Classifying Human-Generated and AI-Generated Election Claims in
Social Media
Alphaeus Dmonte
1 a
, Marcos Zampieri
1 b
, Kevin Lybarger
1 c
, Massimiliano Albanese
1 d
and Genya Coulter
George Mason University, U.S.A.
OSET Institute, U.S.A.
AI-Generated Content, Misinformation, Elections, LLMs, Authorship Attribution.
Politics is one of the most prevalent topics discussed on social media platforms, particularly during major
election cycles, where users engage in conversations about candidates and electoral processes. Malicious ac-
tors may use this opportunity to disseminate misinformation to undermine trust in the electoral process. The
emergence of Large Language Models (LLMs) exacerbates this issue by enabling malicious actors to generate
misinformation at an unprecedented scale. Artificial intelligence (AI)-generated content is often indistinguish-
able from authentic user content, raising concerns about the integrity of information on social networks. In
this paper, we present a novel taxonomy for characterizing election-related claims. This taxonomy provides an
instrument for analyzing election-related claims, with granular categories related to jurisdiction, equipment,
processes, and the nature of claims. We introduce ElectAI, a novel benchmark dataset comprising 9,900 tweets,
each labeled as human- or AI-generated. We annotated a subset of 1,550 tweets using the proposed taxonomy
to capture the characteristics of election-related claims. We explored the capabilities of LLMs in extracting the
taxonomy attributes and trained various machine learning models using ElectAI to distinguish between human-
and AI-generated posts and identify the specific LLM variant.
The widespread use of social media has fundamen-
tally changed political discourse with a direct impact
on elections. Social media enables candidates and po-
litical entities to directly communicate with the elec-
torate through platforms, such as X (formerly Twit-
ter), profoundly shaping engagement strategies. This
direct communication channel facilitates the rapid
propagation of claims about election processes, in-
cluding claims of fraud, by politicians and their sup-
porters. Claims of fraud that are intentionally false
or not fully supported by credible evidence can neg-
atively impact election processes and compromise
the integrity of elections. As a result, elections in
many countries, including the United States (US),
have become more contentious in recent years (Sha-
effe, 2020).
The emergence of Large Language Models
(LLMs) has revolutionized content generation across
various domains. LLMs are capable of generating flu-
ent and syntactically correct text that is virtually indis-
tinguishable from human-generated text. LLMs often
generate factually incorrect statements and, in some
cases, may hallucinate (Huang et al., 2023). For ex-
ample, Galactica (Taylor et al., 2022), an LLM de-
veloped by Meta to summarize research papers and
generate Wikipedia articles, was found to generate
biased and incorrect content (Heaven, 2022). Chat-
GPT was also found to produce biased and inaccurate
outputs (Wach et al., 2023). Furthermore, malicious
actors can leverage the power of LLMs to intention-
ally produce uninformed claims and misinformation
to spread them on social media (Zhou et al., 2023).
The convergence of advanced LLMs and the
widespread use of social media creates the perfect
conditions for the spread of election misinformation.
In this paper, we introduce a comprehensive taxon-
omy to further our understanding of human- and AI-
generated election claims in social media. The tax-
onomy features several dimensions that often char-
Dmonte, A., Zampieri, M., Lybarger, K., Albanese, M. and Coulter, G.
Classifying Human-Generated and AI-Generated Election Claims in Social Media.
DOI: 10.5220/0012797900003767
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT 2024), pages 237-248
ISBN: 978-989-758-709-2; ISSN: 2184-7711
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
acterize election claims, such as jurisdiction, elec-
tion infrastructure, and the nature of claims. We use
the taxonomy to annotate ElectAI, the first benchmark
dataset for election claim understanding. ElectAI con-
tains a mix of 9,900 human- and AI-generated tweets
in English. We present several experiments on claim
characterization and authorship identification using
ElectAI with the objective of exploring the following
research questions:
RQ1: How well do state-of-the-art LLMs under-
stand the various attributes of election claims?
RQ2: How do humans and machines compare in
their ability to distinguish between human- and
AI-generated election claims in social media?
Our main contributions are as follows:
1. We propose a novel taxonomy to characterize
and understand election-related claims and the at-
tributes associated with these claims.
2. We present ElectAI, the first benchmark dataset
for election claims. The dataset comprises both
human- and AI-generated tweets annotated with
the proposed taxonomy. We make ElectAI freely
available to the research community.
3. We present an evaluation of four LLMs (Llama-
2, Mistral, Falcon, and Flan-T5) with respect to
claim characterization on the ElectAI dataset.
4. We evaluate the capability of multiple models and
humans to discriminate between human- and AI-
generated posts in the ElectAI dataset.
The remainder of the paper is organized as fol-
lows. Section 2 discusses the importance of fair and
secure elections, motivating our choice of US elec-
tions as a case study, whereas Section 3 discusses
related work. Then, Section 4 introduces the pro-
posed taxonomy and Section 5 presents the ElectAI
dataset. Next, Sections 6 and 7 present our evaluation
of claim understanding and authorship attribution, re-
spectively. Finally, Section 8 provides some conclud-
ing remarks and future research directions.
Fair and secure elections are the backbone of democ-
racy, and the spread of misinformation on social me-
dia can undermine their integrity. In 2017, former
US Secretary of the Department of Homeland Secu-
rity (DHS), Jeh Johnson, declared that “election in-
frastructure in this country should be designated as a
subsector of the existing Government Facilities crit-
ical infrastructure sector. Given the vital role elec-
tions play in this country, certain systems and assets
of election infrastructure meet the definition of crit-
ical infrastructure, in fact and in law. (Department
of Homeland Security, 2017) As a result, US elec-
tion infrastructure is considered critical infrastructure,
as much as energy, transportation, or other systems
critical to national security. Threats to election se-
curity can erode voter trust, delegitimize elections,
and weaken democratic institutions. The spread of
misinformation, disinformation, and malinformation
(MDM) is a growing threat to fair and secure elec-
tions. MDM campaigns can target individual polit-
ical candidates, local or state administrative entities,
or even manufacturers of voting equipment. MDM
campaigns erode trust in election processes and can
also have significant financial consequences.
While the proposed approach has been demon-
strated in the context of US elections, it can be eas-
ily generalized to create and study election-related
datasets in any language or geopolitical context.
American elections provide an interesting case study
as they are inherently different from almost any type
of election in other countries. With nearly 10,000
unique election jurisdictions, no other country has the
level of decentralization that US elections do, and no
other nation cedes as much control of federal elec-
tions to state and local bodies. As of 2020, over 260
million Americans were registered to vote. In juris-
dictions such as Los Angeles County, California, vot-
ers will vote for more contests and candidates in one
general election than the average voter overseas might
vote for in their lifetime.
As elections are conducted at the local level, there
is great variability in the infrastructure and technical
expertise of counties and towns within states. While
the decentralization of elections avoids single points
of failure, it requires each jurisdiction to manage and
secure an extremely complex information technol-
ogy system that includes voter registration databases,
electronic poll books, vote-capture devices, optical
scanners, vote tallying devices, election night report-
ing systems, and network technologies to securely
transfer data. The complexity and diversity of this
infrastructure further compound the challenges in as-
sessing election-related claims. Thus, the US is the
ideal test case for ElectAI.
Another dimension contributing to the uniqueness
of US elections is the emphasis on freedom of expres-
sion, allowing anyone to say virtually anything in any
public forum. The United States of America is the
world’s longest-lasting representative democracy, and
it has served as a model to countless other nations in-
SECRYPT 2024 - 21st International Conference on Security and Cryptography
spired by the uniquely American ideals of indepen-
dence, self-determination, and free expression. For
voters who live in the United States, there are very
few restrictions on political speech by design. The
First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution enshrines
strong historic protections of freedom of expression,
whether it is speech by individuals or by the press,
free practice of religion, the right of assembly, as well
as the right to petition the government for a redress of
At the nexus of these widely admired but difficult-
to-sustain ideals, is the social media platform now
known as X, formerly Twitter, nimbly intersecting
First Amendment rights and protections. While not
as large as competing platforms such as TikTok or
Facebook, it is fair to postulate that the cumulative
impact of documenting current geopolitical events in
real time with comparatively few barriers to entry has
permanently enshrined X into the American lexicon.
Elections, and the manner in which information about
them is disseminated via social media channels, have
been fundamentally transformed by the X platform.
More Americans get their election information via X
than they do from previously trusted sources such as
local newspapers or political parties. X offers an un-
precedented level of instantaneous access to a voter’s
local election officials, as well as direct communi-
cation with state and federal authorities. Failing to
quantify the impact of AI-generated election misin-
formation on social media users now will set me-
dia literacy, public confidence in elections, and po-
tentially, the stability of democratic processes them-
selves in imminent danger. By design, ElectAI allows
for a narrowing or broadening of scope, without lim-
iting its application to just one field of research.
There have been several studies addressing automatic
verification of claims, rumor detection, and several
other tasks related to the detection and mitigation of
misinformation. Chen et al. (Chen et al., 2022) pro-
posed a 3-stage pipeline for claim verification that (i)
gets the encodings for the claims, (ii) retrieves rel-
evant documents that main contain a support claim,
and (iii) finds appropriate evidence in them. Yang
et al. (Yang et al., 2022) propose a Multi-Instance
Learning (MIL) approach for rumor and stance de-
tection. Barbera et al. (Barbera, 2018) explored mis-
information spread and its contributing factors in the
context of the 2016 US Presidential elections.
Recent developments in fact verification systems
have significantly improved the accuracy and effi-
ciency of automatic claim verification in various set-
tings. Hu et al. (Hu et al., 2023) proposed a fact-
verification approach based on training an evidence
retriever and a claim verifier with the retrieved evi-
dence. The approach considers the faithfulness (the
model’s decision-making process) and plausibility
(convincing to humans) of the retrieved evidence.
While the great majority of studies on fact verifi-
cation are on English texts, an approach for Ara-
bic claim verification in social media was proposed
by (Sheikh Ali et al., 2023). In the proposed pipeline,
they first identify a claim presented in a post and
then evaluate the trustworthiness of the claim. Multi-
modal fact-checking has also been explored in a few
studies such as those by Yao et al. (Yao et al., 2023)
and by Sun et al. (Sun et al., 2023), who introduced
one of the datasets described next.
There have been various datasets developed for
claim understanding and verification. One of the most
widely-used datasets is FEVER (Thorne et al., 2018)
developed for fact extraction and verification. An-
other dataset developed by Sun et al. (Sun et al., 2023)
targets multi-modal misinformation in the medical
domain. The dataset contains multi-modal instances
from news and tweets as well as instances generated
by LLMs. A recent study by (Zhou et al., 2023) tar-
gets COVID-19 misinformation. The authors gener-
ate COVID-19-related misinformation using GPT-3
and they analyze the linguistic features of human- and
AI-generated texts. The analysis indicates significant
differences between the human and AI-generated text
concerning the writing style, emotional tone, use of
specific keywords, use of informal language, and sev-
eral other features.
To the best of our knowledge, no other data set has
been created to address election claim understanding
thus far. Furthermore, only a few datasets contain-
ing human- and AI-generated content have been cu-
rated for claim understanding. This motivates us to
introduce ElectAI and make it freely available to the
research community.
The proposed taxonomy, shown in Figure 1, was de-
veloped by identifying the most common set of at-
tributes characterizing social media discourse about
elections, and it was validated by subject matter ex-
perts in election administration. Two of the authors
are regular attendees of an annual US-based election-
focused conference bringing together academia, gov-
ernment, industry, and non-profit sector, and one au-
thor is a social media expert affiliated with a nonpar-
Classifying Human-Generated and AI-Generated Election Claims in Social Media
Claim of
County State Federal Equipment Processes
Machines Ballots
Corruption Others
Others Others
Figure 1: The election claim taxonomy.
tisan election technology research organization work-
ing to increase confidence in elections. Details are
omitted to preserve the anonymity of the submission.
The proposed taxonomy intentionally employs
unambiguous naming conventions, with classification
structures that can be commonly understood by a
diverse group of academic researchers and election
stakeholders, as well as applied to elections glob-
ally. While identical terms may not be employed
worldwide, the foundational concepts of election ju-
risdiction, equipment, processes, and claims are com-
monly used by the election community globally and
are highly relevant topics to the rapidly evolving field
of AI and social media research. The proposed tax-
onomy will assist in the creation of a working set
of comparative standards for future AI research en-
deavors while facilitating the efficient collection of
quantifiable, high-quality training data for future ma-
chine learning initiatives. The race to develop data-
driven methods for protecting election administrators
and the voting public from the increasingly danger-
ous aftereffects of social media disinformation (par-
ticularly MDM generated by AI models) will be crit-
ical during the 2024 Presidential Election, when un-
precedented amounts of malicious election-related so-
cial media content pose the risk of derailing American
elections via ideological capture.
4.1 Jurisdiction
The Jurisdiction attribute refers to the government en-
tity conducting the election and includes three subcat-
County: Refers to a specific county, such as
Fairfax County, Los Angeles County, or Monroe
State: Refers to a specific state, such as New York
(NY), Virginia (VA), or California (CA).
Federal: Refers to federal elections, namely pres-
idential elections.
4.2 Infrastructure
The Infrastructure attribute encompasses an array of
components employed to carry out elections and in-
cludes the Equipment and Processes subcategories.
Equipment: Equipment refers to any system that is
used to cast or count votes and includes three subcat-
Machines: Refers to electronic voting equip-
ment, such as direct recording electronic systems
(DREs), ballot marking devices (BMDs), scan-
ners, and electronic poll books (e-poll books).
Ballots: Refers to paper ballots, including mail-in
Other: Refers to any other type of voting equip-
ment not captured by the Machines or Ballots sub-
Processes: Processes refers to activity conducted dur-
ing the administration of elections and includes three
Voter Registration: Refers to the process of reg-
istering eligible voters in a centrally managed
voter registration database.
Vote Counting: Refers to the process of tally-
ing and tabulating votes cast in an election. This
includes verifying the authenticity of ballots and
systematically counting the votes to determine the
outcome of the election.
SECRYPT 2024 - 21st International Conference on Security and Cryptography
Other: Refers to any other election process not
captured by the Voter Registration or Vote Count-
ing subcategories.
4.3 Claim of Fraud
The Claim of Fraud attribute refers to claims of
election-related fraud in a media post and includes
three subcategories:
Corruption: Refers to claims of corruption (e.g.,
a candidate offering money or favors in exchange
for votes).
Illegal Voting: Refers to claims of illegal vot-
ing (e.g., votes cast by illegal aliens or individuals
voting multiple times).
Other: Refers to any other claims of fraud not
captured by the Corruption or Illegal Voting sub-
categories (e.g., ballot tampering or coercion tac-
5.1 Data Collection and Generation
The ElectAI dataset comprises a total of 9,900 tweets
that were either human- or AI-generated. All tweets
include a label indicating whether they are created by
a human or AI, and all AI-generated tweets include a
label indicating the LLM variant that was used to cre-
ate them. A subset of 1,550 tweets were annotated us-
ing the proposed taxonomy, as reported in Table 1, in-
cluding 850 human-generated and 700 AI-generated
Table 1: Summary of annotated posts.
Human AI Total
First Annotation Round 600 0 600
Second Annotation Round 250 700 950
Total 850 700 1,550
To populate the human-generated part of the
dataset, we initially sampled the existing Voter-
Fraud2020 dataset (Abilov et al., 2021), a multimodal
dataset consisting of posts about potential events
during the 2020 US presidential elections. Since
the VoterFraud2020 dataset also includes tweets that
are general statements, we use specific keywords
like jurisdiction, equipment, process, device, scan-
ner, counting, registration, corruption, etc. to iden-
tify and sample 850 tweets relevant to our task. We
use the proposed taxonomy to create narrative frames,
as described in recent work on COVID-19 (Zhou
et al., 2023), to generate 700 synthetic tweets us-
ing LLMs. These tweets were generated after the
first round of annotations. The taxonomy attributes
were used to generate tweets that spanned a diverse
range of election-related topics and mimicked human-
generated tweets. We use the following LLMs to gen-
erate the tweets.
Falcon-7B-Instruct. (Penedo et al., 2023) hence-
forth Falcon, is a decoder-only model fine-tuned with
instruct and chat datasets. This model was adapted
from the GPT-3 (Brown et al., 2020) model, with dif-
ferences in the positional embeddings, attention, and
decoder-block components. The base model Falcon-
7B, on which this model was fine-tuned, outperforms
other open-source LLM models like MPT-7B and
RedPajama, among others. The limitation of this
model is that it was mostly trained on English data,
and hence, it does not perform well in other lan-
Llama-2-7B-Chat. (Touvron et al., 2023) hence-
forth Llama-2, is an auto-regressive language model
with optimized transformer architecture. This model
was optimized for dialogue use cases. The model
was trained using publicly available online data. The
model outperforms most other open-source chat mod-
els and has a performance similar to models like Chat-
GPT. This model, however, works best only for En-
Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.2. (Jiang et al., 2023)
henceforth Mistral, is a transformer-based large lan-
guage model which uses two architectures coupled to-
gether, a grouped-query attention along with sliding-
window attention. The model uses a byte-fallback to-
kenizer. The model outperforms several open-source
LLMs including Llama-2-13B on various NLP tasks.
The following prompt was used to generate the
Question: Write {# of tweets} unique tweets us-
ing informal language and without the use of opin-
ion statements, declarative statements, and call-to-
action statements, about {claim of fraud} caused
by {infrastructure} in {state}. You may choose
the actual county in the state mentioned. You may
include actual websites, people’s names, and user-
The prompt includes the claim of fraud, infras-
tructure, and state attributes of the taxonomy. The
Classifying Human-Generated and AI-Generated Election Claims in Social Media
labels from the taxonomy were substituted for prompt
attributes, such as equipment and processes instead of
infrastructure, corruption, and illegal voting instead
of the claim of fraud, and mentioning states like Ari-
zona, Virginia, etc. We only use the state-level juris-
dictions as this better mimics the human tweets. How-
ever, the prompt includes instructions to include the
county jurisdiction for some tweets. The prompt also
includes specific instructions regarding the number of
tweets to be generated. We use this dataset consist-
ing of 1,550 human- and AI-generated tweets as an
evaluation dataset for the claim understanding task,
where we extract the claim-related attributes from the
In addition to exploring the extraction of claim-
related attributes from human- and AI-generated
tweets, we explored the ability of humans and ma-
chine learning models to distinguish between human-
and AI-generated tweets. To facilitate this explo-
ration, we generate additional tweets with Llama-
2, Falcon, and Mistral using the prompt described
above. For the human-generated portion, we sam-
ple the VoterFraud2020 dataset. Our training dataset
for this authorship attribution task consists of 8,000
tweets and each tweet is labeled with human, llama,
falcon, or mistral label, depending on the model used
to generate the tweet. Table 2 shows example in-
stances from the training dataset.
Table 2: Example tweets from the training dataset.
Tweet Label
@RealNews: Why are people trying to vote twice
in Arkansas? Isn’t that illegal? #VoterFraud #Bald-
Breaking news out of Guilford County! It looks like
someone has been tampering with ballots! Stay vig-
ilant and follow @integritywatchdog for updates.
#GuilfordCounty #ElectionCorruption #BallotTam-
Voting rights in #Iowa are in jeopardy! Anyone with
information about voter registration irregularities or
suspicious activity should contact @Iowa Election
immediately - @InformedIowan
You know what’s not cool? Voter registration irreg-
ularities in Kent County, Rhode Island. Hopefully
the Board of Elections can sort this out before it’s
too late! #CleanVoterRolls
The claim characterization dataset is reused as a
test dataset for the authorship attribution task. How-
ever, for this task, we re-annotate each tweet of the
test dataset with a single label, depending on the
model used to generate the tweet. We generate an
additional 350 tweets using the Mistral model to be
included in the test dataset.
5.2 Annotation
We first developed a preliminary taxonomy that cap-
tured information related to jurisdiction, infrastruc-
ture, processes, and claims of fraud, similar to the
final taxonomy presented in Figure 1. The prelimi-
nary taxonomy had more granular attributes (36 leaf
nodes) than the taxonomy presented in Figure 1 (12
leaf nodes). Using this preliminary taxonomy, a team
of undergraduate and graduate students annotated 600
of the 850 human-generated tweets sampled from the
VoterFraud2020 dataset. Each student annotated a
sample of 50 tweets. Each tweet was annotated by
up to three annotators, and a majority vote was used
to adjudicate discrepancies and create the gold refer-
ence standard. We used this initial annotation effort
to refine and consolidate the preliminary taxonomy to
create the taxonomy shown in Figure 1.
Table 3 presents the inter-annotator agreement
(IAA) for the taxonomy attributes, as well as the over-
all score.
Table 3: IAA, measured as F1. Classes included in the
claim understanding experiments are presented in bold.
Label F1
Jurisdiction - State 0.86
Jurisdiction - County 0.66
Jurisdiction - Federal 0.28
Equipment - Machines 0.79
Equipment - Ballots 0.70
Equipment - Other 0.04
Processes - Voter Registration 0.16
Processes - Vote Counting 0.53
Processes - Other 0.21
Claim of Fraud - Corruption 0.68
Claim of Fraud - Illegal Voting 0.65
Claim of Fraud - Other 0.45
Overall 0.59
We calculate IAA for the doubly annotated sam-
ples using F1-score, by holding one annotator as the
reference and the other annotator as the prediction.
We use F1 to provide a metric that can be compared
with our classification results. We then used the re-
vised taxonomy and guidelines to annotate an addi-
tional 250 human-generated tweets along with the 700
AI-generated ones, for a total of 950 tweets in round
These tweets are not annotated using the taxonomy de-
scribed above as the Mistral model was not publicly avail-
able at the time of annotations. However, we included these
tweets in the authorship attribution task to have instances
with all the labels, we include these these tweets.
SECRYPT 2024 - 21st International Conference on Security and Cryptography
Figure 2: Annotations statistics based on the two rounds of annotation.
2. Each tweet was annotated by up to three anno-
tators. The data were annotated by undergraduate
and graduate students in information technology and
computer science. We provided detailed guidelines
crafted based on the taxonomy, and the tweets were
assigned a label using a majority vote.
As can be seen in Table 3, there is a substantial to
a high agreement for labels Jurisdiction -State, Juris-
diction - County, Equipment - Machines, Equipment
- Ballots, Claim of Fraud - Corruption, and Claim of
Fraud - Illegal Voting. However, the labels Jurisdic-
tion - Federal, Equipment-Others, Processes - Voter
Registration, Processes - Vote Counting, Processes -
Other, and Claim of Fraud - Other, had fair to slight
agreement. An overall F1-score of 0.59 indicates a
moderate agreement between the annotators over all
the labels. This level of agreement can be attributed
to a low agreement for some labels.
5.3 Data Statistics
The 600 tweets from the first annotation effort were
combined with the 950 tweets annotated using the re-
fined taxonomy, to get a dataset with 1,550 annotated
tweets, that we use for the claim understanding task.
To maintain consistency between the annotations, we
map the annotations from the first annotation effort to
the refined taxonomy. Figure 2 shows the statistics of
the dataset for each label. As seen, most of the tweets
had a mention of Jurisdiction-State. Whereas, not
many tweets mention Processes-Voter Registration,
Equipment-Others, and Jurisdiction-Federal. The
mention of the various claims of fraud is almost
evenly distributed between the tweets. We observed
that some tweets mentioned more than one type of
claim of fraud. We had a similar observation for other
categories like Equipment, and Jurisdiction.
The authorship data set consists of tweets with
multiclass labels associated with the tweet author,
human, llama, falcon, mistral. Table 4 shows the num-
ber of instances for each of the labels in the training
and the test sets.
Table 4: Label distribution for instances in the training and
test datasets.
Dataset llama falcon mistral human Total
Train 2000 2000 2000 2000 8000
Test 365 310 350 875 1900
In this section, we report the performance of multiple
LLMs in extracting the taxonomy attributes from the
ElectAI dataset.
6.1 Large Language Models
Recently, LLMs have been widely used for several
Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks, includ-
ing text generation and text classification. We use
the three LLMs described in Section 5.1 as well as
the Flan-T5 model described below, for claim under-
standing (extraction of taxonomy attributes).
Classifying Human-Generated and AI-Generated Election Claims in Social Media
Flan-T5-XL. (Chung et al., 2024) henceforth Flan-
T5, is a language model based on the T5 (Raffel
et al., 2020) model, which is a Text-to-Text trans-
former model. This model was fine-tuned for better
zero-shot and few-shot learning for over 1000 differ-
ent tasks. The model is one of the few LLMs with
support for languages other than English.
6.2 Approach
We approach the election claim understanding task as
a question-answering (Q&A) task, using LLMs in an
in-context learning setting. In this Q&A setting, the
input prompt is a question focused on a single tax-
onomy attribute, along with the target tweet, and the
output is a yes/no response, indicating whether the
specific attribute is relevant to the tweet. The set of
questions that span the taxonomy attributes is shown
in Table 5. In initial experimentation, we found that
the taxonomy attributes associated with Other, like
Jurisdiction-Other, were ambiguous and challenging
for the models to extract. In mapping the taxonomy
attributes to the questions in Table 5, we omitted the
attributes associated with Other and instead included
the associated parent label. For example, Jurisdiction-
Other was replaced with a broader Jurisdiction la-
bel indicating whether any jurisdiction information is
present (yes vs. no). We explored zero-shot learning,
where no example inputs and outputs are provided in
the prompt, and few-shot learning, where 3-5 input-
output pairs are provided as examples in the prompt.
However, the few-shot experimentation did not im-
prove performance, so we only present the zero-shot
results. Information extraction performance is evalu-
ated using the F1-score. The following prompt was
used to elicit model predictions.
Tweet: {tweet}
Answer the following question with a yes or a no.
Question: {question}
6.3 Results and Discussion
Table 6 shows the F1 scores for the LLMs evaluated
using the annotated benchmark dataset.
Mistral achieved the best overall performance at
0.667 F1, followed by the Flan-T5 model at 0.661
F1. falcon achieved the lowest performance among
the evaluated models at 0.504 F1. We also show the
F1 scores for each of the labels used. Apart from
the falcon model, all the models had a better perfor-
mance identifying the Jurisdiction and the Jurisdic-
tion - State labels. Mistral and Flan-T5 models have a
Table 5: The input questions to the zero-shot prompts. Each
question is based on an associated label from the taxonomy.
ID Question
1 Does the tweet mention a jurisdiction?
2 Does the tweet mention a state election?
3 Does the tweet mention a county election?
4 Does the tweet mention the federal election?
5 Does the tweet mention any election equipment?
6 Does the tweet mention electronic voting equipment machines?
7 Does the tweet mention ballots or related equipment?
8 Does the tweet mention any election-related process?
9 Does the tweet mention the vote counting process?
10 Does the tweet mention any election-related claim of fraud?
11 Does the tweet mention corruption in elections?
12 Does the tweet mention illegal voting?
Table 6: Zero-shot in-context learning results. We report
the F1 scores for individual labels as well as the macro-F1
score for each of the models.
Llama-2 Mistral falcon Flan-T5
Jurisdiction 0.828 0.851 0.554 0.898
Jurisdiction - State 0.865 0.923 0.602 0.933
Jurisdiction - County 0.562 0.852 0.705 0.824
Jurisdiction - Federal 0.239 0.290 0.263 0.277
Equipment 0.526 0.429 0.427 0.524
Equipment - Machines 0.720 0.904 0.692 0.870
Equipment - Ballots 0.510 0.609 0.540 0.549
Processes 0.598 0.606 0.398 0.607
Processes - Vote Counting 0.539 0.644 0.536 0.419
Claim of Fraud 0.897 0.758 0.513 0.917
Claim of Fraud - Corruption 0.452 0.523 0.497 0.544
Claim of Fraud - Illegal Voting 0.577 0.611 0.317 0.571
Overall 0.610 0.667 0.504 0.661
better performance for the Equipment - Machines la-
bel, as compared to the falcon and Llama-2 models.
However, the performance of all the models in identi-
fying the Jurisdiction-Federal label is low. Our anal-
ysis suggests that most tweets do not contain explicit
references to federal elections and that federal juris-
diction is typically implicit. Performance for labels
like Equipment and Processes is low. Some tweets
may mention equipment, like voting machines, bal-
lots, or other election equipment. However, the mod-
els struggle to identify this information from a given
tweet. The tweets are annotated for particular labels
even if some information is implicit. Hashtags are
also considered during the annotation process. We
observe that some LLMs are unable to identify this
implicit information. For example, if the word “bal-
lots” is preceded by a hashtag (“#ballots”), the LLMs
are unable to accurately identify the tweets referenc-
ing ballots. Another issue is the LLM’s ability to un-
derstand and extract information from a given text.
For example, the LLMs may label a tweet as men-
tioning a machine, even though voting machines are
not mentioned in the tweet. Similarly, the LLMs may
be unable to detect some specific terms and phrases
like the name of a county if the word ’county’ is not
SECRYPT 2024 - 21st International Conference on Security and Cryptography
explicitly mentioned. These issues affect the perfor-
mance of the LLMs, as evident from the results.
In this section, we report on our evaluation of the per-
formance of the Authorship Attribution Task, where
the objective is to identify the author of the tweet,
whether human or specific LLM.
7.1 Classification Models
We conducted experiments with various models as
outlined below.
Random Forest. (Breiman, 2001) is a supervised
machine-learning algorithm based on decision trees.
It aggregates the outputs of multiple decision trees
to produce the final output. Our experimentation in-
volves utilizing two types of input features: Term
Frequency - Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF)
and Word2Vec embeddings (Mikolov et al., 2013a;
Mikolov et al., 2013b; Mikolov et al., 2013c), where
we add the individual word vectors for each word in
the sentence to output a sentence vector.
Bidirectional Encoder Representations from
Transformers (BERT). (Devlin et al., 2019) is
a transformer-based model that has become ubiq-
uitous in NLP. It has demonstrated state-of-the-art
performance across various NLP tasks. In our
study, we fine-tuned the BERT-based model with a
multi-class classification objective. The BERT-base
model is pre-trained on a substantial corpus of data,
contributing to its robustness and effectiveness.
Robustly Optimized BERT Pretraining Approach
(RoBERTa). (Liu et al., 2019) is a variation on
BERT that uses a more dynamic masking strategy,
which improves feature learning. Similar to BERT,
we fine-tune this model for multi-class classification.
7.2 Approach
We conducted multi-class classification to distinguish
between human- and AI-generated tweets and resolve
the specific LLM author. Three models, as described
previously, were either trained or fine-tuned for this
task. The Random Forest classifier was trained us-
ing two sets of features: TF-IDF and Word2Vec
embeddings. We utilized grid search to determine
the optimal values for the two hyperparameters, N-
estimators and Max Depth. Specifically, we ex-
plored values of N-estimators=[50,100,200] and Max
Depth=[20,40,50]. For the BERT and RoBERTa mod-
els, we employed the AdamW optimizer with a learn-
ing rate of 1e-5. The models underwent training for
3 epochs. Subsequently, all models were fine-tuned
using the training data and evaluated using the test
dataset. We report the F1 score for each model.
7.3 Turing Test
We performed a Turing test to evaluate how well AI-
generated tweets mimicked human-generated tweets.
During the second phase of annotations, the annota-
tors were asked to label the tweets as human- or AI-
generated. These annotations were compared with the
actual labels for the tweets. The overall accuracy in
identifying the human- and AI-generated tweets was
36.5%. We also calculated how accurately the an-
notators identified only the AI-generated tweets. We
observed that only about 19% of the annotators were
able to identify the AI-generated tweets. These re-
sults indicate that the AI-generated tweets are sim-
ilar to human-written tweets. We observe specific
patterns in the tweets generated by specific LLMs.
Identifying these patterns and writing styles becomes
straightforward if these tweets are presented consec-
utively. However, it may be difficult to identify these
patterns if the tweets are presented randomly, espe-
cially with the human-written tweets included among
the AI-generated tweets.
7.4 Results and Discussion
The best classifier for Random Forest with TF-IDF
vectors had the N-estimators value of 200 with a
Max Depth of 50, while the best classifier for Ran-
dom Forest with Word2Vec Embeddings had N-
estimators=200 and a Max Depth of 40. Both the
BERT and the RoBERTa models achieved the max-
imum training F1 score at epoch 2.
Table 7 shows the F1 scores for each of the in-
dividual labels as well as the overall model. The
transformer-based models, BERT and RoBERTa,
achieve higher performance than the Random For-
est models overall. All models have a superior
performance identifying the human-generated tweets
achieving a higher F1-score as compared to the tweets
generated using LLMs. Moreover, these high per-
formance of models, especially the transformer-based
models can be attributed to the similarity between the
tweets generated using several LLMs. We observe
that tweets generated by each LLM tend to be homo-
Classifying Human-Generated and AI-Generated Election Claims in Social Media
Table 7: Model performance for the Authorship Attribution task. We report the F1 scores for each label as well as the
macro-F1 scores for each of the models.
human llama falcon mistral Overall
Random Forest + TF-IDF 0.982 0.638 0.752 0.861 0.837
Random Forest + Word2Vec Embeddings 0.926 0.518 0.580 0.617 0.660
BERT 0.991 0.964 0.975 0.953 0.971
RoBERTa 0.998 0.974 0.987 0.975 0.983
(a) TF-IDF Vectors (b) Word2Vec Embeddings
(c) BERT Embeddings (d) RoBERTa Embeddings
Figure 3: The clusters of the embeddings used to train the machine learning models for authorship attribution task.
geneous in sentence structure, vocabulary, phrasing,
and other linguistic features. This makes it easier for
the machine learning models to classify the tweets for
the authorship attribution task, as they are exposed to
a large number of tweets from each LLM in training.
To better understand the linguistic similarities
and differences across the human and AI-generated
tweets, we clustered the tweets based on the em-
beddings used to train the models, as shown in Fig-
ure 3. For the transformer models, we concatenated
the last four hidden layers of the pre-trained BERT
and RoBERTa models to create sentence embeddings,
based on prior work (Devlin et al., 2019). Note
that these embeddings were generated using the pre-
trained models, not the fine-tuned versions from our
experimentation. We use t-SNE (Van der Maaten and
Hinton, 2008) to convert the high-dimensional em-
beddings to two-dimensional vectors. These are then
plotted based on their respective author labels. We ob-
serve that clusters are formed based on the LLMs used
to generate the tweets and these clusters are separa-
ble for the transformer-based models. Similarly, for
the TF-IDF embeddings, the human-generated tweets
form a separate cluster and are separable from the
others. However, Word2Vec embeddings form small
clusters, where the authors are not as easily sepa-
SECRYPT 2024 - 21st International Conference on Security and Cryptography
rated. The separability of the clusters using the TF-
IDF, BERT, and RoBERTa embeddings demonstrates
that each LLM uses a distinct voice, which makes
it relatively easy to resolve the tweet author. There
are inherent patterns in the tweets, which are visually
indistinguishable from humans, however, machine-
learning models can identify these patterns and iso-
late the tweets. However, these patterns become in-
creasingly apparent when humans are provided with
a greater quantity of tweets generated by a specific
We presented a novel taxonomy developed to further
our understanding of election claims in social me-
dia. We used this taxonomy to curate ElectAI, the first
benchmark dataset for election claim understanding
containing tweets generated by humans and AI. Using
ElectAI, we performed various experiments on claim
characterization answering RQ1 and authorship
attribution of human- vs. AI-generated tweets an-
swering RQ2.
With respect to RQ1, our results showed that al-
though LLMs have achieved state-of-the-art perfor-
mance on several NLP tasks, these models have a
moderate performance on claim understanding in an
in-context learning setting. Among the models tested,
we showed that Mistral performed best with an over-
all performance of 0.667 F1 score while falcon per-
formed worst at 0.504 F1 score. With respect to RQ2,
we showed that humans perform very poorly in dis-
criminating between human- and AI-generated con-
tent. The results of a Turing Test show that humans
can correctly discriminate human- from AI-generated
with just over 36% accuracy. Computational mod-
els, on the other hand, perform very well on this task
with a RoBERTa model achieving a 0.983 F1 score in
identifying the authorship of tweets in a four-class ex-
periment with tweets generated by humans and three
different LLMs.
As part of our future work, we plan to annotate
more instances of the ElectAI dataset using the pro-
posed taxonomy and conduct experiments on a larger
scale. We plan to evaluate various approaches that
can potentially improve the performance of the mod-
els, such as few-shot learning, instruction fine-tuning,
and chain-of-thought prompting. Finally, the work
presented here is a first step toward identifying mis-
information in election claims. We further plan to ex-
tend this work to identify misinformation and verify
the claims using fact-verification approaches.
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SECRYPT 2024 - 21st International Conference on Security and Cryptography