From IoT Servitization to IoT Assetization
Zakaria Maamar
1 a
, Amel Benna
2 b
, Vanilson Buregio
1 c
and David Alves
3 d
University of Doha for Science and Technology, Doha, Qatar
Research Center for Scientific & Technical Information (CERIST), Algiers, Algeria
Department of Computing, Federal Rural University of Pernambuco, Recife, Brazil
Asset, IoT, Service, Management.
This paper discusses the stages and techniques to guide the conversion of IoT-compliant things into assets
and then, services. While existing initiatives focus on the conversion of things into services as part of the
servitization process, there are not initiatives that focus on thing conversion into assets as part of the asseti-
zation process. Assetization permits to model things from a management perspective in terms of depreciation
over time, transferability across locations, disposability after use, and convertibility across platforms. Thanks
to assetization, things would provide economical, informational, operational, and regulatory benefits to their
owners (whether moral or juridical). A system demonstrating the technical doability of thing assetization is
also discussed in the paper.
In today’s ICT landscape, Internet-of-Things (IoT)
perfectly demonstrates Weiser’s definition of ubiqui-
tous computing when he states in 1999 that “the most
profound technologies are those that disappear. They
weave themselves into the fabric of everyday life until
they are indistinguishable from it (Weiser, 1999). IoT
has become ubiquitous where 41 billion IoT devices
are predicted to exist by 2027 and 70% of vehicles are
predicted to be connected to the Internet by 2023
In line with IoT growing research interest, we pre-
sented in (Maamar et al., 2021b) an IoT-servitization
framework exposing things as services to potential
users. On top of this exposure, the framework ad-
dressed 3 concerns undermining IoT adoption: lack
of cognitive things, lack of semantics between things,
and thing confinement into silos. Servitization has
been around for many years (Vandermerwe and Rada,
1988) where organizations like Rolls-Royce sells
power-by-the-hour and salesf offers pay-
per-use software on the cloud. Nowadays, everything-
as-a-service (XaaS) is a well-established operation
model (Duan et al., 2016).
Despite the role of servitization in sustaining IoT,
the service model that underpins any form of serviti-
zation is tightly coupled to the request-response pat-
tern; upon receiving requests, services direct them in
our case to things and then, collect responses back,
if necessary. Although this service model has proven
itself over the years from an interaction perspective,
aspects from a management perspective like thing de-
preciation over time, thing transferability across loca-
tions, thing disposability after a time-period/use, and
thing convertibility across platforms are overlooked.
To address the management-aspect overlook, we ad-
vocate in this paper for IoT assetization in order to en-
capsulate things into assets, a term commonly used in
the finance world. The basis of our thing-assetization
proposal is an asset model that would cater for the
specificities of IoT like physical versus digital thing,
online versus offline thing, etc.
An asset “is something that provides a current, fu-
ture, or potential economic benefit for an individual
or other entity”
. When things are assetized, they
provide economical benefits (generates money like
parking meter), informational benefits (produces data
like sensor), operational benefits (performs operations
like AC unit), and regulatory benefits (enforces poli-
cies like road radar) to their owners (whether moral
Maamar, Z., Benna, A., Buregio, V. and Alves, D.
From IoT Servitization to IoT Assetization.
DOI: 10.5220/0012794500003753
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Software Technologies (ICSOFT 2024), pages 236-247
ISBN: 978-989-758-706-1; ISSN: 2184-2833
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
or judicial). To achieve these benefits, an asset cost-
model could be used to track the “costs” of managing
a thing as an asset. These costs could vary depending
on things’ afore-mentioned specificities. In this paper,
we present our IoT assetization framework in terms of
motivations, guidelines, and demonstration. Section 2
defines asset. Section 3 details the assetization frame-
work in terms of motivations, thing, asset, and service
modeling, and guidelines. Section 4 implements the
framework. Section 5 introduces future work. Finally,
Section 6 concludes the paper.
The International Financial Reporting Standards
framework states that “an asset is a resource con-
trolled by the enterprise as a result of past events and
from which future economic benefits are expected to
flow to the enterprise”(Team, 2022a). Being a multi-
disciplinary topic, we provide hereafter an overview
of how asset is defined and perceived in 3 separate
communities namely, ICT:security, digital-right man-
agement, and finance.
In the ICT:security community, Kuzminykh
and Carlsson adopt assets to isolate IoT system
risks (Kuzminykh and Carlsson, 2018). Recognizing
IoT systems’ unique characteristics and requirements,
the authors’ threat-risk modeling approach identifies
security stakeholders (i.e., devices, services, and cus-
tomers), security assets, possible attacks, and, finally,
threats for the concerned IoT system. In the same
community, Chehida et al. present a methodology
to identify security risks, assess these risks’ impacts
on IoT systems’ assets, and, finally, protect these as-
sets from these risks. Along with assets upon which
a security-risk assessment strategy could be built, ser-
vices and business processes could help define a sim-
ilar strategy. Finally, Matsumoto et al. discuss how
important cyber-security countermeasures are for the
Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) and how different
IIoT is from IoT requiring specialized means to man-
age assets. The authors’ assets correspond to edge de-
vices being monitored by an asset configuration man-
agement agent.
In the digital-right management community, the
objective is to ensure a proper and trusted use and
protection of digital media assets and files in the
age of social media and widespread file sharing. A
well known W3C specification for this management
is ODRL. It expresses that “something is permitted,
forbidden, or obliged, possibly limited by some con-
straints” (W3C, 2018; Becker et al., 2013) and pro-
vides a flexible and interoperable information model,
vocabulary, and encoding mechanisms to represent
statements about assets’ uses. An asset is an iden-
tifiable resource or a collection of resources such
as data/information, content/media, applications, and
services. On top of ODRL, Custers questions the
appropriateness of existing digital-right management
practices for today’s world due to the heavy reliance
on social media and adoption of advanced technolo-
gies like big data and IoT (Custers, 2022). Accord-
ing to Custers, should not the ICT community define
new fundamental rights for the digital era? Finally,
in the same community of digital-right management,
IBM defines digital asset management solution as “a
software and systems solution that provides a system-
atic approach to efficiently storing, organizing, man-
aging, retrieving, and distributing an organization’s
digital assets”
In the finance community, asset is any resource
that an organization owns or controls as part of
its daily operations to produce positive economic
value (O’Sullivan and Sheffrin, 2021). According to
the Corporate Finance Institute (Team, 2022a), the
properties of an asset include ownership (can be even-
tually turned into cash and cash equivalents), eco-
nomic value (can be exchanged or sold), and re-
source (can be used to generate future economic ben-
efits). And, in term of classification assets can be
referred to as convertibility (how easy they are con-
verted into cash), physical existence (tangible versus
intangible), and usage (based on their business opera-
tion usage/purpose).
The paragraphs above offer a summary of the mul-
tiple uses of assets making them a cornerstone to any
organization’s development strategy. At the end of
the day, whether tangible or intangible, physical or
digital, limited or unlimited, etc. we expect assets to
provide benefits to their owners. In the remaining sec-
tions, we elevate things to assets enabling a process of
identifying and then, describing the management as-
pects of these things.
After motivating thing assetization, we model the as-
setization framework’s elements. Then, we present
the guiding stages for a successful assetization.
3.1 Motivations
Today’s things suffer from several limitations like
reduced size, restricted connectivity, limited energy,
From IoT Servitization to IoT Assetization
and constrained storage, which undermines their in-
tegration opportunities into mission-critical applica-
tions, for example. In addition, existing specifi-
cations, e.g., W3C Web of Things-Thing Descrip-
tion (WoT-TD, (W3C, 2020)), primarily focus on
things’ technical aspects like whether they are phys-
ical or digital along with what interaction and secu-
rity protocols they support. Finally, thing servitiza-
tion develops proxy services on top of things neglect-
ing how to manage these things. With thing assetiza-
tion, we tap into some asset management principles
like value added/level of service, lifecycle, and total
cost of ownership to handle the following IoT-related
management aspects:
- Depreciation is related to the (selling) value
and/or (ongoing) performance of assets in the long
run. In IoT, we foresee depreciation as a con-
cern when things are used outdoor in harsh con-
ditions, which would over time negatively impact
their performance, for example. In addition, hav-
ing things installed outdoor would likely expose
them to physical tampering, which could acceler-
ate their depreciation.
- Transferability is related to ownership change of
assets from a legal perspective. In IoT, we fore-
see transferability as a concern when things shift
from one location to another forcing them to com-
ply with new data-privacy regulations, for exam-
ple. The way we foresee transferability is not
in line with Gunnarsson and Gehrmann who fo-
cus on security requirements during ownership
change (Gunnarsson and Gehrmann, 2022). They
note that backward and forward secrecy with re-
spect to old and new owners should be preserved.
An IoT system’s new owner shall not deduce any-
thing that the old owner did before the owner-
ship transfer, and vice versa. Gunnarsson and
Gehrmann also mention that there should not be
any time period where an IoT system would be
under the simultaneous control of both owners.
- Disposability is related to the availability of as-
sets. In IoT, we foresee disposability as a concern
when things cannot be used after a date or a num-
ber of times, which could result in replacing them.
To extend things’ lifetimes, measures like regular
servicing could be planned.
- Convertibility is related to the monetization of
assets, i.e., how easy it is to turn an asset into
cash. In IoT, we foresee convertibility as a con-
cern when things cannot adjust/mutate because of
changes of their environments. In (Maamar et al.,
2021a), Maamar et al. discuss 3 arguments sup-
porting thing mutation: performance, so things re-
main competitive; awareness, so things “know”
their contextual surroundings; and survivability,
so things remain in business.
It is worth noting that the management aspects
above should offer a better return-on-investment on
things based on the following benefits:
- Economical benefit is about money that organi-
zations could make from things. Some things like
parking meters generate direct moneys, while oth-
ers like sensors generate indirect moneys since
their owners could potentially sell the collected
data to third parties.
- Information benefit is about data that organiza-
tions could obtain from things. Some things like
sensors generate direct data, while others like ac-
tuators generate indirect data after processing the
data that they would receive.
- Operational benefit is about the commands that
organizations could exercise on things. Some
things like electric switches respond to direct
commands originating from users, while others
like fire sprinklers respond to indirect commands
originating from third parties like detectors.
- Regulatory benefit is about the use of things to
enforce organizations’ policies. Some things like
road radars directly enforce speed limits by flash-
ing violating vehicles, while others like automatic
door locks indirectly enforce accesses based on
signals received from face recognition programs
embedded into cameras.
3.2 Modeling Things
For the sake of illustration, we use WoT-TD to model
things. An excerpt of WoT-TD information-model
presented in Fig. 1 where Thing representing a con-
crete thing is a core class supporting 3 types of inter-
actions with end-users and/or peers. All classes asso-
ciated with these interaction types are derived from
the InteractionAffordance class and correspond, re-
spectively, to PropertyAffordance that allows to sense
and control parameters, ActionAffordance that refers
to a thing’s operations, and EventAffordance that al-
lows to asynchronously push communications such as
notifications, discrete events, and streams of values
to receivers. Regarding a thing’s security mechanism
and resources, 2 relevant classes exist namely, Secu-
rityScheme and Link. To describe how a thing’s oper-
ations are exercised over properties, actions, events,
ICSOFT 2024 - 19th International Conference on Software Technologies
Figure 1: Excerpt of WoT-TD information-model.
and the thing itself, protocol bindings are serialized
and represented with the Form class. Finally, the data
format of an operation’s inputs/outputs is described
with the DataSchema class.
Listing 1 instantiates WoT-TD information-model
for a thing denoted by lamp. It has an id (line 2),
a title that is MyLampThing (line 3), and a ba-
sic security scheme (basic sc) included in securi-
tyDefinitions (line 4) requiring username and pass-
word (line 5). In term of interaction affordance,
there exist one property affordance that is sta-
tus (line 8) accessible via https://mylamp.example.
com/status (line 10), one action affordance that is
specified to toggle (line 12) the switch status avail-
able at as a re-
source (line 15), and, finally, one event affordance
that is overheating (line 17) to allow MyLampThing
to send asynchronous messages to concerned persons.
Listing 1: Excerpt of WoT-TD specification of MyLamp.
1 {" @con t e x t ": " h ttps : // ww w . w 3 . o rg / 2 0 1 9 / w ot / td / v 1 "
2 " id " : " u rn : d ev : o ps : 32 4 7 3 - Wo TLa m p -1 23 4 " ,
3 " t i t le " : " M yLampThin g " ,
4 " se c u r i t yDe f i n i t i ons " :{
5 " basic_sc " : {" sc h e m e " : " ba s i c " , " in " : " hea d e r "
6 " sec u r i t y " : [ " b a s i c _ s c " ],
7 " properties " :{
8 " sta t u s " :{
9 " ty pe " : " s t r ing " ,
10 " fo r m s " : [{" hre f " : " ht t p s : // m y l a m p . e x a m p le .
co m / stat u s "}]}},
11 " ac t i o n s " :{
12 " tog g l e " :{
13 " fo r m s " : [{
14 " op " :" i n v o k e a c t i o n " ,
15 " hr ef " : " h t tps : // m y lamp . examp l e . c om / t o g g l e
16 " e v e n t s " :{
17 " ov e r h e a t i n g " :{
18 " da ta " :{" t y pe " : " s t ring "},
19 " fo r m s " : [{
20 " hr ef " : " h t tps : // m y lamp . exampl e . c om / oh " ,
21 " su b p r o t o c o l " : " l o ngpoll "}]}}}
3.3 Modeling Assets
To assetize things, we design an asset static-model
and an asset dynamic-model. The static model iden-
tifies constructs that capture the functional and non-
functional characteristics of a future asset encapsulat-
ing a thing. And, the dynamic model identifies states
that capture the lifecycle of the future asset when it
becomes available for use. For design needs, UML no-
tation is adopted to represent both models.
Fig. 2 is an asset’s class-based static model where
asset is a key class specialized into physical and dig-
ital sub-classes. For an organization, an asset pro-
vides benefits captured with the benefit class and spe-
cialized into informational, operational, regulatory,
and economical. These benefits would depend on the
asset’s domain of use (e.g., hospitality) represented
with the domain class. On top of representing the
purpose and owner of an asset using operation and
owner classes, respectively, how an asset is invoked
and secured is regulated with the protocol class.
In Fig. 3 we represent an asset’s state-based dy-
namic model where activated is the starting state hav-
ing put-to-use and depreciated as 2 nested concurrent
sub-states. When using an asset, it is automatically
subject to depreciation. From:put-to-use state, the rest
of states capture the following situations:
- To:transferred state corresponds to the situation
where an asset is shifted from one place to an-
other. This results in forcing the asset to comply
From IoT Servitization to IoT Assetization
Figure 2: Asset’s class-based static model in IoT.
Figure 3: Asset’s state-based dynamic model in IoT.
with the new place’s regulations and/or to work
under the new place’s conditions.
- To:converted state corresponds to the situation
where an asset is on-the-fly loaded with extra ca-
pabilities. This allows the asset to respond to
changes in the environment without suspension.
- To:disposed state corresponds to the situation
where an asset is withdrawn due to a fault.
From:depreciated state, the rest of states capture
the following situations:
- To:disposed state corresponds to the situation
where an asset is withdrawn due to out-of-
existence triggered by excessive and/or long-time
Each situation listed above sheds light on a par-
ticular management aspect; e.g., from depreciated
state to disposed state corresponds to the disposabil-
ity management aspect, and from activated state to
converted state corresponds to the convertibility man-
agement aspect.
3.4 Modeling Services
In Fig. 4 we represent a service’s state-based dynamic
model where prepared is the starting state having ac-
tivated and suspended as 2 exclusive successor states.
Figure 4: Service’s state-based dynamic model in IoT.
The last 2 states, done and failed, illustrate whether a
service execution completed with success or failure,
3.5 Guiding Stages
Fig. 5 represents our 2 stage approach for thing as-
setization and asset servitization, respectively. These
stages are in complete opposition to what we did ear-
lier in thing servitization where things were directly
encapsulated into services (Maamar et al., 2021b).
Although Fig. 5 shows a bottom-up progress from
the physical level (thing) to the digital level (asset)
and finally, the abstract level (service) in support of
thing assetization and asset servitization, this progress
is also complemented by another top-down progress
from the abstract level to the digital level and fi-
nally, the physical level demonstrating how both asse-
tization and servitization are concretized at run-time.
This happens by passing details from instantiating rel-
evant constructs when specific details are passed on
from one level to another. In the following, we de-
compose the discussions of the 2 stage approach into
Bottom-Up (BU) and Top-Down (T D).
3.5.1 Bottom-up Discussion
In the thing-assetization stage covering the physical
and digital levels, the objective is to encapsulate a
thing into an asset. This happens by identifying in
ICSOFT 2024 - 19th International Conference on Software Technologies
Physical level
Digital level
Abstract level
Figure 5: Thing assetization followed by asset servitization.
WoT-TD information-model the relevant constructs,
i.e., classes and relations, that would semantically
correspond to their counterpart constructs in Fig. 2’s
asset static-model. This is summarized in Table 1
where c|r/x stands for class|relation/either class’s
name or relation’s name(class
). Should there
be any missing correspondence (indicated by not-
available in the table), then we will take corrective
actions by adding new constructs to the asset static-
model along with finalizing this addition, as we deem
appropriate. Fig. 6 shows the new constructs in terms
of classes (event, state, and upgrade) and relations
(event, state, upgrade, and invocation) that become
attached to Fig. 2’s asset static-model.
Figure 6: New classes/relations in the asset’s class-based
static model.
We now continue with the asset-servitization stage
covering this time the digital and abstract levels. The
objective is to encapsulate an asset into a service
that future applications would interact with. This
happens by traversing the updated asset static-model
(Fig. 2 and Fig. 6) to identify specific constructs that
would semantically correspond to their counterpart
constructs in Fig. 7’s service static-model. This iden-
tification is driven by the needs and requirements of
the interface that would expose the service to appli-
cations for interaction. By analogy with Table 1, we
proceed with the same as per Table 2.
Figure 7: Service’s class-based static model in IoT.
3.5.2 Top-Down Discussion
Contrarily to the objective of the bottom-up asset-
servitization stage that is to encapsulate an asset into
a service, the objective of top-down is to cascade con-
crete details about applications interacting with ser-
vices from the abstract level to the digital level. These
details correspond to 2 types of values; those values
that applications directly submit to interfaces when
invoking them (e.g., interface’s name) and those val-
ues that are indirectly obtained based on what these
applications submitted to these interfaces (e.g., ser-
vice’s id is obtained based on interface’s name). In ei-
ther way, cascading details requires identifying prop-
erties in the relevant constructs of both the service and
the asset static-models that will act as value contain-
ers. This cascading is summarized with Table 3 where
examples of properties in the respective service static-
model include id to identify the service and url to in-
teract with the interface of the service, and examples
of corresponding properties in the asset static-model
include id to identify the asset related to the service
and link to associate the path of the operation to in-
voke with the url of the interface.
We now complete the thing-assetization stage
where the objective now is to cascade concrete de-
tails from the digital level to the physical level allow-
ing this time to effectively activate/trigger a particular
thing based on specific constructs in the WoT-TD in-
formation model. These details refer to corresponding
properties in the asset static model as per Table 3. Ta-
ble 4 summarizes the detail cascading from the asset
static-model to the WoT-TD information-model where
examples of corresponding properties in this model
include href to associate the submission path of the
operation to perform with the invocation link and in-
put to capture the operation’s input.
3.6 Handling Management Aspects
One of the objectives of the IoT-assetization frame-
work is to manage things as assets. 4 management
aspects along with this framework’s benefits are dis-
cussed in Section 3.1 and will hereafter be speci-
fied based on what has been achieved during bottom-
up construct correspondences and top-down construct
From IoT Servitization to IoT Assetization
Table 1: BU:construct correspondences between WoT-TD and the asset static-model.
WoT-TD information-model Asset static-model’s
construct construct corrective action
c/T hing c/Asset
c/EventA f f ordance Not available Add c/Event
c/PropertyA f f ordance Not available Add c/State
c/ActionA f f ordance c/Operation
c/Form c/Invocation
c/VersionIn f o Not available Add c/U pgrade
r/actions(T hing,ActionAddordance) r/operation(Asset,Operation)
r/events(T hing,EventsAddordance) Not available Add r/event(Asset,Event)
r/properties(T hing,PropertyAddordance) Not available Add r/state(Asset,State)
r/ f orms(T hing,Form) r/invocation(Asset,Invocation)
r/ f orms(InteractionA f f ordance,Form) Not available Add r/invocation(Operation,Invocation)
r/versions(T hing,VersionIn f o) Not available Add r/upgrade(Asset,U pgrade)
Table 2: BU:construct correspondences between the asset
static-model and service static-model.
Asset static-model Service static-model’s
construct construct
c/Asset c/Service
c/Owner c/Provider
c/Operation c/Inter f ace
c/Event c/Inter f ace
c/State c/Inter f ace
r/operation(Asset,Operation) r/inter f ace(Service,Inter f ace)
r/event(Asset,Event) r/inter f ace(Service,Inter f ace)
r/state(Asset,State) r/inter f ace(Service,Inter f ace)
r/owner(Asset,Owner) r/provider(Service,Provider)
Table 3: T D:detail cascading from the service static-model
to the asset static-model.
Service static-model Asset static-model
construct property construct corresponding property
c/Service p/id c/Asset p/id
c/Inter f ace p/name c/Operation p/name
c/Inter f ace p/url c/Invocation p/link
c/Inter f ace p/args c/Operation p/input
Depreciation: in the literature (Department of the
Treasury, 6pdf), many techniques to assess asset
depreciation exist such as straight-line, declining-
balance, and unit-of-production. Countries use
these techniques, as they see fit; for instance,
capital-cost-allowance in Canada
and straight-
line and declining balance in the USA
. Despite
Table 4: T D:detail cascading from the asset static-model
to WoT-TD information-model.
Asset static-model’s WoT-TD information-model
construct property construct corresponding property
c/Asset p/id c/T hing p/id
c/Operation p/name c/ActionA f f ordance p/properties
c/Invocation p/link c/Form p/hre f
c/Operation p/input c/ActionA f f ordance p/input
the diversity of these techniques, they have some
properties in common (Panicker, ions): original
cost (asset’s acquisition amount including sales
tax, transportation, set-up, training, etc.), useful
life (number of years one expects to have the as-
set in use depending on its type and is expected to
be at least 1 year), and number of units produced
before the asset is worn.
During thing assetization, depreciation as per Sec-
tion 3.1 would require the following details about
a thing: first-date-of-use, original-cost, level-of-
use (e.g., number of invocation requests per day),
number-of-years-of-use, and condition-of-use (in-
door versus outdoor). These details are properties
in the asset static-model and the values of these
details are collected from WoT-TD-based thing
specification. Table 5 illustrates potential cor-
respondences between these properties and this
specification’s constructs. Should a correspon-
dence be missing, i.e., reported as not-available
in this table, then we would suggest corrective ac-
tions like done in Section 3.5.1.
Transferability: in the literature (Heather et al.,
2019), transferring assets is a multi-facet exer-
cise that ranges from agreeing on what is eligi-
ble for transfer to preparing transfer agreements
and identifying the necessary intervenants during
the transfer. Both physical assets like lands (Patil
and Shyamasundar, 2021) and virtual assets like
cryptocurrency (Keundug and Heung-Youl, 2021)
could be transferred requiring each a different
handling mainly from legal and financial perspec-
tives. Many details could be included in a trans-
fer agreement with emphasis on price, assignee,
rights and obligations relating to title, warranty,
and indemnities
. An interesting discussion about
asset transfer in IoT sheds light on shared own-
ICSOFT 2024 - 19th International Conference on Software Technologies
ership when both buyers and sellers retain con-
trol over the same assets, but in independent con-
texts (Raina and Palaniswami, 2021). Despite
being sold to buyers, Tesla cars’ software can
be remotely altered over the Internet by a few
keyboard-clicks at Tesla Inc.s Palo Alto control
center raising the question of who owns what.
During thing assetization, transferability as per
Section 3.1 requires the following details about
a thing: previous-location, current-location, and
transfer-date. By analogy with depreciation, Ta-
ble 6 illustrates potential correspondences be-
tween the asset class-model’s properties and WoT-
TD information-model’s constructs. The same vo-
cabularies and notation are adopted as earlier.
Disposability: in the literature (FreshBooks,
2022; Team, 2022b), organizations proceed with
disposing of their (often long-term) assets for
multiple reasons, such as the asset’s value has
fully depreciated, the asset is no longer useful,
unforeseen circumstances, asset replacement, and
repair/service costs exceed the asset’s value. In-
dependently of these reasons, organizations need
to accurately document any disposal-related trans-
actions in their financial books. Asset disposal is
either normal exemplified with transfer of owner-
ship or trading exemplified with exchanging old
goods with new ones (FreshBooks, 2022).
During thing assetization, disposability as per
Section 3.1 would require the following details
about a thing: salvage-cost and disposability-
reason. By analogy with depreciation and trans-
ferability, Table 7 illustrates potential correspon-
dences between the asset class-model’s proper-
ties and WoT-TD information-model’s constructs.
The same vocabularies and notation are adopted
as earlier.
Convertibility: it is the exchange of a convert-
ible type of asset into another type of asset usu-
ally at a previously agreed-upon price on or be-
fore a previously agreed-upon date. According to
Chen (Chen, 2022), examples of assets that can
undergo conversions are convertible bonds and
preferred shares. Conversion is useful as it per-
mits to categorize assets into current (those with a
shorter life span and easily transferable into cash)
and fixed (intended for long-term use and unlikely
to convert quickly into cash).
During thing assetization, convertibility as per
Section 3.1 would require the following details
about a thing: upgrade-date and upgrade-type.
By analogy with depreciation, transferability, and
disposability, Table 8 illustrates potential cor-
respondences between the asset class-model’s
properties and WoT-TD information-model’s con-
structs. The same vocabularies and notation are
adopted as earlier.
A system was developed to demonstrate the IoT-
assetization framework’s technical doability. It
is described below in terms of architecture, IoT-
assetization API, and usage scenarios. Documentation
is available at
4.1 Architecture
Fig. 8 illustrates the main components of the system’s
architecture. Key quality attributes like modularity
as well as incorporation of best-in-class tools were
adopted during the development to achieve efficiency,
versatility, and seamless capability integration. The
different components are as follows.
Data Acquisition: serves as an entry point to col-
lect data about things. This is done by harnessing
Node-RED’s ( flow-based mechanisms.
Node-RED is an open-source tool for IoT applica-
tions, featuring a user-friendly graphical interface
for creating workflows through drag-and-drop. It is
widely used for connecting devices, APIs, and ser-
vices, and is good at automation, data processing, and
prototyping. Some key strengths include real-time
testing and debugging that allow for incremental de-
ployment of changes along with their real-time eval-
uation. This enables continuous system monitoring
and refinement of flows, aiding in achieving accuracy
and maintaining a consistent system state.
IoT-assetization API: ensures seamless data trans-
mission between the data acquisition component and
data processing and management components, as
well as provides services to the dashboard module.
IoT-assetization API is implemented with FastAPI
( framework in compliance with
REST principles. FastAPI is a Web framework for
building APIs in Python 3.7+, known for its ease of
use and speed. It generates interactive API documen-
tation (using Swagger UI and ReDoc) and employs
token-based authentication. It uses stateless com-
munication and standard HTTP methods for clarity
and consistency in client-server interactions. FastAPI
framework also ensures a very high speed and effi-
ciency in handling Web requests and response. Fi-
nally, token-based authentication offers secure access
to the IoT-assetization API functionalities.
Data Processing and Mmanagement: collects,
From IoT Servitization to IoT Assetization
Table 5: Property/Construct correspondences for the needs of depreciation.
Asset static-model’s WoT-TD information-model
property Construct Corrective action
p/first-date-of-use:Asset p/created:Thing
p/original-cost:Asset Not available add p/amount[] from InvestmentOrDeposit class to Thing class
p/level-of-use:Invocation Not available add c/SystemLifetime[ssn] to Thing class
p/number-of-years-of-use:Invocation Not available add p/validThrough[] from Offer class to Thing class
p/condition-of-use:Invocation Not available add c/Condition[ssn] to InteractionAffordance class
Table 6: Property/Construct correspondences for the needs of transferability.
Asset static-model’s WoT-TD information-model
property Construct Corrective action
p/previous-location:Invocation Not available add p/fromLocation[] from TransferAction class to Thing class
p/current-location:Invocation Not available add p/toLocation[] from TransferAction class to Thing class
p/transfer-date:Invocation Not available add p/endTime[] from TransferAction class to Thing class
Figure 8: Components and interactions in the system.
transforms, and manages telemetry data and manages
users’ accounts and asset-related data, such as types,
usage information, depreciation over time, and other
Data Repository. is a PostgreSQL (
database used by the data processing and manage-
ment component to store all thing- and asset-related
Dashboard. is a front-end application imple-
mented using Svelte ( framework to pro-
vide a visual representation and monitoring interface
of assets.
4.2 IoT-Assetization API
We delve into the architectural design, functionalities,
and potential applications of the IoT-assetization API,
explaining its role in asset management. The API is
divided into modules that expose a variety of end-
points, each serving a specific purpose within the as-
set’s management lifecycle, accepting JSON payloads
for requests and responding with JSON-encoded data.
Key modules include:
- Asset Management: groups endpoints to create,
list, update, and delete assets. Actions over assets
are also registered, providing a history of interac-
- Task Management: provides capabilities to track
to-do items, with endpoints to create, retrieve,
modify, and delete.
- User Administration: handles user accounts, pro-
viding endpoints for creating, updating, and delet-
ing users. Users must first obtain an access token
through a login endpoint, which is then used for
subsequent requests. This module also provides a
token refresh mechanism, ensuring uninterrupted
access for authenticated users.
- Type Management: allows the definition and ma-
nipulation of asset and action types, ensuring flex-
ibility in asset categorization. Any asset has a data
field ”type” in which values like sensor, lamp,
smart lock, and others can be informed.
4.3 Usage Scenarios
Some screenshots from the system’s dashboard are
presented in Fig. 9 and 10 offering a visual represen-
tation of the system’s capabilities in managing assets.
Fig. 9 is a consolidated view of all things that are
subject to assetization, enabling users to quickly view
basic details like type, description, lifespan, and date
of creation. Such a layout not only aids in efficient
asset management, but, also, ensures transparency re-
garding asset health, usage, and depreciation.
Fig. 10 is a detailed breakdown of a particular as-
set, in this case, “ultramegawide sensitive sensor”.
Here, the system provides a clear depiction of asset
management principles applied to things, including
the following key elements:
- Asset Depreciation Graph: displays the deprecia-
tion cost of an asset over time, providing insights
ICSOFT 2024 - 19th International Conference on Software Technologies
Table 7: Property/Construct correspondences for the needs of disposability.
Asset static-model’s WoT-TD information-model
property Construct Corrective action
p/salvage-cost:Invocation Not available add p/minPrice[] from PriceSpecification class to Thing class
p/disposability-reason:Asset Not available add either p/comment[] from CreativeWork class or c/Observation[sosa] to Thing class
Table 8: Property/Construct correspondences for the needs of convertibility.
Asset static-model’s WoT-TD information-model
property Construct Corrective action
p/upgrade-date:Asset p/modified:Thing
p/upgrade-type:Asset not available add p/comment[] from CreativeWork class to VersionInfo class
into the asset’s financial value and expected lifes-
- Asset Usage Information: details how long an as-
set has been in use, its active usage time, and the
condition of use.
- General Asset Information: shows different asset
types (e.g., washing machine, sensor, smart light),
allowing users to quickly comprehend the distri-
bution of asset by type.
- Asset Health Indicator: represents assets that are
above or below the salvage price, offering a quick
overview of their overall health.
In the detailed asset analytics view, users can
check nuanced insights, ranging from depreciation-
cost trend to usage information and overall health.
Such granularity in data presentation facilitates com-
prehensive asset tracking, ensuring timely mainte-
nance and informed decision-making. Our system
showcases the transformative potential of blending
IoT capabilities with asset management principles.
Our future work is to design an asset cost-model that
would help estimate the costs of assetizing things and
the potential economical, operational, informational,
or regulatory benefits of this assetization. We recall
that things are subject to depreciation, transferability,
disposability, and/or convertibility that would impact
the cost of operationalizing them. For instance, de-
preciation could constitute a source of expense due to
maintenance cost while transferability could consti-
tute a source of income due to change of ownership.
According to FasterCapital, a cost model has a
scope, drivers, equations, and validation (FasterCap-
ital, 2023). Costs could be of different types such
as marginal, average, full, and sunk contributing dif-
ferently to the final cost model. Our initial thoughts
would be a 2-stage asset cost-model where the first
stage would cover costs to encapsulate things into as-
sets and the second stage would cover costs to en-
capsulate assets into services. When working out
the asset cost-model, we deem necessary to consider
the specificities of things like physical versus digi-
tal, static versus mobile, and online versus offline. A
physical think like sensor could require on top of an
acquisition cost, a maintenance cost over a period of
time. Contrarily, a digital thing like software could
require a lease cost (in compliance with SaaS), only,
leaving the maintenance cost to the software’s owner.
- From:thing To:asset cost-model would cover sep-
arate costs related to things, assets, and encapsu-
lation, respectively. These costs would vary de-
pending on the nature of thing with focus on car-
rying out encapsulation operations between things
and assets as reported in Table 1. Encapsulation
operations are also complemented with additional
operations reported in Table 4 where concrete de-
tails are cascaded from assets to things in order to
have these things activated.
- From:asset To:service cost-model would cover
separate costs related to assets, services, and en-
capsulation, respectively. These costs would vary
depending on the nature of asset with focus on
carrying out encapsulation operations between as-
sets and services as reported in Table 2. Encapsu-
lation operations are also complemented with ad-
ditional operations reported in Table 3 where con-
crete details are cascaded from services to assets
in order to have these assets activated.
This paper discussed the stages and techniques
enabling to transition from Internet-of-Things to
Internet-of-Assets by elevating things to assets. Or-
ganizations own assets to produce positive economic
values. Contrarily to existing initiatives that ex-
pose things as services, we “squeeze” assets between
things and services allowing to track things’ depreci-
ation over time, transferability across locations, dis-
From IoT Servitization to IoT Assetization
Figure 9: List of available things after assetization.
Figure 10: Summary of asset analytics.
ICSOFT 2024 - 19th International Conference on Software Technologies
posability after time/use, and convertibility across
platforms. These 4 management aspects provide bet-
ter insights into how to handle things. For a success-
ful thing-asset transition, we developed an IoT asseti-
zation framework that encompasses 3 models, thing,
asset, and service, and supports 2 stages driving thing
assetization and asset servitization, respectively. The
implemented system demonstrates the practicality of
thing assetization and shows how to effectively han-
dle things as assets. Finally, future research in-
volves the development of an asset cost-model, focus-
ing on the economic implications of IoT assetization
through some economical, informational, operational,
and regulatory benefits to things’ owners.
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