On the Adoption of Explainable Deep Learning for Image-Based
Network Traffic Classification
Amine Hattak
, Fabio Martinelli
, Francesco Mercaldo
2,1 a
and Antonella Santone
Institute for Informatics and Telematics, National Research Council of Italy (CNR), Pisa, Italy
University of Molise, Campobasso, Italy
La Sapienza, University of Rome, Rome, Italy
Internet of Things, Network Traffic Classification, Deep Learning, Network Intrusion Detection,
Explainable AI.
In an era marked by escalating cyber threats, ensuring the security of interconnected devices and networks
within the Internet of Things (IoT) landscape is imperative. This paper addresses this pressing concern by
delving into network security, focusing on the classification of network traffic through the lens of deep learning
techniques. Our study presents a deep learning-based approach customized for network traffic classification
in the IoT domain, based on image analysis. Crucially, to enhance the interpretability and the transparency
in our model’s decisions, we integrate GradCAM (Gradient-weighted Class Activation Mapping), a technique
that illuminates the salient regions of input images contributing to the model’s predictions. By leveraging
GradCAM, we provide deeper insights into the decision-making process, enabling better understanding and
trust in our approach. We evaluate the effectiveness of our methodology using the TON IoT dataset, consisting
of 10 network traces categorized into various vulnerability scenarios and trusted applications. Our findings
reveal a remarkable accuracy of 99.1%, demonstrating the potential of our approach in fortifying network se-
curity within IoT environments. Moreover, the utilization of GradCAM empowers stakeholders with valuable
insights into the inner workings of the model, further enhancing its applicability and trustworthiness.
The Internet of Things (IoT) has emerged as a rev-
olutionary force, altering our interactions with tech-
nology and the world around us. With billions of in-
terconnected devices across multiple domains such as
smart homes, healthcare systems, industrial facilities,
and transportation networks, IoT has enabled new lev-
els of connectivity, efficiency, and convenience. How-
ever, this networked ecosystem provides a fertile field
for cyber threats, which have the potential to disrupt
and undermine the core fabric of IoT infrastructure.
Cyber-attacks on IoT devices have become more
common and sophisticated. These assaults endan-
ger both individual privacy and larger social secu-
rity by exploiting weaknesses in IoT devices such as
weak authentication mechanisms, insecure communi-
cation protocols, insufficient software updating, and
configuration issues. Such flaws jeopardize the secu-
rity, integrity, and availability of data transmitted by
IoT devices while also allowing hostile actors to plan
large-scale disruptions and attacks. The IoT domain
faces a diverse and evolving threat landscape, rang-
ing from distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks
leveraging compromised IoT botnets (Kolias et al.,
2017) to ransomware campaigns targeting vulnerable
smart devices (Yaqoob et al., 2017). Cyber-attacks
such as MITM (Li et al., 2017) are also present. Fur-
thermore, successful cyber-attacks against IoT infras-
tructure can have far-reaching implications, including
bodily harm, financial losses, and reputational dam-
age to individuals, businesses, and entire sectors. As
IoT expands and integrates into every part of mod-
ern life, protecting this networked ecosystem from cy-
ber threats has become critical. To limit the dangers
posed by hostile actors, effective cybersecurity strate-
gies must include comprehensive methods for device
authentication, data encryption, intrusion detection,
and incident response (Vishwakarma 2020 survey). In
a study work (Hattak et al., 2023), a unique approach
to network traffic classification uses Deep Learning
techniques (Zhou et al., 2023; Huang et al., 2023;
Hattak, A., Martinelli, F., Mercaldo, F. and Santone, A.
On the Adoption of Explainable Deep Learning for Image-Based Network Traffic Classification.
DOI: 10.5220/0012802800003758
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications (SIMULTECH 2024), pages 370-377
ISBN: 978-989-758-708-5; ISSN: 2184-2841
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
Huang et al., 2024; Mercaldo et al., 2022) is pro-
posed. This paper describes a novel approach that
blends Deep Learning and image-based representa-
tions to produce robust and explainable network traf-
fic classification. The authors of the following paper
(Moustafa, 2021) present a distributed architecture for
testing AI-based security solutions at the edge using
TON IoT datasets. It focuses on improving security
measures in IoT networks using unique architectural
techniques. A study (Booij et al., 2021) highlights the
necessity of standardizing attributes and attack types
in IoT network intrusion datasets such as ToN IoT.
It emphasizes the importance of heterogeneity in in-
creasing the efficiency of intrusion detection systems
in IoT contexts. (Martinelli et al., 2022) suggested an
intrusion detection approach for smart grids. Start-
ing with network traffic packet files, they generated
a feature vector with 26 distinct features. They used
supervised machine learning to create seven different
models, with ve of them achieving high precision
and recall ratings.
In order to detect breaches in the Internet of
Things environment, we describe in this work a deep-
learning-based approach to solve these security chal-
lenges. Through the application of visualization tech-
niques, we are able to transform PCAP format raw
collected network traffic files into images, which al-
lows for improved analysis and detection capabili-
ties. Moreover we provide deeper insights into the
decision-making process, enabling better understand-
ing and trust in our approach by adopting GradCAM
In this paper, we provide a deep learning model-based
approach for classifying network traffic based on im-
ages, with an emphasis on the Internet of Things. By
incorporating image analysis techniques for the In-
ternet of Things ecosystem, our suggested solution
seeks to validate the precision and robustness of in-
trusion detection systems in IoT through image anal-
ysis. We break down our suggested technique into
discrete steps, which are shown in Figure 1. This
graphical representation illustrates how we envisage
assessing deep learning models for network intrusion
detection and prediction. The first phase involves
gathering samples or a dataset for IoT network traffic.
This dataset should include both ”malware” and ”nor-
mal” traces. To guarantee the resilience of later model
training and assessment, every sample must be care-
fully labeled and grouped into unique families. The
basis for training and testing the deep learning mod-
els is this carefully chosen dataset.
The study aims to go deeper into network traffic
analysis by deploying classification in two different
strategies. The first one is based on a binary classifica-
tion in which we classify the samples as ”Normal” or
”Malware” disregarding the nature of the original net-
work traffic. We deploy also deployed a more detailed
10-class classification scheme where the samples will
be classified based on their corresponding classes, we
enlarged paradigm involves classifying network traf-
fic into various families, each representing a different
type of activity or communication pattern. By using a
multi-class categorization approach, the study hopes
to improve the granularity of network traffic analysis,
allowing for more precise insights into the heteroge-
neous nature of network activity. This comprehen-
sive classification scheme not only helps to identify
malicious behavior, but it does also provide valuable
contextual information about the nature and origins
of various network activities, improving the overall
effectiveness of intrusion detection and network se-
curity measures in the IoT sector. Our strategy is con-
centrating on the packet headers or metadata and not
only the content of the traffic or as it is known by
”Payload”. This approach is considered robust be-
cause of the fact that packet headers include critical
information that is useful for network communication
and analysis. Following that, we propose the transfor-
mation of network data supplied in PCAP format into
displayed images, which represents the second step of
our suggested approach. This transformation prepares
the data for use by deep learning models, allowing for
smooth incorporation into training and testing proce-
dures. Notably, image production can be performed
in either grayscale or color (RGB) mode to meet in-
dividual needs. The next step is to resize the input
images to maintain uniformity in dimensions, which
is required to reduce the potential loss of information
that could compromise the accuracy of deep learning
models. These models are then rigorously trained and
tested using the selected dataset, with performance
metrics compared to the classification job.
The raw network traffic data will be pre-processed
to remove any extraneous information or noise that
may interfere with the categorization operation. Fur-
thermore, in the image generation phase we will count
on both the packet headers and the packet payloads
to ensure the durability and flexibility of our method
to network intrusion detection in IoT. This method is
useful in two scenarios: encrypted and non encrypted
network traffic. If the traffic is encrypted, the bytes in
the packet payload will be random and indistinguish-
able from noise. In this instance, it is not possible to
generate meaningful images directly from encrypted
On the Adoption of Explainable Deep Learning for Image-Based Network Traffic Classification
payload bytes. However, to generate images from en-
crypted traffic for viewing reasons, we must adopt a
different approach. One such strategy is to concen-
trate also on the packet headers or metadata rather
than the content of the packet only. Packet headers
include critical information for network communica-
tion and analysis. This information can be described
as source and destination addresses, protocols, ports,
total length, fragment offset, time to live (TTL), and
choices. Following that, we advocate for the transfor-
mation of network data supplied in PCAP format into
displayed images, which represents the second step of
our proposed method. This transformation prepares
the data for use by deep learning models, allowing for
smooth incorporation into training and testing proce-
dures. Notably, image production can be carried out
in either grayscale or color (RGB) modes to accom-
modate specific requirements. The following action
to take is to resize the input photos to maintain unifor-
mity in dimensions, which is required to reduce the
potential loss of information that could compromise
the accuracy of deep learning models. These models
are then rigorously trained and tested using the se-
lected dataset, with performance metrics compared to
the classification job.
Figure 1: Overall schema of the method.
In this study, we leverage deep learning models to
present a novel approach for classifying network traf-
fic based on images, with a particular emphasis on the
Internet of Things. By incorporating image analysis
techniques specifically designed for the IoT, the sug-
gested solution seeks to improve the precision and ro-
bustness of network intrusion detection systems. The
process consists of multiple crucial phases, starting
with gathering and classifying a dataset of ”malware”
and ”normal” network traffic traces within IoT envi-
ronment. The methods are investigated is a simple
binary classification to distinguishes between ”Nor-
mal” and ”Attack” classes and a complex 10-class
classification scheme that provides in-depth insights
into a variety of network activities. To ensure ro-
bustness and flexibility, pre-processing of raw net-
work traffic data entails eliminating noise and deploy-
ing packet headers and payloads that may be applied
to both encrypted and non-encrypted traffic. PCAP-
formatted network data is used to create visualized
images, which are then resized for uniformity. Ul-
timately, the efficacy of the suggested methodology
is confirmed by training and assessing deep learning
models on the carefully selected dataset in order to
measure performance against the classification prob-
This section describes the experiment used to validate
the efficacy of the suggested methodology. Initially,
we define the (real-world) datasets chosen for study,
followed by a presentation of the experimental out-
3.1 Experimental Setup
The experiments were conducted on a workstation
equipped with an Intel Core i7 11 the generation pro-
cessor (2.3 GHz), 16GB of RAM, and an NVIDIA
GeForce RTX 3070 GPU. The operating system used
was Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS (GNU/Linux
microsoft-standard-WSL2 x86 64). Python 3.8 along
with TensorFlow 2.4 and PyTorch 1.7 libraries were
utilized for model training and evaluation. All exper-
iments were run using a freely to use tool for analing
malware as images (Iadarola et al., 2021).
3.2 Dataset
The TON IoT dataset has been utilized in many
studies (Moustafa et al., 2020b) (Moustafa, 2019)
(Moustafa, 1906) (Ashraf et al., 2021) including stud-
ies on cybersecurity and intrusion detection. The ar-
ticle ”Analysis of ToN IoT, UNW-NB15, and Edge-
IIoT Datasets Using DL in Cybersecurity for IoT”
was published in the journal Applied Sciences in 2022
(Tareq et al., 2022). The study investigated the ToN-
IoT database thoroughly in order to develop cyberse-
curity models. According to (Alsaedi et al., 2020), the
TON IoT Telemetry Dataset represents a new gener-
ation of data-driven intrusion detection systems. The
TON IoT dataset is accessible for academic research
and has been used to create realistic botnet datasets
for network forensic analytics (Dr Nickolaos Koroni-
otis, 2021). The TON IoT dataset is a cutting-edge
collection of datasets intended for testing the useful-
ness and fidelity of various cybersecurity solutions
based on Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the realms
of Industry 4.0/Internet of Things (IoT) and Indus-
trial IoT (IIoT). The ’ToN IoT’ datasets collect data
SIMULTECH 2024 - 14th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications
from several sources, including IoT and IIoT sen-
sor telemetry, operating system datasets (Windows
7 and 10, Ubuntu 14 and 18 TLS) (Moustafa et al.,
2020a), and network traffic datasets. The datasets
were carefully collected from a realistic large-scale
network environment built at the IoT Lab of UNSW
Canberra Cyber, School of Engineering and Infor-
mation Technology (SEIT), UNSW Canberra at the
Australian Defence Force Academy (ADFA) (UNSW,
2024). The dataset directories include raw datasets,
including IoT/IIoT data logged in log and CSV files
from various sensors, such as weather and Mod-
bus sensors, network datasets in PCAP formats from
ZEEK (Bro) tool (Author(s), 2020) (Author(s), 2023),
and Linux datasets captured through tracing tools on
Ubuntu systems. The TON IoT dataset is a signifi-
cant resource for training Machine Learning and Deep
Learning algorithms to improve cybersecurity in IoT
ecosystems. The TON IoT dataset is a valuable re-
source for academics studying cybersecurity in IoT
contexts. It provides a diverse range of data to im-
prove intrusion detection systems and AI-based secu-
rity solutions. Tables 1 provide a detailed description
of Ton
IoT’s network statistics.
Table 1: Statistics of Network Records for Ton IoT network
Type No of rows
Backdoor 508116
DDoS 6165008
DOS 375328
Injection 452659
MITM 1052
Password 1718568
Ransomware 72805
Scanning 7140161
XSS 2108944
Normal 796380
In this study, we employed networked datasets in
PCAP format, which were acquired using the Zeek
tool by the IoT Lab of UNSW Canberra. Following
pre-processing and picture transformation, we divide
the data into three sets: training, validation, and test,
with an 80:10:10 split ratio. The test set for both
datasets (the binary and multi-class) contains 2,764
samples, whilst the training set contains 24,806 sam-
ples, which are further divided into 22,053 for training
and the remaining 2,753 for validation. To maintain
a balanced distribution, samples from each family are
spread evenly among the sets.
3.3 Image Generation
Converting collected network data in PCAP format to
an image allows us to visualize network traffic data
in a more intuitive and human-readable format, while
also giving valuable input for deep learning model
training. This method improves the efficiency and
effectiveness of network traffic pattern analysis and
interpretation by discovering trends and abnormali-
ties in network traffic that are not immediately vis-
ible in raw data. The method normally begins by
scanning the binary data of the PCAP file and ex-
tracting the packet header, which contains informa-
tion such as source and destination IP addresses, port
numbers, protocol types, packet sizes, and so on. Af-
ter that, calculating the image size, rearranging the
data to make a 2D array, and finally, we will end
up with visualised images that can be used for train-
ing deep learning models for pattern extraction and
classification tasks. The generated images through
this process will be used as input for training vari-
ous deep-learning models. The ability of deep learn-
ing models to automatically extract features and pat-
terns from images makes them well-suited for analyz-
ing IoT network traffic data. Furthermore, the abil-
ity to create a large dataset of network traffic images
will be used to train and evaluate different deep learn-
ing architectures, such as models that are known in
the literature (MobileNet, VGG16, etc). The main
function ”process pcap(pcap path)” is defined to han-
dle packet processing. It creates an empty list ”cur-
rent bytes” to collect bytes from packets, and then it-
erates through each packet in the PCAP file with ”rd-
pcap(pcap path)”. The raw bytes from each packet
are extracted and appended to current bytes if they
exceed the image’s maximum size. It generates an
image from the accumulated bytes using the cre-
ate image() function, and it constructs a filename de-
pending on the packet summary and the number of
bytes accumulated. After processing all packets, it
saves the image to the specified output location, re-
sets current bytes to an empty list, and begins accu-
mulating bytes for the next picture. If there are any
remaining bytes in current bytes, it generates an im-
age and saves it using the same method as before.
Finally, images are created from the accumulated
bytes of packets, ensuring that no data is lost in the
process. Each image filename includes the packet
summary and the size of the gathered bytes, providing
context for the data used to create the image. Figure
2 shows the final output from PCAP to picture. It is
evident that diverse network traffic produces different
images with distinct properties for each family.
On the Adoption of Explainable Deep Learning for Image-Based Network Traffic Classification
Data: PCAP
Result: Generating PNG images
while Packets are not finished do
Extract raw bytes from the packet and
append them to current bytes;
if accumulated bytes exceed maximum
size allowed for an image then
Create an image from accumulated
bytes using create image()
function Construct a filename based
on packet summary and the number
of accumulated bytes;
Save the image to the specified output
Reset current bytes to an empty list
to start;
accumulating bytes for the next
there are remaining bytes in
current bytes Create an image and
save it using the same procedure as
Algorithm 1: From PCAP to PNG Image.
(a) DDoS. (b) DoS. (c) MITM. (d) XSS.
Figure 2: A visualization analysis of some network traffic
samples that are belonging to different classes of Ton IoT
3.4 Results and Discussion
3.4.1 Experiments
Table 2 presents the hyperparameters used for vari-
ous deep learning (DL) models in the context of the
research work. These parameters are critical as they
directly influence the performance and efficiency of
the models in processing and analyzing network traf-
fic data.
The models encompassed in this study include
CNN (Convolutional Neural Network), MobileNet,
ResNet50, and VGG16, each distinguished by unique
architectures and capabilities suited for various tasks
within network traffic analysis and intrusion detec-
tion. Standardized input dimensions of 224x224 pix-
els with three RGB color channels are maintained
across all models to ensure consistency and compa-
rability in the experimental setup. The pivotal param-
eters of epochs and batch size, crucial for the train-
ing process of DL models, involve a configuration of
40 epochs and a batch size of 32 across all models,
striking a balance between computational efficiency
and model convergence. Additionally, the depth of
DL models, denoted by the number of layers, signifi-
cantly impacts their ability to extract intricate patterns
and features from input data.
Table 3 compares machine learning models’ per-
formance on test sets for binary (2 classes) and multi-
class (10 classes) classification tasks. The models
tested were Convolutional Neural Network (CNN),
MobileNet, ResNet50, and VGG16. The performance
metrics reported include accuracy (Acc), precision
(Prec), recall (Rec), F1-score (F1), and area under the
receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) for the
binary classification task (2 classes) and similarly, for
the multi-class classification task (10 classes).
The results show that for all models, the binary
classification task outperforms the multi-class clas-
sification job. This difference is expected because
binary classification tasks are fundamentally simpler
than multi-class classification problems. CNN rou-
tinely outperforms other models in both binary and
multi-class classification tasks, with accuracy, preci-
sion, recall, F1-score, and AUC values more than 0.9.
This shows that CNN is good at identifying under-
lying patterns in data and making accurate predic-
tions. MobileNet, ResNet50, and VGG16 also per-
form well on both classification tasks, with accuracy
values ranging from about 0.9 to 0.95 for binary clas-
sification and around 0.9 to 0.94 for multi-class clas-
sification. These results indicate that these models
are capable of achieving high levels of accuracy and
reliability in classifying images across different cate-
Overall, the results reported show that deep learn-
ing models, particularly CNN, are successful at classi-
fying network traffic based on images. These findings
can help guide the selection of appropriate machine
learning models for comparable categorization prob-
lems in practical applications.
3.4.2 Explainability
Following the flow of our work discussed in section
2 after the training and testing phases, we will gener-
ate heatmaps for the test set of our dataset. For this
reason 3 different heatmaps were convocated for pro-
viding explainability of decision macking for the best
performing model (according to section 3.4.1) Grad-
cam (Selvaraju et al., 2016), Gradcam++ (Jamil et al.,
2023) and scorecam (Wang et al., 2020). The three
separate CAM techniques were used to determine
SIMULTECH 2024 - 14th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications
Table 2: The hyperparameters of different DL models.
Model CNN MobileNet ResNet50 VGG16
Input image/vector size 224x224x3
Epochs and Batch size 40 - 32
Number of layers 13 29 50 16
Table 3: Comparison between the results of different models on the test sets (binary and 10 classes classification).
Mode 2 classes 10 classes
Model Acc Prec Rec F1 Auc Acc Prec Rec F1 Auc
CNN 0.991 0.991 0.991 0.991 0.993 0.899 0.904 0.896 0.9 0.981
MobileNet 0.916 0.917 0.913 0.915 0.975 0.916 0.919 0.915 0.917 0.977
ResNet50 0.952 0.954 0.951 0.952 0.99 0.948 0.949 0.947 0.948 0.989
VGG16 0.945 0.95 0.944 0.947 0.991 0.948 0.95 0.946 0.948 0.994
Figure 3: An example of a sample correctly classified as
Backdoor class plot after applying the Grad-CAM algo-
Figure 4: An example of a sample correctly classified as
Backdoor class plot after applying the Grad-CAM++ algo-
Figure 5: An example of a sample correctly classified as
Backdoor class plot after applying the Score-CAM algo-
which portions of the photos were most distinctive
for classification using the CNN architecture-trained
model. As a result of using CAMs, we acquired a
large number of.png images with the activation val-
idation stages map overlayed on the original image.
In particular, the heatmaps obtained were made up of
three separate colors: blue, yellow, and green. Ar-
eas overshadowed with blue show the model’s indif-
ference. Instead, the model is drawn to the yellow
areas of the image. Green spaces, on the other hand,
are utilized to identify central locations. In most in-
stances, all CAM methods have highlighted the same
areas, indicating that they are the most relevant parts
of the image for categorization. The results obtained
after the CAMs execution allow us to certify that all of
the algorithms can identify plots belonging to ”Back-
door” class with 100% accuracy.
In this paper, we suggested a graphical network anal-
ysis technique for the IoT ecosystem with the goal
of performing multi-class classification to automat-
ically classify between benign and malicious net-
work traces in multi-class scenario. In detail, we
propose extracting packet headers that contain infor-
mation about the source and destination addresses,
protocols, ports, and other relevant metadata in the
case of encrypted traffic, and representing these net-
work traces in the form of images that will be used
as input for several deep-learning models to detect
the application that generated the specific network
trace. The highest score achieved in our results was
99.1% by CNN model in binary classification sce-
nario and 94.8% by ResNet50 and VGG16 in terms
of accuracy in the multi-class classification task. as
well as we applied three different Class Activation
Mapping algorithms:Grad-CAM, Grad-CAM++ and
Score-CAM to provide a better understanding of
the decision making for classification. As future
work, we want to consider more contemporary deep-
learning algorithms such as the Vision Transformers
(ViT), We intend to examine the robustness of the pro-
posed technique, as well as its resilience in real-world
On the Adoption of Explainable Deep Learning for Image-Based Network Traffic Classification
This work has been partially supported by EU DUCA,
EU CyberSecPro, SYNAPSE, PTR 22-24 P2.01 (Cy-
bersecurity) and SERICS (PE00000014) under the
MUR National Recovery and Resilience Plan funded
by the EU - NextGenerationEU projects, by MUR -
REASONING: foRmal mEthods for computAtional
analySis for diagnOsis and progNosis in imagING -
PRIN, e-DAI (Digital ecosystem for integrated anal-
ysis of heterogeneous health data related to high-
impact diseases: innovative model of care and re-
search), Health Operational Plan, FSC 2014-2020,
PRIN-MUR-Ministry of Health, the National Plan for
NRRP Complementary Investments D
3 4 Health:
Digital Driven Diagnostics, prognostics and therapeu-
tics for sustainable Health care, Progetto MolisCTe,
Ministero delle Imprese e del Made in Italy, Italy,
CUP: D33B22000060001 and FORESEEN: FORmal
mEthodS for attack dEtEction in autonomous driviNg
systems CUP N.P2022WYAEW.
This work has been carried out within the Ital-
ian National Doctorate on Artificial Intelligence run
by the Sapienza University of Rome in collaboration
with the Institute of Informatics and Telematics (IIT),
the National Research Council of Italy (CNR).
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