A Measures-Driven Decision Support System for Managing
Requirement Change in Scrum: An Empirical Evaluation
Hela Hakim
, Asma Sellami
and Hanêne Ben-Abdallah
Mir@cl Laboratory, University of Sfax, FSEGS, BP 1088. 3018, Sfax, Tunisia
Mir@cl Laboratory, University of Sfax, ISIMS, BP 242. 3021, Sfax, Tunisia
Higher Colleges of Technology, Dubai, U.A.E.
Keywords: Managing Change, Decision Support System DSS, Functional Change FC, Structural Change SC, Functional
Size, Structural Size, COSMIC FSM Method, Structural Size Measurement SSM Method, Scrum.
Abstract: In Scrum-based projects, precise assessments of requirement changes are crucial for effective management.
A Decision Support System (DSS) can streamline managing these changes, improve collaboration, and
enhance decision-making. This paper proposes a Measure-Driven Decision Support System (MD-DSS) for
managing requirement changes at both functional and structural levels, using COSMIC FSM (ISO 19761)
and an extended Structural Size Measurement method. The MD-DSS benefits all Scrum stakeholders,
including Product Owners, Scrum Masters, Development Teams, and managers. Its performance was
evaluated quantitatively and qualitatively across 15 software development projects.
Managing software projects is challenging due to
their complexity and frequent changes (Fairley,
2009). Effective change management is essential for
balancing budget, timeline, and scope. Early
requirements are often unclear, leading to frequent
and cheaper changes in early stages (Bano et al.,
2012). Agile methods like Scrum are favored for their
adaptability (Dikert et al., 2016), but they face a 61%
failure rate due to poor documentation and change
control (Gilb, 2018).
Requirements are categorized into Functional
User Requirements (FUR), Non-Functional
Requirements (NFR), and Project Requirements and
Constraints (PRC) (Abran, 2015). Change requests
can be functional or technical (ISO, 2007). Scrum
teams usually rely on expert judgment for changes,
but this is not always effective (Abran, 2015).
This paper proposes a Measures-Driven Decision
Support System (MD-DSS) to manage requirement
changes in Scrum, improving on Hakim et al.'s (2020)
work. The MD-DSS helps measure, prioritize, and
evaluate changes at functional and structural levels.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows.
Section 2 provides an overview of the COSMIC FSM
method, the Structural Size Measurement SSM
method and the SCRUM process. Section 3 discusses
the related work. Section 4 provides our proposed
measures-driven Decision Support System used for
managing requirements changes at functional and
structural levels of requirement change. Section 5
discusses the evaluation of the Decision Support
System. Finally, section 6 summarizes the presented
work and outlines some of its possible extensions.
This section describes an overview of the COSMIC
FSM method, the SSM method and finally the scrum
2.1 COSMIC FSM Method
The Common Software Measurement International
Consortium (COSMIC) represents an internationally
recognized Functional Size Measurement (FSM)
method. It is intentionally crafted to remain neutral
towards any particular implementation choices
embedded within the operational artifacts of the
software under assessment. The COSMIC sizing
process for evaluating the functional requirements
magnitude of software encompasses three distinct
phases: the measurement strategy phase, the mapping
phase, and the measurement phase (as per COSMIC
Hakim, H., Sellami, A. and Ben-Abdallah, H.
A Measures-Driven Decision Support System for Managing Requirement Change in Scrum: An Empirical Evaluation.
DOI: 10.5220/0012807700003753
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Software Technologies (ICSOFT 2024), pages 161-168
ISBN: 978-989-758-706-1; ISSN: 2184-2833
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
v5.0, 2021). This approach hinges on the
quantification of functional processes (FP), each
comprising a collection of functional sub-processes
that can be categorized into either data movement or
data manipulation. Specifically, these movements are
classified into four types: Entry (E), Exit (X), Read
(R), and Write (W).
A data group is a set of attributes that describes
one object of interest. The COSMIC measurement
unit is one data movement of one data group indicated
as one CFP (COSMIC Function Point). The size of a
functional process is determined by the sum of the
data movements it includes.
According to COSMIC (v5.0, 2021), a functional
change is described as "any amalgamation of
additions, modifications, or deletions of existing data
movements." In a functional process, the magnitude
of a functional change is determined by the total of its
added, deleted, and modified data movements.
Subsequently, the functional size of the software
following the change is calculated as the cumulative
size of all added data movements minus the size of all
removed data movements.
2.2 The Structural Size Measurement
SSM Method
An extension of the COSMIC Functional Size
Measurement (FSM) method, the Structural Size
Measurement (SSM) method serves as a vital tool for
addressing the need for more detailed measurements
to quantify data manipulation within software
products. Mirroring the approach of COSMIC, the
SSM measurement process comprises three distinct
phases: the Measurement Strategy Phase, Mapping
Phase, and Measurement Phase. Proposed by Sellami
(Sellami et al., 2015), the SSM method is tailored for
UML sequence diagrams, developed in accordance
with the measurement process advocated by Abran
(Abran, 2010). The Structural Size Measurement
method is applied to the combined fragments of a
sequence diagram to gauge its Structural Size (SS).
This SS, also referred to as control structural size,
encompasses the structural size of both Conditional
Control Structures (CCS) and Iterative Control
Structures (ICS), as depicted through constructs like
alt, opt, and loop. The SS of a sequence diagram is
defined at a granular level, specifically reflecting the
size of its control structures' flow graph.The use of SS
requires the identification of two types of data
manipulations depending on the structure type: CCS,
Each data manipulation is equivalent to one CSM
(Control Structure Manipulation) unit. The sequence
structural size is computed by adding all data
manipulations identified for every flow graph.
The SSM The Structural Size Measurement
(SSM) method defines a Structural change as "any
combination of additions, modifications, or deletions
of existing data manipulation" (Hakim et al., 2017).
Within a functional process, incorporating its
structural aspect, the magnitude of a Structural
change is determined by the total of its added, deleted,
and modified data manipulations. Consequently, the
software's structural size following the change is
calculated as the cumulative size of all added data
manipulations minus the size of all removed data
2.3 Overview of the Scrum Process
The Scrum process is a collaborative method for
managing software projects, focusing on adaptability,
transparency, and iterative progress. Key roles
include the Product Owner, Scrum Master, and
Development Team. Scrum uses artifacts like the
Product Backlog and Sprint Backlog to organize
work. Structured events, including Sprint Planning,
daily Scrum meetings, Sprint Reviews, and
Retrospectives, help guide the process. These
principles enable teams to deliver value incrementally
and respond to changes effectively.
Agile development effectively handles requirements
changes(Abran, 2015), especially in Scrum. Key
studies have addressed this:
Drury-Grogan and O’Dwyer (Drury-Grogan et
al., 2013) identified factors influencing decision-
making in Scrum, such as sprint duration, experience,
and resource availability. Decisions often rely on
subjective expert judgment, which lacks
transparency. To improve objectivity, COSMIC FSM
and SSM methods are recommended for accurate
change evaluation.
Commeyne et al. (Commeyne et al, 2016)
validated using ISO standards to measure agile
project size, demonstrating COSMIC's reliability.
Lloyd et al. (Lloyd et al., 2017) proposed a tool for
managing changes in distributed agile development,
and Stålhane et al. (Stålhane et al., 2014) analyzed the
impact of technical change requests on safety
requirements. Sellami et al. (Sellami et al., 2018))
developed a COSMIC-based tool to evaluate
functional changes in Scrum. Hakim et al. (Hakim et
al., 2020) proposed a detailed Requirements Change
ICSOFT 2024 - 19th International Conference on Software Technologies
Evaluation Process considering functional and
structural levels for better decision-making.
While Scrum teams typically avoid mid-iteration
changes to prevent defects, some necessary changes
should be prioritized. This paper suggests a Decision
Support System for managing requirement changes in
Scrum, evaluated through 15 software development
This section presents the steps describing our
proposed MD-DSS for managing change in SCRUM.
The MD-DSS proposed in the herein work is
composed of three main parts.
(1)-Change Request Classification
(2)-Requirement Change impact analyses at
functional and structural level
(3)-Prioritizing Change and making-Decisions
In Scrum, change requests are made by the product
owner or development team and must be articulated
as a user story (USc). An impact analysis is then
conducted. If the change is in an ongoing sprint,
details like sprint size and start date are noted, and the
functional and structural sizes of the changed
components and all incomplete user stories in the
sprint are measured. For implemented sprints, only
the sizes of the changed components and user stories
are measured. These measurements help evaluate the
change and guide decisions to accept, deny, or defer
the request.
4.1 Change Requirement Request
In the context of software development or project
management, "Change Requirement Request
classification" refers to the systematic categorization
of change requests based on various criteria such as
their nature, impact, urgency, and priority. This
process helps project teams and stakeholders better
understand and manage change requests by
organizing them into meaningful groups and
facilitating decision-making and prioritization.
In this research work, we are interested to classify
change request based on the nature of Change. We
distinct between the functional change request and the
structural change request.
4.1.1 Functional Change Request
A functional change request in the context of Scrum
refers to a request for modifying or adding new
functionality to the product being developed. Based
on the refined US templates proposed by (Hakim et
al., 2020) that support the COSMIC ISO
4.1.2 Structural Change Request
A Structural change request in the context of Scrum
refers to a request for modifying or adding new
structural aspects to the product being developed. The
Structural aspect take into account the structure of the option
scenario, alternative scenario (alternative scenario 1, 2) and
the iterative scenario of a feature or functionality. Based on
the refined US templates proposed by (Hakim et al.,
2020) that support the SSM measurement.
4.2 Requirement Change Impact
Analyses at Functional and
Structural Level
4.2.1 Measuring of Requirement Change
Request at Functional and Structural
Once requirements or changes are classified and
described in the user story (US) format, software size
measurements can be applied using measurement
formulas based on this refined format. These
formulas facilitate determining the functional and
structural sizes of requirements. Requirements size
derived from the product backlog differs from that
derived from the increment product due to changes
during the Scrum process. New functionalities may
emerge, while others may be modified or deleted. The
COSMIC functional size measurement method and
the structural size method are used to determine the
functional and structural sizes, respectively. The size
of the product backlog is the sum of the sizes of all
sprints it includes. (see Equation 1 and Equation 2).
where -FS(P)is the functional size of the product
backlog or the increment product.-SS(P)is the
structural size of the product backlog or the increment
product.-FS(Si) is the functional size of sprinti.-
SS(Si) is the structural size of sprinti.-n is the number
of sprints initially identified in the case when sizing
the product backlog or the number of implemented
sprints in the case when sizing the increment product.
A Measures-Driven Decision Support System for Managing Requirement Change in Scrum: An Empirical Evaluation
The functional size, respectively, the structural
size of a sprint is the sum of all the functional sizes,
respectively, the structural sizes of all the user stories
(US) it includes (see Equation3 and Equation4).
where-FS(Si) is the functional size of sprinti(1in).
-SS(Si)is the structural size of sprinti(1in).-
FS(USij)is the functional size of the USj in Si.-
SS(USij)is the structural size of the USj in Si.
-m is the number of user stories in sprint Si.Note that
FS(USij)is the sum of all the functional sizes of its
actions(see Equation 5).The SS(USij) is the sum of all
the Structural sizes of its alternatives (conditional and
iterative) (see Equation 6)
) is the functional size of the US
in S
) is the structural size of the US
in S
)is the functional size of action- Act
) is the structural
size of alternative Alt
in US
-p is
the number of actions in user storyj.-r is the number of
Alternatives in user story j.
4.2.2 Evaluating of Requirement Change
Request at Functional and Structural
Table 1: Evaluating a FC request when USc status =
undone/done (Hakim et al, 2020).
Moderate Hig
Table 2: Evaluating a SC request when USc status =
undone/done. (Hakim et al, 2020).
Low Moderate High
Tables 1 and 2 present respectively the Evaluating a
aFC request when USc status = undone/done
respectively the Evaluating of a SC request when USc
status = undone/done
4.3 Prioritizing Change and
Ensuring alignment between user stories (US) and
product owner expectations is crucial for software
project success. While Scrum prioritizes user stories
based on the product owner's preferences, this may
overlook implementation details. Incorporating
developer insights into prioritization is vital for
optimizing business value. A holistic approach
integrates perspectives from both product owners and
development teams, considering importance, priority,
and functional and structural sizes. User story
priority, determined by the product owner, uses
higher numerical values for greater priority. User
story importance, categorized as Essential or
Desirable, is assessed by development teams.
Functional size is measured using COSMIC FSM,
and structural size through a structured method.
4.3.1 Prioritizing Change
Algorithm 1 presents how to prioritize the
requirements changes using both the COSMIC
functional and structural size measurement methods.
Each Functional change is evaluated using the
COSMIC FSM method, while each Structural change
is evaluated using SSM method.
Four basic values (Priority, Importance, CFP, and
CSM) are used for running ‘prioritizing user stories’
algorithm, and therefore implementing the decision-
Aim: Prioritizing user stories taking into account the
following inputs: P(US), I(US), FS(US),and SS(US)
Inputs: P(US): The Priority of a User Story (US);
I(US): The Importance of a US;FS(US): The
Functional Size of a US;SS(US): The Structural Size
of a US.
Outputs:User stories are organized by taking into
account their priorities, importance, and their
functional and structural sizes (Hakim et al, 2020).
If P(USi) != P(USj) then
Select the more prior user story (US);
Else if P(USi) == P(USj) & I(USi) != I(USj)
then Select the most important
(Essential) US ;
Else if P(USi) == P(USj) & I(USi) == I(USj) &
FS(USi) != FS(USj) then
Select the user story with minimum functional size;
Else if P(USi) == P(USj) & I(USi) == I(USj) &
FS(USi) == FS(USj) & SS(USi) != SS(USj) then
Select the user story with minimum
Structural size;
Select the user story that requires less demand
on resources (time or budget);
Algorithm 1: Prioritizing user stories.
ICSOFT 2024 - 19th International Conference on Software Technologies
4.3.2 Decision-Making in Ongoing/ an
Implemented Sprint
The evaluation of software size across various levels
of detail is crucial not only for estimating effort/cost
but also for facilitating decision-making, including
budgetary allocations and portfolio management
(Abran, 2010). In this section, we introduce
Algorithms 2 , outlining a series of steps tailored for
decision-makers (e.g., product owner, scrum master,
development team) to guide their choices regarding
Functional Change (FC) requests and Structural
Change (SC) requests. The decision-making process
entails the following actions: Accept the FC request
and SC request, Deny the FC request and SC request,
Defer the FC request and SC request
Deciding on a RC in an Ongoing Sprint
Algorithm 2: Deciding on a RC based FC and SC in
an ongoing sprint.
Aim: Deciding on a FC and SC in an ongoing
sprint Require: FS(FC), SS(SC), FS(USundone),
SS(USundone),FS(USc), and SS(USc).
If FS(FC)>FS(USundone)
Defer the FC to the next sprint;
Defer the SS to the next sprint;
Delete (USc)i from the ongoing sprint;
Add (USc)f to the next sprint;
Else if FS(FC) <FS(USundone)&&SS(SC)
< SS(USundone) then
If FS(FC)>FS(USc)i && SS(SC)>SS(USc)
Defer the FC to the next sprint;
Defer the SC to the next sprint;
Delete (USc)i from the current sprint;
Add (USc)f to the next sprint;
Else if FS(FC)<FS(USc)&& SS(SC)<SS(USc)
If FS(USc)f>FS(USc)i && SS(USc)f>SS(USc)
If Remainingtime(USc)f
<requiredtime&&teamprogress= early
Accept the FC;
Accept the SC;
Delete(USc)i from the current sprint;
Add(USc)f to the current sprint;
Defer the FC;
Defer the SC;
Delete (USc)i
Add (USc)f to the next sprint;
Else if FS(USc)f<FS(USc)i && SS(USc)
Accept the FC; Accept the SC;
Delete(USc)i from the current sprint;
Add(USc)f to the current sprint;
Else if FS(FC) == 1 CFP &&SS(SC) == 1 CSM
Accept the FC; Accept the SC;
Delete (USc)I from the current sprint;
Add (USc)f to the current sprint;
Algorithm 2: Deciding on a RC.
Table 3: A comparison between MD-DSS evaluation
and experts’ evaluations.
MD-DSS Expert1 Expert2
Low Low Moderate
Low Mode
ate Low
3 Moderate Mode
ate Moderate
Low Mode
ate Low
5 Hi
h Hi
h Hi
Moderate Mode
ate Moderate
7 Moderate Mode
ate Low
8 Moderate Mode
ate Moderate
9 Moderate Low Moderate
10 Moderate Low Moderate
11 Hi
h Hi
h Hi
12 Low Low Low
13 Hi
h Hi
h Hi
14 Low Low Moderate
15 Moderate Mode
ate Low
This section evaluates the MD-DSS by comparing its
change evaluation with that of experts. This
information helps stakeholders decide on the
prioritization and acceptance, deferral, or denial of
functional and structural changes. Feedback was
collected from two experts on our MD-DSS, and 15
SCRUM-based final projects were used for
evaluation. These diverse projects include mobile
apps, web applications, business applications, and
real-time software. We used the same database as in
our previous work (Sellami et al., 2018).
5.1 Experts Evaluation
The MD-DSS was evaluated through an empirical
verification based on a comparison between the
results derived from an automated tool and that
derived from experts (See Table 3).
A Measures-Driven Decision Support System for Managing Requirement Change in Scrum: An Empirical Evaluation
These results are based on functional and
structural size measurements, change size
evaluations, and prioritization algorithms, compared
with assessments from two experienced Scrum
experts. The experts, with over 10 years in the
industry, evaluated the importance of requirement
change requests for 15 projects. They were provided
with pre- and post-change functional and structural
sizes, change descriptions, and change sizes. Experts
classified each request as low, moderate, or high. In
81% of the cases, their classifications matched those
of the MD-DSS. High-priority changes were
accurately identified by both methods. However, for
smaller changes, experts sometimes differed from the
automated evaluation, often classifying them higher
based on comparisons with other projects.
5.2 Comparative Evaluation
5.2.1 Case Studies and Results
The measurement results are given in Table 4. For
each project we measure its functional size before and
after the change noted by FSi(sw) and FSf(sw),
respectively. We also measure its structural size
before and after the change noted by SSi(sw) and
SSf(sw). Then we measure the functional size of the
change request manually and automatically using our
MD-DSS noted by FS(FC)m, SS(SC)m and
FS(FC)aut, SS(SC)aut, respectively. Based mainly on
the functional size of the functional change and the
structural size of the structural change, we determine
the functional change status, the structural change
status, both of them, manually and automatically
noted by FC status m and FC status aut and SC status
m and SC status aut, respectively (See Table 4).
Table 4: Experimentation result.
Sft FSi(sw) FSf(sw) SSi
(s w)
(s w)
FCdescription FS
FC status
s aut
1 47 50 10 12
US“ Contact
3 3 1 1 **M **M *L *L
2 70 76 30 31
Add US“
ith other client
6 6 2 2 **M **M *L *L
3 80 88 30 32
Add US “Create
User account”
8 8 2 2 **M **M *L *L
4 43 46 15 17
Add US“ Create
3 3 1 1 **M **M *L *L
5 40 56 10 15
Add three US
16 16 5 5 ***H ***H ***H ***H
6 50 57 15 16
Add user story
“Create user
7 7 1 1 **M **M *L *L
7 22 17 2 3
Delete US “add
5 5 1 1 **M **M *L *L
8 27 31 8 9
Add US“ add
4 4 1 1 **M **M *L *L
9 47 51 10 12
Add US“create a
4 4 1 1 **M **M *L *L
10 28 31 5 7
Add US“ publis
a welcome
3 3 1 1 **M **M *L *L
11 75 85 15 17
Add US
10 10 2 2 ***H ***H ***H ***H
12 197 197 30 35
Modifying the
US “Logon”
users will logged
on using an ID
3 1 1 1 *L **M *L *L
13 105 97 20 30
92 92 20 20 ***H ***H ***H ***H
14 24 30 4 5
Add US “logon”
6 6 1 1 **M **M *L *L
15 79 83 10 12
Add US
4 4 1 1 **M **M *L *L
*L :*Low **M :M oderate *** H :***High
ICSOFT 2024 - 19th International Conference on Software Technologies
5.2.2 Evaluation Metrics
By analyzing all the results listed in Table 4, we noted
that the MD-DSS gives exactly the same results
(software functional size and status identification) for
business applications, web applications and real time
application. However, for the mobile apps (e.g.,
Restaurant management system) our MD-DSS could
not measure correctly the functional size of the
functional change respectively the structural size of
the structural change as well as the functional change
status respectively the structural change status. In
fact, this deviation can be related to the update or
reading information from the data storage device. It
depends on whether the data are stored in an internal
or external data storage devices. We compared the
manual results to the automatic results generated by
our tool by using the precision (see Eq. 2) and the
recall (see Eq. 3) metrics. Thus, our tool achieved a
precision and a recall equal to 93%.
Precision = T P/ T P + FP
Recall = T P/ T P + FN (3)
Where: – TP: number of functional changes
respectively the structural changes status correctly
identified by our tool. – FP: number of functional
changes respectively the structural changes status
incorrectly identified by our tool. – FN: False
negatives are the number of functional changes’
status incorrectly not identified.
This research explores the importance of a decision
support system based on functional and structural
measures for managing change requests in the
SCRUM process. The system evaluates requirement
changes by quantifying them as user stories, aiding in
prioritization and decision-making for product
owners, Scrum masters, development teams, and
managers. It was tested on 15 software development
projects with expert input, comparing automated and
manual methods. Future improvements will include
incorporating factors such as risk, functionality use,
complexity, urgency, change type, requestor, affected
product parts, and dependencies, using AI for
enhanced decision-making.
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ICSOFT 2024 - 19th International Conference on Software Technologies