From Figure 9 and 10, it can be seen that the
combined model predicts an upward trend for the next
ten days.
Figure 11: Comparison Chart of Ten-Day Future Stock
Price Predictions (Picture credit: Original).
As illustrated in Figure 11, the LSTM and combined
models predict an upward trend in Tesla's stock prices
over the next ten days. Conversely, the GRU model
anticipates a decline.
3.5 Discussion
Through the calculation of multiple statistical metrics,
this study has proven the GRU model's high precision
in short-term stock market forecasting. This aligns
with the findings of Touzani and Douzi, who also
emphasized the effectiveness of GRU in volatile
market conditions. Additionally, the combined model
has shown strong predictive power in long-term trend
analysis, which is an innovative aspect of this study.
The effectiveness of GRU in short-term predictions
provides a strategic tool for navigating rapid market
changes, while LSTM supports more extended-term
investment. This offers insights for practical stock
market applications based on the data range used in
training models: the shorter the time, the more layers
of GRU should be chosen; conversely, the longer the
time, the more layers of LSTM should be selected.
Firstly, a limitation is its reliance on historical data
without real-time insertion of new data, which may
hinder capturing real-time market dynamics.
Secondly, the study's focus solely on Tesla's stock
with a single data pattern might limit the model's
general applicability across different market
conditions. This study implies that when researching
highly volatile time-series data, an appropriate ratio
of GRU to LSTM should be chosen according to the
time range. In the future, first, more market factor
constraints should be added to enhance the model's
predictive ability. Second, research could explore the
combined model's capability in handling other stock
data, such as fluctuation ranges, differences between
closing and opening prices, etc., to help improve
overall fitting accuracy.
In the comparative analysis of predicting Tesla's
stock prices using LSTM and GRU models, this study
has garnered profound insights. Not only did it affirm
the effectiveness of these deep learning models in
processing complex financial time series data, but it
also explored their unique strengths in forecasting the
highly volatile Tesla stock market.
The findings indicate that while both models
demonstrated capability in capturing the essential
trends and fluctuations of stock prices, they exhibited
differences in specific areas. Notably, the GRU model
showed enhanced performance in the testing phase,
illustrating its superiority in real-world forecasting
applications. Additionally, the innovative model
combining LSTM and GRU layers, although not
excelling in every performance metrics, showed
robust predictive capacity overall. These discoveries
highlight the potential of GRU and the combined
models in volatile financial time series contexts.
In terms of visual comparison, the study presented
regression results of past Tesla stock prices for all
three models and predicted their closing stock prices
over the next ten trading days. The outcomes revealed
that both the LSTM and the combined LSTM & GRU
models predict an upward trend for the next ten days,
while the GRU model forecasts a downturn. This
further confirms the distinct characteristics and
advantages of different models in handling specific
financial data.
In conclusion, this research not only demonstrates
the significance of LSTM and GRU in stock market
prediction but also offers new perspectives and
methodological guidance for deep learning
technology in financial time series forecasting.
Furthermore, the study suggests that a combination of
LSTM and GRU models might be particularly
effective in predicting stock prices in highly volatile
markets like Tesla's.
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