ators in expanding their data and system architectures
to align with the concepts of data ecosystems and data
spaces. Consequently, this can lead to more exten-
sive data bases and support the creation of applica-
tions based upon them.
5.2 Limitations & Future Work
Despite following a rigorous approach, our study is
subject to several limitations, which offer paths for
future work. Most importantly, our developments are
shaped by the context in which we developed our so-
lution and thus limited in this regard. Implementing
our prototype in further scenarios can help us iden-
tify further requirements and lead to more profound
design knowledge. Additionally, we plan to extend
our prototype functionally. These developments can
include: (1) a more in-depth search functionality that
includes all relevant metadata, (2) allowing to filter
data sets based on file size, file type, last modified,
etc., (3) conducting tests on high-volume data sets and
runtime analyses.
Concerning our methodological approach, our
evaluation results are based on qualitative feedback
from participants working in the organizational con-
text of our prototype. Additional studies featuring a
more diverse group of participants can help us gather
additional feedback and improve the interoperability
of our approach. Based on such insights coming from
multiple cases, we plan to formulate a robust set of
design principles that can assist other researchers and
practitioners in designing and developing data sharing
solutions for CKAN-based data platforms.
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DATA 2024 - 13th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications