Sentiment Analysis-Based Chatbot System to Enhance Customer
Satisfaction in Technical Support Complaints Service for
Telecommunications Companies
Anghelo Juipa
, Luis Guzman
and Edgar Diaz
Peruvian University of Applied Sciences, Antonio Miro Quesada, Lima, Peru
Department of Computing and Informatics, Peruvian University of Applied Sciences, Lima, Peru
Keywords: Chatbot, Natural Language Processing, Emotions, Satisfaction, Customer Service, Sentiment Analysis,
Technical Support Complaints, GPT 3.5.
Abstract: In the competitive world of telecommunications, a good customer technical support complaint service can
make a difference. However, this business process still presents deficiencies in its quality. In the capital of
Peru, there were 102,665 internet complaints and 38,621 cable television complaints. 9.27% and 9.97% of
these, respectively, weren’t resolved. In this sense, this research proposes the implementation of a chatbot,
which incorporates GPT 3.5 as a sentiment analysis component, to reduce user dissatisfaction in this service
process. To validate the proposal, experiments were conducted with 50 internet and cable television service
owners to evaluate satisfaction and accuracy in recognizing their emotions. The results indicated that 86% of
the respondents were satisfied with the chatbot service, and the satisfaction index reached 77.9, surpassing
the minimum threshold of 75 points for providing quality customer service established by the industry. The
methodology behind these results is detailed in the following research.
In Peru, customer service quality indices are
deficient. According to the report on service quality
prepared by its Organismo Supervisor de Inversión
Privada en Telecomunicaciones (OSIPTEL, 2021),
none of the telecommunications companies operating
there manage to meet the minimum threshold of 75
points necessary to guarantee quality service. This
deficiency in service quality is clearly reflected in the
complaints recorded during the year 2021 in the
capital of the country, which were related to technical
support, specifically in internet services (102,665)
and cable television (38,621). Of these complaints, a
significant percentage, 9,522 (9.27%) and 3,850
(9.97%) respectively, weren’t satisfactorily resolved
(OSIPTEL, 2022). In response to this situation and
according to a survey conducted by Spiceworks
(2018), chatbots emerged as a support tool to improve
the customer service of companies, thus being the
Customer Service/Customer Support department
(20%) is positioned in third place among the
departments that use chatbots the most in their daily
tasks. This is observed in the research conducted by
Kainathan et al. (2021), who present the chatbot
XiaoIce, which employs anthropomorphic
characteristics aimed at enhancing customer service.
Similarly, Ngai et al. (2021) develop a knowledge-
based chatbot to support customer service in e-
commerce sales and marketing. However, despite the
utility offered by customer service chatbots, current
approaches are limited to specific task resolution or
responding to inquiries using a predefined knowledge
base. Additionally, the emotional dimension of the
user during the interaction between human and
chatbot is not adequately considered, an essential
aspect for understanding and effectively addressing
technical support-related complaints. Therefore, this
research is based on applying the knowledge from
these studies and extending it to the field of
telecommunications, considering user sentiment
Juipa, A., Guzman, L. and Diaz, E.
Sentiment Analysis-Based Chatbot System to Enhance Customer Satisfaction in Technical Support Complaints Service for Telecommunications Companies.
DOI: 10.5220/0012807200003764
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Smart Business Technologies (ICSBT 2024), pages 28-36
ISBN: 978-989-758-710-8; ISSN: 2184-772X
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
analysis to achieve positive outcomes regarding
customer satisfaction.
The key components of the research involve GPT-
3.5, which will be used for recognizing user emotions.
Furthermore, this technology is integrated within the
VoiceFlow platform for the development of the
chatbot, which in turn is integrated with Airtable to
manage customer data.
That said, the main contributions are as follows:
Implementation of a chatbot system using
GPT-3.5 capable of recognizing user intention
and emotion during interaction thanks to its
sentiment analysis component.
Application of anthropomorphic features such
as empathy, warmth in conversations, and
humor to enhance complaint handling.
Validation of the proposed solution through
experiments in a controlled environment
involving 50 individuals who are subscribers of
internet and/or cable television services.
On the other hand, the results of the present
research, obtained after conducting experiments in a
controlled environment with 50 users who are
subscribers of internet and cable television services in
the northern part of Lima, reveal that 86% of the
participants expressed high satisfaction with the
attention provided by the chatbot. Furthermore, 56%
of the users highlighted the chatbot's ability to detect
emotions as very high. In terms of the Customer
Satisfaction Index calculated using the ACSI formula,
a score of 77.9 was recorded, surpassing the
minimum required score for satisfaction according to
industry standards. These findings conclusively
support the effectiveness and acceptance of the
chatbot in improving the customer experience in the
realm of internet and cable services.
This paper is distributed across 5 sections. Section
2 reviews related works on customer service chatbots.
Then, it addresses the concepts and theories related to
the background of this research, as well as the main
contribution we will present in Section 3. Section 4
explains the experiments conducted in a controlled
environment. Finally, this work concludes with the
presentation of the conclusions derived from this
Improving the customer service process has been a
highly prominent research topic in recent years. This
aspect has aroused deep interest among authors, who
have addressed this challenge in various contexts,
such as the health field, electronic commerce, and the
insurance sector, among others. Therefore, in this
section we present an overview of the different types
of customer service chatbots, as well as the
techniques used in their implementation and the
characteristics that influence the improvement of the
quality of assistance provided to users. The purpose
of this section is to provide a solid understanding of
the current situation and contribute to the
advancement of research in this field.
Firstly, the results obtained by customer service
chatbots are presented. In the study by El-Ansari and
Beni-Hssane (2023), a personalized customer service
chatbot was implemented in e-commerce applications
with sentiment analysis features. The authors
developed this chatbot aiming to enhance the user's
intention recognition capability, considering their
emotions to enhance their experience. In its
development, they employed sentiment analysis
techniques (VADER and BERT) and entity
recognition (NER). In their experiment, 60
participants interacted with two versions of the
chatbot, and the results showed that participants who
interacted with the personalized version (9.13)
reported higher levels of satisfaction compared to
those who interacted with the non-personalized
version (8.41). These findings demonstrate the
effectiveness of the sentiment analysis
personalization process in improving user
satisfaction. Considering this finding, the present
research will employ the GPT-3.5 model for intention
and emotion recognition, aiming to achieve
analogous results in terms of satisfaction, applying
this methodology in the telecommunications domain.
Similarly, in the research conducted by
Kasinathan et al (2021), a customizable multilingual
chatbot for web applications is developed with the
purpose of enabling SMEs to deploy their customer
support chatbot service. Its functionalities include
live chat, ticketing system, and tracking system. In a
survey conducted with 27 participants out of a total of
50 invitations sent to IT departments of companies in
Selangor, Malaysia, 77.8% of the surveyed
companies expressed satisfaction with the use of the
customer service chatbot. Based on these
functionalities, the integration of a ticketing system
with the chatbot of this solution has been considered,
as the knowledge base used to generate responses has
limitations, implying that sometimes a precise
response that solves the user's problem is not
provided. Endowing the chatbot with the
functionality to generate tickets for technical visits
that culminate in problem resolution in case the
chatbot responses are insufficient contributes to
Sentiment Analysis-Based Chatbot System to Enhance Customer Satisfaction in Technical Support Complaints Service for
Telecommunications Companies
making this type of system more efficient. In this
regard, a ticketing system will be used in this research
through integration with the Airtable system, but not
for generating a ticket with an advisor, but rather for
scheduling a technical visit to the
telecommunications user.
On the other hand, techniques used in chatbot
implementation have been found. In the study by
Santos et al (2022), the Evatalk chatbot is developed
using its own Chatbot Management Process (CMP),
which is responsible for managing the chatbot's
contents. Evatalk consists of three components,
namely: EvaTalk Admin, Data Repository, and
Model Trainer. In the latter, natural language
processing (NPL) was employed to identify the user's
intention. The chatbot was validated in customer
technical support at the Virtual School of
Government of Brazil. Its latest user satisfaction test
reached 32.47% at the satisfied level and 50.29% at
the very satisfied level. That being said, this proposal
will employ NPL to identify the user's intention
during the conversation since GPT-3.5 will be used,
which is not only capable of recognizing the intention
but also of discerning emotion in the context of
telecommunications customer technical support.
Additionally, through a random online
experiment in the study by Adam et al. (2021),
empirical research was conducted to examine the
effect of verbal cues incorporating an
anthropomorphic design and the technique known as
'foot in the door' on the degree of compliance with
requests made by the chatbot to users. In this study,
social response theory and the concept of
commitment-consistency were used as theoretical
foundations to guide the research. For the
development of the chatbot, they used IBM Watson
Assistant's cloud service for natural language
processing and dialogue management. The results of
the experiment demonstrated that an
anthropomorphic design, characterized by warm and
empathetic responses, increases the likelihood of
customers complying with the chatbot's requests, as
95% of the total participants complied with the
chatbot's request compared to when these techniques
were not used, which only represented 63%.
Consequently, in this study, we will apply these
characteristics but adapted to the context of complaint
handling in a telecommunications company, focusing
particularly on customer satisfaction survey
Similarly, in the study by Rahman and Watanobe
(2023), examines the possibilities and challenges
offered by ChatGPT in the educational context, both
for students and educators in programming teaching.
It is highlighted that ChatGPT presents multiple
exciting advantages in education, including
personalized feedback, increased accessibility, and
interactive conversations. To investigate this, a
survey was conducted with students and teachers
from different academic levels, focusing on the
impact of ChatGPT on programming learning and
teaching. The survey addressed aspects such as
participant identification, their experience in
programming, the support provided by ChatGPT, its
usefulness in problem-solving, as well as the degree
of satisfaction with the system. The results revealed
that most students (86.7%) found the suggestions
provided by ChatGPT helpful in problem-solving. In
this regard, these characteristics of ChatGPT,
including the ability to address issues and facilitate
interactive conversations, will be incorporated into
the research, adapted to the realm of handling
complaints in a telecommunications company.
Finally, concerning best practices in chatbot
development, certain characteristics have been
identified whose incorporation can contribute to
improving the quality of assistance provided to users.
Furthermore, in the research by Shin et al. (2023), the
idea is proposed that the inclusion of humor by
chatbots can play a fundamental role in their
humanization and, consequently, in improving the
customer experience. To support their hypotheses,
they conducted an experiment involving 117 business
university students. These students interacted with a
chatbot in the context of a complaint about an
incorrect bill issued by a fictitious
telecommunications company. Participants engaged
in two different interaction scenarios with the chatbot:
one where the chatbot used humor and another where
it did not. The results of the experiment indicated that
when humor was incorporated, satisfaction with the
service experienced a significant increase compared
to the scenario without humor (M without humor =
4.06 vs. M with humor = 5.05). With this in mind, the
inclusion of humor will be considered as a relevant
feature in the implementation of the solution, albeit
with a specific focus on managing complaints related
to internet and cable services.
Finally, in the comparative satisfaction study
conducted in Mainland China and Hong Kong by Liu
et al. (2023), the importance of customer service
chatbots being competent in timely issue resolution,
showing empathy towards user concerns, and
ensuring data privacy measures to increase usage
intention is emphasized. This study employed a
mixed-method approach integrating the Delone and
McLean's Information System Success Model with
privacy concerns. The results revealed that in
ICSBT 2024 - 21st International Conference on Smart Business Technologies
Mainland China, the model explained 70.4% of the
variation in satisfaction and 51.4% of the variation in
usage intention. In Hong Kong, the model explained
66.9% of the variation in satisfaction and 56% of the
variation in usage intention. These results highlight
the importance of competence, empathy, and security
in user satisfaction and willingness to use customer
service chatbots in these two regions. With that said,
like previous studies, empathy and a competent
approach will be considered as essential features for
the proposed solution, but with a focus on complaint
3.1 Preliminary Concepts
The purpose of this section is to explain the necessary
elements for the construction of a customer service
chatbot, such as chatbot technology, natural language
processing, ChatGPT, and sentiment analysis. In this
section, the key concepts used in this work are
3.1.1 Chatbot
It’s a conversational agent based on artificial
intelligence and machine learning technology that
offers a variety of services through communication
channels, such as text messages. It is designed to
interact with human users in an automated manner
(Jaspin et al., 2023).
3.1.2 Natural Language Processing
It is a technology that focuses on the interaction
between the computer and human language.
Additionally, it is used to analyse large amounts of
information from various sources, such as patent
databases, social networks, or crowdsourcing
platforms, with the purpose of facilitating the search
for promising solutions (Just, 2023).
3.1.3 ChatGPT
It is a pre-trained language model based on artificial
intelligence that utilizes the GPT-3.5 architecture,
developed by the company OpenAI. This model
boasts remarkable capabilities in the field of natural
language processing, enabling it to understand and
respond to human language in real-time (Kocon et al.,
3.1.4 Sentiment Analysis
Sentiment analysis (SA) is a function of natural
language processing aimed at extracting sentiments
and evaluations expressed in texts. Its essence lies in
the ability to discern how sentiment is manifested in
a text (Bernabé et al., 2020).
3.2 Method
In this section, a detailed analysis of the design of the
chatbot based on Natural Language Processing
technology GPT 3.5 is presented, which enables the
application of sentiment analysis, humor, warmth in
conversations, and empathy. The Figure 1 illustrates
the 4-layer architecture of ChatTelecom. Throughout
the description of each layer, the five fundamental
components that constitute the chatbot system will be
addressed, each of which assumes a singular and
essential function in the operation of the solution.
3.2.1 User Layer
This layer serves as the medium through which users
interact with the chatbot. On one hand,
telecommunication clients can use the WhatsApp
application via a cell phone or laptop. On the other
hand, technical support personnel handle complaints
through a PC.
3.2.2 Presentation Layer
The main component within this layer is
Whatsapp/front end. This component is a messaging
platform developed by WhatsApp that allows
companies to interact with their customers through
this tool. WhatsApp was chosen as the front end
because it is one of the main customer service
channels in Peru across various industries. The
presentation layer serves as an essential link between
ChatTelecom, and conversations held via WhatsApp.
On one hand, telecommunication service clients
submit their complaints through WhatsApp
messages. Lastly, when a complaint requires
intervention from an advisor, i.e., a member of the
technical support team, they handle and manage the
complaint using the specialized version of WhatsApp
Business. It’s important to clarify that the role of
technical support staff is to act as an intermediary in
the communication, intervening only when the
chatbot is unable to resolve the telecommunications
customer's issue.
Sentiment Analysis-Based Chatbot System to Enhance Customer Satisfaction in Technical Support Complaints Service for
Telecommunications Companies
3.2.3 Service Layer
In the chatbot service process, it requests personal
information from the internet and/or cable television
service holder. Then, data validation proceeds with
diagnosing the reported issue, classifying the
breakdown. Once the type of breakdown the customer
is facing is identified, multimedia content (images
and PDFs) is requested to choose the most
appropriate resolution step. Furthermore, to assist the
customer in resolving their issue based on the
chatbot's instructions, multimedia content will be
sent. Hence, a file server is available to store these
documents. In order to ensure better customer service,
the GPT 3.5_Sentiment Analysis component allows
adapting the conversation with the customer based on
the detected emotion and applying anthropomorphic
characteristics (empathy, warmth in conversations,
and humor). Below is the application of its
Component Sentiment Analysis
The sentiment analysis component provided by the
GPT 3.5 model was utilized. Initially, the choice of
GPT 3.5 technology was made because it allows
recognizing the user's intention during the
conversation with an accuracy of 85.5%, possesses a
massive corpus of data, and has the capability to adapt
to different scenarios (Panda & Kaur, 2023; Zhu et
al., 2023). However, since the problem addressed
involves user emotional states being relevant to the
service, it was necessary to fully leverage this model
to enhance the user experience. The sentiment
analysis component of this model was used as it
allows adapting the chatbot's responses based on the
recognized emotions, which can be expressed through
texts or emojis. The application of sentiment analysis
in the solution was carried out through the
customization of prompts, where it was specified to
recognize the user's emotion in order to adapt its
response based on the detected emotion.
Application of Humor, Empathy, and
Warmth in Conversations
The implementation of the chatbot considered these 3
anthropomorphic characteristics. Empathy was
prioritized to offer users a closer and more
personalized service experience. Additionally,
warmth in responses was incorporated, recognizing
that friendly responses foster more effective
communication by making customers feel
comfortable expressing their concerns. Furthermore,
the use of humor was explored, acknowledging that
well-employed humor can transform customer
service interaction into a more enjoyable and
memorable experience. These characteristics were
defined as sections within the prompts of GPT 3.5.
For their implementation, specific prompts within
GPT 3.5 were used to guide the model to reflect
empathy, maintain warmth in conversations, and
employ relevant humor according to the detected
emotion of the user. These components were refined
during the chatbot training, which included
keywords, key phrases, machine learning
functionality provided by the platform, and constant
interaction with users.
Figure 1: Architecture of the proposed ChatTelecom.
ICSBT 2024 - 21st International Conference on Smart Business Technologies
Finally, if the chatbot is unable to resolve the
issue due to its complexity, the case is redirected to
an advisor. This process involves the technical
support staff continuing the resolution of the reported
problem. During this process, the chatbot provides
tools that facilitate the advisor's work, such as a
summary of the interaction between the user and the
chatbot, as well as the representation of the user's
detected emotions through emojis.
3.2.4 Data Layer
In the data layer, data extraction is performed from
the system Airtable. This data includes elements such
as names, surnames, the National Identity Document
(DNI) number, and the IP address corresponding to
the internet and/or cable service holder. This
extraction process is carried out with the primary
purpose of validating the user's identity at the
beginning of the assistance process. On the other
hand, the client's IP address is used to simplify and
expedite the assistance procedure by the advisor.
Thanks to the combination of these components
within the ChatTelecom solution based on GPT 3.5,
this research aims to achieve a 3% increase in
customer satisfaction during the process of
addressing complaints related to internet and cable
television services within the telecommunications
In this section, we will discuss the experiments
carried out in the project, addressing both their design
and execution, and present the conclusions derived
from the results obtained throughout this process.
4.1 Experimental Protocol
The chatbot was developed using Voiceflow as this
platform facilitated integration with GPT-3.5 and
WhatsApp. On the other hand, for the experiments
with ChatTelecom, specific equipment was required
such as a PC with at least 8 GB of RAM and a 2.5
GHz processor, or a mobile device with at least 4 GB
of RAM for a smooth experience.
The 50 participants, aged between 20 and 60 years
old, reside in the northern region of the capital of Peru
and are subscribers to internet and/or cable television
services provided by a telecommunications company.
User satisfaction was evaluated using a Likert scale
from 1 to 5, and the chatbot's ability to recognize
emotions was considered across 3 different scenarios.
35 participants were randomly selected for scenarios
1 and 3, with 20 assigned to scenario 1 and 15 to
scenario 2. On the other hand, the remaining 15 were
assigned to scenario 2, as they only had internet
service. Below is the formula for the American
Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI), which was used
to evaluate the user satisfaction index:
∗ S
N is the total number of responses in the
n is the number of responses considered in the
represents the ratings of each user.
D is the benchmark satisfaction rating for the
The experiment begins with the user presenting a
complaint about internet and/or cable television
service to the customer technical support chatbot. It
starts by welcoming the user and proceeds to request
necessary data for resolving the complaint. In the first
scenario, the user informs the chatbot that their issue
is the lack of clarity in the cable television channels.
Simultaneously, the chatbot identifies that the user
entered with a feeling of anger. Subsequently, after a
series of specific questions related to the complaint
process, the chatbot successfully resolves the
incident, concluding with the delivery of a
satisfaction survey regarding the assistance provided.
In the second scenario, the user informs the chatbot
that their problem is the loss of internet service.
Simultaneously, the chatbot identifies that the user
entered with a feeling of impatience as they requested
a prompt solution. During the diagnosis of the fault,
the chatbot asks the customer questions to identify the
cause of the problem. Finally, the chatbot concludes
that there is a router equipment misconfiguration
issue, so it informs the customer that it is not able to
resolve this type of faults but could refer them to an
advisor who could address their case. Lastly, in the
third scenario, the user details to the chatbot that their
problem is the loss of cable television service.
Simultaneously, the chatbot identifies that the user
entered feeling concerned about their problem. After
a series of questions aimed at resolving the problem,
the chatbot determines that it is necessary to schedule
a technical visit. Therefore, the problem is referred to
a specialized advisor. The advisor concludes the
assistance and proceeds to issue a ticket for the
technical visit. Upon concluding the conversation
flow with the chatbot, it generates a customer
satisfaction survey that includes the following
Sentiment Analysis-Based Chatbot System to Enhance Customer Satisfaction in Technical Support Complaints Service for
Telecommunications Companies
How satisfied are you with the assistance you
received today? 1: Very dissatisfied, 2:
Dissatisfied, 3: Neutral, 4: Satisfied, 5: Very
How would you rate our ability to understand
how you feel during the conversation? 1: Very
low ability, 2: Low ability, 3: Average ability,
4: High ability, 5: Very high ability.
It’s important to highlight that, according to the
analysis of the studies conducted during the research,
no studies have been found that offer a comparison
with the emotional recognition capability indicators
and the American Customer Satisfaction Index
(ACSI) used in this research. Therefore, it is proposed
to consider these indicators as new.
4.2 Results
In this section, the results of the satisfaction metrics
and emotional recognition capacity of the user
obtained from the experiments are presented.
On one hand, the experiment results revealed that
the average rating given to the first satisfaction
question is 4.4 on a scale ranging from 1 to 5.
Additionally, the ACSI yielded a score of 77.9,
surpassing the threshold of 75 points established as
the quality standard in customer service in Peru
(OSIPTEL, 2021).
222 − 75
 + 75
ACSI = 77.9
Figure 2: User Satisfaction Rate.
On the other hand, the user satisfaction rate
achieved was 86% compared to other customer
service chatbots mentioned in the related works
section, as shown in Figure 2.
The results from these three scenarios were
grouped to measure user satisfaction because,
although the resolution methods differ, the goal in all
cases is the same: to resolve the customer’s problem
and assess their satisfaction with the entire support
process. Therefore, by grouping the scenarios, an
integral view of the system's overall effectiveness is
obtained, allowing for the identification of areas for
improvement for both the chatbot and human
intervention. Additionally, this grouping reflects a
more realistic user experience, where satisfaction
depends not only on who resolves the problem, but on
how the overall support service is perceived.
On the other hand, based on the second question
to evaluate the chatbot's ability to recognize how the
user feels during the conversation, positive results
were obtained.
Figure 3: User emotional recognition rate.
According to Figure 3, most participants stated
that their emotional state is taken into consideration
during interactions with the chatbot. 56% of
respondents rated this capability as very high, while
36% rated it as high. On the other hand, 8% rated it
as having an average capacity to understand their
emotional state. It's important to highlight that the
user perceives that the chatbot recognizes their
emotions due to its ability to respond appropriately
and sensitively to their emotional expressions during
the interaction. This is reflected in the chatbot's
responses, the use of language, and the relevance of
the solutions offered in relation to the emotions
expressed by the user. These results are largely
attributed to the sentiment analysis component of the
system, which recognizes emotion and reflects it
through emojis to mitigate it. Additionally, the
application of empathy, warmth in conversations, and
humor is considered to have a significant influence.
The application of humor, warmth in conversations,
empathy, and sentiment analysis within the chatbot
solution represents an advancement in the field of
customer service. On one hand, it is evident that the
sentiment analysis component of the GPT-3.5 model
ICSBT 2024 - 21st International Conference on Smart Business Technologies
has been crucial in emotional recognition, as 56% of
respondents rated the chatbot with a very high
capacity to understand their emotional state. On the
other hand, the combination of anthropomorphic
features and sentiment analysis proved favourable for
improving satisfaction, achieving a satisfaction rate
of 86%. In conclusion, these components emerge as
crucial factors for enhancing quality in the complaint
handling process in the technical support domain for
telecommunications companies. This understanding
is supported by the fact that the satisfaction index
obtained is 77.9, thus surpassing the minimum
threshold of 75 established by the
telecommunications industry in Peru as a parameter
to ensure quality in the customer service process.
While the results obtained were indeed positive,
we believe that there is room for additional
improvements. We suggest integrating the chatbot
with the customer network management systems of
the telecommunications company, as well as utilizing
an additional specific sentiment analysis component
alongside the response model. Additionally, it is
recommended to periodically update the chatbot's
knowledge base, as the GPT-3.5 component handles
data that may be outdated. This update should include
the incorporation of new cases reported by customers,
recent feedback, and current problems to provide
more accurate answers to current problems.
Furthermore, we estimate that a broader survey
sample would have contributed to a more
representative evaluation of the chatbot's
With the continuous progress of technology, it’s
expected that chatbots will acquire greater
intelligence and capability to address a wider range of
tasks. This advancement, consequently, would
positively impact customer satisfaction and overall
improvement of a company's service process.
Therefore, we consider it imperative to continue
conducting research employing current NLP models.
Additionally, we express interest in future research
evaluating similar components to those used in this
work but applied in other customer service contexts,
where user emotions also influence the service.
Peruvian University of Applied Sciences / UPC-
EXPOST-2023- 2.
To the Research Department of the Peruvian
University of Applied Sciences for the support
provided for the completion of this research work
through the UPC-EXPOST-2023-2 incentive.
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