Factors Influencing the Profitability and Loss of Chinese Insurance
Companies Based on Factor Analysis
Zhenjie Wang
School of Mathematics, Hohai University, Nanjing, Jiangsu, 211106, China
Keywords: Factor Analysis, Insurance, Ridge Regression, Balance Sheet
Abstract: The insurance industry has a significant impact on economic development. This study selects the balance
sheets of 55 Chinese insurance companies as samples for the year 2021. Selecting multiple items from
the balance sheet for factor analysis. The factor analysis of Chinese insurance companies' balance sheets
has identified three crucial factors: Financial Activity Diversity, Insurance Liabilities and Investment
Strategy, and Financial Risk Management. Ridge regression analysis revealed that these three factors have
a positive impact on the net profits of insurance companies. These factors collectively contribute
positively to company operations, underscoring the significance of diversifying financial activities,
aligning insurance liabilities with investment decisions, and strategically managing financial soundness
and risk. The findings highlight key considerations for insurance companies seeking to enhance their
financial resilience, optimize investment strategies, and ensure effective risk management. The study aims
to uncover the relationship between the balance sheet and company profits, further assisting in enhancing
the market value of insurance companies.
Insurance is crucial in people's lives, offering both
economic and social security by reducing various risks
and uncertainties. Ilhan's analysis highlighted a
positive link between the insurance industry and
economic growth (Ege and Bahadir 2011). Studying
the profitability of insurance companies reflects the
industry's development and provides insights into the
objective state of the economy. The study of factors
influencing the profitability and loss of insurance
companies has made extensive and deep progress
globally. The main analysis factors include company
size, leverage ratio, liquidity, capital adequacy ratio,
premium growth rate, market share, and so on.
However, the impact of these factors varies in
different countries.
Berhe studied the factors influencing the
profitability of insurance companies in Ethiopia. The
regression analysis results showed that the
profitability of insurance companies is notably
affected by factors like insurance size, capital
adequacy, liquidity ratio, and GDP growth rate.
Conversely, the leverage ratio, loss ratio, market
share, and inflation rate were found to have an
insignificant impact on insurance companies'
profitability (Berhe and Kaur 2017). In Saudi Arabia,
Dhiab's empirical findings indicated that the
profitability of Saudi insurance companies was
positively influenced by the written premium growth
rate, tangible asset ratio, and fixed asset ratio.
Although company size and liquidity ratio showed a
positive correlation with profitability, they lacked
statistical significance. On the other hand, loss ratio,
liability ratio, insurance leverage ratio, and, to a lesser
extent, company age, had a negative impact on the
profitability of Saudi insurance companies (Dhiab
2021). Kulustayeva argued that in Kazakhstan, the
most significant impact on the profitability of
insurance companies was financial leverage
(Kulustayeva et al 2020). In general, the role of
leverage ratio varies significantly across different
countries. Besides, according to Tegegn's results, the
key determinants of profitability were size, premium
growth rate, liquidity, and age. Specifically, premium
growth rate and size exhibited a positive correlation,
while liquidity and age were negatively and
significantly associated with profitability (Tegegn et
al 2020). Similarly, in Malaysia, Alarussi's research
results indicated a significant positive correlation
between company size (total sales), working capital,
company efficiency (asset turnover ratio), and
profitability (Alarussi and Alhaderi 2018). Likewise,
Wang, Z.
Factors Influencing the Profitability and Loss of Chinese Insurance Companies Based on Factor Analysis.
DOI: 10.5220/0012821800004547
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Data Science and Engineering (ICDSE 2024), pages 64-69
ISBN: 978-989-758-690-3
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
Orty's results indicated a positive correlation between
the size of the company and its profitability (Ortyński
2016). Hence, it can be observed that the company size
has a positive impact in the majority of studies.
Regarding liquidity and growth rate, Kripa found
that factors such as growth rate, liabilities, liquidity,
and fixed assets play a crucial role in influencing the
profitability of insurance companies. Specifically,
profitability is positively correlated with the growth
rate, while liabilities, liquidity, and fixed assets are
negatively correlated (Kripa 2016). Daar found that
in India, the capital adequacy ratio and GDP have a
positive impact on profits, while liquidity and
inflation have a negative impact on the profitability
of general insurance companies (Daare 2016).
In addition to these market indicators, many
scholars have also analyzed more detailed factors.
Ullah identified a strong inverse link between
Underwriting Risk and Size in relation to Profitability
(ROA). It also found a noteworthy positive association
between Expense Ratio, Solvency Margin, and ROA
(Ullah et al 2016). Datu's research results indicated
that profitability was positively influenced by factors
such as low underwriting risk, low reinsurance
utilization rate, low input costs, and a smaller
company size (Datu 2016).
With the rapid development of the Chinese
economy and the acceleration of globalization trends,
the role of the insurance industry in the national
economic system is becoming increasingly prominent
(Zhou 2023). As a vital component of economic risk
management, China's insurance sector not only plays
a crucial role in providing risk protection for
individuals and businesses but also exerts a profound
impact on capital markets and financial stability.
However, the fluctuation of profitability and loss in
insurance companies remains a focal point of market
attention. Therefore, in-depth research into the factors
influencing the profitability and loss of Chinese
insurance companies is significant.
2.1 Data Source and Description
This study takes various insurance companies in
China as research samples and selecting data from
2021 for empirical research. A total of 55 insurance
companies were selected for analysis. Data
processing is carried out as follows: categories with
five or more years of data missing within the decade
are excluded. For categories with data missing in a
few years, this study uses the data from the previous
year or the second year for replacement. All the data
used in the empirical research in this paper are
sourced from the annual information disclosure of
various insurance companies (Table 1).
Table 1: Definition of variables
Abbreviation Variables Range
TFA Trading Financial Assets [0.63,123131]
CE Cash and Cash E
uivalents [3.71,526301]
L Loans [0,2599510]
RE Retained Earnin
s [-9816.97,521677]
LPP Loans Pledged by Policyholders [0,768975]
PR Premiums Receivable [0.17,94003]
RAs Repurchase Agreements [0,122765]
urchase A
reement Pa
ables [0,276602]
CS Capital Surplus [-405.25,134474]
CP Claims Pa
able [-0.12,65094]
-to-Maturity Investments [0,1189369]
AFSA Available-fo
-Sale Financial Assets [182.03,1215603]
SR Surplus Reserve [2.7,86027]
TD Time De
osits [7.3,545667]
LIR Long-term Health Insurance Reserve [0,2768584]
PDP Polic
holder Dividends Pa
able [0,122510]
PDI Policyholders' Deposits and Investments [0,200730]
-term E
Investments [-92.73,187019]
LR Loss Reserve [0,162022]
UPR Unearned Premium Reserve [0,177041]
-in Capital [500,44224]
IPF Insurance Protection Fun
Factors Influencing the Profitability and Loss of Chinese Insurance Companies Based on Factor Analysis
Selecting the balance sheet from the annual
financial reports of each company as a variable for
analysis. The balance sheet reflects a company's
assets, liabilities, and shareholders' equity, offering
an initial understanding of attributes such as debt-
paying ability, liquidity, net worth, and more.
Selecting variables as shown in the following table.
All units are in millions.
2.2 Method Introduction
Due to the multitude of variables and the high degree
of correlation among them, considering the use of
factor analysis for dimensionality reduction. Factor
analysis is a statistical method aimed at uncovering
the underlying structure or factors among observed
variables. It simplifies the data by interpreting the
observed variables as latent, unobservable factors.
Building upon this, Considering the use of ridge
regression for factor analysis to assess the correlation
with insurance company profits. Ridge regression
adds a regularization term to the loss function of
multiple linear regression to prevent overfitting and
enhance the model's generalization ability. The
expression of the loss function is as follows
Loss =
Regularization term α
used to penalize
the magnitude of coefficients. It makes the absolute
values of the coefficients as small as possible. This
helps prevent the model from overfitting the training
data and, in the presence of multicollinearity,
stabilizes the estimates. The goal of ridge regression
is to minimize the aforementioned loss function. This
is achieved by solving the following optimization
β= argmin
Its analytical solution can be expressed in matrix
y (3)
X is the feature matrix, y is the output vector, I
is the output vector.
3.1 Model Results
Firstly, perform the Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) and
Bartlett's tests to assess the suitability for factor
analysis. The results of the KMO test indicate a value
of 0.724, and concurrently, the results of Bartlett's
sphericity test reveal a significance p-value less than
0.0001, demonstrating statistical significance. There
is significant correlation among the variables,
suggesting the suitability of factor analysis with a
high degree of appropriateness (figure 1).
Figure 1: Scree Plot (Picture credit: Original)
To draw a scree plot based on the explanatory
power of each principal component regarding data
variability. Its purpose is to confirm the number of
factor principal components to be selected by
examining the slope of the eigenvalues' descent,
combined with the variance explained table, which
can be used to confirm or adjust the number of factor
principal components:
At Principal Component 4, the eigenvalue
explaining the total variance falls below 1.0, with a
contribution rate to the variable explanation reaching
96.736%. Selecting 3 factors for analysis (Table 2).
Table 2: Factor Weight Analysis
Explained (%)
Factor 1 0.422 42.193 44.462
Factor 2 0.342 76.352 35.996
Factor 3 0.185 94.896 19.542
The results of factor analysis weight calculations
show that the weight for Factor 1 is 44.462%, for
Factor 2 is 35.996%, and for Factor 3 is 19.542%.
ICDSE 2024 - International Conference on Data Science and Engineering
Table 3: Factor Loading Coefficient
Factor 1 Factor 2 Factor 3
TFA 0.969 0.088 0.188
CE 0.968 0.07 0.214
L 0.938 0.238 0.237
RE 0.88 0.324 0.328
LPP 0.872 0.342 0.167
PR 0.811 0.187 0.543
RAs 0.787 0.056 0.553
RAP 0.772 0.455 0.379
CS 0.808 0.408 0.241
CP 0.701 0.661 0.247
HTM -0.015 0.989 0.102
AFSA -0.028 0.945 0.21
SR 0.089 0.917 0.159
TD 0.366 0.893 0.202
LIR 0.479 0.862 0.147
PDP 0.448 0.86 0.074
PDI 0.584 0.785 0.107
LHIR 0.594 0.706 0.226
LR 0.377 0.104 0.899
UPR 0.561 0.063 0.811
PIC 0.055 0.412 0.809
IPF 0.5 0.286 0.783
From the table 3, it can be observed that TFA, CE,
L, RE, LPP, PR, RAs, RAP, CS, CP exhibit high
factor loadings in Factor 1. These financial items can
be considered to belong to a category with similar
characteristics. These factors all involve the
company's management of cash flow, optimization of
capital structure, and investment through buying and
selling financial assets. This factor encompasses
various financial activities, including financial
investments, insurance operations, and financial
management. Therefore, Factor 1 is referred to as the
Financial Activity Diversity Factor.
high factor loadings in Factor 2. These characteristics
are related to insurance liabilities, investments, assets,
financial reserves, and accumulations. These factors
reflect some common features in the company's
management of its investment portfolio, financial
risks, and future preparations. Factor 2 is termed as
the Insurance Liabilities and Investment Strategy
LR, UPR, PIC, and IPF exhibit high factor
loadings in Factor 3. These characteristics are related
to the financial health of the company, reserve
management, as well as risk management and the
provision of insurance protection funds. They reflect
some common features in the company's efforts to
maintain financial strength, manage risks, and
provide safeguards. Factor 3 is termed as the
Financial Risk Management Factor.
Table 4: Component Matrix
Component1 Component2 Component3
TFA 0.181 -0.065 -0.099
CE 0.177 -0.069 -0.086
L 0.153 -0.035 -0.077
RE 0.116 -0.018 -0.028
LPP 0.143 -0.007 -0.102
PR 0.07 -0.05 0.092
RAs 0.073 -0.074 0.107
RAP 0.072 0.013 0.011
CS 0.11 0.007 -0.058
CP 0.065 0.065 -0.047
HTM -0.098 0.189 0.006
AFSA -0.118 0.177 0.061
SR -0.079 0.165 0.016
TD -0.021 0.137 -0.015
LIR 0.017 0.125 -0.061
PDP 0.024 0.13 -0.089
PDI 0.055 0.104 -0.096
LHIR 0.041 0.082 -0.038
LR -0.091 -0.049 0.345
UPR -0.029 -0.067 0.271
PIC -0.171 0.039 0.349
IPF -0.054 -0.018 0.259
Based on the matrix composition table 4, factor
scores for each factor can be calculated, thereby
reducing variables. By calculating the Variance
Inflation Factor (VIF), it was observed that there is
multicollinearity between Factor 1 and Factor 3.
Considering ridge regression, the obtained results are
as follows (Table 5):
Table 5: Ridge Regression Analysis Results
K=0.021 Unstandardized
t P Adjusted R² F
constant 674.898 512.088 - 1.318 0.194
0.979 0.978
Factor1 0.179 0.008 1.014 21.731 0.000***
Factor2 0.072 0.005 0.423 15.157 0.000***
Factor3 0.044 0.016 0.144 2.836 0.007***
dependent variable: net profit
Note: ***, **, and * represent significance levels of 1%, 5%, and 10%, respectively.
Factors Influencing the Profitability and Loss of Chinese Insurance Companies Based on Factor Analysis
It is found that factors 1, 2, and 3 all have a
positive impact on the profits of the insurance
company, with factor 1 having a significant influence.
3.2 Discussion
The results indicate that the three factors derived from
the factor analysis all have a positive impact on the
profits of Chinese insurance companies.
Factor 1 is identified as the Financial Activity
Diversity factor. Through diversification of financial
activities, companies can better cope with claims
payments and other short-term liabilities, ensuring an
adequate supply of liquid assets. According to
modern financial theory, insurance companies can
enhance cash flow management by diversifying their
investment portfolios, encompassing both short-term
and long-term assets. Additionally, this approach
provides a more flexible capital structure and broader
investment opportunities. These practical
implications underscore the strategic significance of
financial activity diversity in the insurance industry.
Factor 2 is identified as the Insurance Liabilities
and Investment Strategy factor, holding significant
importance in the operations of insurance companies.
This factor is not only closely linked to the company's
insurance operations, ensuring adequate funds for
claims payments and policy dividends to maintain
financial health, but it also influences investment
decisions, requiring the company to consider the
structure of liabilities within its investment portfolio.
This association underscores the foundational
importance of elevated liability levels for insurance
companies in terms of compliance, customer trust,
and business continuity. Supported by financial
theory and industry practices, this factor highlights
the intimate interplay between insurance operations
and investment decisions, crucial for the long-term
robustness of the company.
Factor 3, the Financial Risk Management factor,
also exerts a positive impact on the operations of
insurance companies. The significance of this factor
lies in ensuring the company maintains a robust
financial foundation. Through prudent reserve
management strategies, it mitigates potential risks
and underscores the importance of risk management
and safeguarding funds to shield the company,
customers, and stakeholders from potential threats.
Supported by financial theory and industry practices,
this factor emphasizes the long-term strategic
importance of insurance companies in terms of
financial health, reserve management, and risk
mitigation. This not only aids in establishing a
reliable financial soundness but also lays a solid
foundation for attracting investors and customers
while ensuring business continuity.
Due to significant differences among samples, the
research results may deviate from reality. Further
analysis, such as exploring the mean values of assets
and liabilities over multiple years for a broader range
of companies, could be conducted to gain additional
In summary, the factor analysis of Chinese insurance
companies' balance sheets has revealed three pivotal
factors: Financial Activity Diversity Factor,
Insurance Liabilities and Investment Strategy Factor,
and Financial Risk Management Factor. These factors
demonstrate positive influences on company
operations, emphasizing the importance of financial
activity diversity, the close connection between
insurance liabilities and investment decisions, and the
strategic significance of financial soundness and risk
It is recommended that insurance companies
adopt a series of strategies to optimize their
operational efficiency. Firstly, diversifying financial
activities to enhance liquidity, reduce short-term
liability risks, and adapt flexibly to market
fluctuations is advised. Secondly, there is a
suggestion to further integrate insurance operations
and investment decisions, ensuring coordination
between investment portfolios and liability structures
for maximizing returns and securing funds for claims
payments and policy dividends. Additionally, a
strong emphasis is placed on reinforcing financial
health management, especially in reserve
management and risk mitigation, to effectively
withstand potential risks. Furthermore, maintaining a
proactive stance towards learning and improvement
is advisable, involving the comparison and learning
from best practices of peer companies, with timely
adjustments of strategies to adapt to market changes.
These recommendations aim to assist insurance
companies in enhancing business resilience,
adaptability, and competitiveness, fostering
sustainable development.
Despite potential biases introduced by significant
differences among samples, further analysis
involving the mean values of assets and liabilities
over multiple years for a broader range of companies
could provide a more comprehensive understanding
of the universality and practical impact of these
factors. This study offers valuable insights into
ICDSE 2024 - International Conference on Data Science and Engineering
comprehending the financial characteristics of
Chinese insurance companies.
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Factors Influencing the Profitability and Loss of Chinese Insurance Companies Based on Factor Analysis