Overcoming Obstacles in Model-Driven Engineering: Lessons from the
Software Industry
Sayeda Rahnuma Akthar
1 a
, Muhammad Rezaul Islam
2 b
, Marzan Binte Hasan
2 c
Mahpara Sayema Siddiqua
2 d
, Shadat Irtisamul Haque
2 e
, Jamil Ahmad Saad
2 f
Farzana Sadia
3 g
and Mahady Hasan
2 h
Department of Computer Science, Independent University Bangladesh, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Independent University Bangladesh, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Department of Electronic Engineering & Technology, Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP), Perlis, Malaysia
Software Modelling, System Modelling, Model-Driven Engineering (MDE), Developers, Practitioners.
Software modeling, as used in Model-Driven Engineering (MDE), is the process of abstracting software sys-
tems using formal or informal notations to help with communication, analysis, and design. This study looks
into the difficulties Bangladesh’s software industry faces while using model-based engineering, or system
modeling. A survey of several companies in Bangladesh was carried out to get opinions from professionals
such as software developers, project managers, test engineers, and architects. The data gathering instrument
utilized was Google Forms, and the questionnaire’s design was informed by extant literature. Results show
that about 75.1% of respondents use system modeling in their projects, and 56.3% of them say it helps to
streamline project development. Strong internal consistency among survey items pertaining to system model-
ing methodologies is indicated by a high Cronbach’s alpha value (0.93007), which suggests growing adoption
among software enterprises in Bangladesh. Response analysis revealed trends and patterns that were repre-
sented through data quantification. Based on these results, the paper offers suggestions for resolving these
problems and advancing more comprehensive system modeling methodologies. The steps that have been pro-
posed to address the challenges in Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) include conducting in-depth research
to determine the underlying causes of the problems, putting scalability techniques into practice, maintaining
documentation standards, and setting up training sessions, seminars, and workshops. Such measures have the
potential to increase the efficacy of resolving the problems.
Software modeling in model-based software design
converts abstract models into tangible ones, which
facilitates pre-implementation system comprehension
(Troya et al., 2021)(Pourali and Atlee, 2018). These
models, which act as copies of the software that needs
to be developed, make system testing easier and pro-
vide insightful information for early defect discov-
ery (Troya et al., 2021). Since its beginnings with
UML in the 1990s, model-driven engineering (MDE)
has advanced dramatically (Pourali and Atlee, 2018).
While practitioners anticipate that model-driven en-
gineering (MDE) or system modeling will provide
an effective development route, they run into road-
blocks that prevent operations from running smoothly
(Feichtinger and Rabiser, 2020). Difficulties go be-
yond the system model itself and include a lack
of data regarding how it is used (Badreddin et al.,
2018). Although there has been some research on
these issues, there is still a dearth of perspectives
from Bangladeshi software companies in the litera-
ture. The main challenges (discussed in detail later)
that we found through previously done researches and
different literatures are as follows:
No previous use cases or data to help build the
Akthar, S., Islam, M., Hasan, M., Siddiqua, M., Haque, S., Saad, J., Sadia, F. and Hasan, M.
Overcoming Obstacles in Model-Driven Engineering: Lessons from the Software Industry.
DOI: 10.5220/0012805800003753
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Software Technologies (ICSOFT 2024), pages 153-160
ISBN: 978-989-758-706-1; ISSN: 2184-2833
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
model (Badreddin et al., 2018).
Couldn’t scale the model for the full system
(Badreddin et al., 2018).
Different modules of the model couldn’t be
merged due to inconsistency in design (Badreddin
et al., 2018).
Unconventional to the company’s usual system
(Feichtinger & Rabiser, 2020)
Bad model quality (Badreddin et al., 2018).
The study aims to assess and pinpoint areas for
development regarding the difficulties faced by prac-
titioners when applying software modeling method-
ologies. Understanding the factors impacting soft-
ware modeling is one of the survey’s goals; doing so
could improve the approaches used. Events such as
the Grand Challenges in MDE workshop and MoD-
ELS have shed light on the current state of MDE
and its evolution (Badreddin et al., 2018)(Troya et al.,
2021). This research seeks to rectify the deficiency
of Bangladeshi software developers’ viewpoint in the
existing literature. Model alignment and system inte-
gration are two unresolved difficulties that MDE still
faces, despite its importance for interoperability (Ak-
dur et al., 2018) . If these issues are resolved well,
MDE adoption may increase and project failure rates
may decrease. For the purpose of the study, a sur-
vey was conducted that included software develop-
ers, software project managers, software architects,
software test engineers working in different software
firms in Bangladesh. The online survey was based
on a questionnaire focusing on the following areas of
concern along with other relevant research questions.
RQ1. What levels of difficulties do practition-
ers encounter with the various types of software
modeling challenges?
RQ 2. What unique challenges might practi-
tioners go through when modeling software sys-
The purpose of this study is to examine present
practices and identify the difficulties that practition-
ers face while applying model-based engineering in
Bangladesh’s software sector. By highlighting these
issues,contribution of this study:
Identification of present practices and challenges
faced by practitioners applying model-based en-
gineering in Bangladesh’s software sector.
Utilization of our analysis to examine challenges
confronted by software modeling practitioners.
Proposal of a framework to guide future endeav-
ors in addressing challenges and advancing sys-
tem modeling practices in Bangladesh’s software
Badreddin Badreddin et al. observed a ten-year
trend indicating increased adoption of formal and
domain-specific modeling languages, suggesting a
growing prevalence of modeling practices (Badred-
din et al., 2018). Troya et al. reviewed defining
uncertainty in software models, presenting a classi-
fication framework to compare proposals and iden-
tify trends (Troya et al., 2021). Pourali and Atlee
investigated challenges in modifying and debugging
UML models, focusing on Class and State-Machine
diagrams, identifying contextual memorization and
debugging model flaws as primary obstacles(Pourali
and Atlee, 2018). Feichtinger & Rabiser outlined
a transformation strategy for variability models, fo-
cusing on meta models and generic transformation
operations(Feichtinger and Rabiser, 2020). Akdur
et al. surveyed engineers to investigate modeling
practices in the embedded software industry, finding
the Sketch/No Formal modeling language commonly
used (Akdur et al., 2018). Rukhsara et al. intro-
duced a cloud-based e-commerce model designed for
Bangladesh, aiming to facilitate application develop-
ment and foster e-business growth(Rukhsara et al.,
2016). Baresi et al. discussed challenges in mobile
software engineering, emphasizing the importance
of mobile computing research(Baresi et al., 2020).
Khan and Khan proposed a Software Security As-
surance Model (SSAM) to aid Global Software De-
velopment (GSD) vendors in secure software devel-
opment(Khan and Khan, 2018). Tantithamthavorn
and Hassan discussed challenges in software model-
ing and defect analytics, stressing data quality and
well-documented modeling scripts(Tantithamthavorn
and Hassan, 2018). Bucchiarone et al. reviewed
the evolution of Model-Driven Engineering (MDE)
research, presenting grand challenges (Bucchiarone
et al., 2020). Rahim et al. surveyed software engi-
neering practices in Bangladesh, focusing on process
models, SDLC standards, and communication meth-
ods(Rahim et al., 2017). Amershi et al. mapped chal-
lenges for machine learning applications in software
engineering, highlighting issues like the oracle prob-
lem(Amershi et al., 2019).
Sample Profile: The survey data was collected
from 15-25 participants in Bangladesh-based soft-
ware companies, including project managers, devel-
opers, architects, solution architects, and testing engi-
neers with 1-5 years of experience. Table 1 details the
ICSOFT 2024 - 19th International Conference on Software Technologies
demographics, industry types, and employment disci-
plines of the participants.
Table 1: Participants Demographic.
Field of Practice Industry Type Type of Product
Software Test En-
E-commerce Web Applications
Project Manager Finance and
Mobile Applica-
Software Test En-
E-commerce IoT (Internet of
Things) Applica-
Software Devel-
Healthcare Enterprise Appli-
Project Manager Finance and
Solution Architect Healthcare Web Applications
Project Manager Finance and
Web Applications
Software Archi-
E-commerce Web Applications
Software Devel-
E-commerce Web Applications
Software Devel-
Others Enterprise Appli-
Software Devel-
Finance and
Web Applications
Software Archi-
Finance and
Web Applications
Software Test En-
Finance and
Web Applications
Software Test En-
E-commerce Mobile Applica-
Software Devel-
Healthcare Desktop Applica-
Software Test En-
E-commerce Mobile Applica-
Data Collection and Analysis Method: Informa-
tion was gathered using Google Forms, with a ques-
tionnaire based on current literature. The survey was
distributed via email and messaging services. Re-
sponses were analyzed for patterns and trends, with
results visualized through data quantification.
Limitation of Research Design: The study fo-
cuses on challenges in the Bangladeshi software sec-
tor regarding model quality, scalability, and industrial
acceptance in Model-Driven Engineering (MDE). It
aims to provide solutions and facilitate MDE adop-
tion, helping practitioners and researchers improve its
effectiveness. The concepts which are needed to con-
duct this study includes :-
- An understanding of how the software modeling
process works
- A good insight of the difficulties that practition-
ers undergo when practicing software modeling
- A thorough survey was carried out among dif-
ferent software businesses in Bangladesh to obtain
insights into the obstacles associated with software
modeling. In order to overcome the constraints of ear-
lier research and guarantee wide representation within
the development community, the questionnaire was
modified. For instance
Do you implement system modeling in your
In which phase(s) of the software development
life cycle do you use modeling?
What are the main challenges you faced when us-
ing system modeling for any project?
Does System Modeling help facilitate the devel-
opment of software?
Do you face any difficulties using modeling lan-
With a focus on evaluating current practices and
gathering insights on the efficacy of software mod-
eling, practitioner satisfaction, and challenges faced
in model-based software systems, a thorough analy-
sis of survey data aims to uncover practitioners’ chal-
lenges and perceptions regarding software modeling.
Future plans involve incorporating practitioner feed-
back, broadening the survey scope, and implementing
solutions to further understand and address identified
The demographic data in illustrates the various roles
that are involved in software development. It high-
lights the importance of quality assurance for Soft-
ware Test Engineers, the critical role project managers
play in project management, and the software designs
that are implemented by Software Developers. The
strategic vision and technical know-how of solution
and software architects help to create scale-able, re-
liable software solutions that support organizational
Since most of the respondents are in their early
stages of their careers and have fewer than five years
of experience, their knowledge with the sector and
technological aptitude may be affected. The popula-
tion questioned is from a variety of industries, with
e-commerce, banking, finance, and healthcare hav-
ing a significant presence. A comprehensive range
of software projects, such as web and mobile appli-
cations, Internet of Things applications, and business
solutions, demonstrate the sample’s competency.
Usage of System modeling and modeling lan-
guage and challenges face: System modeling
Overcoming Obstacles in Model-Driven Engineering: Lessons from the Software Industry
Table 2: Practice Items and their Adaptation Rate.
Annotation Practice Item Total Mean Adaptation Variance
points rate (%)
P1 System Modeling helps facilitate the development of
a software.
14 3.5 70 0.33
P2 How MDE affects personal experience (Productiv-
13 3.25 65 0.25
P3 How MDE affects personal experience (Problem
13 3.25 65 0.25
P4 How MDE affects personal experience (Creativity)? 14 3.5 70 0.33
P5 How MDE affects personal experience (Enjoyment)? 12 3 60 0.67
P6 The level of challenges you are facing for Managing
language complexity.
12 3 60 0.67
P7 The level of challenges you are facing for Extending
Modeling languages.
12 3 60 0.67
P8 The level of challenges you are facing for Domain-
specific modeling environments?
11 2.75 55 0.92
P9 The level of challenges you are facing for Developing
formal modeling languages?
12 3 60 0.67
P10 The level of challenges you are facing for Analyzing
13 3.25 65 0.927
P11 The level of challenges you are facing for Supporting
separation of design concerns?
14 3.5 70 0.33
P12 The level of challenges you are facing for Transform-
ing models?
11 2.75 55 0.25
P13 The level of challenges you are facing for Managing
13 3.25 65 0.92
P14 System Modeling helps facilitate the development of
a software.
14 3.5 70 0.33
is widely used by respondents across the Soft-
ware Development Life Cycle (SDLC), with popu-
lar languages like Matlab/Simulink and SysML be-
ing advantageous and complying with business rules.
Nonetheless, difficulties like complexity and a dearth
of information or assistance are frequently mentioned.
Programming languages like Python and diagrams
like process and deployment diagrams are frequently
used in conjunction with specialized software like
Matlab and general tools like SQL Database Mod-
eler. Some res-ponders have mentioned problems
with model-driven approaches’ scalability and inte-
Practice items and their adaptation rate and
variance: The adaptation rate and variance pro-
vided in table 2 offer valuable insights into the ex-
tent to which the surveyed individuals have applied
or adapted various system modeling practices in their
respective fields of practice.
Adaptation Rate (%): The adaptation rate rep-
resents the percentage of professionals who have em-
ployed methods in their work and offers information
about the level of acceptance in each field. Higher
adaptation rates indicate that system modeling tech-
niques are more widely accepted, which may empha-
size how valuable and effective they are thought to be
in improving software development processes.
Variance (%): Variance is a measure of how con-
sistently or diversely system modeling methodolo-
gies are used by practitioners; lower variance denotes
more uniform adoption. Reduced adaptation rates
could indicate that there are technological obstacles
or knowledge gaps preventing these strategies from
being successfully integrated. Low variance is seen in
Practice Items P2, P3, P4, P11, and P14, suggesting
that there is a general consensus regarding the advan-
tages of Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) in terms
of creativity, productivity, and facilitation of system
modeling and problem-solving.
Table 3: Field of practice and their Adaptation Rate.
Field of Total Mean Adaptation Variance
Practice (Out of 70) (%)
Project 43 3.07 61.42 0.53
Software 45 3.21 64.28 0.18
Software 36 2.57 51.42 0.26
Test Engineer
Software 54 3.85 77.14 0.13
Field of practice and their Adaptation Rate and
variance: Table 3 offers insights into the adapta-
tion rates and variations in system modeling practices
across different professional roles within the surveyed
ICSOFT 2024 - 19th International Conference on Software Technologies
Figure 1: Polynomial Regression of Adaptation rate of prac-
tice Items.
Adaptation Rate (%): The adaptation rate pro-
vides insights into the percentage of practitioners
within each field who have integrated system mod-
eling practices into their work, with Software Devel-
opers showing the highest adaptation rate at 77.14%.
Variance (%): The variance reflects the range of
adaptation rates within each professional field, with
Software Developers showing a more uniform level of
adoption (variance of 0.131868) compared to Project
Managers, who display greater variance in adoption
rates (variance of 0.532967).
The differing adaption rates and differences be-
tween various professional positions (e.g., software
developers and software test engineers) point to
unique opportunities and problems for encouraging
the use of system modeling that are catered to the re-
quirements and limitations of each role. Taking care
of these things can encourage creativity and team-
work, improving software development procedures
and results for a variety of jobs inside companies.
With an R2 value of 0.3585, the polynomial re-
gression equation in Figure 1 is y = 0.2095x
3.296x + 73.104, meaning that x components ac-
count for approximately 35.85% of the variance in
adaption rate. With an R2 value of 0.5624, the
polynomial regression equation in Figure 2 is y =
25.143x + 83.571, which accounts for
roughly 56.24% of the variance in adaption rate.
Cronbach’s Alpha: Strong internal consistency
among survey items pertaining to system modeling
approaches is indicated by the high Cronbach’s alpha
value (0.93007), which suggests that the survey effec-
tively measures a shared underlying notion.
α =
k 1
Figure 2: Polynomial Regression of adaptation rate in field
of practice.
α : Cronbach’s alpha coefficient
k : Number of items (questions)
: Variance of the scores on item i
: Variance of the total scores
This highlights how system modeling is becom-
ing more and more accepted in Bangladeshi software
companies for all jobs assessed. Even if the major-
ity of respondents think system modeling helps with
development and actively work to put it into practice,
problems still arise.
RQ1. What levels of difficulties do practitioners
encounter with the various types of software model-
ing challenges? The survey responses reflect differ-
ent levels of difficulties for practitioners. For Mod-
elling language 50% said that it is too complicated to
understand while 75% mentioned lack of proper doc-
umentation/ tutorial/ support as a difficulty. Manag-
ing language complexity increases the level of chal-
lenges for practitioners according to 33.3% respon-
dents. Extending Modelling languages adds another
level of difficulty for 35.7%. Domain-specific mod-
elling environments and developing formal modelling
languages were mentioned as difficulties by 42.9%.
Among the respondents 50% said Analysing models,
71.4% said Supporting separation of design concerns,
42.9% mentioned Transforming models and 66.7%
said Managing models were difficult. The difficulty
levels observed in the survey responses differ from
one another but almost all of them are on the higher
side. It can be said that the level of difficulty faced by
the practitioners while working with system modeling
is high.
RQ2. What unique challenges might practition-
ers go through when modeling software systems?
According to our analysis software modeling for or-
ganizations presents significant challenges for prac-
titioners globally, not just in Bangladesh. These in-
clude design inconsistencies, scalability issues, lack
Overcoming Obstacles in Model-Driven Engineering: Lessons from the Software Industry
Figure 3: Percentage of difficulty faced by the practitioners.
Figure 4: Challenges Faced by the practitioners while im-
plementing system modelling.
of prior use cases or data, inadequate resources, and
limited experience. These challenges hinder inte-
gration of modules into larger systems and high-
light the need for comprehensive solutions to improve
adoption and effectiveness of system modeling prac-
tices. To overcome challenges in implementing sys-
tem modeling, it is essential to comprehend the view-
points of practitioners in Bangladesh.
Not with standing these misgivings, the poll
shows that system modeling is becoming more widely
accepted, with a sizable portion of respondents be-
lieving in its advantages. Coordinated efforts in or-
ganizational support, training, and research and de-
velopment are needed to overcome obstacles. Stake-
holder engagement, resource provision, and training
are also necessary. Although system modeling is be-
coming more popular, considerable technological and
cultural adjustments are still required, as some practi-
tioners choose not to use it in order to save time.The
framework to handle difficulties and promote system
modeling methods is suggested by the discussion of
global challenges, the increasing acceptance of sys-
tem modeling. This emphasizes how crucial it is to
involve stakeholders, provide resources, and provide
Figure 5: The percentage for adopting system modeling by
training in order to overcome barriers and encourage
the use of system modeling techniques.
Even though the usage percentage of implement-
ing system modeling is promising, the percentage
of the system modeling not being used is not ne-
The challenges in system modeling faced by practi-
tioners in Bangladesh are reflected globally, necessi-
tating comprehensive research to uncover their root
causes and improve understanding through detailed
documentation and comparative analysis. The abil-
ity to handle very large models for system of sys-
tems and Ultra-Large-Scale (ULS) systems is one
of the main challenges of Model-Driven Engineering
(MDE). Solutions like modular engineering princi-
ples, incremental processing, and logic inference en-
gines, alongside emphasizing the importance of doc-
umenting MDE processes and showcasing real-world
use cases at seminars to motivate practitioners and
foster broader adoption of system modeling. Cur-
rently, the trend is positive, that is, more developers
prefer to use system modeling. In the future, an in-
depth survey can be conducted based on all these new
projects being done.
In the context of Model-Driven Engineering (MDE),
the challenges outlined can be addressed through var-
ious strategies and practices within the MDE frame-
Identify Challenges: Addressing the challenges
requires a multi-faceted approach involving collab-
oration between researchers, practitioners, industry
stakeholders, and educational institutions.
ICSOFT 2024 - 19th International Conference on Software Technologies
Figure 6: Sequential Approach to Address Challenges in Model-Driven Engineering (MDE).
Table 4: Steps proposed to address the challenges in Model-
Driven Engineering (MDE).
Specific Practices Artifacts
Recognize the challenges faced in identified
MDE, which are not unique to Challenges
Bangladesh but prevalent globally
Conduct thorough research to Extensive
identify the root causes of the Research to
challenges in MDE Identify Root
Examine specific scenarios Investigation into
encountered during MDE Specific
implementation to understand the Implementation
challenges Scenarios
Establish comprehensive Documentation
documentation practices to record all Practices
steps taken in MDE
Implement real-life use cases as Utilization of
successful examples to encourage Real-Life Use
MDE adoption Cases
Arrange educational events to Organizing
promote understanding and adoption Seminars,
of MDE Workshops, and
Training Sessions
Encourage the adoption of MDE Industrial
practices in industrial settings to Adoption and
gather more data for research Implementation
Extensive Research to Identify Root Causes:
To comprehend the fundamental reasons behind the
difficulties encountered in system modeling, MDE
practitioners had to conduct thorough research. To
go deeper into the topics, this entails examining pre-
viously published material, performing empirical ex-
periments, and working with other academics.
Investigation into Specific Implementation Sce-
narios: MDE practitioners must investigate sce-
narios while system modeling is put into practice.
Through the analysis of real-world situations, profes-
sionals can acquire a deeper understanding of prag-
matic issues and create efficient solutions customized
for various settings. Implementation of Scalability
Techniques: Scalability solutions such as modular en-
gineering principles, incremental processing, caching
mechanisms, and indexing strategies should be used
by practitioners because MDE requires handling big
models. These methods make it possible to han-
dle and manipulate big models efficiently, especially
when modeling Ultra-Large-Scale (ULS) and systems
of systems.
Documentation Practices: To record the actions
made during the modeling process, proper documen-
tation is crucial in MDE. Documentation is an impor-
tant tool for future reference and learning, as well as
for facilitating information sharing among practition-
ers and preserving best practices.
Utilization of Real-Life Use Cases: MDE prac-
titioners ought to use actual use cases as examples
of how to successfully apply system modeling. By
showcasing practical uses and measurable benefits,
practitioners may foster confidence and encourage the
widespread deployment of MDE techniques.
Organizing Seminars, Workshops, and Train-
ing Sessions: System modeling organizations and
companies should host training sessions, workshops,
Overcoming Obstacles in Model-Driven Engineering: Lessons from the Software Industry
and seminars to share knowledge and encourage prac-
titioners’ skill development. These gatherings pro-
vide chances for knowledge sharing, networking, and
practical learning.
Industrial Adoption and Implementation: For
producing empirical data and practical insights that
can guide future research and development endeav-
ors, the industrial adoption of MDE processes is es-
sential. Through the incorporation of MDE into in-
dustrial workflows and projects, professionals can add
to the increasing amount of evidence in the area and
promote ongoing progress.
By addressing these challenges within the frame-
work of MDE, practitioners can enhance the effec-
tiveness, scalability, and adoption of system modeling
techniques, ultimately advancing the state of the art in
engineering and software development.
Software modeling is essential to software develop-
ment, but there are a number of obstacles that busi-
nesses must overcome, such as the requirement for
accurate, thorough, and stakeholder-aligned models.
Practitioners need to acquire the required abilities,
comprehend the foundations of software modeling,
and keep up with industry changes in order to over-
come these obstacles. In order to successfully use
system modeling and possibly enhance the results of
software development, it is imperative that these is-
sues be resolved. The present study sheds light on the
challenges encountered by software modeling experts
in Bangladesh, underscoring the necessity for addi-
tional investigation and advancement to augment the
caliber and efficiency of software modeling.
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ICSOFT 2024 - 19th International Conference on Software Technologies