and LP algorithms.
5.5 Complexity
The inference times for the ICMP, TCP, and UDP
protocols using the VE, SS, and LP algorithms are
recorded and averaged in Table 2, showing that the
VE algorithm is the fastest, taking only 10.37 minutes
for all three protocols. However, while VE is quicker,
it is less efficient than the MN-based SS and LP al-
gorithms, which, although slower, provide more sta-
ble, efficient, and accurate results. Once the models
are generated, the MN-based algorithms have negligi-
ble prediction times, whereas the BN-based VE algo-
rithm requires the same amount of time for each pre-
diction as it does for initial model generation, making
it less practical for frequent queries.
Table 2: Training Time (in minutes) of the inference algo-
rithms for ICMP, TCP, and UDP.
Algorithm ICMP TCP UDP Total
VE 19.68 11.39 0.044 10.37
LP 128.77 170.07 0.064 99.63
SS 101.91 135.43 0.050 79.13
In this paper, we proposed a probabilistic-based NIDS
for detecting DoS and DDoS attacks on TCP, UDP,
and ICMP protocols, utilizing BN and MN models
with inference implemented via VE, SS, and LP algo-
rithms. VE was applied to BN, while SS and LP were
used with MN. Experiments on the CAIDA dataset
showed promising results across metrics like Preci-
sion, Recall, and F1-Score, revealing that both SS and
LP are efficient, with LP slightly outperforming SS.
An Uncertain Reasoning-Based Intrusion Detection System for DoS/DDoS Detection
Despite LP’s longer training time, its superior perfor-
mance makes it the best algorithm based on our ex-
periments. However, further validation on additional
datasets is necessary to confirm these findings. Since
the training is usually done offline (in the system’s
idle time), this does not represent an issue.
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