and seminars to share knowledge and encourage prac-
titioners’ skill development. These gatherings pro-
vide chances for knowledge sharing, networking, and
practical learning.
Industrial Adoption and Implementation: For
producing empirical data and practical insights that
can guide future research and development endeav-
ors, the industrial adoption of MDE processes is es-
sential. Through the incorporation of MDE into in-
dustrial workflows and projects, professionals can add
to the increasing amount of evidence in the area and
promote ongoing progress.
By addressing these challenges within the frame-
work of MDE, practitioners can enhance the effec-
tiveness, scalability, and adoption of system modeling
techniques, ultimately advancing the state of the art in
engineering and software development.
Software modeling is essential to software develop-
ment, but there are a number of obstacles that busi-
nesses must overcome, such as the requirement for
accurate, thorough, and stakeholder-aligned models.
Practitioners need to acquire the required abilities,
comprehend the foundations of software modeling,
and keep up with industry changes in order to over-
come these obstacles. In order to successfully use
system modeling and possibly enhance the results of
software development, it is imperative that these is-
sues be resolved. The present study sheds light on the
challenges encountered by software modeling experts
in Bangladesh, underscoring the necessity for addi-
tional investigation and advancement to augment the
caliber and efficiency of software modeling.
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ICSOFT 2024 - 19th International Conference on Software Technologies