improve the delivery zones by removing overlapping
areas. Re-clustering procedure can also applied to
make more equitable workload, comparing to a sim-
ple clustering method. Thus, this enhancement refines
the cluster to ensure that the workload is less varied
among drivers.
Future research from this study should concentrate
on the dynamic of daily delivery operations within
the predetermined zones. The challenge of effectively
assigning delivery points to drivers on a daily basis,
while ensuring an equitable distribution of workload,
is central to optimizing last-mile delivery logistics. A
key aspect of this approach involves the development
of a system capable of intelligently managing deliv-
ery orders, potentially by delaying certain deliveries
to subsequent days. This mechanism would aim to
balance workloads more evenly across adjacent days,
addressing the variability in daily delivery demands.
This research is supported by Development and Pro-
motion of Science and Technology Talents Project
Scholarship and the Department of Mathematics, Fac-
ulty of Science, Mahidol University, Thailand.
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Delivery Zones Partitioning Considering Workload Balance Using Clustering Algorithm