slow, underscoring the need for more automated and
accurate solutions. The article describes in detail the
architecture of the proposed system, which includes
components such as a PLC, an industrial camera, an
OPC-UA server, and the YOLO v8 model. The in-
teraction between these components is highlighted to
achieve efficient near-real-time defect detection. Fur-
thermore, experimental results are presented, includ-
ing performance metrics such as RTT and E2E to
evaluate the system efficiency.
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YOLOv8 in industrial environments offers significant
benefits such as secure, standardized communica-
tion, and interoperability between devices, along with
near-real-time monitoring. OPC-UA enables seam-
less and protected data exchange, while YOLOv8 pro-
vides fast and accurate object classification, automat-
ing visual inspection and reducing human errors. Ad-
ditionally, OPC-UA’s capability to access and ana-
lyze historical data facilitates predictive maintenance
and process optimization, enhancing operational effi-
ciency and product quality.
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por computador” (CIDIS-004-2023), and by Univer-
sity of Granada.
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DATA 2024 - 13th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications