Research on Credit Card Default Prediction for Class-Imbalanced
Datasets Based on Machine Learning
Jinyang Liu
School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Nanyang Technological University Singapore, 637371, Singapore
Keywords: Credit Card Default, Machine Learning, Class Imbalance Correction, Credit Risk, Classification Model.
Abstract: It’s known that a robust credit relationship is advantageous for both parties involved. However, credit defaults
significantly amplify risk for financial institutions. Hence, default rate prediction stands as a crucial objective
for lending institutions and a well-functioning predictive model serves as a potent means to strengthen risk
control. To this end, this paper constructed multiple machine learning classification models to achieve credit
card default prediction. Feature selection, based on the importance of variables in the random forest, was
implemented to enhance the model performance. The results shown that, addressing the skewed nature of
credit default data, various SMOTE-based resampling methods were employed to improve data distribution
and further optimize accuracy. Compared to other models, the random forest model demonstrated superior
predictive effectiveness. After correcting the data distribution, there was a significant enhancement in the
predictive performance of all models, with K-Means SMOTE showcasing outstanding performance in data
correction and model accuracy optimization.
As a convenient payment tool, credit cards have
prospered steadily, becoming a pillar business for
financial institutions and stoking the engine of
consumption. However, this trend has also increased
the challenges of risk management, as the probability
of defaults expand, exposing banks to significant risk.
According to a report from Wells Fargo, credit card
delinquency rates are surging among commercial
banks in 2023, with rates at smaller lenders even
approaching 8%. This trend may foreshadow a future
economic recession. Therefore, a well-performing
default prediction model has become a vital focus of
financial institutions. An accurate model can help
institutions balance economic risks and returns, avoid
overdue and bad debt, and ensure sustainable profits.
A large body of studies have shown great interest
in credit card default prediction. Traditional credit
risk measurement methods include discriminant
analysis and logistic regression based on statistical
principle (Yin et al 2013). In the past few years,
researchers have gained fresh insights due to the
significant potential offered by machine learning
algorithms. Different models, including those
founded on Logistic Regression, Decision Tree, and
Random Forest, were detailed by Butare et al (Leo et
al 2019). Through extensive and in-depth research,
Zhou et al. introduced a predictive model designed for
analyzing issues related to default (Butaru et al 2016).
The empirical results show that decision tree is a fast
and robust model to process high-dimension data with
strong evaluation ability and high accuracy. In the
study by Chen et al., the classification model
combining k-means and BP neural network
algorithms is formulated to training data and make
prediction (Zhou et al 2019). Zeng et al. applied
decision tree and random algorithms to establish
credit card warning model respectively and
concluded that the performance of random forest
model is better (Chen and Zhang 2021). There is also
a lot of research focused on exploring the strength of
ensemble learning (Zeng et al 2020 & Kim et al 2019).
Through a comparative analysis based on overdue
customer payment data, Hamori suggested that
boosting algorithms such as Random Forest,
Boosting, and Neural Network outperform other
conventional techniques (Ileberi, Sun and Wang
2021). Similarly, based on the analysis of financial
data from small Chinese institutions, Zhu et al.
considered that ensemble classifiers, which fully
utilized the knowledge learned by multiple single
Liu, J.
Research on Credit Card Default Prediction for Class-Imbalanced Datasets Based on Machine Learning.
DOI: 10.5220/0012818100004547
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Data Science and Engineering (ICDSE 2024), pages 441-447
ISBN: 978-989-758-690-3
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
classifiers, can effectively improve prediction
accuracy (Hamori et al 2018).
However, a suitable model not only relies on
advanced algorithms, but is also affected by the
quality and distribution of the data. In the real world,
bad credit customers make up only a small proportion
of creditworthy customers. It has been shown that
class-imbalanced data leads to deterioration in model
performance (Zhu et al 2019). Therefore, effective
data processing and feature selection techniques are
necessary for skewed class scenarios (Abedin et al
2023). A large body of literature has addressed this
problem. In skewed class classification, the most
classical method is random resampling. However,
random under-sampling has the potential to lose
critical information about decision boundaries, while
simple replication during random oversampling
increases the likelihood of overfitting, both of which
can affect the results of classification models (Alam
et al 2020). More sophisticated heuristic approaches
have been developed. A renowned technique
proposed by Chawla et al., known as Synthetic
Minority Over-sampling Technique (SMOTE), has
found extensive applications across various domains
(Chawla et al 2002). It generates new and reasonable
samples for minority class based on the KNN
algorithm. On this basis, Chen et al. proposed an
improved algorithm that combines the SMOTE
technique with the KNN algorithm -- K-Means
SMOTE. Validation results demonstrate that this
technique significantly enhances the predictive
performance of the model (Chen and Zhang 2021). In
addition, the borderline-SMOTE, which takes full
account of the distributional characteristics of the
samples, overcomes the limitations of boundary value
processing and achieves the identification of noise
and boundary samples (Han et al 2005).
Therefore, this study aims to construct multiple
classification models and explore their application
feasibility. Predictive models base on massive data
and different artificial intelligence algorithms help
decision-makers develop adaptive strategies to
mitigate the adverse socio-economic impact of
defaults. In addition, given the class-imbalanced
nature of default data, various correction techniques
are evaluated, so as to explore valid and effective
processing methods to achieve further optimization of
model prediction performance.
2.1 Data Source
The dataset for the study is sourced from the
Machine Learning Repositor of University of
California, Irvine (UCI).
2.2 Data Explanation and Preliminary
The dataset contains 24 columns and 30,000 rows,
of which about one-fifth of the samples are in the
default category and the rest are in the non-default
category. Table 1 demonstrates all the features of
the dataset.
The default customer profile can be initially
analysed by observing the data distribution of several
key attributes. As shown in Figure 1, the majority of
customers in arrears had relatively low limit balances,
ranging from 20,000 to 50,000. As seen in Figure 2,
20–40-year-olds were the largest proportion of
individuals in arrears in the dataset. Figures 3, 4 and
5 depict the gender, marital and educational status of
clients. While there were slightly more females than
males in the sample, females had slightly lower
delinquency rates than males, while single
individuals had slightly lower delinquency rates than
married individuals. Credit card delinquency rates
tended to decrease as educational attainment
Table 1: Variable Attributes.
Number Variable Explanation
1 Limit_bal Credit amount (NT$)
2 Sex 1 = male, 2 = female
3 Age Years of age
4 Education 1= graduate school, 2 = university, 3 = high school, 4 = unknow
5 Marrige 1 = married, 2 = single, 3 = others
6 —11 pay_1 -- pay_6 Monthly disbursements April to September 2005
12 —17 bill_amt1 --bill_amt6 Amounts billed from April to September 2005
18 —23 pay_amt1 — pay_amt6 Prior Period Payment Amount from April to September 2005 (NT$)
24 A binary variable, as the response variable. Yes = 1, No = 0
ICDSE 2024 - International Conference on Data Science and Engineering
Figure 1: Density diagram of LIMIT_BAL (Picture credit: Original).
Figure 2: Density diagram of AGE (Picture credit: Original).
Figure 3: Bar chart of SEX (Picture credit: Original).
Figure 4: Bar chart of Education (Picture credit: Original).
Research on Credit Card Default Prediction for Class-Imbalanced Datasets Based on Machine Learning
Figure 5: Bar chart of Marriage (Picture credit: Original).
2.3 Modelling Techniques
2.3.1 Logistic Regression
The Logistic Regression is a linear model that maps
the linear combination of features into the logistic
function, transforming the real values into a range
between 0 and 1, representing the probability of
belonging to a particular class.
2.3.2 K-Nearest Neighbors
The K-Nearest Neighbors algorithm (KNN) is a non-
parametric supervised learning method widely
applied in pattern recognition and classification tasks.
Based on the principles of the algorithm, the category
of an object is not solely determined by the majority
vote of its neighbors but also involves considerations
of distance weights for each neighbor. This approach
excels in leveraging the local structural information
among samples, proving effective across a diverse
range of data types.
2.3.3 Decision Tree
A decision tree is a tree model that makes predictions
by splitting data into subsets based on features. The
goal is to select the best features to split at each node
with the aim of maximising information gain (for
classification) or minimising variance (for
regression). It can model complex non-linear data
relationships and also handle numerical and
categorical features.
2.3.4 Random Forest
Random forest is an integrated learning method, a
special form of Bagging, that makes predictions
based on a collection of decision trees. In constructing
each decision tree, random forest employs bootstrap
and random feature selection to increase the diversity
of the model. In this study, the final prediction was
obtained by majority voting.
2.4 Class Imbalance Correction
Class imbalance creates significant challenges to the
results of most classification algorithms. This
emanates from the inherent constraint imposed on the
model's learning and analytical capabilities due to
uneven data distribution. Hence, three resampling
techniques were employed to investigate their
efficacy in handling skewed data and assess the extent
to which they could optimise model performance.
Synthetic minority oversampling technique
(SMOTE), is based on the KNN algorithm, which
measures the characteristics of the Kth nearest
neighbour of a particular sample and calculates the
characteristics to create a new sample based on the
degree of difference (Chawla et al 2002). Borderline-
SMOTE is an improved extension of the original
SMOTE algorithm, whose goal is to improve the
performance of the classifier by identifying samples
located at the border to generate new synthetic
samples (Han et al 2005). K-Means SMOTE is a
combination of K-Means clustering and SMOTE,
which clusters the sample data and filter clusters with
more minority categories for SMOTE oversampling
(Chen and Zhang 2021). This algorithm can reduce
the imbalance both between and within categories.
3.1 Initial Model Prediction
Following fundamental steps of data preprocessing
and normalization, multiple classification models are
constructed base on Five-Fold Cross-Validation. The
results of the model evaluation are shown in Table 2.
It can be observed from Figure 6 that among the
four models, the performance of the Random Forest
is relatively superior, with most evaluation metric
values distinctly surpassing those of the other models.
However, it is noteworthy that, despite the accuracy
of all four models not being excessively low—except
for Logistic Regression, where the accuracy of the
other three models exceeds 70%—the metrics such as
MCC, Precision, Recall, and F1 score are relatively
low, mostly falling below 0.5. This indicates a
diminished predictive capability of the models for
classifying the minority class in this scenario.
ICDSE 2024 - International Conference on Data Science and Engineering
3.2 Model Prediction After Feature
Feature engineering constitutes an effective
technique aimed at diminishing model complexity
and alleviating noise interference. In this study,
feature selection relies on the variable importance
calculated by random forest model, using the Gini
coefficient as a metric to gauge the contribution of
each feature. As shown in Table 3 and Figure 7, there
is no substantial improvement in various metrics,
with only marginal fluctuations.
Table 2: Comparison results of four models.
Model Accuracy MCC Precision Recall F1 score
istic 0.611 0.174 0.306 0.584 0.393
KNN 0.755 0.135 0.386 0.182 0.247
Decision Tree 0.729 0.216 0.388 0.391 0.390
Random Forest 0.815 0.379 0.655 0.343 0.450
Figure 6: Comparative evaluation of models (Picture credit: Original).
Figure 7: Comparative evaluation after feature engineering (Picture credit: Original).
Research on Credit Card Default Prediction for Class-Imbalanced Datasets Based on Machine Learning
Table 3: Model comparison after feature engineering.
Model Accurac
MCC Precision Recall F1 Score
Logistic 0.479 0.179 0.274 0.822 0.411
KNN 0.762 0.148 0.410 0.177 0.247
Decision Tree 0.726 0.213 0.385 0.394 0.389
Random Forest 0.814 0.377 0.654 0.342 0.449
Table 4: Model comparison after oversampling.
Performance Measure Logistic KNN Decision Tree Random Forest
0.601 0.746 0.814 0.884
MCC 0.211 0.509 0.628 0.771
Precision 0.637 0.696 0.806 0.922
Recall 0.473 0.873 0.827 0.839
F1 score 0.535 0.535 0.816 0.879
0.588 0.755 0.813 0.882
MCC 0.185 0.528 0.626 0.768
Precision 0.627 0.702 0.806 0.920
Recall 0.437 0.887 0.823 0.838
F1 score 0.511 0.783 0.815 0.877
0.722 0.810 0.820 0.886
MCC 0.450 0.624 0.640 0.775
Precision 0.718 0.782 0.813 0.922
Recall 0.737 0.861 0.832 0.844
F1 score 0.725 0.819 0.822 0.881
3.3 Model Prediction after Handling
Class Imbalance
Table 4 below illustrates the updated performance
metrics of all models after applying three resampling
techniques to address the class imbalance problem.
As shown in the table, there is no significant change
in the accuracy rates. This is primarily attributed to
the skewed distribution of the majority class in the
imbalanced data, which tends to keep the accuracy
consistently at a high level. However, it is evident that,
after correcting the data distribution, we have
successfully narrowed fown the errors of the mosels
across different classes, enabling them to accurately
capture complex patterns present in the real world.
This process has brought substantial benefits to the
performance enhancement of the models, especially
the Precision, Recall, and F1 scores of the Decision
Tree and Random Forest models exceeded 0.8, which
were even less than 0.4 before the class correction.
This suggests a substantial enhancement in the
predictive accuracy of the models for the minority
class, laying a solid groundwork for further practical
Among the three correction techniques,
exhibits the most favorable performance,
achieving a greater degree of optimization in model
predictive performance while addressing data
distribution imbalances.
3.4 Discussion
Before addressing the class imbalance problem,
although the prediction accuracies of all four models
exceed 60%, the models' prediction performance for
minority class (defaulting customers) in skewed
categorization is not satisfactory. The main reason is
that it is misleading to focus solely on the precision
rate in the case of a severe imbalance of positive and
negative category samples. It is necessary to establish
comprehensive "unbiased" evaluation metrics, such
as Precision, Recall, and MCC (Matthews correlation
coefficient), to avoid the partiality of a single metric
and enhance a holistic understanding of model
performance (Boughorbel et al 2017).
After correcting the data distribution using the
resampling technique, the model’s performance
significantly improved, especially the prediction
accuracy for the minority class. Among the three
methods, KMeans-SMOTE had a more positive
impact on the model’s performance, possibly because
KMeans-SMOTE is better at generating synthetic
samples with intrinsic distributional characteristics
after clustering (Chen and Zhang 2021).
Among all classification models, the superiority
of random forest has been thoroughly validated. The
ensemble algorithm combines ideas by aggregating
multiple weak classifiers and introduces randomness
to prevent the model from overly relying on specific
ICDSE 2024 - International Conference on Data Science and Engineering
data, thereby improving its generalization
performance when faced with real-world complex
data. However, a number of studies have shown that
determining a universally effective model that
performs well across a majority of institutions is
challenging due to variability in customer
information and credit metrics (Butaru et al 2016).
Therefore, the final model selection and data
processing should depend on the dataset
characteristics, sample distribution, and performance
requirements. In future research, it is recommended
to explore various variants of traditional algorithms
for further enhancement. Simultaneously, expanding
the scope of the study by including a broader range of
economic indicators and user behavioural metrics
into the training data, it is more likely to establish a
model that integrates multiple perspectives,
thoroughly considers data diversity.
In summary, based on machine learning principles,
this study constructed classification models including
logistic regression, KNN, decision trees and random
forests for predicting credit card default. This study
also compared various SMOTE-based resampling
techniques to correct the data distribution and
evaluate their impact on improving the performance
of predictive models. From the results, the model
based on the random forest algorithm had higher
generalisability and prediction accuracy. The
research also indicates that dealing with class
imbalance data can significantly enhance the
prediction accuracy for minority categories while
maintain robustness for majority groups. Therefore,
the key to building effective default prediction
models lies in the use of sound and superior
algorithms combined with efficient data processing
methods. Future explorations can further delve into
more advanced algorithms and techniques to uncover
more robust results. This will help financial
institutions construct a comprehensive credit risk
prediction and credit assessment system to lower
financial risk. With the continuous strengthening of
financial regulations, default prediction is poised to
become a vital tool in risk management, offering
financial institutions judgment criteria and decision
support, thereby fostering the stable operation and
healthy development of financial markets.
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Research on Credit Card Default Prediction for Class-Imbalanced Datasets Based on Machine Learning