Interoperable Open Data Platforms: A Prototype for Sharing CKAN
Data Sources
Sebastian Becker
and Marcel Altendeitering
Fraunhofer ISST, Speicherstraße 6, Dortmund, Germany
Data Platform, Data Sharing, Data Space, Data Management.
Open data promotes transparency, accountability, and innovation in organizations and represents a central
element of modern data management, supporting informed decision-making. CKAN is the world’s leading
open-source data portal, widely used on national and local open-data platforms. However, CKAN installations
are usually operated insularly, with limited interoperability and interaction between multiple instances. The in-
duced separation is based on incompatible data models, leading to complex searches that include several open
data platforms. In this paper, we describe a prototype that realizes an interoperability layer between CKAN in-
stances and connects them in a data space. To create the intended solution, we relied on the Eclipse Dataspace
Components (EDC) open-source project and present details on our architectural approach and implementa-
tion. For evaluation, we conducted a series of focus group discussions with stakeholders of our prototype. We
received mostly positive feedback on our developments, and the participants agreed that our solution could
lead to an improved interoperability of open-data platforms.
In today’s digital age, the accessibility and utilization
of data sources have become increasingly important.
Leveraging a large, high-quality data basis is vital for
organizations as data fuels many innovations, is re-
quired for automated decision-making (e.g., ML and
AI), and can secure organizational agility (Amadori
et al., 2020; Gr
oger, 2021; Kabalisa and Altmann,
2021). Data ecosystems and data spaces are essen-
tial concepts for breaking data silos and enabling
data reuse for mutual benefit. Realizing such inter-
organizational data flows can help to innovate co-
operatively and exploit new business opportunities
(S. Oliveira et al., 2019; Azkan et al., 2020).
However, the concepts of data sharing and inter-
operability still need to be introduced to open data
platforms such as CKAN, which often reside insu-
lar and disconnected from other open data platforms.
This leads to complex data access and limited data
availability to data consumers. A technical solu-
tion that makes open data sources available to other
data platforms is currently missing as most solutions
strongly focus on a single domain (for Economic Af-
fairs and Action, 2024).
Our study aims to address this research gap and
contribute to the design and realization of interopera-
ble open data platforms. Consequently, our research
question reads as follows:
Research Question: How to design and realize
interoperable open data platforms?
In response to the proposed research question,
we conceptually developed and prototypically imple-
mented a software solution that enables the sharing
of CKAN-based data sources between different in-
stances. For this purpose, we applied the architec-
tural concept of data spaces to an exemplary CKAN
instance. Specifically, we extended the plug-in archi-
tecture of the Eclipse Dataspace Components (EDC)
(Foundation, 2024a) project with a custom extension
that integrates with CKAN (CKAN, 2024b) and fol-
lows adequate information models. This way, our de-
velopments can lead to larger data bases that can fa-
cilitate the creation of data-intensive applications and
services. We used CKAN and the EDC as a base for
our developments as they are both open-source soft-
ware projects and widely established in their respec-
tive fields.
We evaluated our prototype qualitatively through a
Becker, S. and Altendeitering, M.
Interoperable Open Data Platforms: A Prototype for Sharing CKAN Data Sources.
DOI: 10.5220/0012812100003756
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications (DATA 2024), pages 486-493
ISBN: 978-989-758-707-8; ISSN: 2184-285X
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
series of focus group discussions, including ten stake-
holders involved in the development of our solution
(Krueger and Casey, 2014). These discussions helped
us continuously improve the application and ensure
our design and development is in line with the desired
goal. Overall, our results are well-received, and we
have successfully developed a suitable prototype. We
also identified multiple areas for improvement that
can inform future work.
The remainder of this paper is structured as fol-
lows: First, in section 2, we present the background
of our study, describing open data platforms, the con-
cepts for data sharing and data basis, and, specifically,
the EDC project we relied on. In section 3, we de-
scribe our prototype in terms of the architectural ap-
proach and implementation details. We present and
discuss the results of our qualitative evaluation in sec-
tion 4. Finally, section 5 highlights the contributions
of our study and its limitations and shows areas for
future work.
2.1 Open Data Platforms
In recent times, open data has become increasingly
more prevalent as it can be used in a number of dif-
ferent fields and has a high potential of enabling eco-
nomic growth (Smith et al., 2016). Apart from eco-
nomic aspects it is also often times used by govern-
ments in order to increase transparency and therefore
trust. (Bertot et al., 2010). Governments can pub-
lish a variety of different data sets, such as informa-
tion about the general population, receipts and expen-
ditures, education, environment, science and many
more. Germany for example currently hosts 97.125
data sets (Germany, 2024). There is also a Euro-
pean data collection, currently holding 1.709.067 data
sets from 35 different countries across Europe as well
as a few non-European or European Union data sets
(Union, 2024a).
In addition to government or financial data, an-
other important sector for open data is public service
e.g. public transportation, since it can help to improve
data flow between different parties and raise the level
of transparency (Smith et al., 2016).
Having lots of different application possibilities
for open data also calls for open data platforms, that
are capable of displaying available data sets and allow
individuals to search, filter and explore the available
data. An open data platform should be able to accom-
plish those tasks and can additionally supply an API,
that allows automated access to data for software ap-
plications (Union, 2024b).
The world’s leading open source data manage-
ment system, that fulfills those criteria is called
CKAN (CKAN, 2024a). This open data platform is
used by the governments of the United States, Canada
and Australia as well as other big corporations and
governments. Therefore, our work focuses on import-
ing catalogs from a CKAN instance into a data space
in order to gain access to a widely used standard as
well as interconnecting multiple CKAN instances to
be able to form a larger collection of data sets.
2.2 Data Sharing & Data Spaces
Extensive, exchangeable, and high-quality data sets
are crucial for data-intensive applications and are
valuable assets for organizations (Gr
oger, 2021; Otto
et al., 2019). External data sets are often needed to
complement internal data sets and drive data-intensive
applications and innovation (Gr
oger, 2021; Hossein-
zadeh et al., 2020). For example, training large
language models (LLMs) requires substantial data
that most organizations cannot acquire independently.
Therefore, ”data exchange between [and within] com-
panies is an essential feature of digitization and data
economy, (Hosseinzadeh et al., 2020) (p.1), always
facing challenges related to data management, qual-
ity, and governance (Gr
oger, 2021; Janev et al., 2021).
The main issue here is that data owners are often
reluctant to share their data, even if there are con-
tracts and agreements in place to dictate its usage.
As a result, data providers are constantly “afraid of
losing control“ (Chakrabarti et al., 2018) (p.1) over
how their data is used. Ensuring the interests of the
data provider from a technical standpoint and build-
ing trust among participants in a data ecosystem is
particularly challenging.
To address these aspects, data space initiatives,
such as the International Data Spaces Associa-
tion (IDSA) emerged and promised to enable the
sovereign sharing of data within a data ecosystem.
Realizing this promise required the definition of a
shared protocol, which ensures a common under-
standing of data sharing and interoperability between
the participants of a data space. For this purpose,
the IDSA created the so-called data space protocol
(IDSA, 2024b). The data space protocol is ”a set
of specifications designed to facilitate interoperable
data sharing between entities governed by usage con-
trol and based on Web technologies” (IDSA, 2024b)
(p.1). Specifically, it specifies how data sets are de-
scribed using standards such as the Data Catalog Vo-
cabulary (DCAT) and the Open Data Rights Language
(ODRL) (Bader et al., 2020). Furthermore, it speci-
Interoperable Open Data Platforms: A Prototype for Sharing CKAN Data Sources
fies how data exchange agreements are expressed and
negotiated and how data sets are accessed using trans-
fer protocols.
There are multiple solutions available that imple-
ment the IDSA data space protocol (IDSA, 2024a).
One of the projects are the Eclipse Dataspace Com-
ponents (EDC). We decided to use the EDC for our
prototype as the EDC-project is open-source, has an
active community, and is widely established in indus-
trial and academic projects (e.g., (Catena-X, 2024)).
2.3 Eclipse Dataspace Components
The Eclipse Dataspace Components (EDC) (Founda-
tion, 2024a) is a framework maintained and devel-
oped by the Eclipse Foundation as well as a number
of big companies and research institutes, such as Mi-
crosoft, SAP and Fraunhofer. The framework offers
an implementation of the IDSA data space protocol
and is setup in a way that offers developers to build
their own and highly customizable data space by in-
cluding only the necessary components. In addition to
the high flexibility of choosing the fitting components
it is also easily extendible with new extensions.
One of the key principles of the EDC framework is
the separation of Control Plane and Data Plane, which
serves the purpose of reducing overhead and clearly
separating the communication between participants
into two channels. The Data Plane is solely used for
sharing data in the end, after the organizational side
is fulfilled, while the Control Plane is used to arrange
the data exchange by negotiating contracts, that are
associated with the assets that should be shared.
Another important aspect of this framework is the
implementation of a federated catalog, which is a two-
folded system consisting of a cache and a crawler.
Each participant of the data space has their own fed-
erated catalog which crawls the catalog of the other
participants on a regular basis in order to fill the cache
with the information of available data sets where the
attached policies are fulfilled.
The idea of using a data space and a unified
communication protocol is especially important when
talking about a decentralized architecture, where indi-
vidual parties that are involved communicate between
each other. A minimalistic implementation of a data
space using the EDC framework only requires very
little central components such as a registration ser-
vice, that is able to register users as well as a DID-
server, that provides them with so-called Decentral-
ized Identifiers (DID).
Such a minimalistic approach to a data space is
implemented in form of the Minimum Viable Datas-
pace (MVD), which can be seen in Figure 1. The data
space with its Data Plane and Control Plane consists
of the Registration Service, a DID-server and multi-
ple participants, who each have a federated catalog
and UI.
As described in Section 2.3 the EDC offer a frame-
work which allows the implementation of a highly
customizable data space. This project was aimed
at facilitating a demonstrator in order to showcase
the capabilities of mirroring a CKAN catalog into a
data space. Therefore, we used the Minimum Vi-
able Dataspace (MVD) (Foundation, 2024c) as a base
since it already implements a registration service and
a DID-server, which are used for registering new par-
ticipants in the data space and managing the exchange
and supply of DID documents to the user. Further-
more, the MVD implements a rudimentary graphical
interface in form of a dashboard which is capable of
showing available policies, assets, contract definitions
and contract negotiations and is a helpful tool for un-
derstanding the underlying principles of the data ex-
change inside of the data space.
3.1 Architecture
Our approach of integrating a CKAN file catalog and
our CKAN importer extension into the Minimum Vi-
able Dataspace can be seen in Figure 2. For demon-
strating purposes two participants are connected via
a data space each of them using an implementation
of the EDC framework. When first starting up the
data space, the participants are registered as users by
using the registration service of the MVD. When the
users are registered, each of them is creating their own
instance of a federated catalog which holds the meta-
data of the owned data sets and data sets that are made
available by other participants where the contract def-
initions allow it.
Usually, the catalog fetches the data set informa-
tion from some kind of data sink. In our case though
the data needs to be harvested from the CKAN catalog
by our importer extension which is done by requesting
the appropriate catalog endpoint of the local CKAN
instance. The requested catalog holds the information
of all locally available data sets of this participant. In
addition to actual content of the data sets, a field that
specifies the policy, under which the data set is al-
lowed to be shared with other participants of the data
space, is supplied as well. In the example scenario
Data set 3 has a different policy, that prohibits the ex-
DATA 2024 - 13th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
Figure 1: Minimum Viable Dataspace (MVD).
Figure 2: Filling the federated catalog with data from a CKAN catalog.
change of this particular data set with Participant 2,
while all other data sets use some kind of policy that
allows the other user to use this data set. Therefore,
the federated catalog from Participant 1 contains six
different data sets, while the other federated catalog
contains only five.
After the initial setup, each of the registered users
has a federated catalog which is filled with metadata
information about all available data sets in their own
CKAN instance as well as with the information about
data sets from other participants’ CKAN instances
where the restrictions made by the attached policies
are respected.
In our example, Participant 1 can now request
Data set 4 since it is made available by Participant
2. In order to do this, the contract negotiation phase,
which is still part of the control plane, is started. If
both parties agree on the contract, which includes to
respect the usage policies attached to this data set,
the data plane is used to actually transfer the data.
The CKAN instance also contains a data set endpoint,
which is part of the metadata information given by the
data set. If the contract negotiation was successful,
the data set is provided to the requesting user by lever-
aging the HTTP Data Plane (Foundation, 2024b). By
using this extension, the data provider fetches the data
by requesting the data set endpoint and forwarding
this information to the data plane which in turn trans-
fers it to the consumer. Using the HTTP Data Plane
is an important step, as only the provider of a data
set has the access rights to the locally hosted CKAN
3.2 Implementation
The proposed architecture heavily builds upon filling
the federated catalog using the CKAN importer exten-
sion, which is a structured three-phase process. The
CKAN instance provides its catalog in multiple dif-
ferent formats (CKAN, 2024b), giving us the oppor-
Interoperable Open Data Platforms: A Prototype for Sharing CKAN Data Sources
Figure 3: DCAT catalog structure (left) and 3-step implementation of the CKAN importer extension (right).
tunity to use the DCAT format by requesting the cat-
alog endpoint and supplying the .ttl ending.
The structure of a catalog in the DCAT format as
well as the three-phase approach of importing this
data into the data space can be seen in Figure 3.
DCAT Structure. A catalog that is using the
DCAT format has a layer-like structure, which can
be compared to a folder structure on computers. The
whole catalog contains n pages, where n is controlled
by the amount of data sets, since every page is able
to hold up to 100 data sets. Therefore, requesting
the catalog might require multiple requests in order
to fetch different pages and retrieve all available
data sets. Every data set is made up of at least one
distribution but can contain m distributions, where m
is not limited. In addition to the distributions, each
data set contains some more metadata like the creator
of the data set, description etc. Every distribution
on the other hand is made up of k attributes, where
k is not limited again. In our case, the accessUrl
is the most important attribute, as this information
is necessary for the previously described HTTP
Data Plane to find the corresponding resource on
the provider side. Apart from this attribute, other
important ones include the format of the file, the
title and the modified timestamp. The latter is also
used for comparison with already existing assets in
the data space in order to avoid unnecessary API calls.
Phase 1: Preparation. The first phase in the
proposed process is the preparation phase, which
lays the foundation for subsequent activities. A data
plane is created, which will later be used in order to
share data between the participants. Furthermore,
a previously defined set of policies is created. This
pool of policies matches the policies that are attached
to the data sets in the CKAN catalog. The here
created policies can be attached to assets in phase 3 in
order to build the contract definitions for every asset.
Both processes are done by sending POST requests
to the Connector API.
Phase 2: Processing Information. The second
phase involves processing the information gathered
by requesting all pages of the local CKAN instance.
After requesting, the catalog data is split into data
sets and distributions and is then processed individ-
ually. The available information is extracted and
transformed into JSON objects that can be used in
phase 3 for the asset creation process.
Phase 3: Creating Assets and Contract Defi-
nitions. The final step focuses on actually creating
the assets in the data space and adding the cor-
responding policies in order to create contract
definitions for every data set. Both processes make
use of the Connector API again by calling different
endpoints. The creation of the assets makes use of
the JSON objects, which are the product of phase
2. Before creating an any asset though, all already
available assets in the data space are requested using
the Connector API in order to check if the asset exists
already, which can be achieved by comparing the ids.
If the new id does not exist yet, the Connector API is
used to create it. Otherwise, the modified timestamp
given with the metadata of each data set or distri-
bution is compared to the already existing asset in
the data space. If the timestamp matches, no further
action is necessary. Otherwise, the asset is updated
by using the previously extracted information. After
successfully creating or updating an asset, the by the
DATA 2024 - 13th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
data set supplied policy is added to the asset in order
to create a contract definition. Only after this step
the asset is viewable for other participants in the data
space that fulfill the criteria of the added policy.
Our evaluation approach follows the guidelines of
(Kitchenham et al., 2002) and (Kitchenham et al.,
2004). In the studies, the authors formulate guide-
lines for conducting experimental and evidence-based
software engineering research that aims to critically
assess the validity, impact, and applicability of pro-
totypical software solutions. Following (Kitchenham
et al., 2002) (p.734), a common problem of soft-
ware engineering research is ”... collecting the ex-
perimental outcome measures”. Using a well-defined
and structured data collection process is important
to secure the validity and traceability of the results.
Our evaluation approach follows the guidelines of
(Kitchenham et al., 2002) and (Kitchenham et al.,
2004). In the studies, the authors formulate guide-
lines for conducting experimental and evidence-based
software engineering research that aims to critically
assess the validity, impact, and applicability of pro-
totypical software solutions. Following (Kitchenham
et al., 2002) (p.734), a common problem of software
engineering research is ”... collecting the experimen-
tal outcome measures”. Using a well-defined and
structured data collection process is important to se-
cure the validity and traceability of the results.
To gather empirical feedback on our prototype and
assess its validity and applicability in a real-life con-
text, we conducted regular focus group discussions.
Focus-groups are well-suited for collecting empirical
feedback as they have a high-degree of external valid-
ity and can replicate discussions participants have in
their daily lives (Krueger and Casey, 2014; Hollander,
2004). Over a course of three months, we conducted
weekly focus group discussions, including a presen-
tation of the prototype and subsequently a moderated
discussion. These meetings consisted of ten partici-
pants, representing different stakeholders of our pro-
totype. These included the development team, prod-
uct owner, requirements engineers, data engineers,
and managerial stakeholders. After each discussion,
we prioritized the feedback we obtained and extended
the prototype accordingly. The following two subsec-
tions summarize the positive and negative feedback
we received in the final focus group discussion at the
end of the project.
Overall, the feedback we received was mostly pos-
itive. Most importantly, we successfully implemented
a prototype that allows to share CKAN data sources
with external data consumers and, hence, achieved
our research goal. All participants positively high-
lighted this possibility and emphasized the potentials
of combining open data platforms and data spaces.
Considerably, the participants liked the possibility to
create policies for data sources that can limit data
sharing to specific geographic areas or time frames.
However, the participants also mentioned several
aspects that require further attention and should be ex-
tended in the future. (1) The participants noted that an
individual user management and authorization would
be beneficial for integrating the prototype in an estab-
lished system landscape. (2) The data usage policies
are currently created through an API. The participants
envisioned a possibility to create the usage policies
graphically using a suitable user interface. (3) Search
functionalities within the data space are currently lim-
ited to the metadata of data sets. The participants
suggested to conduct a complete search, including the
data sets, mentioning this would help to create a more
useful solution. The feedback helps us create a more
advanced prototype as part of future work (see also
section 5.2).
5.1 Contributions
We have successfully developed a prototype that facil-
itates the sharing of CKAN data sets, enabling the cre-
ation of inter-organizational CKAN-based data hubs
accessible to external users and data consumers. Our
prototype was evaluated qualitatively in a focus group
discussion and received largely positive feedback.
From a scientific perspective, we have concep-
tually designed and prototypically implemented an
artifact (i.e., an EDC extension) that addresses the
need for improved interoperability in open-data plat-
forms. By integrating the concepts of established
open-source data platforms and interoperable data
spaces, we present an empirical and evaluated soft-
ware artifact. By highlighting the feedback we gained
during evaluation, we offer opportunities for future
work, leading to further research attention on the ar-
eas of open data and data spaces.
Additionally, we offer managers architectural
concepts, implementation details, and insights into
our course of action for realizing our prototype. Prac-
titioners can use this knowledge to promote sharing
their own CKAN data sets and opening existing data
hubs to external data consumers. Specifically, this
knowledge can assist data management system oper-
Interoperable Open Data Platforms: A Prototype for Sharing CKAN Data Sources
ators in expanding their data and system architectures
to align with the concepts of data ecosystems and data
spaces. Consequently, this can lead to more exten-
sive data bases and support the creation of applica-
tions based upon them.
5.2 Limitations & Future Work
Despite following a rigorous approach, our study is
subject to several limitations, which offer paths for
future work. Most importantly, our developments are
shaped by the context in which we developed our so-
lution and thus limited in this regard. Implementing
our prototype in further scenarios can help us iden-
tify further requirements and lead to more profound
design knowledge. Additionally, we plan to extend
our prototype functionally. These developments can
include: (1) a more in-depth search functionality that
includes all relevant metadata, (2) allowing to filter
data sets based on file size, file type, last modified,
etc., (3) conducting tests on high-volume data sets and
runtime analyses.
Concerning our methodological approach, our
evaluation results are based on qualitative feedback
from participants working in the organizational con-
text of our prototype. Additional studies featuring a
more diverse group of participants can help us gather
additional feedback and improve the interoperability
of our approach. Based on such insights coming from
multiple cases, we plan to formulate a robust set of
design principles that can assist other researchers and
practitioners in designing and developing data sharing
solutions for CKAN-based data platforms.
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Interoperable Open Data Platforms: A Prototype for Sharing CKAN Data Sources