The Correlation Between Social Media and Consumer Behaviour: A
Research on Movie Industry in China
Enjun Long
Hwa Chong International School, 269783 Bukit Timah, Singapore
Keywords: Social Media, Movie Box Office, Consumer Behavior, Movie Industry in China
Abstract: The large domestic coverage of social media makes it significantly influential from a wide perspective. In the
recent decade, social media's role has become increasingly important in the commercial world. Over time,
social media platforms have transformed into persuasive tools that significantly influence how consumers
explore, evaluate, and purchase products. This paper embarks on an exploration of the intricate interplay
between social media and the movie box office, employing quantitative research methodologies to examine
the impact of social media on the movie box office. In this study, the impact of social media on movie sales
performance will be analyzed from two perspectives: The correlation between social media (as alternative
evaluation sources) and the total movie box office; and the correlation between social media’s engagement
indexes (reflected by different social media indexes) and movie box office daily. A significant positive
relationship has been found in both two perspectives. The research provides new findings for marketers in the
movie industry to better understand the factors influencing movie sales performance.
1.1 The Contemporary Social Media
Usage and Influence
According to the DataReportal, at the beginning of
2023, there were 1.05 billion internet users in China,
accounting for 73.7% of the total domestic population.
Among the internet users, 98.1% of them were social
media users (Kemp 2023). In addition, a growing
trend of social media usage was foreseen in the next
few years. The large domestic coverage of social
media makes it significantly influential from a wide
perspective. In the recent decade, social media's role
has become increasingly important in the commercial
world. Unlike the traditional way of one-way
advertising, two-way communication on social media
allows consumers to have peer interactions (Shareef et
al. 2019). Social media functions such as like,
comment, share, and subscribe enable consumers a
much wider communication and stronger connection
with each other. Early in 1999, it was proven that an
informational society could effectively affect product
evaluation in the buying process (Kozinets 1999).
Over the years, social media has been advocated to be
effective in influencing consumer’s perceptions and
behavior (Chopra et al. 2021, Nash 2019). With the
expansion of social media networks and the maturity
of individual opinion dissemination, social media
marketing has been taken as a strategic approach by
merchants to achieve marketing objectives and boost
sales performance (Wibowo et al. 2020).
1.2 The Movie Industry and Social
As one of the most popular entertainment options,
movies have become a great portion of the media
products consumed by people (Kubrak 2020). It
provides a two-hour stress-free time and environment
for audiences to sit back, and relax, which benefits
one’s mental and emotional health (Molaie et al.
2010). According to China Movie Database, by 13
November 2023, the movie industry sales
performance has topped 50 billion yuan for 2023
(China Film Data Information Network 2023). The
industry witnessed a year-on-year growth rate of
52.88% by the first half of 2023, demonstrating a
good recovery from the pandemic impact and a
vibrant market demand (Chen 2023).
Marketing, specifically social media marketing,
has been playing an important role in driving movie
sales. Industry studies proved that movie sales
performance is significantly affected by the Internet
Word of Mouth (IWOM) (Zhu & Ma 2021). Asur and
Long, E.
The Correlation Between Social Media and Consumer Behaviour: A Research on Movie Industry in China.
DOI: 10.5220/0012820000004547
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Data Science and Engineering (ICDSE 2024), pages 260-266
ISBN: 978-989-758-690-3
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
Huberman also showed evidence that box-office
revenues for movies could be predicted with social
media via a specific analysis of Twitter comments
(Asur & Huberman 2021). Similarly, the movie box
office was proven to be predictive based on the
Facebook comments from the research done by
Matthias, Michel, Drik, and Asil (Bogaert et al.
2021). Nowadays, as the industry scale grows in
China, it becomes a burgeoning interest to unlock the
relationship between social media and movie sales
performance from different perspectives. However,
relevant research in the Chinese market is
comparatively little.
1.3 Research Background
Inspired by the increasing impact of social media on
consumer purchase decisions and realizing most of
the previous research was done based in Europe and
America, or on a single social media platform, this
paper aims to study the relationship between social
media and consumer behavior in the movie industry
in China. The consumer behavior model adopted in
this paper is the Engel-Blackwell-Kollat Model, of
which consumer behavior could be explained in five
steps: 1) problem recognition; 2) information search;
3) evaluation of alternatives; 4) purchase; 5) post-
purchase evaluation (Engel et al. 1995). Two main
perspectives have been explored through the
following angles:
The correlation between social media (as
alternative evaluation sources) and the total movie
box office.
The correlation between social media engagement
(reflected by different social media indexes) and
movie box office daily.
Through studying the two perspectives, this paper
enhances the understanding of the relationship
between social media and movie sales performance at
the same time brings new insights for the marketer in
the Chinese movie industry.
2.1 The Correlation between Social
Media (as Alternative Evaluation
Sources) and the Total Movie Box
From the Engel-Blackwell-Kollat model, it is
understood that the purchase decision is affected by
the evaluation of alternatives (Nash 2019). Likewise,
the movie box office would be affected by the
IWOM, peer reviews, the level of popularity, and
favourability on social media. This is because the
movie, as an experienced product, would also be
through the step of evaluation of alternatives in the
consumer behavior process. To avoid a bad movie
experience, consumers tend to take mass reviews
such as movie ratings and audience comments on
social media as alternative evaluation factors (Chen
et al. 2011). To find out the correlation between the
several common-used evaluation factors and movie
box office and have a direct visualization of the
correlation, Pearson Correlation Coefficient
heatmaps are applied. Four alternative evaluation
sources have been proposed: 1) professional rating, 2)
public rating, 3) social media popularity, and 4) social
media favourability.
2.1.1 Data Interpretation
Thirteen movies released in the year 2023 have been
chosen for the first perspective. To improve the
reliability of the research, four principles were
applied when selecting sample movies (Table 1). To
accommodate those control variables, the movie box
office of the following thirteen movies is chosen in
this study: 1) No more bets, 2) Never Say Never, 3)
Dust to Dust, 4) Creation of the Gods l: Kingdom of
Storms, 5) Just for meeting you, 6) Lost in the stars,
7) One and only, 8) Post Truth, 9) Papa, 10) Ping
Pong: The Triumph, 11) Manifesto, 12) Too Beautiful
to Lie, and 13) Heart’s Motive.
Table 1. Sample Selection Principles.
Principles Significance of controlling
Movies released in the following three
peak seasons have been excluded from the
sample choice: the Chinese New Year
period, the first week of May (Labor Day
Golden Week), and the first week of
October (National Day Golden Week).
This is to ensure the movie box office is
contributed by a reasonable normal traffic
flow instead of seasonal traffic flow.
Cast and
To avoid the celebrity effect that
potentially boosts the movie box office.
To avoid fans or detractors carrying
forward from the previous movies,
resulting in a potential increase or decrease
in the movie box office.
Genre of
Similar to the celebrity effect, choosing
movies sharing a similar genre is to avoid
high movie box sales driven by high-tech
The Correlation Between Social Media and Consumer Behaviour: A Research on Movie Industry in China
animation production. In this sample pool,
the movies are all real-life shooting with
real actors.
Measurement for social media as evaluation
sources is as below.
Professional Rating = 0.5 (Weibo Rating + IMDb
75% of the Weibo rating is contributed by
authority media, industry experts, and top influencers
in the movie industry, and thus it has been considered
a professional rating source. In the meanwhile, Weibo
Rating is retrieved from Weibo. cn and IMDb Rating
is retrieved from
Public Rating = 1/3 × (Maoyan Rating + Douban
Rating + Taopiaopiao Rating)
Three popular public rating benchmarks are
adopted. Maoyan Rating is retrieved from the
application Maoyan PRO; Douban Rating is retrieved
from; Taopiaopiao Rating is retrieved
from the application Taopiaopiao.
Social Media Popularity = 0.68 / (0.68 + 0.87)
Accumulated Hottest Topics on Weibo + 0.87 /
(0.68+0.87) × Accumulated Hottest Topics on
Social Media Popularity is estimated by two
sources, the Accumulated Hottest Topics and
Accumulated Hottest Topics on Douyin. Both data
sources are retrieved from the application Maoyan
PRO. Proportion is allocated based on the Social
Media Usage Report (Ipsos 2023).
Social Media Favorability = 0.68 / (0.68 + 0.87) ×
(0.2 × number of like on Weibo + 0.3 × number of
comments on Weibo + 0.5 × number of Weibo repost)
+ 0.87 / (0.68 + 0.87) × number of like on Douyin
Social Media Favourability is estimated by two
sources: Weibo engagement in 3 perspectives
(retrieved from, and several like on
Douyin (retrieved from the application Douyin).
Proportion is allocated based on the Social Media
Usage Report (Ipsos 2023).
Movie box office = Total Movie box office of the
Data is retrieved from China Movie Database (*
The measurements of popularity and social media
favourability are based on movies' official accounts
on Weibo and Douyin only.)
2.1.2 Result and Observation
The heatmap is outputted based on the Pearson
Correlation Coefficient, which indicates the
measurement of the linear association strength
between the two variables. According to Sedgwick, a
small sample needs a correlation coefficient in larger
values so that the linear association could be
significant, which is closer to 1 or 1 (Sedgwick
2012). In terms of the heatmap result obtained, the
correlation coefficient value is observed to range
from 0.2 to 1. A higher value in the result suggests a
stronger positive correlation between the two
variables, and the cell would be in a lighter color
accordingly. The correlation between social media (as
an alternative evaluation source) and the total movie
box office in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Pearson Correlation Coefficient heatmaps (Picture credit: Original).
ICDSE 2024 - International Conference on Data Science and Engineering
Surprisingly, being the most obvious factor when
people are looking for reviews on social media, both
professional ratings and public ratings don’t seem to
have a strong correlation with the movie box office.
They have only a noticeable relationship of
correlation coefficient of 0.5 and 0.46 separately with
the movie box office. This indicates when there is an
increase in professional rating and public rating there
is a tendency for the movie box office to increase
while the degree of accuracy would need to be
Social media popularity has a substantial
association with the movie box office than the ratings
of 0.69. It indicates that the movie box office is likely
to change according to the social media popularity
although it is not perfect. The correlation coefficient
of social media favourability has the strongest
relationship with the movie box office of 0.91 which
is close to a perfect correlation. It suggests that when
social media popularity increases, the movie box
office is very likely to increase similarly in a high
degree of confidence. In addition to the main factors
being boxed in red, the correlation coefficients are
interesting to be found in individual factors. Social
media as the factor most related to the movie box
office, has a strong positive correlation with the
number of likes on Douyin. This implies favourability
reflected by Douyin has a strong influence on one’s
movie consumption. On the other hand, the lowest
correlation coefficient of 0.17 is between Weibo
repost and the movie box office. All correlation
coefficients about Weibo are in the range from 0.17
to 0.66. The influence of Weibo is hence shown to be
2.2 The Correlation Between Social
Media Engagement (Reflected by
Different Social Media Indexes)
and Movie Box Office
The data sourse: We Are Social; DataReportal;
Meltwater. From the data, the top six social media
platforms with the highest share of internet users as
of Q3 2023 are WeChat, Douyin, QQ, Baidu Tieba,
Xiaohongshu, and Weibo (Fig. 2). Due to the absent
of QQ and Xiaohongshu index daily, as well as the
temporary maintenance on the Weibo index website,
out of the top six social media platforms, only Baidu
Index, Douyin Index and Wechat Index have been
adopted as independent variables. In addition,
Toutiao is a core and significant application of
ByteDance China, whose relationship with movie
sales is also worth exploring.
Figure 2: Top 6 social media with the highest share of
internet users in China as of Q3 2022 (Original).
To figure out the correlation between social media
engagement and movie box office daily, and how the
social media platform affects movie sales
performance, the Ordinary Least Squares (OLS)
Regression model is adopted.
2.2.1 Data Interpretation
Based on the sample in the first prospective research,
the following four movies have been chosen for
further study in the regression model for movie box
office prediction: 1) No more bets, 2) Creation of The
Gods I: Kingdom of Storms, 3) Dust to dust”, and 4)
Papa. The selection of sample movies in the second
perspective research has been one step further
complied with the principle of the normal release
date. The realizing time frame is narrowed from July
to September 2023.
Douyin index is extracted from
And it is calculated based on content score, spread
score, search score in three parts.
Baidu index is from, which
calculated based on Baidu's intelligent distribution
and recommendation content data, the information
index is obtained by weighted summation of social
media users’ behavior such as reading, comments,
sharing, likes, and dislikes.
WeChat index is from the original Tencent
WeChat source, reflecting the popularity and
importance of keywords in the related content.
Toutiao Keyword Index is extracted from, and it is calculated based on the
sample principle as that of the Douyin index.
Variable measurement:
Dependent variable (Y): Daily movie box office
of the four movies.
Independent variable (X1): Daily Douyin Index
based on exact movie name.
Independent variable (X2): Daily Baidu Index
based on exact movie name.
Independent variable (X3): Daily WeChat Index
based on exact movie name.
The Correlation Between Social Media and Consumer Behaviour: A Research on Movie Industry in China
Independent variable (X4): Daily Toutiao
Keyword Index based on exact movie name.
Sample size (n) is 80, which is made up of the first
twenty days index of each variable for the four
The four variables multiple linear regression
model is estimated as:
2.2.2 Hypothesis
H1: Douyin Index has a positive influence on movie
box office,
H2: Baidu Index has a positive influence on movie
box office, 𝛽
H3: WeChat Index has a positive influence on
movie box office, 𝛽
H4: Toutiao Keyword Index has a positive
influence on movie box office,
2.2.3 OLS Regression Result and
From the OLS Regression result in 1 (Table 2, 3, 4),
the P value of both the Douyin Index and the Baidu
Index is less than 0.05, which shows a statistically
significant relationship between the two independent
variables and the dependent variable of the movie box
office. The P value of the Weixin Index and Toutiao
Keyword Index is larger than 0.05, indicating both
indexes are not statistically significant in predicting
movie box office. Therefore, H3 and H4 are rejected.
Table 2: OLS Regression result 1(a).
Dep. Variable: Movie
R-squared: 0.835
Model: OLS Adj. R-
Method: Least
F-statistic: 94.62
80 Prob (F-
Df Residuals: 75 Log-
Df Model: 4 AIC: 2959.
nonrobust BIC: 2971.
Table 3. OLS Regression result 1(b).
coef std er
[0.025 0.975]
const 1.529e+07 4.14e+06 3.695 0.000 7.05e+06 2.35e+07
in Index 11.1489 2.082 5.355 0.000 7.001 15.296
Baidu Index 7.6118 1.325 5.746 0.000 4.973 10.251
Weixin Index 0.0234 0.042 0.558 0.579 -0.060 0.107
Toutiao Keyword
-45.5014 58.701 -
0.441 -162.440 71.437
Table 4. OLS regression result 1(c)
Omnibus: 4.436 Durbin-Watson: 1.431
Prob (Omnibus): 0.109 Jarque-Bera (JB): 4.188
Skew: 0.308 Prob (JB): 0.123
Kurtosis: 3.936 Cond. No. 2.34e+08
Table 5. OLS regression result 2(a).
Dep. Variable: Movie Box Office R-squared: 0.833
Model: OLS Adj. R-squared: 0.829
Method: Least Squares F-statistic: 192.4
No. Observations: 80 Prob (F-statistic): 1.13e-30
Df Residuals: 77 Log-Likelihood: -1475.1
Df Model: 2 AIC: 2956.
Covariance Type: nonrobust BIC: 2963.
Table 6. OLS Regression result 2(b).
coef std err t P>|t| [0.025 0.975]
const 1.459e+07 3.96e+06 3.680 0.000 6.69e+06 2.25e+07
Douyin Index 10.2052 1.190 8.576 0.000 7.836 12.575
Baidu Index 8.1049 1.156 7.010 0.000 5.803 10.407
ICDSE 2024 - International Conference on Data Science and Engineering
Table 7. OLS Regression result 2(c).
Omnibus: 4.141 Durbin-Watson: 1.405
Prob (Omnibus): 0.126 Jarque-Bera (JB): 3.587
Skew: 0.337 Prob (JB): 0.166
Kurtosis: 3.789 Cond. No. 8.45e+06
With only the Douyin Index and Baidu Index
retained for the second round of OLS regression
modeling, the result is output as OLS Regression
result 2 (Table 5, 6, 7).
P value for both Douyin Index is less than 0.05,
indicating a statistically significant relationship
between Douyin Index and the Movie Box Office. A
coefficient value of 11.1489 suggests every unit
increase in Douyin Index will result in an increase in
the movie box office by 11.1489 units.
P value for Baidu Index is 0.05, indicating a
statistically significant relationship between Baidu
Index and the Movie Box Office. The coefficient
value of 8.1049 suggests every unit increase in the
Baidu Index will result in an increase in the movie
box office by 8.1049 units.
R- square value is 0.833 (Adj R- square = 0.829),
suggesting 83.3% of the total variation could be
measured by the model. Both the R square value and
Adjusted R square value at 80% + level, reporting
the total amount of variation that can be accounted for
linear regression model are high.
F-statistic is observed at 192.4. Together with the
low P value (0.000), it suggests the model is
statistically significant, and the linear regression
between Y and X1, and X2 is strong.
Given the coefficient estimators from the OLS
Regression result, the two-variable multiple linear
regression model is expressed as:
𝑌 = 1.459𝑒 + 07 + 10.2052 𝑋1 + 8.1049 𝑋2
Overall, out of the four investigated social media
platforms, Douyin and Baidu are the two platforms
that appear to be significant in terms of predicting
movie sales box. At the same time, that reflect social
media has a significant impact on consumer behavior
of purchase in the movie market.
In this paper, the correlation relationship between
social media and the movie box was studied from two
perspectives. Results did show that social media plays
a role in influencing movie sales performance.
Specifically, from the two perspectives research
results, social media platforms, such as Douyin and
WeChat, serving as a general information channel,
appear to have a stronger positive impact the movie
sales performance. Surprisingly, social media index
from specific movie informational platforms, such as
Maoyan and IMDb has comparable week correlation
with movie sales. The marketer may want to shift
their marketing effort to the general social media
platform instead to achieve more effective marketing
In the meanwhile, limitations of the research
model are also observed as below. There will be time
between information search and purchase. While in
the modeling, the factor has not been taken into
consideration, mainly because of very limited
research on the time buffer between the two steps,
especially in experience consumption. Also,
considering the convenience of online purchases
nowadays, the effect on the time buffer should be
minimized. However, its potential influence on
consumer behavior remains an area not thoroughly
examined in this research.
Due to the researcher’s technical expertise and
data availability online, this study only considers the
impact brought by some social media platforms in
China. Other social media platforms such as Youku,
IQIYI, Bilibili, as well as news channels, are not in
consideration. Thus, this study might not fully capture
the diverse impacts different platforms can have on
movie box office performances.
The heatmap and multiple regression model only
show the correlation between various factors and the
movie box office, they do not show the causation
caution. The movie box office may be affected due to
other external reasons such as political stance and
societal zeitgeist which are not accounted for in this
Looking forward, it is valuable for researchers to
deep dive into the relationship between movie box
office performance and the social media impact in a
more precise manner. A larger sample size and
diversified social media platforms will continue to
have a wider outlook.
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