a complete restructuring of objectives and evaluation
metrics. Accountability is another critical dimension
in PA. Unlike the private sector, where accountability
is primarily focused on financial results, in PAs the ac-
countability is towards citizens. This is translated into
the need of higher levels of transparency and commu-
nication, with resulting understandable KPIs by the
public. One of the main issues in KPI definition, is
the imprecise definition of objectives to which param-
eters should be aligned. If the objectives are unclear,
the chosen parameters may not be relevant, resulting
in the collection of meaningless data that do not pro-
vide insights into performance levels. In addition,
markets and operating environments evolve quickly,
and parameters previously defined may no longer be
appropriate for the current necessities. However, the
use of digital technologies in the context of PA can
properly support the objective definition and moni-
toring of KPIs based on data. By leveraging the in-
formation contained in operational data, it is possible
to define objectively KPIs, guaranteeing a more suit-
able performance management system. In this paper
we aim to introduce a framework, which starting from
macro-KPI, leverages data for identifying the specific
micro-KPI. Micro-KPIs investigate and measure the
variables results leading to the results of the macro-
KPIs. In particular, can be leveraged the power of
Machine Learning to select the most influential fea-
tures, which can be used to properly define micro-
KPIs which contribute to simpler macro-KPIs.
The paper is structured as follows: Section 2 in-
troduces the theoretical concepts fundamental to our
study. We discuss the nature and importance of
KPIs and outline the characteristics of the chosen ML
model. Section 3 reviews existing literature on the use
of KPIs in PA and the construction of KPIs through
machine learning techniques. Finally, in Section 4,
we propose an innovative framework for construct-
ing KPIs based on the use of machine learning. This
framework aims to enhance the accuracy and rele-
vance of KPIs used in PA by utilising the potential of
Random Forest to analyse and interpret large volumes
of data. The approach demonstrated in this text pro-
vides practical and meaningful insights for the evalu-
ation and optimisation of PA processes.
This section provides the theoretical background re-
quired throughout the paper, offering basic concepts
of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and Random
Forest. The theoretical background is essential to
understand the innovations proposed in our research
framework, which will be outlined in the following
2.1 Key Performance Indicators
Organizations continuously set goals in order to
achieve better results in terms of efficiency and effi-
cacy. These goals are both a translation of the mission
and the strategy of the organization. They need to be
objectively monitored, in order to understand the sta-
tus of their achievement. In fact, by monitoring their
activities, organisations can determine whether or not
they have achieved their objectives (Dom
ınguez et al.,
2019). The evaluation of goals achievement can be
done by defining objective metrics, known as KPI.
KPIs are a collection of crucial measures, both fi-
nancial and non-financial, that are utilised to convert
objectives into tangible measures. In details, the au-
thors in (Dom
ınguez et al., 2019) demonstrate that
KPIs can provide organisations with reliable informa-
tion to establish the basis for implementing growth
strategies. KPIs can provide a way to see whether the
strategic plan being adopted is working, serving as a
tool to drive desired behaviours, and that their use can
increase and improve operational efficiency, produc-
tivity and profitability. By establishing a set of KPIs,
an organization can evaluate whether it has reached
its goals (Velimirovi
c et al., 2011). The relationship
between the success of the organization and KPIs is
evident, as they are closely linked to goals achieve-
2.2 Importance Factor for Random
The Random Forest (RF) method (Parmar et al., 2019)
is an ensemble learning technique for classification,
regression, and other tasks. It constructs multiple de-
cision trees during the training phase and outputs the
mode of the classes (classification) or the mean of the
predictions (regression) of the individual trees. The
model’s robustness is enhanced by its ability to with-
stand variation without significantly increasing bias,
thanks to its natural ensemble. One significant contri-
bution of RF is its ability to assess the importance of
variables, known as feature importance, in the predic-
tive model. This is typically calculated in two ways
(Strobl et al., 2008):
1. Importance Based on Decreasing Impurity: is
a method used to measure the importance of a
variable in decision trees. It calculates how much
the Gini index or entropy decreases due to the
splits made on that variable. This method aggre-
gates the total decrease in impurity attributable
Machine Learning for KPI Development in Public Administration