Speech Recognition for Inventory Management in Small Businesses
Bruno Tiglla-Arrascue, Junior Huerta-Pahuacho and Luis Canaval
Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas, Lima, Peru
Speech-to-Text, Machine Learning, Deep Learning.
In recent years, we have seen an increase in independent businesses working primarily focused on online sales,
where they offer products through ads and manage the business with electronic tools. This could leave behind
some traditional businesses, especially those that are managed by a single family, where the adaption of new
technologies is slower than new business. That’s why we want to give them a tool that it’s easy to control, a
virtual assistant where they can manage the inventory even if they don’t know about databases. For this work,
we propose to create a speech-to-text platform with machine learning so those users who have difficulties
adapting to these new tools can use their voice to command the database and have first contact with these new
technologies. Through a fine-tuning process to a pre-trained speech-to-text model in Spanish, we managed to
obtain a percentage error result lower than the model used, this being 14.3%, this means that our model has a
better accuracy in the context of a Peruvian convenience store.
After the lockdown, there was a considerable in-
crease in the number of small businesses, more people
wanted to offer their products whether virtually or in
physical shops and the commercial sector started to
grow. As a result, the supply and the demand were
gradually increasing as the population began to leave
their homes.
In recent years, technology has played a crucial
role in the business sector. And now, most retail busi-
nesses turn to digital solutions to improve their sales
and bring new tools to employees and customers.
However, there is still a sector where tech adop-
tion seems to have stopped. In these types of busi-
nesses, the implementation of technological solutions
tends to be a challenge, as many of these merchants
tend to have a more traditional approach (Peng and
Bao, 2023).
These traditional business practices are mainly
based on manual statistics, inefficient analysis, and
error-prone decision-making. Additionally, some in-
ternal data of these businesses tends to be fragmented
and decentralized, making it difficult to compile it
into a database.
Although the implementation of digital transfor-
mation has driven the development of technology so-
lutions focused on streamlining processes, the devel-
opment of artificial intelligence (AI) solutions stands
Ghobakhloo et al. (Ghobakhloo et al., 2023) claim
that in the context of digital transformation, AI has
become a key term. Furthermore, it points out that AI
is revolutionary due to its unique features, such as the
ability to simulate human intelligence and interact in
real-time with people through voice recognition.
These features enable it to adapt to new busi-
ness circumstances and predict potential outcomes, as
mentioned in (Peng and Bao, 2023). In Peru, many
types of traditional businesses can be found in ev-
ery neighborhood, with the most common being those
that sell high-turnover products. Some of these estab-
lishments still follow traditional management meth-
ods and are often run by individuals who are not fa-
miliar with virtual tools.
However, due to the necessity brought about by
digital solutions such as virtual wallets or online com-
merce through social networks, they have had to learn
and use these technological tools, including the use of
mobile devices and specialized software.
In these businesses where they handle a lot of dif-
ferent products, it’s common to face problems related
to inventory disorganization, which can result n in
delays in the registration and checkout processes of
This is often the result of manual control work, in
addition to being slow, it tends to fail, and increas-
ing the risk of information loss by relying on physi-
Tiglla-Arrascue, B., Huerta-Pahuacho, J. and Canaval, L.
Speech Recognition for Inventory Management in Small Businesses.
DOI: 10.5220/0012813600003764
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Smart Business Technologies (ICSBT 2024), pages 95-102
ISBN: 978-989-758-710-8; ISSN: 2184-772X
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
cal reports. A technological solution for this type of
problem can be found in the use of databases. By
maintaining a virtual inventory through platforms and
thanks to their accessibility, it becomes easier to keep
track of product movements.
However, there is little information about how
these tools could be applied to their businesses. Many
of these inventory management solutions for tradi-
tional businesses are not focused on those who are
just learning to handle technological devices or are
unfamiliar with database terms.
To solve this problem there are different methods
to facilitate the use of these tools for new users. For
example, an application where the user can manage
the inventory. Our goal is to provide support to the
technological transformation movement by facilitat-
ing work performance in those businesses.
Likewise, with the high use and development of
artificial intelligence in recent years, a solution that
involves this technology could facilitate the use of
technological tools within a store, especially to users
that, especially for those users who do not handle
electronic devices. The objective of this project is to
provide essential support to small business owners by
offering them tools to create and utilize a database.
The idea is to provide an easy-to-use solution. For
example, a mobile application where the user can con-
trol the inventory of their business, but with a speech-
to-text function with which the user can manage the
application more easily.
By listing their products, the goal is to simplify
the creation, basic organization, and management of
a virtual inventory for their business. Through a web
platform, the intention is to support the user by pro-
viding them with more effective control over their in-
ventory, enabling them to make more appropriate and
accurate decisions when acquiring new products and
have knowledge about their inventory.
Now, we will review some related works on
speech-to-text solutions and solutions applied to a
non-common technological area in Section 2. Then,
we mention the terms and tools that we used in devel-
oping our proposal in Section 3. Likewise, we review
how our proposal using the speech-to-text function is
performing in Section 4. In addition, the setup, exper-
iments, and results. And finally the conclusions and
discussions of our proposal in Section 5.
In this section, we will briefly discuss the implemen-
tation of speech-to-text in video games, and how the
implementation of a technology solution as speech-
to-text can improve the efficiency of a specific area.
In (Aguirre-Peralta et al., 2023), the authors fo-
cus on the use of convolutional neural networks for
speech-to-text recognition as the control of a video
game The objective was to develop a medical tool
for individuals with upper limb motor disabilities.
The paper presents a convolutional neural network ar-
chitecture focused on speech-to-text recognition, and
three turn-based mini-games were developed within
the video game to process the data provided by the
convolutional neural network. Additionally, it pro-
vides an analysis of the most promising results that
demonstrate the project’s feasibility. It explains the
definitions of technologies related to convolutional
neural networks, the chosen architecture for the so-
lution, and terms such as NLP, CNN, speech-to-text
recognition, and gamification. Likewise, it details the
experiments, the types of data they used, and their re-
In (Waqar et al., 2021), the authors propose a
real-time voice command recognition system using
Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) to control the
Snake game. The authors prepared a dataset for voice
commands: up, down, left, and right, for training, val-
idation, and testing. They proposed an optimal voice
command recognition system based on MFCC (Mel
Frequency Cepstral Coefficients) and CNN to recog-
nize the four voice commands. The proposed algo-
rithm achieved a high recognition accuracy of 96.5%
and successfully detected all four commands. Finally,
the proposed algorithm was integrated into a Python-
based Snake game.
In (Mallikarjuna Rao et al., 2022), the authors fo-
cus on creating a chatbot for information queries in a
university context. It outlines the issue where students
and parents need to navigate the university’s website
or make phone inquiries to obtain information, and
how a chatbot can address this problem by provid-
ing automated responses. Different types of chatbots,
such as rule-based and machine learning-based ones,
are also mentioned, along with a discussion of the ad-
vantages and limitations of each approach. The text
provides details about the structure of the proposed
chatbot and its implementation using AIML and nat-
ural language processing.
2.1 Machine Learning
In recent years, technology has experienced exponen-
tial advancement.
In particular, chatbots and other types of artifi-
cial intelligence solutions, such as Machine Learning
algorithms and process automation, can significantly
reduce administrative burden (Androutsopoulou et al.,
ICSBT 2024 - 21st International Conference on Smart Business Technologies
Their ability to enable machines to learn and adapt
from data has revolutionized a wide range of applica-
tions in various areas.
Machine Learning is transforming our approach to
complex problems and opening up new possibilities,
such as empowering machines to interact with users
through voice.
Here, we will explore some fundamentals and ap-
plications for the field of speech-to-text recognition.
2.2 Convolutional Neural Networks
In the field of computer vision and deep learning,
Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) have emerged
as a fundamental architecture, inspired by the natural
mechanism of visual perception in living beings.
In the context of these networks, their potential
lies in the ability to extract and process local informa-
tion through convolutions applied to input data, using
sets of filters with a fixed size (Apicella et al., 2023).
2.3 Speech-to-Text
Peralta et al. (Aguirre-Peralta et al., 2023) mention
that speech-to-text is the capacity for the machine to
recognize human speech and convert it into a written
Also, they mention that it can be useful for peo-
ple who don’t know how to work with technological
2.4 Wav2Vec 2.0
Wav2Vec 2.0 is a model for Automatic Speech Recog-
nition (ASR) with self-supervised training.
This model contains different elements where the
audio will pass for different processes to covert in a
textual representation.
First, it receives a raw audio where the model use
an encoder based on a Convolutional Neural Network
(CNN), that extracts the features from the audio, this
network is using to represent audio to be more com-
pact and significant
After passing through the encoder, the audio fea-
tures are quantized using multiple codebooks.
This means that it reduces the amount of data nec-
essary to represent a signal while maintaining an ac-
ceptable level of fidelity.
The quantization is done using a function called
“Gumbel softmax”. This quantized representation of
the audio is used in the decoding process.
In this section, we will explain some preliminary
phases for the development of the project, where the
speech-to-text recognition model that we plan to im-
plement will be mentioned.
Also, we will explain the main workflow of the
proposed application.
In addition, we mention the data used for re-
training the model and as well its preparation to re-
ceive this new information.
Finally, we will explain the expected final product.
3.1 The ML Model Structure
As we previously mentioned, the speech-to-text
recognition process will be explained using the
Wav2Vec2 model for ASR.
In this model, there are several processes in which
the audio will go through different parts of the model
to become a textual representation of the audio.
It begins by receiving raw audio signals where
the model uses an encoder based on a convolutional
neural network (CNN), which will be responsible for
extracting audio features, which will be used to rep-
resent the audio in a more compact and meaning-
ful way. (Baevski et al., 2020) The model is com-
posed of a multi-layer feature encoder with convo-
lutional characteristics. This model learns the basic
units of speech to perform a self-supervised task, en-
abling learning from unlabeled training data to fa-
cilitate speech recognition systems for multiple lan-
guages. (Baevski et al., 2020)
+ n
+ n
Figure 1: The framework which jointly learns contextual-
ized speech representations and an inventory of discretized
speech units. (Baevski et al., 2020).
Speech Recognition for Inventory Management in Small Businesses
After the quantized representation, the audio fea-
tures are passed through a ”Transformer” neural net-
work. This network captures relationships between
the audio features and generates a textual representa-
This representation consists of sequences of code
words that correspond to the sounds of the audio. Fi-
nally, the model employs decoders situated in the last
output layer that perform the final classifications.
This layer is regarded as the ”Decoder, as it de-
codes the context representations into a text transcrip-
tion. The model is depicted in Figure 1.
3.2 Workflow of the Project
Thanks to the previously mentioned model, we can
transform audio into text. This will serve as the re-
quired input to ensure that the proposed platform can
follow the intended workflow to assist in inventory
However, the model in question is trained in a gen-
eral mode with a wide range of Spanish words, and its
accuracy can vary depending on how users pronounce
them. Therefore, the decision was made to retrain the
model within the context of inventory management.
To undertake this task, new training data is
needed. As a result, new audio data will be collected
and divided into three groups.
The platform operates by allowing the user to ac-
cess various functionalities using their mobile phone’s
The platform is to be hosted at first stance in our
local computers but for better research, the plan is to
deploy it as an AWS Cloud service, where both the
web platform’s logic and the pre-trained model are
The information captured by the front end will be
sent to the back end, where the model will interpret
these audio signals and automatically perform learned
actions based on the audio input.
The logic architecture is depicted in Figure 2
3.3 Data Pre-Processing
To retrain the model, the proposal involves using a
new set of audio recordings focused on the inventory
management context.
From the collected audio data, it was planned to
divide them into three groups of Spanish words:
The first group comprises the keywords for the
platform’s workflow:
1. “agregar”, “buscar”, “actuak1 es milizar”,
The second group consists of product names that
we will focus on for the application’s recognition,
which are:
1. Sodas: ”Inca Kola,” ”Coca Cola,” and ”Fanta.
2. Cookies: ”San Jorge, ”Margarita, and ”Rel-
3. Water: ”San Luis,” ”San Mateo,” and ”Cielo.
The third group of data includes forty combina-
tions of phrases used in the process of adding a prod-
uct. These phrases follow the structure of ”add”:
”Key word phrase” + ”Quantity” + ”Product name”
+ ”Specifications” + ”Price.
1. “agregar catorce rellenitas de cien gramos costo
dos soles”
2. “vender veintitres inca kola de cuatrocientos
mililitros costo dos soles cincuenta”
3. “compre setenta y nueve santos mateos de
quinientos litros salio dieciocho soles con
From this last group of audio data, random but
equivalent samples are obtained from the proposed
fifty participants.
3.4 Data Preparation
To improve the model’s accuracy in the proposed con-
text, it is suggested to retrain the model with the
newly collected data.
This way, the received audio inputs will have im-
proved accuracy in recognizing the words within the
transcribed phrase.
This precise transcription is essential for the sub-
sequent stages of the platform’s workflow.
Furthermore, since the model is already partially
trained to recognize a wide range of Spanish words,
the plan for increasing the data collection was to
encompass variations in background noise, such as
noise like a conversation in the background.
This involves a process of Data Augmentation for
our data collection.
It allows us to obtain more data from a smaller
number of users and optimize the model for specific
situations, types of noises, or user speech speed.
For this purpose, a sample of 50 users was used
in data collection, this group was chosen indiscrimi-
nately and is made up of Spanish speakers.
Each user-contributed with 37 audio tracks (8
from group 1, 9 from group 2, and 20 from group 3).
After compilation, we had a total of 1850 audios
for retraining, and by adding to these new audios a
background sound.
ICSBT 2024 - 21st International Conference on Smart Business Technologies
Figure 2: Logic Architecture Diagram of the solution.
We have more than 3700. However, we filtered
some audio that were low quality and would not sup-
port training. And in the same way, we split a data set
for testing.
3.5 Fine-Tuning Process Preparation
For this work we are using the Lightning Flash Li-
brary, with this we can use a function that help us to
retrain the new model.
The structure is depicted in Figure 3.
Figure 3: The structure of the pre-model learning frame-
work of wav2vec2 applying the library with the freeze strat-
The ’Backbone’ hosts the Wav2Vec 2.0 model,
which was trained on its respective datasets.
This model encompasses a neural network de-
signed for Spanish speech recognition. The neural
network has already acquired general features from
the original dataset and will serve as the foundation
for the new model.
On the other hand, the ’Head’ constitutes another
neural network, typically smaller in size, trained on
the proposed dataset to learn mapping the general fea-
tures extracted by the ’Backbone’.
The model is depicted in Figure 4.
Figure 4: Fine-tuning applied to the pre-trained Wav2Vec2
The ”Freeze” strategy in Lightning Flash is pri-
marily employed during the fine-tuning process of
models. For the Wav2Vec 2.0 model, this strategy is
used to ”freeze” the pre-trained model’s weights dur-
Speech Recognition for Inventory Management in Small Businesses
ing training.
This entails that the weights of the neural network
in the ”Backbone, which are the convolutional neural
networks, are not updated during the backpropagation
This is done to maintain the learned characteristics
of the original dataset.
The aim is to enable the model to adapt to new
data without completely forgetting the general fea-
This is particularly useful when the new dataset is
relatively small compared to the original one.
3.6 Final Output
Finally, after fine-tuning in Google Colab, we hosted
the model file in Google Drive, with this model we
created an API with Flask.
The frontend, developed in React, will receive
user audio and pass it to the API of the model to con-
vert the audio into JSON with the applied modifica-
tions and interpretations.
Subsequently, in the backend, developed in
Node.js, it will carry out the necessary actions to
perform the CRUD operations on the platform in
In this section, we discuss about the experiments done
for the project, the setup used and results obtained
during the fine-tuning and test.
4.1 Experimental Protocol
In this part, we discuss about the setup where all the
experiments were performed.
The re-training of the model used the Google Co-
lab Pro. This premium version offers a Tesla V100-
SXM2 with 16160MiB, using the CUDA version 12.0
and Python version 3.10.12. The setup of Colab of the
fine-tuning is hosted in Google Drive.
Also, we used 5% of the general audio data to
serve as test data. This entire process is designed to
improve the model’s accuracy.
4.2 Training the Model
Potential scenarios were devised where the user in-
puts several extended sentences into the platform.
Google Drive
Moreover, the system was trained with potential
words to act as specific commands for a particular
platform feature.
All this data was compiled in ”ogg” format. Al-
though the model accepts different audio formats,
the documentation(Baevski et al., 2020) suggests that
the audio to train the model has two characteristics,
”.wav” format and that it contains a sampling fre-
quency of 16khz, so the audios had to be modified,
even knowing that making this modification could
generate a small amount of information loss.
However, since the data collected is not that ex-
tensive, that loss would not be as critical.
Taking the above into account, the data set was
They are made up of two columns: ”file”, which
represents the location, stored in our Google Drive for
easier access from the colab, and ”text”, which de-
notes the phrase transcribed from the audio.
We started by creating an instance of a pre-trained
model for Spanish language recognition: MODEL ID
= ”jonatasgrosman/wav2vec2-xls-r-1b-spanish”.
Utilizing the Lightning Flash framework provided
a highly useful tool for fine-tuning, as elucidated in
the previous section.
The training employed features such as the use of
GPU if available, with a choice to conduct training
over 10 epochs and to adopt the ”freeze” strategy, as
detailed in the preceding section.
4.3 Results of the Training
Following the training phase, we conducted an evalu-
ation using various official versions of the Wav2vec2
model. Additionally, models pre-trained by other
users from the Hugging Face community were se-
lected, which built upon Facebook’s models and im-
proved them using their respective datasets.
In this instance, four additional models were cho-
Official Facebook Models:
(Model 2)
(Model 3)
Community Retrained Models:
(Model 4)
(Model 5)
For this validation, an instance of each previously
visited model was called to test its accuracy.
ICSBT 2024 - 21st International Conference on Smart Business Technologies
In this test, an audio sample of 50 possible com-
mands that the models could receive was taken.
To equalize conditions, the audio samples were
processed exactly as each Wac2Vec2.0 architecture
requires (Baevski et al., 2020).
This means that it was ensured that the audio had
a sampling frequency of 16 kHz and a format accept-
able for the models.
For speech recognition models, exist specific mea-
sures that provide a more detailed perspective on the
performance of these models.
In particular, in this evaluation, metrics such as
Word Error Rate (WER), Message Error Rate (MER),
and Word Information Loss (WIL) have been em-
ployed to comprehensively assess the quality of the
obtained transcriptions (Errattahi et al., 2015).
WER (Word Error Rate): It is the most popu-
lar metric for ASR evaluation, measuring the per-
centage of incorrect words (Substitutions (S), In-
sertions (I), Deletions (D)) relative to the total
number of words (Errattahi et al., 2015).
S + D + I
S + D + I
H + S + D
I = total number of insertions,
D = total number of deletions,
S = total number of substitutions,
H = total number of visits,
= total number of input words.
MER (Message Error Rate): Similar to WER, but
it evaluates errors at the level of complete mes-
sages or phrases rather than individual words.
WIL (Word Information Loss): Assesses the
amount of information lost or preserved in the
transcription or translation process, measuring the
loss of information in terms of omitted, added, or
changed words compared to a reference transcrip-
tion or translation. Additionally, it serves as an
approximation measure of RIL. However, unlike
RIL (Relative Information Lost), WIL is easy to
apply because it relies solely on counts of HSDI
and is expressed as (Errattahi et al., 2015).
WIL = 1
(H + S + D)(H + S + I)
For the following Table 1, decimal numbers are
shown, these numbers represent the percentage of er-
ror in each category.
This means that the number that is closest to zero
has fewer errors in the speech-to-text representation.
Table 1: Models Evaluation.
Our Model 0.143 0.143 0.012
Model 2 0.447 0.447 0.126
Model 3 0.534 0.516 0.043
Model 4 0.218 0.218 0.008
Model 5 0.256 0.256 0.029
4.4 Discussion
In this subsection, we discussed the results obtained
in the previous section. While the obtained results are
favorable compared to other models. It is important
to note that this model is still in its early stages. This
means that the data we used for this first training was
done for a small number of products and with that data
we cannot satisfy the entire market. However, it has
demonstrated a good ability to understand phrases in
the context presented in this research.
4.5 Fine-Tuning Process
In the development of this project, various methods
for training a model were researched.
We chose to employ a slightly more flexible
method, as mentioned earlier in Section 4. However,
this method has some limitations, such as the lim-
ited customization in hyperparameter settings, both
in terms of freezing or unfreezing layers and their
weight alterations.
Nevertheless, it serves as a good entry point into
the field of machine learning.
The interface provided by Lightning Flash suc-
cinctly encapsulates the basic knowledge of how to
train a model.
4.6 Comparison with Other Models
As we can see in Table 1, models 2 and 3 have higher
Word Rate Errors, which means the transcription of
these models can fail and bring a text that is not prop-
erly translated.
However, these models made by Facebook are the
base of models 4 and 5, these models from the Hug-
ging Face community are pre-trained models that use
the original Facebook wac2vec2 model and are re-
trained with more data.
Looking at Table 1, these two models have a lesser
World Rate Error than models 2 and 3.
However, the data that were used for the fine-
tuning process were audios with generic voice liens
Speech Recognition for Inventory Management in Small Businesses
in Spanish. And when we want to translate audio that
is in the context of a Peruvian convenience store, the
models can’t recognize some keywords, like the name
of the products, and it can return a text that is trans-
lated better than the other original models but it will
have some errors, and required an extra process to
transform that failed transcription, into the interpre-
tation of the correct phrase.
And for our model, it looks like it has better results
than the others, however, this does not mean that the
model has a better precision than the others. A fact is
that our model has better results due to the fine-tuning
process for that specific context. As we can see, we
retrained the model with our data to have that accu-
racy in the context of a Peruvian convenience store.
All other models were trained with general data
for the Spanish language. Another fact is that the
model, depending on the audio quality and the spe-
cific pronunciation of the user, cannot return the
phrase that is 100% interpreted correctly.
For this project, fine-tuning was performed on a pre-
trained speech-to-text model to improve the model in
a specific context, the phrases used in convenience
stores in Peru.
The goal was to implement this improved model
on an online platform, allowing users to interact with
the platform using their voice, our motivation for
making this project was to help the owners of these
traditional businesses adapt to technological solutions
and be the first step to adapt the business to this new
Through data collection, we achieved positive re-
sults, as depicted in the experiments section, specif-
ically in the ’Training the Model’ subsection. Our
model outperformed the base models and pre-trained
models in Spanish. Through this training using the
proposed data, we achieved a Word Error Rate of
14.3%, demonstrating its effectiveness compared to
other models for this specific context.
For future works, we aim to expand the product
list to a more comprehensive one commonly used in
these stores. In this initial training, we conducted as
the project’s prototype, we utilized a reduced list of
The objective is to deliver a high-quality online
platform and help the independent owners of these
traditional businesses with tasks that are more effec-
tive if you work with technological tools.
Additionally, another goal is to try to get bet-
ter accuracy and attempt to reduce the Word Error
Rate (WER) for the products already trained, and
get the same WER for newly introduced products.
Furthermore, other kinds of models might improve
our metrics (Leon-Urbano and Ugarte, 2020; Ysique-
Neciosup et al., 2022; Rodr
ıguez et al., 2021).
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ICSBT 2024 - 21st International Conference on Smart Business Technologies