CNY EX Rate Prediction Based on LSTM and Machine Learning
Jiaqi Lu
School of Economics and Management, Tongji University, 1239 Siping Road, Shanghai, China
Keywords: Foreign Exchange Rate, LSTM, Machine Learning, Commodity Features, Technical Features.
Abstract: The foreign exchange market is volatile and unpredictable and the foreign exchange rate is challenging to
forecast in almost all the regions. With the maturity of the foreign exchange market, more and more traders
make transactions on foreign exchange products. The ability to estimate this foreign exchange rate has
therefore become crucial in the financial market. In this study, machine learning methods are used to predict
the exchange rate of the Chinese yuan (CNY). The feature inputs include three categories, which is
respectively technical features, commodity features, and forex features. The technical features include some
powerful technical factors. The commodity features include gold price, oil price, and stock index. The forex
features include some frequently traded currency. The models include Linear Regression, Lasso Regression,
Ridge Regression, long short-term memory (LSTM), Random Forest, and XG-Boost. In conclusion, this study
finds that the Long Short-Term Memory model has the best performance and the tech features are the best
inputs for predicting the CNY exchange rate.
With the maturity of the financial system, foreign
exchange plays a more important role in global
trading and it becomes more urgent to have a forecast
of the trend of the exchange rate. However, the
exchange rate prediction has been one of the most
challenging tasks for long. It is necessary to
comprehend the intricacies of global political
economy, sociological and economic infrastructures,
and occasional political and social events since they
have a comprehensive impact on the exchange rate. It
means too many complex factors need to be taken into
In the past, emphasis was placed on employing
macroeconomic indicators such as spot rates,
unemployment rates, or inflation rates to discern
long-term trends in exchange rates. However, these
approaches offered only broad predictions based on
empirical observations and were insufficient for
providing concise, short-term investment or business
advice. Statistical models like integrated moving
averages and auto-linear regression were also utilized
for financial time series predictions, but they were
constrained by their inability to transcend historical
data. With advancements in computational
capabilities, machine learning algorithms have
emerged as transformative tools for financial
forecasting (Singh et al, 2009). Going beyond
traditional qualitative analysis, this paper uses
machine learning methods to predict the Chinese
Yuan (CNY) exchange rate. Notably, different from
traditional macro features, this paper introduces a
series of tech, commodity, and forex feature inputs,
thereby enhancing the model's capacity to capture
nuanced market dynamics.
Section II of this paper discusses related works.
Section III discusses data analysis, feature
engineering, and modeling. Section IV discusses the
results and analysis.
Conventional econometric models predict exchange
rates using underlying economic circumstances,
assuming that long-term patterns are determined by
economic fundamentals. However, Meese and
Rogoff demonstrate the failure of econometric
models to anticipate short-term exchange rates
(Meese et al, 1983). Two popular time series models
for predicting currency rates are exponential
Lu, J.
CNY EX Rate Prediction Based on LSTM and Machine Learning Methods.
DOI: 10.5220/0012818800004547
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Data Science and Engineering (ICDSE 2024), pages 453-458
ISBN: 978-989-758-690-3
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
smoothing (ETS) models and autoregressive
integrated moving average (ARIMA) models.
ARIMA models can handle nonstationary data by
differences. ETS models can take seasonality and
trends into account (Galeshchuk et al, 2017). The
more powerful methods are machine learning
approaches which have developed over the years.
Qian and Rasheed use several inductive machine-
learning classifiers to get a prediction accuracy of up
to 67% (Amat et al, 2018). Amat et al. constructs
sequential ridge regression and the exponentially
weighted average strategy, both with discount factors.
They do not estimate an underlying model but
combine the fundamentals to directly output forecasts
(Amat et al, 2018). Pradeepkumar and Ravi update
the Quantile Regression Neural Network to predict
the volatility of financial time series (Pradeepkumar
& Ravi, 2017). Fischer and Krauss demonstrate that
the long short-term memory (LSTM) network can
extract relevant information from financial time
series data that is noisy (Fischer et al, 2018).
Gyamerah and Moyo capture the exchange rate
uncertainty using probability density forecasting
functions (Gyamerah, 2020). Wang and Guo propose
a hybrid model which has good approximation and
generalization ability, greatly improving the
performance (Wang & Guo, 2020). Cao et al.
developed a new deep-coupled LSTM method, to
capture the complex couplings for exchange rate
prediction (Cao et al, 2020).
In this study, several popular machine learning
methods are constructed to compare their
performance on three categories of feature inputs,
trying to find the best model and feature combination
to predict the CNY exchange rate.
3.1 Data Analysis
Both the autocorrelation function and partial
autocorrelation function of returns exhibit a cutoff at
the one-day lag, indicating weak correlation and
stochastic behaviour in the daily returns of CNY. This
leads to the conclusion that using CNY daily returns
alone may not be sufficient for accurate predictions.
Further feature construction is imperative for
enhancing predictive capabilities in the model (Fig.
(a) (b)
Figure 1: ACF and PACF of return (Picture credit:
Time series decomposition serves as a valuable
technique for disentangling various components
within a dataset. Time series data typically exhibits
three fundamental components: seasonality, trend,
and noise. In Fig. 2. and Fig. 3., the decomposition of
CNY reveals a notable stochastic nature. The
observed fluctuations can be predominantly
attributed to the trend factor, with minimal
discernible influence from seasonal components. The
absence of a significant seasonal factor suggests that
regular and predictable patterns over specific time
intervals are not evident in the exchange rate
dynamics. In conclusion, the CNY exchange rate
changes are predominantly driven by external factors
that can’t be explained by time series models. In this
sense, the traditionally empirical rule is usually out of
action and researchers should resort to machine
learning methods.
Figure 2: Seasonal decomposition (Picture credit: Original).
Figure 3: First-order difference (Picture credit: Original).
ICDSE 2024 - International Conference on Data Science and Engineering
The study finds that foreign exchange rates have
a strong correlation. Fig. 4. shows that CNY has a
very strong correlation with the Canadian dollar
(CAD) 0.75 and the Great Britain Pound (GBP) 0.73
as well as the Australian dollar (AUD) 0.63 and USD
0.61, which is because of the implementation of a
fixed exchange rate policy. It indicates that the price
of such currency may grow with the increase of the
corresponding currency. It can be used for prediction
empirically. However, the JPY seems to have little
correlation with the other five currencies. This may
be partly due to the macroeconomic trilemma. The
Japanese government clings to monetary
independence and the free movement of capital and
gives up the fixed exchange rate. The result is that the
Japan Yen (JPY) changes stochastically. In the
feature engineering session, JPY is abandoned for its
weak correlation with CNY, and the other four
currencies which are USD, CAD, GBP, and AUD are
selected as the forex features.
Figure 4: Correlation matrix (Picture credit: Original).
3.2 Feature Engineering
This section introduces the feature inputs of the
models. In general, there are three categories of inputs
in this study which are respectively the tech features,
the commodity features, and the forex features. The
raw data are the daily price for CYN, USD, JPY,
CAD, GBP, and AUD (direct quotation by Euro),
Crude Oil Prices (West Texas Intermediate), Global
Gold Price, and Shanghai Composite Index ranging
from 2015.3 till 2023.11. The CNY daily price data
are used to construct technical indicators such as
Exponential Moving Average, Relative Strength
Index, Momentum, Commodity Channel Index,
Bollinger Bands, and Moving Average Convergence
Divergence. Crude Oil Prices WTI, Global Gold
Prices, and the Shanghai Composite Index constitute
the commodity features. The last category of forex
features consists of USD, CAD, GBP, and AUD’s
daily returns. The label is the daily return of CNY.
The dataset is then split in the time series order so that
the former 80% of the data was used for training the
models and the latter 20% was used for testing the
The Exponential Moving Average (EMA) gives
the most weight to the recent values in a period. Thus,
past values have a decreasing contribution, while
more recent values dominate. This technique allows
the moving average to be more responsive to
variations. The 12-day and 26-day EMA are selected
in the tech features to consider both the long and short
(1 )EMA K close K EMA
+ × (2)
The Relative Strength Index (RSI) determines a
ratio of the upward price changes to the absolute price
changes in a period. The value ranges from 0 to 100.
The most popularly used 14-day RSI is selected in the
tech features.
max , 0
max , 0
up close close
dn close close
upa g
upa g dna g
The Commodity Channel Index (CCI) is intended
to identify initial and final market trends. The value
normally ranges from -100 to 100. The 14-day CCI is
selected in the tech features.
(0.015 )
high low close
CNY EX Rate Prediction Based on LSTM and Machine Learning Methods
The Momentum (MOM) is a gauge of the
acceleration and deceleration of prices. 1-day, 5-day,
and 14-day MOM are selected in the tech features.
omentum close close
=− (10)
Bollinger Band contains three lines. A
straightforward moving average of the average price
makes up the middle band. F standard deviations
above and below the middle band correspond to the
upper and lower bands. The distance between the
upper and lower Bollinger Bands measures volatility
which is known as the Bollinger Band Width
indicator. When volatility is high, the Band Width
value is higher; when volatility is low, it is lower. The
Band Percent value indicates the location of the close
price. 20-day Band Width and Band Percent are
selected in the tech features.
high low close
SimpleMovingAverage( )
idBand TP= (12)
()UpperBand MidBand F TP
=+× (13)
()LowerBand MidBand F TP
=−× (14)
2()BandWidth F TP
× (15)
close LowerBand
UpperBand LowerBand
The Moving Average Convergence Divergence
(MACD) is the difference between two Exponential
Moving Averages. It forecasts trend shifts and the
beginning of a new trend direction. 12-26 days
Difference (DIF) and Difference Exponential
Average (DEA), 9 days MACD are selected in the
tech features.
12 26
() ()DIF EMA close EMA close=− (17)
()DEA EMA DIF= (18)
ACD DIF DEA=− (19)
Crude Oil Prices WTI refers to a specific grade of
crude oil that serves as a key benchmark for oil
pricing globally. Changes in Crude Oil Prices WTI
have broad macroeconomic implications. They affect
inflation rates, transportation costs, and the overall
economic health of oil-producing and oil-consuming
nations. The daily return of Crude Oil Prices WTI is
selected in the commodity features.
Gold serves as both a commodity and a financial
asset, and its price is a key indicator in the global
financial markets. The price of gold is of paramount
significance due to its role as a safe-haven asset
against inflation and economic uncertainty. Investors
and central banks closely monitor gold prices as part
of their risk management and wealth preservation
strategies. The daily return of Global Gold Price is
selected in the commodity features.
The Shanghai Composite Index (SCI) is a key
stock market benchmark in China, representing the
performance of a diverse range of equities listed on
the Shanghai Stock Exchange (SSE). The SCI covers
companies across various sectors, providing a
comprehensive snapshot of the performance of the
Chinese stock market. The daily return of the
Shanghai Composite Index is selected in the
commodity features.
3.3 Models
This study uses six different machine learning models
to train the dataset including Linear Regression,
Lasso Regression, Ridge Regression, Long Short-
Term Memory, Random Forest, and XG-Boost.
Linear regression is a fundamental statistical
method. Lasso regression and Ridge regression are
two extensions of linear regression with Lasso
introducing a penalty term of the absolute values of
the coefficients and Ridge introducing a penalty term
of the squared values of the coefficients. It is effective
for feature selection and can lead to sparse models.
LSTM is a type of recurrent neural network,
particularly effective in modelling sequences and
time-series data due to its ability to capture long-term
dependencies. The LSTM architecture includes
memory cells with gating mechanisms, allowing it to
selectively remember or forget information. To be
specific, the LSTM structure is composed of the cell
state, hidden state, input gate, forget gate, and output
gate. Cell state runs along the entire sequence,
allowing them to absorb and retain information over
time. Input Gate updates the cell state with new data.
Forget gate determines what information from the cell
state should be retained or deleted. The output gate
generates the final output depending on the current
cell state. The hidden state transmits information
from the past to the present, allowing the model to
consider historical data. This architecture enables the
model to capture and utilize information over time,
making it suitable for time-series prediction. In this
study, the architecture starts with an LSTM layer with
100 neurons, using the ‘ReLU’ activation function. It
is followed by three fully connected dense layers with
respectively 50 neurons, 10 neurons, and one neuron
([,] )
=⋅ + (20)
ICDSE 2024 - International Conference on Data Science and Engineering
([,] )
=⋅ +
tanh( [ , ] )
ttt t ctt c
cfc i Whxb
=⋅ + +
([,] )
=⋅ +
tanh( )
tt t
ho c=⋅
Random Forest is an ensemble learning method
that constructs numerous decision trees during
training and aggregates their predictions through
averaging or voting. Each tree is trained on a random
subset of the data and features, introducing diversity
and reducing the risk of overfitting. In this study, the
architecture consists of 500 decision trees, with a
maximum depth of 10 and minimum node samples of
XG-Boost is a gradient-boosting algorithm that
builds an ensemble of weak learners and sequentially
refines their predictions. XG-Boost minimizes a loss
function by iteratively adding weak learners, each
compensating for the errors of the existing ensemble.
It uses gradient descent optimization to find the best
parameters for weak learners. In this study, the
architecture consists of 500 decision trees, with a
learning rate of 0.001.
4.1 Model Performance
The predictions for the CNY exchange rate generated
by the six machine learning models are visually
presented in Figure 5. Notably, the predicted price
trajectories across all six models align closely with
the actual price movements, indicating a robust fit
between the predicted and observed values.
Figure 5: CNY prediction by LSTM (Picture credit:
Table 1 presents the average performance scores
of six distinct models employed in the study. The
LSTM model demonstrates superior performance
with a remarkably low RMSE of 0.063. This
outstanding result underscores the effectiveness of
LSTM in capturing long-term dependencies. The
exceptional performance of the LSTM model can be
attributed to its utilization of memory cells, which
enable the model to selectively retain or discard
information over extended temporal sequences.
Following the LSTM model, the Ridge regression,
linear regression, and random forest models exhibited
commendable performance, though with slightly
higher RMSE values. These results highlight the
competitive nature of these traditional regression and
ensemble models in the context of the conducted
time-series predictions.
Table 1: Regression metrics of different models.
0.062783 0.005129 0.071596
Lasso 0.068414 0.005955 0.077168
Ridge 0.062589 0.005095 0.071346
LSTM 0.049589 0.004117 0.063395
0.062491 0.005296 0.071757
XG-Boost 0.067127 0.005844 0.075878
Table 2 provides an overview of the average
performance scores across different feature inputs
utilized in the study. The analysis reveals that the
forex features exhibit the most favourable
performance, achieving the lowest error with an
RMSE of 0.067. The preference for forex features in
training predictive models can be attributed to their
ability to provide nuanced and comprehensive
information about market dynamics. The forex
market's inherent characteristics, including liquidity
and global interconnectivity, contribute to the
robustness of features derived from this domain. The
observed success of utilizing forex features is further
substantiated by the strong intercorrelation inherent
in foreign exchange variables. The inherent
relationships between these features contribute to a
more coherent and representative model, leading to
more accurate predictions.
CNY EX Rate Prediction Based on LSTM and Machine Learning Methods
Table 2: Regression metrics of different features.
Tech 0.065612 0.00585 0.076233
0.063677 0.005335 0.072361
Forex 0.057208 0.004533 0.066976
In this research, a synergy of six distinct models and
three feature categories is designed to formulate a
predictive framework for forecasting the daily return
of the CNY exchange rate. The outcomes
unequivocally affirm the efficacy of each model in
forecasting the CNY exchange rate, thereby
underscoring their collective predictive capabilities.
The optimal model is LSTM which showcases its
prowess in handling intricate temporal patterns and
reinforces its role as a preferred choice for time-series
prediction tasks. As for feature engineering, forex
features minimize prediction errors due to their
reflection of market dynamics and strong correlation
with CNY. In a word, the findings give a more
strategic approach to model training, contributing to
the advancement of predicting exchange rates.
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ICDSE 2024 - International Conference on Data Science and Engineering