Machine Learning for KPI Development in Public Administration
Simona Fioretto
, Elio Masciari
and Enea Vincenzo Napolitano
Department of Electrical and Information Technology Engineering, University of Naples Federico II, Naples, Italy
Public Administration, Key Performance Indicators, Variable Importance, Machine Learning.
Efficient and effective service delivery to citizens in Public Administrations (PA) requires the use of key per-
formance indicators (KPIs) for performance evaluation and measurement. This paper proposes an innovative
framework for constructing KPIs in performance evaluation systems using Random Forest and variable im-
portance analysis. Our approach aims to identify the variables that have a strong impact on the performance
of PAs. This identification enables a deeper understanding of the factors that are critical for organizational
performance. By analyzing the importance of variables and consulting domain experts, relevant KPIs can be
developed. This ensures improvement strategies focus on critical aspects linked to performance. The frame-
work provides a continuous monitoring flow for KPIs and a set of phases for adapting KPIs in response to
changing administrative dynamics. The objective of this study is to enhance the performance of PAs by apply-
ing machine learning techniques to achieve a more agile and results-oriented PAs.
The success of an organisation depends on its ability
to meet internal and external objectives. This involves
the alignment of the mission and strategy of the organ-
isation with the needs of its customers. In fact, once
the needs of the customers are identified, they must
be translated into organisational goals driving mission
and strategy of the organization. Then, to evaluate
the achievement of these goals, organisations require
an objective measurement system. In fact, the ability
of an organization of performing activities by pursu-
ing efficiency and efficacy, is a measure of its perfor-
mance results. Therefore, measuring performance is a
complex and structured system. In fact, performance
is a multifaceted phenomenon that requires integrated
and simultaneous analysis of several indicators. Indi-
vidual indicators often capture only a portion of the
complexity of the organization, which instead is in-
fluenced by many variables. The identification of Key
Performance Indicators (KPIs) aligned with the ob-
jectives of the organization, is crucial for assessing
the performance in the organization and identify areas
for improvement (Banu, 2018). These indicators use
quantitative metrics to summarise information about
specific phenomena of interest to stakeholders (Ja-
hangirian et al., 2017). Indeed, to evaluate whether a
process adheres to policies, meets deadlines, or is able
to respect a fixed budget, it may be necessary to use a
combination of multiple indicators. In the context of
Public Administration (PA), the implementation of a
proper performance measurement system can be fun-
damental to assure high quality services to citizens.
However, the definition of KPIs in the PA sector is not
as simple as it can be in private companies. In fact,
the PAs significantly differ from the dynamics mech-
anism which are typical of the private sector. This is
due to PAs characteristics. In fact, PAs differ from
each other for the offered services, and for offices
characteristics, such as the number of citizens served,
the number of employees, and the level of office dig-
itization (Kerzner, 2019). For instance, in justice sec-
tor or in education, only simple and measurable indi-
cators are needed such as the required average time to
resolve a legal case or graduation rates(Amato et al.,
2023). However, these simple measures, which are
called in the following macro-KPI, may not fully cap-
ture the quality level or fairness of the services pro-
vided. Additionally, PAs face challenges with bu-
reaucracy and resistance to change. Administrative
procedures can oppose to the adoption or modifica-
tion of KPIs, even when they are no longer effec-
tive. The definition and interpretation of KPIs can
also be heavily influenced by political environment,
with changes in administration sometimes resulting in
Fioretto, S., Masciari, E. and Napolitano, E.
Machine Learning for KPI Development in Public Administration.
DOI: 10.5220/0012820300003756
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications (DATA 2024), pages 522-527
ISBN: 978-989-758-707-8; ISSN: 2184-285X
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
a complete restructuring of objectives and evaluation
metrics. Accountability is another critical dimension
in PA. Unlike the private sector, where accountability
is primarily focused on financial results, in PAs the ac-
countability is towards citizens. This is translated into
the need of higher levels of transparency and commu-
nication, with resulting understandable KPIs by the
public. One of the main issues in KPI definition, is
the imprecise definition of objectives to which param-
eters should be aligned. If the objectives are unclear,
the chosen parameters may not be relevant, resulting
in the collection of meaningless data that do not pro-
vide insights into performance levels. In addition,
markets and operating environments evolve quickly,
and parameters previously defined may no longer be
appropriate for the current necessities. However, the
use of digital technologies in the context of PA can
properly support the objective definition and moni-
toring of KPIs based on data. By leveraging the in-
formation contained in operational data, it is possible
to define objectively KPIs, guaranteeing a more suit-
able performance management system. In this paper
we aim to introduce a framework, which starting from
macro-KPI, leverages data for identifying the specific
micro-KPI. Micro-KPIs investigate and measure the
variables results leading to the results of the macro-
KPIs. In particular, can be leveraged the power of
Machine Learning to select the most influential fea-
tures, which can be used to properly define micro-
KPIs which contribute to simpler macro-KPIs.
The paper is structured as follows: Section 2 in-
troduces the theoretical concepts fundamental to our
study. We discuss the nature and importance of
KPIs and outline the characteristics of the chosen ML
model. Section 3 reviews existing literature on the use
of KPIs in PA and the construction of KPIs through
machine learning techniques. Finally, in Section 4,
we propose an innovative framework for construct-
ing KPIs based on the use of machine learning. This
framework aims to enhance the accuracy and rele-
vance of KPIs used in PA by utilising the potential of
Random Forest to analyse and interpret large volumes
of data. The approach demonstrated in this text pro-
vides practical and meaningful insights for the evalu-
ation and optimisation of PA processes.
This section provides the theoretical background re-
quired throughout the paper, offering basic concepts
of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and Random
Forest. The theoretical background is essential to
understand the innovations proposed in our research
framework, which will be outlined in the following
2.1 Key Performance Indicators
Organizations continuously set goals in order to
achieve better results in terms of efficiency and effi-
cacy. These goals are both a translation of the mission
and the strategy of the organization. They need to be
objectively monitored, in order to understand the sta-
tus of their achievement. In fact, by monitoring their
activities, organisations can determine whether or not
they have achieved their objectives (Dom
ınguez et al.,
2019). The evaluation of goals achievement can be
done by defining objective metrics, known as KPI.
KPIs are a collection of crucial measures, both fi-
nancial and non-financial, that are utilised to convert
objectives into tangible measures. In details, the au-
thors in (Dom
ınguez et al., 2019) demonstrate that
KPIs can provide organisations with reliable informa-
tion to establish the basis for implementing growth
strategies. KPIs can provide a way to see whether the
strategic plan being adopted is working, serving as a
tool to drive desired behaviours, and that their use can
increase and improve operational efficiency, produc-
tivity and profitability. By establishing a set of KPIs,
an organization can evaluate whether it has reached
its goals (Velimirovi
c et al., 2011). The relationship
between the success of the organization and KPIs is
evident, as they are closely linked to goals achieve-
2.2 Importance Factor for Random
The Random Forest (RF) method (Parmar et al., 2019)
is an ensemble learning technique for classification,
regression, and other tasks. It constructs multiple de-
cision trees during the training phase and outputs the
mode of the classes (classification) or the mean of the
predictions (regression) of the individual trees. The
model’s robustness is enhanced by its ability to with-
stand variation without significantly increasing bias,
thanks to its natural ensemble. One significant contri-
bution of RF is its ability to assess the importance of
variables, known as feature importance, in the predic-
tive model. This is typically calculated in two ways
(Strobl et al., 2008):
1. Importance Based on Decreasing Impurity: is
a method used to measure the importance of a
variable in decision trees. It calculates how much
the Gini index or entropy decreases due to the
splits made on that variable. This method aggre-
gates the total decrease in impurity attributable
Machine Learning for KPI Development in Public Administration
to each variable across all forest trees, normally
weighted by the number of observations passing
through those splits.
2. Importance of Allowed Variance: This text
evaluates the impact of a variable by mixing its
values across observations in the test dataset. If
there is a significant decrease in model perfor-
mance after permutation, it indicates a high im-
portance of the mixed variable. This is because its
direct alteration deteriorates the model’s ability to
make accurate predictions.
These methods for evaluating variable importance
are essential not only for optimizing RF models but
also for providing insights into the characteristics
that have the greatest impact on the target variable,
thereby offering guidance for understanding and in-
terpreting performance to define KPIs.
This section of the paper explores the literature and
research related to identifying and developing KPIs
in PA, as well as the use of Machine Learning tech-
niques to improve these processes. The review is di-
vided into two parts, reflecting the two main aspects
of the research focus.
3.1 The Identification of Key
Performance Indicators in Public
The selection of an appropriate KPI must take into ac-
count several factors. Many studies address the def-
inition and selection of KPIs in organizations, such
as the proposal in (Parmenter, 2015), which suggests
considering a variety of factors when selecting KPIs.
Organizational characteristics must be taken into ac-
count, such as the identification of the appropriate
KPI based on the Critical Success Factors (CSFs) of
the organization. Secondly, when dealing specifically
with PA, it is necessary to make further assumptions
and link KPIs to the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) per-
spectives. In their work, the authors in (Parmenter,
2012) propose specific techniques for supporting PAs
in identifying and selecting KPIs, providing a com-
prehensive methodology. In fact, while private orga-
nization are focused on profit and so on budget op-
timization, PAs are non-profit organizations. This
led to a different perception of KPIs, as in PAs they
need to measure variables related to the effectiveness
of the organisation in providing high quality services
and the efficiency of the organisation in optimising
resources, which is not driven by profit optimisation.
3.2 Machine Learning to Develop KPIs
The application of Machine Learning (ML) tech-
niques to the development and optimisation of KPIs
gained significant attention in various fields, as it is
shown by several recent studies. Each study uses dif-
ferent ML techniques and data sources to identify and
predict KPIs that meet specific industry needs.
Using Google Analytics and ML techniques,
Ahmed et al.(2017) in (Ahmed et al., 2017) attempted
to establish a set of standard rules that must be em-
ployed to identify the best KPIs for an e-commerce
business website. This study highlights the potential
of ML to enhance the analytical capabilities of stan-
dard business tools and provide a structured approach
to KPI development.
Fanaei et al. (2018) in (Fanaei et al., 2018) ex-
plored the application of various ML techniques to
qualitatively predict overall project KPIs at critical
project stages. They used methods such as artifi-
cial neural networks (ANN) and neuro-fuzzy tech-
niques, integrating fuzzy C-means (FCM) and sub-
tractive clustering to predict project KPIs. This com-
parative approach illustrates the versatility and robust-
ness of ML in dealing with complex, diverse datasets
typically found in project management.
Micu et al.(2019) in (Micu et al., 2019) used ML
to analyse over a thousand e-commerce websites, with
the aim of identifying KPIs capable of determining
the success of the companies under consideration.
Their study highlights the scalability of ML tech-
niques in processing large datasets, and their utility in
extracting meaningful insights across numerous do-
El Haddad et al (2021) in (El Mazgualdi et al.,
2021) presented the use of different ML algorithms
under different configurations to predict Overall
Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) and its application.
This research demonstrates the adaptability of ML al-
gorithms in industrial environment and their potential
to improve manufacturing efficiency through accurate
KPI measurement.
Tavakolirad et al.(2023) in (Tavakolirad et al.,
2023) introduced an innovative approach in ML tech-
niques to identify effective indicators and improve un-
derstanding of the relationships between them. By in-
tegrating supervised and unsupervised models, they
analysed customers that directly impact on the goals
of the enterprise. Their novel approach also lever-
ages clustering algorithms to analyse high-risk cus-
tomers, demonstrating the innovative application of
DATA 2024 - 13th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
Figure 1: KPI details.
ML in customer segmentation and risk management.
These studies demonstrate the broad applicability
and transforming potential of ML in KPI development
across industries ranging from e-commerce to project
management and manufacturing.
In this section we propose a structured framework
for performance evaluation in PAs. The proposal in-
volves precise goal-setting, data analysis, and ML
techniques. The framework is divided into several key
phases, each of them built upon the insights gained
from the previous stages. The ultimate goal is to real-
ize an environment supported by stakeholder engage-
ment and continuous improvement.
1. Goals Identification: the identification of the ob-
jectives of the organization is the initial phase
of the framework. In this phase, the organiza-
tion focuses on the identification and translation
of the goals set by superior institutions. Once
these goals have been identified, they define the
specific organizational objectives. In this phase, it
is essential to involve stakeholders to understand
their expectations and performance measurement
needs. They must be involved for contributing to
the goal definition and must be informed about the
mission and strategy of the organization. For in-
stance, these objectives may refer to the reduction
of response times or increasing citizen satisfac-
2. Macro KPI: based on the goals defined in the
previous step, this phase focuses on identifying
macro measurements. By identifying macro-KPIs
which measure goals achievement, results can be
provided for both internal and external purposes.
For example, processing time will be considered
a macro-KPI for measuring response times. In the
justice sector, the time taken to resolve a judge-
ment process can be considered a macro-KPI that
measures the goal response times reduction.
3. Data: the phase starts with precisely identifi-
cation of required data, which demands a clear
comprehension of the processes to be monitored
within the PA. Once the KPIs are established, the
next step is the identification of information sys-
tems containing the related data. PAs have var-
ious data collection systems, such as document
archiving databases or human resources manage-
ment systems, which are vital sources for acquir-
ing the necessary data. The next step is the data
collection phase, where all pertinent information
from the identified systems is extracted. Data pro-
cessing is the final step before analysis, which in-
volves cleaning, pre-processing, and, if required
data enrichment. These preparations are essential
to facilitate the effective use of machine learning.
4. Machine Learning: in this phase it is applied the
ML algorithm to the processed data. In particular,
RF is effective in handling large volumes of data
and identifying the most influential variables with
It realizes a forest of decision trees, which indi-
vidually could be subject to over-fitting errors or
biased interpretations. However, predictions of
many trees are aggregated to obtain a final result
which is generally more robust and reliable than
single decision tree model result.
In practical applications, the RF is trained using
tabular data that includes input variables, which
are specific indicators taken from the event logs of
Machine Learning for KPI Development in Public Administration
Figure 2: Framework for KPI identification.
information systems, and a target variable repre-
sented by the microscopic KPIs that one wishes to
monitor and improve. During the training process,
the algorithm analyses the correlation between the
input variables and the target, identifying the vari-
ables that have the most significant impact on the
performance measured by the KPIs.
RF is highly useful in quantifying the importance
of each input variable in predicting the KPI. This
enables administrators to identify the factors that
truly influence results and direct resources to-
wards interventions aimed at improving those as-
pects. Understanding the variables that play a key
role in overall performance is essential for opti-
mizing operations and increasing efficiency.
The information obtained from this process is cru-
cial for developing Micro KPIs.
5. Micro KPI: thanks to the results of the ML algo-
rithm, it is possible to identify the important fac-
tors that most contribute to the macro-KPIs iden-
tified. These results are then shared with stake-
holders which contribute with knowledge domain
to the confirmation of the importance of fac-
tors. Then, by leveraging the help of stakeholders,
these identified factors are unified to make micro
6. Experimentation and Evaluation: the last phase
of the framework focuses on testing and evalua-
tion of the proposed solutions. After identifying
Micro-KPIs and implementing targeted interven-
tions to improve Macro KPIs, it is crucial to test
these changes in real scenarios within the organi-
During the testing phase, interventions are applied
on a small scale or under controlled conditions to
monitor their effects and collect meaningful data
on the effectiveness of the changes made.
The evaluation phase analyses the collected data
to determine whether the interventions have led
to a concrete improvement in Micro and Macro
KPIs. Based on the results obtained, the organisa-
tion may decide to extend interventions on a larger
scale, make further changes, or possibly discon-
tinue practices that did not bring the desired ben-
efits. This phase is crucial to ensure that oper-
ational decisions are evidence-based and to pro-
mote continuous improvement within the organi-
This paper presents a framework for constructing Key
Performance Indicators in Public Administration sce-
narios. The framework leverages the RF algorithm to
analyze variable importance and identify the most in-
fluential factors affecting public service performance.
This provides a solid foundation for understanding the
critical performance drivers. Additionally, with the
integration of knowledge of domain experts, it is pos-
sible to develop relevant KPIs. This ensures that our
contribution proposal is both theoretically grounded
and practically focused. Finally, the resulting KPIs
are continuously monitored and adapted, driving PA
flexibility in response to changing conditions and en-
suring consistent strategies. In addition, the imple-
mentation of real-time data analytics would enable in-
stant updates to KPIs, reflecting the dynamic nature of
PAs scenarios.
This work opens up several opportunities for fu-
ture research. In future work, we plan to explore the
application of several ML models to compare their re-
sults of the models, and therefore extend our hypoth-
esis. Conducting comparative studies across different
PA offices could help to generalize the application of
DATA 2024 - 13th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
our framework and identify universal best practices.
Additionally, tracking the real-world impacts of KPIs
adjustments could provide empirical evidence of the
benefits of this data-driven approach. Furthermore,
aligning public services with community needs could
be achieved by prioritising user satisfaction when de-
veloping citizen-centring KPIs.
In conclusion, the application of ML techniques,
particularly the application of RF and variable impor-
tance analysis, represents a step forward towards for
a more agile and results-oriented PA. This study ex-
tends our understanding of key performance drivers
and provides the basis for an effective and targeted
performance evaluation system.
We acknowledge financial support from the project
PNRR MUR project PE0000013-FAIR.
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