5.2.2 Evaluation Metrics
By analyzing all the results listed in Table 4, we noted
that the MD-DSS gives exactly the same results
(software functional size and status identification) for
business applications, web applications and real time
application. However, for the mobile apps (e.g.,
Restaurant management system) our MD-DSS could
not measure correctly the functional size of the
functional change respectively the structural size of
the structural change as well as the functional change
status respectively the structural change status. In
fact, this deviation can be related to the update or
reading information from the data storage device. It
depends on whether the data are stored in an internal
or external data storage devices. We compared the
manual results to the automatic results generated by
our tool by using the precision (see Eq. 2) and the
recall (see Eq. 3) metrics. Thus, our tool achieved a
precision and a recall equal to 93%.
Precision = T P/ T P + FP
Recall = T P/ T P + FN (3)
Where: – TP: number of functional changes
respectively the structural changes status correctly
identified by our tool. – FP: number of functional
changes respectively the structural changes status
incorrectly identified by our tool. – FN: False
negatives are the number of functional changes’
status incorrectly not identified.
This research explores the importance of a decision
support system based on functional and structural
measures for managing change requests in the
SCRUM process. The system evaluates requirement
changes by quantifying them as user stories, aiding in
prioritization and decision-making for product
owners, Scrum masters, development teams, and
managers. It was tested on 15 software development
projects with expert input, comparing automated and
manual methods. Future improvements will include
incorporating factors such as risk, functionality use,
complexity, urgency, change type, requestor, affected
product parts, and dependencies, using AI for
enhanced decision-making.
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