data, thereby improving its generalization
performance when faced with real-world complex
data. However, a number of studies have shown that
determining a universally effective model that
performs well across a majority of institutions is
challenging due to variability in customer
information and credit metrics (Butaru et al 2016).
Therefore, the final model selection and data
processing should depend on the dataset
characteristics, sample distribution, and performance
requirements. In future research, it is recommended
to explore various variants of traditional algorithms
for further enhancement. Simultaneously, expanding
the scope of the study by including a broader range of
economic indicators and user behavioural metrics
into the training data, it is more likely to establish a
model that integrates multiple perspectives,
thoroughly considers data diversity.
In summary, based on machine learning principles,
this study constructed classification models including
logistic regression, KNN, decision trees and random
forests for predicting credit card default. This study
also compared various SMOTE-based resampling
techniques to correct the data distribution and
evaluate their impact on improving the performance
of predictive models. From the results, the model
based on the random forest algorithm had higher
generalisability and prediction accuracy. The
research also indicates that dealing with class
imbalance data can significantly enhance the
prediction accuracy for minority categories while
maintain robustness for majority groups. Therefore,
the key to building effective default prediction
models lies in the use of sound and superior
algorithms combined with efficient data processing
methods. Future explorations can further delve into
more advanced algorithms and techniques to uncover
more robust results. This will help financial
institutions construct a comprehensive credit risk
prediction and credit assessment system to lower
financial risk. With the continuous strengthening of
financial regulations, default prediction is poised to
become a vital tool in risk management, offering
financial institutions judgment criteria and decision
support, thereby fostering the stable operation and
healthy development of financial markets.
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