The proposed AE requires a similar number of
training epochs to obtain comparable classification
accuracy as state-of-the-art CNNs. To achieve 90%
training accuracy, all methods need to be learned by
at least 85 epochs. Such a number of epochs is suf-
ficient to obtain about 90% identification accuracy.
However, training further for 100 epochs allows for
identification accuracy, as presented in the previous
section. This means that our proposed architecture
does not suffer both from training and identification
accuracy, compared to existing methods.
In this paper, we have proposed a method for in-
dividual source camera identification based on cam-
eras’ fingerprints. The solution was based on a con-
volutional autoencoder which was used to produce a
compact representation of cameras’ fingerprints. Ex-
tensive experimental evaluation conducted on a large
number of modern imaging devices and enhanced
with a statistical analysis confirmed the reliability of
the proposed method. Convolutional autoencoder-
based digital camera identification was realized with
high identification accuracy. The great advantage of
the proposed method is the possibility of storing cam-
eras’ fingerprints in a compact representation, which
may aim forensic centers to save space for storing
such fingerprints.
As future work, we consider a solution utilizing
multiple convolutional autoencoders. One may con-
sider a scenario utilizing one convolutional autoen-
coder per each camera which would be a useful foun-
dation for anomaly detection.
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